HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate., 1905-11-30, Page 2tioga
he*fIrit Igrt or th&it lite) ,trOublp
duIJ4, agging"Paitimin tits Ait. an ou will,
y inliarenlat on., Th. t
Anita kidneys. Mru. rant; St. Onge,
wife of a well kni!'iwn contractor at
St. AleXis des -Vents;
SulIered.for upwards of six years
fro* kidney trouble, I:had, dull, MAR
ing Pains across the loinb,* and at
time could hardly go about. I lost
flesh, had daik rims below iny elres,
tind.trew mere wretched every day.
was trczted by diftereut--doctors,
but with no apparent result.
paired of regaining my boAlthli -and
was becoming a bUrdett to iny rank.
was in a. deplorable condition
wben one of my pleads advised Inc
to try D.J.._ Williatas" _rink Pins___:(
begarr-talting-thentratid-Vtie-vst - •
three or fear, boes i began to fei,*1
better. I .continued • the treatment
\for \nearly three months, when ev
*Y1000tOrn the trouble bkd vanish '
feel justified in SaYing I baieVe Dr.
Williamsrink saved my rife."
New blootirmstron,g. , Wire, rich.
whieh Tv.Avsfuona,"„pointLpilla
_ _but ' a host, of other ailments, snail
• rheum*.
tism, erysipelas, St. Vitus dancele-
-seemt ailments women do not like t4.).
But only -the gerailne pills can bring
health rind strength._ And thes'e;lirk,
, the • full name "Dr. Williams'
s or 1.alo People's printed -on tho
wrapper around each box.' If your
dealer does not keep the genuine pills
yon ean get them by mali t 50
cents b. box or six boxes for $2.50
by writing The Dr. Williams hiedicine
Co., Brockville, Ont.
X. AM not 'old, though ,Tinie has
, traced
ani -not 'old, though- liis hoar frost
Is _stattered on my. bar; - —
For love and labor hand In hanir.;-
. Wilt glow 4,4 youth. dieu.10.
,And old tools -'sharper are-thart new
if daily kept in use,.
• ,
Predigal.yenth heerWitot the lours
Fast slipping from -his hold; -
‘ Age seizebeards and vomits. them
'et). .
As miser docs bts gold.
Wite_blessoin fadeir Itthout_otu:
The premise of the springtnie back
;When 'tis fulfilled at fall?'
.1 rim not old; though on my -b
Man. is
Achirit mar - birstdwayS young-,
Ili/Turret-to *work the fleeting days,
,t class. was reciting inseheti
the otherl clay. "%Vire can give inc.'
said 70 ttilighet*. "a sentence in whteh
the w Ns 'bitter end` are used?" UP
jumped a little girl 'excitedly.. "1,
can, teacher. 4The cat ran under the
bureau, and the deg ran alter her
and bit her end." v
-1 •
11iehfird iirinsiey Sheridan always
maintained' that the Duke. of 'Welling-
ton wouldsticceed,in Portugal, 'white
• his friend. General Tarleton, -bad the
Opinion that he would fall. The
matter was one of constant dispute-
-bat -Veen tlie two. •
1.farlaton„ who had been wronA
grew obstinate. Consequently„ who;
, the news of the 117etrertt-of 4,,he-Elrench
at Torres 'Vedras arrived in England
Sheraton,' by way of a. tankito ouia
"WeU Tarleton are you on your
'Oh, higher then ever," was tho
rePIY- "12 I was on a high borso
befOre, X am on no, elephant/ now.
"No, no, ,tny dear fellew," said tho
wit; "you \were, on an ass ble4.Tkarkd
,you axe on\li mule‘now.m
The Crick bellach." 13ns I tenth
or nature makes -the who world kin."
sings -the ,/root. But 'what shout thov
Vttet ot rheumatism imd lumbago,
ue hr so COVII1Xlaa no*? Them is no
1)043tr.li. 10 thrtt touch, for It renders lif�
miserable: Yst ikow delighted is ths
*etie ot- itrTjillItiittl.t.i.ipttlicittiitriC. :of
viiTirais" Ectectric Qii drives P&L*
away. 'Jter i nothing equals_ it.: .1
....-. ,,
. •
Enormorlit. ,. 'ate
. „
• \
The_l_n_•e ort ,otjar„4.4_132„imart,
Sim,- -Chief „7,negistrar,.......of -British
-Friendly• Societies, ler tho year 1001
wits reCentiy publiSheil as a. Blue,.
o .enotriioirii —Strides iliat - tEe
movement has made of latsrs is
sb OU 1y- tre'taiii--UnATni --Deekiii—birr
31, 1.003, there W06.354-011. mg's -
et 1 rovitlent societies in the Unit.
orrt ".. ,
11.013,612, and funds amounting to
This is an a;dvanee of 2,900,000
membsrs, and 4:9,750X00 in funds
since• 18913.
The sales of the ordinary ice -opera-
tive- societieS for 190; nmoontiod to
£9 41.413 .--tilie profits; were 4.:6,,,
;V' - • ' . 1,--m - 0. •.42.84r4s
plied to education.' ,• '
Co.aperative- societies havo inctens-
-ea- their-Anemberstiip4ey-,-2-1441-
111'eir. athAtita by 4113,500,000 Singe
veS, • ' • ---4 - • -
• Rapti memberof a trade- union * in
1003 had an average gross ineonie of
41 114.; and -the areount etiamb
per inernirtr was ...C11 004 1.141.
. The, trade unions she*, an increase '
ot 35%000 mend:writ in 1$08;--rerid,
funds whiat haveiteer131 doubled
- On December 31, 1903, there, .were
4r.#,716 Certified and Post office sa.4,...
Inge banks. with 20,00:1,152- deposi-
.. .
,sT4ftitip Titz AIDS G47114.
loge Stamp jrs -int tie 46(84
S cents 1.41 patted eath Avee la a lit-
si tie blank/ book Which every servan
In Cerzgany, possesses. •°111's
stamp is the donation of ber xnX
tress, --enforced -Should-tint
syl get ill, the stamps are redeem-
ed by tbe government oi site may
keep them until she is old, Vtlien the
-government pays- their- fe,--ce Vane,'
'flte.bset, of the Tropict fadeof re -y. iheckes
It Uinta *Way the energy. , gltorrorros" II the
heektnela t&_IniainEyea_ .1t....ed=datea.
ant te trim AM *nuts soli it.
dear "fellow* le Your
o luktify you marry-
ing? Fred---rxit nfrtticl not.
`hen •sChitt reasm have o ' for tatro,
ng se serious p? rt, lies*.
goLNDuAsE wiegtraggr4Igra=r-Pira.!„
rekoplog. tram sorts end -,eondl ions
- • - t--nrert.--4teLls-astandsoil--ternetly---,
" theta ailinenta and ,all affection* ot- this
throat and lungs. It is higloy *crow,-
*8,--,ZITRED,-111r 17BitiGIEWSF.
• - •
' 'teeY .know .and-zapprer.iate---ltai-vole.
XASE: 137 DODD'S' KW- so. curatpre, Try
Syrup n guribg goughs and colfigt
nearly- 2,006,000 depositors and of •
£1250,000 in -deposits.
Mr. Sim 1,1s ot 4mittion That the re-
port- tt --gratifying indkation
br imr-t attar
Ileferr;ng to the Nelson pension
''t Is bad MatIV
Imaolit he--Tioireif that its
failure will !raze -swage. promoter* of
will see the folk • of • paying •their
inpuly tr, soclett.s "which ere tiotrird'
liON11) BUT TIM ntstr.• and whose directora aro, untmown.
"7 want some rice," she said, eyo.
• fog the trades person through her
lorgnette. "You have it for sale. "They say be comes from a good
Ihsrve you not?" • ,fantily.1 "What a. long distance be
"Yes"M;" replied he. "of Course:- mat. have travelled."
four ;cents- a -pound oz two pounds - • •
.• -
"Old X must have the most eir-P&SSXNG O OUIttilGE.
pensive kind; ins for a very fashion-
sible iivedding." , /takes Way. tor the Batter-rot:4
Doctor Said There Was no :Elope
Vox' Bim But he is a Well. Nan
Mount Bryiiges,- Ont. Nov. 20.;
(Special)... -That Dodd's 3.Kidney
..• T.gsnase4ornpletely
permanently, has been clearly ,shOWa
in the esise of Air. Itobt4 Bend, Li
well-known reskletit of this plac
.1fond'-does not-liesitatec o
Vedirs ICidn
• '
atteniling physician." itf.r.
Bond states* "said 1 was irt,Our last.
asps of aright's Disease and •that
'there. Was nO hove for nie. I then
Pintleenced to_ use 'Betkra -Kidney
Pills and nO other reniedyused
In- all abouttwenty boxes 'when toy
doctor .pronettnepti me trite 'well; 1
have had no return of the trouble
% 4
since. 1. -
worst -form.-- Dode-41:-
Pills „ttlyvays cure it. They also
cosily -cure. milder 'forms of Kidney
Complaint -A
The .1) ,Arta
of?" "1 hate to ..."Lieealise
a reflection on illikins?" "No;
On me." . * "I don't.- Understand,"
14Well4 111 explain. Every -time
seeiiilkins,he reminds me of a tittle
bill lave owed_him for over a year.,1,1-
"WV $tiengthstnd Worms -my Beauty
, •174,0,,Irefh•kftstuiWitnittr-nriTsit;
pszrfty doPoude en perfect kidney Altering. If
these organs are'dlioated awl Will not perform
their turorlinne. as 'Will seek in rale for strength
and ate- r.heauty..South Aisfcn1Jdney
_ . .
Cure drives 4tali impurities Waugh the Uwe
u interval "-,-rerialm week ifintta-14.
. ,
- Ohl .1l/r, ttr‘wrisert (reftdine".the
paper); "1 see that In the i recent
storm at soa a ship loaded trait
.Passenger3. went.' ashore," - Old M
Brown:sou fortun-
ate! can imagine how glad those
passengers were to get on dry iand.".
Thit --cOntptetit7
• fres :to reaclitiir of this paper.,
-- Vox, limited iterlo only.
. 110W T1ITA.
o. 1 think they're fierce!
Never get in one yet "that somebody
didn't try ,to, make me_propose.
Sunlight Soap it better eon otbsr soi
is • beet when used .in Oath:Wight way,
Ziy$UbosandfoUoww dime's.
-"--4,-wonuut,who,--belietrea.- thou:Aim
rosney is apt V) spend her time
foolishly. -
--ireitstierts-atroartd.:71Alrliallt.A*1 ..0511fin.
Mitatutl;prat Po!irs.''
, fins. ,Y11
,taes a feathenveigitt mite- . to
Make the heavyweight husband shake
n his. sheet).
Twitchlatte.Ons and Ststiplistnoss;
11« ho'Po. len* heart ale -knees. that settles on t
Men or wouuta whote sr,.. *t shattered
dioomobonbOot '02W/A in ("tr414 1#4
atitIll who
else. George Weinter, oi Voris*, 'Ont., art."
owe my Ilia to it. • Everything else tailed to.
Praetl*I everyday toilets
• ror 75o. poet lutidi
Paitas, Pus. tiouslifi,
AS -TED° & cm
17 30=114taiX lighatsertk, 'ffVoIntiorncrohroa •
LAIgita' AND, 7.122411 vurt AND Sithls.
1.1KratC 44:111 Of orrery kind. Ererythlo in
' 311.111.41411
aw. Ms* Witilitis. • Sesti.., esti mace LIsr
10, con. k Tp..11ayharn: nearly ,all eleareih,
good brick house; frame bng a,good orchard of
60404 fruit`, nereMaillog spring wilt pos•
equip* at once: or7.444,41X1.00.* $.$00400 doWn bp.t.
anesen time: this is a rare, thanes. further
particulars, write:40 D. McAlpine, hum*
n the grocery store,
o ifeetient, to the fire;
*hind this at:03w_ itt,4ndiriistatti. -
'Therb 'Siti his friend- tho squire;
*Upon :the nearest herrinrj keg
Its' smokes his .pipe; and Wks' it
Better Day., .
\'There is no tyrant like a aethir4 • .bnifikfilla itt My .home, rites a
!baby... The temper isn't, du e tO-- a- 14141 Britain from Oat.
Inal tho little one worse "di-wai an *din1"1" °I no tni11
- than the. rkst,Tof- the family. Ile niSnifirttnt6- to One' 151.°Ught," 43P! 4");•
doeSn't know what is the matter- th* time-honored titainfi,bY,
they do. But ,baby need not; surfer "one nionth 'eh° t "tint"'
longer than it 'takes to make hint birtmitt a Pdcka0 of Gt*.°444tii
well, if the mother will give -hint food for my husband* who had been
/Wises 'Own. TAblet*They ewe the .* invalid for' over a
peel:monis, and la .griPPe_combl
and Wise left iti avery bad condition
when they. p•it...ed Eiware; °
"I .tried 40*mo-thing for hLi
but nothing #00mtld to ddr hi
, t.h,,4olloivett,-mon
-inett- a week sei,ev
was almot diSeOurtiged albOUt
when 7- the •Grape Nutsivt-Ittl
begin to improve, and there *its naalf rcsuIt .has le°114).e44t6d• Pie tnirmy
Iiirther . trouble. $he is now in 'their ItittiotOr6,.
'best • Of health,. thanks' to, ',the Tab.• 44t1', t,.01 ors rnotith tt he ba
• ' The Tablet* tUrti all the.: titttm (*t44"fita+
tiiltia 4.111004 Of childrai; anl it6"4:"Ia/Andal .weJ071.« hia 1 strength,
tender rims and_bring the teeth.
-through painlessly od without tears.
Mrs, C. Connolly, St. Leturentt Van..
says: "Woint months ago my little
girl's health - bad that We
telt very nilltions,, s teethjur
and to
net kttuw whao do for17
advisedto try Baby's' OWeTabl
and from almost the first 'dose
< do .go annot
possibly•Alo harm. Try
will Use' no other nicdkLni ror your
little one. Stdd by nit 'dinoists An'
sent: 25 tents ai,:hies bv
*Whig the Willhimie- bledielue
Ott:* Itrockv
Iktroild "Not. the,- slighOlt.'
7 think it hint now.;
d'a .13400pg of the time' he uteui
liforbersorefr. sorrel ctsw,•
st-doshe on her, iN146,. •
Ate fetched heranyhow."
tells about *4.lb14nd1e colt .
That- wasf-most like to 414
m .61sent 'tor .• ate one night, an,
s wit instructions fer_A-00-
j. 0•
s!uI-treatrAiit ill the world, re -
ended by the Ministry and endows -
wadies.' . oleo. This' highly in-
--hoolrz.wits '--Writterr- .
ettsdy erso._disirroves., whe preface is
coop arriattfi *roan w rne. aw, .4
wurtchurg. _send postal._ to -day and
leen. Will_teteiVe. tine,. bona free 1,y rs-
tUrts.^:-Athiretilt, The' Who Drug CO.‘ 24
01•Inside these biscuits myself, 13114
IMF," said Mrs. IftSwat, With hon...
est- pride. "They look very nice,
Lobelia,!' replica' 112r. WElwat plekin
ons.:aLthout Alp- and rnakthgan
p11t It. lIo*ir - ion
. them?"
vac, it la tort* hos *a comae
the, tear Wati..irt hi$ eye- with/eel cis patatot, too. ; WhY not.
krp 15, flesin Orr hiink, akiat,a fuze..
• .
'Ate .sio,/•clict. You knowu,itc4U14,1
e 0.4loshe on that colt,
or hots !vim my idol_ •
Twus• bot S rigItt, find Nita;
Oa" ,
'Vet ji4 thestht 4415110.
• f
the old ealko:0041,
2)11Igge Pet«
1p,t z covr froin me to neura"4
I unitst be in his debt. \
never got 1ie40 guess
Ie's,Idstri.. on et "ett.
fle'd 1)o
when sties
Ate_ 'then tI job was
11ed Make. he4.-lalt the
Xhat unt� toe was 'do
.RF. 1UChZflftflfl.."7 adon't • (lel:nand
but Ido 4.0xlet that tho
ho marries :shall have brains enmigit'
••to get along in the worid.', toning
Sii1Ipurse-4,1Velt., X ,thinif.- atton,
..pretty .good judgment In selecting a
fatherindaw, don't yen?".
tiOalt to 14 .4-rgrrne2etert
Vegetable Puts rtg1.aLte th. ettirnt
,r4se„ eeeretiont,, purify the- blood pvind
keep the stomachandhottels: tro from
•deictorrieuff matter. Irsion according to
direction. they will OverConte dYstiebnia.
ersWicate )tilienenteaa, and hLlr the di.
- gest iter no,ireattitY and
:-OirfOrrit :their 'ianotions. Th4lir merits.
er Well‘hrrettrl to tionturitrids who knelt
by ,ealitaithrure k.,w benslclal twat as
ia giuig tan, to Ur*. 009004."
Pg. kind-
er slidd--abcf.icouttit '• •
itpt"Eltlill-fit gating toter for the
ittle fks.Mother Graver woad 1se-
• 1% r a Insert an sure, cure:
yon love. YOUr
att, hand? -
It might be said-, -Perhaps, timt,
-the man tivho passes a tow:dot-ha
hill erects a, change Of base.
itchIng, eurrifing *kin Ois-'0
04** attract for littety.Five
CO,ntil,, -Dr. Agnewls Ointment _re -
neves itt 1 day, and vireo frAtter;iste t.
bers b, Xlinens, tilcitebeti add all
ouptions ot the skin. It is, sooth-
ing and quieting and acts like-magio
In the curs of afl. hckhY hunknroire
opiberdmonttIt` Alexandria
1•11 aftRolkehtsi
,ti,„" pointing to
tort, 'tsalsi„
rate •Creditor. -Now, look here. I.
ant in montYt_.
QhhjVgi riilitT 1 thought per-
haps you wanted mine. .%
Lost et Hash, essib.tho the%
tear set 14041. 0014.11,t boa
00114k: . Not
tpbow-tTnie, 10 you *Indent/al
the rule of three. Vitrio--1!er7eetT4',
ZnY boy,:' 7 live INttit my fathar-iti-
laW, .nty niother4n4olti, /1114 Tay witell
,A,--Sound--tttonsitch-::--itteafte-• (lser
1eada4-Vher-lticii- 'more oti,a.-iteirtio
lirs winch, hseineav. sa ol AA. Prosent
day Aro constrained to : live stroke ,
driluSlita soon. their vitality veto .titt-
taw to their health. It la 4:(airy
...tins snot target tt•'esilistot that
thoy lare, able• to_._• keep. theresteivess
and ,'ffictive *oleo callings,
flt*tiy ovtlidts know .the vrouss,;of rat.'
10,10st! Vetstelkle Pilia i* r.Iatthg the
atunah and coia*tcj'*nt1y kespsng
--swum tnionitnstint -1'neownter
ku ist,etescoa Theo .toster WM .
Trotra tittli r.prnont tb. one
sd ousetessoe et URom1sptosi
•1.04.41-0 4xp.rlanos-hpsir. Thar-,
.. ,
Yi luttt betnd1g,,
poi in love."
Wagg . es; 10.e thought% sha. had-
u , will to*
::rut -drug
have niv more
foti h1u..,
ourtbitt ot t
Akt. 4 tea
or 7 ivhotkunititt juiLve
faoiiestest at flii
he woulft
tl11s 'r
A i\hiiiliv• pen
1+1 "If
'Mt him'
which "
1inkr *ha
Lt!‘; *
le a
• 3,014 believe that was
JtiSt r 1etingto Wilby Lane, and
, pods .in
• we/.
whutti the •
, with her
ght 1111 101