Exeter Advocate., 1905-11-23, Page 2tti „I
ad by Dr;
thii • •001
1 it* int0 to'
Ot gre;vo. 42:°„;
et efilivo„. •
htto 1 hotthe
Hix, threw ti
ki* .
lied in nirprm.' ,
i The ,144)itt „X- tv-Ir
laid, out1. andles.A
our cOr
,11.0' • 0401ie other"4
hie e') ttt1 11E portkrtcy atie ,thrOat.ttml tuIv IIttIO_
40. )001 .ayglitek sat tttt the' felVeon,Sei.04e:'
Tv4i100i, istc**11.4
:04-$.ilroptum 0*otfl: iw3e itromCttMS blOod., of glistening shirt-itent. ° Ilis ukk.r-
Snnesseeand':•the'spnly sure. gur'e .for daughter busy :‘011;lo•g'''s tafi_it•
Pthk Villett-tektil'ingfr,;,t)Wr--tinv,zomitiinnTo•to
1 si They, nctuatly ma10 new, She was -the most serioua of all in
lu'alth tO1 .0611.16Sit 66bki14,- • 444 "Coodr,q! WclL Wha
• *trot: t t to -every part of the body. coming? tiaVe 1 torgotten a dinner
This,1.as been _proved itt%thciVulands engagement?. The Ilryces emelt Conte".
of cases. Allis* Pranto 'peogelt41 :log till next week,"
land, Ont., says: -'1A coiiploi of '7110 week after .net" correctld
. vars afge my, condition, of health lOn daughter, soberly.
>fr.Wes very stile:us. Netters said that 'Then who? 'What? My, what " a
'31.hed no blood -that it 'had turned„ handson34
•' to water. I' was unfit to do any.. 4 'Daddy,- • observed' the youth in
. thing for months, and Was littio the whito shirt, "I thought judgei.
no appetite; the' .-104St- exOrtrOn• here --Yett--.4"--414° -4% '434411SteV-1"---41-
intould leave .trarbreathlegti; 4n4 X 441PPer Part*
bad frequent. severo. headaches. aro not 35'elnr:4;ngElitigteoll; rai471-cl:
was treated by . several . ra , but
they 4444_0 nod_ L.. , eminnetalIf that sort on..yOni* par-
a. Mfl not 44re,
tiest it,. or the
ic eS Will be,
Cot too vtioolortS,soft
The ra.Sott t
- was. u,rged 'toy take Dr.
:rink i S. end in a
• my health improving X_% 004 910 .
• - boxes in ali, and was by that time
nge[in and strong. I, •gttined
;twenty-two peunds in weight, and
MVO felt better -in .rmr 1)104' ,
c i-thifir-cariTo.16171Trirery.
'Other weak 'and--4iling girl. 'Ehey
.bi°t?reateth-d' new
smee.. lint • you must he sure you,
have tin% genuine with the NU
, M.V4iCkittlian
her husband with a cool but "gent la
smile, "yon need. not dress; there is •
s ttorL
nothing but the active1
cleansing, art. -removing
ties of s‘c* that is: nothitIg. but
soap. -• •
' Equally gtxxi with hard or
, . SOrtWater. ,.. , . •
vourt: MOKItY fttrUNI>tD
--by mar disilOrtrefir 'Kaifu- yikt
- buy !N.:Hug-14-20e it -you. --440.1- '
-ntli--,Intlia0r.001144,414: ._ , ,,,,rs._.,
LEVE.1 DROPORS Plirintilf 1AR9Vt0
JF jrLH.* ObAltAlti
4t4,1)1 A M, 11,
\ 4'0ofuefti1 :.,5t017:4*. zItutte111,4tInt.4irs'1,1,11(''fi.
alioutil*J) A
f.ar Owe
apply OW
eaehl ferenceS' refit ,
PrIgres 0;4'
iltss Torosto..
net unto. This is rather a peci.t1 S :04 gtot tIe Land ./treoe of
eve .•
dessert. Sit down, dear. and eafrlx,
The dis nce from. lialifax to Van- ' "Yes, and now he
a slaw. iouvet is 'greater then- from London
futile to Halifax •
-Victorra--C.ItY -br!lirdi-Way` hetw' oely
Judge dlVa trothing
et taught; him not tor -ask
ate one gooirtfifirg7Tanoth-
•'mired his wife, talked with his
.•about football and schooland
completely -out-Of-the-ebitracti-
to. ' which_ the lingering_ merno
CL1SC$ in court sometimes. pion
-London-ancV-Iirmtf7X0Ittee7-7--,, •
Ontario is four 'UMW as large as
ao England.
""• „ Quebee-is----nearly---thrtitnee -as-
large as the United Kingdom.
uhy,--- 'Manitoba -is as lare at :Onglau
and .Svstland.
tier for her _money."
A----tough-ta-otteit-• anettf.:
.1-41 _e-r-VUirr-11-p'utt147W11,411-1114-14-10trirf
ItbAi-xlittmtliiiittiOtiiptiied "Syrup,
014044010 And %widely mcogatAd rem -i
etily„ which. it toktr_ted to at the inCep.
41CA it04.4j1 utoartka..,
•liot., and by,r-everetooteg too rou •a.
guoro 'the systeat frost 7-any-eerioue .e0n-
.00queuces:: IJrico 25 conte„ at .104 faeat,
• rale reoPle," printed on the wrap- Whenangelcake
_deatem =tune catuaria, thaa
eell 'these pills. or you caii, ger them iiiirZgi the 0 sin A — 11°4-1641ittfiLinilea-eltill'-------:-*)"4"-- • e
by Mail at 58 cents a box oe. ;Six 0114110-9; Don Carlos," -r-it wiu3 the- •Ilritish Columbia Is ..the large .
st out...
proYince-eequal• tO 24 Rwitzerlands. were- your tooth.'",
Tummy o would 1 if it
'boxes for, $0.'50, by writing. The, T)r. name she had esed.piayfuily, in their
e ea,4401.,,ae lady chewan and ...elberto, will , have 275,- Father -"I'd asham d to
. rya fiaItereaT!tfteee--'---."---;
..imiAtt,milAjttrs run A.140 na1.
1.i'mr,t4 at Glow ,Prices.
11.04.11., 141tAttrormatik140,
*MY ruse -• *OW rbi LIT
• r
ing to t, Toe invirS;P lnkid 1110-
!toe to tlie queries, editor. • '"A k
ray in., 0.,oPAn SOkis.OA
for shooting stars?' Dut before the
editor podia • 'answer Idra he ,was
- bat -is bwit WA"
Buy Oplightliteog an4 follow direetiets# - •
• „
TiLvra, A. GOOD pB4,
"I hopy
e oe :help nuk y'on _Can
about the houee.'.' said
Yhoo4,'„sheo_tkii " • surer
1T,""k(r—ep ou o
h 'Williams' •Ittedleine 004, Procitvillo; youthful courtship; and threw him
0.nt. bacltstwenty-five years, --"Den CarteS,
this is a 'birthday celebration."
•ST11.4.4 IN DANCER,. . "Oh, it isn't mine, Manta," cat
l from the little girl. "I had two last
Ittany' are the changes rung on the winter',"
old joko which tuggests that the "No,emy 'dear, ft Is mama's."
ouit person. But someeines the Then, as bisonwould have said,
_stories , aro so tutivo ' as . to have a° he "tumbled' verybody h� cer-
. 11FlialV1orgeftery Um -dear. Jlady
"now's ' your husband getting birthday. The eelf-Contained if. not
Prince Edward Island is the small .....:-.......
est province. , • Iiturining Scores. the outcome of
The Abarit,inie Provinces are nearly neglect. or bad 'blood, have., a never'
imalrgItetrat: ras:anEcen,g.lanti.. and Wales. , failing beim irk Le.„ Agneees o'int,,
- The Yukon Distridt iS ilni0St 13,./ ,. raetit. Will heal the- most stubborn'
• .
cases. Soothes irritation almost in -
The boundary !lite between Cantyla stantly after first application. It re -
and the United Slates is 3.000 Miles. heves all 'itchijig_Ind buroint_ skirt
ttilig-4,00irbrnfftid.-1 'thrqrffir$114.4,'''eittrili,'•Iiiy. . f-Ciir-eali'llesti-3.
Water. - • to fi nights. 85 cents. ---119 -
along?" soraebociYr asked Mrs. Adutt4 .venerable justice left his seat, strode HAS NOT-
in. v.rhese .coMpanlon . had round toT Kis wife and kissed,- her
. -boen--ser,leusly-111 with pneum 7h0 -
"Weil, 1 don't know what to say." elder daughter 'brushed away a Acme,
%Us. Cutting answered, with the Seeing the tear, the small daughter
slowness and indecisiOn which char- began to. cry. 36. re,Igen looked des-
acterized-nit. hee-speech-and irettans n, 1th"You know know ,• we've had yoUng. 13rpoohepoohed at the, fuss. 'That's 4 nts. -JA2,xEs NmsEztue,,
Morse hero to him from the • 'Drat, 'nice way tdend a good dinner!" .
and at the worst we had old Dr. 4 lily bey." quoth the 'father, "it fo,
Given too. Well, the last time,. Dra good way to end a dinner which She Sends a Meese, e of .1Efo
Cutting, vro may now cap_tim out of
danger.'- So suppoeb I. might Bay
. with Dr. Xorse coming every.
11-10 a recognized feat ttit babies
indeed all children -need s
rsedicine af their owz edical men
know, toor_that most _bobyzmedicines
do more harm:than good? -that most
ot qbexo....:amtaitiolsoncAutr.7014
that drug children late quietness
without curing their little. ills.
Baby's Own 'Tablets is a •ruodern
medicine for babies andyoung chil-
dren, ..,ancl is sold • under a guarantee
to rditnin JlO opiate_ousrmful
- teething troubles,-Aind--ty--its-natu
aL hcalthY action pro/notes slee0
anti repose. makcs..little ones
. well keeps them• welt., Mrs. W.
$41., would advise every' mether with
llick or fretful ehildrott to use -Baby's
'Own Vstblete. Tht,y hre the-Tn .
-Mitts actory me 1 ave -'-'ever`
tried, and almost magical int.heir
effeits-"-iiau get tW1f, C,
• from any inctlicine dealer or by mail
t 25 ceitt6 it box by writing the'Dr,
Medicine Co, Urocliyillo.
TwO-1-yaiLt. Teinut
Britialt Begiments.
10. 4-Arnold-Porster i'deas-ed, with
the result or littr-seeheme of reeruit..
ing,for the infatitrY. Th' other 4k,k•
muoicJn t
. -.1acter tilts,ha%o be
• bYl his ei„lisitentt or alto Nrti
'edlorg and. 'tlirea with
that the deficiencies In
-dealt*: hat.1*. been. .altrenst.
tido satis.
with thil.
e reserve
the Indian
nutd6 gokid
• WONtriaTtnxy...ituosi
CObWiggereenenpeck'A hem° • ties
Acerti rather irksome..-,'.
wit:, makes for him.
•lifirroro aro a nuitonce th* home etian
whxze Taco if -branded with- 4,ezoinuo. own
rodoett.nx Wet. Let him onoolot Ida akin
with Weaves Clitast4 ud purity,hiN blood with
Wohasea Spur .
Jack -Well, what then?-
Ili 0, good' • why to begin now for Other Suffering Woraen in: Can: Tom -1 told Miss Qotrox last night
othpe dinners, about a .one a year; Not_ ..ada., . that she was the light of 12)7 lifo.
, , ,..;
. eat yoat' This 010 tinoli
hat Catiht. 1704horrOW night we'll „St. Mt1acbie, Que., brov..10.-
nW-4/:*A.Wriii-00----=144 i4e47--..%-tal=atiltilatiti=4- .-trie-6-40. . _
eiipetiellit-ttintenftd-Z:-We31-bavo-re.• Caterer ,Clanada-MrS,-.1sow-S,-;Kinsella,..of-,th;S. .74.11., Z... A..i:.Nati:lialf f
0_,AO their...h. It IS. a,.poOr_Stick, of place Sends' .0,, Inessage that telle lt. the governor of thecountyjail. Nae
a husband' whO makes liWiviferFet up a, „cure as silent as their suficriiig. As 'pante,. Ont, and- Wii6 ,;(t • great surfer -
her own birthday celebration. . gie.result oi her own experience, 31:rs. et froni rheumatism. , When-tho best.
", , •......„...—+.........-. L, 134:isella siva, "Take Dodd's Kidney doctors in tits teinnurnity.4nikilisper"
. .•. . • , ittiiSts" failed to help her, she buried
111"it"hen .(- Sent Tor Ilkitlirs -10' tow
- ALalli 1 01U OPINION& ..‘`
.:. se . . ,
.t 6 -•. - all -pg. r_41bectAtnec,..1rEteselk,A143,440.1.____e-,relatia,..Li .tott,puteliftexet..-,Sonte•-....Amerleart--Ill
preparatory for the winter. Dlebbs that experier.ce. "1 had a pain in MY matte Cure. 4 bottles cured her,: -.42
had •ctimbpil Over piles, over chairs. right hip end In the small of the: .
had slipped over a ctiskiirof soap lett back. I was swollen all down the 1 Illistresse.."Why. Jane, the chairs
on the top step, arid had eaten • a right side of the abdomen and I.ed are an exivemd with duar. . 1,,Tott.
Make -shift dinner down the,- cellar to pass water overy•lifteen minutes in Servant -"Well, they ought to have
without a hairlillir.' Iittt, at last, a burtling4 Aching, sort of way. I a coVering- of some laud to liide
flesh_ and...blood _could stand it no could not. sleep at --nights • aitd was their shabbiness, ma'am."'
longer, hut! tie r ;red and .roared so obliged to si,t in si, '- chair for . titoelL,-i-:
._ ---_-_-_-,
. . ..
. ------L----;---''''Th "Iiiiiroll IZWn
t anocl Thifefe.
....___ _ — --V1-7n---..
back in terror. "After taking the _first box of Said Mrs. Surface to Mr' .1entltwelf.
. , _ irpe it,0101d: of good and I have never, tlo kit Dr. Thomas' 11412eCteit OIL"- r,*u
more. They town stone ;117e' j'Fiii.,it_et„ .tti_ttrieirif inioeut alsoloi*r• Itroftwo;14
"You brute," brute," sobbed 1tes,%1310ba, Do:1We Kidney'Vills I` felt much het -
"before you were married you told ..ter-lio 1 •got
'1 t Uri, •Surftee. who hetes pone. Walked
*T know I did, ' Tilolibh 6dmitt.tii, idept, in a chair ignest.,..
*There Caw, he no retrials WeAkattt lotraeletiisir 1,:e.Z•sbbtliad*ttiterde 11,2Zrillitt:
h rethere are maid .ICleineye.., -other et4StpfOOr for tooptele mr,:-....„, ., •
"but when a inan ilnds Ills queen has
been his best tobacco jar for
o varnTilit-,-he-------heg!tut to see-th
beauties or a rePulilic,
,..........4.+-,......... ,,..
There are more tunnels, viaducts,
and valtway bridges in Switzerland
than in any other country in Euecipe. The arrest of an important bawl
. of burglars is deticribed -in the told
"Sviet'. as jetit ilaiiing been effected
'SO ne ColfeW From the. Lotto ar /nen ', are no W under Iotlk- anfilekle-lyt". They efeariNC.t. MyeVelThoroughiY.
" tit
- .
State. . •. 'n, They Were the aristoetats•,of the Pro. oIoltstreuchteele% I‘eir ettiettPlisoul4troattethre.
rrotti'2;t hmattiftd, farm dawn 1 fet9i on, ' sold di Waited . anY ,nPera- f -cittais ---1.116 lOccrst*e•Y" ver4elsAG thr`lw
• ott iiiiporitleo trews, thoL blood foto the
Texs3 wbet-o ,gushing• sprior,s tiaftno sti6m-likeIY- 113 YlfZid 41)Y restilt laPdot# ;'i.freortio. and atoei the atieteetous noise
e • • • ot,
.to (OM babbling' brooks that what 1 2°' * TjleY hall a t"11 b512:1''' itt r fr6ln ilifi 124'11' 'Ililly tro this Without
fur -
meals, conifFs 6-hae.„--r--gi,,gtato 1-te„ i 'gull d:orrantort oft.,-*Hosiintitconremtlilivittlivit jot jtitn, tits t.
., .... .
itheir_sparkling, wait thro-iiii4, -How wry
_ Cnftt Ot•
delivicry tionu.tho ,corica babit. ..--- Iliad also * CO'ainie,7 `Itor.s.3 r.car os kia ' et resole, _
h eve roust reeorlitaeattatlo
"When atv ,ktlatv, bo,o., e41;tio to to- ,e,,,, -.A,7, :„....where telephones and eleetri
ft alt '114.0--,•-**
fitted. .Viner horses and
13116 years ago, X began to...drink rfrolp. vgilt. I'vt6 -
tutu rood coaoe,, .6-61.--iliti, a teeline, carriaget eerved for their preaifir# ' g4tJeCtIt.110410
that ft tv,604 be hotter, tiot .hitri tintli e, ecuee;one, ti o ler,-ts in the *taillea -.'itilviek Itos4 haiidtlt in .his
me .thalt oe, Ord kizzd of (fru 1 i iy,rag ,pure i)reetil oil their i' wili ti011 615 a bluff to Maize th
g. al PlIk• ' - t it.4rt/tig6- hill; ry,'" L'ilittl.
i . ..
• I•fi tni-luitibOy:PUTsltia -titi
4'1. wondor if our tnllkman *a
olting with us' this friorningi?"
'Why ,(10. ,you ash?" '
'You know it WAS rather cold, nd
askedkku to have a hip, Ate
Ole1e.%".40-.011• 'the water wagon.'
the zst
co, .!. .i'34 tUII .• , , • .. . . 1
.tor, it ,etuibt,6ti .iitt, a. sinAii Alaimo:IL aVst highly- vaiiiiedgardener ill y `t1 injtert
,. woman. to hfreeso'l beunein.411041,thyorrould biro, , Their last; extfloit -la ..md 'tkt!Y
baby. 'I.4 month. ,fay Was Worth: '*ovee C,,,,o,000, . to ,,,incondi .:.
.iix blixo, "dot* C.Oliittllid , tilt Mitt tiel ,heira, in steuritiOs; 0.0111.,- aril" 1 dia.., fi "Sfof ''"It't 4
rOialitty to Z INNS got_iqi tont:I.-of q,,,, ononds.-, They ' were deviteed ill the .... - .,
and hive,' distoirered ta. -py. too ..,..tA.,it,i finest material - anti :, late,st. farAthins. ..,-,-
4t. has entirely; relieved , me 'V '4-21'hose arrestml were caught during,
bilious -hibit.Whielt uSed tee;proStrito the, night, whilat, int .of Ilteni• Areret '
ree two Or three tirtlee rt Vtrtr, ratan, asleep, teat one Ware, writ ng out, *
Ing intlefi; ditieordort,,,to .tuy ., fattaly".telegratis to WI acc0mpliee4a.0dis4.
nd suiteri ' ltelf. , ---
.0fl CMtIltLt*flt. frit :ter/n$
rvite of two yeat'swith
. ,
,frOlors and ten years; In 'MO nt-
0* tO ipr00004 00110iiritrial' With
be." eittnihied,..:to *pedal ,ehtirtAtervieft
:battalions., end: tit; Setieine- will fore.
titer the printiplo of territorittiitalion.
which hits; already been fostered by
tJ Goverment. for it Is 1etten4
'city or`C-ontiity after.which tby'
are tf'
't14 tt-four-battalion.
0, • WariVieltehtt
. tCitY. 01 Londhn
t),* Litekstithire
1lSgitilent; .13tike of
b.r d.s o,"
no telling:how. fltfi1 ionev
front daughter musi
Play any litter thaW a1ii, dtd
fault ii, that?"
r 'Visa Note -4'2e
dnink ie s t. I hot vim
vith'; slio leara to
Wo win yew esti
iteptret4 hir*let
atoly they were uttered 10- ti3o P10-
rarroolea's Vegetably. Pills bocoun* Plo'
polar borause Ot tin! good report
ionde for thernsolvem That reputation
the •firot MettiV4114.6 for tufo attetke oft
non gro*Vt6 anti they now rank ninon
ciyopopsia ano hiliotioness„,
of the liver and kidneys., thoot
•fever 'oeitd • itguo itud. • the in nt•tin003.404
crorplicatiOng- to which these ailreeate.
tr.too riata. •
• .
why flannel is comfortable in- veineizei"
Briht I3oy (in new' underwear)-"It
Makes .Tou•,. hitch ,abotit.,40:14,„Wr4fitle
a lot. and ,the exireise keeps • you
Catarrh sarytt-Coittstitiottimrocilin
ta-to# rto Mir t..t One short;port--ot
the breath thrcingh the blower son
plied with each bottle of Dr. Ag-
powder over the :irtiriace of the routs/
passegett.- Painless and delightful. to
use. it relieyes iostantly, and . per-
manently cures catarrh, hay . fever,
itis and deatnesS, GO cents. ---11
, 110 --"Are you s Otifi 0044
-.opals?,She-01, ell, X thinit
unlucky" to lose a chance of gotUng.
• „ .
Milnheritantee et wailt...,hrege 1%,.10ti
handloop, but Alionts Lug 'oeixeur tAsa t
arsk fokas of a e*,a4h witi eitorro itaiuzuity fro
ettro4,141.• • •
-Ars .iatur corns-rtmoTtuthan
those tina Others • have' lfitdr nava
they not tukti the, sumo kind tlavo
toy not betectecUred by. tains Iloilo -
way's 'corn collet -Try- * bottle.
-.711fife (excittallyr-7.44
know how thinga shOUld -be done
%ftoniervienovi *int it IN ,te InNo violent
oonro-taka_nart_thlitt -and-ainto---anothrt4
Our adrieo ti-p.iteeD L" Mouth
Photor ore? the soot of tho pain: it will dr)
er, jou condozt than anythism,
lIushu!-"I. can't -get the' Casters.
under tbe bookcase to work at nit'.
and I've oiled them . vies,
0:41_h conscious stjperfority " ut
you, di4iiit use . castor 6117'..
staptho Paini but octstroitroo
'stomach. -1-This ts ea.:fly:tee otter%
th ost ni
ort.in to cafe in- t e end do the
five cent ,plecel" • Husband (care-
isly)-“Oh, let, him keep ,
To -morrow's his birthday, anyway."
rover die CiirSe of the Tropics- tho an*
cola tedious ete.nretioe•feere this and alt other
*Moo*" °Iferrrthe.," le the best iotti. Retie*
r 0,_ 'inturtpviw,u
MUST.IIAVE DE 'EN rurtior,op,
am P. J.:Aiert, tiff revivalbt:
ut--whont-reveleglen of, es -
ctiedot, Was preaching in Dallas, -
rex. on the rarity of's. perfect life.
Ile suddenly' inter.ruPtcd dis-
-or you- bavs---estr-
n A, perfect, Mani entirely per-!
feet, -Withbutany' fault -at
Ile -glanced .fiercely at his eilent au-
dience and -no one made a in "Vhen
evidently to, ehove his fairness, he
asked: • ei
"Welt, ',tiro's ever seenett•porfect
otuar4 Anyones _ever eezd A per-+
feet woman please rVei"
To the evangelist's atter &MA .0.
=cot; 41, tall,. tl.tiatile-agetyiountn,
wheel& big dart'. eS, spt in ft.,v
!ow thee wero fiXed uport the preach.%
cgs troti lter--seat -On-ther front-
"' gad -Ca e-tTalira
inau to tell, Me .zleeiVe 800
teet • Minn that never Id. 11.
it All?"
Wats," she. Said .-elowty„ garin
intericcutor with an, air Of on
feekt -that- She, halt tha ba ;l
- i 11040, ;11 l0
t"t '11 110 11':11140111#
e 'ter'bout i;1;:list;eterti:*h ts war itwyre r;sootuli. ,
-preparation,- al Istria -10M :as ilk.
Ont, after ea-Cing prevents any dia..
order of the digestive organa. 50 ia
_ .
la, hoz .85 .ehnts.;--40-
of ray conquests." said Gayhoy.
"but 'you. ought to have 'seen how.f...
impressed that striking looking
man with the wontierittl eyes and
tho hair like a. raven' a wing at ,the
swell reception la4 week. fly jeVei.
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