HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate., 1905-11-16, Page 6tt„ )a." it
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,e.. to ' .„ bin* . , •
fatmd to:uy 40401
I :: thing . *lath; 14.9t-
, r ' 4: -0&; 1,' 1 ' --1..g.0.1
. wholii f
'our 'alo ,stertnet
hii,t$ 'revelsi
, ,
and7notit3g 0•„t Taff
''.1.) elf,, -1. our
440104 10
Wo inUt AfX14 go,,forward or perlati.; ward; 1 instead of .being st-lett
lyven thon0 'the" MQVC1i140r4t, .'1110411.14 , WOO 4.114 of etitill7.041.01% She fs.ottert
ilacing the dets.*C and loving thea'. r,elAttantly dragged; behind t
tblOgi. which we have -been to ouchtneyi4 poWers,,,'
to,,estatiailx. ' — • t/ Tho need now is- not to go back to
'-'13hisAaw-tadd---gottl n re1igions--1110ses and to ,VAUL as though ,these,
tbonght. Tbe truth -of to -day Must were our ,goat, but, taking some
be the error -or bait truth -of to- gniditnce,from tbent, to go Power&
rrotv as -certainly' as the gar into the flew truth that ever ilawre.'
Q OA, be! e1isearde41nig. Ile who steps into the twilight,
by 40 matt,nd jut as '1ari of, new trial* .always
'IfleOsules the Science of tco-daywill
be tbe uperatittoii 6f to -mom*.
mon 'atOlti in things bow much um
ahall-,ther 'grow in thought. Wight
ates,:ettoppt.to oxpresa.In
hlghefit find, :heist it ..wetild belie its
amo 11 each not height gained djd
:not ,sheNr-aOtne,,yet greater ..1Might be.
. A
died ,01.444 thor Are' calling thor
Yot 1.ittolli'pereotbleln,•gas11;atte"teiu.*:"111.6att' .1.1141 tile"tiee- ::t.144-'9.*•ptir70(40,Ytl,1*411(1 deOOUflC
nrnny ;good ever stand:it -op.
,ew hest. t .Sa$104. bet-
oJ?.gpL 011
deiert untried,,Llitt '
e3r"iLen it is trr -et
..nto lent.
by t ;
)t the lig4t-tr9C-14217 •
FJDS ztzt'Avr.nlmtKIxcLr
ohouf him.- It he *tends; perfectly,
still the fall day comes and then the
1eeps onmoving forward Wiro-h11117
ny in Om HOC 'Aim trouble is
tilOt 50 .any, are standing tett in
•Lrufli•. frOrn: the light -.US;all
their religion should • cluk0ge- Just 0.34; Th ant%
'theti once' bolioired that the universe posed to ,
,watrAnade„.4inisited,...and_iixed toroaLter otity-'14tb
a th *ugh Imcit.o..thinC ;VotOd-elo.: than patiiihT7/
he tru of a ' tinivoree. agfew VILP` ,IteAtigaia-At,OP
- -
o 'ht . of .., * teir rel.!' 011 • es -t, . ml 0
414.-04imP-1-4".. . ,.
a Sot Of
• •"" .4.1
• Therefore %their utmost concern' is
to pratorve its preciseform* and 'tito
old; do not worry oser theologi-
CnIunteet Unrest is but the sign
of life. Zetter tho chllds unrekt than
nature of religion " nstating in ' the the senile placidity of old -ego. Vetter
guarding ot the letter that kill* at the death in the (.101ie!'k than (leaky in
the exPeneo. Of the life giving
And 'Wli4,11' faith forifebk its'cbrysiti`
, • stage, 'they- wept 'such bitter tears
over its -Awoken shell they have- not
it b grOWiAt
- Ifthere. be *ow cream'. for-ra-iiit.
the spitit of Ita, teaching but t
form of its. 'text. .rolitwo to real'
the vital and . therefore developing
t. lietttr to die in doubt than
'old away•: in the empty tomb'
Of truth.: ootider him, who for the
Jot" wet beforo blot, (kspLsed the,
e.rofor&et tho thi : 1iid anil,
forwardprcsa to 0 p z
thoclearcr light and Urger
tore -Lit. Itt the, presen e of.'!""
aoLor heavextrA title also..
fluently "'found' on Persian inscri
OISTAZ SESSOA, 00 verses. 5 to contain ,oicne-
Writ. 19.
43.'0 614:tort
the rungi'o41
on to the iv u
•Nvazx that nO nails stitk Out. 'With
tilts tMe, CCM polish stained boards
• 1th-wry-little- trouble.- ---
if the ink -bottle happena to., -be
overturned upon household lmen
lose no time in Piecing a blotter he:
-math the stain; to "soak up as much
tis possible, and -press amither front
ittitite; - 'Then -immerse the article 'in
ft deep vessel ..cotttaitting_sweet iill
At: well with soap and- bleach -in
the sun. ,
Iftitts in the carpet 4 -'be can.
and then', ironing INhlitt, with a hot
iron., tion't _press hard enough, to,
injure tife-Pile. is thersteem that'
kills the moth, not the pressure. Ile.
peat the treatment: onto- or- twiceet
Intervals or about fortni0t.. le'resh
egg's May have. been hatched mettn-
the-kept-trett-inwa- dosed tin
.hex- Another rood way -to keep it
is to sprinkle each loaf' with. flour,
-000---theft- 4-ics•--thtut -op ht paper _bags,
width are bung - on hook m in 'the,
'far the „flour aria 6with a •'
cloth wet in eel(' water. .then place
' or Ih o-1*itnfte*----
Xn iiittbens. wittre 'cotkroaches are
'found borax is Inyeluable. Powdered .
borax should bo sprinkled round the
StOVO and nbeut ail corners ,and
otannies infesimd by thete disgusting
inttets. Viaien the boraxis stiteitt
away it should' be replaced with
more at once, and if' thisremedy' is
stoadily peraisted In the kitchen' will.
Sitert film. • Or\couritt, it
ev'ett after the honse is .c1 to oft-
': Cositundly -11$0 th boraa U er
thtre is no security aarnt a new
colony .ot vockronthea 1Ii- . bre, ught
:In With the tirettood.
-1040 Or....thettiateStand'bett. ways to
stott:..4 row "elsoite*-cut 'llowers to a
,distance is to eftt .sfits in. potatoee
tertt-AlteiAlotter -ste
care that they are firmly ,tastenNI
int -An ordinary potato wP1 1•;eep
It 'US$ Ws idsgna Charta, zt he ept,carz.- utast . flowers. fresh' for two Itteks Ilt
in hia ,or °nation Itobeff. . a moderate temperature..
Check to Qtr",.
alturew r.fattening an be arranged
two:cletht and p1"c.0.,,,effeh w .....addithmti___securtttt_i_tree
-Lesson Tritytir.
eoltien Text, Jeines .5.16. •
Note-Aieee *Word StUdies of this'
lesson are based on the text of the
• "Etittir-t-14-01.-11.1e' ,Itocf
a two meet important epoth4 in the
mitthis..prirkyers-1 in -verse , have
Jrt.verses--6-nud et, the -humble- con-
tession, of ,5111, and in verses
the petitionees coefident appeal T
the , 'divine promise. , Tit0. prayer
doses, vcr 11, with art earrtest
supplication tor the people, and es-
pfeilily_ also, _for Nehentitili himself as
TC )resLntativo. at e r
'That ketPeih arttnant and loving
tor and leave them several /mutt
and., pouring _over Sealding hot _swim_
V.14411 . tin
etahraces the period of reform. 'under, ,obbroetictioot „t Toollt
Ezra - and tbe 1-34cftili9alitiriSr -149116:"; end shotteth kindness. Jeit.
=lett.. -An intervening period- of ishi mind the relation stabil Man
I'S is PastS4 over in to (led was that Of a servant 0his
• and Nth.
4.2. 26, respect veiy.
Verse 1. The first .otentence of this
first verso Mails; t Attie or heading
for the edit* book,.
Words -Or, history (Xlev. Ver.
IWO rendering "words',"
wool tattni to pont to' litheirtlett'as
the r-c-nt-A -tutira-narrittiv
,-whiettc o teidon, ,th
le-an'en, pint-
o -strueture df the batik,
lthlieilLattaill -0
co rea wr oft, 011 y
iebedienee to °OW!, Itet4 *
6. Utile 1 confess the . sthz of the
children of Isatd which have sin.
tie -4 noinst thee -To Xeli-emialt the
*tattoo& Jewish nation le, still a
unit and aS. suck God's people: 'It to
responsible te national dis-
aster Which ha*, etyne upon it. SYo.
note alio' the souse of personal
'Witty of the intilidilititi'-for--tite
it 'of- tthe nttfon whkhIt'ebettiah
Ode which eniphatiedIn
Zira 2; 2' *lid 116".
' tThe month of ehislev„
'rho nattier of the inbntba 131 th'
order were: Minn, lkYne, SA'
liat0.111UZ, AWE -1111i %%belt, ltarthe*-
vamp, Xisley(or , ChiSley) Tolteth„
tiblybotlii, Attar.. t,
Shotilituk-Oio of ttio' titre* capitals
Of, the rertdan -empire. It bad tor.
&IX been ttit'kalittiirbrthe
of „htlem„ whose territo
along Ott latoreft. of , the,
east of the TiOls itivere.
• (Wmot Elam Is mentioned
itni-pat • wlie-tieetrOyx
city of Shushan. • Poi*
rtlioilt.tfietiOr and made it i
coldenee and capitsh
2. llanant, one of nt.lf b
PrObitbly:.".A. near.itinttnitti at NI
initalt, it 'not actually hti:fNtt brnth
'Certain ni • Out et
-whett- treire*„ three Witt%
biock 'peppers, tighteen whole all-.
Spite,- -end twelvblad'a77tif !nate
1 sca'nt tuti sugar, ft teaspoon cloves
t- teaspoon cinnamon, a little nut.
Meg and gnat of salt; stir all . tet7,
golfer thoroughly, and bake' -with,.
two crusts. Tills is soinething
licious for a substitute• mince pie.
- Prop Jtnni4ett,;.7•70no pound of dour,
oettlialf pound or hittter, tbreettinitit.
tritslied and. 4red one -halt --tea.-
tett_ Of .04 -Pluiria- 01:,S1:..74rra ttett"11,,.!gts*:
•0fie--Vnif pound or oo.rro,ots, wet
do die -tolled In het-,
'q'Ort..4 ;Or
Spoonful af
witter: -.ono-
pans -
occur to, .
11; 'quire* tWo pounds' ot neck mutton,a
large slit*.of turnip. tWo alieett Of
tter )earrot, one enienr-o-atock of celery;
And fye shall ports ne no- cold „water, otableatiocontut
yOU tit-. ball ii pint •of barley, titr ee p
*ono • loud the Ana 1. les , *
., o .. one
iLeet_s_f_tn, itit..-. Andt htb&t ,ot_stukrotit_• 't .. , Oren_twortty
of - :volt., Alta ,,Plite ' it Cut 'the- jarat froin the bones . o .
itIt'llt rAir. iill *raloss- , n_ds,..0 „, and item ve-all-the lit tut thit. -*raft
, in the lid‘pdti of their slatitr:l.'into'small piece* -and put Int
4 " -
tablespoonful's of tapioca,soaked for
four or five hours in: tepid water.
Poll uutiI dear,' add .one tablespoon -
lot torn starch which" has been dis-
solved in *, 'little' Milk: *-Two--ett—ps
boiling milk, . ono -half alp, sugar,.
yolks of t*0 oggs„ toil' ten ,
, miii-
to Add 'three. tablespoonfuls
'Coatuft. EU/ bolt litte-iniOtes
'atilt frothy', tePread on top and -brown
oven. •
one Pint milk;
tablespOtnibil itour salt,•
1 materials, aro in fashioa
again.• '
I - or hentleil4, which was Orst
made Minims hy Priestley of Brad-
tord. Enghted„ who loved tile- ex-
quisite beauty of . the. stuff',..to so
great an extent that, ;mice when he
shipped st ergot quantity of it to a
fatuous drisso. goods 'home in this
country, •he 'phied before the ship--.
matte arrived; "'Send it back; •
tan do better .now" -and they hazt
done it better„ and bate. thi.,V11. making
it ;fetter ever .since. "
theta. „
little that i ii -a77116 crino-
line Skirts; which have Made sotto
'prophets .3tdunga into siateutintis"....con-
cerning, the swift, coming' the old.
tiie boott-titirts... arc • merely- silk ,
Marti ''*ith 'fieott:-Ilotineeff ftitindi of
harrow Veit. frills, each shirred , On
to the hem tit *tile •cone above.
„ 'the general . tendency ih unclor-
Wear 7diiiingt7Ltitc: Pest steam has • -
"beat ot---itiblif
and Intricacy of vault. -The- -
tollatss_ hill 'borthes„ and such fluffy
; liatte--heari--ptaetienty elite •
inated . 'front the digittgownsA
only the petticoats are -all frothy
and bellowing with , lace tritam ,
This, . of course, . gives increasing
Ittlintss toward the bottom withoutawkward Mines's, at the top„ ttud the
Model has been "suCco401,- 'ever • fibt
our /rata ••skirts 'took on vOluittintnii.
folds, but the crinoline' note is
Sounded. by .the •Introduction of 'fine
cording or. featherbOne Into the shir-
'rings of several of th.e. narrow frill
-0 s
Finest-Pronch batiste • and,,neins 0014
s_ehosen for kb
daintiest lIfIIWIgb 'and, Ott; Sees;
little-. of, the stit;ditr, rare:brie, : while
the sttiitt muslrn Underwear 1r for.,. -
women 'with; any pretensions 1to
dainty dressintt a thing of a past
age.. . ".•.• .•
fitson't 'be content to buy a bat--
.13etause-it7is-thoraughly _
ing• to you as you sit before the mil*.
liner s•Inirror,ti .says a woman
,for the taste that the shows in her
bats. "Stand •up before the mirror,:
soi&malie sure that the het is as be.
coming to you when you stand as'
4%y wlndaw fr m tad An JLrn se of -
OWL IIMION tap CS. FM rMI eat Mil Mit 4 ttia
&t1ijiWThe o en
W Phut rt.ln4itL *Irenail,
must be pushed Into, this hole until
it is buried to the bead. 'This netil
should tit a fairly snug fit in tbe bole
• iiPtlifict-t47,77htzlog-0114
IF, ..11 .dror
art,' stash toelt aka be pried open with
tbe burglar's janmy,, but with the
addition -of, the _wire nail that trick'
is "
,To nit' lila -sick room, cover tie
patient over while doing it; lift tilown
the !Ando* at the tOp, swing dect
tily.t.but backward
drawrorrottyr. for a low tui
riu pufapC the U1st111' ell°
'1`1 „anettwap....
turally take when slivering the hat.'
nridtsce-ii- the hitt- suite- yott -4a:the
-Very' shortikAdttek hosiery vt I
only be tokedin,r fli,--eheps to
worn with mourning or' to. match an
ebon toilette reliewl with. white or
a color, fm 'which easelirbite or 'a
whir will also figure the stook-
') Mils Is In ospottio to-ragi.
' the, tuouor0
_0„ or
VOL& holdorY s4sli Ow*
atoe14itigs match the__
It which they..are 'worn.
the matted brOwiwt..
.baking dialt. 'sprinkle With the bread
entnihs, thickened with the iloutand
'settironed w1h the salt and
Pit **Ober Ivor ot the
then bread crumbs as .beter/
. Ilan to tOtoOIUIIkate in "Ceht
tows *Watt tbey broughtio,
4svn' that, bail
lea. PC, the ilipttv1t$44te11
retitr8111 from itabytonia I
lent ancl'who ;Were notti
' Conceming
*Oppot with the vegetable*
fine, and the voter, Slmmer
if t
out: the ifonts
'strain Info
and .
futhietb; *tit luto thc
son with . *alt. ond pe
- well oWni but.
Ajp1Pritters.- ore,.
t ion* 4iinn Appiot tri
Sprinkle with
.aad e. little
With 11 napkin,
btttod r bolt
tht me M
ab the threw word $hechinsh, pplicd toAti
nioniteotattoix nntr,
WI1' the -divine proonte. •
u,0 tear thynonie-4g
for nature
that is or hit
barei'-An 0
0 ' 0bofl, boU5• Jut4
iitter ebumttor
,, plOnis ntet.,•rit
ltli the' sethil
adiz, p*1Tt, 110
• toreinonY ti
eat; fott'l
JO 1'011 ont' t11
nto Out 'Hscidts
ldttly With
Ihe ***Ain't*.
ut Veld
11(1 11 1th
11 tht ollet )f tWO
uM of• intik, and St
to the flout,.' ;fleet.
•rel1 the 11'
or iVe; oil, bett •.•
for stit hour. .
ti in the whites
ly its IaC�rest on
Dritain 15 Can
industries _ of
; %,117,000.
al'utf of " pc-odUds
ant. - 01 capitil invest
(Tana -da ba 12 cosim
eeted capitol, of
MOW, millions 4
States capital %its -totted in
ed; 131
OO.00O 111 Of
that: *IfloW e-- .modo **bon jai •
out by the tatid: 'for., wear ,by hor
taiStrests ltra 1octimpatiletl.1* '
'loot tho g.asitt MAIO/to dy0d. pu
Ao..0oSat 'this ,buti.bf ;OA
VOW' sttltinittaA,'i or the ,
tql apprar withotit
*nada ha
• pbtYintf
• Value
('anadsatt 1)1
etlk, tin3r
de..11% Ivrea
and lozenge
nittosirno ,
litso end *Intro*.
ik, ,cattunere,o,*r, 11
haek ground, " •
ropoially pretty blue
.6 *fought'with diistFt,
ilk, dividsi by ttripeli of o
ff the ell* 14 Wallet ,gri**
AtsntOrt0Motiot.:$1.0146 1*,
the toilttt -oo it i11 be :9,tub-
r" ' *It c*...)0*
n 'opal/JO*
ieLattr A,to
- and fry to
,not,ondicil, thiek
dry brown 111
totr f: aven
*11 are frhl. prinkle with
004 '
..,;,:pot, hair *
taer hntntitflit