HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate., 1905-11-16, Page 2tber
tuts called
, _
re again 1441
been taken, '
t(ly LoAfterward Iv**
'ere ttvo. vete
teed end finally,
and eglish tnunda*y1 the hi
one bridge `olfee_.
Itit'lt .
411114 IIAPPY
e •
..'••• ,i'iltneisi;
of $tandiug and-
- ,c'qne
coincide* poii..
creSting .ilid lite..X4iteAcet,,
:id.tle.,..„4.1,40 ' st. OAT, . s.'VirOrt
' . • ••;,•,-
Ittencivik•:#04 1,,,,H itteeittere; 4.4', .1
e rePr4'' .) - ..,..,:ioehetette.
ie.SOPPO.e.4,..•,PY',..... :iii
' The 4034 letriii.: '
.,. •
, ...i
' qiiiit,„040, ,'tite ..e. , .
hint - b .
lo frente" ,
C Teie
'4tttila **VI),
pse the* ttortice., front uo,
in Whitt fatitiA
di nbrjb O'r
,onlY' Ones; all4itt:!
.0. Ari„er.
s „
•, • the:140 iA-
Sdre*I.i. *Went i4pitete-elioSe.
Man "liney, are. a,lwayie lull .and- to. (Wei'
*_ Anier.110., • kii3ed the 'other' d: y
Q'rid al
'h .!fer. b ittle U4)114
itr and i.f -0.4pa COO .?
:d out/ whiie
• '
etVetatioy4..etto reatter,j n
easerelly, 'below,•4
lirrOVIr f,4t -73O *0'TO-el;
.13 c•O Wite
afitititeba.;41.6p for •
4 end •le. 0.
4 •,,o.stty grni ttta; t•qtrA ‘tike„..
i' lil I ••eXettisi • I.; holieee. •tViete oitieeetett....Seeinte,•,selling 04.X.0* s'
Jim tiOintroi !‘-.• . the 04.4: 0,41$4040ii.sl• ii • .(400,14'.
- 4 00.,,vo. it Vie eX4:66 cOfic4shigas .0014'• 0044
:0004". 4. 44 '044144 giretlif a • tfonot tuo‘tracittion ,t,bo4i4cos,lari, sake, ot kkrge- )08,,
v1Ia,c Ile VOA typo 01 •Vie..,iirat;:**nriege or oitiot 40,0s!,1 tecorti,o,ogr,1
'e411"Y °C°t' ic)t nlid(ne age, with .°44i'Str8 /174444:41:'Wd bY 4°1)41 t011(TeCti!:-4:44t.1.473.151$!r? st4egottl°. and
sereenede.byeaLfull• beard --that a
(t d'.OflCflS
01/4.0-x/ t --44r.)*A4-ge ‘'Spliced.s; al • er, SfitiPetit4 414, )*.'0144,411"1-- I" -t4/11P4n4"
i-- 11i�rine the weiF
This may be a (windthc
leo , ItetY4
t ije airti'dear to
mo Zt was in ids dollop dayS, end
Vri4 .41, long Afecati,on, eurieit-witielt
he had eleeted to, stey 4'n his tollege
*tome. aeti Work.- The robins were
----.41--tbee-toP t tho highest houses in
thit .aricient touridation of Queen
paeeteeh, • or, C. D. There was not
a soul in the housebut filmset/. and
.,- the •,queds and: ,,httildings were -
of echolng emptinee.s 'after itiebtfall.
wa.s not 'nervous in the ordinary
-trelise ot the:- tverti, -anti dite not -cet-
ect to, his solitude, in.this.eycie,•Pale
("18b anbnpreselottable Celtic visi-
tor. calling on hire. one, afternoon_re,
• -
sin0 . 7' - -
• 'the rooirts;.in the empty .hoinie itethis
e*npty Pailege for a. single night,. no
tier whet ,indueementa were of.
-4 Atbri, to do.. it, It .was; a
night or tWo later, Thesole orate.
pant of !Not- awoke ` in :the dark. 'no
adbeen aWtdrened by. on ....unustint
-,eteet sucliAtf-tinieeettte. s.eund of'
toot tisceuti and pause °Utah/le his-.
Ire'Otto' ••ig-tiutt'..0?-tfett-and
Vt*DI„-.13D I'Olt A UGU 1'
time he had got it he -heard
how .katew Where he' 'WA% dresed
and went to theAlustonirlionse- -It
was in darkness. The Jenior otflcx
in eharge of the outdoor depertMent'
of the castome was a. IOWA Called.
I.ockwooti. went to his hOuse wet"
rang him up,- told hire my story, anti
iesisted upon his dressing. :lie knee?
inv'• father's whereabouts,
hut,• on my expresing &term nee
thin to .0 to the bridge htt..,, /mid:
it you. will go leo. this. WI,14
goo$0 elmse •T sepPoSe. X had. better
go and look alter you," or. •Words,
to that effeet. „Whn tre got en to"
found .tlie4eitt Pultite. I Otttit. ' ' ' '
shrewd eyerie It on hair and- .;a. -TiAteley„. ntObUt OflIt Utit themis
Ier :Awn- 'it'irtfitted. by e Solwey
hour* 12 'Minutes, points. shorts, $10.60' $1$i Atartr"*''
drinking fitraniter'e expense litit re rtts iit W11414 thA43.0 irreglilar 'core- ' 1:ttiri 0 rtig,
ja induce hint to be centmunicat ve made a bold ltiti for a mou-i'mig P°11118; •
.201.4.:ii00111 WAS YCrY itOatlY‘i eeta one "1 don't -went, '• anything published rimonial • 4.jc to 35.10 at ottteld
Inost 411 the way -and high heat about hi eignular occupation. . oply of the Swell portion of the mat- °ftts"-"3
.ing thrtese,h some inland leke. , tramPetrolage hyti rtibilithdoitoegi ,tc; e for 150. ;2,„Mc
would have suPPOsed her to be sail- in the Panora about my buiiinesst" iet Ora:
'MN 'vessel has many pronlineitt 0,8 p urge sq a
-(.11.At4-fie*0 $0.00' ItISQ I/ PILhI '110 S. no all averee to One tittle there vOere- four estabibli.
1Z.JUhi1I1 13 ptr ton. in car. -lots, -at
to of coarse, la net. reeld time„hecituee not even_ Scotch wnenett, that most leitelipa were cerohleted. one , John 17'O
_bran! . re4 • --
"00 'Amerika is not a flyer. But 611-... potent entotteeger of locemetty, cornCuir d et„fato, eiseatiseel With this state or-4441-frii" ifr' /1 • 9 at tr°":"Ird° "43 °(1,1441'
.wwetaler'kettigalur4te(m17triaCally',"atneiltjacruersclasa' "t/n't 441431 attiCt t°11" g(14Ing that It ceased to be profitable.. Pet.9. Corn -New Axnerivan is eesier
up'ilt the value Iine here. Titerteititt"t DiXott nettee mice:Cod in -Making fiec, Toronto IMIghtS,,
N!",:tsait ve/.4. extra, and 4116 to
' veith specialehridal thamber stirne. e?„, $2 tor
able owing to the large number o ule pain a.
re, eristics. She is really unsinit- tit ublicity would tnerease yottr teously fitted, up. In this apartment, 46 c for Aso. o, at *ate..
1_11 e o
' he admitted, "but 'it after hininutillhe riniawity marriage Itiive-72c tit 73o .otttside.
transv,erse belkheatls and syStent et; 'might taeo igcrpfogi competiti0A on."1' buttinees Alettlitied to tiut:11 an extent Ilucletvitera,U-Afie to 457.e• oetettle, nt
.,hrld _There is' met,btotdluLsS -
1/7 turning_ 'bandfO frP.TrI t110 any_ mere itt it than just keeps -toe itaWIU n3thJng like nhat it Used Boiled, Oats,
nest arising from the riVer..' • We
made our way • .to the bridge, and
wo liad not 'walked far ' before we
.heard steps eoming in otir direction.
ran forwardand there Was before
sue the whole picture of sky dream.
A cloud et ..steatif wits- coining'
throne:1i a widO‘OPOlia.0 1 thVY br1a4e!'
and MY ilatber ws. WIWI* twe4t3:14
feet- of it, .zoming to bis -4100114 with
hi4_,swirtgiquicli...-striat-- I
knew so weIl. • •
May •11 add had riever been on the
bridge befoirt iklo one 'w4S. altow-ed '
to eros 4ve ' tbe teals of- the
4 0-1iue="'it A 'ttifiPit I'm elitttlid to Si 7j is" - •,, '-'-'"----11---- •-* ' More tor broken lot he
the largest afloet. ere are Seti- . T
whieh is i le ice . . i
. ' outside. --
•'• - I VISITED SOUTH • AFRICA - ,.. ,
he assembled villagers nodded
- . • ' . COUNTIlY P 01/170,1il
Ilitttere-Prices' are clitott.*d
chauged. - --
Creamery, prints ... ..- 22c -to 4,13c
do solids ... . -..... 2ie to 211e
marine bell signets to ..give wain tig their fiends apProvingly.
Of apProaelting dangera-Orriekt i"Are you a•Minhoter?" I asked. •
graPhY .0.s on other -ShiPe. reefectlY • "No I ain't."," he' answered. "You WIT -AT. TORONTO ritOrEsSORP
bale:need engines, therefore no .vibre* don't have to be a parson to mar:* RiA,VE T4)
_ •
tian, Ventilation on a new Oratet:"' iolk in Seetiand..1 can tiefo-•
Iso that -the air in all the roceri, jitst_ae-hard
14tditlatiCAIIM ' ellatige0 leerryttefiThlift-
,:ma inntes. has ex:C.410m Imornen- thinking of 'getting married, young - •
tde decks, witti.:Apeciat smite!, for 4.,.....justr_totephoortg .P!Ciblenis-.71
(loving. There are two hno Prom- dOL-the Job for you., lint . A. II litacallant and of _ ir
enade deck for the second-class pits- it'll -cost you a lot more. than I D. le Colematt. ef.Toronte University
.sengers„ and also,'prosnenal
dle-"-- charge you t� got it undone." who 'fittVe beeniabsent sirtee the' Ora
for the third and fourtleclas pas, e I- • -•
or. open.
grivee in the eniety house. Ile re
turned to bed mystified, and siopt
lilt morning.. In the ‘moreing,
he mode hiss own breakfast -Mut
thought of his mysterious visitor of
thI night before, he glanced toward
the door and noticed something
white Italf-way under the,, door -a
visiting . card, Ilo. picked it up. It
was tee card of A men he' aqhtuninitthaTh
cell Itolifted .White;" In the corner
of the Card was weitteri in, pencil'.
"Just ..paseine tlfrotigle." The tnYe-
ter§ was not cleared, Why on earth
shauid Ilolentt Nthite hae caned in
the dead wasteend middle of the
night? XX0 1Ie4rd of him a, few days.'
ago a* enJOYing Ittmnrl4 thoroughly,
grouse shootitig In the West . day
who (11(1 50 itt thet*' 01L risL Tlun
'firth -Ft .
mind that my appearance saved him
from death, as it was impessible
se -6 the opening because of the fog
end the steam; and. never expectieg
part of the bridge to be takeit up,
P10 would have continued t1/4..alking on
throughout the length of tho bridge.
Some until -town influence caused a
picture of that bridge tO appear in
prelect in my mind ale° a eittiation
of immediate danget while my father
was SQ1110 three or four miles
tant front. the scene, and we esk:
"WAS 11‘
Abottt- ten years ago, writes a wo-
man, my husband was in Africa; and
Vr had parted in great sorrow'azld
,tress, for it was nneertain whe-
by. Otiii7-of iiii7i-forteii. "...Very -sad
ithbut pOin- Mr. Viltite?" •"Ilaven't
you -11cent-sir? It's in .thit 'evening
papers."' it was the farnitter ACCi*
dent of the trigger of a gutt catching
trl-eets--4 --teetare..seraur-
Teet-throtigle-a---fancee -shot in, the
Ireqd .Roland 'White had dietLwAii.Aii.
-7- --a-ifeir-tritttuttereci-T-etritiLeTeildent.
On. 4 recent occasion. Writa4. Mute;
Sarah Gtand, - I Was driving from
on the pavernerit Ite strote
'ling along through the Crowd With
a detached. air, I saw a kinenian of
--te-whone.-1-Itati.enotentet tor -sone
time.- was not surprised to see
was that he should be, wearing ' 4
London, • in the height of %the season,
an overcoat green with age. and a
lioweler.bat which he used to ..wear in
the depths of, the artietry in bad
weather, tried to catch his at-
telition set•.1 pitised.
N'•01T-1410K -MV WAY. .
. „
A few days later I Vas. waking
trohr IrCiver •• street With -hnother
kinstitani, -coueill, of -Miner, to hitt,e
tea with hint at his Club in Pall
Mall, Mid again I saw, tieite dose
' to nie in Piccadilly, uee-yourtg.Mns
Man in:
hat, "Oh! there's r exclaim*
ed; _lutist speak to him," and. I
rim on .to mertal.° hint; but , he bad
disappeared in tho crowd. My' colt.
,sin, who had nted Neon him. remark..
cd: "Well. I should certainly have
*aid "But it Ives
1 protested. "Weil, Should
Neve- said- to-- myeelf,"1"---beinned-
.disPacsiont3telY, but for three, thinge.
.at the present moment is the le-
theryof fru-Wry, e u
tot-tte-Mithile,septt time. That *as
,Lo-- at "
So T. Wes; but `there N neither(
recolleetion, -rant the Ittipossibili13,z,of
twins' hint again AS 1.1.6 .11then X
1 Xiteitt 'btSt hat1 ii0t struck me.
That vvening' I trent- honte intl
to toy .surprtge. .tound, await-
, .44g roe a letter fropt XA-. It *As,
L greatly atatiliterTii--• one ate-
otger. -It hes been our custon. for
some years previously to go to a
"watch -night serVice" together on
New Yettei3 Ie. Wbert the day ot
the year Caine t °and my thought. na-
ed. Mi ion -,,T had the c Onderire
cvaue(1.Scene Meddling.
. tti-ado 'mischief for 'purpose*
, **-.. In ‘,enn. ' tfe of which
e* Iti.il 146,1LX1' wreckrtL nd '
ine ot it iill ha etilOOSI
upon the. 'had ItY*
dent illiscoveri h. ittl,d
t wriltett at onto.. _ eir hrs'
dCej t" tor', efer hay
. ,. ,
• e to
rem A jo
tette . ---tieritirs•-t
Six tha. tin:tee-I .suddeoly-awakentel
frone_,Acenellike* iitterly_dile_iait
-tf— `it‘ rifirtiii;-as :dicer
itrorn •dreaming as, dreaming is front
waking, is the nearest descriptiore I
can give, r was absolutely convinc-
with' me. I hail soon him, eppken, to
e iiWagires
Stormy ocean bad beett annihi-
toted sOraehOW, that wore rolling be -
tureen us, and of course.. we were
overjoyed to be togethir again. I
said: "This doi-q not look like being
parted forever. *does it?" Bet I d
net remember all re said; ' ;but
know Ise asked me: "Is thie too exT
citing for you? Can you bear it?"
and I .answered, "Oh. no, riol 'floret
0 back: 4a," 'On waking I _ at
nee made a pencil entry in it little
• book of texts that is *Moot on toy
table, and I !MVO it flOW., Thlt the
‘nctopltrirtirions p�.t is 4.1110.:,itett- -.ilex,:
7ratittatit 'fit; -Vwrofe-.--iftid told 'hint
jof tide strange visit, and' tiAer,d him
had he chvaint anytliing of this cort
1 that night. Now, lte wrote to 1'ne
On • January lith, and Qur letters
'orosx.etl, asking- me the. same thing.
Both letters Atte now /in my posses -
;44011. Naturally, they, are of too I
ilk -mete a nature fiir publication; but
' i wrinid "sinitv them to tx0 artredi
ber 0( the rsyChteni 'Safety , if
Ve.r.p.iL/LBIlltitioitif. iftterrq,
g Its trisr itutbotitil MIA': kid later.
tivre *cowed to be .oirte occult link
ot,' communication betaven _vs. We
t7...OV'., ,110N:tir..1114-111s:,1* inLtr*-ordin-
low senss et.the word. nor -what-offe
, would 'tali very religion* itriftry-
•'ilaSt PNitliei•Init It"44 bee% thought tte
l'oegoint- eneritlaJt wiljt allotted."by
a.,kInd Providence to contort us in
AN 1.1,Nikiktek10 itlitifileti.
1 '
with Y daughtfr hi' the,
for, a- knt' Weekle
iitstlier ceintributork *hn 510
„Olt that 'We. shottlit stay thcre
'day* And toie \ *tune, -of tho
heAtte*, WA *ere not tar fro
tatty ott. MI tin*, , ittl,d,on. .iuip
Om* :we Woe told that 'all tho
!mit* had becn boolilki. for pcist.
-... m :Ito . ,V,ero iciaving, h
.. ...-.--,-
, antral tCmarriage caii he celebrated mei: _,...P'tho-Brittsb•AsSoehttfen for the ikd
• • where an 1', .1Jt xtIcetnen't 44 Science have returned
slum electric elevators and a medical or g ttfor the ce— m-remdny iii -its rinze*s •
staff with Iturses: simidest form ,consists .in merely a -fliey, sPeak of the liatittalitY of
Att innovation on this. veseet. is tuel touple agreeing before witness to the South African Gevernmpots es
a'he carte eeSt4turante This TOttlitra t take each other for husband aed wirev Agamething quite astonishing. , Every,
so etictlessfel that, the capacity of' tive Ono of the tiontraetitm 'partiee is le. 1oe1i1e4 wos given the Scientists • for
kitchen haS to be doubted, you can (Wired10 have resided jfl Scottend seelablelo-eb.olearninrtou
bey your ticket as formerly, induct. lor 21 days, before the Marriage, eua
ing both, meals and berth, or_....berrett it is douhtfoi if steps are taken tr.) -n-wthroict:t'imavneluiv,teds Ptrh°434relemcl ttheenir 11.10:9147/
pay for what you eat at lotrtment_wnwaxpel prooor
f spwths
atiiougythathrerthirtthe,teitit- . prolosnor
'net Saki -be el
the restaurant.
deseus.slon _ol_thaLittark-of Abe _ lesso,
dation, but he, gave an eiatremelsr io-
teresting account, of what he saw. .-
After the association had complete.'
KA deliberations tit Cape "I`own the
Members lourneyed by rail, stoppieg
off .frequeutly arid enjoying on every
occasion Ow bteindiess hospitality of
the, South. Afilean Government;
—OHAVP, a aa.a.;
do_ medium „'i-
• Id; g°° ,
It'ggs--The., bulk of the business.
doing et 21e, although some sales
are stisi be.ing, mai oft
• Poultreiont.. . chickens, •80 to. 0;
thin tc to 6c; fat liens, 6e, thin de
to, 5c; divikie, elo to 0e„. thin, 6c• to
Se:. 'turiteye..; 12c to"18fle,geese, 7e
to -
8c. - . • 1. •
Potatties-Ontario, on track
0.0e to 70e per bag. '15e to Sc- out -
of .stere, TIit,- demand •for eastern -
stock is -coot]: 900 to .95c out ot •
judge front Dixon's oter o maery
Steamer, each known . by nettles, such
himself about the matter.
as Kaiser,. Washington, Roosevelt and rae olt'-hand that he does' net bother
Cleveland. •EVidently the 't company
I ascertainee by 'equity, 10 the vil-
lege that itt the course of the preced-
ing week -lie had ITIArried half a dO?:'431.
COUPle.g, bat it is probable that most
of the loving sWairw, were,Attracted
more by the romantic ,associations ot
Her displacement is 42,000 tons-. She
place and the uncooventional
is 687 -feet ion ... 74 feet. 6 inches the
ail V an-lz- ne4es'—:-.DeAai, thattn),Ittli.r:U'lith InOcaliontein tf:r.
-43,- -fee‘ deep. 'he ha -a- mu- 0 Man', age,
xi.: ,Jerro:i jot:inc.:1x, 4.yo
'greater dispincentent than any- totherty for defeating-ilie ,initchlitatioris ot
ship in the world. tier gross ton- i hostile .relatives. 311cist Of these me- tjuilral.:,est6krieg
the. other tit -embers of . the aesacte-
nage is 23.000, and,-„Ithe'e loaded car.' dern Gretna Green weddinge take
ries 16;000 tons of cargo, which it
tenement In the main street o , .e
Place et tixOn'e own lickuse; a snirot
f ti tien. They .titil then reterneil to placed on: freight cars would ittlich a , _ ,, .
P, -
distance of more than ten miles. .v,illage, but those who want a little' Anr,.1A7/03v 14"1.'Y 0ro:nched off to Kim,
: - • 14
ir==•-•-i" _ ,:z, - • oro4itOterhave-42.11e-ee • nate-nrel-et •
' ' - - - -161`11TaraVtlit6----tbteererte-=71-OW1-13-trr.!-"'4. J' -I4I 0 er te
w_ve.," iriurivrrtge-ge. Dix ix keep*- - ' gr.e- Coun97
_ - • --- --T lvhieh--44ntls--to-ahv'Av--anYone:-j--j-tjNPI'6eUiOTXr • •
-Wherit-the Many rotore, eitirets ,r/115)rttr-in IR' t'CIL-Witeet 1111 -it" - are. - -One -et --theithinow ivl iii •ira riNgaei
° Ps- ., te`-. nuttritt regist4T _ —
----A:44P1:4154..!„.4.13141,...-_----eee----..-.,..- -0-6:460,--tir-rh - - - • --------- P`-'''''n-r-t14ki-tuATP-----stal"N"
-.-'-tritif itnrok-itliesmrt ii).--tritr-ntyrtit... '
4-4.0 ill not giving, away aey..000, of 13,1. ,„,,, ..__ 4,-.- I I- -P— -
it. is jost about:hair a eitittitY Cape C011iiiy;':ii high trielelisitti tei
since the little Dundrieft •vilinge el witich only ,it feW succelent plants
Gretna Green fell back into the na- iteually grow. • i
tree obscority out ot which 4 meet 2-.1,.3ee when 4 .r..ala_ Itoise..,weich ordy
or une ni inporargY id; happens about, once in. Awe) .
desire • to cater to the American
•crowd....ithiCk.,91.S.911r,taate their .larg*
est customer, . • .
The„ vessel has accommodation for
3,057 paseengers and a crew of 520
:Canada has received 165,000 Ilri;
tish ininegrantet in. the last nine
0-; er„,v_t Dritish i ant lu
nine years there ha* been enSixty Ameri•
per cent. of - total imudgia-
• Lion for nine years has beep English-
speaking, -40 per cent. foreign.
The British immigration of /90t
increased 8,382. over 1003, the Ane.
erican decreased 4,302.
Cost of bringing immigrants to
Ninadri, 1004; Continental, $2.121
r head; Great ti -d Stays, $4,53; general average',
The_ ...iremigration of 1904 ' was;
double that for 1002; treble that oft
181'1199e. Ilritish immigrants for 100,*1
3.128 hash— '
Foreign arrivals. 1b01. were:...:Otitl- •
7,/29; Germans, 2,985; lion.
aria.rts. 1,207; other A,uStriarts, 2,
201; 8catolinavians, 4,203; Itussdarts. Was f.o flit, acrtess the border. Ltitti At Victoria Palls Professor George
glans. 2,302. \
and Finns, 2,80(% French and ig t was no always .
erOuS stories were told of sensational formally epeno the new, bridge. and
Darwin, president or the association,
chases of broken . down vehicles of • '
The immigration. of 1901 averamel - - • the train bearing the scientists was
2 Sip per week..
OSS Or LI= .A..11D 11,014.1t,
Ono- Vitar's Disaster*" oi; -. United
-Stst,te 14ttiltoads...
Arorditig ts_t__11:guratitirni&ett
ih:stattole ItTlynoueittet;oSyt:Itels:ser6I:rtkt7i:da.:d'e4oftpi...
metre • C.oniMission„ 537 priCetigera
424 injured on the t'aliroads
%nye killed .and 10.040 injured; arid
ri r t.',•
. • &flit • .'• 0 e: on tie
'thy per ton in car lets here and $0.
for- No. 2: .
- Baled its'iratt-Unchitnged lit $6 per
ton for car lists on track here. •.
New YOrli, 11017; 14.*-44041t**S1110t.
en_ No. 2. red, Ote in• eltiyator
A 4C 0 (t1TIIiJ —,
ern Duluth, 9910 1.6.b. afloat, No.
1 ,) northern, " Menitotra, 971c f.o.b.
Ite-..opening--of-Able wee NI
oteintateed, at the Iti,t it
iceteto-day „.
do light „ 2-75 3
do 'cows 2 75 3Q0
Ittittiliers' picked t., . 4 10 4 Sir
•=to., -, 90 ` 4
',4rer '.-t.i"ti - -- - -- - is ..esert s tonN7erted into a bed 'el do light- ,..• 2 .75 ' 3 00. -•
. .:-...-7,------._m-fm--i - ,
einerging. 1,,Tp to the year 1751. flowers, so fertile is the sell. Ily ' de. hulls, .,•,......, _ .14,. 2 00 •: .2_,
there was no need for e •coePle . 4.4 sinking welle . spots . in this - desert catmers. .
tnglifili lovere te.'*hil stareperibit ea haVa been rendered prdilective by irrt- . - ..1 /5 I4'25
to -S'cotiand to get married. lever gatiob. Stockers,- choice ..,. .. 3 2r,..,.,..g so
thb cottneil of Trent. and tilost of its and the tliand mines at lititriberley
ter of Marriages had been 'growing wayoirAha aeticeit„, .,eapieet- id•
doings,-,I.onglish practIces Itt. the in -0-" wexe Visited. 'Then north to;-, Buie. 1111e0IIrtr.Y.44vtole.r.4.*:,....,.•±....._g_ 7,52 .11.1at oo.
More -and more lax and'irregular. To ittatatedee; , they - Waite through .tbe.'1Wirell co*§,. -Oitoti.ce -- 40-00 op 00
rookY. inoutitn.irsous4eitt, of .3,14apas do Oontiroit -; .-.... 28- 00. 33 00
put an end to the scrtixittl the ..niat-."
quir•04' 411 riell'I'n!'s .. i' ' ..Ceell_ lihodet In Rhodesia to the spot , 'de hi!eka ..... „,4,.... , ... _ f$,,..,9V . . ...3
EXClilIaT jE16"3 Ailti'qpiticprts ' where tee great ,ptontoter is burled. I -do cells: • - - ,. .,3 Kt' 3':'Atli•
to.ge mart ,_ if fte, cin_in a church. .1.'plie,,iy...ii.iii.oceer.,leifici, Eli iitortiert‘sh,...,,th.0 ....v.:,s'2,11.11.connt„thji."; ,.,,,pert cwt. ..... . 52 (,3.7.„ 1 i56. otio5
of ./.'„ttglanr.tandticeordia.er.„47..,to,tpe,...,"74,V ,....,-, ...‘-':'..i..,..;i„,_,".":.T ,r.1",..17-6-ix041z.19.,',1•1•1•,,_ --7-7:, z,eilli,*::,'',,,„--ty-,-.:,
r of •711"rigratiiir• if War: ' '18:' "tree4t,t7' ' b46,r.701.tfi- -.710e$1,110,filMISAI ' ' lia a a; a .. ;; 17 0
since. Ole Reformation had -repudiated n'Aie ;sew min.e's ..Toliatinesbarg' Id! 0° el i°u111 1 °. I. . . g '44 t
riage act. or 175,1 teas Passed. It re.. to the magniiicerittpar donated by Sheep, exPort,...owes . 3 s5 25
,•itialatittl revere, * Vita an a s.
Many people resented the' flew 'LAW,' /69111°41 11°114° °I)P°14tUnitY t° stud./
anti its it did not. apply :to Seotlittel;
the most obvious way to eScalie AI OVER TIM ZAAIDE,S1 FALLS.
barr cri et root( s, and - t 1 -Orr -Z3 thd firgt CrOSS- the bridge.
ot-pnrimIng-tttrittgOt 4bring ` M11-14-+1+ "Soil tit :;Arrlen, riftlit-ProreStiii
give gay /Jothdrios itt front just time Mae...Mini, "aPpcurs to me to beto a
getoT1Therosv,e.ii incen.„: b.ri,legenaininteso •tohreklritonldt_tbdiatut tivith ,rad4POs1ti.
rds- and ladies begun to be MOW& problems, which! I appear alintisiliain!
up with 6uch romances; weddingx tit surnittnntable. „
Gretna trreeti began to -he alreoet etoble:e4olit,tp_reeolefx
XV? 4-81.4 TO CUT IlElt YEA.fl.
Will . Take, Thirteen „„ pays OutA -desIrptt*telaht1-1 fl)reilt:e----b-ste.:.:-Pete
rtlail* rebore'
tayin. The new itt ItuseittWil! 11*3
_markiel by a_sliange front the,JitiLin
to the Gregorian •_, ettierider.4 T '
uSe the old . calendar,
thirtecti• t114 ootlitr
tasitionarila4- t•
eir conntritA, icenir the-,
--L -
Aeadenw or. Sciences .baa .alreadY ,
Cltis(i,frri;fthitx:011:ilinli."•,ritt8g4t,rttle.'e.eite taur,iot eight hundred thceilteettn144-1*inliXttedt17
intemitted ti?.p.Itt,:i..t to shortniftheitOs.
.44, month tvero:hy :ore tiroati$ trtiodt ,fitticA3/4vdo6totk'srni4vittottitoreatIostiitrief;., oititt,,,robrIlittst Tot thit1(.4% Itritt
liftireli.> •it. In- the new nts;
oaf at :Aiming the' e4rlivit, rtirtiwritto bet*teo tb,e: British r$07Citedhit.tri"tortrialtirehlt4tet14316:411°Ierdclegrt- :tut! t4he' - .-
worth who, lir the teUree et hiN er "X W0471(1 °
1 T14 11 cet t 3
gOnge171 injnr tdf,itt train accidents
-410498. *016" °frit tillatber of *tope:woe
ktirid'in train artiOnts
jnrmd, 7.1652. There ttnit VIZ pat-
aengeri Rilltd n oilier than train Ad*
d: 0,542; 14104* and
.irt other than
tit, and 08,374' iittorett,
al or all eitases or
let and 10,010 Itiltfred
enffie carterinarr 0 our
ei Of theiv "tittreatied siS
and had nineteen.. children,„athoig
writ zappook novellst. Then
(01.10Wid'4wirloritt intdit„ among who:n
wet& ;tiro hare, 1.11ditat ntionald
beside*many nelona ,tt
Obis and diStingillshed
The little Dorado* vilIage tnWItfh1
titw. intatoated folic rn_ad_tf:
of them with indignant, *tens
rAtfeal r4,11-6.
onvicuqu*1 art
out the count*4'.
,ot• toy .outit, *write*
„. vicar ot Gorlentott„
it. Ooole, a port ork 'the ttive
huge bri
t o
irt thi
or to ettg..
Iying, thtin.
aslY hamper
a, Ikein
gretih ticti
tfoti at. Korb') do
;re* and Steel,
• ' I'ettola
ivalkivtrotrt Ottawa -
02 wax' paid out
rim' and'
or. rude netroleitin and
it ice on lead,
It A
triA41 sttidy the*r
Lntitti(i!flI ittirroes,
ttlec..‘,%riotts star "
rottioy.t terestina:
patetrin Tokio
witich took, piaets-*