HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate., 1905-11-16, Page 1•/ or an
ther nropetty.so
tight or extban
4 and nattier. • ... • . •id
rS544400ading 410.40,,
'IR Dp).Trimrfortrurn
)4y be had for a few days as ' the quantities. ar
Ioae. (c .. iiiso.,.,
our. mlnda, ,Ntro
ea'p88,.,. it.00;.*111,, . ,bth
weetiall'bet, ealled. :upon o',, .y. by tio
ntmirwliO014.04., have tbe conductng:"
e *Ai
until tor 10000 Let. s poke up the
coati, plate* few ots under ' "
pot" ariitoret he biiil"--ft latoo oft..
he eitoe that the sibjct is allowed to
main undisclosed until * few days
riot to nomination etari or until '.the
-day itself when some one , in the AS*
inhlageshouts out a name without
regard to qualification. fit:newt or an
thing: else, ohurrith boys- 126'04
with* rueh, repentance earning vtben
their interests are only half Iooked
after, • it le not haii•fellowe that 'th•s•
town ' wants in thecouncit. It is xr0004
latlitir4FintiVvift4AP074btoftir 4030-
a good th_ing when they and to
conduct the town** business as they.
would their own, that aro- wanted.
We Make no 'mention. of the/Pressen
speak for them. Let us not allow onto
eelves to imagine- that there are only
I A slitzen moms in town .who .re
eroarev 74f7iike"iicod_ nd
:true... Let us throw aside - alt "petty
IfferenCee and see if- we can't get
oss—Sizes 4i to 8. All wool; regu1ar-250. kose; sonle.now men into the tieldnot that
t vrOok :for .15o.' a, pelt.
Ws coats—A regular $10 fancy tweed craven -
newest cut) belted back, for only $7.50.
ell0tte Wear—We have a full stock of
eF1annellette for 50e., ,-75clyt- $.1; Ladies'
wers 25 and 50c; Ladies', Corset coverw25e. and 35e.
Because they...never go back
,i_out us. We have art uobroken record
Of totielled.ifatrons. • • -
glaseeit4mpropent-fitted. to
'We liever 'Allow that to happen.
'Oh, why our -cuStOmershave goo'
isn't,dinnegfsd by worth -
those who.hrive served us in the past,
have not performed theardtictueduties
(ltd it ever car to ou, fellow rate-
- t-thejmnors
er upon these_eert._ e n are In
realityltwelvemonthsgt*tnitous labor,
in diegelse, with a superabundance '
“thanks" in the form of abuse thrown
in, and that some .6f these veterans
would gladly step its1de•an4 tee ahem
omen the ship of state for , But
are there .00t/ehiinds; Ce of other,
sons why wii7ithottittler.to get sorn
n *men ton these ,ollitestpartico
• wearyof long terviee, but are liable to
• be removed from our midst, or get in-
to positions which call them away so
that they cannot attend to the duties
that devolve upon them and we want
others to. have experience in .thette
matters. What say the'fatwayers
about getting our werthreitizere.rMe.
Jilt in -Taylor 1)60.k into- 'harness a
•-Ve Talti the s
er tit, t at o t e reeveshipt The
best interests of the town would he
• subterved and the welfare •pf the town
as far AS the reeveship is concerned
o be committed to safer or
re capit e eeping. e s
. tt .zete-potaticat-experteninv,_hAs
ve puithits-edirom ,
anions ettelvr"gcrcale'atittim,---"13- ,
Vigeral," together with *full line of
consistl of'
Vi ral, aiiiiatTA on; -
Ale tdwon, Fluid
Beef 141 tract, and also
0136 Qt, *Ito -NV le will- --served
custotoersitt any tint° for .
o. ft** notice th the "tussock= -whit* goes.,
. •attply eyerylismo itt 00.41litttiet. W. range
datetitter IL Brow*, ituottixtee.
I Ifhl'U/tatfr'ttorWifk--Irottaili41a 06;-
/It property_ st notoit.tionoty, at Lfit0p4 gotta*
nitte ll**00Locit4 JohttOlut
stit P41 00
tt. 1144
to), tebt 204,rOn. to 84141411/t" * whito
lig 11444 IWO red 16 0010 (0 tat_a
bi*Sr reWirded.
On•Oro . •
(t1? 0Wneren'*ite *me.
Eft Aint0Zati
.**iaciiinit itlitter_10
wee .
1rs Yflung af Vhigbainl -
at Mta. Peter Gowaie,-VAborne. _.- •
,• t Monday With A
carload af horses foxItiO‘Yest.L.„
r. Conant het retornedloWinni-
ter eoending.a fe*.weeks .! here.
liobt• Situdereleeves to,4341 for
arum onOntLcin aehootingeaPeilttion.
Mrs WM.: ..,wilsen, Is apentling the lat.
ter part Of thelweek visiting in Lon-
don. ,
Guenther St. John's
AVoetle irgt,I0g7her sister,ISfis. lioc•
-AitTSneefeTTO tr,":".Wit-
da vieit their son, earlieldi in
Brantford. •
loslitomSanders whit. epent the
past suwnier in--Tetrrdittc retut
Mrs. Jbippen and familY on Monde
Tett for Winnipog INIVOIWWWwitt-T0-
sid0 In future. -
huile-Heriierwatra delegate
at the Epworth League *invention in
London last week. -- •
Miss Annie :Se don and Misu Neva
tit 47, 4,
ett, of Parkhill,_ after a,
Weeksivisit with her son here, return
id to. her 'home Pn.FridaY•
losOlara. Duncan et varquhar leen
two weeks' visit to her friend, 'Mist
•of, Dashwood are visitin
'Cann, 'While little' 'Mies
visiting in Dashwood.
Mee. 'Ma*, Box and son; Kenneth,.
who have been ona'several weeks' vis-
it with frientia in Palineistett. and 'Mt.• '
Forest, returned home,Pride7. "
41104rnan. tor some time left Friday:fee
their home in Peterborough.
-Mrft. WM.-Trott bat -week' retnrned,
to her home in fleilinevilie. She was
'accompanied ‘by Me. Geo. Ifooke of
'Osborne who will visit -therefor tibias
MisaOIIie McLsughlineft Monda
nd ttora to.: !Silvio for
Winnipeg - re-we--uo ,
, will Shortly be married to a Mr. Stan,
lev•af that 'city,
'kr; nod Ur* 1),onald Melones who
haver been on an extended visit in vet.-
• , . theignethweekseturned
hoin an Friday lett:
And $1O00• '.redais rot
.6.90 clo 4.75 /
_ -----5-15V---- 0
- " '4.75 , do
Etost,Ete.1 .Etc,
25 ter 'een.coff on ien's and ply's Sults.
, Don!rt prgetOtir Bg Retiring late
It's Money to yo
It's a Savipg to: you 111 111111 111 S.
All accounts due Us mnst bo paid by Pee. istt 1905.
O. Illuett, vocal Solo, Mist-riteulith Bea-
ver; piano sole., INIO:lierb, Either. 'The
Society will meet at the home of Mr;
O.:Beaver, on Vriday;, NOV. II
Ohrietian Zwa-
er o • n 'Fa
s on
* Minnie Evelyn /ones of the Same
six care expert cattle; Brown .&
son,,tworaLtlrt't,neload h.tigeg
rarsons & Davis; car butter and .eggat
T. Elaton, IWO CO* lumber; Quarry
place. The ceremony WM m
perfored Trinottnott-In Stephen on Nov. S
I) MIN Dit300 tiagoa at the Memorial Mr. and Mie. Frank Triebner, *
.drely-1,40nolon. The -be daughter, '
charming in & towelling snit of blue - .__.,„Hattimous.
IM1.11311:188s -ASovni:nSiltavush-tis,,In ollfena:111117 Nov.
home et the bride's , pluents. The -- on _ Nov. 8, by v. Cousent, Alex. .
dainty iirea ast-was :aereed •• at -.-the ,:t ,
ulott. . .4-4000,00...0.---a , --- -- - '
9 ; ' Z I ' 0 :I' : ' 04'4 S A i
'.7. -
The bridesmaid, Mies itevell, WAS ........'--.
tied pink roes. The groom was assist- 8. htitcy.,, Medd, Mr. Win. Da to
tgroom'spendagnifttoTpetilitterlbelnedwdasiarnaoltrdsr to Z. wi4°Ohtainsitt6,-lljt:NMEsie-IAMtar&Se°-:1-11,inevitm°01ci* af
the bridesmaid a handsome peart ores- church, London, on. Nov. 8, by -Rev.
seoenniteiitpordesteonttshee,gbritheowedinsinthaocTagr-Betaiittllieree. ritniung:: M;Ent10...,hrizasopueStiAn - Zlofektevrwy• ovir_ta
scarf OM , The many costly and hand. Miss Minnie Jones, Wit'of London.
teem in which the couple are held, 14, hy itev. II D. Damn, /..lfuge.blIteetriryo
• _py young -couple- left- on the .ahn
ng-trittefrfor-a4op-to--111entrea , ,
Trill -t of S61---",.
. s II ‘;'Ven
1/14811-Failsox-In Exeter, on Nev.
1, by Rev. Godwin, Mr. , John Noksb,
of London, to Mies Mantle,. daughter
. -of Mr. and Mrs. SitranetVanson,
ew or au eau rn • in . s
many friends here extend hearty eon.
r. an re. ¶1 WzlIi. visited in
staitboifif-$4- taw
,..anynarrow mu'pre.:
or the petition. IloWever, we ',1eat,e,
it with you, but let there bereorne-,'elpit
emzbenti. ,
not only the mice we pay for liberty,-
ibgiuipt4iittoit aleimne4o the,trice we pay fornun.
Mr. nMr Wilson
rived here last week on their holier
meon_trip from nrantford_and vielted
helatter'it motheri,Mrs.Ileree • at.
e ro, ea,
yhiIe Mrs. WiIson will visirtmelor a
To. Express your Opinions on
Matters of lateresig-
ThoimbliQ Imp:team; gSta a wrong
pens to be that ;tie the duty. of .•the
newspaper Man only to de what he .
can for the good of th'e town in which
lieltiVerk vnetbe newertaper min • AS
excellent chine*: through the, . cot.
onus. of his paper to "boost or bust"
any itcherne.•be may- think -worthy or
ow, net log , an opportunitYr-The
newspaper columnit are alWays Ort00
1017the expreasloti of ideas or for
frIendly oriticiani. 'either, favitriblii'ne
adverse, upon any echeitur which is Of
intemitto a• totisixtonity. and Infer"
person, hat*. Chance f to glve An 1404
publicitythrough the papers._Editor*
thin* do net expett titentto he--alyesr.
brittglogloeth ,Ootrie bxightand brit-
. hmt-thought4- ;Do A little, ;thinking
youreelf and When you believe you
have* g thing write It.down, hand
It to the • itfor and have It publiebed.
.Don't „go on blaming the editortir not
talking londand'InnitaboutAcimithltf
whiCh you, believe -would be good ow,
Which poesibly he tuy know nOthiti
about. Soot:months', since In conver-
satkn :itWaimstneeti Matt we heard
Mw remark thatthe news
tiit4 have Utiteti pece n thie not be upt
elhtf happy pattreigante have(
- marc nivereally: the good *lathe* of auto
* our citiwiefer theirteture hap1ifleJe 'bas m
Irckei usnew4Y. end prosperity than • the 'young kit
who were united lit ittaerliige 00
, The hapey event. took
"Mapte Grote, the 11000 �f Hr.
to OA r * 0 o
not Q. tors est- Otis ys* * Ottitigtimir,
liatti**401*1-1xtatfat votry***W.•
'00ecitizeris awoke.Tueeday inornin
to lind3itek -Frog' in full possession o
• ther carthi-Me. aid Mein Thoe,
.Trevethiek spent Sunday-.. with Me.
and Mr. and Mts. rot xostii,,:imbtorne
betnvislting OonrAd Kuhn and the
Mieses Itubn tbe-pasti week, :returned
to their home in London monday,...
nVondarevening the -Centralia E
worth League 'Anted the League of ,
the Methodist chureb:bere... vett
westing . ram WAS rendered after
,whiettau4id- ustiesto,ALlimeh..
,as.- ti 0 were
guests of Mt. and lit*Ati mit Mill 00
;emelt Lawtiony_ it4,_ Is
of Sarnia is visiting Mr. and iMre. W.
Lewis. -Our bui h it all *die thie.
week.; A. big weddlnghts,taken place
/of Which more particulsrs ill follow
'aind,.:4kOther otiei .t.40L.0.4ggifieXt
week. 104 -Od been vety
busy and from *II appoietranet hits don
hisditt,Y walk -Molest*, McDonald and
Wrstr.of London Visited Ohio, vont
* few days toto tfeeko..m61.Valentine
Rati-ef Parkhlil 'wlsited her daughter,
Mra Chattire on
•_bey bare been working durin
We 1010 in wisbii
o .tbatMra
hie to say eomrtbng of lotercat wlth:
out tioettinft"*We it
**About otnetiting. •
hig About. .It to just as wick tcv the
Interestoftbemcrebaut and
,0 00 was goes at t 0 0100 0
iL-1` -
day eveniog.---Thos. fiennisey, wife
and family of ,Ltieatt wereguests of
'11,1fr.riaiik„ " ofSitoT,Tanciiictiand
niece, Mist ittrWhite, are , visiting
the forMete-brothet," WM. 'White.
Vet. Boyle,who has been in Killarney,
-111,tati.7fOrtheitestiour-nionthe -Cetera*
ea-PIT:et Sittu a eventilifs
sone- . I
na' .
Miss Hilda May, eldest daughter of •
Mrs. Rich. Beek of Ilensall. . .-
. . , , ,.
on Nov. arewell,
Swallow pf Rolmesville, to Mrs.,
IX Marquis. of Pullartont
:country,- .W.m. Tayler has jos colt, ,Tilli'mlitu."-40 stePlieo• on Nov. 0,0-
, .
plettl hie contract of loading Mr. EU' ; ' ttlfin " Mf.'-' .4" Mr*
Steil, e linnbOro lie loaded Several Oar*arli's*vndau
le,tionraetringeatmlitod..703;. Noy. 1,
lett week *blab wereehipped to ": utrlEtt_Ti
viel.•41ert wita, whOhat been with Tholitivo J. Itiffilttil* lii- hitt 20th Year. °
Thos. Willie at the • Shanirock cream, ,Dritit-In'Ciute- vine. Mich., on Nov.- 8."
erf Since April, left Monday ,for his . the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Daniel
4hmInStratfordwbertbewIl1apnd---' Oyer.ligedfirearkfi-ntentiti4„-- --
tbhye twh left yt eartir trBepeort wpiletilf„.biteeinteltitAnilriftedery: ,Ascrtom.4nwiwoaoryo...gleeit pgitonilipolvvoitrisshtit! or!' 140,4,
pleasant evening wits *WA by about , Dor-waorioitaterity of Exeunt", in her
ilfty int -UM Cdefita at theiliOnoi or Mr. ' toiti year.,
and Mee. -W. ft. Elliott,, near Pairfield, • ...__ ... . - ,
_ ,_.
't)onnyTheitriateni:ittleguladllit-ecAborcumub:lw'°J DI've'v')441:ii'llati Dt.114kh6ottilnilautgilh';tetirriOf Ettlfurt
Lienof tbe Soverelittf Bank, mOr , Icgotmr Noy, 44
ton, spent Sunday in wo. We are winiamjamiesoh, aged 83 year,
Always glad to tee Dennis. -M. KO. -
land -who-, hat been confined- -to the I's,
bout* for tome time with a -severe eoldo 010T4* -141 w000stoOlE slosPital. 00
ery to ho around agrun..(leo. Do. Nov. Albertlin P• Hodiins, wife
wife and fmilify visited fritnair . of Ambrose Smith, formerly of Ex.
in Lucan Onildtty. Ships:Inuits mede tte'r. eged29 Years, 0 months and 26
during the week; Cwtln k 1000,01.10 "Y14