Exeter Advocate., 1905-11-09, Page 2,
, UWL..LUA -
hoo i
4:10t4V.:1 "rille, r
be i3: 04144,44g:,
1fld.ir ,
Pltiol f*ciUtiei for • tittete a.
rton, •Ie n4akeb *0 jittereattng se.%
gt*tiin rtpecting tifaellitg ;with, , VIP
" n* eeptevlouS'report X 00,,
that me tradete 00404 'AV ale'
Iuwoj inthe ,tottutree, ItUt; thattelttrY'
Nits 6hintill be n t*ditig stet-,,
'Ore ,the uativ.cle goUld diepesa
.o .futse _that Imatti and whaling
i. " 01444,44 •Ketlitentte ttative c 4 '
,•o Pito'oot ofethe :inti*
, .
40 ` ,Iittr,PO, 1,
I . 41.1,,. 4! 0; ',. ,
.. tian, Tlro. 1 ,... ' Pri .01' . pciice ' ) ))4 vari . ' ;,'ze/Qtx'•otlii• it** - .e#,-,...001 ;.. 'tealpi 0
... t 'die . . st. ,I
tan ,•, t ': *-0,eVil
); t . :, biittherly-;, ''t nuttlIVe p�ifltL
14't . , A,t,kitn''. .'
, Ittuviity*k, ... st.goboliettzga,.li!:.,
1e41,;,'t41,* e.t7''g'°lC°.'W.O.er4C'Ir'c
it"i i • e*neeto tln-004 , 111iktd4i)nt t
. ien‘ln• ,tu)T40k1trthy lnektor,Artetiti.i
a that Rios *44 :40
. • ost OWn.
Pcrickonnt.ro-Onl ntolrirl,lier4arifuwiolol4
Sili'seety et', travel Mot,
eitattilh American.. ' lirstar
ear pokw „without,
lortAnt Ifatiseogo .sit640,ers.
!„,'‘. t, 6 ,Attatitio• or ,-,'.0thr,
. ,
t a. ."•`oat 'ner
landS. wbeie ,Cartadika..40.001*
6 tio,PSt,ablislied., The orgenie gee
w,hat -with title original pro-
and o 'v4'0,4 • "coPt; 10 ,very .410r, 14o0(tto ,reperti: trout plOatt.
tut itt all Abe- watere "'On the 'Veeet 0t;
.ItuelSone•lleye--. , ..•....44- (4.10Itlue' tt,',..tutaltfes-
rig 141141--reitero . . ritt IMPrOssion * _
were _taking Speckled trout Weighing'
*torestitheet--40444,hat...Ihe i.",472.,4U,.without and•
- Yfitttit.....Para. _ a - e * •
et.. Ittl0Lact (funds.. G
' -Alf.- -----)''' -
;Poo hohora is indeed A fil4 . '• fiviiitiibie.'-. t
'rli‘a: in toirversation with 'the.‘character that is toreign ' to. them.
will boii'nt rth-iigain the-alifing,
i -r116 1 lett gu-e'fiee Sept. 17,
reached Ilort
paesed through lludeen Straits and
acroia the' northern portien of itud-
son Bay to ••Fullerton, where the
winter was • *pent, '-arriving there Oct.
10. The Party on beard numbered
100,7-wase-plentifu 4.-.-
1701...,g, liglibli pSTA1314ISIXED.
Burwell 0cL. 1. The Areftle ant:oily-of Fullerton thu
heed. of- the hettee, If...be , is ,a cola- •- There are seine obvioue, materiel
ratintate and with.tite neighbore who atiVentagea • in ,the-connuent:ty*, such Std of July, alter genie •iceecutting.
4She•--:ittatted.,,tor ,Churchill. but did
'Will gather in to ;see and -talk. to the as, ,gettinir: &eras cheaper by, whole -'not; have tile power to penetrate the
strOger, he will Ileac: that 'the eon- Sale 'purchase; the evident gain. of
ice.mot, and had to -abandon the ,aZ0
stiontious -tonViet.lone,, of • the • Dottie- -working land, • elf., they det. en bloc,"
tempt to get -e in. Going north, •ane
Viliors have led •theur to, give up tho instea of In mita • p tree, • ly. ,
individual. holdings of Property; that scattered; and the possibility; it about lifty.ii 'consisting. of Major to Hudson Straits, a, good_ ..herbor.
the , suet:woes earnings of all Itteuk- gives theth; as. it temittUnity, of Moodie)" his wite.and hie on. who was found forty ranee to the woet, ot
leoboee uho are not wanted fOr the intyig expensive tarn% machinery. acted as 5ecreta4, 1.011 members .tif gate,- Weetenhoheo., ..:: it wfxs, rallga,
4.11, ,,m, work, , amounting to, perhq,pp.,, which an individuals they could not the lb:muted isnlito force; tkrid 'tun; Prolontaine Harbor, in -honor of the
•-it, hundred thousand ' doitars. in 'all, .afford. On the moral ewe- the. Ad, grew of tho , Arctic, 'under Sailing
.are.. plated in. the common •treasitry;. YalltalieS are not. fp obviniistm„,„,muil Master Captain, Bernier.. 'The inepore
at homes._ coWS. and ‘in eome..Vil- comntenity tendst to foster .dieekon. hint ineidentS or the whiter Were the
..cominton Ito will, tearne
nnt that the central fund is con.,
trolled ' expbntletl for 'the. Om -
*unity' by Verigin, the leader, and
conimittee of three,. Who". buy "all
"lathing .materials • and some food-
-stuffs whelesabe in the east, or • in
• •. Wienipeg: and: that the' village imp-
ate-itept_in......,,one_place in the
410.141.0,Yte.. -Ire71031170.6-4ild
there is
NO: ONE greater. authetity') than •the,
is simply their epokesimeir. Are they
not 7411 bt-others„ and do theynot
roeigutz „
thatee„AS,. 004? ----- _
ellitt if he is • mere than 'a easuat
4leitor„, If he lives among them, and
tea ti5 •knoWthem Well Ile. ,witt
sloon iearre'that Atte reverse of, the
016101.dt very dillerent'1ha tont-
"tniity Is held together mainly by
1Tri�n Influence,. This iniluenCeis
., ,
ntriVO of A messenger •fronta Nor -
111 , . .
iichcc on a marrii-Tild'ependenr*-of- , „ ,,,
judgment. -• Ineitividnalist . Doukh eeand ante tue eitisPat' n of 0, party
hors have, as ' a rule, greater cone,. with mail down: the western shore Of
dence in .titetaselves, and more :Rods9n DIY to -Vert Chuechill,
"backlinttre.54 • II„APID TRAVELIANG, -
•One eanuot't-but betve 1-tietrong re- 13efore this it ,fmrtir had been sent
Minister of Maria*, and the promone
tory which protects it was chrletett-
ed Cape Laurier, The harbor, ate.
cording_o the natives, opens earl
atito any time. A Police depot was, when she was About four miles di
esta.hlfshed them and Itrefontaine tant from the- lightaltip, h� heata
Ilaybor will hertoeforward be one of shrOugh the :telephone the signal
tho Dominion's northern .outprists... "66." This consists of six strokes
The harbor- abounds Vith salmonof, the belt a, patise and then els
UDSON STRAITS, OPEN IN ,,RILY more strokes ef the hell, which is the
:Nantucket lightship code Al,
about the same distance . from Vire
and light and from Sandy Book
. .be-
tween aRproaching ships is evident;
olderts ti,to 0.;.tititt Sec,- tor,
white. with l's*t 7,Ovig. •
olitaido Potottg. ,0004so. le,'In
: pit 70e, spring 14010'7
„ .
it ot At" P�
tori•tolus note ,4,410 : -to • lerkre. o
LIIt ity „
'at oft
jacatettlity.. The,
014,1$“00041,t7 •is.,t0`klor-touit
40•141t.' litr,tettute: it-
ir, and
ItieVitte Olaf Veneto:sly' '10461*
eVi4.7,e4t *high; *.k• ienCtt • *and' invent,.
ttitn have placed: at the Seiv6"(if,th*
nitvigator..'ter,,•guideeldoieine, • a
P,Ortlents pbaties• of his duty,
_t 4
1 to-affiteletits atee-Vphr- tit
81%10. increase that ite has made" in
safety of travel on the sea. GO4
receiver' Is -placed on each side of the
ship, with separate wires. front each,
end by the Use of telinitiones, the
cer is able to hear a bell that :lir et.
Aritt struck at a point. many mile*.
listant from qui ship, .and .deternitne
.its direction, The. onkel; of the
Kaiser Wilhelm :der Grosse statot
that. on the last trip over, when the
ship wall, four- miles distant front tho
mouth of the itiVer Weser he plainly
I elle out the eignats conveyed.from
tho lightship there. . _Furthermore,
LIP M")....
.and att.ection for . *a. IlvlSundre4-uttle trip upam
At the end • of .his second .trip to
anumg the 'Doukhobor's. and • a, -ilion .Irilet to Detest leake, to • th•e
Iludson Day, edict* hag observed.
strong feeting2that -thelSirtties which. west -of Fullerton, to let the natives
Etkillitr*In0.4t:-VmlytAkkefry-7,7 oenv nit-thet----thL—ArchaeLt, ' vett the ----. winter-eitztesutie•
honeety-;4-elemilineserejobrietWeritte.: Jutd..,Atr-...Z4-teetittln" t.°—.-.,•-L—bri"t.,, in--- nter-rodi .:_aft-th-b-c-tiY--•ii
tavite'thelr-intluenter-pee-eutronfor. lueike_end deer_.eltina !qr. the winTer s-to-tn6"--frasthilitl-•-ofe'netetigailime
and ime cannot:but, Tong 'earnestly alotbing. faith- t 1'4; Witaltriide -by Vivin--Inr•tworireat-el---esPerienee. 1
di letne and a say that there .should be no danger
. A. 0.
eoveeredInterpreter._theve hundred
stilimaktath.oetry nithaYe.naatrronowienlig*taitutenhm,. rka.tive.. .calo ,,stottie.,,, The dogs to any Well -engined stealer
el er--in coining into liudeon Straits
vein ; • , .
tuba - claaairid.
$,<1.49 •
!pateatte,•.and `f?
for :041V.•••
$13 per ',ton, outside), •
shorts $0.50 •zo
and eqn,a1- obitt
a riner7.giltis
are report -ed 34,0 west.
1,140,14* -•4$04 to 01c, No, 2, 48e to
t0e. for No. 3 extra and 450 for ,
•3 at outside pointii.
Peas=720- to173c outside,
1tye-,-Inrin at 66c to 67c outslde.
, IhIckwheittr4.50 to "40c at otitetle •
Corn -New American torn !pee .
'offering e,t 60c Torol to freights
Oats -$5.0 for barrels on
track here, and $4.80 in bags; 9t.
more for broken lots here and 400,1
outside. •
heir .0W :1114'thali' '1Ci';141-. tintlidritL: ,•:The that W-as--abo Migla:-he-dela.1*-Sesinew-hat_hy.4ee_41
No Vectple treat Aliens More
intelligence tor decisions. and learn the wind had been eontinuous from,
Ian- -
the -.Worst season of 'the' year for
• avell; 41181-ther
losons ef truthfulnessof generose agined. front the, fact that "ScottieanYhatthg • 0 _
ay, and helpfulness, which .theY' ono of. the hiet nativeses 0a the - •re -e Pregutling Ande.hav
, ;
greetly 'need and most of all that played otai -Awl. tstop was laid, . up been, and last year is but little guide
in learn that money is not from the tinie of his return until to' this. In my opinion, arid that of
one or the. ""best `gills'," but that, about the meddle et May. This .354,in good men -With- :who* I have con-•
. . ot suttee the south tide. of the, straits
in Ineit$ tenses than one, "the life,is hue the reputation .0t• hem
• Just,' now the chief associations in
„the public,: * 010
11.1toep of death, Jaitureimetchy and
hopeless ,misery. it Is. good to have
it pleasanter vision brought betare
more then Meat.1".'
'the hes.t.traVellern.00 thg ht0401•• so. steamers coming in. Poi- .oneie, .glimpses of the gentler -
hatrehillAakreturn. was a ill -mere --P • 7. ,
severe4es was me. : n
tmorsitee commend otlf Mr. A. D.. Moodie," who
'coast." The trip Ot, 101 0 miles td. Alps- the north side .10 gener. ido 01 the Russian peasant. A
ly. on ,sereetliing Muth
•"'disclattne any .sPeeitil authority.' over
the Doultholtors„vehile Alte truth is,
Oat" Uie i„f9irergigAtiy he. otereises
•• over thou l ,letraost an absoluto
that:of-the. Vzttr_._,pvex his subjects
Many .01, ,the Detikhobors dot certuin-
believe Ireriglieeto Pan'OthIng
_more "than hirnan, -This,,siarieretto
eet ;In the tvonten.: with whom Veri-
Ont's Ptitcr; Mainly lies,. It deters
"rettnir a inart, from •leeiVieg-the cote-
V' -r1 contitutral, wi 11
return tit her owir home. e no
trot, ar three cases w ere
already taken place, and has
theotight iotiat trouble IntO 'prevle-u-se•
circles..... ,
would it 1101. -tof•luive,itItdIed lit
Vain, the past history of his.. seat.
Alanatia Were, ahnteet.,entirely merit -
hers ot that. Partk'xiltieltriii-RtneTta,
It 'wilt be remembered by-Ahose Who
have read"; anything of the lettitory of
the lainukhohorie 'that ein the ' death
. of the hist -leader •-there-wes- -g-etat.'
division • among-. thir Dotikhobers on
• ;the question of headship. *The party
who &Titled in ftivor -of Peter \Peri-
-, giit.-,c.-unc- to Canada "tillattlte *11116
, main :in Abe Tratte-CaticieSti•e. Only
..of this latter party ea u
sfIrnrt1 Lbd thee('
-dividualiSts front the beginning. llot
„tliCiiiiinher of Jodividuallste s stew.:
increasing.in most of the Cotten.
• t6e4ede by a Z*ixLer. terpreter Pord-.--end three natives. -
• *visitor wit° cressii-the border Illres daY0' travelling. at the rate Scottish. Doctor Says They Have- cant how a low to the ground be -
•In the .of Christ.**
S? 'Universal' etitnent makes it
o-lt-frn--4 • t oner-wwitye ten
0f from thirtz-five to forty miles a • licit'Iteduced. Dea.th. Itate. . . tore a house and rafirraurs, Vor
ti ish d thenatives. and 4heY • Christ's Sake.1.* llowever meager the
*13/1 -Eee''' 'the 11°uE'e:!.e,w14°".• • te-e,Ye te. hael* t lonlierton, • 'Iryhile. It°nrad• Ittitcfiel '61 Thiedee' store of that household, .sometbing
• ".gOod o'td daye, 'the •-.4eiretne:' Grene --s en 'acontinued, view Scotland, lately mediCalesuperintende
f bestowed :Upon the beglear, al-
blaCks,mith• watt :wont to per:ono a'll.t11:0611ve_21347v..s.."",,The, •difittaw ,co.evrel eat of the S:idlav!. fi,anatorium,_ Pr ways,. s
convenient marriage. terericany for , 4 „„• lila, talker .the_ treatment of consemptiveS, ith the re ponce ;*For
tt to itVoitt TvAsTrir trfp-, areif eatiato.rliv, for-thtt, P00411 Nrettsriei3O.4,+-1•-• ker`-- „oh- ban Ice,
de- Cli V' Shke • '
stern parents by wedded •aceording to • 1 •eed eh 'a,8 at present ;0:Inducted -in 1, , .
• by all of the natives that v sl e bin wbere stale bread Is putt,' and
have•auspected that the cuetorn ..tviest• 1,!..rxeet- --- • t•are simply a, trttgical farce."
.Scottisli law. rew„ hovetver; would „ t bli hed • d
ittorei whith the needy are -Invited to-
te and has es- a s recor
. • -
. Yet• Inquiries • prove ceklueively
• . • y
the same elrettmetanves ne'a. hundred
;years -.• ,P
. The "priest!' ot. Gretna Green to.
_ eY.,-10,11
be -*----*-4oinen-but'4atterl4
retired- from, fits' •14erk and .1n.--0--takett
of Milting lover* in wedioek. Ilitt
ferior to that .they have WW1 •,wheree may he realizetl when it le known'a.ater 1 eVC le, r et.
frotuberculosis is at the preseitt .
their beitelltA„,sorteetet„...chatit
ever they have gone." • • . that,. the anrrual loss to tlte -nittlort "en' are Hilmar,. Poor ttUstodan tarot -
lies who are too Proud to 'beg; ' tor
practieed. A tar: on. the wile -
The trip dowtilItidsou 'Bay killed lien pounds. Merely to relieve pau- is
46",,,,Eapress 4:110('L'dotol4ie• cwt.:It:14ns; :":..r4C1r.NoCh.orn:i:itsie
IfiX--0i---ttier,t)-sventy-fpur.-::,..-clogs to_tAiberculosis
thirtyeorie dit1M.• journey 'required was 004 areinaily ee. ; ,rs6n to
r---IIolda about. steady. .
CreitaverY. 28e
do solids ..........21e 21tet
Dein. lb. good, to
• choice ...- 203o
' medium ... , 18e
do tubs, ,go0d to eiojee I.?* 341c.
do inferior ......15c 160'
CheeSe--4-121e to 1210 per poun(1#
ul Fat--eltickons-ettee-thinelle• -see
it 7c, at -hens 7c, -thin Be to -0c,
duries 90 to 10e, thin 7e to Se, tur.".
keYs 14e to ific, geese 8C to k.
-itt-*00c 10c-fee-Outario stock, per bag on track aod 78c, ,800
• swiele. 85e et •
bag on track and 40e out stora.•
• lialed Iltev-Prices quoted s4ady
'$8.50 per.ton for NO'. 1 timothy la
car lots on tracke here, tutd $0 tore-,
No. 2.
Baled Straw -Car lots on track ,
hero' aro quoted at $0. per tool
141AltXE.*iiS. •
are inereating-.*and a. somewhat ea*.
ter feeling has develapedin the mare
were Matiii-Ott-ya-w-h-etatnihf Aria4,0941:433' Jos-
AtOtni--13140.,.."„ trivetung,,ingiosaible._ peArifiALAhe*-1.4arkt awes thatt 1":141"rOrsit**1)1s(!"`f-brestria- --
4 No. people treat aliens more kihdl
There ..weefe . other days. when- the there are tareot nritairi t. te, th_e•-wiri'doeN- •I`•
wittocreing ortrit e mar orkd .dogee.played out on the tor et ' the
tar 't....L_Churchill_itt_frigilt._theYIaSt ine_yettee ear
btaril,„ and a stoopfire7.weak-; lett, hiltie-arideewitleethe. hu
*awl, about 1,000 sanatorium beds -for
beim- theretorer,
, J. 3.t. iBarrio or Tim goilareo: . down An mike( at--irthe-ive s, Tet.r..-._
can be treated; end there Ore, A
n ITI0V0. The last few daIrs • e •
"Ay. theta was a.merriage yest•Vre filsing-A.------------- . . patients treated were curedr,the.
day.' he xeptied„to rat. inquiry. One tile Inch shared the raw deo meat of death -rate from consumption would
at-the-losek eame_fra' Ifaxwelltown."•*
.. _ thy, dogs. Mr. Moodie says that it Is be lowered' by about 1.4 per cent. As-
rrrnt le-when--froten- .-144-ten---daya` . .,_ _____.,
"Ifavii ,I.L'oli:had 'natty couples IieraV .Pal- -------'-- - - --- '- ' • a•--rnatter-71-1-o - tett, WA ve'ver-i3nTlY'''
was the next, tpiestion. - , . ... rest and a (re:11..76-61411y of dogs en- -,_ .
",Ay, it few," Acknowledged Pets-. metay,,threo oe,mie major ...kboodie.
° aided the return trip to be -Made in E"'" ---
in percentage of the patients
. tie -eXplained that the toupies simply. treated are cured. Therefore the
..vg_tizt. _fitatia;_ior.,•._..t cpyl 4 hot ,he. eleeoutd. itof egelee . un- _roneh-vaunted sanatorium crusade-.
'which INiets 4zoing. to stamp. oat -441i -
:and departed- as toori''as- - ihls tette llertaks-the'reslmssibflitY-°1 -44stlding -
- men •on suelt trip-*---unIess- detach- 61`Z`6101T14-littrtIlY-7a-frido::-thi
The joitter-p•arsene-was--ettefut Y -to -MOO °I! st9rP11-91-15" 1"1" 1)-1"4 rat64.
Pant out that_one of the parties fs ]east at -tWo -point*: *----It.--niaY‘.4itt---)SX:he-ar-Ahet-stonte,
.talpposed "to have been -resident. .0thembie the risk to • life is too •torioni .zyttein in Einetand is only
Re intaney, but, itr. Maelle forte
'tattling this fobjeetien, ehows that
8eotlitiartor '6411'1y -one .days before Vest*"
-ite4:4016ne‘QP14iik.rie4t.lace...--iltit-ersk‘td • 80166 goer) 'travelling was by
how he atesuredltimself 4114 this' Point, .11".„•*118
• .. niterton, on.1,fareh 16, bear
ter' from apte -e
A Ctptieji.s
- that a limit's belief in communism
'end his belief Verigin teem to Go
'lianti in. hand. Directly one goes,
lhe other also disappear/4'. , 1Wheit a,
-,''.0tan leaves . tier community, !to is.
• ready tit Weenie untbralizett, to
work MS oWit hoinestead hi* 40-
iltirdance Witirthe'ficii1WWret:014.7-7
tious. and to keep thitelaws with re.
oard to th4 registration. of births
rani deaths; (concerning niterriagee• 1*.
fifll!Ut Speak IfrOttiefieritonatT.lemiwe.
t body rts Yet, and thtt, Douldiee
bore ItieVe idways been .1eSs• ready tO
mister theSti 'then births- And
deaths). 'three years...ago the Poo.-
11)011 *1it1u'T.:4-1t4vOrtirstiiitintero-
___sentioit. in this ,direetiote; but -i1uco
PIU 1(11 11.
Ithroe Nwe:wr ('IglehtlioeuNgPitehtlon
Performed sornetiMeA, In his own Ilona° to locate the magnetic polo, too -
mad morotba ,iot-ia the local pethiite tabling- it reeitiest for ten geed dogs
house (the -Witten** tread), mid that arid tne forwarding. .of a report to
he-te willing to enetey.coopem oil the Norwegian Coneul. na,!or Mood -
le was unable 'to •supply the dogs
hours. ,
One of the villagers asked , hire:telt. as hie were en the.kway ter
der a Test. ideal
husinessli e ar.t1 Aide way, the
sanatoria.. for ..the Poor have not
e been an unqualified suttees.
*there are now in Germany marc -
than 'seventy- sanatoria, capable of
treating 30,600 persons in the tonrsd \
of 'a Volt.' Tho• Oernien Imperial
•ItealtitiOftlett investigated the after
hlistery-orlr,1-47-ii"irRiEf --pit1lentir-0
tthese itaiiitterfit; itifitli"="11-16 ',"Rillowitlic
• remarkable results:-
o 0f each TOO ettees disinliesedeent.be.
ing wholly or pertly ,able to Work,
41042-4titt•tient,..f.srerec,able. to work
lour years later, while of tath: 10
cases dismiooed as being wholly or
partly tumble to. ;work, 18;27 were
able to Worl1/4 four .years later.
"Van •-trelitment be of much 'value,
r Moodie that it ahl,P. the 6126 .011 Dr„, Motile ash*, *),where ASO Manyof
tie .-.,itittie- :tiVeltf-4(0.-•14gtit-..--:thra it- • •.- tietitireti- itanvitin-......Strid •
.,,h • terfleld Iota to Daher los, , work au , .
for No. 2 white. 88e to 881p for No,
3 white, and 36cto847.1c for No. 4.
titieltwlitet is now in fairly good''de-
mand a,t 1$71cc per hushel ex -store., ;-
Peas are firm at 78to afloat, and .
"Manitoba barley is steady, at 48e for •
No 3 and 404c for -Noe 4, ex -track;
Wheat " pa-
tents, 45; strong *4.60;
winter wheat, .patents $4.25 to $1,
; 13 ratro ers, ; 111 at,
$1 ' $1.00; °strait, $IAS. to
tone_thitarier. bran, in bulk, $14.50C•
to $15.50; tiliorts, *20 to $20.50;
•' Illee-$21-to $12444._straig1t .
$251 to $27 per ton.
, -0--$2i-Sttee
bag. - •
crornmeo-e$I.45, to bag -
No $8.50 to, $9. NO.
hiligirghtehrt: a4tnI. at'rrlieirt13::.1I)S411Y01 :err** -1:11:t1."1. tt()::-"aluid S6 'Pttr t°'11
an 0 0 A
car Iota.
gistet;_but, he, refused. 'The details _of Itr°i6 Illre-1441"--4* (7111ittdirtlbwet‘
tbs cerebinny• irtfuite to1-14t-titt"5- Winding- Sehr".1.P
Private," but be*Inthnated that he 'er vret, width wintered at, Fullerton
usually called in two ;villager% * 0htititied five others, 'ter whith h
Witneeett. What lui tharod for per.
latitft-but-eigaiiicantly observed, that
*tune i'af. the confiles ;were "awfe
hard up.." '
Would Melee no elotrge; This reptailit
seems ; to: hen' 1W% it pretty good -
sort, forhelent his carpenter to aid
In thee ,erection.of-haldings at
ton. -
''',•native* *lid "others informed
Itb arriVal of er tint •
has itletiost eased :ante
'Ebeeiriet Point noW. ltfue
(*eon 'tlat IhnildObora and the Can* -
ernent • is the iwitiaa: at ,
la* With 're.
. gard to theitoldirktpot land Proldils
• that., atter 1111(0 years' fulttlitient of
alitiona-of-letkotenke Art
hthnr -- on- ' titt ",lkunek-A-. and -Matt
, .
tttetd•.‘if Cill
o*1r of
4 ' 1
di 4 to
ett ;Ace f ,
C., t451 tblit nettle
ell'i rint'e ' Put 'ielecie
„ i . et, tliete 110 ne etteng
, npw lb* refamoe , , iii,,,AM,er
it IliliqiiittitrY.10 I 4tic
O ' Iftwee to 1e••••4'0
dPI APte'e fhly Vtile. , 4 1
Ttirkish...prixonetse..the mujiks offered
bread and coppers. and. even took
them. to their village homes is hired
greatly perplexed ,.as to whether it
was stilowable to share their meals
with. frifidele, but their' pity conquer-
preja heti, 41)4 it--treettMU
n. scnn-
non sight to We representatives, of
twa Velligerenr littioter rating. *tut-
aby-at--11***Ma-tabla.. _
itivrAt. PAT on cuttiszn.
tal Marks
rloct'ir tV it ort len , g..atie3 Ont n re
started e. truterIe witli-Tthe WIWI. 'of to te-westweirdior Ittidson
, hanalinase,.. and stth. It oeted *.thltt will, be taken *creme
Stittitin platethe ",..'lletneetith*se 01 (0 lotabligh connection *it
Whitlt l*".tho (l
the iteltitete Utlitiootort byt, way of - Great Sia!it
lOn• • 6 1.1(''.0 s a' nit thit. Athabaska
the had native* inforMed Major Noodle tit*
*liter ,s, re are foreed to lho
onclOsion, that 20 pci'- rent. al cures
h t tha h1ght04' *wt. zatiottorigt On
6 their Orteetit intedit (erdese In it1Pin6
• glitrukteq) ten- Attain; and 'that lit.
tteigiuket *or p6froatitgo tall pro,
ittNet be roschtit,'
M. S. ',$atal„, the most power-
ful and the heaVlest armed trnber
ever 1)1111 t, Walt successfully latinch,cti
recently at Messrs. Vickers, Sons &
Masilien yard at IlarroW. It. is pro-
-1001e that is the last eit
the criiisers,
- Atter-- Ifni. tereinetity Mt. Albert
mating -armor ,roid -ton. •plaWtte.y. itt
.Moderti autos the' tingle/4 tetine.now
prattlertily.: teat ,bettleshift, and
*1J1(flIId be ret404.01-1/Y: thOittitYPC,,r.------
70bri christening corenniiny was per.
tormeil ,by tlick Duchess of Devon --
'Shire, and as lier Grate pulled the
tiny lc*r 'which' released.the cables,
the Splmtdia Vessel, weighing; 1,400
ono, in .6w.O. the slit* lintt took
th lit ea:ally-and- it*,, tactful.
ott cars. reseeet hop are quoted AV
48.78 to $9 per hundred. Smoked
meats .and lard are fairly active.
trulkeye..sell./or Ile AO .16.el' 0000°1'4
10e to 12c; fowl, Oo to lic: geosz,,
Oic to 10c. and ducks, 12c to 13c,
Eggs -Straight stock, 18c to 1.0e-
te. 1 candied, 18c to 181c,
nutter.-Cooleest creamery, 221e to
220- utideregradeec.:21e-to...22q-diftit.1.,"._
at ihe to 2(k.,
-theme-Ontario; "
Quebec, 11c- to Alit.
Ikheat-:-Spring titnir 1111.0. 1 northern,
load*, 04; winter, nominal. COritElte
fisto. Ottts-ZtradY: No.' 2
white, 850; No. 2 mixed, 8344.,
lex...Western, cll., ,lry to bate, Itra
No. 2, 740. Canal ireiglitee-13.teady.
1134 VOItit 11411X10.
isreiv Yorke. Nov,. .7....Wileat-tpot
weak; No. .2 red, -911-tc- elevator sulkt-C
114k -.trete albeit; Noe.-1.--northero
•letth...90 f.o.b. afloat; No.. 11104* -
then, Jrranitoba, lo b. afloat., "
Toronto, ,Notr., 7..1•1`estvy iIc.IlVerf '3
af ottliii$trat eatt1.6-2,,stro,
:the ,weitern; Market • to -day, and
• trade, Wits torreeperidinglY
rilttfritr* ate bitty v166.1111%, out. thc'ir
eattpetlittotte stet* laden" the Win
Sets in. alitt-iti teats wherchtlf6
i$ Wei*: 'of '
iket was thent'its
rot** - (h''reettre and.,,,,:tt iti`i-; the Weat Ot ttaker Litios-piiroidte4
ahalthit: hands tha.0*!ntierohea .eita ttraber,cas larkts as twitytiset iii (lip.",
onve,tettil froter..cotte rsen to tootle. .ster.,:Weve to tyos fotiud.
-ill- 11,0„0,,
i I , I ii,b1
ith 'cii. 'I
f hand on -
Cie fori6tit • 7,10:4ciTy tt
;in iii.;!,/ VI
t ar; 1- ---
us, £35,300, *int
onshirc's, t. the
thitt telottY' "irtt$
„ thtf (-tar-to
support. ot 06:
tor thepro-
r. ' 2.1.•
60o, •
xst 10 rrcogn1
coat1ibut6 to
ltoyat Nairg* *hit
rtat only' OWII
hifldc, but tiffey portio*,
tot e.um n z #
lrC detrinient to ,rapid
tile tales. tluotaiciforis.follOwFi
cattle, clictice"$,LOW
iudium ,,,
6.414. 7 •
L1O *O
Ito ' t of
* tii conp to iiall.,*
10,1/04; at ktli1 11aq li.
6 104341 Olney t 4, 1St
It IC ' It . ro,t
' 'S•• ' 6 , 7.
ad. this_
at- Mlle- or
Ix t*kn tou
elbnwed to
1 141(41 part 0(7 the ,
'etritorit' *
ould, b thinks, htteOni
Fe14 t ter T t13
o 'be tb* pit
nese family 0 Zio
uty i*1nt*zed
*bout tWtnty