HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate., 1905-11-02, Page 7ZportviC
Good ClotilyL
!WOO .rert,onliiteril.
of NI tottuees, that,"tver
0, where' he riin Ale iitr
'rph of himself he look
OL ..-. so,
pto 'Os 'their weai
on ani "TIw .act j*,
g od clothes • give a 0100 4004'-
40Crazul 1lrert, N.Th I bad in hintselt and.'eo brp-hint
•appetitt,.for ,my-tpoils e]op hin 0W0 strength;, --:Ther help
itor,uvi Workr-rny eternal* eaU5od inc 't to Mahn hito tcel that ho is tut gond.
Iconetent (Ostrom, end everything 1i.us auybudy, wfitcli, in 41,. great 110,4it
• _OA lay like leed on my cheat. A-tiThCy help to make hixti not afrai4
"Irbixo I telt rof life aIturden, I was -and they 'also tend, in every; healthy:
'always doctoring,' but It did mernetIminded maxitowoke, him, feel thet
'go* TWA a littio book 'pante into,tm moult koep his cold up autoing,his
letY hands, and X reed that Br. 1 reniWv,a, tho bo zootit 1:40;6 goott
wilitmute, Rink Pills would 'curei4d11.4: Just us- sluk
estion. X go them and b n, mit) oI hle fel)own grid nby or sloth-
ful in the exercise of itle'• we abill-
ties* • end iOatent. • 'With the'Oath
which, with hia elothee.he natural.
g 'there. aad 1e,Vori found
-?-he1040 Um* itY ePretittt began
*olptalre, axed tny food to dit
14,004 04,0111P .10 * .con,
•:months ittort:1 was we'll;t:ow
'ways ready tor my meals and
_ttd1kiltio ‘.
0;uervnutogis- „WentY. $eii.a• age*,
4. Jceep 0-111111 tite-ihoyee'-et
lirne, and '1 beceskinallr take a fevi wore 'good dothes, trlm garinent�
precaution. - I' ceii, boo ,Ittultleatt Mon and pofoC!ly
ice to use thb reed etit Shift*. Itoraelydetails
ati.I am our* $t will -cure them but the pleture,eciree.34104 euddertly,
it..0141_02e.."."' • brought to • me •for. 'the first 'time:
• Give Dr. rinIc Pins,: fair strildrOy the differome v7t06111,
irial sAlla they _will yon, batireen that time and title; new
aue0-. tX.41"...4.44WA ..01..t:LAP*en.....1P414-11,ernr.4t41: •1#114,1W,::
bleed that disease espy,. t but Still approethieg-Aci:--umwaugra,
tlrnt you kit the Onione pilis, wlth -a-wiring- abroad now 'garments' 'in
*he- AA -410-rao "Dr*, Willielefe Plnk Which X then Would never have
,-14,010.11--oo theteran. .and--coutent-
Petefoubri every • box. You can get end -here is the dreadful trouble ••-•,-
.thent,froto,.,yiter medieine dealer -or by fa --
. gra-or oix xes -Tor we do not 'Tr -dim thFaeidars
for $0,150 by Writing -the Dr. Williams
uolLt by which we descend; we don't,
AfedieinteSaus,„ Brockville Ont.
1i4erwe are satiefied with oureelves
PEABL IN 'THIS TOOTS. at we are., And we may have con-
stant friends Upon whom, as ;upon
Successful Trick Played on a ourselves, tho change in us has come
. ,Par* Dentist ; gradually, who • May give -little
' 4viictriation' of the *art in the thought to it, . flirt even they do
. artir• 1.04,k boil been rogoossfuoy imensibly realize ft, and it has it0
ed ona prominent dentist of Paris. erect upon them, You maY be sure;
men Who eei,t_l a hard eubetance while _upon the etranger-highly
, le
f.rrily fixed in your roind-upon the
etranger the intpression you produce
'is. of What you are,/ to -day. 110
.thiellt‘ft.knorr *hat- you once were
how could liet.*-110 atniesses. you for
1014 You otilltiPTtt.be to him.
he weeltita be /at Wrong.
. ist good '12isein to wear 01.
OW:duo eat
aye tailed an .film. The .
teals _extracted the substreace, and
found it • to: be a 'large pearl. :The,
4,0,4t then derterod that. he had'
his 'putt* at home; and 4eilgtd
the. ricotta*. to accept the pearl. AS
hie feo. ' •
-talce--eo • valuable-. 'I' and ve-
the- men $10 for it. _When -the' ellen
bad tripne he disioiered- tiat the,
A II on the teem eon.
lewd that he bad played the same
trick tight time succeeatully that
.welf-baby, is never a cross
When belty.erits or is fretful,
ing, the ifrayit con- to
trti' itanwthiree1.
mo derangement at the
r 'bowelsor perhaps the
had a 1000010g. They Weis
100 01 their OW,000. 30 0, word, they
,wero ettlifioute,o, Jike "Skinny," or
'Bhorty,' or "Pud." • . •
'..-,-PeeLle....a_ournatee that rillowe' the
original Peel , to have 'been bul
Oreits nteaup fat -Vote the French
Au Oliphant nhouid be a (Ammer
and- unwieldy person, • This el -trauma'
WAS. "210301:414014"--04010-011S-
The -rarkers were keel -We oi noltle-
reentarkit-Mte,,Wiirmers were wOr-
era prepared -bark for tarning..
Bell meant handsome.' 'Cameron
meant crook -nose. Curtis ineent Po'
lite. And rorster Meant a forester;,
Ne.Pler. a •serVan.t in charge of the
table linen; \Palmer" a pilgrim; Wain..
;Iwright, a waggon builder; 'Wallera
wall butlder; Webster, . • a weaver;
Wright,. a carpenteri
riblo r
._, 4„
url)qr "rth
he unable. tto work..
tenexiory of a n ott do n t
consist -fit the latent of jt e dol I
in :the fertilitlt,pf the
ut fva,toro,, bat ra.thbfer In the
mOrai '41041 Intel:1°4W s eminence.
don't icuoir anyone. to "..slifteholi fl an 7.1f;,,dr Or • Mace
hush nil; hitt-lextto or.' wk. hal/6- '06041,„
oortie4rciuttet0,0.. 141-0. oge-ertsi:47,,M:17 00an
040 2p41 1;
ettiriltrie. lbw aro not sewed on pro'.. suit*po
PclortYlist,70 lea. t it, 1141's
about bis • ,•.
Stebb.****It 1i remarkable' hw
pedlar claimed his remedy . wo
- -
about tto- eIt 'weuld pure
ham. 'and X set WOO' on_ hitri.**
wily !to limping and witiefeuebout-
tootrio,we err, yelten 4_23 cent buttlo at
04ciOt elkiiia4Vt?r: Zougu ;arta
regvot .
VreryoUs Yeah (to .chavoting
who 'his beettrying to oct him at
•bie• • case-).‘"Ite, lie 1 al yo-*-er--
, • r". TA-areasr .'etectrle •
...impure with* rein ,coteitet-
'rnt2e- tot ef els ,,•-*Stfee210,1
bkpded re eutet
are 'conreettetee,..le see- ‘'
the treatment •
.0 end all today
Otorge---"Itotnen ate still pushtng
their iettY_ into all the industries.
44011,-*"Thatla- ete 7;1"' INAVOAUXit'bem,
-dierhySed to 'Make -
man. "Yen, have/ Weill welit
What aro you going to no*?" "41
Autir4114F., 44, inarr.y the winnan.1".
* Cure etrikes-tee root of
t and •.0tri.ken- it attiek.'
• et., for tweo years a great euecre
from reflultttiNto, couldn't • wash him -
see, kaki himself or tiros hireeelf. -Atte**
Warm fit1C 191CittittX Wfl8 abia to go to
and veyr “I thin 6 pain. bee
lett me forever. 'o• 20
"Why does 'Amelia hate Charlie:
tri," • "Why, When he told lain aho
could neVer learn -to love,hint, he in.
VitOtera- and *Iv IctitYlnkItt efirttgaintSI
itrit• es quick In thee talon -that tko
cold hand ot -death 1,o •-
efop the, Ora SWIM* t ItotUtite• te
beak If attacked' do not deity in et-
roper • acedittne.' ono
t�- wltb woat ej-XiW talt1dit.7
*Sr Ian to, *Coot
"It is "true; arid I think I'll have
to jet
removed,and cured by
• • Table -ea n*1 badriill#101
!act • there'll a venue IA
1. '3t.zA: Very "AdailleZ.
0400111. WOW
Own %Olga op good
file of little oere that- ;
i11 o be without them,
...experience of, ell naolthert
triedthe tablets; and they
deer * safe, for it is
Sold by til
-lad ma* tbs.
11.0100 fttOitY.,
Otild - be a -queer bishop
001 hot tell 11 goodstory on
f. The lots. Bishop Bailie, Of
cky was *mit to relate With
In c.nnectl�a with
Mt a d V1rgina borniettad
frequent guest the
wera *IWO* reinerkablYi
-Vreettest drew
tidy ',little* Dior-
eerted at table
Ire and otel,etid
7:* 04*. •
When Michael Burke join - hie
brother James in this Country, the
reettO be 'brought. over, lidded to
tee .sevinge.;_enlibled time_ to
. tryouree of
tittle their custom leereased., and it
beCIUZI4 heeeseary, for thetti to -have
an *Sec bik this James 000* Sn
*tailed nice rolldop desk. "
"The one desk will do 'for the tifrcl
of Pe," he explained, the day It wes
• two keys; Oft
for .you, Micky done. for inc." ,
the key, buttmeep*,
laud:log the desk.
•'Thatia all ri to's he • amid. silfut
-Whorls I* my key oTerv
• Yellow Crass, Agee., 11. W. T..
Oct. • 241-(Speelal).-"I• think I
eld- let ,thee-poblitt• leftover. the‘luorte-
AC-1 dirtied kom.
11-118." 'Tho' (Weaker wer Mr.
mien on thoee western prattled Who
halt •4_ ea relieved_ of his painst,4,-- end:
the t coodia*--101-
lacy 'Tfottied.Y; •
*1 have been .8'1'1th:tett ititit Viet.
rostieltl for ,yeire," Mr, -*White' ton-
:M*140., ' 'tried ilactoto
and rnedi-
c11&es, but IkeYel. Ent si.ti*thiligto tra.
424.;much good till 1 tried:Dm/We
Kidney Pills.What they did for me
woo wentlerftit. . •
'X *boo- )cnow the Harris tenerrir.,
mot X *sr their little girl. Vidith,
wise, Wait tilted. of ,Dropety' by, Dod
IidicVills.•1-.-know-that t40 -r--; -
true. I .t&3 YOlt X feel 'like,- eitcOM-
ratieliteg, Podd'iti ridney-Pille.ereeh'
Ottiteget then X
Veer* is no-
Dodit's tiounit cure.
yea wjlL iki.ve ark*
td fl**y havatree es ete.4*°::
r ielear 41000 tot hare ear goods
44141 we will sew: re*.
' -0011177/IV t
Willie to the eirous Went.
Ue timegheit woe Immo-men
Ills little heart' *mit. piturilet,
For the excltemsnt was in tents.
_ 0100 *lc tko r idorTe ko Litt °Isdr :01 1_ otat nflt ,6•Ol 67; wdhiob Ihint afg: :unouro:s
INHEIngivntst' Alia .pARA,Liisis,2.7.-bot4goiluelsitt er/iutsh:nruloctiitesititituthiv of tees* .
.3741.4144'4-124734"'T4 American iervii: ircortkesed auntnir' ara
frect.to • readers -Lai this Pa•Per.; oed Ai* doctor cototrl"
'Formele4. Ont... was fl;t1 sr"' ar
men ve a i typ feW have
but teeter ertiii bay* •Chaise-
ObaratterM the rarest thieg
1strui;'-Jobn.* 9,Xiver nebbas.
Io AM q1o,rrmtku c Pbeinnottion .and
Potalpds„ Witti-itortxuatidnir
Se* .11•10411 COM; -descrsolog-the Tao
ittooesorul. treettneet tho world, t'e-
ColautoadaiLli tka_Mittlettrzlod on •
Ive hook wee written IV -It. If.
em • nem
estec, tienieti wee* hat, sneer* -
*study --tt diteantre. ta yortiaghtitAir
kIr a 'at 'IvetthetAiluilt0.441vimete 4,71.011,, drovuelealetnooe. e
I creal*O-Tha-batik7lias 10itiurar-
itai."-SAtiltiTI*Wootriati .434;0tVort•-.X1111•111-
_ then thit 114/)
very latest,-- madan:W'
, Stern PiirentegsNOW., eort�,
like to -pet-In Avho1tr_4- •w ft,
once scolding orPurtiehine-yott."
Creorgie-'9Vell •
- - -
ired t.
Ikettot teetto- ,Xtr.
tw if tor tket. Itoog‘aadtbo,
Eat, titysL
•11111) jar*, W
4"11 Ualtli411!--1111-:'
- 4)7/` arn hi*
niture rlgltt aut ef t
INentultit'a aotklng4 iy twa
rbliacen..aut- beet; that, and' rtot hat
try %writ: Eationtoy tone It irttli_
tho Parlor nef.;, •
WI rem by /kali* uiy
.sieseitkur -ea the leteretteser'.1 tka
V* .1.4
.aIA*( UIIJ1I to fiU vigor.
.e tea iaaradtactod
fM1 4*.
$01. yfikill knolen
Soot With' ono oftee,
often provOt ate1Oo0 •
:. Sad • i$4‘.
It ta�d to be said that Us
04 -401211 --load_ la leers
b. Mote trite to say Viet iki
te it ire sit roya1.4,
Saunders wh3i. he Old not go to It
the otpitrete founify ooy• morehe be
itated M. a tnettent 'before he vett:
tired to pet hit relemt into words:.
youth in a-opring of gushing, life -
git:iquest for it, but it is only lotted by
nting:tot4teve4o; .seepenbi:_biolo:enitiseture hint
chemists ands .sagee (thoueitida of
woettl find in 1120) Itew 'World. 'Al.
Tie* ,. sto oselart are the sure re -
end assithileate the right food Which
keeps the physical body, perfect that
°se 'happy people who can 'digest:::
ettliti‘_.,-. -- -
A remarkable bum af 04 eaya.
:For many long .yeero ., X, aui'krcd
ore or lesswith thrprde tostivte-
net* and painful leiligtelianut.
nditieit , Made' lift it'burden
0 tht,-"Mary0lI Ynayarilijm-ra
- rrtikt4$---*Yetkrifr- 1.1' t
te 12
e blusek boy.
act the
little • .1/4.
it ten fete,
040 0, or
slights," he diawitil and
never paid. moth "Attention when they
*poke, .about folks that *genettelily
tont at mealetitnee, nor any of their
teillokkabout taro appetiu‘7: :Ifotfr
I nevoeritPOINP,00 te their etafe-
Meat& in regerd to not wittier for
invitations or outatitylag your
cern. to nlyaelf. 1 Cdttaidetati OtrAt
talk NAirtet worth
4414kt Ithen equire runis out to tn*
itraiThet :four -thutty,rone-ifteriabir
when could smell beked
ealt rte sitting 'bere,, '
saittbe"a terant it st. layer if Irithate
downete• the elites' awed on our...
north porrh at a7telocir tUirniglit
*mint* tlitelve
444-414 hitt.kno
the post -oaks SO'S' h eouitf iota
it With there -1. 0410 it prat
„ eitierable like 4s" Mut tor * man
bUt,,daboa to kora 004 to:
bet to ons that's got * Selig
bort eautse as / thOusIi I
to tt'aut '0*
AUffitI144.1* BRA$E.
Irn'it* aimed at develoolt
itanca Of brie* to this actic
with it *kW to its es
at for foustructing eubrnarliii
nave shown WI* "Itlin0114
structure at
1. strikingly change 1)y *
*ft, ,
*04W b*4 s* retI*t USW
Agrertt'le 1442wjer.
allted tee etteleletely." •711e,
•8". tiers- yoUr, late-
iats autfrattery
'"Ifot ninth •• ow
on. .beileveo. that 0-.....10111nett
*be Can't, Mitke at least
Vote the Wel *she *Ott hlm to.
deeerre to baite *ay intoenra