HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate., 1905-11-02, Page 4, earbert will hat i ieturrs of hitt illne** Wed.,.entergt. „400t 1 tt routtt4 Whe're he is UrnIergOIng treatment.- . o ixOt . I fo 1,40 eta 4014 0 ntmuiy WI/ 041. 1.,0„; tel4t I Aro t , oaLh. .. (eerg. .. . , eeancl imn.oichi-dT,tsker , toe . uurrei1 . eeke 11 is ')P- s. Iliteh.01 suecurni to Imexit n Saturday, at the. Ok0 li'iW en iv-restdont ma t egniar (Masa, 'I' Iaek8O,. L Uandftnd 7 ".00cWie. t." wrs rrntiovirtgry,-from-t t 10 doubtful' if tlici.Umperor can dep&nd even upon hi! 90vernMent .ttt stand by :him. 1.1110 Vroperor IS in con- stant fear of assassination. It is hud- iy likely that any measures ,csonow be von to satisfy a people whIt'have been groanitig. under the red- through so many generations and, who are only now beginning to see the light: and It „ .will hc surprismg if the Imperial head lam the whele government does- not fall. RUSSIA GtITS. PARLIAMENT - • cawe to an eiid. The Czar, under the• of revolt,sureenderedhis • . solute powers and, granted a constitu. tional goiernmeot. Thus disappeara • the last absolute inonarehy among - civili7.ed,peo0es,-4nd,----popular liberty wins another victory. The concession • name unwillingly. It is,'„ in, Tact, the illsttieSpArite effort -to *mire the Crown .therit-will-sofficirin-ther- liment-rtational prisis-eitmot ------All ordina,y-pofftka1 lihetties and ft. genuine representative govern.ment .by:snetional Legislature are granted. A constitution will be forinulated by &hear clectod• by all classes. This eou1u reitore petice it'Thiougbott The the - (�verninent is powerless may carry the people tothe extreme and sweep.array tlie evieting regime. A sense of power following oppression brought terrible consequences to the French goveromentenehundred Years ago, and history may repeat itself. „ . Boat and 17 lietuds .Lust. , • were received herryto.day from .the inulf-thesteamereVenturion-and- tr ' . triontense, rbie ha have been eearching: . feethiernissm -:" teamer Kallynge, say. ing. that 'they covered the entire east'and north shore) of liske Buron . withoutrobtaining -an, trace of the .. long overage vessel.‘.. It ie now [mac; *.ticalty certain -t. . " ., -- enteen persons weet down in Lake . Tinton during tim_L-7..gtvilti-Eterni -Wit L11.Can - • _There was a mg crowd in the Loon Nethedist church Thanksgiving night at the hot fowl supper----. line to, elUmealasupper - of the hest., Music_ woe . furnished by- M1s. Orme, Urs. AY, mist Sprout and Wawa. " Wray and Crofe, a I of terwettitl -,11-0t..Mho.netreitn-a, Alex, Wilsoine- of , Imam John. Mahon, of Birr, anti ,11. MeTaviall, of•Grztuton. - Rev. J. E. ,Aloitnefittlie paitoc presided: Prilteedii of entertaininentrtinoupted ti $80. (re* of the lAteeli. Itatilroads in Russia arecompletely tid up as a resultyttinetOttittab& litical strike -and the people are su et - tog., 'The 14year.old son -of Odeon Debt - title of Pembroke was tOrtngted while playing on a trapeze • with a strap *MIMI his neck. L01118 Pertail, 110telkee at•-$ana. with East, 'sailed. his t ildivrt with Take 4: 1 easily?' Throat relsdvLu, es hoe constlmpdon Tbeus cough ineani a vet ver 114 ,. 794,14, 04-00...Z. Stewartflarvev 0' 0. diners v, N,liodgert tit -44_1:tow 60,. D. " St r, 6.0, J. Jones tit, W. luston M. AtoeY $0. E. Fartiter \ 0. Ditneford . 50. L. Mullholland 51, , D. Godwin 43. No. on roll 40, average' 44. . 4k. F. Ohialey. teacher. Form 11.-.41. Taylor .85, 13. Ston , tian 70,-A. idey 75,, D. Renal° 74, -0; .Thomson 72, i: ltowe 71, M. Brovkine 664 M. viabier 03. W. Daythao 43., L. Martin 01, V. GoetztiO, T. Sanders ,50. E. ()Wog 59, M. Johnf1 50.., B. Sheere 55, 0. Fisher 54, F. Foss 51, E. Willis 51, et Brandt 60 D. nomion 4.3. B. ' Mari, tin 49„ L. Coultis 38,4 i iii. . _.•*; _ • _ _ _ _ _ average orrit*toni‘teacher.. Ir. IV. Aloezolleywood /8, Willie Bradt /5,Willie Armstrong 740: Willie Birney 71 NO; oil roll 48, average 35. ' - F. E. McLean,. teacher, -3Le. tit -Willie Fergusso_,n---74-, -Ray morel Dearing 74, Bella MeKaY 71. Sr. Ilia-Percy:God wire7.0.7-Norme-rolt 49,average • -Se.-1L-LotgeTeive 82. Iieue-Hardy 74, James:Walker 71, Fred Shaddoc 70. Jr. IL -Maurice 4uancce 83 Eric I -Jordon 75, Bruce 'Walker 72 No. on roll 53, average 45. Sr,- Pt -IL -Blanche Queue ei.-; te-Jeuee-84;Agoes-Meol0..--Mi Part Aoderson .88.14140-* guerite Gardiner • Linden Harvey 77, Jean Seldoe 75, Jr. Pt, IL -Willie "Kydd 80, Stanley 78. No. 011 l'011 38. average 03. • - A,McCallum, Teacher. Sr. Pt 11. -Lily 0011ingwood 83, Ethel -Day 82, <Eddie Welsh 70. Mid. Part IL -Florence- Rowe 07, Bobbie Fleming 88, Alma Mack 8.1, Beatrice fill 1 ter, ner,-ArMilver- ton e «, D. thitteelialk• 0c09ifinan. ea by her two children. of 4k,e,-ftlich4-iirependiegra fe Ye:idols he borne of her 114eret)te., Me. apd , :year') an'SwaS a very Ig. y-estreree weinati.trer hosbana,thi" latAi3:4,108' dii4 before the family moved' 'here.' She liaiWiriivo diltighters• one being *partied, to blintz n her los. 'The remains' were interred in Olinto A. Lebman•t-farits.'11. B. White - aide and, son litax.,afteila tWO mont. • s Welt at the home of. her .parents, iuidMre.J.A. to her home in Ottawa.-4Ohn Roth and wife and.04 Lichte of New Banl- biirg,!tipent the Thanksgiving :1)91Mala with sar.,:and Mee. R. efehwarttentru» ber,,,,,Contraetor Currie n 014, liged to quit. work on account of the alsokgreeable weather, Daniel S in. 'resident ofthis -t�ft1•Sf�it1tw1urc' he will make hialonie with his daugh. tee, Mes. Baldwin, for a. tine. -Chas, Fritz tete putchasedl, 3. Mernee cele. heated entire horse, "Westaide.",Phil "SIPPle,..wiiiie 4_4E0g tOr. Jac, 1Xl"ch-ett strUeic wolid He bad dug down ihout feet and irtfrb lietrzorerer-dis. • tor began to nd-it-ross4,about twenty feet in the well. -Frank liTttley bostlerat the CointxterCial Hetet. 84' Weis recovering from the meets .of his -recent accident. While in the barn *trap door -fel strilcin Mr. Uttley on ifeefOrebtett-TiVinielt A'servicerof-songwasheld-hrtterEirtw• -gHGal-c rt. who has' been engaged at the Powell Ifouse,Parkhill, for some tiote, has returned to Zuricb.' 11001,1111VVIII. W. T. Aums spenttheThankgiving holidays with, felende in Lon on. After a two mohati" absence in the . Vest Silas O'Neil has retutited. to our In this section. I w ng 10 ti z- very, Wet elttiterir, ts n ...Lightfoot. townlitter` west, -stfiroontInues Utz: 'Under the dot:v*0 Ares:talent iti'd thecareful nursing of Mies Stella Orme, vire trust she may soon be restotie1 to her for - trier ood special servites , . ..Knott 7L 84;. temrivarifirturiuivo ILL -Wilbur Mit,chelli80,„„Joey son lit No. on roll 85.•averege$1.' Carling, teacher. • Mr., Bruce •- 1 e - Clinton spent 'Sundaywith the foe.- brother--,Me...an (Ulm, -Gregory • INi'ssouri-also-valted M. Mead •' • • •Exatonto....ipeut. Thanksgiving with Mr. Ilianter of Blio3villeA • While with hien he visited the butter factory and was so well pleated with the butter that be wear., ed a large box -for his own ture,-Mr. 4111%-krotIrtiej,..11X1 • c at W. Ilayvroods on- Sim .1e; while latee--Nroodtey-•.an. o -were guests of. Mrs.".11eystood, 11414n.i3".-44411. *,7"-Mr°74(**-erk, • "ItOtObleitpintTtiabk,fgtOrtiticdtliMrs.• JOS. Rowcliffe..Mr. aieade,•Oor Pern. ler butter maker has pieced an up-t0- datechornrinititi, factory .anti ix pre.; pared to carryon his htisiness better than ever. -411e. pupils: of o.ur _school every Society on Friday when a pen. gram - consisting of_ Gongs, _ ',readings and-Hatifittcliet-were-rendered - "-The 'popibiare interested in the -work and these meetingtinre likely' to have good resells in the work of education. - . Following is the, DetOber, report foi S. No. 0, thbortie. V.. -Oliva Berry. hill, Willie Elford. --Vera- -%ishburni Sr, -137,---Oth.eila Aley-woody-Netetron Clark, Nettie Carapbeil; Jr. IV. -Ulla He wood, Alma Johns, Yirdifileer burn," Hubert Ionere Jr, R00,01. Jr ID Minnie Talbot, 004141.t.a'..0.01-00.44,.. Atte, ,Jentats Campbell. Jou. Brock, Arnold ma eye: ZIIee Creery, St. it. L.-41ard. . wick Cornish, Inez Ceeery, -Dht Coe. nish In Pt. .-1.-4May Clark, . Lloyd Johns. D. McDougelil, T b ' W. Howard f elte et* Itibbett— brover.,,has returned from the • West. Jolla Iklandson of thel3th Con- Ce$41100 .10t4S *ISO • returned front the. prairlc provit7n7ete7"-.7111C'wee pleased with the eountry that he. hes' desi to y 'doctor's , * * Chc Stfefl Caesitiy tome shortly for • **sachet. eettrwhereixerwiltrenroin-fora Miss McIntyre has been Obliged to give upler echool at Nairn ;welting ,to continued ill health. Muse* Jainie. eon, of St. Joseph, has been engaged of_ther . 'eflts.Dleaeaflt time at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jos- • .•Wpdnedayelreoing . • •Liloin,g.„.„„ r. andtMrs,-FsOlde •,ie* ---FA, al. Were toaderreel 1 tem hand. **nut couch in Weirtogether :with an addreee, ahowing,the bigh esteem • in which they are held by. their many -friends, '1'hey took their departure . . Amitintem. Tgesday site oon . *aw- ing the houeehold effects or Jos.' Frolic. der to the Atiteettreig station, One of 'thy' te4°"I'Rezi hy Yung Mr. Shea - dice beeente frightened ro.nd tan away. The driver and tholosd were thrown off the wagon, Mr. .13houltlice fahhing ratider parts of effieti. - The tanlielitli the ten t were ite,t stopi)ed until. t inne Rosiercorners otii-igUirlitiiken buckfri no da;irng l!r4.8 done. Not, ito with the driver - *eters, - Be was. takethe Mon. ifteltd,trif Aitid-th)rdattre--turititatiitt were badly hurt, although no bones were broken. A, longconveyance w4s made comfortable with pillows, quills And robes, and the-unfortonate voting Mitn was theft brought to his boom It is hoped -he will soon 'recover from the effeCte of the ateitlent. • • • _Ditarette........ftftetrielong and_ ted' ihlness Zeno% 11.. trptioove"'„ the .eeek. ond sou ,of pitssed aiIly away on Thunder. at the 813., Ile was horn in DelsiVat* • 011r011 Where --he SpenthWeli— He has worked for fe Behl Telephone. going"th Das1and,-the ring. Ire...holds an le on Nov. Mr. Marelson is t o kind of an who will. succeed. "•,a most, any. whe'rc'arnl espettellyilo the new West. C. Treffry a, man eld of ,the Varietyrvibieh'weight 24.-tteon ean rye who...has_ fee wine time, Ltostate, Arc nor, has returned Irmo four mon .)trtp,to Manitolkt.-Afts. Mary tlese colitinues very till the boton-4,-, her 11 ed hti Tralteme soot last -winter inAlit Ali in hopes of' im but withouksvall. Ile 1 blather* father, One .brotherstqmOuro his k . 4 Woecicoelt-of-fiamiltoik-who was gored by a stag, died from 1318 in- J1.UieS 14'sriday4 ilodericht the three beis.-41,ArieY Beattie. Wilfred Walters and uarry _Morrow, who "liv.re sent up* by Magis- trate Humber last week for trial on the charge of the British Exchange lzberywere tight' betete, -r--. for lirenience. Tbe cbargesof the thefts at J. B. Ilawkince Store, Downing SAVitteVieeros,_.0. M. Elliot's,. W. Shartnan's and R. B. Cutt's were also brought, 4e4 three charges being preferred agtileat each of the boys, to w eY ea es -Tint sen- tence WAS three ttionthS In the county fait at talftriiibilti.;-- Leteeti-Watc .aenceil-by ITT.____. -.....- Is eiglititichei , .., in diamo. tort and '4'i -.;•4 , "ill.t......., .,, ... ‘,...n._4; i . 6...en,ti ' • ititer".41400'. , IS very white and ftnely celi,--',-,, . ._ . : This elegant bowl is very special _s',041101:i at $440; ' 1L I w 1 11 IlLill ii Sill FRUIT I•.. -- ,, . S-POON 4: _ 1 - - • , Worth I po UUI . _. . - S2.25. . I 40. .,:r4-, . . . V'tult7 • -w!ivilfliell It -as AA sa for 411.01. . . .14gitarantee it to contain= ,so% I mitre silver than any other Vat:id:4rd " • of silver' spoon..„ Owing to the reduce,' prive. oady ' one will be spot to ono address. Poi up in card ho?4 or flannel loag z • , . These two articles are easily w rib $75o or SELon, • and. intake, it be ifuI present ror litty purposO. Sen = epaid- -to-‘ttly4itddr-ess: o .6). r xpress money order c . frietory goods ,cari -be retnined at my expense aria money wr!! bet ...„refertitiel.,- .f.,_•.:_--..„ -,-alil.,..,',..,,..^,:tr, ,-,...sa :::4,,z,',...-„,2_—;",...,:—__:,._ ' 1110 CONDI% BT. ' LONDON. • — 1 defiweir to 4t every sha, ot la41 inen'sand-- thildrereji • Thissonin advertiseettitt, xe0refie,A0 ons ott1s isrgeetiree best hoidzisss oar** .4nee4. No. acbooltaths notobeen eote more IVO Its studetits ORO we 40.. ettt, knowlefte. opt ohs 6100 gtide' Wheat II: • • • • • 4/ • * BarleY. • • • • • • • a; • OatO • • • • PetI0. • 110444 ,04.444.4:• Potatoes, e.s..per .44$, . Bay, peetart.;_. . Flout per owt.,..liatully «4 10.44,14E.COkpeicvt ;4;4,4.4 444 I EL,L1OTT' &MCLAOHLAL 1701" 1 , vrinolptus. Bran per ton. 1 U 00 1 The Most Wonderful Discoyery o tile Ago.... %lot, does Oxy.iionor do?. Itgices the body soi idBeity for OXVOItS, stid vat** ateof store** revititlistog l'otre-44ygeo-ithiough :pot* axe estmot, sto to thc • s. stem 'thit,t is surcharged with oxgen. 14-4,ptgot. Jheumatism, Fever • Mtn Typo* ors-oxygett—ftotrOgy0/40, *body her Col It. it. 11141140e, rroieitriii toilet of iterate iteeiarxr OO1e erant teii:Athtitat siamor,-..31,yeriittieueeivioloxyd-onor „retype.% rers(ausy 1ea niowhforl e etilelpty ittitrute eta* sueb &� 1* re fa** OX _ Por * rook titiettlhenetiti'itod-would-itotbewit OK .-Stioltek•yottittitott-1110-141$04-ttedi,lee-,141t:eted-r-yot-4#12t- workings-or tblatrantlertul Instrument. - • • , 4, • ' - 1-Flttk S ott7lArairj268StCitherincSi, 0temtves ,A*19Orliiro*Vor,skriiilivklirvevevrtir Oritiet 110UVI 10 to* 411110111M,..1104411, ,.i.:14rmer4t.0430. Notes ,cashtd. or'paliettifi# Vo 1)RA1TS 06 all points in the Bitirtitilott, Stateibmigiltittipiowilt t6wOr- pita f 1xcha ADVANCES ntode torstfne* Stock -Ossi lowest rates ana, on ftioist itiviititbUs terms. OSP0.431E neesipts issueasna 'highest., there _ _ r advanced ffyears, tt t*u4 ler her tiro ri:Ononths hare the (1 rie w erever% ' 1oniou resurrection. The, t took idate at Imobeth an y and Watt 'irotte.4.0n, 'W there died itt Burlington ter, Mrs.. 13t* this townibip. /y411, a e. She' a **gritty 4,A lift*arritn eat ntwit nave. tni tit kit+ ,t 11110.110er if C'itig, zttLj'Instye. i. ittitughtitt, . ot night ed.