Exeter Advocate., 1905-11-02, Page 3- ...„. ..,,, «pu- 370i1.,41110,'40er yotiglar4t ' COM.. toOk and lier,1 :You 'Oita 40MVb• i , ot Will erdie tiS, mi. flttle 23e .rwtiest ' win X ,dor*. be repe.g40" ,.. '111, gei:to her o1 oyes, ' rOw And ill. ..tot tier tow ,r 41 , ifghtf , to ',t, , .. 4)0, oc- .ite 0 ro- tit Abe, not h kind oiglrl' t.obe buht0 ill, •migbt.; ter it. ••. slowiv# t • Qv!,TWf)4 sort •of '5:04 thought.:, • •wu44" n4 trt io 1i1&di.st. titi no , Ugh . .". tit. Joxdy •'(en•ti :1",0 ,yoiitliee treat Olnarrle*i' IP: 'i•vOit, • avt•lier,„.Shatt eireniikt Ti . ;,;;4;; a labcre oOd ' tt wit Xctr • who tIivkti • 4 inok, 041411 Ward''the dont- ' „ 4 tfp Most' tAla,004., •P'ili. 'IliiihifOtti 00-4•14nro :til,c.4$' 4°4 iifi"klq' liavO :fit- thioat ; 0 OP/ gOnti paler and Vaier miorii4 .her od oxen , . trIviiiTged7; „.. stfir. rit7 . --74---7-7070trf 4,114440L,,. , o ,...Lmatter*'! and '00 • h •ti htl co reate7r. n tido of nin , •• . • ttemer-of- th a . tottlio; •,and a taro amilorikoil a.t.lie0 i•Vo! 'Orale.""Ifett." tho :tabi'07;fityi-i-A-refobod beirujo-t--.ntot, hind 'At, tho ha:31304 of 14.41Y : x 4 kil°w What tt 1* r0 You. ten. WatCht•Vit'ller frOla biinath his •hatf- ••' anti •thi• Owner of t,h0 AO -0W,, •In ' 3C°11414. taken jt. Ilkto th- t t°°1" closod lid.d.e • , • r *0,1(4110 wood bo abeose 'iibo 'hOi .110-10 head of Yolirs to be ealoue. ..wau. you,ve ..moriced yourself into ' bad Ikea, looiotot 'down, f -g* -0#0.3e -You -00" Vi,li thl* 1 oUght Wily child, you'll beeserry for it long loyezw„ uo would to hitvo- paid you a, little attention befote Ayou got , home. collo 'now_ AnWorttint,r•Perntilt bx.tho'.cOUtV 171•1,t1' °b. I kn' w Y°". ' ia*zt it? A TUC° tOMPeto rioCCap" itio said. ",Y0.1 some way when this 'day 14-ulght; .411(1 Y°14°Ils 'r4°41 -4,,°4w°, I /et nit Illakt! frien_tio and. talk sensibly. ., „ . didiet choose to lOt o'VerYbeuk enoK 'We'll bo married as 0QQ0 co you like;, 0..,woold ofoyi gleo.that the ate. bavi 1'1°4 I 44n Qf uli Pretty l'ittl° !moll go away together teerttorroW its ' 'a' •---te. AO $004 ',and to 111‘'‘'tval." . • - '- - - to wane, pretty place, andtomartiod ; *I-Iwoni to ask you a question 03 ei i„ -.....e ait mew of them, .... ,,, i„, . i on e g o . , 0.,ring hetuocif in „this ii Warn, to ase. you. if you hove for.. "It's too lobe." -silo said Sulien4". 110 reotItio,d 014 -01gotten what 'Yeti protribied too?" ..,.1 doofti• root to marry you. i z' ii tbo high . wan Jet hot e. ' "Vihat-a ilueget,trik,,toboneska4,7,r141,.a.itt-,wilact,d,oli4z;174xeititio/?,wn , on •your _ -had.- ittrthd, ,,,is._ , ,.. thOlOCk, when he felt touch '.11$ arthi and a vole(' teed; 44 ItildfOrtit" _ ' Ilo tarried -and, Sale fleece, standing n the,shadow- beside him; and •atith dltflcuity ther-oath- or in to-"••:M.,„onneyanco which rose to lips.bia .• • , tOticli- and itoiee..:Of t1iei-g1r1--11 AVM lika_relAQUELD, Ca s, but 410 VOICO WAS as COMPOSCA "4",rhat you prOrnined to marry me.", i Titer tho place, to -morrow?" ho aiikod wth a mono. " "Oh. Dec_cal" ly child?" - . _ "Iftelei• I foygotten .1t? - 1Nhat • ._,o, ..y0s,e, sbe resporatell. doggodlY. qtlestient Is it--IU'OY that a .inati. .Tie tea Lay Norali everything tho 'would toigot'such a thing. itty, 'doer • moment I gee her.* '., Oitetal Of course X preitelsodr--- Bat ..you moon it, nocero__ . what- Makes you 'cortio and ask m-.- 0 to 'rialto a scandal Of" our little love on this of all nights?", ' •afinir—" “1•10causa";"hecause r Pro" trust- . Silo put her band upon fiho . door. ii,--:-T-ratterel-triXFitod-YOIL101:..--• • -htiltAiattChttarea ftRY'irt:tpbr.---'--- ----- Y-Ouht6Ttea--t-tr-inz-------' ---**Well7*--iiir-Salgy -.441. rition't-h.noll- noneentio.." to broke Ln lightly, yo r shoute-ootee: --iter oil" 4., te. '.4Y°11'ir° altued air4°"'"u1"°""-bh°, imps" -he weitt on talking . incoher- catoo. • A entiy to gain time as he approached "She? 'Who? Oh, .you 111000 Lady her-"afteraU-tiero„eon Iwo drop» „e#Petoeppreerel-e•DentWeelea_veitivouretie • .• ,lier -t411, - "Ali righto Miss South. Why -Reece. uildford," oh," and ho tried todtaliee or hand and draw her to hien, but kcca put her hand behind her and rew' book. "What! In OW) 01 your Uttuxat again,. 11450410". bo Raid, "What'S the Mlatter new? re you offended bocauso X didn't nnce with you t 4 ropliea hale° been 'unreasonable..Ynu .ttor.•how careful we have to - be, _ Yst,..Atag,t4a4...„:„t a*. -the Wert!) iti:.colindence,_don we? 'Wo don't nt •• tat' Santlefgh ud Parkiiiint t Otos:about' our 'little, altairo, .# ci • -turnetti-arid-eawithat he . told "WI/Ca alla Cal” YOU VO kept out wound his handkerchief over his own 0 .MY wee• e an .. • Diouf; „onr-11""WWirsilii-O-iikiii-d'elFinr"....a. not my fancy; -Tim' not blind." Mor bon fonertully. ot. hi* action. 110 voice grow moro hurried ,and excit- sprang upon --her, clipped her 411114. Odbut sho still spoke in a low tonewith ono hand, andhold tho phial ""I've- aeon it, and -and others bay°, to her face. seen it!, 'and -and to-uight more than .. Ono cry,and that only a faint, . . overt" . ' gasping ono, -rose from; her lips, then "There. I tolil you you' were Joel» low head toll forward. and oho-olipped --acr 41ear----.1104.111‘.11---Von-kuPg--- AtalfileassiA0-_,-034-41:- -little' more of the world you'd • un- Guildford Ileiton, after a glance a • ffiffirtrOd'etttel Prifte.robligedcetts-lor eifiefremetb-feeiro•-erel-jtataAreil=424-1, - " • , r tentiva to the daughter- of my bet untill he had carefully 'reeorliod 'the friend. Of courso :I .oloncod with Iter pn„e ial and put it in his pocket; then itrid----erail--talketd to; tittr•,.• • .- Wirye4teoetie.- -,no alowysriiiittowid-i-twilookAnoi- ! 31 -Gu 4°Yet "ant 1" jer it"* -24-1- •• . frSrii-hha-Mouth lout bent -over -her.- Aitai**. Jostantantoute!' • he Milt - No. I underetanfriends When I .inorree yottra • • , : • "ti (Pi " to wellit tered • with it grim amilii; f'a Wonder - Imugh. I am only a poor, ignorant ,,ut ,,000,0ery. 1,,Towt, good )30.a.0,,,, ilistrust and anxiety. nee . It's riot Me you want, but gust let no have Mr. .'yrit. • -Itutito'a Sad her °Yes' Were- LudY. t -ont lux drew sod. 14°174111" • • Jetta." ' ilett-wfttine-but-there- l_1,fr "Tut, tut ! X 'dor: t want to marry iatoor- _em ovressItin of detormintition - in 1-4itikir-lioralici -.want -to'„ Talerri Yo"*. leavi 'nerhete-iyirig-on' thie„--giliat. • __.- _ tili ladiftifirttlirottotrItili-ii4 --4- Inevt-- tcat‘ i ' — -, alor-vowet.-cotuiiderat-iort-ew.hats.*ee I. to notice. " . . ' , 'When?" ..„ . .....‹ ' ever, ha carried the letter to the Ian- ,. , _ —. - "IiVhat -49 it YOU iVaat tO say to "When?" he ropeated. but sho stop, earn-- and road it. ' iletca.?" he naked • after a morat Ped him With a geeture. . _ You neodn't tsoubie to tell nie Muttered. "What a chabce for mei 410006 for „months, ,perhapa,e,"' be cut ,. s pause,' .iloring. which bei Wan 419 ,4-..tvondering,;Itow lte.souid_get red_ any rnoro_ lies. 1 on't believe th,em. . Loave3 the field open tor months. "II Want to spe o iiii-trt-o- tes er----Yon---won't-marty. .. . ., -e----0--T-1--cottldekeeteetiere-feoniehearine' inc anytnwg you ww, dintid.71`pleetsitintly, **Ilut don't let, think _Yon. but yo 1I ". .-at t-Otioeit iteree-ittsi l'ther. cool. Como 'don't' Heey •;-0, ee'.0.11!: that 'g(l.,7chanee! •_ •Itutittee - stood with ths tette. t In. his '`.1/00k. 00wit 400 la to wotch 46.i4,41rilg'•Q01.44:ntir 41.4' Pla2•41.°4 •Wa When pur bulb but they: sudiliti ` I a, .left tows' oyer.toetting., - • ot 'rho shoplierd who hos a lot of good fat sheep *evil winter.. will find lito feet:Ong pays quite- as well as. the averogo, • ()lily the very beet sheep. Animals vrhieh aro troe to their. ;specie* voile - tie& of breeds and full of promise. should be soleCted for breeding. par - poses. ••, o C414_atti, Oaly, a secondary .considertition. provided only that. tho, animal IS 'tat; smooth and trim. „ • Not, only does it cost tea to make II • 1!01•1-04._-0f•-YPIPa lksh, 1)44 thr, , , •cattyk-on--the-- -andr-iiOt-deperft, upon buying feeders that.they ohould. roise uPon tint tam *,the improVed breeds of ,pedigreek titock add a new' prosperity to tho toxin and a young farmer 'can mak° ,moro-money toti." yoarol-with Pedi- itTee deck than hie fother ha a in a lifetime with ciontrion or ocrob Stock The day iot. tho siereb has • _ .. It aid brhrilio'shohld get the otart of you and reach the orahard don't get cxeited, if she (loos happen to choke even it she' is blOating, when etOki tind hO ee. Get a stick mit two ,e'itLtitotfriettii'ageAste put it. into her:rateutit like bit and tasten it •thero with a ropo triode bet- at each end and too d over her horns.: Probably oho wi ,not like the live.tment • but the , tees- -are-rmairist -tiro Apple; a ft* method also tends to keep the bloat -Lown- The matt who Makes his•sheefi AS - 000(1 OA' .can before sending to . rmarkot, need holm no fear of ' • bh place in market. A thrifty ' animal, full of robust loath stre , , more copable of moist:log tho poison succosofully thon_ otAhrifty. animal, - any7saic'cTk-'tir -dritbritti .theT sepritateTh-eert- and' market them • in some. way. . It wilt not pay to win- ter them. A___n_butpg sheep to food this win- -te-INCY-gbliraterAtlfe"" the :feed iti the mane, Whether fed to -'1'm Met told," she *aid, curtly., illa.r child; if I 'ivolitott to; mariee "put I etto- _ Camte.eiolet be die» Lady Norah ever so. bittify I haven't agreeaWe, .,. You ,may as Welt come hanete• --V4e-roas nongu-jattmichiet_ it .atid talk comfortably ark •- stond tote me...rot not tho 'favored Indivi» • t. , 0 1dual. Lady _ Eorale doesn't ;ivo a , Ilo unlinked. and "operiott- tho' diiiir be Va.,. and walked into tho! who. by the .way, seems a . special .RS...iti,dtin, and noccat alter a mortich.. 1. faVOrItO Ot ' your*."-tary • ••11001tOLOar-10110Wed MM. "Mr Iturne's nothing to MC, arid.I Then the, door closed with a clang :know heel like to matey bor,'-onet to hlch should . havo found an answer- Ought. 'Yet:, I ,- know that, and you Ing 0 . ite.4136ecei heart. • ars trying to eon* botweon'to. o ma.. ," -•,,,,,,, .00. way eiik, the- bowie, oird • "Nonseresei". •• - ', • , , "Yeti, -Tkitittote•blind•-noW!, if r *al. , "ftt : gown, -Ilecett,-** be:said, sera before. Bute -but los"s a gentleratut "It.livilmeteroratt-titteetatalS--eimdi and 'he stoat- havo her. , X knew yiiirvo "dip alluttors, yavenlog eia be been trying to tite-a a i• y,-- . C2oedcome between him and her, and you mut yoteve-Tiontr, IV"! - Dor-- voice grew louder, and. -tho -old apirlt of defiance gleamed in her black eyes. -!el3*4eyouesit1n44,-.:,.e.ee.-etattetiti C1000 hots -gone. tilt,ybu'it be oh/6 to poison her. ageiiiiiiit7hint and have It iillyour. pOin way'. -Yoh, *forget 71re could write----" "Olt, so he his /written to 'Lady' Norah/ and you ;aro, carrying ..tho. letter' to her., eh, 'levee" A time* could not keep her hand from straying to her boSorte, arid Ito in- eeolontiteteaction- -reveated-AlueLprear „,ence of the hidden letter .to him , as it -plainly- as if he IsitITheen U. -- 1 - • -"W111, 'Ike -664" 110 Sidii;- you are 'perfectly-ert -Iiherty-to-aco 41 man for Mr. Crril. Ilurne if you like, -iontl-.-1-.Atisit_bilit_irerry_inice,ess JO his Wooiti.. g. - • ' • • •• - .• "You'd lilies him to marrybell' -Yoted-e-. But t don't want to- talk i about lir. ilurno. X want ea *Woks, ' to my Collation. " When. -when • are ' ou °leg t • Warty 'ile; *rAlertOur; "Ars 3o0 'Tory area, Becee? X sun. It. lows boon se confoundedly long day, • *v -it over hours ago." Cliiikea did enctiliirdilirdr6iler'iftliAit ,by'rtittk titbit, upon which she Icanoi 1.0tith hand, , • 41.10W, what is, it? But X wish teted Oit down. tiere-he rose, and tickling in the throat; 'oustittss aftime* Adeep. - irritates frt.-these es of it throat They're very de-. 4. a cough mb- ure vtro cure - them. 41You're a,* grea u • r and so ata1, but for both our sake" should have 'liked to phi; it •oll-o. little 104004 but z 7'011 are in au& ono to profits will be with., the' .formeie • • .With -the sheep. seleeted for /breed - big, the natural groWth., char, actor of tho wool of the animals to be mated ottonid be, a, natter of first class importance. • Tho -bootintereets of' sheep bus - bandy tr4,erdwata. , , for tho production of mut of moderate weight aod,cholee ilualitY.• a 1a3 1Th�U1bdftt it luta o vemy.-ninootsary-a4loriet anit. that'is. fnd1v4Ual znerit. Fedigreo; b of little, valuie iteelf utd backed by Individual morit. Ilowover (.• well grounded the, past- tiote or the wool growor *nay be at; ani.-titag, he in short»siglited ro he zeglecte-to -locile-er tuft inn -e1de.,41*- -4ttadtag- kiln() time. he •ehoold -neglect the tputlity of wool. and tiro, interest* or Wool groduction. • Sheer ittereinseo so rapidly' and ur ot such an early tiger and their es • Tr siMirciterdrarttrel" Itiatr` a on irtifeeitirityttnee---&- 1We-can-readily- be- neeede---Proil It is-'elihned-th'at :AVM' ahem., -f„Or. Tait' :yew, Can -"Uri ,r'keritWLth littio 0 anY. Additional eXPenna• ceen. tolls eorne ng •fnetsTregiredkirtho . . e.:/gWeafiotki human-- onatomisto•-wero,- inA1cxau (trio three centOries boffin) Cluipt, and they and, their • oueceseors for 2,09Ce years, - Were conunonly • rer ported. to have indulged. in antotwoore - -terd diseoction. Say o Dr.,..1_1-Ceibe • "VoSalitio 'woo- shipwrecked •and tired . Witilo treeing for hilt •-tifo -on such, • Av. charge. .Tho Edinburgh act of 10(irt, tho ourgeon's the 'body of on crimina.t ortnielly *to :palm an ana, 'tomb Of,* was guarded by the -PrO. VISO 'after, bo Even _ poetry has lent aid to perpetuate Om legend -of the 'invisible girl.' 4040 ghost vas believ%1 ,to, haunt wtoro sh ad been dissected afire- on Cm . preceding ' that appointed for••-heaage ;oitirri." - ' Vor a loog time Alexandria. _was ho. only medieat centre of the world, fon aaterr ebora about-- 189 A. D.) had to journey friers tiotoseter "the' African. city miento oee.A skelotoL,_,Re-lotaLkiti st:440/0- _ ____ • - to-tho German _battlenvicia_txiiisseci A CIIES-S---NiILL-A,G.E. the_ho.dieo of the national combs, • Used apes 4.15 ...11104 A Mace In 'Germany Where the teserabling hint:an beings. .• tiumites Children. Learn the._Gaine. ,dissection.was rottived in Bologna en __Ioneteenth centmey,' whfro • Ma, doienti of iiiiutioy. Miei • of the - rt*-iftraZ11-0401'.0 first. Leooard. da 'Vinci._ painter ot• •-• "Tho Lord's Supper" was 'a great anatomist, put dissection had fallen into disuse' when eresallus finally rile vived It about the middlo of the six, tomtit century.. • • Eitett lo .compatativele- miodern Untoanatomists liteve been tho ob-- • -• teatter .•xletL-bet41.0.14o0,. in 704----11fridOlove-Aeleittiten.,..oLP 'is Wight Setitematicolly.. .As soon, 'plito, Was mobbod'em a grave' rObbar. ,tos; Petrillo .hav, mostered_tho YO.Olfeg• .,11,.,,;40$4,...1/3„,Kor • Vijilk.A.vo rged, 0101-0 -game; they itr�. twenty-three years tater. and. were OneOnrniled -undert0111- ',duo the-7beitel-tliat tam medtcal • ntiOotrit-oonf eChs;eftljustreaPbtacktr-Eaungduttato.sitthir:onit. ,ottoloots robbed graves :eontinueelo. It was this lack of Oppertunity that boy is . Bet to. snaking 'Latin verse. • to the proctice of graire..robbiog , itt Potter there are chess examitt- and originated:whot Dr. Xeen, calls -ationei and tournatromts •_arnorig-th, iset of _ lowest possible school children. Three awards "1 olthe .,,moirrectioolsto." • tionor•-" the -shape- _ • ruge-tho-itiscription, ward of Industry," aro -given tho village •coramunity. These tourna- ments Aro ,attended blr lovers .0f way system in your town?" wrote oleos from far and neor. Dining tho cot.' _.!_TIterts capitalist. greases or-whie" ago roxnvi,et4 Viretork" twit half-centery several cheits- • seyireotorrt root eittit.Logont'' een e d"-eit-Strtilave . . - o eirirelre•, a -few wilco distant from the guaitit nets Um, village of Strobeek. This story of Stu:bock 'nod peoide has for hundreds of years been a*. nociated With tho game of eines. It is a veritable these village, a nur- ,ter,y gordon lot that ancient game. rccom tarliost childhood tho boys and girls aro made familiar with 'treatedItaxatamstollijoata, • ' od _town boomer.-- reply,- - 14"- ' - Imck" 1114ver1"41 the. Priv4le-ge t strictly ••up-to-ditte; Voller-soven lnr se -• 'c'cono-lutio-have _ix_ov ehalienOne ft gizmo- or- chew any libenrner_hy tha rine° or n� • fereart or exalted per. eters or knocked Ail thou track In t. before hirn, then to cielteti_ and almost with a otart, ai if he -had -forgotten,- Mot unconscious girl, 'totem(' and.kato.t beside her. • cordoetoe"- -- muttered:: "and when she does? rfbe littlo fool is 41ra-a wild-yat„. and wilt carry oilt her throots. Good -by, then to all sity holier* and ambitions! Oh. Guildford, my friend, what an insen- :tato ass yotl were to be led away by o tancylbr * pretty far -el What shrin ds to.'perirtiade her to' hold her _tongue? XI I could. only keep her or eight week whit* . 'this, tellovr Was ou • W4/*•'-"*.'" • ' W11Uc, ti-WeAl muttering- and musing be was forming the fare of the on. couselous girl, and suddenly & chomp Witeeit'levt rettneentoodyeexpeassitm,,„et his face, -land he -bent lower and plat- -e•dids _earto,h_K.,_11.ilee._Thea he stow- ed to his. feet, tanii, anotehrnithei an - tern from the table, knelt down and hold the light close to her face. Ito peered into it keenly for a too - Pie of minutes; then, with an Wattle collate cry, shrank back, a staring down at her..,with tookror int - pr riled tin every forsturee-gasPed:--,- dead! (To ha CO'iritinu - .1113WCOTISTUOCaTtati CCM, will refuso, --Anton, ded- as next year's ,ewes 48lipu1d; not be brp1 tt tb aeason as it hi better to give them" WooL.i,a prothlet from ` feedirig just the same as fat or ileoh.. and the flock s.hould bo fed and managed with a- view to wool growth end that -of One quality. • Whitt.thero • is, la great nrdiltntP:ge In .seettring good .bltindoil Stock. •the profits -of thrr herd -or .tiotic depend., equally a* much upon, the core 'ita on el 14041. • Gust -"1 any, my. inan, how long havL, -.-74tou-lyen--,er•---Itniter- LA_ ,this cob WititereemAbout she snootiii,- sir." Cluest,-"Olti Then It can't be yott that r gave my order to." from old age, but. tot *mould b fate eind--_•rient--• toe, tim- butcher bee. - too their .ritality 'llegs impaired to auth aa eXtent all to impair thole :tattlettingt=„entalitioikee- •AetptilKlittete• their value. • Iiiihk..„theree,jit-SeLAtet good pasturago is. orte of the boot dome •to, lateen sheep that -have passed their PriltUO.' but Why? l*Sttele-•'04:iliettitip .'didn't invite mie° to her pletle;" • ISP11.1)ENCE littLICING. Any unueutdmethod of milking not only causes a diminished yield trim iifl TufTaIso iirdies the Milk li obtaiteed ,to lie of poorer quality, es eilown iy -themffr ce ,.cot' "fat. - The variatichs itt .quality. areirfl1 tnuelt grenter-thart-tho irt tK tj1d ExperlinentS ia Which 4°Sitir---145at caused a' falling sit from one to tWo per eel:C. Of fat in tho milk otjtetined. Sloe* ntillang .gave, on tha. reveragt, 04 vet centless. than test Milking,. $104 *I% -101110. co'Net more tn4 -an . v" ;one their village. In the yoar 14351 tho "Great Elector" .of Brandenburg woo challenged' this way, entr,in Met*, :ory of the event pre:witted to ' the iteeti,zietet_,set oridlyer cheetnnen, atilt prerved. How chess: becomo the -ruling pas- •ot: Strobeck has never been sae, Ortained, butthelegend-Moot erolly believed seta forth that in tho Ce,attifY a laOlck4 political priSoler- was *contined in an -ancient tower vut_hia village. '12mo hong heary. otter cirve4,-4-fottcla - Von* Was' had Then the pria. Itut hia molt Timms antagonists, One .114.Tho 141461_0L-Aintaleatiltill-Atinttheate--.-1114114:' taltiug tUrnis to guard him. S000 Oa vas ter per tirt,y; A thing* 0 'Milkers ,also -had a *narked effect, but nAide aso tho individuanty of the niiikbr 1 tO-,b0• the •Chief feetort..ae inters: slways. 0141140 bete: enthuslatits. Shro-:--"Yonr dog wow trying to bitO me, airi" Ito (touching his hat "Yee, Madame he has a sweet , loth IIENEATMIXIS said,Pompus, "I altar not - notice his. comment at rill." ' -,,el_lititAte-Protesteekeethir4riond...e.-" called you a blithering idiot.' . '"Exactly, and there is no. such .word a blithering itt the' Ehglede langtiagie" t. COIlItS11,,,. Singletini,-,Iisene you &Med what you ore ,gbing to call 0o baby, old maral * vigglodertoty„rnx going to .call hint whatever :my idTe name* ttits 100 begot mixed no - o •scrop' *I YeriterW4-. Did hit je • Otheewiso he Wouldn't havo anytiiiits *holt- ft.**, -- Perhaps a man /150ifletink1 dub. bed a 'told egg" hetet**, it le tiho agretabio to hove hint strike You I. be Is 'broke. -" l'eres 11 YOu don*t itiont,et don't know. Ode *let) ter 0 ere, an meitoriNtly,mierry me, Mr Berton, and eOundly nit* thot wile thOugla ha ilikper oot the case whetx both the tra it you did I. woulda't rnarrY• yeui" through. rtki. peeketri rn�tt • lIs *at startled out of his affected Aktk ' niteht, end take* 'wrotything dean ith mulked in t s oni. ure. irs dots so 310W itcioted , ran4 bot night; but ytAt