Exeter Advocate., 1905-11-02, Page 2P
ir .
,:l, 400- milcA of rieil be,
ettrieste and )$10,- . • •
.0N.M.0 .trree . in the bpmont of rain tit •
Lnrope tho , 4to oilers ,setrerel
af',.4"04;ttateee,notOnly *hotter diee '
atv.Itteriitt,rteer rabtit'ecteneaty
1 .4titheir'''''t" ^ bee,* teem,
; *tt; n
ir&ckof . h
SLaite, L' fit, be, Oen isl to,' **At • otber
* era&
niatle4nii0,...witiOh• .ttille'T --,,q141`
la .
,) ie. •
$401:uf;. I
rti?eteti,, -by .
(.' oft, 'U)flfl
V%'bklt is wi.. tar:
La vretik,e Ozkite„
Anti 11
, Ctically istelehOwdea 4
tXplotta, thie
e C`ctoii0. xto
tfl CX' at n
u tLe r.Poonhottiolidesserilt 19)•-•
!i poU
144;11";thIvet 4Lic4Orl
art '
, It 40 tettetenshin ln to
Asia .bmndlcs 01.1.00,,xreAtotlastk liti)$ats, 'teno
,rx" • nd *3.3r dip*
0t Whi.eYou
4T1ue .** 0, 0 f. upe, e -re"
Portgood Arthurdestro$or * w
, Operation
dasetSgett 'abo .79neethil
• 1* •
ide t „head.
voknoWel. Britkeli.poesessione: Mediterreneaneee, great leland ftea,;:
otrtithilife frOta, the northern tionntle
" titt"Vrirlitrtillitt stretttereA,
tice0Cean. cohlefroni the. Atletntle to
the Pacific have eett thorouelil
exp,ored ii he car y p ,o
Seventeenth' century„ and their r
eoureee are well ,Initiersteod. Thi
statieticittns at Ottawa 'cam I give
you almost, the bx'eteteoramount - of
timber "aetti the acredgbeof .trui rangcs
*till agricultural lands; they can tell
you where -the minerals are located;
Where vast beds Of coal (inore value
-able than gold or sliver) lie, and
the various approaches- Us the. Moue.
dike are known. , Some of them
have even been surveyed, -- There Will
be a railroad .to the n100(111;e. with-
in'the next few years.' and' already
Jant it*-i-ifeentirtieritfifftri
This mey seem ,incredible to people
who have not watched the progrees
of , our northern 'neighbors., ,
Take a map of the British posses, -
shins -for eareentitnent and .600 how ...the
1144, lies. Between Winnipeg and
Itudsene Bay, a distance Of about
800_ milese. 'lies. one of the .11,neSt
, Cenen.ttlee, in theeworld. it is chiefly
a prairie *it'd fertile soil, and cap-
' bit ertt-- karetitireeny-amount--ed,
, WHEAT AND ;OM's. •
The 'season is short, however; the
- -winters ate cold and theee is .
iTO 31 t, gam
4nd its :EsiletieS,. hhh have, never.
bnStt brader.'
!p?pyt veinez 'Tire •
but iC)t fho'Wor meg'
The* Attantie coast Of upper C4nCda
and the United States. thi its
shores, are iminerise itedies of titebee-
Whielt have never even btien. touched,
and o the westward aro mountains
believed to be tie •
RICIT IN • .ttliNifilltAtti° AS Tifit
foothins of these mountains are
toVet•ed' v;ith- eniatrft.lous grass, of-
frintr. line cattle ranges. and they
slope- down, to open. well -Watered
prattles of givat fertility. 'There. is
6enree1y any rock. This is an fru-
wild—ors all ewell as for the
Who aro ltkely to locate there ,with.
in the next decade; for it is beyond
controversy that, the district be-
tween the. great lakes anel Hudson
Bay will: bee_ settled like Minnesota
andthe IlaItotas berate this, genera-
tion pasties. . •
The -Canadian -,-Northerne Company. --
which- is building front- Winnipeg
northward .to _and
northwestwardl- to the Pacitic,• has
no subsidy from the government.
but 'has a land grant of 12,800
acres a mile. It now has 2,500
and pictiireeque. fide
Nat§ tlte. Acircle of ' eihipping enter -
sine. :The 'sou Wa9-4W:011 knOlVt)is
an t felt these traple
wh)tit' Could ,pour 10%000 tong'oC
COSI. into skips if' they „cotild"•411;get
41,00 /0,40 in, One tto reeeite;
'rbe Oading •Of Ore, tor th,Qt b at
ferneeee at;complished With VIS
exPeditien, and ,eingle roll-
Mill 1kil'ettlrit'04 in At, aft
. tierti stestine thoi4.j_nt:LiE
'Tai$0 11,q00.iona 0.fiett materi;.
;al fa 74' weeltitig day,, and thits.A0,2$
o9 vthtle `,
'TortsittO. Oct. .4.wit
4-eNo. 2 red 44 mix
Tato to 760. .at otiteid
at tI utAui-.7fIrt4-,, .„ .114:14U -4144;W:.
ug.ltbOr Paie'4*htett
441011?';':.-At 'w4t hitt. . ,days t'111°.e,411,e‘t7.
',et :the...4014rd Sterie?.lee ntiti n o. inonth-
The "t1r0 ' oto ,000 oete etfo eemolete- :sod Sea-:
'tvortit7.. and ;.*reudy,..to rektity leer
;duty -with the ileet.e,
.r7-ff-re 'V C'0000
4 '
ith ted metteYe f. vi orottn traits full of wieettere tintitt• at this. 'title
_ „ _ ,. •
Aver,0:1.40, w
,. • ./..F. ettemise
a , e el i:eitse isesee, ' titer V, Melt tteir, led '13,500 tens
ttati of they ewers w Ak wed be- her-tat/nth and IntS a woss displaeee
tweca the Bureg Line of eteamers, meat of - nearly 30,000 tons, Yije.',..a.
-which plied, hetween•Cliasgove and the completed at Clydebank, Scotlapel,
nortis• of Irelandand a rival goatin nine and a heir trionthe from the
ratee 160± low that they coati go no i steel work wan built . into bei hull
Wheo the rivalry had reduced the day the leeel4-wasclaid °down, and the
the tether an by Publishin3 t at the rate of 1.420 tons a month.
the following advertisement:.. - Bridges were wanted to cross the
On and atter the. first of may. Tagela AI Coleus° and- the lilaattwk-
awe Itiver at -Were- Tbe -ordere-wa.
inn other
steeneette-pitessengeret will bever.
rim; to all ports in the north of Ire-
land leen of charge.
Chief 'steward has' instruetiona
to supply each passenger with ons
bottle., of beer . ' retetiese.euP en a dictt-
l'he son eerned a reputaticn for.be-
ing wide awake as to the conditions
on shipboard that. kept the officers
equally awakc Lato 0110 afternoon
he was making an iespection of one
,of the ittiros steamers whit% 'was On Three :Weeks was all-tia time. this
the point 1 leaving,Ologow for her coanpany required to convert the pig,
reolar run to Dublin, when his tree into a steel bridge 1.138 feet !Ong
-SusPictona wro aroued by 1§0me* 4114 toshipit to Meador. •
slight irregularity in the steward's lbsilWay enettieerte pride themieeives
Otar-titionte ' Ile --.--snettle eme-iwtmr-k utilho--4upoor-vithirat-they-c
andthtivesel'Pr4ceeduci as asaal, rtivry out heavy labor. btolt
Out vcilen tilt passengers fromthe autumn an ote weeegteesees
drossais pier. the last point of call in spanning the ditinid -near -Atterci
brid e
midnight tram got aboard at ',An-
,/ Road S'tittione Sheffield,. had to be
giVert to a Wedneshury company on
Peeentber e 21st; each of the esevea
smote 'winked Vitighed 1.05, ions.
and 69,000 , rivet holes. had- to 1,•11
/ •
'kfiRTIti All le et. irWte
eixteen workieg daels, and in i.weides
three days front the receipt of the
perature, as rtcoedect for generations -extent ng its ee-so rapidly that. -
at the various northern posts of thee before the end of the present. year
tablet& Bay tympany4.. s eSre leetureertts300-mtlese—ThTet
*than -at Winnipeg, Regina. Calgary Mackenzie Ce Mann of Toronto are
practically the ,owners. Mr. Mac-
' or other .prairie cities, and actually
.averages higher than that of,*onte zie was otiginaliy street, rail-
tea neer° afe-steee, vase teen/its** wiy operator, and still owns the
cattle on a thousand hills covered teltinivey6 of Torcetio, • 10. Mann
with nutritioes grass. If the land
is plowed and planted with. timothy
seed it will produce heavy crops of
r, TY•L"f•'
_Cattle through the 'winter. The rang-
es are open about snven months in
the year
-are- 'more riverte-matt-lakes,
then you can count, and they are
filled with" fish -the same whitelleh
and trout that live in Lake Super-
Jor--and the farther, north you go
the sweeter and firmer is the flesh.
The value of the fish resources of the
-Northwest Wri----itory wird the -lista -et
lying between leak° Superior and
u on ay s rica cu a 0. Cope
tub already beginning to Ship fish by
• refrigerat.or cars to St. Paul and
Chicago. The fisheries are not or-
getnited as yet, - but every one pf the
e lege_koeLes.,,ereeeileene
map is full of ilttlx---a source of
wealth that • does not usually ,enter
uto- the talculatiesno of--thtfepolitiral.
WI, 31. a • * y eew ext
lands •and the timber. and • the fish/
tele& have/ not received considera-
- -
Yon earl go almost from, Winnipeg'
4 40 •04• . 4
Winnipeg Lake and Nelson . River,
• and "the Canadian Northern Itailroad
• ComPany Is building, 41 line along
• the valley'of the Nelson* ivhieh is
of the •greatest significanee and. im-
portance, not • only to „Canadians,
ee.but to the farmers and .railroad men
or) the thiited States. • When that
completed- according to the
present .surretes it Arni shorten the
distatica front- the wheat WI'S and
• -• CA e renges- o •sins a, to ver-;
1o40.) Anon, thee, a thousand- inilesv
and reduce thcf rail haul to s fete
• hundred miles. •
of cattle 'ere now shipped from Can-
ada to !..".:nftland every . eateeetted
1 07 are'Rtinled 'Try . t ree-fourths
of the way across the continent to
uobec , Fortiund, Kee Bontren etet
to other Atlaidie ports, losing more
r .:thitzt 20 per cent. in Weight and 30
j30.1* cent. in Value during the _Mee
da' jokirney. Whe11 they arrive at
, Liverpool. peiticularly • if 016,eau
'voyage t as been stormy, •the ,.steers
airef .not _only. ereteettlytereducede:, --but
many of them:tare in •
A ltEVEItt811
*h1& litaltere:AlteliMniit-lor..:T.
111g:y aro humetilittely tondemneti an
eheuglitered by the Ilritith tnepeee
tors. Thus, according tiv.itre
derlani Of the Citnatilatt Northern
llailread, the value of tire 5%000
head of cattle is reduced on 'an ever-
KO)** 9.
otxtPaif A* this Wastage should ---,he-
aved. instead of a' nine 'days'
rail,. the _rattle canbe
from the ranges of' western
a to Port -Nelson- in titetityte
four or itilety.s.ix-eitotireeteeteitert.'' •
jourttey thohthey not haye to
ter vaken og" 'the ears
nialtininnt letul -iec,tint
6,50, Infit,031
1's nut XiJtNelson,
and, 1
01 -
is a well-known engineer and „ eon-
ntructor and according to Ural au-
thorities has built more miles of
1-1-aliaps ar'rrotner man
.in America: These gentlemen began
in reesernalLway eaga.,...# is said th
le :189S -teed it4_po they -offered their
entiro. laterests to the es:made:to Pa -
chic and also tothe Grand Trunk
Company for $250,000: Now they
say they would not 6011 out, for • fifty
millions.. ,They have Wilt their line
slowly, and it has paid for itself. It
ctosmsea-country-svitireaa eao. (honer
extraordinary - producing tenacity,
and -gr •
been cold to -actual settlers almost
as fast as it has been earned. The
company is now building at the
rate of' eix miles a day.
--The --11141T1-- pins- from „Port -
y- appeared-- Thie-echief steward
was .hopelessly intoxicated,. and was
the discharge. tied about his neck.
Lord inVercisde Was 44 years old.
having been born on Septet:Aker 17,
1861. Ile evtue deputy lieutenant for
the county, justice of the peace. tor
Lanarkshire, and lord dean of the
guild. of the city of ClasgdW from
1002 t� 1004. Ws brother. the flint.
substlt 'Lite eligIneerS
eeeseeeemeelafeeeteetelem_fet 0.20
one Sunday. morning. -In less than
three, hours the old bridge, had been
raised, placed on trolleys, end
hauled away on a temporary lino at
rails to a place where it could be
broke!! up. A quarter of an hour
*later tile new bridge was in position
though it weighed sixty tons, the
r ,ur o 011, a etenee o
1-,500-emileis; - Between -WinniPeg ant
-Edminstort, 004-milese -itehaseor.aetly
0 I
ward Iludson Thty, aria there are
tulIttorotis spurs, reaching into the
richest ;Wheat., fields of Cierweis
It ie the ambition of . Marken:de de
Mann to oten a line of travel; bee,
wen to • an c an e a IC.
They endeavored to secure the fran-
chise .which- the government has rec-
ently grantdr to the tlfritrid , Trunk
Pacific. 'This failure, however, has
only ntimulated their ambition, and
they are now driving their line to-
ward the Pacific on thetr own lit;
(Punt, dope:Ales upon their own
resources and a.
Thus, wititia a feW years, it • is al-
most certain thet 'Canada. Will baste
three transcontinental linete, The
Oraud Trunk Company is also build-
1411aelt_enerra...,oterattetax•ebetlitt •
in Canada. Many people think it
•le being overdone, and that the pre -
tient exertion will be followed by a
cotlepse similar to that experienced
in the United St'ateS game. years
ago. under the sttnie Cireumetaneee.
The plans Of the railroads are all
"till a -Continuation 61--t1f
present inunigeationand if • there
4311014de-be- aesureesstine of Crops- itke'
hat of the present year, and the
r stilt prosPerity 'should not be In -
there le ectedeubt -th
Itatith bt-tbef
I)omlnfon Will befedoabled within the
tteXt tirenitT of the rail-
wittt Plants aro 1,,etitred. 'Upon: that ex- '
peetation. "
The Canadian 1,4 *At you wili
remember, was orgdtaUy started
'Saved /tit IrinocenteNtatt From rk?-
••Ing :ganged fOr *tirder.
;Lord Lanseitossie has a real help-
meet in his wife, whols 'et gifted wo-
man, says an exchange. She he, a
diplomatist that ilietparek, the iron .
was toe clever for mast his atabas-
nadors. • When Lord Lansdowne we:s
Viceroy. of India Lady ,Lesisdowne
managed to acquite . a Wonderful
knoWlettgo fat native life Andy tityftirse
er. ntormatThnwnoti1i
ttIttna 6is naattiv?, einhaeu
hn,1:11D-lo-jos ithse:
• --splayters- or Cacii-its.—S-h-e
_ ; „
e• • c.
• ,...
liitheAry. !taste ieve ttee I
-time lett "means t.h.o ,7104$
'nras he the, hoslierY faettetto•
'etittet tttt riO"
,•thitit .0(10 stiteli0 'in '4
'end boet trade %has...superseded
hand labor with citineS "'Welt
.ute,and build -up, 1.00 pale_
teeetioC- eenisit%41i
lefitlfoted-e 0 --Brat 'tat
quoted at $1 .5'0 to •5.1.3 a outside
tolia .bran, *16 tee Vie?. and citortte
a I
'..Ciitiers' eMI itreitli' "4t-buts-1er J'
in, fe,tk:rtinutimi loath ()Iwo occupied
WI band -Wet knian- ft e e hoere", and a
nalleesaker, working with nutehinds,
eeti fill a 100 pc.und JS,eg in two
'hears, though in the old daYs.,the
tor ,re
heet1 revoletiouized by , machinery
that whereas it took iv Men, sevea
' eightesteinettes to stiate a ezrewe
post by hand, one person tending
task would have enga.ged him
paid freely' for No. 2, but the genore
couPle of weeks. sf",:rew-inaking tuts euotittieu -Is plight ly. helow this4
so figure at 4.9e for 'No. 2, 47c for No.
2 extra. and 44c fOr ,No: 3 at out.
'Side points. .
reale-7111e market is firm at 71e to
twelvmachinesean now turn thorn
72e olltsidp,---•
out 4,000 times as rapidly,or nine marketls steady at 04
erew-posts eveiY ,seronti
yarn as 1,100 wotnen working by
hand could"do before the power sePs-
ton began; and a power -teem weav-
er produces fifty times the amount el
work of the old_hancleloome-eveavers,
and does it .inuch mere easily. Nor
are these tuarvellous speed records
unassitilable, for they are being
broken every day., The one 'desire of
seesroiluter_isetoesavo_timee_ for
time to -day is there truly- =
than -ever it was. Therefore. (yak% Cremnery prints 22e. to 230'
do solids ee. ; 216 to 2lice,
wOrie is itnperative, and the Old
country is as smart as any of them. Dairy lb. rolls, good to
choice -1-0e to 20
equal Pointe. ,
Oat;---LOutario priees are 'firmer und
the generale quotation is 33c ,at Oti.
side points. with te more favor--
ewe freights. , •
Darley-Setrie dealers report 5
o 65r at outside points. '
4 551 50c at outside points.
Corn -No new crop , yet in
market. Amarican old is nentinai
oee to. Ole. •
Roncti Oats -Steady at $4.75 .to
berielse track. here, and $4 G4
hags: 25c. more for broken lots hero*
and 40c outside.
Better itealth Is Due to Air, Slut-
A few weeks ago, during the con-
etruction of the pneumatic eigealiinej
sys1eIWto Soot, e7;,WesTertie-eltatt-
wity,eethe- contractors started one-
• Sund,ay -morning' at 5.40 to ereet, a
St-eel...signal platform weighing eight
tons. The material and teckle were
loaded oa to trolleys.. and drawn I,-
900 yardsby hand, -the-work was
0 etlennbottedentI_Lar_rive 1 And
the tackle, was hack at- the station
Steel building Onstruction is ac-
complished with remarkable eelerity.
Last year a fifteen -storey office build-
ingitt William Street. New , York,
was ertedj1n twenty-1Iva days the
one and brickwork. 011f1 x viePlis
iterWerft" the pinee w,as completed
ani et • e-Thet-tiene
teininin skyescrapers such . ns
• Londoners are becoming more ,and
mere sit kJ front a reventable
cause, says 'one authority:: e go -
en age of 1nglish beauty. -owing.sto
the more healthful manner Of living,
has arrived, says, another. Physio-
gnomiets, ' •physical, -culture esperts,.
anti beauty "Specialists, -who congre-
gate in Dore street, see an extra-
ordittatefrechatree-forthe-4)i etter--i
jnaenaIIk8daYby day: They
•_ etger-w
forreation eh* gained' watt 0tinietinieS
Por ntsiicc siieWss .011Cli
.SaVe an innocent man froth being
hanged _for murder; ' Theo ludge erho
the viceregallo ete. During the 'ev-
ening Lady •Latiedowne took him
aside 'and 'said: -"Itye-enan Who Is
charged with that murder is inno-
cent.' If soli Will send a detective to
me I will show tfie house where the
murderer is."
Thanks to Lady ,Laristiownee the
tulprit was caught and the in-
nocent men set free; but she would
not mem ow s .e lad gained tier
knowledge of 1.1te actualfacts of: the.
case. The incident made her • -iery
popular with the riatives of, Cal-
An railway, perhaps tlie
most remarkable in ilie world, is
the Oroyo, tn Peru. lt •rues from
Callao to the gohllielde of ("etre de
Pasco. From Callao it ascends the
barrow valley of the Ititnece riming
r 5.00.4
six miles. 'ince it goet through
Out intricate tlis. sierra*,
ilint tunnels the Andes:at art altie'
tude of 15,4345 reetc• the blieheet
point ill lite world - *here s, "tetten-
s _ttitreet by steam, e, wonder_
ittereesed by. auielibering that
tide etetettitiii-Zi* reached in fteeetilye
eight xflhieL—
btetatiful. ' -
• "Both men and women �f the
per Jelisses," veva one of the leading
beauty ttpecialiste in Louden, •"ere
Improving- ,in feature, in calorie
-world- cans you- see, each- hand.sorae
men and weneettestire
hny nit:Truing in I1iecidilly4a*d Ilyde
ettritiiir Is deeigned to save it. Tho.
rriaximurn speed of the. express ele-
vator is
• ABOUT 1.500 i'l"tr A MINUTE.
heirvenetard at -the rate of a mile In
little more then three mitrutet, •
There- In no teat In this .burryin4
lee, and the machine le. Mitde to alit
the bustler; A Clerthan firm hie ut,
introdueed, a crockery -washing ;ma-
chine which trill waffle and dry 0,000
dishes in, an hour; there is an eleetric
Shoit-blitcli ;which shines Six. .-Pitirs of
elioce fitt it time, and takes only 2
,• Mac • nem w
YfraP UP -attd tpId .all tbe powders
which ,are• coaeurnexi in Clivat
thi. and do the work of hundreds
of bend's.
crilale and sweettneat wrappleig maw
hicite-tolds-eipoeey.-4 •
a rtiinutee and saves 1t1t coet in tin-
foil; and a lath -splitting titaehine
has -been introduced 4ochteit 'rends
from the biock 52,000 laths a day --
the Workof forty mere ,
• Once the .rnanuiatnr of piper. was
a tedious proCeett. but it hi no 10110,*
er. Some time ego Elfieuthal,
three Arkes Were fellett -tes-
' • experiment fn (ho presence of 0
notary who WS, charged to Certify
the. Jinni -taken. The eutti 1,
At 4,4, 5 a.111.,. the Wood, teas reduced
ZeiFortleiteir and
tonVerted into .puitt; and at 0.31 the
firet sheet of Palter wielt,firtislieg. The
sheet' Were. then, driven, tWo :Atte, to
a, printing ;Office and kist atter ten
o'clock a, piper, was,printed, so that
ts.standin was tenVe
1.-stuttsf --thesea.:irho-bel*
government ownership. it Wait ,be -
in 18-.51,' end whn the go.,;,40.•
mod had built 423t• 'utiles, or trark
, Commits, • 'n:t
coatit i „511.1.re 111, the'
d'pair -intt 1:101104 11"-1*
rperation called
ailed to a eeiat neeof
.t surces of wcalth of the toun.
els, its vast areas of hitisitio
ind mountainlantt suitable tor grAte,,,
as at o ist,tnay;lte,ii
I'n ir, -
was e
d!id ine_mpeptiveat
liUt. at prescnt ahnc8t .alt,
$'n et iti.
I linds
itt h
unoa4irj c.f
rOlonott "
iras ;AM,
vela flF6 04
Ing impeirtance to the nereSsity of
,preservieg.and perfectingtheir looks.
Powder-totdepaitit etre out of -dates-
and ritastage, electricity, and 111118C11.•
Jar Maniintlittion beret taken their
p ace. .-,ouip ex ons ave itriprovef
ttecause of the rege for fresh air,
and Carriages Las been immensely
benefited by physieal culture. The
men are quite, as eager -as, the wo-
men to: cUltivate good looke.
.11 -have ott, tity Inhales *it ex-eibin.
it tninister Who sought TAY -advice.
ronceteiee * flttI bald s 4 • t on -hi
ese ot o ly is the ntodern man
and w0Mita better looking. but there
di:ffiertnitutilate to retstin good
looks as long ato pessible." •
Brighter' eyes, elearer complexions.
the daticitr nide of the •shield, "it is
Held that the eliniste ot, England Is
'becoming deteriorated, the beauty
Of the landscape destroyed, the
ductivenifes of the earth 'decreased
eyeing to the lots of eutts'hinte Which'
lave So important Part in
Thus epoke Prof. 'Thomas Oliver itt
Institute of Public Health, in which
be dreet atteetion to the dangers
A a
tiet t
fiThe presetice 01 dust
irt-the-Atmesphere often 54
tbegtormation. of fogs end tri tie, arid
soma* autborities assert that• Veto
a •
lett •
daYs tt'wes t10ease
,111‘ 311111-'"..
do Weft.- good-to-the-ii7s7C-17.-Melea
Aseeeintereeor 1.5c to 10e
Cheese-elle+ local ;prices for jo
Iots hold Steady at 12c to 121e.
Pot at stocks are quote -
ed at 60e to 70c per bag on buck.
and 75c to 80c out of store; New
Brunswick at 85c per bag on ' tette
and 00c out or store.
_Poultry -Dressed turkeys 41.11k IOWA'
tO c: ive. . -we g s are ur-(erte,
5c to Cc,' chickens 8c to 0c, thitr.
to 7c, ducks lc to 8ce.
eointe.;-and--le-ter iiraper. pound -to'
liteatiS-Are quiet at $1.75 to $1.4:,e
80 per liushel for hancipicked,
60• -to $1.6.5 for prime, ':and $L25 to,
$1:50 for undergrades: . '
Le_ u et a out l8 to- 20C'totie
new Canadian crop.
• 1 timothy per ton in ear lista •• '
track here a'nd $6 for No. 2.
Baled Straw -Quiet at . $0 per to
on track here in car lots,
-Buffedo, Otte
.Northern, cttTht
uotninal. Corn -Stronger; ,No
• . .•
--Strong; No. 2 "White.1' 33i to 344;
•No. 2 mixed, 321- to 321e. •Barley'
strong; Winter, •-c3.1"., 4 -to e 157ce
Rye -Firm; No. 1, I2e. Caner..
fret ht!-Firtn,
Toronto, 'Oct. ale...The run o
stock at the Weisterit Cattle liferketZ,
this morning was moderately hetiVtt,.
but trade, in. all lines; was -steady.
Export Cattle---Cholfte fere- quoted
at $4.40; to $4,45, good to =Mitttn
aterti14 e$4.30, others at tr.3.10.,to
$4.10.e Mills at -$4474 te_ .25, and
Dutcher Cattle -Picked kits, $
$4.40; god .to thole*, $3.d0 to *4"
lair to good, $3 to 0.40; common,
$2 to $2.75; cows, $2 to $3.25, tt
Stockers and Feederfse-Shortekee
feeder* afe uoted at; $3-75 to
00, goo ec ers a .,. ..0
75medium at. $3 to $3.40, nil
bulls at $2 to $2.15, Good atlk.
era ttin at $3 to $3.50, . rough
to common at $2 to 43, and ,bulls
at $1,75 to *2.50.
Mitch towse-The Mtge of, pikes
-'i 1IVW angtd at Se.,Zo
410 ca
hc4p end Prices beI
mteady ;=-1-6----terareW.". expor
ewe% find *3 to f3.50 for bucks an
X4midufl-nd18 tone tit $5.ri0 to $4.10.
ITogne-Prieeit showed a .detline • •
• .per etet. to $5.75• for efe1ect,4 en
0 for lights and tette
npitOngu heiontinu4.ra1:.
plaints are heard of the irritating; 41, -
tett' itt,f, (hist on 016 throat; ao .ros;„
And' it. 'Irati- 41:,opilo_rell how, fat th
ifittlit tOrntitanksihIA fer the. fano,
,,11,,,lititi.i6114i°oolitti.:.0..-i6.11,114,.5ja.:Ofti,:,:piontioisAntstonittliam.m-' irtei,
hold' of a Alirp or trout trneks at it ' tho ittli%t tAlitlitli; o(l1$icqot a.11i1-
tef of 15.00.0J0, _29.000 busli_o_ ls ; 111.6,1)4104i. toSt tontlt-
.aetil- '
atitbniatii' *WI
„ , 00.1t9R
4ftin,'1, 1r"thfe
aft1/2 :escriv:ureo1i
. ton
rolciaflt„;litttlelttli: I tto
1,VCO, tols Attar!'
low **lilt** time
I -
oslut uMWmttifl. e
t eetp/ita
1110Ati gp 'NIA tStAblit
nzich eintaged- .oer the.
for a fantouse watt";
dere beletiged to NaPoleen, and wta
*hen 1,y him Prinee elentent LON, ,
their Ittottetniert„ AtiKtrilir,
t; 144114 iIoltit
it to be & fanhiJy)t!iLloC'mr,Vet.,
Abittrian Itw ilee'S not *Mitt-,
Ire* ettbsilil, so it lied te' be?eold,
and lime knoett4',:doirtr 'to A ttellio
Own,Vrmfz stmi'.lir tor.,$' 2
rbeintlior ono
nitoil with and W
O'V it. as a nresent to the