HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate., 1905-10-26, Page 7**.
.14 y04 )14/4'4 I, to'
Wink714.4 kr you wife« is ve
'its'snaittes4t- 4r1 hti1,
ut she:was • stalling bet° itia fare
tro'he telt-her *ill fihe waS Inttte '
.1:ilArt, ha -had °Oar,
WS' fa4:14-1‘!„(tt'e,70r., `'war.'.
lw 0 ,,.tro•x7,. 40r4.4,10 iltiou,;
for isteric '
rdt tieP,)''t
.a1 i.42 'i,i,.• at
r k , , 1
')).0 4i. ',t .• •
*eaten O evil! lic
*tt,.•M n9t. ilike Yon t
31) I " voontluct of Jtt
tkqu r .
yrI111.010/e:i44 the littestion:
it.seenta a trio worried,1 he
ed lestlys .
"is tnnst untisual
6 *Souttnonted, • '.14.0,1 Course,
what a. trenble Ire has al -
ii • to' us. Ito Is...Wild and
ot ,positively bad or vbs.'
*ltut. into Terbiddett,
1pOfiitlOfl14' th0
t. you would help hint
Ott 0104 get hint out
; Ives'
.‘g 444.. "14-04:
• , ,
iro 0000
1 00 atittelisi -of Xa
rtiMpet with Which' t
ttuLiof in
*ltith :net eP ..en
* •:.'"Universi ,. hLu. *nTt
It 'lending. Amor:4 iletinell. .
' 'f3 Itti• Prtlelq0ey‘: 4 life savin
•ngth :4114 '10 1Milt V t. And.
riVs. it2',,,tw•Ig$$ than tlikeesfktt i
tAlal,If'. lacl of bronze,„ ected• b
ilt &r. T1.taj'' ,4
cd him for- paYnient throng r.as-
artingi I did it -s1 -'
. A tall.-
ashed.trom .behind the curtains
aiid ripped him by the throat. --Ire:
ea .e up to see thi 11CyrII
Yerno ghtting,-' down ,Itt hint. ,--•
"Olive me that cheque! I dentand
tuaStiml 'Potne-mout with,
Ile made no,attempt at resistance.
Shaking like a Isar he produced the
'fatal cheteine; - Cyril • toek it And
towed it In the fire. T1�n ht, If)4144
the` Matt bodily from his, seat and
.3nAtched him into the library* Wils
,ll*,...Us_sv.I_Lms.Altere, and he listened
" WIN sill 4.1.1./7.1
turnedr to..',Dorasa
.44,110. hiov got his reward,' • he ;aid
AS he folded Iter,, in his' Joni's, "And.
by the 'Way he 'took it I, fancy he
thirklat it tr.prettrrith eras"
rfOra....nentled: to 4int.
, done ea ' many a time t11- "Poor • cIeraldi ". she Said. "This
• ---ivirould.740 wilrbe'it-1-06-Oft to him,"
• And ,tho predietion, was ampiy- ver0.
tHii$ ' foarson'is.-Niteeli
ot.do so" atm • said;
*witnt do buthink of
'* lio (I?" .
C,Yr11 • I kenhoughtf .0 the
tonlo he
Dora made' an iiapatient gesture
rith Iter hand. " • . •
veriiin4 m$71sAlla,.-**10-0041
'hat "no you think' of hint?'
yril "Shrugged his shoulders.
do not ,aitare his opirtion " hc
Tho girlstood
.4t, holding: il;e
lioTotPly.. previsect;-. :er'-
stitir'fresh air.; jt
o .te a so.
..irig -011. the.: 004_0. of
titillz.ed the principle of -the
hollow b II th
tho water. ' • - -
The shell is constructed of steal
end is braced- sufficiently to • inake
it lama; enough to with,Stenst the
tattering of angry l'itlVeeior oy$0
pountli'mg upon .rocys,
Vhen catts4',...it1 eollislon pas-
Ssegera- and Crew of a 'ship have
catty .to climb into lite saving ,globes
cies° Alio • manholf*st and-, without.
fear, Wait for their vessel to,sink.
No• matter how great the sutioni
CaptainPt/twig asserts.'' the globes.
r 61 e en.
fly displayieg a (leg by day. and
tilsottargino , ,rockets • at 1,114,t,..,1
would expect- to be, plekedap vitt*
out great delay. unless the wrrek
occurred Tar'out of, the nattat
A _marine engineer of a neighbor-
' g-Atatituiteastaltt .Englehart, of
1)eumatk-?-11.tes itryentetUs colittpa1b1e.7
Itea-sikkahla life -boat, wlikh Whets
net in, use.: may be folded and stored
'astay lit_much let4in spaert than is re*
for tho ordinary boats
ip.,Mte,,.......OPeratiote -
extending, . or opening it is -*very
• simplerecadring only --,a few • mo -
4, •
tion- which goveras and directs the ty feet, long, 'even when tilled . with.
Hindu of Italia in every action ot water, willit is asiterted, sustain
his daily life: Thero are four funda- more than- 4.000, pounds. *and one
• , , • too, rient- twenty-six feet long will float 8.000
1Y or.. Brahman the Warrior, the poen
tea4mo. and Calm laboring; and 'these The- giettt buoyancy of Captain
again, -are divided into sub -sections Ertglehart'a Craft is duo .to the feta
numbering thoUtiaticis., . the that its bottom and 'fender aro filled
,la.britie :caste there fs'.a 'substratum with kapok, the product of a plant
t '
irty to thirty -live
* td, mixed; are quot
"Uzi 4 g Witlf 4Nf1i 2 White
lost freights. V.StonS. and'. s1)r11
tsn 11.044.e,b11.1.4,0*,•1
"Peki.0 t4' tt-
b4 tt*f'. a•Hild
"Ott. t
a .
• , Witt.-itts':
tlint '.*-4 4...OUCI.
,:- ttkft:114-1-1:"'
i. ," witir.safet$' devi.,00, is "..atztuakstl,
4 .lanyardr and, 'relies witegy. • on ...
, . • a. .
10111 . of 'the., ,guatter,,,* all 3 the
ily• used tv army cannon ball
s "ez
Itstea having'ther
eharge in loose, woolen ;begopen
to_ moisture, 'it is • oontalined. to-*
(miter with its primer, In a. Itermett*
catty sealed bronze -Cartridge (*se,
ch slips *lastly Into. the breech oV
Qilig ite
144.1tvsmOuS -"ItItColtts
t1sta0 txx1.6.1 NinEED.
.0 to help no M*tttbew floyd will
ois be here, ,Yott must, conceal
ats4,4f 13thind the' curtains yonder
nd liSten to All that Patsy*. -t
lead hint on In,yt means of
litt!e*deeepliaii ,
no,• Then you can step up to
Int -arid deal Alt)* hint as* you think.
s,lrendr-on-- the
;stairs! Not another word! Ito as
I' bin you! oreat-- os. gs
*het .•
•She pushed him towards the heavy
.1•11(1Sh,ctirtains. • „Ifektind an English.,
tait's, -Aversion__ to,„;_eavesnrepplur,4.
but rthore Was *tow no help for „it:
not7.-nutch more -titan -a sanitary
chine which . oerfonns theAtinctiiiiis
of 8. setsvenget.„
• All thCssa castea ',are hereditary. A'
;1*.tavs- son is a prlesti. a soldier's
so1dieri•-.4t carpenter's a ,carpenter, -a
-SCaVengeeS- -0 scavenger; There i
no ,*.*Matioit of "What shall we tio,
•with our boys?" in Ifinduislai thal
for two 'thousand years, For a sike
to start hiS SCra itt ally other es.11;.
lag than his own would be "against
his caste." • and - there all argument
ends- For caste, is bath saelak 4r4-4'
'reli ions, and,. includes;_the_catling88
1 as t e creod.
• .1 a -halt times' t''bubyrittey• of
cork,, '""
When not, in ase OP. superstructuro.
of tho boat" '.'„nuty .1'0164 tlow
When erect the superstructure Is stir-.,
.kapok in. Watertight-cyshionS.
•:eXtetuthat •the ;boat tho• oars are re*
leAsed. an -oval Shaped- thWatt
.pesition and sttutchions and • other
parts drop into their places auto-
matically'. • The mechanism is simple
'and not easily put out -of ...order.
itt Asserted. that ihts lioat„stsmi
•torn. its plugs lost and its bottom
crushed.,. i}etrff Its* than ,
dt,iptti when foided, it may eastlY he
stowtsl. fleavy SOS* sire not: likely
•.0,4iljure4turthermorers.• ,
Should a Vessel' with such an egttip-
went sink suddenly" the lifeboats.
would float „es rafts and still sup-
Captain VInglehert's boat II; very
easy ,tp-- triuneir.----:-If tire -datits- tire.
jammed it may his thrown over-
board bodily and be Manned ,end
extended later while in the water.
Its construction is auelt thatit dans
not, even 11 alt the passeti-
gots:- it will hold trowded
against -untrtralt:--
An interesting ile,relopment-o
,gasolene motor has teltert place lit
thtt0,414tititicYrifithOtit lt_11410-140(4--4,$)A -
plied to tt, lifeboat for the lige of
.regular life saving Stations.
Iirtitl'ir'fr-IIIMI7retl'-to eve
Marius labor n-
ittutin-a-ateiti ,o7statt-iiattly--co
tront,,,Alm:Aho_tioot opeunn
..„ondenlyt_snd • Ilfatthew„;Atoyd_ was
Annoute'ed,-,-Iii;"',6i-tirtir.ittostniltivir, and
toolcibe ra or In.
""It .ialveti good of ,you to sec me.
''141$14-.:-arzart.10. • he Said suretely.. -"The
. fact. X have a roost important
ra:, moiled encottragingly. - 14
"1 will to my best to ensurer
you," *aid -014$
theet- high opinion of your good -
:'qualities Jot not -ttnknown to me." *.
1,•ftiaft's tion, twiahled with
'Thank. ',3fOus!'; .aat
180 ttemtt tO the point at once. :'riie
irrt,•P 'makiyon Wife. I kitow
itM sOineWhat beneath you, 'tiut
'lett isted,himt***.your father'
:opinion -kelp me oa.
o , that tor stut. i0"•40
-stuurat change • is cotter
led,from it;
;his 'social :status- 14. Cesed forever ".at
• • -
cd • to make •thollindas arnbition-
IWO) race. Caste will admit to in.
fusion of ;new blood, and when the
'same exclusiVe spirit Is imported in-
to-the-drtitrittlatrifeatikarsof-ft .
arrive at *that stagnant •eonserva-
tistn whieh is eilled "custom" in
the 'Met.
Caste is restricted tO the ilitulus,.
but custon. is universal. There •
Ow Indian peasant's plotr, .The
overwhelming*, majority of tile inhabit-
tenta--of India, are slependreat on the
land, •e'ror their crops would be much
ft -Waged by bettor rnothutts-of
v*tion. —
The. plevi is nft implement *bleb
/wooly irorAtehrit- tho_Suri4te- the-
-earth an hetrloom from remotest
• anti it 'A neir 'plow Watt intro**
to o.od 014 Age. ,
most ardent and methodical deveteea-,
% 4.0ht Oita Ot ,41-0-
f_ the fragrant_weed by tho4eatb,
•Iferr Ovum, -Whose daily allowttace
of .tobacco con:slatted of six- pipes'. six
•eigars, and sit cigarettes. This
amofint he never varied, save 00.111h
on Nov War•tt- Day, whicisi Pit tho.
principle' of Starting tho year
tely,•_,1 kept as a day of total
abstinence. "
•• f•tojAniwu9v,od ate 1.
go together. Prince Bismarck " was
wont to bottit that he had in some -
thin like Ilft ars consu ed Over
• 4'14-4; Aft storm s o on
rdotil.Ilibik I' feel "like 'that*
130)4"• •
mark ,behitut the curtain open
ed hfe aye* itt yftute u thltftent.
This was ption with * vougel-
Boyd. smiled *till.
Ite said. "to
ore. aft up,
41,Ate yri.or* * (4•11titt, wow
ako li.fititetotte, Sfr. noYd."
w mot, .teafted .forWardt.
Odd' Ids with. *iibititt care.
11 ito tould whimlbtio girl for blevito
onti,eo 1st*1 rristrelt oft Cyr Verne
his larbittou would assuredly' • be
reitebiht ere Meg. It. Wie for ilea.*
he bitil plotted.
4011,101 you -*IL"-
"Your bro
with *tea too'
*bettor 1101,only evidenc
i,110"11r0. sihaktikil it
eaterprEitig'fritri- 0
sitecessiut ;write -do tlttack- .011 th'
RUS.stan Rast,ern fleet; that thatllect
was repaired. and, having put to
sea, was -entire' defeated by- the
Japanese; that Japaaeso. ntain-
tainted a close blockade of 'Port AP..
until the fall of the fortis's-is«
adenitlas'rt.114atligniathilt.'441rfriittbinleQntRilu9S' sio,°tfi
Shipswhich could be collected reach-
ed jap.ttneSe waters And :wereprae-
tically annihilated. -„,
"Ioeeta- the beginning to the end of
tho war there* was only one 'thing
clear -that the personnel of the Ja-
Vas vatitly SuPerior •to that of the
Itussiatetezt. There' is ',nothing InKr
under '-'the-SU1 *rho trained/ seitsnen
beats the untrained titet whieh
tenstently at sett, arid beats the
fleet 'which 'spetidn Most of RA time -
in harbor,: •
' "The man behindthe, gun is the
Main' elentent of. stnieess->at 'oda. The:
,historsr-of *a warfare' 'Since the
II ',Attica 'tleittsh03-01114044-OO- AWL
tho tweets ofthe late war Merely
Y.Otitat0,*;sEXPet't.er1..iti.te .tikt
0110Wii. POO*
•.''. 1401ttgied.,•: " And*
sinti1tsSOS'itSei:.••:•*.12•450:. •to 1fl .
., an. WiT.• ;5,i.I o •
, ‘,,•••
$12,40 tO $1.3'pe ton. o
POWS; shorts, '410 to 61* .rAlch • z,Topiz-•
itOba bran, $14\ to $),.71, shots.
50 to $18.50 at Toronto and eve/
Oats-Virmr Nat, 2 White, 32o west
and 02'0 to 33c east,
• Barley-ASo to 42o• for No. 2« 400
to,. 470 for No. 3 extra, and age to
44c for N.o. 3, at outside points. ,
Ilye-Virtn; Ste to tWc, outside*
Peas --,70o to 71c outside.
• 4-Buckwheat-1iz* $13e to 54c.out-.
Oolled Oats444.75 for barrels Ott
Lr k h tn1,_ ,'101in bas; 2qe--
11,41.11.116 avid.
100,000 cigars, 13, numbei-that works
ont at an averrot of live a day -no
great feat perhapit foi, oho who ,was
At one Period a "Chain" smoker,
11 tiling C'tkth: Ogar frpm the glOwing,
stump o e one joye
Edison, the great irettentor, Must
hold a superior recordren.. clgars
a day are his normal allowance, but
finds dettb-'0 ' that: norther . nete8s17
in 4 day-ttitied that `eelelsrated nhtger,
*trio, to dispose et; but his day
•commenced with . dawn and conclud,-
ed net until, sleep oventewering
fus,,,the still burning Flavana
Without:a, efgar wits *Edittolltioth,,s,
the tragetlian, "scartely-eVer Seen.
Even- while ertgagpd on his proft
presentln the Wings; ready to be
snittehed •from his dresser's hand for
enjoyment during the sontetimei; ex-
o;,edingly•brief intervals bettrcen his
•c'Xits- 'and entrances. •.4rtrent3r41
c gars i ay were nt one.
wand *allowance; •att allowance. hotv-
To revert U.) ordinary folk. 13y
steady average of fourteen ergifen-
emphasized it.
2.!ita,to tini material, Itisextreme-
ly difilolt•te Say °a whicle sidowas
thitzartertdAs far as Is known
both -the ,Japanese 'ttra"--T trairairifirfis
were well deigned and well built.
"There is always a certain amount of
suspicion an to work none in 4
shot dockyard, 1,uL 80 one knOws
,ethes-ttst-4tysteMsa, 34.11.0374-0111
13 believed to -obtain in those estab-;
liniments, has the effect or ioweeing
the quality of workmanship and Tita-
litaterss.The ,market holds std
ttalt lines, kaittiarge;_'
•Creattlet,y. Priata r.:220
do .solids ' .21e ,-214a
Pa,1171h.rOh3, good to "' •
. _thew, 414. 4 dt d * • lits•-• 20o
do tneditutt ;Ale 180
.itirtubs----cholee:-17c... 180
do interior , J.60
- chcete-.42to to 1•24.0 kse: lb• .
-11tchan4gea ,at lue to 20c,..
-Lhcn41I to 7e. hit!
rie *0, 0c; ohlekens, So to c.; t t11! --
6c to 7c; (lucks. 7c to -8c; turitt'ets, - •
130; all livo weight„- . - •
0 a t 10 IS OCE 1
*1 at Oe to 70c per bag on track.
and 75e to 80e out of st,gre. Naw
lirunswick potatoes are/gaoted at
:85cper beg en track' and 20c out at
timothy is good, and the Market has :
lirin tone at 't a per ..ton for ear
managed in twenty years to account,
for 100,000 excellent weedlt, a num-
ber that „drew .upon' him, the expos•
tulatiOn;of his frierids, theiground
tt cia
bong e:. to which he opposed the
fact that Goethe, though ho drank
20,000 bottles -of wine, lived . he
eightystitree. So he smoked on tits;
eoneernedly, •and died at the age of
Three years -SW** at Vienna, thero
(Heti in his .sevcrityAltird year an old
Man.:beside, Wheat) rceord
that rattiticet ,amears
O t•et' insignifiCartt. rront his tatren.,
ty-Seventh year heAcePt an exact
count or his_consurriptiory of beer and
obiekii:- hie,-lifty4(inrtif-year he
became a teetotaler, atter haying
moderate y. 0
bro denAt twor a province. - tailed • In approac tjtig • a wrec
the work. more. thor ughly, stud Was age nst eavy seas and „w «
flttl&dOH t_thet_..at.
the Oa:break ot" the "War thei
eve ships were In. ar more *snidest
statethan those Of, the Ttussians.
But their superiority was the result
of .greater care"exereiSetTin the maitt-
-hullit--,-Amt--.- *
Otis were. 100, PAP40-0
oite of the Japanese.
• identical design and manufacture.
"Japanese destroyers and torpedo -
boats made etuccessful attack at
ihe 'beginning of the war, gave tho
01Jrflitif stilt -trio- the SelAstepolo'inti
WII11s4 the itork—t—irrire."-----7-1311tIttr
SiPadroir at Tshushirrta. 'The flus..
for a sin1614; .3apariese ship vf, the
War, though ideal oppertunitieltaust
long blockade of Port Arthur".
I"Itussia's Iltiltic • fleet, fresh front
home' dockyards, crawled pairtfully
along front port -tO-Port-oik
Mated Straw-gniet and unehang04
— lot
?Iontre-.t1, Oct. 24.; -*The mark
.08 44 0 *
advanced #4, '37e for No. 2 white-,
ase for 'o 4 white and 34e
• 350 for No. 4 ex -store. ' Manitoaa,
d .1;
4t3C i):Or No. a and 401c,for. No, 4 itt
car loth.*,c-traelt. •
Flour -Vann oba spring wheat Fa -
tents, 0.00; strong latiN'ets*.-
vur *Weer -34ikat reoh4Itt4
40, and in bags $2 to.
rollers, $4.17y; do. in 'bap,
.extras, $1.75..
4/0-6 "6t-Sa--4,.;i1- •
ton; 0ztte:4r bran,' in bulk, $15 t.t
$15.50; shorts, $20 to $20.50; milt:0
moullie, $21 'to $24 straight graia. •
bonnie. $20 to .$27,:per ton. .
...s.-Itollett-OatetssE,4443,4sr149 elk -
Cornmeal -41.45 to $1.50 Avg*
'UV -No; IT-. f$1.541 -to
--Vreso to $8; cloVero. Itubtett., -40 ;"*9
$0.5.10. and „pure 'cloVer, $0 Kr-:, tort. „
In car lots. .
4064Is a 22c to 23c.
-PrevIiiienti.-4141087-,-Van -FOOrt
cut _limas potic,,,.,,ixttiereok_481: to,
bes.vy, Canan& short out ba-eftt pork.
tresvy --flanadaTiar-eat-,
mesa .parki--.421Jto.. $221 hooty_ COM.;
ada hort eta, pork. $20 to•
$21; heavy panic pork, *one; light.
baton, 28 do. VAC;
13c; do S to -12 fl.. .144 .11.,00elo2%
retv11td;143414.-4...;nolislt,„ boudess
breakfast bac**, 1Sc;.Wilttthire 14*.ecia,
60-1h. sides, 14e; Windsor bacon;
backs, 150.
tifet 114...4.1oUr
ern'„;8S c; Winter strolig1140, •
c. ortr-tinsett
Otte. •Net.
• 6 b hdi ipts Moder' to tiaiol(ingi •Which
.orlostedt ...fries,. Within the-peaa-, Sort:Wilmer( • lite ravers and 'thoss
ants' 'aeons. Put It did not."catch Whom they' are endeavoring to re4-
on," siniPlY heetoso the plowman eue tarot death the Stir! bean*,
tOtild not get nt his bullocks' tails thO Inett.have bolt etchausted by the
to twist theta. The superior tillage, tertille *train of battling
the. int wise or crop, took', net cout-' ft00..
petisale for the 'relfft(p4Mruent (if noto
knxt„.,114.5._,I0404 304 Liferv10.4
There was a eontenotor cogage4 in Nitlit Raven for this winter. • it t
a railway excavation, who race** expeeted Oats:till the ltritiortantlitse
nised that the soil could, be far nio'ro tion* -ot- the Ural cOtioit will soon
removed Oquippail with elt craft, •
rotte- than -eartied away .fit baskets , :Before adiiiinni the iratioiene
on the heeds of'cholles. So he .stri tor into the lifeboat Service 'Mitt
'sestet I 'some WheelbarroW4 ttifil tileultion wets sot:mounted, "In th.
showed how they ;Were to be trultd* &mei It .Was ImperatiVer from,'
- and Mattered himself upon' liti,v4 he- violence of the wioieit that are
- Ing,introductd. ttSottil Worm; :ieolotantly shipped. To attain silth
141 con- no#;•titutt yhtitoit.his_Werlot, latt.A1u1 it Stets toinid_necessary . to
- latxe folmd 10.0 atileit putting 4 little thiSt ettet6Sit tho engine. in - art ' absolutely'
into -it i I! eurrows an -carrying ,,w4 er
rt'gttril' oii 005, ttfOtor 'heti to
.paraphernalia at Indian daltY,
•wfll lafe il belongs to the, huth*royn .What WA*: fir' more ittportant. Wa0
ages. 'Attempt to ..ititrOduti any that -the. ,litehost Mhnuld'ilot ioths
..03,1ter,..alut;you ate ,tibun't4 with, ttio•
Ilut•roplyr not the:, rwt0rn. My'
, tattier 'Used' it'd*.arLko, and "
tho fore .it 15 MY- ';ditty.to lafid It. Would
you, hitivo toe -tiot ,nlyselt up for
Ann tny roared:Oat
ittitied *IX uttetopt
the superior Model
not to I0beufld
top -
Ly to rigleAtoeit
litkand poSition of tl
Itn(1. tilsO 'that the
atoll StUtOttiatical.VY" *"
It, Is 'assrt-
ed, 'have been. "Met itt
put late niErviol. Nette
lt.robst, a netti,Fe,
" has itivente&a riese.life s v
tuioe, iIreli1ftO41 in, it, bo btfow:
at sca, 'h•Is
nit to t1e. tilos
a' tut Eau!? tyt *mu..
I 1nda talkev;
t IS' watvr tight,
ad n iU but /her hands
1iht is *At that. t*arty
if 1h' h1y in* .-sittoveslorater.
ter lit 004...
that iti rfve
ef tho Seottlt po
\ztrit lztAktiet,
•-;411,44tt•.1# *tort'
' th. C'tiit.eif
tinued till his death, that we have
to speak.
1;i0ItT14.1.13t.14 101A.11$
121 entokeft no fewer 'than- 08,113
cigar, or 10,071.4 year i iriniF,ert
af 01$ *Otto (041 43.,,so0 were
-various- -leairift
6,, 'which, althouglt 'this Aus.
t rt evotee it the altrilie ot
Lady •!, Nicotine"' mover paid more
that -live cents tot... Oita/. one, cost:
nearly $12;500; • ,
Uut avon, thin .,nutrvellous ,roterti is
beaten by that, ot Myrtheet - Van,
Macs, knowti hie the nickname. of tha
" hit of,;(ho Sratilters.," wt.",
eighty -ono tho tlino Or nisenSic
nnd-rattnetintetr" Stneked-i4--roto
lit ntroag•Witliltint *As Oa ruling
lett in death Stair 41V4 •hy" liis
funral.- -••
,At 'hitt eiliretei Wei
18 it'stofilit 11110.1 !With- the, woii .f
At his' foot
po%itc4,0, liatket •.vigarettes and
biad4er of link 1)utelt. 1491
y, w6rd laid 1I fv.
'was at the same time zhoWing Ito
'marvelous _efficiency by keeping the
tea for months together itt• a manner -
'which 'recidlet the- fitriiira orthe
blockades of Ilrest and -Toulon, but
Was hardly bettered to ',he poJ.,sitile
Dliatogs,..or sitrp$:.
.•_;11tou hare -nske4 Speak ofl.
the subject of ship deeigns, and
'have up to tMa a‘retdity' vo1dcd ft.
• the texult. of thashapottlese and
Russian tiro writhe *00. opposed to
them acorAtO4 guttY
*At pr :Ad;
1219 • counts -into*. 'gat • be alike.
ecoromy to keep down the diaplae.
meat of • battleShips 1,o a ligure which
would, be considet*d absunlly
• an oeeatv-
"Ile will be opposed hi 'ail lithe;
object to enittiditure, on the".
. •
irlIrWojytkoilerhYr-a, w arp
thetris_a_too ittaitY este( hi
'One baSket. itt hard to doWn.
the lest to the pettleulee. dosio
al lAttleitttp whick thqr. WoUld
tirrOpOwiebt. ler iisibioe:Itiebt*---ittry-
greutly.. Somotfoloi' totted IS retold.,
tred ofminor importitnee., Sortiortfrittet
the heavy guns Itrast not bo too
heavyi nor tbe light.,,gte too "'tumor..
.00tw.• Sontotluire Ilto-tOlit. 1511144 - 1111
111111111111114011, 51111!5t, °
iotb000 lutous.'11 roo4titi:
teablo thi try, . ow,
Ave may.te thotb hat.:tbey are
*lotto et. t t
,ouftlerlent to, obllw the otir
ii im-inil‘...illvletotnrout poli
rathee,;of: oft•votg
looth.,ttnmilfeti *
pr*tttti** will
ebeiiitt uOr
t •
.014.4% RY-p-ritni; ;To.
•(anat freights-sEttroug.,
o Onto, tift,-114v.,--t, nett waa nn
otlwkie° boos' • Tuft of oiier 160
'atoek.at the City_ etittie _Xi
to4day. The total. .recelpit:irerci •
• re • veruditi of. 1,733 h 44:
rattle, 14705 sheep and
hogs, and 110,4141vos.
faport, cattle,. <:11.0.105(
0 .
. 11°0'• C'ht.°111S`......
vy etters
llit ht‘tsitcets --41.4r,...1/4.^.-.4's; n1044 - ...tM-L.,„.Z ,
'COM' Ott /et/ p AO
G. tillb: i
kotryniott* ,... i;lit tliti:
.$,-ert.,, -two li
ONS ** rtis
1 •