HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate., 1905-10-26, Page 6•
4541 I.
lArspi* ,
,. ▪ tr zwiiti:
34. raolit ng3rifallous
et304, Mrs. Lout* Turcottk
ineatt totr.kit,,',Alentreal..- •
..14tOr *6.404 'health'APil. Ct.
• ' WIMP.' •1 w0 'in ,P.rneAt orei
''ciftb,lii; trullrfoit
_ . .
•4 .1S
,rIjI jI1&W4, Zr'u,,-
4aIn Zty. Jie1thPI
ti'tzU tttruh 1,.. 4 0ebt
lO , . r . ' .. 't.1"
.- ,
rotor. %Vti'Z CVCrYday. yea,4!
, .-.444.„;#444 if.,2: : ,,A. i
, cotilo‘uArop., titigott ., ou
3Kiiit4A4111;it' 14004,,hci$ to A i. ,Air•
er# ;a134 .'ny eve emel coinp1tte1y
tt4li'04,, A1,1,*ho thug, I*as utu100
" Ontr---but,-;WIt,k,no.,..:,Ap-
enefit; One day a 010434_
Wins ,i)r.... V lliants'. rink Pills, and
403ked me to tOs them. X dila so.
4,11t1 after a„cetIplo of weekI tonna
-1C1)r-- m„pratite--13nPrOvingi ---ietnd --took
tigt nA ittaiga that •the - pills- ,Were
.11e1ping; me; and I got another' suP-
p43". In • tA, few weeks, MOTO the iehtingo
'0,1 ,fny. appearance acid condition was
marvellotts, and friends who dropped
In to see 'me, hardly thought. I was
the same person.. It was not much
longer tutfil I Was completely cured,
In fact felt better than I have done
, for year before. I am, therefore;
' Very happy to .Make known to.; all
ailing, Nv011len tbe fact that they can-
,.•,find...----new-,-43ealth.:-thron hn•--uso--o
if-vi'llitunis' - In. - c S'....."-1 - - I
Afrs, TOrcott's expet:ience With thiti
tnedteine.fs the sante as thousands of
cwthers. Dr. WillipunV Pink' PIUS . aro
the rreatcst cure for the tAiiinentS
-.. •
hili are
trent -
v0:1,e'rni tb*' fP$14egt. of
livered by ,grclak,t,
Itdbert. r4,11,',•040: Other
OW, • :
IL .;(1 k`001, the op
. V
-„, 0„., ,
. i0,11, :0, but $t , e o
_ i•O•i'...-,# , 33 U'r0,.71fi
"uf3114iKt , " ilfin,4•.44,
''144#04 ., n Q t
'rez', 3p1 ion . , '3,rs, , rt
'nen_ • 4 , filen •'„,tt ., , ir 4.,
'. ' 4t.;' 444 t4t(f".' I04, titin0f r
WhiC xpiteined, the.iltet that', red-
het joker was . 4 trifle larger tha,
it s s
, 10.
carding ,the sun was the manner In
which .Its heati was kept up, Sup-
pospav,„f Atiey_t_kok trAarr..partiOle • of
Coal from the' earth* and pourcdir
into the sun. how • long ,dlid they
think it would keep that orb going?
It was a' scientific truth that the
entire eottf supply of the, world
would- not give the sun*s heWt for
more than the ten . thousandth pqrt
of a single moment of time.
This prodigality bf heat could not
be kept up PY. t?,:knbustdoni there
afflicted as
must be some trentendons forte .0t Down xidacy, raw • always .k,ata
energy,. • There Alms. however, an /30014,s
t., 0
. a ,Oct-. ,*.„
4 c,,,l4p44. I. „','...0 .'
CtIlig',014 „...
, ,, -
, - inauY • 400,41141,1s., Wbt.c.
, , l. i',g• •te.44eintehe
brc.. q'o.4
1.4' il ',.Vilia.
o two yearsT.Says 1,K3% ,..Y;iing,
thg fttokrjeugg„:„..i. _ vans'
alliCtOi withHtirtght's ttipease, '1110.
te .. Illy-riffinti-Mettellt . ar an -
lost considerable blood, Making 100
so weak I .e0Uld Scarcely stand. I
'Eitaring 0,1' wonderful urea by
ticidd's ICidney Pills led m to try -
them, and after tiiing the ii st 'box
I found .great rell,:f. After using
tour boxes I waS able to go to
work.. which i. had, been ,unable tO
do for some time. I', reeetnutend
Dodd's ledney. Pills to all who am
an more definite -shape. Vlach gi e
proof- how. the sun's heat was kept
up, •
The sun, it Was Saittrty the mere
feet of• attraction. of its particles
dozi-to- poor blood. Alt tlte-----wealci-
Indigestion; all the pains aral-acuts 8,000 gl°bes' Dea.t1
got frotn burning
"01, the 1110t;t• 0,04443,11
ore easily will they cure the ear -
1 r stages IPIney Disease.
gave us as 'latch htut 0 .could be/ -
ness of anaemia: all the distress or;
-seitl-,' lirl,3en tido caleulatiOn was .., Fa Areath!
.1,41Ch I-3 *
tiottc in lultotvetra weiec,
ta% aloSpV:131 .e4r0 'get
1±11 the duty ends its‘ey.
flitnwriqg„trat end lieu
, up to dry. "
for .-ii..int!!,ert*endr1.r
nets proceln as fi.
i5.3„Ae the erticics free from
(.114$?. Cut n et
•*0AP haci
Sh4virtg4poto Into a gallon
oftolanr,vvotOrottivati)k-- tnto rt-
1,1%A--, itrt-
Wittman), wOtinfrita'iti tjf -
the lAtitiei withser4. nib»
biog. tItT/ZC out ditty
water 141/ tivigicff
tam* ut rithatuar,itty
telay4 of,Itilrewatnt ypter,
squeeze out weter svigiour.
t,tT tdii 1-
Open att.
Write moot deltaic
ele iftlA be efels
e 4 "3,
", way.
°1-P4urfillgin4 ak%t-7 -rbeuma
• , Reveals a D ystery.
all i'bOe- ntiscry- -anti 4144_ oa-I rorked' Out, and it was reinembered I
_that sutcst_fram.ttuaa.,_ta4r t waet onlto the fs ny earth one et-ttre--mostat
-ptiotirallY" ro-
° PO Ale
0*4 soti
Ue vint)ook4•44ot
• 60,$pfor frterr,,,
the tutrueoet, the 'voter.
rs. ,the, Aso* .wA
. wan trOtv - 6.0
• telledtip.
The O.swiY- fir •
dyer fit ttii• 01 ins
the full 'drat tab tti*cloitteo
but on weilt beard, .
oult 043414 'Wit 01400 .
' out; (*ern the teneretie.
1144474,4 get14,11S001306A.
but, don't use elOY
eeme ; 40e*.scald cr bed
stogie. •plece,, Ana Alcurrt
43t tbfq4444V0-11444.-ir
the water get* too ditty.
ttlisi'Ottt Oral 44414 - -
t a soots is bard'
te rub Seine taunt
•Iscgip en it otil throw
theolue ol4 tete' thei
• le*g
wolnca ' -471-itto;--.1,--rixttie-fi:era-b-bitiod-.:__ _Awl 1.4-C-1,11-0-7151.140-gavtri'reErtr-'117 -showed- trianrir-ca-ruers--faionlr-•is--reettiledtity-
,troutko, hcoau,w3 tiles,. actually make twenty-four million Years. ...' tion have been granted to the CrOW11
--11-ors Illat letters at administra-
pr., wiiiinn:,s, rink plus , ulirc, this° It hat tne sun might-te---kept; goinv"
• new. rich, health -giving :blood: They I` A suggestion of the eknlana,tton elf of the estate of' Captain
, o*eg..1.
dnl, act upon thiyhowels, theY donttro sun's enry has heen clue to the lansay AnthonyA tlmy 'W.1t.110 Cliel
---.VIA4iSt (pnik..,Wat-446.1% '
tilitrii'it'WirrifiVtif'''41/W4AILS•r3WY:kald'iget.. ''°'.. 14"1"7
' right •-to the tot
oot the traohje tow ti in tuf sun as it . was in the'
cure it theough. the blood, Il•ut yth
ou iear,..then !,135t!,Fit,4 Q1 itt Paltr ytiNkveof 1504000.
4.'4 . .
'Ile sou" of Sir John 'Wilson, who
• !nos get genume-su • CS
• 0110110-14#Ver--C4W-C4 ftliyOCPcn its)* the sun it would, 1.0 1,000,000,000
ta irxtnCr-1- Wilitatust- Ye -ars,
Pink pills for Pale People" iS
ed• on the wrapper around the box. DAM'S BLEMP.
Sold, 1)3, meditine dealers everywhere,
---Or sent by "mill at 60 cents a box or " On ot tho first sigriS that "some -
six boxes tor $2.60, l)y writing The thing is Wrong' with an infant Is dk-
flr Co., 1.1r043:7 turbed sleep. • Usually the trouble Is
Ville., Out; with •tinj -stolnaehTbr----taretels. • It you
iittle-ene is7cress-qind testlestrilo no
give It n qpiato or "tmething" mod-,
• •••
in Ceylon, he seeined to have the
world at his feet. But Itis brillittn
areer (says The London 1...eatl.70,
• le disclosure o
a dark secret.
Rich, handsome, and is favorite,
he was ediicated at Cambridge, be-
anie a captain in the Guards, and
traveled nerons the worl-d: He was
A 61111.10 ' was playbaLr iound the n P0.,04 4
0, 1Y ,14 sleep they
'd -td pot
is unhealthy, unnatural and tn..
„ eOrnet•s of Major Penderhy's month jurious. • Yo*.zr baby wilt sleep and
'wheut ho entered de establishment of let you tdceP If VA...treat, ft proper-
' Dfost.s. 'Cuttent anti .`.3niP„ the tail- ly. In Ilany's Own Tablets there Is
ors. --- not cut attnn--- of poi ontaes "slces‘w
"I .1n:ire corne;":- he -said, Salively,.
to Mr. etittera, •"to ,congratulate I stall" and yet,. by' t teir beneficent.,
healthy ctetion. th,ly giye' refreshing
ytat ent the excellence or 5'04t"---0---Sir sicciLt• They '14,31101.41, -
"if you will allow znp to say so, youi. the result is healthy, refreshin
4' lluchinghant top-
-4414 t
dog which Quem Victoria gave '-to
him iOng hung.:in the 4ining-room at
his Alotandra. rdens , • house. • in
Velicestone. . -
With the death ofil tis father , came
e -
the distlestir',- tift. eh altered hip
for the - first time,
wlvole life. Ile lei
•self.".' t., •
1"Thankee, ..majoir • said Cuttem.
l'I think'I.,may say .wn Tay great at-'
tention to the, way we fit ()Ur cus-
VertrrIC At trio slime tittle; sir. T
clonl quite understand what you
.• •
awakens hright and well.. • Afra.
1.)ouglas; saYs: the farorite of royalty and society
My baby was troubled with consti- cut himself adrift frail everybody
potion, %vas restless And unertSy And n4_1:01104. solace In becht.51*ii, iXo
bealltiral tv-012aaa who. lived v;Ith
his (attune, and 'whom he Intl always
tailiaotyvihtea:va: illdgitimatt,,, •and that
MU% iffrit
T110 fleWS ‘Vati •ti teitible Atitd
. own; ot.: i, . , ,,,, . 11,
1 ."0 ft., ,•9100g,,,W 'is
•14,,, (i''Specitne ' iii,rtt,1414,re
4 _ rkruanship. Ines trcnnl
bo.'lljscit Voe:ast, ti. Is 'about AS
too. old, • 411 the Wheels, aro of
eedi---ancl-1 tre-, Olt-on*--'4*-144-44V-7
that -of hoursthe,.1.
Gnod II' 'tie
M. at r&onabk 'pri
, '1,40
. .
It rroloim tbs
Spaniard, Una, Ilia life in •ehe •wilde ef
Florida, whither he %Int for the un.
•of dieeovering the, legen
'Tountain of Oerpetnel YoUtit.' -sztit9
exist • in that then iunknown country.
While 14.. Thomas' Vcleetric Oil v
not perpetuate yOutli, it will remove- tbo
bodily pains whielt Mete the young old
before 'their tune and barass the • aged
into untimely caraves,
'Why docet you go to worst?'"
"IiinlY,•1' -replied Jrattered Thep -
tins, "r4..e been tt,v in' ter get stmt.
tbln t' but . \I can't tind, calk -
thing in my line."
"Sailin' on airships, iniAnt."...,
SCALD b a diriptl'. thig end obstinato
diAase, frequent in ohildrea; Treatwat : Ver.
• lout eleaulina.73 awl a guanrout apftlicatlett of
• 4To4ivnie 4.1-exatip, Mot -beta -wit/ he rsidat 1eAra-
Ile (wpItzing) sliprery fhlu
1--- 1L&. hard to keep- on your-
- you're_ reallY
ing to keep on tazt feet,' then, p.re •
'you? I thought it was merely acci-
tutu to stop outing be,cause• You have
indigestion has lung Once teed -exple4T,
• ed. Von • Fitaa'n Pineep 10 Tar.
tlhelbsot Oa%
77 Kos Tor**Iski,
1F03 ioAttatAcTuREns..
tUtt$31`41,011i0.01-,,Trat Alta.
Fur-line:1 04;314 cop 4iack,,ok •
mteuttileg !it More, ilerta
Vo rnri' 11,13v rocs lout ,tinurtqc,
4end for Price
. r •
cuir•not kleep weir tit nitdite tower,
threw up itiS commission in
him DabY's Own Tablets . anck the Over& and, attended only by a few
• • '"ritir you dr,niy War sir" sard
• 1,:he major. "The suit iou sent ht)irto
1ar('4. flU3 iWJQtL( th
nkin tali'," •
• col g ite
, "Pita true', in-13ted the
ciralor. ..r can sit_down fit my skin
• alitt -114rged .11. •-I van la this
The largot pin factory in tho
world is that at DirtnInEllaw. where
47,(1C0,000 ,pins ere 3nanufactured
evcr.y working- clay. 'All the other
phi factorks toather tui•n Out about
eVery ay.711talthiEt;
the popul'alfott of Europe at '250,-
C00,000, every fourth person mu*,
Imo a pin excry dez to -e' -up -the
daily productIon.
ou (t and
•it lady tho uncouSelously ,dri tod
Into nerv s.prestratien, tuVught
ty'rerteo, a$Sii
-11 Itave been 4 Tiioe (lritice1-'S11„'
lite. -Oniritsea h-rOgularly., 'Three
• ititnes_ItAlaY,_ _
-1-**At yqtr or two ago 1: teatime: su
,ject to----iisrvinis-rtSuralgith,- attacks of
Itcr•voutt hescittetts- tricr general- terv.
UU prostratiorvAlchich notc:44011)e-e,-1*-'
-7-topacitots4-nirs--ter,4oing-itty hottsc.-
itreguently•inscie it, rice -
sat/ tor .zn ,to, 40111,410
reera rot two or three Alass 3ikt,
time; . .
• "I impleyed several geed' tibetorl:
.fitter the other,iflfl 1.t
tezn 6'
tey snip 4flt -Matliowe anc,
new sleers well At night." If your
dealer doetrot lee the-Tabfutt send
ccnts to the 'I r.- atedi-
k f*
will be sent , you- wail
- •
• • • WARM DAY.
- .
tr‘ s_worlderle
•Sitirlifd 1)0 eltal,iieterlied i rry
rising. . The flanneld may be wattled
and hung out to dL7 'while the
water is becetaing sufficiently' . hot
for other, things. Cornineneing'with
the cleanest -table linen -the iwrate
things shonid be washed in their.
order. Tik.. %tater in which the,table
iineng have been washed will ho el
enough for the teih,CcoVers and,
towels, and raterwards. it, can be
tired tor the hed..4-tra-Votly linen, and
lay niurlone "ebettileitis-
orauY feral of actulteratiou. - •
Veer• Witty' flefended by tbn
du4ler trout -tvieoca you buy.
Sunlight Soap lf you, fled any
, tanse.fer •
tryV.I1 BROlrflatti Tam NTO
etc; • •tfcci a 1,3 I, •
went of utOtaach tioubles.. It has
proved that one- !nay eat his 1111 of
and• no tahitA token, of et tho' meal
wit' nitl the fitotuacif in *Wing its work.
GO in box,.:35 cents. 114.
"What did Ferdir say when 1 you
caught him (voting, gut 'the
pantry With his bands staltbd.re4?"
Iso. had javanted !tigers,
eJ1at in -Brentwpoil-, iieii, Atritii.
int& fortune in 'consols: and proper -
"Where," said the land agent, tio-
drcssing an audienee of possible ptir-
chaiers, "where else- en the fato of
t110 -0a Mill_YPII-Xthd..10. one_ place,
copper, tin, • Iron, cotton.. hemp,
grain And garner'' And a voice from
ho' incide no attetni4' /;eep
tad -place in orderT horgas. and :oUter
atiintals roamed about „,,,kt will, and
the 'preperty •wan rapidlx going to
that his queer conduct mit u n toil
-myPtsungest. scur."
sir "."" 1441 Or
Bola r Add from week to reoll,
wa always bavelternothing ta te.nyou.
Wo manufacture
Stock 'routes _ Bleed Purifier, •
• Indlostion cd u1cCurC1
5ov1u Cure. Antisep tro tte•filinfP91
Louse 0e4011,, ana PoUitt,Y Tor#0.
p With otir systa,a) 6
oa emu treg your awn nook
ear tleAlerilon',t licourAleoaraootisSena
LrOe •
A YIP19011.TY ON, 1.
ts 31',!ftYltA)41210, o.
Mains 'My dear str, /• wet', wed,..''•
C_SIV • a„.41 -ho. •
. Rudely (.1 rrupting),
v-ourof widower OU
For . the .0yerworliotl.—Vhat 'are the
causes of tkspontlency and ractantholq?
4, disor,tlered is,• one -cause and a
Kinn) oral, . A •tlilsortferetl 'liter means a
disoi-dcred stomach.. anti. ditiprdermd
stotbacit• tricans tlinturbanee, tile, nerv.
ous• oyster)). Thin brings trio WIttilt1 bod.,)*
Srtto subjection and the victim 1,1ek
Adj. ,over. rairnualee'n Vecreint)lo 11110
are e. --re,cognic.A -remedy in thie !•tats
'and relief trill .follow their . use.,
/it 1 1)1.ween wet. It%e
the world. has been 1 r
'lint till he inetYitnel -
explains why he dance. o like - a
camel, SuPpose."
- •
' South Antotitials itithsty Curs is the
only hid ey treat/tent that he.9 proyea
uttrio- V"lrfrtltir"trvi'll-•t
-twiaLtr= Vies° physical -
tom. Ilundreds or te-friticurntztts
WPrerg.4.,gAt that '‘The-Ik Te".74enth31 or-
witLeurs? Lumbago, )1-4t$EtteUe, Wtiatiel. Nc
Panas quicer than any other ptaster.
Ci7rallnknAfiCt1 overyholv. •
"What (100S it Mean, Tommy,'
Suticlay4scitool leacher 'asked, r
it tap'? 'they rent, their.„clothesl'--
suppoGet the -,,,,T couldn't ittord to .bay
so .es4e4,1,_
Where cal) get, spine Ifollowny"
Corn , Cure I yam entirety cured. 0
ply corms bY„, th$s rottisily and
some to/3re. Of it for toy friends.
.writes Drown,F Chicitglt4-
f t
Pro -se ttai rucuetve uteri?) of tide, licrO)
*11 dIFs•
tt invittku-1-1-0intraent ft boon for Ftieri;inj3I'grYilwest. 1"4",pr, idtirararnIttiotritit,
or 'Wind, inecuit.g ritwi. it reiiEtiPen Don't
• quidtly and, permanently. In Elkin ernp. <,
11005 it ntands without a rival. Thou- Many curious reasons are given for
..4111041.1„, .au__tehumpiAaa it __,you 1,70.nt. oVi- Absrmee from school.' 'lien) i 0 0...7-
4onee.' 85 ventct.-1-3-• - - -, -$71)ectr Sir,--Satatiel cannot oOlner to
001001 this ititerbOon, as he has
etienwIt to - runtiness, kompunicatell '
• with- the Lord Chatutellor;- anti .pri,.- 1 "Con - y114 gisbo Ire a room and Oued his head to the tire....,..Er• and
we hare not,' been able to ci•!parate
:gently the rich \reeluse found himself bath?" 'asilki a tratel-otained gen?st.
2,.. 1)...,4..,,...1 AsylOnt. Ilia friend3, - l'i Can ,glve 'vett a* rooin, sir " re- Itilli
1' • ( •!r_t
however. eNer t themselves to _ such • pile(' the, 3iew hotel "but
An entent that 'Ills. immediate ye you 11 1113,1/0 to I?a,th yourc-,e111" C.:bolero. tnothus.'' cratnnei and klndred
loam. Was oriteibcr" •
• comphtints annuaw matte, thclr up.
-pc:trance at- tlip sume thne U10 hot
rihi:ti-ty. mt. Wilson v.--ras angered SOISC„thintc, Veit irbeia arurgittIve!pr Woather.. greeh frlAti,ctlettulbero.., melons.
tag----treatinilit, anciTirat Vo-pu-rt4-0 facct_vf plab ete,„ drat tunny lo4.1•TOOroft, (ITO &barred-
at -wo owe. to -
* 1 Ntilm--tramstmor to
-11":frrir4Trriritbvtlat we -owe (fr -riMt-ttaa16.t-44-
p 1c03 -,A /t,CELEn -ham. Oat,. 1'40
- „
'Mesa or V.IreAtt neorsed t1,4 only 01,!..
tentative for ri.r( w,11 -known and highly --
had• travelled over two continent,' 113
valti cearch, ior a cure torn._ nervota de-,
,hIlity And 41y.rpeptsia.
mended South Arnerleali rere,
buttlp helped,- six hatttles cUred, and hop •
• own written testimony tloz,c,s vith•
ttetur viocch3: 4,1•t, tx‘yed my
t.t0 . •
M'Ilryzle--r."Jcht),`, Ci9ipiy,,
ct thet that an action 'Would have riv- Pals m°v7 l'14° n'arli"4 .''''°. "1141414
III I it -1,14 II 1' At' s fad th
Vegetable Pills ere inert) ,thon. ,purect- "tra:.0 ;Weal itiht ahntain if t arf have i.,
GO On, fintshing with the iliont polled mit world the
things; ---,Two_ -.4autespoonturs,; a 'birth. he 'would have taken dproceed-
paraffin .added te- the the InGs agnin"t Pc()Ple WIlt) had
brOtt0t. about his ineafeeraticn.
holier dissolves and. 109,T,e_rt,,l,'
and So IS Too& for cicaus'ing i;lich
0-2-2,1`PAtt4,-„,Q1 IA •
aprons. all dirty thinAra.
In tecuring n, good eolof of 'whito
clothes the main points to observo
are thorouglisteeping. ' careitil wash-
ing, ithiling, thorough rinsing, cau-
tions 'bluing, and,__AvIcactovi.fr it.. is
Tiosiblio,, drying' in the opeit lo
lead trestmers and clear color..
11". not tclicimr them to become .10
fIry 411-14- leq141Z1-40-1E-Ar.Ont1, tlatnpo.4
t was tt haike, v1LhOr ballOork
0, Standing „ea -teilar poi*,ts.
3{ Ott 401000, from ikr-Wirth ha
�tiut it -just sittq the root had ben
ut on and tho weather4viiiircl1ng
finished, and had-, puthed ft 'five' feet'
jrend1tn14p •
Eight2v1nths ago rt I sUg-
top' trouble* r.c1 thattry
Ara rood ,qotteo tho.
t erci glad 1 tokher
tot /ay heuttli.
restored. 1 haV64. no Wore
• le. nor hove1 hnti tatn,fr414
calls:(-ite in_ 'All theto; ef1Jt
Iith.X() litOre ,,,tny
In serfittry confin6ine *
St. s
n nn emp A rng e • t
-Ibe traveller happened
4, ;welt° e.-,nt, tad' havenl,
'cm 4110trayeller.
Autilding would; 'have etooirit tt11
!ghtit it 1401 • 1n1shed,
itrs. •
44.1 rvrlori
-4,4tIoing Id tar it kn- *41
t‘gt4414 '
A .
• ,
-1130 ..yint
Ith t
°thing,. .,atittrer#st /he 00110r.''
g: to welt cfor a iiiiiticatie to
Aptertronf the Other 3llrectioit
It again." -
0 CO htktk tO in dor
to h, I ton once to
P Allah. 1 etiCION6
i rietils who tAll
w1i' tor e'tr11th et the MM.*gn ,
by Destutur6.,
rn .
not lios um is
hjectioniilife. that
ages,' and r • property to % take
c4re, or thenmelves, inovetl to
store.,...„Takitig• 4e" name of 60orge
lloreh*ni# lie first retticd ildwerie
square, 13in Only attendants belt*
his faithful houtletteeper, Ariss ittirY
Campbell., and at ntanservatit. , Item
ver. Ile sought no!totopaay, rar
.wetit out, and only viiieir If ."„1 --oh
41 fallen. Tiro hottPc.f._and._its owner
ere shroUdeet in -Worst.
.aznet Ws death, and the giving to,thik
AVOricror 'steret.-
-Though- Ids- b,4* fortune ot ever
140,00(1 gocit, to the Crown, Val*-tiXt
Irving' diet' ltitetttate, lie Made atittilo
prOvision .fOr the ,eompanton , his
darkest ' clays; •Itt, ,taet,„- he knelt%
•t4;''have 'Purehtted riunthet of,
- belt's natio
41V.inlry iteeristhen the stoinnen, nyr.c.nfery 4ord,341 i morning the cot got pcttstrg-
wham boloveraken it. They. takn,n draP9 • ill we --ter.. ourca..' itn4 ate every si,nrio this( 'e:"..4.9pt, • a '
tiin ii11.1npg ant! Cht)1Crit 18 a renlorknt,te
11-10,ffricr skull 1.114%e --every- di
turbalittf .or 'tho howelis. •
cr anti kitinir,. • and thoy t,itoutittn _CAlie I itad inFt 1>ntteci. Mr Wilt ,-(16,••
ji to cLi where p I ceintionntis depeose. T-ro.
, "What ' a.
isatUre, USed for stinct is, to he surel'!
„ e y putgatm4 TVS'. "Zia: -
their. 4:i:111)1)01i tion. rrdcl
to iittat I la slier s
Ile "My vlewa on bringing up is
fille--"Never mind yo4r
bring up the family you
to and bring, up lite coal."
r;WItort.1( WAircult 111.00Dttuttel tutted troubte.
Oat 1E114 letting LiI1 romy oz.
01.14.434,4....waket„.,Agi irere-itizi.“ At
ert tonic tO ta.ake ou strong and *ell.
1104440 MO
itenift,t-44 dunes' never Co
'.-J1?weEt...1-kneW 1t,ye-Sitkreray X rtr-
tvived .two vodding MVitations
the Mint' Wail,
ration to t'Crown o
' es ot tatter 'and son is the
hi thil.reta lite drama,
0-yttlf rettWirksd thO, mo 1
I t .ntiff baby„ t1toug1*t,h40#
'14*.ttithefl hair:, V
I or
roil A1)
qe-wHs'ir Di
lisrehts btre Iktother cirs,veas
.r.steroaillater haramae they 'snow
*art inedicinet for their
f .Worn) -1.- --
V1#*00.11.4 .01,*
Atter serenely oald
odd OM 4uut ii.roadheittlo it 0 1110 ,
ttle thing' that voimi>,4130
that gc?, to wok* tit* bat,.
Vor 11.401310i' don't
t ,Insin„,lts It YOU
were 44 'Cx.2.fit;viirlty Accepting
. It As en,S, to
fib 1110` n
YOU tcl- ,fe
th 1
, 0 '(hat. yon
• our, pint *Clothes,
It :4„ou want to go along
N Allett*
thlikt mow," ventured t intt1i
boy atter n ong allow! in -the 411qM.
"W4117" need' the tetteher.'llien
it tt+io,144,ttir,t3 *1th oilqro inn
.., a 3U$11 rat tioin:tatemttlest g trio
a . Airere,s Llink Dabio, i 4501,? 1
il the root of the. cuo *134
* tleaveated ali u r II
A weil-knoivrt" Actor tells
In • Ills' ar1y7 tetrugglio
forreho' attained fitcno titid
130 .000 foud ,b1osoir smi
OttattY- 1:440 'vkith & fifth -rate to
ny. ....3stantlerirtg . idly round
orning, *tiler their arrival, 110, W
paSelogichurrh entrauco
wcl ling WA 1iOnt1:0 be' tticbott
netrOt of telautop„taph.
13 bell* tried la 11aii. N''on .shoPiy-
tvrito on it de -4k, 3 is in itself kr
sp,etiiillY-propared transmitter*, with,
an or'illuar, flexion. and the kui.e4t.
dawn is teproilo Cho o1'ee 111
lir tor it', the I.Aolidort Outlook,.
quoting Atulhall's ;o110*\*
titst Rflrinigront from Orrat
ihtited .kitateS atria *Olt
131� flMeritigoi'1$1.6.1; this
it4 d 1116 WOtitlrig Vtiltat Of ik.ht
It ;Via an -or. r. 11...1WhikailIONNitssimmemomimoliits•mon.m.r. :
o ,floor of
but tot, 1.6*
the r�of "woo apparently.,
'The-OreinoriSr )*L3rOtteiteil
*VOW *tor ql ita way utti1 the rn
ilter t$,-*.yorp,- presto krt
an* **Ity• the •couple t
hicestiti0)31'nOt be tifilted t
the' lio)y,lionds of. matrim
heard,. to,
All cei wtr� tnrx.ed to the '-a1
re, " the tigu
ia I sorrilble In the
"State' your oaid
fit ot uncontrollable
pd ell *at, iittla'thoto am*
*A th* IdliVident
*fgesse, 1r, twoX Want\