HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1880-10-14, Page 3;i L /('TOl11:11 14, 1.8i:.0 �t.m(�pnds�+'a'en:a�:eev�;tM�;.,�ramlr'r,M•+Nma•ao«,1�,x�r;+ac�r��sL•mtw».�a•a+sa�tva .:.. 1 THE TIME'S BE0ENT POINTS IN ii TIQUETIE• j EN SALL Soy 'g(((el 111"ruins;' or 'gnorl (VOL. lug' to the 1l04to•14, U31 1t114V111 ; the 1 won'}, •ti,a 19,11g, ' Id girl' has gime out, iu 11'0 best toric► . If there are l•evcuty-'fvo or Due 11Uh la'Ld 14wrso±ls in the company. It is Ilut 11(C69,:Hary for you to shape hands, . all ri't.L�. Dir not b,. in haste t;) go down to <1!uller without waiting for it tardy ,Hest. t.'11Ve 1}iul at least thirty Il}inui,. es. You Limy have 1U gel Iiuwn ou.you hau(ls awl Int efot )Loci el%iV1 itrl'uuit dud feel for r. lost collar button, yourself, h(I)111•t11141•I. Upon introduction to a young 1a(1\', i111111radiattly all( her not; and the size of her shoos. This \\111 put you on 1111 easy conversational plane. ll. moiety, tL not, rOtl,iirOR as 11rn111ot on onto• or as (t ht)nitt!.1 (ludslioll. And in Like ktauli It requires 11 grout deal 111, 11.1.44 r 1)1141. D., not 1bah I; any one who Wail a, on x l u let, table. Lt.o1c won and 11ul1vry .as 1.14c)11gh you wanted more, `1'11 1144 (+11013 iL your 0)leir a1)(1 (1l'utl) idly • u your h( ad with your funk. is (ik}s.t1'ctilted in good society. A NAUTICAL, 13AT 1'1,11. ^Ii:sel1t11Lr Wrt1LT()C5 ti 114 rwEaN Aintr,,E AXD A ' Cllitle.Sifldit' E141i. I4nrd ilrichihrthl ,'iLnapbtill, 1.1'.O Itrot1). Er of Ltd ',write., who went hone, front fro •,1 t-Uun'td16 uu t.h'<?H:e'In.Mil l''+Iuvian ;I fortnight tnil;tlt, o.'u', was fort titlaie ,11n'n1fh t,, eve solo-' rale 11•a111'1L'111 spot Vn i1,i 7th of Selttetllh''i'. Ito Writes to the ticot-ma,; Wiwi) fairly outside Belle. i -f)' 1 h1t,J flat. fit 5114.,1441(;. 54 51 \V.). with i'(-rb:ll'L;)1 or no groat hist± w bow 01111 fatly in the Atria; elutant. and tho 'ri't;tottia 0,1 our starboard b,)e 11141 first 'tli.e.01:1er' fish lost) clean cut of tho water mit far fr' m our bows. We kept tt .dost watch near about \L bi't'e he Mu' Lii',t nt 011 th'1 fish; sol' had ww to wait, an,' for this next '011 11111 - ittt 8 t.' 11 ()0 trier of all hour we w»teit- et1 a IUur•t tel011>ttt1 u's tight. I etween tt.iy fi.h 1111 1L karya whole ,vihitlb, e\i• del.t!y n,t.:loked 1111,) flout b.'144,u bl sword ti.ii WAS ineff, aerially ttyittg t, 4,outrti. awl do all in its Cower t„ !ret. 111117, but there''ts no escape., nit. +fit i El tliresh•'r, no enormous fish— 1'( 01ioned t,?, tlie fi••'t otlieor and head engineer art tl 1. ty f<et in length—Item continual- ly iar hitlg the whale \\ith its powerful tail, and. as if not s1Lti'fiOtl that til :;P PInnnil,g b!n'41 1)1) 'told ' throw it,,.•If to the stir n 4th enurm•eos leaps, i1L1111- 1'l: -r Otl the INlisL1e wil.11 the Most )'e"ll Illtl- ?t '+vhaek°.' T•!10 1.11h11l11a1 n.lill the Inliciotts a ere s1;6t'.L`(y blerdiog iu .,,>,r.ana n'1F11in; t) scald far {lists friruels con 1l)tl�n ttttaFjkH; the passengers »17(1 crew L:Liit1g1�1!L•'e 'O!tl:14111 ilt l0rfest 1•'tt•'K :rant '''e)13 till pa tit 41 red at the hn11vark•s, z:n1iaw1. ire'hut4l 'n' 1 Se' hand to any city or )mtil- ,1•:1V t•owari.0luuula. Full partienhtts fly t1';.1yy. t'.L$01l)ILt('(1 by tho -�iritnhc {Witt. the. iodic ale Corned in its ;wooly almost belly l}t)t,ermo#t, casting itself about in all dlirections, but there was no escape. It Reser got Aeon below t11n But face,wllleh WILK churned by its might efforts it t' 1( set tiling Mans of fon111. The caul h,>tunto were tight 111 the t:'(3th of the \rind anti SIM then ri'nning. We saw ttiio whale 131 a ren111nr 'flurry' often. at (1.. Whets our straining Pi. 9 1114 1±11\V thein they e art, 148 ltlti•tl 1Lt 1t Ms ever, 4111f1 the opainion of :uoKL on how d 11111t thea' whole was fast i'iclt"l'illt;. whole of the roul4')' part or 1,111' Rh:,IP was white, 11,1,d I hope some one pial ;live m1' same information as to its ,pe. CIES. From the tins of his tail to the jam it Rae 118 if painted Imre Wbire—a leaden Color above. 'l'hel'e was malty on board who had sailed the Atlantic .for upward a cf thirty years, but had never seen such a. tight. 1t toot, place, so to speak, close to b • 1) vessels, the lisht raping between our ship a»t( the "Vo utonia. FIHINITULIE ].1OOiIS. wily noabroad for 'tour Por'Itit:t'.'e,When V011eau 1;ot Bettor Val Ulf (or your money 1•1 He11,1111. 0.2.3), „ +Cu WO=a, ''477 having ben;itt loathe Furniture l31.1si„o/F of Mr P air•Lltil•1,, awl eu'ted largely to the e;t,.813 18 nal Ir•t to offer tnuliture. at very 1119.• pl'iaes. My 11.1lt0taWag Dot. (1tntotlt will 1atenet kn. i± 111 t:•1 iltl' 141 ,11 seetiml, having just 1r ca'n'cel a largo •11116i.et 0( ,t11 4tuelsnfnnderta,u', goaoila. A ltrst.e1 Lor: 14•'11.14. 44111.111' '(OXON:1oi1 for fun0rals on rens•ntablu trruls .:1s.) agent tor CA) \Valma tunlV e4V Y,11.1( Stager Rowing Ntaubina. J.15. CUXWO.1$T:fI. F A b ,/ TOWN —AND— F033. SALI'l (Jlii'IAP INI) )1`::1.\SY T i 131IS CL' 1'.\YIIENT, 1'N I [111 N(9.1 N ! or N 1. Lot 11tu'1b1'r 111, Con. 12 in the Taira ;lee W a e:ti1•a:1, :. ttare4 111 bre U1' 1:.,s, n^.^e- t oto }e3 ,} .1."' 111111 )1.r.'el With 1,0 °0 ,1 1v, 11.1‘1111.11/1i 11,1.1 white ask. 'flee 1,•. el n:, • •.1, 1,':,.'I) .t.. l, 1i+taut troll( the ti ilinbo of 1)a.;il1. 111) 11L(lt.16 Mile. 13, •1. ,1 r tErt VIL' ;a 01..1 'iter, Lot number l it tit ,11.1,1.11i1i.'u of i,ot 11tUul1 1:1 'lilts C ii'Y,Id•.• ..; ± 1 1:1111.4•.,1. \n 4110 o''±ne'it1•61 nr ''tui:, •,t±••'. 1. e.r :r 11,41,1 'i1% 'm, old. Is 1,1 11110 t1 ;t 6 e u'.•s; 1t t i v It1 P:\rt 1•. '1 u'ra i. beir4 ht n.+ 11.1 .1111,`111!.1 u . t-1,1.144 O1. 111.1, ,1• : 1 X .�0ors s 11/G 11. LUn lP feet 1111'.1 iiI gJ',. s4.ttd of For Fnr'11vr p'Lrtiruittrs 1, -(ply to AN1)l1E'd' 11i1:iP i., ,1t i': • r, t tc. \\'- F. 13 CM I(', 11.11/ 40,1: ie 1.nm:4 Maui 1). ,L+uilt1J (:ou.l'4uty Len . wn. 1)111:11'1,) CATAI1RTT CA'l'AE1tII l ! The (coat Sierra Nevada Smaing Compound, The only positive euroferCatarrh yetclisuovuroi )'ell Haar BY ('• Lu'e 'S 0)' '1') .t.T4 m)Rl. (4 STORE. V4, L SMITH, Generl4l Agent, A.rltona, Ont. Me:di0liil:a Prioces Stilt x..mrsw USW,Londou'itieast 2 \Villialu N W 1/5 1} t) u " 1/5 44 0 Aunt) S L 1/5 4, Cathartic Pills Combine the choicest cathartic principles in medicine, in proportions accurately ad - lusted to secure activity, certainty, and uniformity of effect. They are the reau)t of years of careful study and practical eli- psrimont, and are the most effectual rem- edy yet discovered for diseases caused by derangement of the stomach, liter, and bowels, which require prompt and effectual treatment. AvEn's Plies tiro specially applicable to this class of diseases. They act directly -on the digestive and assimi- lative processes,. and restore regular healthy action. Their extensive use by physicians in their practice, and by all civilized nations, is ono of tho many proofs of their value as a safe, sure, and perfectly reliable purgative medicine. Tieing compounded of the concentrated virtues of purely vegetable slihstances, they aro positively free from calomel or any injurious properties, and can be admin- isterod to children with perfect safety. Armes PILLS are au effectual cure for Constipation or Costiveness, Indiges- tion, Dyspepsia, Loss of A-;Lpetite, Foul Stomach and Breath, Dizziness, Headache, Loss of 'Memory, NL:1111)11ess, Biliousness, Jaundice, Rheumatism, Eruptions and Skin Diseases, Dropsy, Tumors, Worms, Neuralgia, Colic, Gripes, Diarrlitea, Dysentery, Gout, Piles, Disorders of the Liver, and all other diseases resulting' from a disordered state of the digestive appar(.tas. As a Dinner Pill they have no (;r,1i1. While gentle in their nation. these PIT.r.s are, the most thol'wttt;il and mels'1l1tw1.'1tiliar- tin that can be empleved, awl never'i\'1) pain unless the leevel)4 are in;l�imed,end then their iufln'lure is boating. '1'i.,•y Pl.e11n- late the appetite] (loll .1li:;nstIva org:11Is: tllr ;y' operate to purify and enrich the Wood, anti impart renewed health and vigor to the whole system.. • Prepared by Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., well lies. 111.eDonald TOWNSIIIP' OF COLBORNE. part block 0 part block 0 5 40 5 40 "v 05 1 OR 1 08 1 08 2 6 54 6 54 0 (311 46 Pat'd 55 80 2 40 58 20 4 1' 1. 60 1 85 15.95 •T'OWN,1IIP 01' (1 O DL11.IC11. /It 4 Maitland ' 5 L'ai'd TOWNSHIP U1' OBEY. N W pt A 4th. 1 S 1st 135 5111 87 'VILLAGE 01' IIENI'E N, IN OBEY, 18 Pat'() rOWINSIIIP OF HAY, 1 88 1 00 2 33 790 113 819 64 65 2 00 67 25 14 07 1 11 5 51h 25 Pat'd 10 75 1 40 18 15 22 south b(t'y 100 " 25 53 1 (30 27 10 VILLAGE OF 1,UIIICII, IN HAY. 57 1/0 Pat'd 02 07 • 1 89 TOWNSHIP OF IHOWICK. 11 lst 100 Pat'd 4 44 1 05 5 49 'VILLIGE 01' 0O1111IE, IN IIOIV1OK. 208 1/5 Pat'd 7 16 -1 18 8 29 TO',`� N SI1II' 01? 11T. LLET. ;; E p4 10 4th • 331 1'1Lt'd 7. 55 1 18 8 63 TILLAGE (3F a1aN011T' STEi1, 1N LITJLLETT. Practical and Analytical Chemists, 1 Vy .+:at. p±.i't of s(m t li „r 0 Lowell, Mass. li:'if, 1)„uulit4d ou F Q t SOLD BY SLL DIIU0CIST8 EVEErwliEfE. 1140 heel ll by tl x(11161 tanning east mot LI`'E11P001,, , 3-�; 01141I—Tr.-122\\ta across neatly ..-1. , , 11 L'01TDONDZieforl,�' GT illi C0l1tl'e of sail V [J yY SJ l 1L 1 1 V1 11.11 d1'l yea bap them 11rie1(? W',•1:. Jimmy. T IOt, m1614,11 the 0,1-1 1111 se�utL l:V old highway, tunt,int7 east. anti Vern) ft um .,141 bridge, and en the west by road al - GLASGOW' S IORTESI' S:'.A PASSAGE. C'A13IN, INTER3TEDIA•ii•3 AND STEERAGE TICIi- ETS. He was informed that a lolly h),(1 called In se1r him in his ab:l(nce. 'A lady,' be 1)31190(1 Mond, 'a lady.' Upon an 11'ecurate deem iplion, 110 suddenly 1)fghte00(1 1)1.1 and added, '011, dot vas iso laity ; dot vas my vire.' Educational: Teacher — Suppose that 34)0 have two sticics or candy, n. 'd your brother gives you two mote, how malty have you got than?' Little B',y (shtll(iug his head)—'Yon don't know flim; lin ain't that kin( of a. boy.' '111 tench you to lie, and steal, R'n11 smoke, and use profane lallgnnere,' f1»id an irate parent to his oldest offspring. at the flame tithe swinging a good size() sapling 'T'il teach x'011, you young 4801310p. 'Never min(), father, 1 know .141) them branches already.' Lord 13''a1i00h5'eltl and Q11AP?) Viet°. rot are duinli their best to persuade the Baroness I3nrdett'Gont.tt to Rh 11(e Bartlett, the ynnng. A,tneriosn who hos mashed her, and not marry hien. If Timm. 1i'r. Bartlett o.Lnnot beat a queen ltnrl • a jack, 110 isnot much of an American. CAPT. G KElMP, Exeter. 1.J tieter ti OT'tii ' LD 6J R and GRIST MILL, o.e,tr,tt tu,..l f.l»u u11.chL11, of 0.10..4 . I•,us 1.,. ' wetly of Cann left.? 1111y. 3'0•:. t}10',.14111111 of titoe..4od ilrsr-ein.ss too. How does h.• so11111'm. 311.1:0? \c alt. Jiulmv, he sell• the.to a.'t cheap that f was not to tell, tent if von woof any just ,•.' 1'igkt more, for 110 says he i1 -beano) to 1.011 as cl,lea e a? any 111 th' county. It "l1U111be:, De lives south side ur,•tli1oll Gravel road. JOHN :ill"Pomade,. low n nee along Bay- ern littnl, rob. 21, 1S19 on field .IiiVer,assusS011 in name of .U. II. TTir• Gairdner, 0011111001; Mein}; in :toed 1carltillr 0011' 311V )9 ('Cory 110e'nln- d hien prssildle 111 gr1.ltidg enol nearing. Floor 111'1 10111 -feed uc,Iivered to parties leaving their order; b(((ore: ne o'eiecit at J.131:Ll; S Bakery, or 0'11 YEN E & C0'S, or at mill same day TIE RATS ()A.S.tH. EACH PLUG. 0o' TIiii t10 Navv IS -MARKED •* +ty. '\ o,z ,e �R IN 9110liZE LETTI:IIS. �f� ,�11��>, 1,;0 '.11::3 ,�.�" �� a. � ��, ('tet TrrrXErk'.BC II', NONE 4dt,� w �,ih�t�,Y� .;i ;. Otr13 °r"rl f"i77VM.1 �o a� '41fi r PO .1 et 1 ��.P $:rl'3Ss15di IL', IF '&J lL�A:�4L Y., J• , COUNTY Or IIUFLON,1 Y virtue of a Warrant under the 11411](1 of the \Var- `1'11 �Vhe : j (leu or t•he County of Intro», and the Seal o! the ' said 0c.nntr, b1.18l'lfg date the this L1 day Of September, A.D. 1889 to rile (1i• ! i rected.5'r the oellection of arrears of Mixes due olthe nn(l1rnlentioued lands : Notice is hereby given, that 11111PSS t.11e Said taxes, together With all lawful Costs and charges bo sooner trait:, 1 shall on t Monday, till ? hirtoonth (13 ,y of Deco tb'z, A. 2).1330 l' at the hoar of TWO o'clock, P. -Al., Kt the C0U111' 'LOUSE', in the Town of GODii iU0L(, Proceed to sell by Public Auction the said lands, or so mach! thereof 1Ls way be sufficient to (lischlu'ge such arrears of taxes 310)1 charges thereon, CATARRH SOMETIMES c1.nnr0er1Ces with it 00131, but its 011(1'' rLlweye commences with the usa of Sage's Catarrh Rrepiody. This nlct,t'e-' liable, and well known reluedy illus Mood the test of years, itl.LI wits uevor Suu'divisien arf 11 London Rd E 1/5 P,4l'c1 140 rendue t11au now, '1►rk loth 5 4 G 12 LI " 1/5 td TOWNSHIP OF ASI~1FI ELD. Ler on mar 01P Lor N pt of C pt 4 N pt 12 N ptofSL}1 Coscus3iox Acnes 0a 814311rre 211(1 E l.t 14113 i IP 40.11V l) � N F w AarntiNT 011 TAY.):$ Cvi� 50 Pat'd 32 All 14 1 5() 3 .1 9 55 VILLAGE O1` POItT ALBERT, IN ASI:IFIELD, it l d A ar.u, 113 1 80 1 (10 2 501 1 20 10 751 34 Ei3 1 John CO Pa.t'cl v JLL AG L•' 01? B_ YFIELD. EL 21(1 25ti X181 4 I3ay'field con') 11 pt, 6 Layfield eau 42 " 29 00 1 70 30 40 1 58 1 00 2 59 Pat'd 4 40 5 15' 1 (45 1 08 1 00 6 3 45 20 ?1 80 14 3 65 88 69 VILLACIE Cl' BRUSSELS. 91 pt, 106 John street 823 'T'uruburry, st Pat'd 2 29 1 00 3 29 2 29 1 00 3 29 220 100 329 90 1 05 4 95 (3 59 3 00 7 69 TOWNSHIP OF 1101111I8. of S' 4 7th 50 Pat''() 7 !11 1 13 t) 01 VILLAGE OF 1;LUEVALE, IN 1I011,1UIS. 13 Gardiner'ts) survey 11 Pat'd 1 91 1 00 2 01. " 1 91 100 291 TOWNSHIP 011' TU.'1NBURBY. pt 29 0 S5 l'ai'd 15 16 1 35 16 51 YILi4AGE 01? BLUEVALE, IN TURNBUURY. fit 1)14)18au8 s'rv'y E P:Lt'd 1 09 97 2 06 VILLAGE OF WING [IAII, IN TU 1'INBURPLY. Park lot 53 Village lot 184) 290 214 11 s ;315 3. 0 Fisher's sur y ey 1/3 Part" 11 22 " 1 72 " 1 724 " 1 12 3. 12 11 7 28 ,1 1 25 12 42 100 27;, 1 00 2 7( 97 2 00 97 2 09 1113 841 TOWNSHIP 0F EAST WA\V.NOSH. , McGregor N E 83 2.1d 50 Pat'd IC '35 1 28 11 53 VILLAGE 0]? EX.ETEI1. I'Y. Taylor's Harvey 86 " NE 1/16th 6(1 k'ranoistow:Isnrv'y 8 41 " Na 26 John street r!. Pat'd ; 543 1 08 4 56 1 49 97 2 89 7 12 1 18 8 25 122 97 219 44 14 41 Main street 115 41 44 1/10. „ TOWNSHIP OF STEPHEN. NI 8 19th 50 Pat'd 27 80 1 68.20 1& 5 40 1 08 0 54 ' County Treasnrer'a Offlop,) 4) II ROSS, G 4 1 06 6 04 CGodetiult geot, Std, 18@0. U ret4BUte!'t ..1'