HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate., 1905-10-26, Page 1attued t as '"'' wipe. re' ea wJ aN .la rhi, ba;wOrtattai'ntt!ti' toio tot to funeraIof lrheterrOev b oLheir. a .or:- , to e'ami.•fam i r kap re m ;:#rt # at ' XI 's, turned by s to tba,w true i11 i r� ' I Ideaitt of Or faith e z, 141,t'?., still continues ill ie ne u' bere. - ..41 >i;ara4Laa►aa►r Braneh a in Huron 'County it r +t S, f, yjuc« ra. or the 'told weather' Ways le you and Fumtinderwearand low ate 6 specialsfor next week: min ett+erblaaa lket white r ;aaao • e� u :store the rakise of price 'In wool. A ft. fieffi PUN/ wool: COATS • _ _ cloudy, wet~" >irh►Yrne Ins. tbert�a ort .• _d3t'.. • .yu. hr^ee" i1a+�C e ' ►'t r'"'llght o ,. rt quarter eradh en lar t 14 long rain 0041,stOr $1O. of en ail ltl deliver b e po lar; �ture,. Wash a itcl.Weildin on Mon. dayeventh .,'ov`. Gth, ;In Barton Meth 0.14040)07% Miss Della Raritan of Landba `is v ia. itin#riende here.-r's. B. Currnia harn of Shiva •a pent arr,`few daye is the r�tllarge visiting fri ae uTh.—Mi u Bella • Hudgins_af.: zndan..ie � att ndi'ng: the funeral of her grivandtnotber, atle. nlng.— r.: Chown is attendingthe . Convention a in London this weak. —Quite a number tram hexreattended the Silver wedding held at. the. home . ,,�,.n�d' rs o„ -u.. Hi » . o li[ 7 $i u i 1 y t•hr e W. Ot nningharrr Is a s� 'lrer d. iur h. ter, Mrs. Yager, of Eat . -fir. And Mrs. Ji-Iciaai n en-terrtained'a few their , friendit 'Monday evening—Arm rangements have 'een made for the re. opening of St. Janne: cbirrch, 8urndaary. • Nov.I th..The Bishop Of Huron Is. expected to be- presents—On Tueeday evening, Nov l4tb :carr, fowl sOpkettselli 3 Y n t a went ..--tiV the church. followed by a choice program. —The Methodist church congregation- ariili holel`theLrnnnual"fi wl a sue r Tuesday evening, Nov. 7th.- 3k[ >aer• ,01'. ive Carter of Granton spent Sunday �l nes. teur.Ce It to *7; e r' watt*, to a 7; Men's• coat*. : .. ;a+t: bselection* OVERCOATS : Men and: bo wba waint_the_newest ,; 45. St Men'a Leader r Boys' fears, SHOES: The 041.Storial* Is l'eading. ,.,are. them. rselling>*lete'if tb taaa. . .. gated ,,yy� j ..` xi Ixs . None aad for taai. n you. Popular 110PIEOluit 9 itart t+rtr tie onee you Anel on picking tlaeriadt . that sontethIngle broken.. Bring t to us,antl •we will match. • the bokenvert and repair it for .a nominal sum. • t•ba� ; .aatrce� .g Atwherz 'drvt pu rr- • hanythat ;lenses bass nG: '�'`_ .. � .. _. l •e' �i... . rat � ox Sapp y new tins . entire, c * 1 stock , aia e. aaatnt'iire actt s , :.... • r� "�' . toed wad can-pta eo the whole town» ADDITIOIIAL 1►lrsr, 4.It. Inkster of Iar . a pending ',MAnkw +rlth ar#t i#a . e . Gt'!drru wet ru ; t. ri a9t t> aia.officiatinglies , t rash ' t e" er un f an oId friend. Mr. Harrold .8lt sett haste returned to tiWduttest:fratta: *two waw *lilt ::o.. .•..r etelstlit'1)e n.k iv > g ;sery cos In the vau e1icst:cburc n�r t unday morning. an the evening v. Dawm 1 i ;bitriltst �1e of th•ee Mona* en; 'The Sermot next Sundatevenin 1I1 "The ;Bible eon 'doctor. And ncedic1nes. The' service ' in the. evenln will be in the Eoglisb Lan°,gua a nus t�ubnshot sever, 'ai'afin_ b 'squirrels amt week. Id:e is a' craeltabot and: Videm i. bis argisrrk« ! stili' nci kuWinter* eating for any eine coming *round the bank after;idnigbt»•; On: Monday'ev-: ening' horse, ow,u Eby * Mr, Oil• more. of ' rrinslle y attempted to enter. l a a awn's store bywaking tbrou.gh t o • • rroug •: many o out• ex 'Icons ... . . street and '.it' was indeed; fort:tPna that the occuplintaa of the bugg 'ai, a Poste And two smell children, were net in- jured, '' lie window =w s emasbeed-tnta; hundred* Of ',loco* and with the, dam. > s in.the show window it Will a heotty bill - o expense for settle ucie to pa r.- Lindsay', of Coiling t , lain t/1ra ; :gage- -M nday.-.on business.—We :atwo pleased to See Ure. Rev. Dank; ies Lydia Pinkbeiner, Ikfre. Chas. Brown ands, Royal Brown a tonedain after :t ieirrecentillness. /olio Strome Is now cowfor chly ret. teed in the house he'en meal • urch d Mrs. Hayes, of Cht Mb. can.. suffer; ed a stroke -of paralysis. the other days As she is overeighty y e r a�� Age e it thata feared eho' will nbt �c4Ov Farmer, of the tawnlinerQ baas• re- little sari and heir has attired.' at 'the home of Paneled ids Ohu. —We.arra sorry to Ieerrp of alter con- •.tlnued low .state _...of .ix_ealtb ' of Mrs..:, wn ow-wee•t _bes•eed . -John_ h foot was recent y n ,s • lowinglOwing pigs to run. .at large' in this towns p. -Miss McPh'ee:itx on an ex* tended visit to Detroit. --O.. V. Car al.•''maade air'`oods alerecentl in, Barred. ke, 'selling it pullet. for .a Cloc , e> fort and & +Doak bird, fob l� 0,14 •o one Want elein* *ado to"z.*bother Wn Who . s thoroughbired • e# ,an+ Mie. a�aa it• e seek, MI b., ax ire on an extended visit to friends. in this 'rticiakt .-- P. ityaan, ISth con., bias res,, urnedfrrom a two months trip We rt*r--Uawald Ward, who has "iota. With :Mr. Ritchie this summer and `In. our velnity fordace past :tore -.ye►arts a welt ibis bonier ngland betebeiri3 hewin -Intenrdaretur• ng+•i tb'spring: t ton,x►bout .a... ear-anari„ a4 moved with bis family 1 VbtI'I 'Where be, With Sanford ill, ► en- ter Into parta partnership and orches.' operate the old brickyard._ We kali owe; sitcom --Oa ' y„ l th. ori 'very hap y event: . o «. t � �� t Joe " l� as yl laser *nee Ratan* The ceremony.. Ni, 'e- `formed by the Rey. • Mr. • Hobbs, of Strathroy. The young p~ pie- hive taken up their residence on the towns liine. We loin with Mr. Prry's-fa d's it wishing blxa* lfendeetimabte a larandhappy airrr.life. b , e DfifiltWOOd Adam 'gebra er,raat tornp*nia 4114 aunt Of Pittsburg, l `ar« .is a nding few riet alldas .here. �eb have been conducting it large boodin hem*At the above -for iieve►ar yeariktbut. mase! : of .sauna to Pell ar • iW'IIcl orrzne 1, ,,. D', •s. $ • of n am • . ac r Sett i [e Jae. as nd J`e la ►wkins at t :ended the fun of ern* the sate T. P. Smitb Elmet,, on mon40, t the'concert ie�x Matt alb ride le ia�.o` tartan; Methodist elmtvh-7Mre..: ht. Sweet"' rre rrverinrr . from .h..:earn illn s-, Jolt" Trani z has become citizen of our town.• 'obn . Wein bas aatlrchr°Philip 1trrtmaan'sfirm neitt the Corea of a few days, S.•" • T. tr' ' to pastOub" will hold Its next. meet. 0 ve n ext: , at Do you Intent a Treses • Do you want 'Clothing? Po yea want Shoes Do you wont M)ytbt igP •oodstautto cl rev y mu to do so we have Awl we t:. Buffalotimea `moven d' �o f � her some � for the benefit of her health, .has ?turned much i roved — : Sbir�rra .. gr., Is on�taheraW>a" Gtr t . ••»Mrs., Bigis and two ,daughters have gone 1 .nda :wt t1 ea Intend `ww nske these, bat wish theu alaNi •- '_.`ern' and p+ ri't in ' their. new n _. —...r' -:w and tile» . e 'yen n: d Wilfrced,' Troyeraaar'e, < ilia : good positions In To. e mutat *tipace. .1 r ' • es ' + u v tip tbis atate of ..mind." 'and' who, tan. comply with the -necessary. '.et7al ton are aa cordially invited .' enrol. themselves WI membere.. wben theytili be entitled�tl�aietauaeofth . orgauiz tlonin attaining theirobject In, life." ' °• I.:a�+�•SWYai�.,1NY+T •tirat^meet 8-crf the ,Crediton Lite'rrtry moiety'' actin • at •the Bowe of too.. BI.i ett.• . The.fol-. lorvin - eaters Were elected, + Hon. tatIteircflanmand_;, Pies,.. r. taader Bl nett: ''lee . Pr:`es., Keir a , .Z 'ic e Ids r* n hist#,{ w keit Seer, y, Mss l uleh� Mtrre� r nt ys fir. ;IriBroWft !!ar ir+nt verya +rt 'enln . ie rirt wail •ia tiiTI Alar B1 a� •hotaiton tine,ev'enliin ul •int. nd nce no ted #xrd- n ;In itsar�. :tiomis extended to anyNwbo• • may de-, sire to join thes•ety BltaTtl or Jams Ki s.—The newts of tha•d'eeth of Mr. Sohn ;Kerr, whle h ,Was clrrculataed on Monday . norniin . ,». many friends inn the imam and Win'. try. It was bred' Aso withsome. surprises asiltwas known /to! coxa` s- ti veiy stew that r ie ltti a w.a ythrng like dan erously°111. Betio" been in biaMiu�y bath up.. to :two 1'i►-eeki-- go W " en, he was attacked Wit.' an anteetitud 'trouble ,And, developing blood -flax' suecumbed to its aridly effect* �n. evening �1t�ir :about ec1�c . Born. rn. near Tubber. re rryint e Coun t 81ig%Ira the year `IT+0. kit' { • 'Canada When about l8' yetriwor age• and took h abode I Hamilton wherewhereerr up hie n �ailto mai abort time and; then ohms to Obarle.8tctxeinan still Contin*r nibs- ' •: improve. , : Ierxr "J`oe Cook are malting preparations to take another butanes trip ::to the Weak,:- • Thos. Dick, who has been quite ill+' is I'm roVin .. , is g+ae.. � ladaughters. deux �it+erra Mrs. . 1 , . f ingbatn, and Miter Ic •bilek >. -Meads-who rev � ties becar away etre two week, alt, has re-. turned and occupied his pulpit on Sun-: • .- r ' lace .Smit =brr e . . from her visit to Lucan,—Mia Ag lea Troyer' of Hillw'gxee3 ix is recoverin ,oyer illus. ---Rohm o Troutdale, Oregon, is visitingat the. home'of his niece Mrs. 11. Ron- er , in- Hi r~L- , orranoe of 'r Rillapt,-teacber4a 8.4F,AST 1 n Miss Poster, of and lda ae y:..tiit . ;Mlsh� .are vis visiting at the 1 one of their wir'brd ero Rev. Pother Poster...401ln ItolAn d hes been Inaking considerable re. table b o +�.—: eo .ac h 00I hense hasbeim moved timtatbe church ,�pert We believeintention ' . t� � tai � eI, 'wlyu/as t t UP' tar . w,.. for` air en . t xriaeat:' new school 'hes r co ple and .: `. nt a ver . bice appearance eil Gosiien Line Stephen :r. and Mrs; Huila • graft- returned home Saturday' iter a '' leasant .• + 1th tri ends a Berlin. Mrs, Ohark bad ...: ., a pe he its " with r:'f?tt lt;ler .d:t t#ra a Of aur . eeor °reshings a serious debate aaairom bet . n two women and one of our proceeded John be ame vear:r sang and although be hie- Noire might bra 'i.' abovee o he- oma ;n yetl pererfaeive kuslities were v an4 after fifteen minutes • hes cl Talk uesiOn--he.Wastde r , :l a Ilse #r a 1. Eden iii. is aso::�.. Z- •�h , , a ples on' the. to toMr.:J..0.: ,Tones, , �apr ,Winc'bel ..�r. �:: �: f'e+tare eircl'taaaixrx of , . , a'ntlyi r�aee`Ivitig Pigeon. Mich:, were renewing .old. .ate therefor venty«dirt d i . 'giukintsnces In our vicinity duringthe past -few .dagrt —Herman' Sender bit. sold bis farm on tli'l�e Babylon Line, to 111,111- Tb.. faro* 'comprrl i ' i >a -•-w 'm Diets his moved the. :becke. rtlze tram ' the reae of (,: Elibear''e residence to :0st. Sebregs . Pro ty.w-=N i bfeI'rrin: Talbot and ,Al, tChiflett of .irdale who have been. ill ate'..Imp > • . Vet kunl h tei, ter i the r 18e�f m scorner; In arrtbr ' 1r � to her. home #n St. J' bw` »blit • a!s.'lbaahtt has gone .►tea_ sten. tti lr a ahs � �► ..--1 are.:. tit�is..L+aar' Weber ,iso pati rig >e, ;I'auxt .. err e ti under hie ;!s ley. A da rr . to dant ,, ..�`.: Ka>atemrcher who spent the' 'e'umme'r.h?tt. Grand. Deed. has returned ho cat eteek.- « obh a is aariied from bbl *lilt -+C of• the title children of lire an lobo 8teckle y, at•the Saco 'e, riled oe .iriWneviday et the #go of. two maths. TO the bereaved eta .wro . our �; I 1 tdalry+urp�tlbitil`. �; rmi'ii k to r siimar p'her poewltIovt akt I.- � M Andrew F, 1 ate. Rhode, whist bate been. t Weert dtirie the, past uumma r, ' r tui ho.... n'' +e y nights: things -booming lull* i7 eeib, itirar aa.:a"f". `ohn ; 1a s eaters on ii'eau�•r i+�.d* eta bast , rr+ k. 11 +t'itn dii•. • 1 plat farm no the t wttlin'el fit. +Jolala Wein of .O 1to'n. . We welcome kr. Wein to of r ,.eklrrrama� nautrlty.�-- a Ada shads *411,,..we "W'biler be> later •en ' ae in "brickmaking ,ihlacb' occtipation he followed up to bre time of his death. The deceased was One ot e bestekuown and elso one: of. the taut highly respected teen in the.- Wet.. he e • ' In everything. to which he put his hand hive led the gislit%t e d tion n , nga;withthe fran» 3ilaa arae =- ir+e,a' rtr r o st nch me remodel/ ly ' ed Is nes .•iy oomp es was ink' t h l North, ori i t, 231114 I mo y.' Joao* x r: y. IJf nt s. • --., t Ca , cl► r Woon— t''tbe arnaes stir. gey,. nnc Oct.. Aithi by'net, :. ami ...r « Tho* ttaei airrir. z acxltb >t' boi . � a� st.•: erOX.*- . t the, u 0.11 o rn aril 11; by' . . Orden; J � ��rnoltbbi, offal' I tnd"MbitO Brnniaa} 'ulten, forme dion. a t.• Jot l ° yam: Irn .Iltebefl,, +ate'. beloved 'wife cat" �:�liart a y `eon