HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate., 1905-10-19, Page 74,1
0 Otkatt
e ;
" *
• :dry little Sob*
I, '"0,rinkthat,
et thero i3
word. 'tor11
0.1,00 ght tof his o uble,
.Ilecce. took the win Inboth her
nthIlOg- halide end drams it, thee,
ei looked. up. ,at Cyn1 wiflt e.
.490 44*PtC4j011 in, her Nee. '
. ,YoU'reet-Yearie very kindi to me,
sir." she said.
.1'!Oh• nOneenees.' eaid Cyr& rather
inipatietitin, lie ivaii ansione to, be
rt."The-man who, 'WOW WM. •fi'910
ttirciman""ta,dlisties you ltne*.•-**Aro.
you all.right,nolv?''''
• IA it seemed is• if there Were etiu
thing: troubling Bocce, which
1ass of " unwonted ehampligne
'Oeghtit9'iaVe told you—' .Tbe
sho topped.
et plight you to litt*e4eld 1404'„
�aid Wig; IlalrWeeri
Decca'i face grew red,, and she
looked at his boots and plucked” at
the ounce .of her dress irresolutely
• 4", '
omething• of wine, 'llecca
what itr-tt?" and- he smiled. "Dotet
'be Si; frightened: 1 dont euppese it's
,"..culything of con nee.".To•
• 4 *
otter you,'" *aid poor'
a fib; bibut-but it slipped my mind.
'Titre it is," and she held out the
ring, which 'sae - had taken from her
pocket and held in her ,hand while he
_gone. for. .01 eglamPiigne.
"Oh, nay ring," be said, careleesly.
teirls-that-what- imir.:tieetr-trotibt-
g you?' er,partly,,eh? What a, idlly
child you aro! Wby,(1. :don't tare any-
: thing.'about,it; see here, Becca, find-
troAteePtingis44Alle...yo. (MO -
it, you shall have AC'
,s110 spoke. thoughtlessly,. and. 'with
the careleeSness characteristic of him.
Lt Old not °peer, eie.
any imprudetiee or discretion
In gliring. :tviopetuiseptalkienter ring
• a girl who held happened .to find
-it. •
you li.
Ileeee." he
"There you are," field Cyril.' "Mr
iiId out- your_band. and 111 _pat 1
on tor you." •: . -
;Pecos, a smile struggling Oen her
'Uwe, held up her -band. and at thet
moment two 'Persons ,capeo to the
-opening--ot the utarquee and looked
They were -----Guildford lierton end.
•IT-oreds. • •
1 `M... 41 ••••
4' •
oCrfl' ,t MI
"That is what I IQUk1, 1t,,
▪ id: "Perhaps '.1040 Trasingt
will be gracious owe& to perail
th her 449410
• with- 4ert
Udde, Ugh,
with .-prottil and burrikeg. teart-rOili
she, She, the...yoznan',willtee heart; he
had exchanged solemn yoivs 01 d• er*
arleve;,-- rat
on; Otceeding all . belie And yct
she had seen those twp-witif hercOwn
Vest ,, •`'
A feeling of sbanal 'Swept over Or. --
shame for him who ;Quid be so.
for herself in that she had lovi.
'trusted hlin.
She longed to plead some !near.°
and go home, to JIy from the . heat
that 'seemed • to bp *Ming her. • the
hideous din le4 the band., the clatter
and leughter which sounded like the
voles of. so many sleeking- 'di:linens
in her ears. " • •
"Are you tired. Noreb, 'deer? It
•,••••••0 *a .
.2 .„
ee wave et 70,ttre.atieep,
‘epprortettirig them. -
ee heart, her soul wept out to-
ward him, but -her insulted, injured
womanhood recoiled. She would have
sen-and-rao-ved-ftwart....her limbs
efused..to_obey_ber. will. andshe sat
etionlesit. ‘ittatues4ue.L----1-Obking
straight bolero her.- •
"Whitt ek-hafidsonte matir ,said.. at
old lady to 140 Ferndale. "Who is
he, ray dear? I. don't rereetabor see-
ask ma
dcspair, tbat• must
: rather oddly •Lady',L4iinge
tt Ji.. 'ernt: arolind her WelSt.
• , , - - .
rying.-wtht,h1n h
Yd 1 -4‘4,:.
.9.72211,;;;;;,,c;y11' tiut-i-t. 18
- ..4 :401 ' , 't •,,i'‘1,,,ep ,
z -I
to 11' ' i ,'or114i, ,e
.. :,
.,, , -. ., ;M
' I"-
' isll4cint,yet,
• ',Otos:lent 'the•niti $ . •' ',‘ `••itt
1004 her to , her ..• 144 ith'et.t #110.,i :Mete., .- ' '
. .
:„.1)rth%lfgollt•n2;is, ilehett,,,i.pert:`,14.eirox.e,tocX4ta.; ;1), :04:1 ilHh ltspo,„*.troi:•001,,W;b;net;xpoluar,tios,,, 41:
-' eiettnrtcha: .01 ,...xaonrXoteut.Y; h0 ..,r.e!, T.011414 ' ill &9't the wit to pagurrNuttink
t: - Ia.:Me
. 4 -_.
rug• 'Weep
1.1,?!.• ;.ws
Ai •
et 144 watch; there iwiis "very
et in 100 -pound ,ptielia
47-UntiF_Iiili'iTtind-iiititil to -eit
• •"e 'tirfire.lirirat
0 uers and ' opt .10S Oltalga . ' n ' r.TiobUtter per cow was a wonder; 15.
catch the train. .__ - ,, , , pounds WAS ii,.good average ' amoUnt
At latit he. •saw Limb' k'-ernuao).' CI COW. cow. °',64, oWn lot averaged about
.eatna,.0::10hipr*rniiototytin5ru.excisro7woyingtoQufxtthr.e, tent,. pot inpooacah4.8k,ilowpir trrlisreedugcattitt tsbv:isree
nurtlel" 14.11° said'. days,- The first thoroughbreds .1 re-
thinking he was going. . . • , member were Shorthorns and 'Llevone.
:PI - am afraid so," field CYril. 1., became a farmer, I suppose. be,..
"Thank you for so very pleasant, an ,caoso 1 was bort, on a• farm.. r . be„,
mge;erssttiln.r-iner7tieth" 412,ahh°Intslitsul'rfir-Qn141:",‘114711,tv‘lteaht:'Y''-h4".. I:121 dairy cattle. I Weenie a:breeder of
came is earetisker of dairy • cattle bee
'cause *everyone in this :section kept
semi Led* IsTott.04 144:43"''FOr.ntial° registered- tattle 'simply because' I
I want to beg a •dance." • ,. liked them. s 1 early realized that vat'
'"oh, I'm so sorry," .eald LatiY, tin must be taxed for well if we 'were
, 2417t
been a 'long she hits tieorrilth 1 I well reuteri,iber thi flrit wheat
good in helping us! She hes g°1" in bran I ever fed. I went 1Ltniz1ea at*
10 'the house, and to bed• hope; -but iter onr nearb.s. tOwus n t keeping
*Wept ovve her, for she 4ftiv
X am 101.9: that you Shcluw such luxuries for cowis, I was not
Tulsa yeue 'dance.. Isatilifled with- the results and dispos-
Oyril ritared at her for a monienvied of the iaative cows. Over 80years
aghast. then In a bewildered kind at' ago I got a registered Jersey bull•
wis'y he made for the cloakroom, and; Bo wee Mit of a, cOW, giving 40 lbs.
got- his- hat- and coat,- oadr_fivent_Into+mnic_per....day„....L-Too ilia fiy, . ritriners,
theepen. air, - tchange-their minds--about-the--p
th2ru:'jls°t4fntt'h'stst'"'podeaIfftstt,,h'Stljirti'4gan'vdse41ZeraY"at°etlitgraa4°tY'Aeirs'eru1*41-41 to -a ptntm-
cantly. .ist_tha.stars. - • ,who used -him. - getting -a -lot- of- splen-
NorahA genet Molest. chlince ofSee._ ,eid daughters., , Ile wanted to. get
ilihp! 1,•aans,..414 ispelvakin!avsoto_netire. lrohsart Is. ._,A, teoirl i mme4t,oro iinlils tlik aondas.ov,,put,in".it 31411eistelia to
* 4
• 1904.
e 1
our. own Own. u t
Aret •
er. heft,
aOk wbere
• ,
'PwtrIte°414' 14ise- dl• .earti,%i;p411:71i411:.:
•dolke,Leeild..„anklaid.„,.0„,..ceree •o
eat' Jev0;:wl.t4i,f: .o •
n-walis.- thus s••••a--dr
tle cleaner, too, but this was, not I' partitioned off feet from on 4
fast Or thorough enough. Then came for tatting hens- , The partithm Isl. •
the separator with a steam earths -6 of woven wiro and 4 row of nests ex-, ,
to run it. With :this latter rig, we tends Meng under the partition abouti.,
have been niaking ,, butter for 14.- 2 feet above the floor.
v re. . • • The, netts -open •• into either room.
Or butter. product of 125' pounds Dy the use �f a elide, which can bei,
from the poorly kept, native cow *lipped over the' opeuinit to -ithe
Oadually grew -with experieuce in, larger room, when a hen wants to •
feeding and better biweling. With' sit she tan. be shut awa,y from 'the .
the improvements . for getting the lying hens.. -and ,given, an ‘outlitt to;
creanr .out. of the milit, out Vatter the emaller • room only where feed,
product soon reached 800 pounds. of water, gravel and *a. box of dry earthi
butter per cow. We have not increas- are kept for her use. •The roosts are
the product Much tterin,g-the lest-tert,in-that.iarge.. 7. 70„ul with 00 'd-toPPIng.
eve4 pays,,---..-_-,at,tbo,, '--nederc,„.2,t, t, 0,..__ .
. -it „ .,
tows inueh higher'. Better cows and with- straw, it is easily cleaned. --If
better' card called for better • bares. the hens -aro kept shat in the house -
1 rover, put water in the stableti, , be- during ,the; told weather, it should - ---•
cioise--I--tielleYed It beet for the gate be cleaned at least- once a week and
tle to be ;out of doors as much is fresh strew scettered over •it..
possible without exPosur,e, • The plastered . wails and Cement
When I fixed ever:eke-barn, -1 put floor may seem .an u.nnecessary ex-; •
in. a. eil.o„, roe_seyerial years X halm :penes to *owe, but .the • advantages
ted Or CornstatkiLwfdle the)! lasted 'are ' great. . The. plaster is easily-
Witii7,16ur to "tlerk,peutidir Tiay44-er'...'16W-fleiliitatilIliiii4;-.W.Itk.A.....weer n"_.wlr
'tier 'day, 'according-. to her ,titne of Inuit ion. and no dropping board,
Ireeheninit and capacity. • The grain ilhere is small cheers for insects to
ration in What -Ts ---Termed a narrOke, arbor. lifito can- btceiusil3r--gotLrid -- "
one. I grind what corn and pate we jot a,nd rets cannot get through the
raise., ,..purchase gilgoin and wheat floor.
brmiwatikter---- -ilittletvl ,,,._. ' .to/4,,,t4lbsitetiqmotet,,Ituat,inv-immfatiOOteAr,,,-
r it) tit it - f4 4, f .eten,tiere_stdAtUriehep d - . in the ,
"Ohti, great lattetriter•ot
bo is -fa• mous artist; isn't he, Norah?"
Norah did not answer. . Cyril was
close upon them.
"Well, 11e,13urne," said LactSi
daleb "yierhave cofhe to make tle3se
excuises sou owe me?"
tb bo gracious enough to give me the
next • dance, Lady Ferndale. Will
you give me this dance. Lady Norah?
The les words fell upon-:pyrilis
heart like so many stabs.
in de. e tion, he said:
• "Whet to, cep
makes, Lady Norah," -Bveri as he asked einase t e ques on
Without looking at him she drop.... he sew ialecea, South coming' from the,.
Pod a -cold "Yes," and resunied her tent. ,
conversation with Lady.rerndale. Sho was 'Wrapped. in a shawl, and
. Ile, could . not isaY.. -**Eadjr' liorat.' was evidently going honie 'emu:Deny i
will you. come With, trie rhave eome... with sonic of the/ girls of the Village I
thisit--40;-se-Y` Yen:" lie c
,..,---(),A-svbc4,,,kvere: with her.
say this openly.. with LAY ilVrauside- Tree presence naturalTY-suPPTrediKra
these -old weelea•-eittittg--1=---with-411 .Sho-leul,carrije '
and yet he meet ,speak ,with her,. arid message for him once: rhe should do
alone. so .again. . - •
Ile -saw the peo.-Ple strosming to- Joining the grOup, he went tipto
ward the end of the tent into the k her, .and, touching her aro., whisper*
supper room, but with eyes that not- 'ete her. mune, _
feed .3inthing; and It was with a start, She started, and tented her face to
4, el
'Ant '41, -do. wanted" the breed7and
• hera7.-
I Leave her with nothing toitake
Ispeekled toritnals no nut ts with- no" money' except what ed with dry earth or road duet
he has'.a. lot ot ringss rad easy, but to a complish ' . these larger room. A couple: of *erre
with him but the. rereembrafice of her in
strange. inexplicable coldness! •IN Ot started with *ears ago.
lye:1S •Inede off -the -farm, i.ves hard the sununm keep the box imp -
hhineitsiolitt.:111.)rrcivism,..i4eeetiwiletne.4teibdochittuidnoccoxplaivictthiii:9111.1yeatu, but .tba oncoi
.1 unseljdn:4111e7gib•egiUs'tPerteranillm:1111 rillorni 'tow -
tic , . 41f. throe -quarters
. , 0.--Jeetv, ,a1.11, zu seven -e ,e , s gra ea p. Imo .-trkke
would saY. Of what Norah 41orsels: ' on the . color and-- shave of jergeys
'erwooualndeas,aY if he let it slip; and hs 1 fest enough to suit me. though they
, were an Imprelvement on their dams
----liktatiAllettl-110,-WPLI--zSitdce.41P •-recs_oasa.bititterwstowlitAcc.wanfaiLsortituletitrii;
know where ho. was going ait --iii 4, . istered cow. 1 lacked the money,
no way of 'telling her how cruelly She but guany ,/. gut 4 couple utters. I
had made him suler that night, and .1j,_,...,tisE wi , - ,..,.,_,
Iwork., To bring • a farm from ten pied all winter. And the hens will
.cewe.,to,40 or 50 _head. put up good Ikeep themselves' free from lice. A
,huildinglOin place 'Of -poor ones, look barrel or -two of gravel should belatd
--tefter 41,411,1Staltn,_` 1 ,....---44-4,14144,--1.113-1,wiare-w I lit or ebto,.....and_
;ren (and poor indeed is ho who has it kepi before the Idris' all of the '
no -children), to develop herd from time. It is surprising hew much ok,
125 to 800 pounds butter per "cow / it they will consume. If the •gravel
per year, has, takennerveand parse.; ifs rim through a coarse screen, so at
-.The farm nets earned' it anii T.have hen cannot .wicallow, win be better
;put it back. It has proved .a ,)good for thezn. .
e explanktroe - .
gg g
that he found Guildford Ilerton sud-i hjm end its •pallor struck, him sta it
enly 'befOre. them. -* -hail- done When" he, bad rim ageins
ANN 11001. e *It • • '14.1.11111114.*
• i uppeis-tedy•-,-N•otsdsV---
'Cy'nril'irhe',W.et-feir 41.1or tisad'es-S
ford Ilertozes arm, and,,rising him-
self, he etood, and, stared After them,,
as they, walked away, like,* man/ in
a dream. .
at .13*.4onatali- -W..
eel!, that she should treat him with
such --roltitisilairt?- Als--; if -she- couid
only know what he had endured dur-
ieg-that,fortnight of absence ,frorn
herr •
"I'm afraid ,you Will have to take
me or some 'other old lady, Mr;
Burne.". said Lady Ferndale, eyeing
him with a -half 'snxile or amusement.
Cyril started, and offered, her 'his
arm. but Lady Ferndale turned to
One of the -dowagers. • .
"Lady Tressdeo) Mr. dyrii mute '7 and Cyril
ington, / let -me intro -
•00 feeling that he must be /dreaming out
of his_itensettLgavet his. arm to th
t, 1kcca (zitil lady ar----erf0"-Ier far-
o the tet' It, was not for the honor old pleas-
-: Ouildf u e of taking Countess Of Trmsktis.
Ti-ir for yr a .1 ton in. to supper -teat had dash
With a -gletliM of gratification in hill 4 down train Lofoten; and 34st it scent.
(Paver ail if, a .11)11III et Pabl " Illau !.t0i Whe he reached the supper room
tt,,,Vni,.. 1 ed Alt ift would be iiiislinly reward.
dark opsit. Ile , felt Norah's
shaken her, and saw her face ow
gr- --.1 he found that the only seats vacant
IdoWlY.• slowly. White; thee in a.1°w• Were at the- end of the long table,
Ulita• sitidt . . . ._ . . and that l'illorait was far away front
:She was about to Make some reply
'when,her .syes fell upon Cyril and
Beteit; :C434114 bar,* wan turned',
ard'Isietah. and Beata Was too "in-
* Xyritttckiiiiefixtltfkpat.190
int at them.-
' -- "It ' lie if It were ihade: for
,Cyril said, as he *lipped the
ring on .hbr Iingere .
Itecca's eyos ailed with teat* at she
' • loOked• at lbo ring--stolen,..property
no limger, but her own, her very
owns 'Than the took Cyril's-Mad
• and trat'ic-tifirer--Wif. •
Cyril started- arill_almost snatched
hie band sway, end there lashed up -
111b2 for the first time during the
-ii-tritriettetlez the -doubt -an- to -its wit -
owe' hit itaid,‘, .0140n't, MOO
pith * trumpery pros*
erto d nteiod look.
"rM -afraid -ereistartidtX1R+ IIP°11 iithe. UpPii-
it;tilove secite,,„and sire rather de 1hirt, "el at ea
Lite ml appettred to Cyril to
Let -us efface oureetves.." ' !stretch into eternity; hilt Lady Tres..
II you take( Ms to Lady Areirt7; sington retie at last, lend he took her
rs.uottotir and. in Sillneee be; back-tar:Abe bk)1 MOM. • '
to Alt0111 f41. of dowagers at ":4`,ToWyoi beve dont your duty,er1WW-Ilie=rett---antriwitnz.wnot_itt_
reverential bow, left her. Timid Lady Tressington, settling her -
while eyfril had taken Deems, self in, the chair ;he had occupied
snit boitiyisg` het to the during the /whole of the 'evening.
at the door Tlecee drew „c u tcn me the, thno? 1 sup=
o go beet t, nog ;daughter here 10
nut it ‘ritc*-I.ne otperience I stxtdied
pedigrees and breeding. 1 bred some arornaddesbu:ter -iorts, by aving '• only M
but we must be, sure of the TIMANTI, .,...., TIXES.V
. .
geed' ones ' and culled out the. poor sfrev .Be must b y p.i
ones. .1 always need bulls from good of 1,,, Ito° ii famiiy,„ our sire triu4t be' kotes. of_tatereist From the Faux.
milkand butter (Amities. We had to out bi a row ..es , uany good ,- or , Quarters of the Olohe. •
.., ,
- .47.4r,...;,i.,...„,...-- -.......„..„....:...-..-,....' better than the sire. I be ieve a 'lot
trilsit. 3 et4. Poem Take 11,A:hen-end * ace of the ,
depends in the line of darts,,• ,, ft we ,,One-third of the iendt, surf
for Ood's fpalie take care Of it. V u -are' brw'Aing%131113r -grlibtlf4S'th aire-44 .1) Ilk nil'el °17.r-re°g.' • ';.
gib e covered 1
__,C2,,,,,,,,,inust be 0, good ,.orie for ...1 the im- About 1,50,0,0- p.,...spee are m-
Itiattf-knuvrace wanimpwallemPnrtin thlientligith; of the inwrhoivieernwer4: .amreusttryeinogmetothrimoptigriolvebvirntir.-p frioyie pi-unresite ocioriii=inizif,enieiiti-eosi-lisifseawi:r to
znateh, and iiis lips quivered.. tienns, herds. and flocks, Tet us not be that ebout. 25ftabove the !street
"You etre trust mer she repeated.ngleet to Improve ourselves; Have surface.
Ile svatched her intently ati ith--e the 110U -Se full of good reading
mat- A hipyard at Ominato, Japan
--taretun hid the letter *way in, the r-
;ter-foail members of the faMily and .
ationbosom of her' dress. •,...„, .see' that some Celt of eatertainnvnt goo .yearn ligo... ' b
°The611141,4:11t, 11Pc0use 116 !lad"- 4#'"'"‘.‘lis" 6°t leeklei: The old-glYingi "an .1 Gibraltar linty fairly be Calleil the
odb for:the resent. 1 ZfltIllt '
ShO did not hesitate for a second,
but. ,oheying him as if ha had a right 4
to .conutiamii, too:lc-her arm frbiti that i
of the 'girl" next to her, -end said,
-rhogirt, teatie4 the--whdre-- 0- The
little group, looked tt her and at
Cyril, and the one, e.e addressed ,ise
rmilY giggled knottIngly, and wills.
'pored 'something wiiieh rnaile the rest,
laugh , as they looked or their'
'• -Cyril was half" a dozen yards in-tte
darkness. Becea. following. Thee ho
"Ilecesf." he said, do
something for me?" -
She nodded, •her black eyes fixed
upon his face. .
•"That's a goodgirl," he said
faltered for a • moment -'to Lady
-' "Ar.----s-c-11-ths leoui-oiteni=telisiLl--aver=--
now.---Let--zzio-esse-youdyou CO :
.1) . -too' timer oirtese„e in, fist,..u. . *t_ lies,,,or_b .
----------‘ ,iseven -en urrots04.404*---_—_,-,-.....--,,s,-- ,
.:sixt understand," lithe esiiii. " 0114* -_-_-____
1-ThT:i &Waif - ireid6-n-f'TtiWii-.tioire7-'7--- -
rOgy4T.1.04',,,r4ougts. .
o'hetr betteriiieliegfittel .vin -- -- - • . - , - -4-thaie4-our--..or-: litff--, 16.011111 -4 -121q47. -in. --- .-, —
as be spoke a young man and woman The • greater 'number of. poultry „keine of its ,capacity for hard work.
peeled elese• to,hinr, and looked elle- 'house* have one serious objection, It f Nearly every Chloe:elan can read,
'auto at that, • 1424 tto girl' )0aued 'stlettla 40, ine. ,itud4 that ,. is the - ard I but. r:lest, 90 per Out. Ad the women
out: • Inot made substantial .enough writee *xi eritire13r%uiteducated. - ---,
--aittalitutlfighti ;,-4-41sociWtt,=---.” -4-- ,---: :1,14..: _.-.-,V.,,,Itsrtlittt,„,,A,rfarruskr,..100. owneVi_nrmaoydeAte:a. to teed abeut_utua,„___,
440o. AM. ..nOW., therhi!--said--Cyrjk; ipIX tail .1*.r,r 4itiould-endeavor to mile -en ; tenths of-Yai—eiliir3F-06-‘000;t306-
will Wait hero until : you have -got „belidiege . iseheteetiai, with good ihabitants on the products of her own
Atone kundations--buildings that,will 'soil. •
into, the - read Oood-night, ht., and
for a generation or longer. TheY , No married man in .Vienn, is 141..
thank ioul X ' beef, your '•irouble ;;Ialltt
has all u000 vow, /kcal., • ,bo. wed. .,ov,ilt cost more in. the first plate, but Alowed to go up 1n a balleon without
4.14 4.'ouble ph, yes, sh,„ Good, in 'the long run will be the Chestiest. "the formalconsent of his wife--; and
night. You neediet-fearaboutthe Tr built. 4,- house recently, that will children.
- .
letter -Yon ran trust
eetrliXt hots comfortable during thet., Pineapples ere so plentiful in Natal
•, '"' •
Cyril looked atter. her, anxiously, Ifrinterr:itiurtilirredifce the work at ;it -Certain Seasons that they are not • -
thinking only', of his precious letter: fl-ahtintretmthiteeer. toth
. e minimum in 'worth...earting to market, and so are
then he set oft across the perk at a -• loften given to pig'. - _•*., .
• The building is 160) feet with 8- Shepherds believe the a
wool 'an
al1161.17tetrh°:*Pulie.d up, .srtidtkni'Y "a' i;.
foot posts; the longest way from eeet. ;11.kimge back in an unfailing barmy.
ten by one of . theist unaccountable to•Weat. The foundation wails are of ter. Pie curlierthe wool, the liner
linpubiee Which fall upon us at times
...Shout 12 inthes, . above the -,grotzed. In Fiji tho toinage consists chiefly •
linteetaae, laid in mortar and extend 'will be the weather.
'ThlfgArt141/1VIICillittilitlitttrAfttlfertihtf. Vlifelell-teetif:=-Ilitieir-:49f---L'----ifreetttic-t:5-1--2-'-
Itimber and over that tarred paper, value being 'dyed ted, • The natives
-then aided with drop, siding, arid the exchapge„twenty white teeth' for one .
il-CiTtr=414 -1a,:*---11iiktels'Yme---ir rel enit.--as--wii-itifiiiiiii-ceipireec-' iiiid------t.'"''''"-'
'ill the east side and two on the south silver. " .
side, with & door between. `-'rl'he win- Many Greenland women are perfect -
dews are covered inside with waVeri 1y bald on the *ides of the head/.
Wire;feating. " ' - o ing to their Mothod of dressing the
Ott the inside t lathed end plaster- iti ir, which Is pulled hitek with paw,
ed It. The drop Siding alone *Oddtightness and - held in place by is
do very- Welt'ivitriat the tar Air -Or 'ribbon, '
. .
I 0 -
fely -to this v
f he had only done
. 6 •
ebbs eilb t Cyri o ed a ,t1iteh and told
Vett'A like to '5ittis .irl.tiz ...1: .- ,.•,
, 103'1 ' ' '
'Sit .i.liserit ,egain et 12 feel ' tinse ,‘ girl. was in intd, - Will you
*11 l ','Irt 11:0'.'siti• aittl' *Ith' 6.1"141 ..,17,o s geed ,e.le to titrA p)11 Me.
, , 'thilo•I'm 14t; hglw• ke'lltri• It' tle',,l'izere ntie.it4 tile 41,",:c4 v:;itn pie dark
1., i;0 told, preo,,tly tol,vvel. L10:4", in ficr Lair."' •• . ', .
the ilitItqllt e, 411111111:7' atil it. 1[ -C;Tit .tici4t td, th'it4ity.5. rktitil 41e.
the dttlICTI:-ttt111 *t iitte:, y bitty ta lie Virilit, .that iikt WA -art
td tori'Nerith. , , 1, "tri.§t short thati Ize too ta'zt 1-o o.;
_„,„....1t -...„, 44
w. brat -to- ,„ u - ' c ----w oil, 1 12
, odlitztr•
4 '4.5b.,.:41%1103:tiattri61tt
Ili inOtict.,1,
t :11, er-116
-we must, b th1nthg o
' t
„11%.,1Ne an14
tafg - I ofy
he -i1 i t,.111
cn hint, pi
or, bed t
h,'t tire with tea
• lothitf7.-
, 11 -le ghter. y'1g 1r
* the •schootroora, and
nor nha 13 with, delight her
deliVereti ate!.. 47-114iStii-C
"Oh, d t
potifing her fraeh
looking at
you ettrit,rea
100 I' though
Otikkowe to tiotlite"
*et* *kik
•Intk'i? 8he
Ing on Iteten",iii
look up 1016
toym., *ittl
slow*t* 40.4
Cft nodded y ago n
wanted to say sornethiug
her." said Cyril, "but could not.'gut
a &fleet) to -night.. Will you give her
a' ;foto"' from Me; give it to her when
you are alone nith her? You took "
messags !train me one, you know—"
"I know. Gme & the letter; -50.
-It isn't writt6 Yet:' fleet*, and
Where am I to get---Wraitl" he, hunted
his pockets and' found an 'old letter.
thts Way," he- saitl; quickly,
the ehlitmoy, kneeling o
spread out the hid( of
paper on his hat.
"Now *ikkc this. Inatehbox and
ter-Aher-ot '
thorn going tin Drdshcd.
Xiettes,„" he *Am.
it etose to the paper,
tic enit_lis he wr
t h
**1 beve hoe ehr, izn'ortant
3irte0 1 tot:id net Co1i0 to ,y
T :touid 'not write; Are , gottry
'Icerilwm fit 411,TYbate- 4140
.1),901Ing to dcrVe 3/t test
tollqp...I must Teave Enp"
be . 4way
'k you toe
-fl itt-nv1
‘0. tt 6
- :01
rId his own •Wity..
tiro be 'loath, •
,. •