HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate., 1905-10-19, Page 6e -
be Is nt th»ig ot&rt
te t tF•• Ilite,Charaotee Itbeto
...* v -ii..Of wat&r thit bich''''M 0 .0'
1.00.1,,a40..W.4 Or,
land -+*-1410 4' , . ' '..0 it, '
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A.. .
b . '
) ,.., znm.nt. Oitr 1 I ftii cli ir , .
Man. need* ,xnn ore than0 And yet ,'Gteit ilea - -:ever beriCkiflS
eechi spirits. ,• . no More. t'at- to ...come, neat ,`, P),, usif:s.PIt i niord tlian-
jay ,thi‘r bp:rim* ),cart with. depot 4 ;1tottro:4•00eph, 04 thoViAtt146;
lootila thin •you iqiut ppeftett hunge. when it speaks of the m e. f nea•t*
with kitchen odors. VeOple , .' wt a :,Man, * father, a••tteighbor;. e
•..siteepleisto. love. .tga*Matter leeW - friend; it is an •indiCatien. , ' of : ebe
feet from the iikrrigi**Vallifnint-oeenesrieote0 .o:le,X.,. ts-eankseletegfeeoLlie.
viewr-your-plan-cd_uplitting_tkeonas- really. of his iitlentity with us. We-
ses by ideals May be you will altritYit neeti-tiot --tlfitikl-Of eideresentestirover
a er re* n sitting' on top ,of t
ideals on two legs and withe' the loads; eet . irlYetterstireete.
light of life in their teems. They should 'be embodied in memo intage
• would , rattler associate with • the of the form that has always. Meant
most mediocre Men than with tiff). personality' to us ••"' than . that we
most . highly interesting • mummies, should •lose sight of poseibility
and you will find them gt(tting raore of approach ' and. communiOn with
out of -common people on the etrept him as friend with friend. Better
than out of :the 'most perfect pro- to think of God as snan with us
tiles in the art gallery. than not to knew that the one over
NO matter how perfect your churchtei all is in Wing touch with us all,
worship may be in ite artistic and THIS IS THE GREAT TRUTH
its intellectual appeal, its- sensuous that Jesus came to give the world.
' asPeete slowwill never satisfy that There is, no , need to define what it
strange- hunger of the hieman heart, may mean that God was 'manifest in
•-e-----e•-•etliatIongin that tgilit.--c-grA9,-.„..--Alut ih_tVa41111-.1irgi.4.14in--3X.,,--. ))t,.:71"0114
piece, of worship. week after we -0Z
• Thechureb may have enualt success
• 44 a club, as an exposition of stYle.
Wilton, and refitted sentiments, and
Yeclail" tith-erlY7`.44-&-eiturelesuriless-
giVes- men life,, unless it Somehow
comes near to them and- opens lthelf
' to them so that they feel ltereetire
- hearts-- that --..ainlerstand • 034. ears
. - open -in -sympathy, .hexe, .are...4...; ..vn,,rra_
..._., •
. handgisaePee here is .. _s_ • , __• se_
. ,
Ordinary People. cannot ' worship.,
• abstractions. The gods built of
of .Nitzaveth ;the expression
that Pod is to Man. Ile walked nur
ways of varth to eeraind ue that the
Father is still living with Ills flun-
Ilo touched -the -sick
comforted the sad that men Might and one and three-quarters cupfuls
temember the hand of infinite ten:. of dour, with two and one-half tea-.
derness and power.that reaches from spoonfuls of bakir e !lowlier sited•i.
heaven for -oar- cells . • • lake-ine layer 'eakestitts. '
consolation- . • Three.fourths .cuphd of thick cream*
jQnaily *hey
n tbe open air. o duster outd
used fon- .furnitttre, as a good
use one hand and the
(1, marks
may l
bring ekan ont nto plays ''•
Old 5beeta .wbich bave twen co
oWn" agd niettOd and are no lotO
, -'.. VAtalite': foie bedR tor, .,v0tt4-04:3tritrt„.
•-- and dzesscs., Old ..,,Iltpr:Otts.' '0Id .tuingAng•ss
i .-int fa ,7 40f t • ..,e0ttext. furniture giovierin
nto .`tnatlirinto'finitatilifi,,fi
. ti
0. 410:41t:eleor,14.91a,9:44'0,510:litensi,, peo :011tesnrrloi.,..,441ackttliiirisks-iitilint,tis,v:11.:00eittiotc:c.torlye,
bov ,„1004., des! • for ';h1gAli p#1,10.04
, , > ,
, 191p/jOaftilia,i)f. ini114 d Air' Slightly,‘, r011,46e*J;Tor Arettlxv; 'allow
..,. •-,, , , ,
Da '
I' . .0** • bettim....t0. dOnPeo? '
It e spoonttil .0f. SO a 0
OU ., 1,1%tititt and tentIlt , :roan 'then Sh A1.44 )101 C444tlinle,- .111111
taro, unt,V,Ofte4utif sepfeels Of It to. rentatin ,TOr ittintite, et wo,
cakets bake a' quick mien; neyerat' lean' elOtha.dur-
•flinar .as possible. ing" the duatingspregesi.. 'Before they
Peach Puffne.--.Prosh several la:fgedry they:SUMO be 'Tillie(' tbeeenifb-
• mere:gut,. puff paste Into equatesagain before they are .sent to ,tte
pzt acme Of' the peialeti InTtini"ceit- Wittilielt-Tiirrors• or windows- shotilit
elose e paSte bo . .hed with atcohol and polish...
ly arou t. a A q
uvtm and sprinkio with sugar les
before serving,
of butter With one and one4talf cep -
fide of sugar; add three beaten eggs;
put two cnpfule of chopped walnut
meats into one cupful of flour,' and
add this. tcy the batter.
teaspoonful of be, • o
one and one-half anpfuls of flour to-
gether, and add the Jest thing. Drop
bv •spoonfuls on bottered, tins, dust
•with granulated sugar, and Put a'
Iak in a moderate oven
French Cream Layer Cake.e-Creent:
oneethird cupful of butler._ add Oa -
&tatty one cupful of .sugar1 two well
eaten- ease- one-balf-tupful ext mines -
Siert coehl see. -the_ man Jesus: theY oneequarter. cupful "of,
ieties-deW• feltsthe thrill' of- a- Imam "and' the-whitteed-one egg; davoreteith-
life; in a word, fie was real, person- vanilla and beat stiff with an egg
al, and human to them. ,The simple
. . beater.
knew 'Ulla- , qu ter 'cupful ter-P-&-viliiir6d711,Tga:
A stick. *Lta round pointed end
Is bandy -tor gelting the dirt and
dust ont,.•of -ilhe cornet's -of the room
✓ indoweeb.sh, or on the stairs,
time and patina should be given
o this kind Of digging.
vo be wails and ceilings of the
comas a long hendiec brush made
for this purpoSe ntost satisfactory
and should be used every time the
room is• given a thorough Cleartifig.
The. paper will in this Way be kept
loZiking; fresb. Remove or cover all
-in-Clean water. Shake hard to re -
'move the loose water before apply-
ing to the. carpets or, rugs,. During_
thtt,sourso•4of the .sweeping dip . the
broom in clean water-frequeutly. If
care is taken no moisture will bp
left and •will collect dust that
otherteise fly' around -the room.
The carpet sweeper should be even-
• (4' afteetaelsseetreeping,eand-s the'
Ilitireantreethreads---picked -Anent- the
rush- Swoestinge.eshould be burned
or put -''into the garbage. and , not
thrown out to litter the steps and
4;11ot:her.' 404,1, '3Ai•t•
gpodAitight, • *•*1
:00'1‘tit;t1s)- bird. and. -a.
ttle.neet. *'•
OW, ,-007..;
.4404 thiV,..110 •
Ott '
f• yi" rle *4w
d'DobbY Boy. leltirLI °WV yOu? •
"ire, in my nest.** ogled 001)14
]or. ...Chen tether and mothee,clitply,.,
be, the piazza; ills we 'Pi -
was cryinie, and his. father et4te
Ing down into the apple tree.
eft rylL
Th,fb;Boy' crept, into hia. feetii
ft.! AtIwItzlei:hottIdThit nt tct.ilteAt°WPai.4ter'll..ir4I;o191.ftiti'"•
ft whit.
et iuL so
1006. 'I/01(MA 11.040: .115-0..
, about 1in:'.a,
-,i . ,.
aq t"�
4411AP Iliftirf4. ) lat41:4-01:1-"e'.-lih:eili'7t-ii.749:1'..:4:1..1 • .
. .
- ,-.and y000ttu;rbe,iaterg91104s1.14. °It',,,,xilSont*I.•.'.14:th..zilo.
"8t 1
1.,T1t:I.‘. apple
treer.*. , :,, '. • ,''. '* ' '.:
lievelt iss eiror!' Said '1,)0"....sIk0'..
.09Y -4#4', PP.Y.', .-' ' '
, .......-...:4,..40...............4.
i .
re, TW 13;
prettY 111110 • 40111,40t:Aa,
atleer. sti
ttOor l'eatV41 *04 pMe
ge,Oer afelhe robin
intsit :Oakes ;Oa, 'Ude hous'er ,
*:Ptot 'gullet- mother," said...Debby.
&toy.. sleep lust one
Bobby lioy'a--iTXt-alfei-71SitfigIted'-''atftr
*Weed-. - goitilenight. again -and
cuddled the blue comfort about. hint
patted tho. yellow curls and tom hint
to go . to sleep. He lay Ithinking
about how nice it wee for littlefleirds
who didn't go to klatiergarten. and
had nothing . to do but build' nests
in lilac bushes. When he did go to
sleep at last, he dreamed 'about
nests with little Wale comfOrts in
them, and little brass knobs rat
round the edge of them and funny
pillows made of moss.
s'eitt day Bobby -Boil!' Was very
them, longing for loVe. were .drawn- euls of dour, 2 teaspoonteler of ba
• . , . iftetlieeseiette-thee.
taught them the way of life, • and one 'beeping tablespoindut of butter.
. i •
when tlieer came to teach tfieir new two of fine Sugar. a little candied
found faith te -others it simply ornnge peel chcipped fine, i few cur -
amounted to telling the, story ot rants, and Chopped raisins. ,and mix
their friend and to teil of Him as all together. Beat two ego witb
one still near to their lives. - two tablespoonfuls of milk, add this
---TO-41tena-A--wait-110-steangc"b1414 ertlfriTfifigVlifitrlifire-Tte-rin
that He should say, If ,you havet seen Soft Ginger Bread.. -take one. cup -
me you ixave' seen the Father. They,
ful of molasses into which, put one
had coneie-, tOeskArtw._ -01-14. ;q24-• '”ati' AitanicAti,licf InA:Iniit„.„Nvith_ this
• , an altar as to expect humanity
to-W.6)140p the hypothetical berng
wbone sante call the god of heaven.
Still lose_ pen men be broegbt .•
• adore the propositions of theology.
• For worship is but love, and yon Can
Ideas alone hate: power as thery be-
come Personal. •littly a man is,
worshiplugeetletegoodeletehisk Atother
the gentle And sublime in some other
Wairi€91." or the IterOie in some Mate
and these constitute his religioneso are.
. der
. •
birn as postulates and principles and ,loving. helpful friend, so is God t
the propertid.'s of worship never man;' one Whom no may 'love_ an
• c uld. They not only .set the good wbo must love Him, one whom t
itt t e g owIng 4 e
To the Publie of UT Domeetiti.af
Canada possesses one of the tersest
areas of virgin fdrest, of any country -
in the world and is ranked •by Euro-
peen experts frst, or atneng the first,
of the • important sources wof the
world's timber supply for the future,' .
The preservation of the 'streams la.
perennial and. constant now,
which, is largely controlled by the tor-
est s on the watersheds, will have an
besy. His mother found him build- important influence) on the industrial
weg tbird
i'mpor"tiiii.,noens;„tinittaalesttheatt._clisagaset. and agrieultural development Of the
bush, for 'lobby Boy was five years
Pin° branchesIyootts. by water, nelich forms the greatest
will be rulated to a great extet .
eg- n
electrical and -mechareical industries
old. it was made of
be._ had .brought in ream the
and the feathers be had picked from beurce of power in all couutries, and
an old -duster, and bits of moss. and
paper iand string. • ,
Night came again. and ilolebY
Boy's enetther tucked in the blue
Nonni of our Western- districts
pendent oe. irrigation to ensure . the
success of agricultural operations.
In'all the older provinces the -clear- -
comfort. andepatted the white pillow Ing of ,the....eolleimsebeen_ecarried to
and the- yellow litar and such an exteet that the ill effects on !
kissed Bobby Boygond-night iefteselthe etteet4i- supply and on aglicultiire
she had sung a little..."-grt.4,4,31ebn 'tare ClearliiiiiiikK-iirMlie•oii the tret---7-
hini. helm prairies the need of stieltering
Bobby Boy did not go to sleep. i -trees for nonses 'and fields is
He lav Very wide awake, watehingea jiy felt by -the Settlers..
0--iffenleintrigettirciu : - _ ,,.0.f..--1/119.----.
en the edge.
Milk used instead of water m
To pour drops kora a bottle niois-
ases the apple tree. When the house grew
meant to go put and build a nest in 'forested districts tued' the eonsequen.r. '
still, Bobb IIcrawled out of bed. , fire which has
!et/ening' of those districts to general
traffic, will increase the danger from
puddings and pastry light. y oy , 1
already been a Most
When baking cakes .place a layer of:. 40110 put .on „.; hvis ' little trousers and
stockings, 'th\M he pulled the blue
These conditions are not new; they/
active agent of destruction.
attstu_esteee_thealtekletesnis prevents susgatiAsts_
ti itsjittla_bsd and tied I
. , -- itslao a' bundle. There
7t-IrtifeireVr4111itteve-4attretal-tioti.mt"and (luring the 434eithemed-SeSiltibsiott'"
"hgetbet.: Is used lnsteed ortake.-
i powder when making matleira.
_ ePletInesekeeketheye w ill ,
AustOr .1almal.,91r-49.11.1ee-n n' n
In the bundle. arid, neoels and papier.
and the feathers from the ' feather lost, closed Parliumerit authorieed the
.summoning of a convention
tnoraeeeeeeeghdis__e_u_s-stcee-of-• 4heee
sugar n n tosethor, ono og,g. one bile sonoch lighter and of aire-tleteAfe dow anti crept out on a 1-it-d43:';.azi.-171. --.
historical otunipotenc-e; somehow ee be te
• UGGESTIONS. apple tree. notAbir pay,--fflas waiting tTranseontlueetel
become more trti an ite tliCoity or an one cupful ot Lott; -and. ono enfirni
they came to see that as was this . "Cheep, weep, cheep vesep,*' went as gIttin *
therefore hereby-eall a public cone
cupful of sour milk, three cupfuls of I n.v.e.rn'serty •
cake." -Mix well one
spoonful. --of salt. and two tab 0-,
tourir his life with ,theirs: there is life eternal.
If tea- e• eu iful •
, vention to meet in ',the OILY Of 9t-'
med for
butter, one cupful of •Sugar. one i ff . . •
it bed never before Sear% a i-ttl ,
° .,..Ianuary, 1_906,. under the 'auspices of
spoonful of carbonate 'of stelae one. boy looking' down into its tree when
and to this convention ars_s_peelally
the Catiadiane, Forestry Assceiti eit,
flour. one of sour milk, one tea-
' ° V tie nutme itinamore and
- threw one big branch up on the
,the moon Was shining. The apple
riaInvited: •.
4 'Spoonfuls -of ginger. take 'quickly.
Ahnond. • Wafereer-Add' gradually
tilfttel Sugar to
with regard to wbat inusE wds useel
ow itewas rendered. •
-For he is, good, for hia loflug-
kindness endureth forever toward
INTERNA..*TIONA./. LESSON, Israel" --These words are probably'
OCT. 22. , not a quotation from the psalma,
but • rather it liturgicel reponse
Lesson • /V. • Rebuilding •the used at. sacred festivals, upon which
Timpii6_043.1den. • the well-known psalm Pa 13 'tyna
ilteev Jer. 33
- 12. Old .inene**Afilrlitiamieen
Nott.-'1'hese 'Word Studies tor this firSt bou.kFhu"first-heliNer- ree
leason are based on the ttoct of the fers to Solomon's temple; which had
Revised Version. , •been destroyed in 580 II. 0., fifty-
' Intervening Events -Chapter 2 is ope years before. Elvensixteereyestra
_cloeeted Atergery to an enumeration, later the prophet llaggai (2. a)
of the principal men atieliaitts o cotilinetilteltripMft-tinelrhteettrid
tribes and families, priests, I:writes, open the fernier temple.
and others, who accompanied the • Wept with a loud voice -In . that
caravan of returning, exiles from extreme sorrow because of the come
Balblonia to jeritsalem. In Fara 2. •
64-00 the number of Israelites • re-
• turning is stated as 42,360 plus 7,-
837 servants arid ds, making •
toter sof-.• -40;69/ y'rer
nuinber therit were 200 "pinging men
and Women .°' -that is, professional 'marked difference of effect which, t e
singers. . This company took. with *inauguration of the building had
them 8 130- beasts of burden, of *Upon the yonnger people, on the one
band, and the older people, on the
triet-es: 1. The adversaries of.• Judah
and -lienfaniiiite
the choosing • and, establishing of ing jaSt 19" the notth, called ativer-
the' returning exiles. This saries by anticipation. ,
oecupled some mont -Iiitlast -in
the seventh month the fieople roc+.
sembled in Jerusalem and at '• once
reinstituted "ell the set feasts of
Jehovah that were consecrated.
•The beginning of the actual work of
-the r.;.-ibuiklittg_ of the tentPle_ros-1:11C4
•�o simple a, matter. Cedars Cif Leb-
anon and pieteared storrete.evere
one• -cupful- of- almond paste. theso ;green cea. iiTa 3 rrne "tem
-one-halt pint of Fweet, milk; add
one-half a level teaspoonful or soda There was the nitest place where
in for half an hour.
Sick people Alm% liktif- tso be atftren. -five :big - limbs- branched -out- It --was-
, -stettel-titethe -back eefeethe , es, meet.. And Bobleyeleteyalmd been
Just' big- enough to hold a little
this and t II dropso_fillb_oititteo_r4Luaalwirt,4itond at-theY are morb•itlier sensitive; ana
butter. and put the rake mixture
bottoms; bru.
_ _n DthorttAwiflryboklipert,
see you. Always sit at the bedside,
or e p •
etand up tall before hfla. 43.11( p
thinking about it for a long, long
time. Ile etimbed ' up on- the braneh
as he did when he slid down on the Officials.
sif6d pastry floure, Ti rri letiei a
- 1-- I hi- to oake him turn his oyes round to
pans upside down.- and wipe wellethe
and dente poem tne banieters. rro held the rope that Members of theeCanadian Forestry
over Just as thin as possible. Itu
them into a moderate on and doctor iir a . caller into_ the next was tied to his bundle, thee he slid :Association.
still riot ,cu down the big brani:h into the hertrt Represeatativee of Ltnnbermen
bake .until i htly brown. 'While am; the invalid will be absolutely nsoelaUoml -_
•.-• , ofe'
Of Commons. s'
-,Litiutthe Prove
_ _. e
Imes. 3
„„ „Members ofeLeseislative Councils and
*.toegislative Aseemblies Of the Thy.
Dominion and 'Provincial Ferest
4) them ng`htlY" f th atient feels snore at rest ut his legs around it, exattly
pencil. • To be perfect ibe mixture.
musti be spread • as .thin as time
paper on , the -pan,. and tife
quickly done.
TO 'USE Inn onAqatg,
Oran& Loaf Catee-Ileat the. yollte
parattee issiseeeeeeee of the house SA six eggs to - a tretan with half a
being erected to, the -forraer tesess pound of powdered sugar and - two
in its glory. • templo of softened butter. Add the
13. •Could tuft discern the „noise of gritted rind and puip of three
he-sitout-en•teise=ta ranges. Take the poip out with
the weeping, of \ the peeple---A...,,raoSt jt.P.e'-'t'tvlting_oellg-lr"rcore aind.6"litit'Itti'd-rweds. ,,,,sgt
tegether' .hali it pound of flour and
one teaspoonful of baking powder,
and stir it into -the cake alternately
erarith the whites of the eggs btaten
. mttieltostomtetjlia frOttlet.,,nc. tAtt,rttikkiLiteillki,y,,_:11110:0:0!
crate overt. •'-
Orange Icing.-Frorn a 5 eenttlottf
of taker's bread tut .oft, all the
crust• and grrite or trumble, the in-
side as fine as possible. Pour •over
it one quitrt of boiling milk. add
it quarter of it pound of butter and until smooth. Add one .cup of milk
Babytonift. but 'nue promptly' ow, the same .of .sugar. Let. it stand Un- , and, return it to the fire. Lot it
1-tured -and ' destroyed; -and---..a.notite tit cold...__Tlen add the grated rind boil until it thicken:4. Season with
city, called "The -City or Aear-liail- of onee -antleell Pi -lit! and Plitt. • Of eettlt and serve, immediate -TY. - ----
rize. wto bunt in se piece. .rise two large oranges and eix egg fitilairi.,pirelF. i? -4 - ekte.lietit for - - cold
beaten- light,: ' Pour into a butAerettiand .. ineley invalids are fond .of ,it:
•whieh 5,72d were asses. 730 horse-%
485: camels. an.d 215 mules:. • The
• al . of fhb caravan at Jeiiiiidein was,
•2-. Sitteo the days of rsar-liaddon,
leing of Assyria-Elesar-haddon Was
the son and tuceessor Sennaehe-
rib. In the year 677 II. 0. Sidon
had revolted from the authority :„o
g Wk-ii4s
• grained-.--erearevi-Alut-iin
indg,es. If the butter is reserved un-.
ii after -theefieneletest t as-breconade
and the syrup has Just reached the •
"soft ball"' stage. and then gently
alaSS is turned, upon ft marbte
and-sielitly turned back -and forth-
with a griddle calm turner, until it
Is cool, the -desired consistency will,
never fail.'
FOOD Von xNvAtair$.
Ptlatit010 •_..111Slt
for the ill is scraped beetr------Take it
good piece Of raw st(aik; hay- TA
a meat board, and •- with a -knife
scrape into fine bits. After -removss
Ing till hard and gristly parts put
• It into a pan over the fire and let it
renteht, Just long enough to become
it up from the bottom oecasionally.
'Season with it little salt. •
For cracker gruel pour one eup of\
boiling water ov,er four. tablespoon,
fuls Of powdered crackere and stir
tit -e sur- d few oniond
altrY, and it wee two .seetee *Jtiettettat
r dish and bake one. hour. Serve hot ssiwe own a
cit.V.7.1 toga. cr w
ti r before, the routtdir4,„ country% icas colonized •
old • thein ,in pint of Tnoty Milk,. stir in
kttri. Ift
new- way, but. another e
fl ieritine Forestry and, tiorest-y
"Amn.L,trr. Emmy' la* Eta. kintineff9
41.1, 14 V.
-er a
theeieltte bundle -stuck_ anecteg,_ the Represent* Ives ,o gfirelliturareole ,
beranchm At laa-che was down eges,, •
the litt e nest, and Ee stood there I llePreselitatives of . Fartneflk Ins*
for a mintit,e, breathing' etsry • bard. itutes.
Ile pulled ,the bundle after biroi ItePri-'sn*liatline4 of naiisV4 90111*
itWli a_Wluick that . almost -Parties-
knoCked hint dinvir.- weri-alti)04-'-'41ePresentatIvoseept---.-thae-XanalliAne-- • :;.-•
thing teisee were nice, firm branches Milting 1-mtifutes*. ' •
Representatives -of tbe ',Canadian_
like a evall all. around hine*,oi
Bobby Bey would have tumbled to
the ground.; Ile waited for a •mintete
to . get his *breath back; then he be-
an to build bis nesS. It was Tint Associations ,atul Idle ethers - Who
as easy to build a nest AN in-- the
elbitetber-ause. thitigs tumbled to-eleteetn-Un 'all tn(ert4t* In Vniret"r3r*
An invitation is
ground Ml --Alt the sticks fell, and a ithe Aureau.,or.vorestry of tho litnited
puff of wind carried the pttper and States, the American '''orestry. As- .
feathers away. The moss wouldn't, i soelation and the' State Foreitry
stay. put, and nothing seer -at -4 'th--blureetus and AssOciationa to 'send re-.
wtorttrilnisirb),°17AetintAtinItt* *
went to be made trite a nes. t, but the
bo. 'presentatives
blue comfort, Debby Roy again
' spretttl,,,_ it attempe_214,..Angus- 10P5.
round hint., aiiii iiiitidied-trownliclire
nest It It Wtta :very loilelY and quiet. '. 'The sUbJettts to be etretlidered at the
The Jittle bird came back arid new
into the top tef the tree and said.
"Cheep vccep.. cheep weep." as if It•;
were sleepy and 'tired.
Representatives of Associations ef
Land Surveyors.
Repreeentatives of Fish and flame
CenVerttion lat diseussed.. under ,
the lollowing: .divitsiotts , '
1, The Notioa 'and the Foret. .
., 2. retestry in relation to Agricul.
The moon grew ',bigger anti whiter -tore and irrigations , .
and brighter,.aud stared boldly at 3. "the ;forest and the Lumber
Bobby Roy through the branchee. • Petti_Industries. • . ,
Bobby feei ....,etUnfortable 1 4. 'flue lielatibn- Of Our Forests to
in his ' nest; ea scraggy our tither Tndustrkqs.
Icept-ptishing-his-tithd_out of 1t way .rowets; Inning; .Builiiing Tradese,
.so .he turned aroimil owl tried. tev. Wood i'i:OrUing Manuntetttress '
mon is gre -
work of the building could be. begun. ;; With captivee henn iqiit 'and tato,- °
JOureelestiore-storecebeginSeXilke-eW41nrdare:andeet - thfre--,-0-'af.A.K-04_ -:---.r.slsnY.
eventS Accompanying the layili of,oettled 41.4-7STF-Tiiintit nS---ilEZ---ii'sshg,Toit- ,..,,
the foundation of the t'emPle. ' .which We know- 'tts Samaria +Me ‘.1
. , deteenilatits., of •theee eolitelette • who 11
Verso! 10. , had inte narried With the regmant a
n t are e ;:o • ews Nti tiwe Hui' in 'the einintry, !I
2to the religkoit of ,tho .PW1t ttnd /nide'
tO iv to. that Of the lnlii from. which '
rOic..aps.e Pie.-04te tlyelloar, rind; A sprinkle iof oat' Arneal and a little ' .. it poked trdiscation. .
en Viuldn't let hien.. .
n'eitike-•20f,e1V.4.-.-"-s1411411'..; It:heiffAill.f..1* anion* /NO Ault. -P‘ "."' .. .
pound of butter and tent the yede of one egg meta eights through She bratatene arm the moon over their *ds oat it le ceetilleate
ble4wonful. Beat to A refreshing repast, is. egg gruel. iverk colds and the whit' whIstrtd win
ngts. mix welt. and. tender. ;Sup raipidlY-ettid--ge-fo-be
e stared at hint end said'. "Bobber Plan will iir•°131114Y tatblve-1[ 161e"
-01--eptitaeeed----emeare itheetteeteaspoordui..of..augar_anu a,' . titatkis regardleee, t:f nurover
• e yolks. of sin eggo:bcatch sPrinkle Of salt, 404 a little flavor. 116.V. You re it iittle.V"96'
the whites of. tour 04,7,,s bn eateto ,stir in the %bite, hes" been , don't believe ec-711-)
1g t 'au eitruge
prets eo , d of swoit,-- utwo ,c1. ittiu . g At"- , f - pus," A,
(rixod. 21. ). tnatle of rate linetee ii''.), the fttet that they we Jews of I
• long coat wth sloves also Mille ereof,,IRure •„deseent ; -the. returncti • exiles
-----e-elinetteesgitetter'.-woveir. iif -tit oulde-hitte•:r -elothii3g.-_-1-07110Witli
vote celorn that were in tho %tit ,be- 1 thip. ,
.'..fore tle, Troly l'olace; at 'cap of linen. i . 4. 'Wertheneel tho hrtrai of the.
. On their filet, they wore nothing ',pie of Judehe-Put obstaettis• in
(trent/. Exoti. 3. 5; 30'. 21‘-,20.;,,joSp. teetY., hindered thon In Itter ,
5. -15). , . : •prEso In, eery Manner POSiblOr,
Sons 04! Assiph with be .3. 1100 cottitselors agairast th
1, 10,444111ititAitat--.,./Attri-
04 by . stid7. atut rot 1:41y. Made (else rtVro.
L It 'he sons Yr ty:lor.e the, king "concernin
. 25. 1 poses and Work Of the Jews
WDIL Alt 'the inieture 1 beaten nritit Nan:liege our ..over it • 'the trw tA)"il • - -Y1 .don't roe
ntja& lined itvi
, quick
lie o'tt
ptvonfuls• of powderd
Irti/le.poottful of .jttic
hem- in, the oven to
10.1ettit1tY Will make tvea
MI4 ki of d%
I • to
•d) Outwit,
1 tC
bew sett.
r.hh,:hhhhh*,,,hhh- hh.fhl
iwttarr, 404 I out eae applae
We1 ae alt se 21 on onr,,..$vindetv- .."Youi‘re f4iro.Y54,". said Atte 'poen
likat O./stetting pietureAl frost Of egaim "tlo to bed."
leaves aid flowers; but it is • EA11.•rightesiryl Will." said130
t ,eft$Y tO frgiV'''tbeS, ilsslutte lloys ite began -to- 0480. ,Up';
1 lovely, forma and WeaVe Sikh tbranela tlIdt led to his rooms When
V ita, patterns upon. the glass, he was half -way up. he itippd right
' 0 t (ias3-.•,.back,'"'.,end. aWity. 4/0Wal, Into The
ts..r f
r 111nd...the
tf ittit'get, eta:
1at,iuting, such- as Cleatibig
i •thbjt ' - tr‘t1W- -that. IllnY' **,101‘
'ooe fflgr 'toot be '"remoV3a1, -itttl, ,
Iht, lo*tor ,.thhitta afferwardI ,tose
tould be ;gathered' up itnd not --,:at, 1
iliiii .' -,PleWt
tholld 1i-• done' ilittic
flOtliOdtC*IIY v friin it
ght *round. if tite
' large t
*kW Vlictof til
Ion of tho roost '
falhit, to .tho, ground.if it had. -not
betkifor' his •Ohirt" . tzttOtti*
• .Ijobby 1,10'wat
bita to ;Ott tooutta,,,,ot: d.hit
likno *oft. SO' tOld),;:46 could, hardly ri
Ott, to the old tres,;.,
,"Father! 1" he ser.
"('ople and tot *
'r Was
livho ritAtor ongs, eorit4
Lowing beard
to hit 14 t
nt I