HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate., 1905-10-19, Page 4Mrrs, fair, M o Who �w.undearwon t
oriel ar at,•,ration : "few eek*, :ago :
showing improvement.
, n ed.cun9 i 414:
sain, after 'being coat
rc�o c ►'irtttrrr (11
arntd; pa tekiebin the" -t
.4 ,000 fell hocwa,
ariltlrr g twr he adt on a 1.
ahA:r4fs #xr�tw tai,
�besd oct,rvia'In`
If, lleai"aid. aarnta ait#uki
�!n yid lady.
"eigbina' 7 :k:114
" ;110
1 0 � wands, !a Ln t� '44
atte T,1 fled ton "1bsa
ting; awloxrg"refurr'katrii• ,ted
t38d ^'',
tbr*Trele,eirat4taand Telephoner "what-
n�� b
1 gt+ tt c ius Siir Willie s. nn...
doubtedly !heerri the `best Postmaster
•Oene>w'a -Ca iswda, has ever had. lie will
ever he remembered. for the tit that
becreated.the penia yepostagesy tenni n,
this eotm trey' and that in itself' is ` awn «
Went to. place hiniiamongthe foreniost
,BtatesMef of Canada* e' had made
ani exhauetivc study of, the question of
rural Mail .deliverry and Oansd 'Was
hopink that he would put the matter
ir:saxpr*titical test bet he ended his
reer9 a statesumo...
NOTES AZPD coatm.sivris
President Roosevelteeerns determine;
ed'that tlie`negrus'irs#i ayo hare1n-
tlilteh positions in the • gift of;
-'the• United States and has ,appointed
Dr.Furniss an Indianapolis negro* a s
ininiste r to Hayti. '
tetan aft" Postinast ['Js" #»
evil, Mr..' it9a.. B. y&yiesworth,. _ wh.... was
• member orn in as such and' also
>of the Privy' /ttiau►ail«
He will :run for -election in :hi rode.
writ Itis ixich veil • e issued at once.
,...:_. Prom Montreal 'conies the ' report
that Sir Wilfrid Laurrierr. will soon re.
tire from tom. P;remier"ship.in.. von of
Financ Minister'FieIdin. r,it,a well
known that the next ch o ink, laybe.
• •tw n rr. Mn °tit and:: Mr. l ielin ; ..
au ► -now u o lehaari iii
there isnothing to binder Sir Wilfrid.
atepping down andhanding' over the.
4-1 Y
'r" ' erni t'• el•
3irt +fte l
's - DEA Ij.:-:•1t is With...feelings.. of
deep sadness --that- our-citxen:
the news . on Prido.y morning of • e
death of Mabel Lament, eldest dough-
. lbt:. amei t.' p'aneve-t_a
t •
.011e, was illso that
the news of her
r�ra n eI
^lanai ..
- .:rim
was -a` particularly
,a ...:_. brei�ht;' clever er
young�1riofIt ye ►snwa� s: great
'favorite ,with her
•schoolivaates and all
o t s R 1 -'•
' Wed�xesda she ' coin lained of . not
feeling wel and went home., During
the night she. Buffered considerable,
• pain and on Thursday remained In bed
and although distil? . that night she,
fie i uch
•! :. ' el f. aii1 - -
t �r �r �# ak?6.1p�:Ct�a
arrived the bright young life had been.
• o se'd
The remains were -interred in
Boned, cerneterrY on -Sunday, unday, arndlhe:
sincere uym ,rainy of our villa rens was
f �.
-�rirarar�a n� -- h
Attended the f r
Dr aw z Ir '.>ss wv #ka feelings Of -deep.
mist sorrow, we r2corrathe death -of Mirk
Margsret Bonthron, youngest chti.l th•
ter of Ja cinthron, of this ,tow-
shl ..',phe sad: event oeon' d,on Sat-
urrday.eververy strong orrabunt,,,
her healthseined to d line very :rape
idly during tine past year,despite all
that -medical' sk ll' to toeing, parents
could do. We rejoice to know that
•daring her illness she felt her Saviour
i aarrd='+`i r ir:rl< ed Z it .
he wssa' of as
'quiet andar rehiring
+s- rr*iue.
was felt ti mreand mote as ou tame
In l %e t her. In
analveair ht Minim/
Ryon In bt r .dying na.utr-
it' t:
� ter her li for those
• nil t
around be
*he s. leave thein...
ttir 0011 'taars�l:+c,
,1A 1'
h19800 has lieeer
ed.a exi
M1d>tt 'l ��
err« x°i eat of0r talto w'srt
town lu Stt:weck.--ioe4. Chesney b
recovered fi oin biu recent Meese.
Mrs...1iillings, who was • in,'utd in a
mummy accident a few "weeks :ago,
is. we are pleased to state, able to'tiaear
an occasional Arive.r.. Warner .r of
tiodevieh is aSslstiu .73s cha+�'�nan Pros.
in their Biel in;g bt'ismess.+" ",f�t�obt.Iani,'
role.of Maniteha recently lost .another
little child after brief .Breis..
James. Pontbroa has returned from an
extended visit to.Dotroit.--Geo. J`oynt.
bras purchased the . ldensal , evaporator
'f voru Mil %folly,who two years agopur.
choked it ,from •the. versatile IlerrrIngt•
:-.1.-Schafer has d. ispo d of-• bis at •
gar : TA.r of i ii�eiiit t'i Gro,m►
Mr. Schafer is WOO Over the' hotel
buststess,.ottbebitFe Mr. Shoemaker at
P rkhili, . As ,l r. Seheferr to a genial.
d..oblrg ,g. fellow we_pre i c .forr hint
every".su .-
Srlii>rara,telsiraacbi has --returned'
frormher visit t tr t.--Orsi11:0 +.
er (i Align tr 'the -744'4f
of her a
ter, Mrs. J. Pre eteree-.Mrs. Fred
moth hais.recovered from ber recen
illness.-Wrnrr. ,Bran% hang returned .to
Detroit, after a short visit here . 'John.
tteasn to David Dur meville of $eafort
The above is a out of our imtrov fiickle plated Range
...other tearit from 4. gentlemani ` °near
fieri®all.-� l e tiro large. safes'were;
moved out of. the bank on ednesdway.
aailer one hes; been placed 'In the
.'°malt of the • banik, the dispensing
With the use of the iargte'•a�xaes, Henry:
a ndalt is now occupying: 'Mr. t auer s;
04;• Zeller, td:led at Strasbn-ry, Waterloo
cos ncaty,nrn Wednesday, at, the agavof:
- 0- w rte" i k e`-
a>rr •00,4ay.: -d"ohn Preeter has puri,
• / , McCormick
an gill ms e c , dw►, 1i reg a€t act 1•
tothe old tinsbop, which he • recentiy
,urcbasedr onto. t.- I .. Ltate'.:Eng.
and-ofewupent-ir e .
days in the,,village dct .the week.-.
tl...Brrow n, blacksmith at Blake is pare
pariag- to-leaverthatplace.
Acot_OrttrreoesOn Saturday afternoon
Jacob wham met -with ti,palutut meet
dent, e. was bauling:earth from the
big swamp to 011 up : Wm. ' Bender'.
lawn. He had just gone Cor aother
cladnnd'-whilsrt�air 1 • • •
front wheel struck a stump, ore using .a
sudden jolt and Jake was thrown out
on the ground, felling on,bis'left ban.
-and breaking sa bone•ntt the wrist. The
jolt was redo ssudd'en that baud do rl e
••r• • A ., e e
-Pred.1bf1eizcb,14th ,etr-wltb
via; worki:VI Cif ng at the 'btaizr Planet' when'
in some way his lift hand came In
contact_with the swift revolving knives
and reedit. ' e h the d in
as 11 middle
ea.l part of
Another one taken off,.
ecitfrnt = sa t J vrh
.to him asbe is very boy in; his plane
,log drill. •Fred hat the sympathy of
hie rnatay,,;4riends here. .
, ci llIlyray
nr�•+� enWin1� et the Co nm r� tr tell, two,
$ aturd iy, !ht. See. Ad.•
'Ii''ERY Lo .-.Mr.'Jahn F . yle• of
the loth concession, who 'injured his
ipi nein An accident over a. year ago,
is ,nt ppre sena 1n as very low ntsa#te •ot
health, eufferingfrom rstorrnach tr onble
and his recovery' le veryy doubtful. .
Oanii OF T:IIANit -Mr. /an T.
}drierpm` ts'io• eip s-li gm
MAbl e'fo,rtt'1ie nyaridsinceremarks
were tendered by the n;dh
friends l fin" . the, i
Fluent death otis beloved vlfe«l
which; will X01.e easilynor-qu quickly be
flair citta . ,
� u
,-i - ;
l�► � Ira the death if 'Mr. �
Moi � , of the mtiuline the cotton(sw
1 cud.l�.w1
:� gna�...eit
>MOOrnn ***kindly and I+arxbl'"wsR n�aar
#`rti+ ' one who took' an *cave part in
lair,din upthe township;
Who hen teethed the ego of . yesara
acral 4 months . bald condo to
last i xou1 da W ,uaa tkis d
e snsoon
tTa �v. .�w s_ -r.
largely" tended, testifying to the aro
t felt for thedoomed, arid aympa-• ,
�f`etr; tortheParent* andtinnily,.
p+n fa sy
e temains were laid to refit in the
'finer, i ►%.at- rc441itturil1e
as- , t-rw to :laaaia--ire any'-
fr nde, date° Mr. Morten was ,rend
41140 Ara/ domes instinct* .instinct* and
io-lits life, ,that hid
took at :, t grr'e n alight in hri
lately .urt
The moment. a woman 'pats her
"Royal Household" she
net ROUX'`leiAteeve
*t own
d visions in Exeter and .will canvas the surrounding y countr,
from -this 1aee. This is a sample of how our goods Owe
our customers:— /
_ 1y .0000
met a
u&• .
t ia�the* Tawrvn.
oh. Monday,. oda �:.
'' y�ri �ct. 11 e
• herelt. n
etx s
meeting read and ado:
transacting rou iu ° bit n ,
' aa.. rtnm
:bee- of a0000ntitwere t d ' Connell
•veil meet; *in onMonday. Nov., 0, .
2 p«nri. ?'. « ens. Sr.y:.Clerk.
''1 iXlie irarr 'ellI, gran of Baht.; Melt
died a fewdays ego et San Peck* Stile.
Spanish, llonduras. The sympathy thy of
tit -element friends is extended to the
bete aved-faraiily.-Mrs. lobo Balfour
r : fteriv�~ veral
�axiontho In the Weft, ve returned to
rr villa e. The trip was very mock
yeilty :the flintily. -YMrr. and 'Mrs,..
air -have returned to rtheirr.bame In
o, after a leasant visit here
eentleman, Four ,ears a; 1 purchased from one of,
t our salesmen ao Dirt Range and !have `fo found it
$ �� � xa�f . a '/may/ o � au
r.... _ .Tia:
-ice erste rand ko ¢ an a ' - ue_. ver ,
ear;. ::: • recmon its rice in. fuel
that in ten years. will_pay for it; and -i. see no, reason w:h. i . .
Will not hist a life time,being made of steel .late and le -
able Iron,
• 1 artil m the Home- oi't all: ..
hey y room end �e me off to
want thett. .
come' to Stara and we are stili without
rend doc r. Jaime tia ichnei, Who'll**
Been sti"erinr -•f` a
s B. ��. art istct on ' lil::-
band,- ler recovering from its .eff ts.--
3411$ tittgatitil ton -1# visiting_his asp
t tai. -w = � fin to it tiorN recrm {
toifaits tailorfrom Toronto. -Mise
Ma Oarr>,rriehsel ikon- a visit to C'tine
toar3 friends. -"haat makes Jo*, .`Wore
darn smile? . Why a little son, arrived
at 11.: home the other `daay.-.-George
Tildes) haws returned 'from :his trip. to
West. ---Mr. est.�Mrr.. Brow n, V.a., hobe-
co be-
come A esti .' of•ourri rgh,x. ad; _a .r:,
C;u inn the house. rcentl occ ed.
by L. ` uteon, tie"'welcomee-himl to -
our, turdit and
o-ours,axldstand wish him 'every succi.
The farmers havem _.lted , their,
task of lifting thein` tooto.ttrell fines
are nearly a,thic g of the oast.
reta well1..
nte' Nt
c�f ° e►ran_n
r la ` t ln,
fourmonth's Stay in the West Mrs.
Hicks hos retnrrned. f31xe. report* :s
plearctratrattime.-The former* are
vtheir tn
h a
ip in the'fltfatalistic
the ode-
. ar tti driye:
scorner cattle trsd a very n*rrow s iaape .
frouzbOlitit klllt by Osie of the tars
he wa i
ing rs ed and turn isu npncc
a!l asl nQv k+r d *�
faintly ly aired b+r'►tit
sway wilt be a► v. ry ser
vIcoof on $cars y ty, NOV,. 121."-- They inc
weather of ►.epast few days has given
the:'f.arrtners an.. excellent opportunity
to get in their potato and root crop.
The potatoes Are ,good both as to quote
ity rand gcrasr6sty: Mrs Z vi
and Mrs. John.. Whiteinamkave return-
ed from their visit to Itlilvei ton and
Listowel.-[)uncan McGrrergorr,who re-
cently pixrhaaed the property of .Mfis
Gordon, ig improving the, :appearance
at the pincer.
r cx
-.Death carne it a happy re-
tease on:Wedneoday morning,'Oct..4
stet ter ss�.
w` apt°kb hoin n --' isdan titer Mrs
hick r. For tti paint" nine months he
.luid Nen bedfast, and for''„some Twit
had nut been well. lir hand attained;
the groat lige of «« item .4 anonths, ,15
days. De was horn in Devonshire.
4.L Dan in I8. ,,..t. tivi
r agno-of f1 dei Drstlie ►wrereagns.
yeawrs ago he left his riatirfve .land and
, �, tad► heverys ..
t their
w rate s
tot >faarlEn'r7at►rC`..:.x Ten -.y .yyrs =-
a o bii u,;wlfe
died, andd sr
tx f� es aim to
Hire with hie daughter, Mrs., itieloor,
r; wurb,arr hes been a most kindly nor' and.
den h te►r-to ' . a ,
t lilurl!' 1de was slti;e
beloved y All who knew,
irrl For • :n ,- sr ' tt'hs h s -been
for the'eali---to go ep higher.,
1 remains were taken to. * 110 414
lantgrtthert nut t() Wil of cctnettrray,r
near his old homey
-W F
witit-to r: -frxtnailie
8nr dirldg e
tc ill:.
fait a
L 4 lIR� ?w y ra111 a OK _ 4 a * � s. M►
uz et 110 G:t 1I t IIs ► we
I�h � � u al u'� an t fl
*tot. r+ bra l o3a: i
'DRAM ont,i1I .• tit i' be .lio�ni'ia-. o i fte at Britain _ and ,
.. d.� lira n rw l n» uD'
t lig
eta � t' aaawrrrd � ; orates inf �s area ;• .
States d e i �t c o
made •g
'�' ,de. to.p'a '� � c�:
it carred �
(� trim tom. l� aqua n
lowest ratesand most most favorable te*ms•
• 14$POSIT Iteeelptsse fed. ao4 bigbSt cern* rrra • of foto recta ll
,reiiiiiins_being laid to
ficin eetfl tet ,•
Mr• killriwrrrslalt' `ill
ILI.44a% iriul aanldfi e
la avidi u pd,
tr, afiee v lt+ rn,, bol
eportetiom :pito ya
manifest t an ever.
. Thiti`rr«'clay, Wt ** ,..
T!"[aai + ` o * " e sows
trb er aurberi o since resided.
visit, to friends in. this. vel.
1s known ft
ctive Influen
relay , lig °d1
is WM'