HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate., 1905-10-19, Page 3a.
ft;a kw ZBJbI1ti he had 'learn
be" truth; 'She Ica* free. She had
ailed for blm;..- hatLinorgerod. v for
Then tic c4t,ud seemed teily-t• froni
P. 740 .
•er „ t th!?re *us. jti
.twkwauI Pl$140.•,'
' to ,undor,
i; 'ali
X, y • .
4nd to think,'
hat ic 10 .0
Mentit t gthcr up three' red
tWO great Irtingaromv, ns tile fora
Of my broadside. 1 liaCjust flinished
dragging my genie into a betty and
LIS.voagratulging mogself on my
00(1 fortiroo, when aty tonVanion
appeAralAce4 Oct401V4,AtediliVh,
Prfve,' • gr arie ia ri .- ! - ma Ohl -9
.0 et -,0 ok.' Off.
*)&11,1thiirre.,:c'3.41'ien,i:tittilialo;ntitill:r,.0,c :.0.(9;:tlit;iitti'v,•tr,44. '"1:11',...7,41, _wi*':,.-il'°1_141'1'P4tht:.,i,r.11:tpl)i,,,Q;z,It'.45, /''°1:ttii4-1.!6-(1. ''' iitu
d ' oWitCsit : 1
:11144" * 4140 ilw,,
e;ONereit•, -ielfi
• *.n'itt• 4:: Or': , vit4tt o '',.
nIl ti:44•Irlicilli';414.400la0..1'-hetit411:4;,414.,:.°1Sliaf11,01'.'
osip •46.13•;0 Somi
utsucutd t
hel.o it tairoo'
htf• to
monde .4.11)
etried,ye 4
'du to thd 01
VP, ;;; Jtvi
iiug t .041y,ettra, It
1;• trete • aflLti
. 7 -to c -r
in t9' MM. ,e: Ialarul..4.7Ze.witt„ .
oftered hie .,,bered bow be h,,A,L1`;',„*•, Felt!!! '- t lot dotibtful it-..titere-"; are any
, . •
or,. Ile ' remeniberettli;men47Z. ,aavoges mikthin the burder's . W tliet*
.t„,;:_aort,,,c7t7(.4.,•oolOir:e.tiiuiN7Teilditrt-t tioitottLitt, It y :0,, wobArrouv000towarich4.r:thle_rno-gluiefigrr,
• tOtild not bear to boartnia from; And- , ' than many' Of the wretched
ScOteb' ,Crofters • On the Island of
*xi Wilt understand your itilenc0
.go 04.0.#1., ,. .; Lewis in -the Western lfebridee." 'API,
cording to, an °IWO report on •the
•httot Waited it Week for it reply.
ud 00 letter had cora°, .and then he c**(141:04 Of • their towns:14Po Plat
gid packed ,up. bis xbiogs . and left .ntade to the Scottish Wear govern -
, for :three 'years, , • Ment board these unfortunate , .13rit.
' itrOia. Twine greeted hint WarinlY. WI .itizent are it. a far ;Worse plight
nd .fteenrod 'him pf Jtate delighted $he than the' poorest, Of the. Welt pima-
i..to..*.eee, itintr back, .,. . : -: r• ._ . ., ;.antry. Their sturdy, Viking ances-
firl,'••It-ierOltitlit 'ine„.''' shesaidlit ---riti,*''Whti'-Atindatett-by-pillage,' 'era,
401,1101,usion of', one of her bursts' Plunder, tared ter better.'
• . . •. „
elotin-tite,""titat Mr 'lett some Most ' of tho hovele.,,tileY could
. hfiVe. behind': which X Meant' to have hardly .be,' 'touted "liousee;4oecupied
.,•.,Seirt. tat. nut What voritti•-nue thing by, tho • crofters.. are 'constructed of
,„ . tern, handfuls of .grain, no crow int.
inediately fluttered off to the fence,
nnd'Attothor r clean forgot titem-',. loose plies of Stow and earth. nod- ---- -1
and. tiegttli to call , for tlw memberit
rThiugst What '.tblitgsr"'
• thatched with stra v. Few of thorn of the. species which dwelt ein the
914.70111r •014 Pah* or h000,1* oh', have rtuY windows and 4 liule in the neighborhood, In A very Shett lime
IS bat, and it coat" .• .., centro of the roof serves the_purprise a ilte a large flock had essembled,
'not. Irrugheth ' - • • -' -: - ; , Of it -chimney; They • floors are of I-vIbicb tiall:kly devoured ow grain;
"44,PF,--411010,4t,ToU-14'fittivev-t'day, ' Ith'ete-lite-usuirlir three-apittot* 7.,d-iihreeo:pot,-oc-wimi tied-ri.attojetitin-
e•iin-,Ifirt.--71int--, --titerti.--Avotre------Son* - .•-1.- .,-a-.-.,-xt,---iirvitytr--Totelit-iii-Int-F-Heettrre i Fur-c-di..3i -firitir 1)1.Cerniir- ii-ntes, re-
apers Ifi'tho PorRet ' of the coat- with a. sleeping-rooni on orta side suraBiliiis-4,-ereh on 'mastee s
41, I onlo-dis,covered that. yester- . I
. and a byre :for the live. stock on the shoulder. and accompanied him ,back
Y. ' Rat l'il bring" ft.. . other: They are separated by board to ,the,•house. •.•._
stZing under
n :Or
6 e
$04..pmr.it;Jap.ii,%:‘„ Ofteviags„ot
1, I.
U! prJa
,e,••:%170tild oget.-ititefOr, 40,ieet4kt *• f«tioles
„ , . •
• "Pre":raptioy• tteCePted.lifs'•14.00. -
and irripatientlY Waited 'Until h ad .',',..-Th 4 .le hours
- .• • - . • .-__ i to vary ,. were, be
finiairNi ' the 4eforils '-. oti•Selling Alo h ' . ' %takes
crop, ,or wool 044 oitbattod attpoea abotit , ve. months to Write; tictit •
for.-irbir--rim„--to-ittst Ior-ther--ernmin 41---6t--'------'tVti-s0---,„
twelve months. ' In a few days we Pne 'a Yt'ar''' Ire re7Writex4.4'ach 1341-3y
with the on an mama e ,three thnes.. _
rarer, e, 1 ed fc0erts-; attribtitee hie ••urt?
..$Pass'in t- 0
-• • . "
cinitar of the famous Vern Tree varied geed ti'elth to the habit. of
early sialitg-. Every'. morning.
WO camped Aover- night ' but a, short, suuninyaten,vrain
,„. ho is Tipptiov.
distance from this rt?ted lorality, atti t
my" hest and self • cantered throu6h ever late he may retire he' .always
the whole of it.. 1 had seen and ad- gets up at that hour. 'rhe veteran
.olireif a nuMber of thee° trees in the 1 soldier does not smoke, and touches
nubile equares of Melbourne, but thoj wino but seldom.
conglomeration of them at this..far. -President . Rooeevelt's daughter has
famed" locality fairly astibunded me surely inherited ,eorne of her .father's
About noon:on the following , day we vigor. During the past fifteen
passed a email Vrayeldo' tavern, Where months she has been present at 403
I had, my first inteeview iiith- the dinners, ...150 belle, and 800 small
whate-backed . piping crlow., 'rho itotd- dallees. Her ilVe o'Cleek teall• 111111/.
lord had a, pet one, which flew •about ber 680, and the - has Paid 1,700 ,
the-pretnisesot-00:---mherv--lte----Inee. allw-- ‘.,She,,teia-:,-beerv'sPirs' mee,-----tv--...PA .for barrels on track here and $4410
_me.,,,,,,Unt. J.C.:14.3.,,P4ward .,-..--_,,,h----. ;,-..--....,---,.--_-....,,ii.„.„_-- - ii --,not o the number. .To him this ". "P""1•64'7'• ''''"- -"-
ealiod it. it, P6iThed °II hIS sheurdet.- bridesmaid and shaken hands „32.-
while he walked out into an adjoin- ooti times. . . t o - here and 40c outside.»
amnia) trip. has a ser.o'uS 'bject the
.*Ott ,
• !,11to.".
ton to '. 4,
nd, ite 'apart froin ita pealing
waters: Marienbad': in _art -ideal.
sort.fortnose' w*hi;' love a Simple and.
natural %holiday amid itAtirtiful
letO•ittilttir.01 111,
UV of cool ‘woerie of oak and pine.
boech and chestnut, . with glorious
drives and walla, lovely &Kies
picnics and, all the rich, _varied ,;4-w
or WI;Ich Nature as:slimes in hes
'brightest mood,' there are few more
attractive 'spots" in Europe, than
/irarienbad; and it is little, ,wonder.,
that every year it draws at lettat
17-,000 visitors and Sends them re-
luctantly away; taking 'with them a
atom of health and of happy mensor-!
;Most of these thousa go there
without aliy Idea beyond having a
port' qi0-
,3, buycra'
t:solrio' 14'* tiolotat.in',3t;t 01:
bell 41t
4-0eataide, Ustniftiba-$4.90 to. $5
oi•,,rirs-t- Patenter.dstr‘50---to-- 44.,AW for
patent*, and 4,140 to $.50'
tbaill/zareed8:--;-".--1-Ontarii4;: $12 to
$12.50 per ton for car lots,. outside;ehorte. $16 to. $17.50. Afanitehro.
.bran. $16 to $17; snorts,. *17.59 to
$18.50. at Toreetto and equal' points.-
Oato,--No. 2. 020.• west. 1120 east'
Barky -No. 2, 47e; No. 0 extra.
"a'''t.liTyle--41111rXtne‘Lr 44 4620% °tuot$611;12ee' ..• out -
Peat -Firm at -70e. outside.
Cern- orgrican is nominal.
uckwheittilOc bid for new Crop
Rolled Oats-Ainchatiged $445
fug haelosurop where he sfuirthied Bev- Sir ' Eldward . Ulgar, the distingu- PutsUit'. of health to enable hint to COUNTRY VitpDtTOE..
Butter---itecelPta of all lines other
Creamery. -prints .:. ...... 22c to 23e.
do **lids
cennposer, . '
11;' irou • ht the co t . •• •
Paper Were turned Out., There was'. tire Ls kept- burning in itte- cantle of - , in the .morning.
his morning Wass 0 water; Arid he
* 'dinner menu a receipt for Ts ed '''
clay floor of the living -room
r • WSW located at tne (opt of the The Duke'. of Athol' is one of the has even boon known to carry with
taco the stress and strain of • an-•
ished . was at one
taw,' like the inn -aortal wagner, other year of kingly dittlesl, and
grad to earn it few shinitkiL by oat.. from. the - moulatt-tro-seta-foot
ting tegether- quadrilles from operas marionbad he puts himself'
and popular.' alrn 110 fe 4 Member ' 1JNDE111, MEDICAL ADVICE)
of an interesting-lLtUo West -end citris!--and---begins4o---earri--Out• his doctor's
mposed-olmost-entirely--ot,,inuslel- -.orders-- with it sea' "And--obedierted
elan: -Its-titte means that -i imitate • with advantage.
'shop" is pernittteci In- conVeraation. At six o'clock IIis Majesty * is -up,
•Slr, Edward Eiger is an ardent go!- and by seven he is on his Way to
for 'a at smoker and works only
- letter! .Ilo looked ,at it, and the .quadrupeds share its erintfortingwas nw ns s n nineteen titles, and possesses the, water ' through, as simply as nny
elar lett his 'cheeks, It %%a14 his •let- warnith 'with' the. tWosiegged • • °tett- •
intreduce tne into the. prOce-se. ell -privilege of presenting it east, of fel- r.renelt notary or .tlernitut shopkeep.:
hunting. Hie fit me-
ter', to. lie tore it open to onntskangaroo rsov
vont; to his Sovereign at the Coro-
alte.stire, and Ito knew the. terrible ...After one's '.eYes are aCeustorned meta was to dispatch seireral .of the nation. When the relping mon- usually. with a friend, such, "as Lord
4th. 'Re had been 'accusing her all to the dark , arch visits Blair Atholi , ancient Lansdale or Lord Alingten, chatting,
usage deerees that the „ Pirko/ f gaily and responding „with. a bright
0144) year a of having played With the ' report. . describing a typical ',serve aS
posse et, their tellowcountryinen to
and the smoico,,, aays natives itt his 'employ to hunt up a
Itlina _oLbehig._ the heartless flirt, and in_allettgswitbly_iiit .1.1nrek , lw.41041.40_,dbeatetity'otiLdaratposed_thia wehiuld
Alkali... on bonded knee, phottirLp t. .
.talti. shejlad never oven two ve "one, sees' A largo accumulatien -of / ,should go with him on one of his sent iv -Kite fai4C-t7:6 his Royal guest.
taperer:I, - ' • . manure about three fket to four feet-. lit
„ •custornary vielts to one of his shepo The Present: Duke is Drint,deP.' ef, 903
4ti', ,tho-anatter,-,11r,..,,,". Beckett? toyenro, tigy,-.1evet. T.zvu, tho living,,,„rootti, ,tleritir on an outlying rifti,-.,-„Av--,01.--7,ac, ,position.:-.0:-,chtotpin,. a ..itfroawbatt,,
you ill?" itaprited the -landlady. On thisrmhestiputaoreteps,atorialltanding ono n 0. r, co • mpsatnoireeds ttobetassteatgorn„sewvbrichi.
**No no Mr. Twine Pi. hoe repli took of any other social ;,advantage.'. The
Duke in.: the 'do en KM itt - Of - the
4 ,r. i; • tin 8. cu -..v a d SOMO • 011efT. -,S0Motime,,s---thOse Oir Writ tzTif al Is, Avila surprise to! IS t). .
, ,tlie sulileet :With. an .ertortt ''''iro-vir
, Ilitty,,,oil Liiro,(1 lti,,tat,.0.419, uttest animal:4-0re 40:.tri their knees in the end that the shephertes $ole comport- . Lord,,Weinise is the grand old man
manure '* irregular holes In the' Ions ‘vere the collies. :which assisted t of the.,, twentieth century. Ile WAS.-
. 41 - • • - -thatch proviole entrance nnd exit for hint in .tho taro of tim flocIC Ilis.i.present Att-,1
-4,0•11ews Illr 33-eekett °' There's little • • .i.minburgh in. 060, Although lte e ; ,
' the toWls :which nest in -.baskets -hung abode consisted of a small shanty.
,Ireoirli.ithout. 'Ohl. yea, .t. forgot, Wo against .the, waug. •Outsitle . ° the which could I'm lifted into vi. Wager., Wag ' beta' :In 1818; he still' remains failing thie, to drink another -glass
_Ittuf.a. litta• wedding hoe t day.. l‘flioi / 'P • d - youT. 010.0,,or as the oceastoa rotittereq. sound in -Wind. and.„1-irrib../ and is as o e water, followed by it lot
. •_..,..
inptunt--aqts-ntarviseo--trils---m louses' the. groultd . is so den rvitb
via -t -o, -.aati.-draiaa-gel, and Is .03togath.. Tile intenigene0 of tile collies' Was *forsd of sport tux over. • Ile is, more- stroll, it rold* tior a bask in the stin.
.. ,
tt most unsightly told tin' -ani amazing; They- seemed to know Just oirer, it 'clever sculptor . is the, author Luncheon, which- ' is elyfays a
Iter Beckett gfesped • the table- er iri p taiinyv books, and is:aahle to drive charming tneaf, is .tgenertilly, onten
What 'Nati expected of -therm tard. :a'
tended to the care of lho, iloeua - with his own motor. Be i4'.4'4„ fervid Gra, out of doors at 0110 Of the many
an. •the skill and Judgement of a hu- tot; and °nee it happened that in restaurants • c . ' q '.. . '
Marr-beiraf,-F-4u1,44hift re m-egli o is e oquence he cafe or the Panorama; with which
-loar ei
short brought his fist 4lown Opon tile hat the beatttiful 'woods aro studded. The
Ode' a lovely bride. tilt° 'Married one household lying in bed in the good order lee made but 4
stay with the _shepherd, and hurried of the getttleanua: sittieg near, hint. afternoon ls_always a pleasant Unto,
efjor- • Paridield, the , oalno that living:Toom in an adinfotced. ptage of
happened to he the Tang. . At Marienbad, with its lovely drives,
pack - tit heatimatrters, etootiotos ' to %v1.10.
ibOtiglit Pinder( '•Lodge last,..--.*, , phthisis And - expectorating on the ,,,
Iltri; Walter 'didn't hear 'her. The nce our foray
floor. Around hint were. his wife ''°l'arae * . .
'on'the hangar-, , ono day 4 very pious clerical friend motor -tripe, ;tennis _16*.rot_q_tr.e...,t.r.vand so.
oos.• who had coesonned An-itour.10/414s... on, At, two ..4*iopit . _
ud--efirainbled . - . • our return • '
iftforrindilCort,--•biarit_ telt on unlisten.. tions in this ilteAling and the - tt- 1. - .., .,_ .. valuable:. time In $ftlall. talk 14Aid t
_,,_. ,e ,....0,:nt.ia„,.: ,,,.„_„,en,,,,,,,oiLL . )4, ,I,D, v.._ , L_ :_ %.: , i . _ . - .,. • . i Z.t1.
iiirrraVrtiat i i asms MI MI • tur, o : ,1 . 4,111,M. . .. OrPtri, the, (44140101 pa . stet,
era .,
ed toptiuT in .onl,1 large_ . romn. in, t aada. num ermg o 14.:4. . . y, pair • i
b' • . 1 .b3kt tit t la 11 hanTirriar.;-340a___ziatr_meti_stu-etilli at
'°"sequen Y ear Y 'he . duties of the eatablishmen
three ,cews stariding in fiem four
'to live feet of manure. 'a sheeri and litalithite"feortrlelinnoeolln*. of ,the following ' " - yritt.-"7-7*-4Ohn," said Mr.
weq;tartell to elirab tho slopee -of, Vi. good-humoredly, "attends
it number of fowls. - . ' . .. mountains, artd by noon arrived in
At. Brager it was found that the' vicinit ' of our gamo: art ,,,t • r t° t6 tinetitelt.; IltesleY to the eer':
,_ , ,•
r., . -near 5,"Vvery-- duse-.1fifi uritniii i ,,ecouts. w to . p = a a tut is an 0 . 1 "mt-
atle-and a disgrare to our civilize- 1 advenee, hurried-back..--and-report,Ant bargaining' with authors and• others -
And, don't "von tell anybody." he
tion." All over the Island the -Ara- to as. A teruporariy camp -was forni-
. Said, draWing his chttir closer and
lowering till. tone of 4118 voice, . "I
entertairt the bores," .
:Sir-. flerliert Cherniside Ire ' had
410mo—queer- ...experiences. One . Of
o support; tary state.''
4,3ristig, rborvirmoal.. Ito said.L....riot. in 'other \townshiptzt the eonditions
itaycourt nain- ..were still worse. In Arno!. the vis-
Twfrrn's euggeition kri Be
IA On Ma hat and. went out. -
01, how Wretched be felti Perhaps
'after all lino ,woulet have httcl him..
A 'wog. too late for o
no --she ,wa0 married.
Tllt14 One by one. he went over all
tho incidents of Unit eventful 'Week
• :Wlitrh had ptwetted his proposal.
- *to, relarnbered ho!. hp triett to.
• SKr** eourage up again end
• n, but every time hat' tailed,
nd there thine that 'tast-everstrar,--a-
tirne now to be forgotten., when he'
alMeat; „spoken. —
ore Iva* a,. walk they 'Often took,
-an accustomed seat "where they • on-
sionallY* oat awhile; -They sat,
Ste 00 tloo eivoitrog, lio rentember:
lopked- into Lher --- • *yeti'
read., as fur thought,, her very.
lila hopes, b et at the hi hest
thane but sornehoW hie tourage .had
pad away.; Whatover happened, ho
eirettl treVer bear to hear a 'refusal
• iron bet lips. •
• It. Wee thia' reeling that had made
m 00 beiek, ttitil write the letter
. this was three. years ago!
Eknnehowho took the old Walk. Ito
'WI. gone tliat way --Mtn Visio man
.th0*. arid naturally -took o
ter supply la in,a bad 'state owing
Lo the utter neglect ,cif anything like
drainsge, and eriteric fever is rife.
ra,mous :General Practically Be --
builds .1E01 'House In India.,
Anent the 'Xitcherier-Citrzon eon..
trovereY,„ ,Lord liateltertees reputa-
tion 4113,, rellujit;.has ,Inten,-conkider*:
ithIy Modified sine his arrival.. lit
izatiort, scheme of the army .° he hits
found time, to superintend the pric--
tlettl rebuilding Of "'Snowdon." his
oflicial resIdenee.
Origirellay bought from (neral
Voter limes by Lord Itofierts lit
18/3, tt torresporident,ot the "M. A. teittiort--was---catight-4)
pointa out that the `house brownish -color but a short fd
acquired* by the Government1 for the •
residenee of eorefinfrider-tir;ChIef.: •
liowever, lord lilleherter has en -
ed and all the preparations compl.et-
d for a foray early Oft the following •
ruorning. '
We were--ttletty 'gtilfig
Aettuple of setly up the liuseentlifur land for aboutri the6° "Cuillt4 h° WI° C°°"°1
„a, tnes, %Viten turAted -Atth"tintir;;"-141t 11.6111°t*t; 1-164 a
.acharPly right, and aft roo,1•Preil'Srit'rjkodoligatr.4
reeding some little. distal:Co -settetedt" a
Ottrtelves in the. undergrowth urd.1401.Ya ch;tileig!d. gsWirt'*ire.rhir:rttit1(t to a
'11/nding 111rk4
revarlshly awaited. the appearance of -
the game wide!, waidd he deprea itt' to buy up all the Angola.. cat- he
our #ireettion 1)V the
iyokwIto could Ilnd. , stippliell kavtiss.
c ecthla. r1;1°c--‘'i-voirdonn.ttantheinnagfolviresting-1144.1•thie--7°1191-11"-ig eilln.:itTaistlislruri- atter tatit. One
Malt ,,,-into-our--,,,,intnietilate -reigbi- 'morningthere walva terriblo IrnInt. My 'hest and ',myself were, motion .nuatglife the Cotimilate,
Onted distance •apart, _and -reglinent t((20-
scheme, was to eotniiel a greater por.i women. They find come to demand
tion of the game to prism thro.sgh I the return of their lest Angora pets!
the .sPace between ifs. . • ,,,The kavass• had poelseted Sir tier -
1 had imPatiently awaited its .ittp-f,'beret4 money and St01011 all tho• cats
karaneo for some time when my t4.4 in the neighborheed,
0- 4151 right, and 1 Was taken .1-.Y.Ikfles Nandcrbilt before 'ilex marelage„
Urprise by the appearance or a pairl was told at 4„„•jecont dinner -party.
Of lyre birds busily engaged In eeratew:,.“Iiienheint• Valttce, •the •Dtike vI Icirt.ri
- Wit first evening of his return. . tirclY alt red the ,Pulidillgadding a Ing guile tdePression 10 the, ground ;borrnigit'ti 4;414 nlohnrell*s.:1Pdideels,
,IrOldd 'sit '111 thir"Old ,WILt re OnOttliarge room .Vtith,,4elt•Ort *WU- 114114i1ttr tt OW'S& ItiP14041, -hr'.-011r _
at with hOr and neerfY told his '411(1eeilirgso
ange 121.3323d •a fo121.3323 hall`A3/1 ituharfrvard fow1 hfy lt-reention vilingo of %!w000 tock The Pet)ple
t of Woodstock are huntbfe :end nto P1 %t
iitid staircase» vects so tomp)etely fIxod by the ac -
not the seat wee ocetipietl. Ile' Thin ball bag tiMil 01114I'nented b3t tions of the birds, that 1 beChtua Thoir'regard toe 'our 1)21e121qc,
kCW tiertrer,larnd: btitrted • baek 4n1Sourlart and It.l.leith Afri(..an trophies 11 bus to my original purpose, *lien t as thpye til tho, largrietq.or
rprlso It 10:411 1at,t14anit 8120 rov of war.. whieb nregrttl. tutralred . I - st-artleti by. 4 tOtttiOXIOUCIS 'to "t011thirifv: thlegi afternotirt
b,v the many guests Who 1LOW Visit thi ntin ni)Prottchlog in tnY S 1j 31LLLuu'
W ne taatif4 re—slIP1 a
Ut 1 1 tlOfl under-.-rny-ribs-4e
er. Frequently -be strolls alone; 4)14
e__to tona..-ce te-way„__
Then follows it Spnrttert breekfast,.
generally cooeistiteg of a eouple . of
hnilect ;cam; .-4t--1-ittle--41ey'-tottsV- at&
it cup tif cog* • for luxuries are
strictly taboo d at '1_4.J/tad; w even
lititier7cTieeSe,- fritit are frOwned
upon, while „tificti delieneieS
LS sat -
mon *or duck are lithkett upon with
thing is to bathe in th 'waters or
21c to 210
Dairy Th. rollS, good to
bite 19cto 20c •
do 47p tci.8o_
. de tubs, gOod, to
choice , . 17o to 18e
do inferior • . 15e to 160
• On -me -Unchanged at 1,2c. to 10je
Betgs,--The market is quoted at
o Iee but son* de las e
hold ng out for `1 1 le pt aro
not as heavy as they have bee
Poultry -rat hens, de to 7e; thin,
1$.3 •to 01c; cititokens, 7c. to 80
6e to 7c; ducks, le to fle; turkeys,
i--15•tittitiams--,-Perees are.--vateltan-WCAN .
60 to .65e., per - bag on track and
..4.Q.c.,,to...,•.05-9,....04-4.4.10,4Ar#,...;,,,....'.• ,
- . .
15 Iflitd(' to tlitrzij
Other glars of witter',:ditialt„find. th
11 usually .fo owed by tt stroll aloi
the..populstr `Prontenade. Swig. 11 i1711
with its quaint little !.hops full . of
eth oideries and jewellery, Styrian
' and-. flower*
which the visitors purchase in* large ,
arrtities- take .honte with them..
The King spark's malty happy hours
exploring these shops and making
liberal purchases. which he send;
heirie, boxfuls as preseint,s. for his
grand -children and other relatives. • -
The, dinner which:. follows the stroll
iir-44-41ijoyatila%#4-mittotitly frugal
, -
meal. 'consisting of a). fish,
sinell portlim cideken lamb: a:
salad'. and the inevitable compote of
aimed. fruit;, and atter dinner, ,
cigar and a stroll,. a &ante of bil0
liartts-or tt concert, piing a healthy ,
ral-liaPP.Y.•.-0tty•-to-art end.- Most'
Baled flay -The demand for �.
timothy is' fairly good at $8 Per ten
for ear -Iorna'elt-lverit.-7---11•
le dull at $6. .
Dated Straw -Quiet at. $6 per ton
-Ito-ultrrofil;* Oet.---14r;Plour.--.....Tionrie
quiet in most lines. A. sale is ro-
p ortrd- ta.-35e -for Ifo.-2,--whiter-ailorttr- -
and No.. is quoted a.t 35e ex
store Peas aro firmer also. and
export.- 'Boilers range from 90c to
$1.105 per bushel. The hay market
is fairly active., Millfeed is quiet
And prices aro unehanged.
11g Sleets • are selling or 22e
,for No. 1, candled 10c,/and_efrit•i%
t 1.0e AO 104e.
I of_Ityp ho vere 1
a • •
u -the' -
steady around $0.75. There is to
enringeTin dressed hogs.. arid packers -
,quote $0.25 \to $9.50 per hundred
poundsgtititI t.
tetliarns And banieiconi!esaare 014_11
.lard is selling well_at the commence-
ment of cool weather.
• Buffalo, N. Y., Oct. i1 -lour -
Steady, Wheat --Spring, nothing•do4
:ing; Winter.' firm; No. 2 red, 83-te.
rn-Strong; fi2ic:
No. 2 white, 611XY: ilitS-44trfanger;
No 4 a white, 81.13,1•e; NO. 2 mixed,
30 Rye -Quiet; 116.,, 1. .
Canal treWite-Firm.
10W eleven to strike Otore, they are
between thl sheets.
*thus the simple (lays fly away nil
too'lptirkly,--and" throiN -weeks the,
nintr, "like a giant, refreshed," turns
his back on 3far1ertitair and its nette,e-
bit haunts for another tWeive
months. To tiro.gopol off
Moult. 4 EThg lilda*t_Lpearee,e___t
the "Duke of 1.,tt1teaster," anti
never, tit:rely, dtJfirlo,g,-.1?r 'litho rule
so, eompletely b g1fl af- von Lai on -
wrest • over tire hearts of another
SAVakil 14 '4 pit.,7101
. • .' • (AVittfettl 04.
tO;r/rty2"1 .eel
014)0. - • get "measqr..
nee ter.to..;',-I•Pasliloaati2
,torktiptaliatil".zikt atotilt 'tv1:4
Iteri ',Seedy
1i t5t(1:4 rat11I0111,
'We 'ce
rernent er
• part of thi that,
atas very,' yotintit
*41 inarrid
MN, Walt iV1111AT
.f.qtert-= York, -.. Oct. 711,4-414teat-S.Pot,,,,
to,b,.. afloat:, io p. 0ar.thera-__
Duluth, 034e f.o.b. Allmtt; No. 1.
'northern Manitoba. 8je 1, io. b.
tallan -tIovernment, is, 1,smsing•
ight be „tleserilted an to:Taney
AtIPAPA.•Liid regkOlt it
t 10 i
ner )pirettf-NritISI!Y 't I:401114y, 11,111bt4.110014InteirrIrg 1,1%6 oit woman wan .1
t - • ,OU9 at tora ' the ' ltotnor lit'es ''
,watentel, did 00t '.otig• to wait * • !. •
j e11
tod-a, .,54Tiall• group ,ot ,but 'Ott, .4naonct
111,4 v t en 3- (to
or . guard ot ihe Ahtong,t holy:Win
along in full Sight, bit,ton rata* Si, ;4**
-Cone/ . to ,
tunity whkh woulL! insurei. nid tv
quietaia ' b fr.fr
atid sort%
Int* sft
prroi:that X el
' Torortfo.. .111t. 17_ Piero teas ritrita
big.:oPontoiriit,to • _ feeders at the
trattle ciy4, Three
• 11t$,--of---10rsos-----1e*etent tnd
rriore good cattle were wanted than
were in„„sight..
1,tport eattio, enoire Stilt) 50
- 410
t,lo light ..kiia, -.a..., 2,7 3pOO
4o chws ....a.... ......... 2.75 *13,
notehots,, pielzed ....„.„i to 4,'25 ---4,
. •
do• 4 0(1
"do iiioNiiiint
4To tonmo.lon
olo hu;in ••
. fltistft •
• • •11.3Alf.l• ••••„
44. rit/
../1q:h';i:ttikt:11.::4, "oli.:ibl::::,:-..,t,L.,1" 0.:'• 4t:14*h41.1raPitt'4'' V4'llt:(34:
witile24to ttia,.i. ta:14 i lig) .'o.,it '
s, ',vhert"t.,Iie rose to 0, s,11,11.....10 ,,ttitet"-'`-eufcition •4,,'
th4t 110* ,Yeit^ malt no:), 10.114 ,.v.. 1,:. etitei;4111144,11 .,, ttll.i),iatt., i,..A.;.. all;
.44 ' 1 *t't1 -s
0th', 11111(
6, o '-''toittiftOt ,St:
, pay,
Y'SIll' o iri.6irtal '-
tbv.In't ••;•1"141'1.
, 10:.!'sql 4. • 1
ot, wh
thi-vng of thurot2gbly frhton
mais to sit'erve iin,:nry.direet
filg Inc n excellent Ofillertun
ltinklo out a *Ur* ahot about 'every
time 1 lied the
Ibr znakln(eft ftr 4t4,
.0.14.04* *
AMA 0:-
', IMO
Ught WItI prvi-ar1ons hot* t"
ace 1` 11*-Arto,..
Dort' ' •Irrs‘
nt. g�ti, t e
Art CA pi
`0 or. - :e It 4
',cr I thiak
c9, 411
At. t
t)041« -h' - ?tvr
.'ers • 1
,t4Artntents \t.nlnber ***
nit'ty tl/ri % end