HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate., 1905-10-12, Page 7two' ca L‘rots. to4.01044' . 44Yes, of Ott Clever rhi ltow.- Can :talk '0; I thing. . be' got in his farVOr, -and, rm.,af rr off the Prize. , iaking all tho, rUTI to Iwr like 1i(r i} „ liotValed. haltibsently., • v . :'oecurre, i)1,.o1orak" IUd ' pildfor i 0.44:.-wilOot4-t, ',lig. 4- to :lijord daph b t noblemen' tad'not ,r ough 4 tho t •Wore hituntfn and driving hint atic •ur etI Ieaye 11t. flO68at to 'the ',of*, thrt Lord 'Nowell* roust and soma else to paint his picture; 1To had' intod liteties ,*hop .0,401,0 est every 000, and had worked hlt tete A trains of Odd. ertqf giro * tzj1)1:It 'to J ack,. s that cauJid frioud not tun' to inform hitt. ;i th,.lmexpoeksti. which . *1- IY PON tind to (.1Yritist inquiry. .I.rd /Iowan. ttt...110xne?"." the out- Lfl ed in the. allirmative., • Ord News% littlo fiuliptsitirg, that $FoUng artist. was :Viscount an hlr to a, .peeragoLcompared not 110. • and at 1at! How un- kind '4.) to keep all tlayl It la mr.fato that 1141Sind, Lztdy -"eratleitt, ossuro ever' Mimi. I shalt keep IDY seol, til after suPPer; 004 zu give time to laVent..soito.pret But.,nowi,you haVe -cow Ytto Must 'dance. Let me sect.." Shw. loOketi roUnd, and mar: Bz4-*; tanding looking on with giitterin , • hoe' small foot soft tapping lt ground and her lad3r- - A t 1 fe-tk-i Orgricreittli', atrAyr---en , as turn og to go Anto the hat :*whti'utils, • .i. 'OPeo ten ,iniiiiite utilation. Apinutis ' ,fiultdti.ig.477ktit(Wir,Ott •:. , . , ImitfugAriatia the st fOrtablo tor the ..,atiratils tha not ele• beloIrtl'i.14;:llttbrtit:rtr".:ft*t:tr.lUne: !'"-'111(11,.iii§:114.:Pie4::"-Y.1:17.:::::::1614,-.7.7:7:::"'"I' '417''''' it wilt not blew 0,0' the animals. it • ono hois WI; Stati9 ter 040 h011044 * he heard 'a Stilled. Sob n4r- him thing to „do is to provide tor a ott sitio end pretty, and *be t ow. ,,,,,fioneasi, aud, veorirtft, iuto ply of air, but ht, such a manner that NO*.' ,-,,. t nlan In . the rofon* li4t1 lie went up to' hiS own 'miser:, Thi„a ion ,h. Orknati$ 4141., window at. 'scam° All.Statee from them yrs dudoidgf add givod a riVAtig. 111#1 tO 004atia0i004 anti put„ Ou ; *a. wasted. will supply needed vontilet100 , XI to.ler tiarlc.'face; end' t. his' -hand, . ' ', , ' . n the Controversy • overlook -1 Clio stalls etre not so arranged tom „ Nrcre " loot;ing co, admix.- 4nything the Matter?" ho Ask " ii.; the 410'001100a that obtain Le.' some, opening. elitiuld be Made in the • urit)usly. ; , otv. VOlt70. '‘41410/1/0 Is 114. 4,:a41.1„: anti„, climatic 1:b4r4,: it dovoury so ust, the 1.4entLneoe: ''dq."4"141 ',rho \Sob. Waa, •44,Peated; 1,4 the , .41iterents ,04 Management -.may cAt$4* ' 40044.11.3t yOt, itOt blow " , the 'black /01,41; • • - hbr•out''oUtbssli; -TheTagriOoli!tatotkst-ort.11,-te'notunaa, . , dottager Sitting Just -go a „rat writer who ROC .44170(14 1.no .other of getting ventilation; nd Norallt ""WIyAk"4.1, -fa 144)4 ''''$41.*!1'"'• 114 .0a1 „Mitch., '$# alita$0 'OrirOr trstiln; than, through, the window at .the'. the,vtitiema0 one ,genthr„,; -.rwunt .tho. litattor?" 44,40: itttOftia doWit to: 14 itietitode,of rear- of the .aniinals then mit an 100, , a 4 4,4 • , iOddressetto, who. had got Cyril's 'nem° took lier by tits n 1 trill t LUj(34.II 41'j 4411 thinkmg "At any rat', 440 have from LedY PARdalo..i,;,hut hoevf 110 torn hr face -towarea-streak, ot .gre0111..treate P4r1;0014 Agrrt..,m, ii).111.trlitr. tor% -toward her; ell informigt mad gratitY the (Iowa- peeen, strogglef y, , stunt of cordiality' wiiicit $4 so exopora . rhOx-OIS younand eun- g' loily-thot y ge1.0''s curiosity,' "tilt. that •Mr. t tit, and attiod with drooping, head, t %sett hit desire 'that' Cyr 0,,'With the black hair. you eY"ril puree.. 0,811.1,1, attis 'on e but evidently ontoins with her to .41,1vor , youna fell0vr. 443 'MOIL phoi too 'Usti, heard tho, , 04100,44144t- 1114, the V.CO With her? dancing with the girl ho'.is engaged versation had itip stirred- -4-4er--firittany-0- P ttot:-Quit-e--'4 -rove affair,7-of -the- Aug - 114MA,04X1K XI/ -1.0)ing -Affri.4--t0.;MOrftV1/-_and. 0,00d: olloug,-;lv to oboe cl*"1"; romantic Ynnv inci*. opened ii.e4r4“40;cus maind." cOniirtned a0:41-,-you-ykifi-:norompanYllr:jalLil-luk4e vr-PLat )1P ** • -• a-AC.7ot _ •• - 140 r-mSlkr--if,4i0W--ttOW'•4.0r;-: -g-e4y.rincagoule.. A . ..0.Waaery. °tan (4*--4-„..v.-vroairro „ dark aco . grew to laxsnrc. nuitelied;:- I'm 1,„‘i lit-litr-'1C644 14'4 '4419"AjA$1*''' Vit oc. - • ti •I blushed. beromi nk' emtatea--muen. treaty-. auer is, very hLtud- .1rwr ihthecikaredu •fiett.iLu. tier, er... a t 10 Ltird'Itiewaliss'114 041 at at cm• nsy. racrvetneas h.ad ihroatmcd isome. , int,bosoin au 0 cmild run 061yd...to Sautleigh the destruction of her frock„ and .-1Stt'reh ,Itoard thia, tiri4 tato flushed struggled to ,koop d Norahzoo before he started; anil, joiAluite_,Ansu3ovr, for a seCoild; and heart aelied„, llovr teors-., • rid giddy whil She sat " paosionately enough t his resolve to tu, nuiv fore he PreSen potence oftho - tht tBur.4-- t, 6u at-luir4firiti-vounti•-tiv4hat.vair notbe, a, rta g4O .$1 a g"r1 er ' t_ht, are Proffer' tits tachinent to each windstkv to shed the, tio is too eivetinserib- 'air. a board eight or 1,011 the** Os.v. widtrnalled,tivaAslatt----over-Lthelopi .Ingo that ifs made when the window ,t1fre will refleOt .0e wind.. set to speak, fond it will; net strike the anitnalsf directly. Surely omit of •br)ght .wits Wilt Seine o y rilliftylits--rodniabrNeriti ion without injury to.thern 'OA 030 y.--suggested.--da plowedaro t Alton •uso if Plowed that oos Work; sie One whoo thex-o i. '0.9‘eto" rrerie, `11Pweo In growing -erop. Third riainIl- 14 Making° 4,',.11410' seodb 'attist--had ehose,n her; • IraiLshu-nus-,If prouso,it- ,lieete, could dance-4-Sant1eign an , - , d. w g o 41 41 0 0 a o ed for a whole ortni‘ht? Var'Y id as dyin t tr t b tiro ni the night 4. tine girls took to it nature:HY, he not come to .her anti, ritahlog any to fold Korai d. "hooka it an ,...-- OR . suppuo 110,,h4154 viot nu e 1 .t_440 the eltoildraewnimmor itit'l.h.,e alrlitiVietZtrut,hteeobil,ok:04*. t;'!11, e ItUr ftwa "m " IV 1 ino what's the Matter..." his ,her.ttelight, 11,tr„ flume was Siniply a ii following .14mb $ dol andiikiiwith0"PnarSiSt"41. In -wo, rot** she panted, 411,.... 410 rOstteetfollY, rio Lord, Newell wits 4 Wanda to4e Ws netitingi"' ' " ' UtlitfitOtn04 10 .00 addressed by , Interiore. " .eogitiv 70,41' siUtoon;ttodthitiutly 11)eurrotantdwp4ritacw:.s.ah' lonlvvisellitratg'w.wiotohr P.:lea:0; imolai:1: otruiantit ginaiiiih:r oefar/coriss.vaTryasell "Young ladies don't try :abont could ma . ,„,,,,,,,,,,,,,,.4_,„4.„„,,„,„ times roundthe room' with him, then 47,0tutedLtitlitL.404,4. '. _ rtcototoffilittv, 41_0e.; t,gentIvrol_cici_r.sly•;!.',Isititi .0 1 will go bv ibo i'' Itt matt la, the snide on iter-paiiWITi).- 4 1 ' ""' ' ° glittating . 05r,.$ oia nwv„,ond.oe . and, PierAt. et00. Itt:otic,01.0e0,4„letruerft, th4i4.40 11(3 g fur *ire; cm mg% ounitithy tion -my feta.' lfo.414U1Ped into :a hansom, it° 'fete 44nVii•••rooln• informed' , 01',1*.o.rt,breathi'Ot th.0.erraritte'-` nt be:had Wade witii`,Lord that he intended rtinning.,dOwn to Sintitigh at once. , :you writee'-- :asked' bola COloret10,,, •Ait-tp, No, you knew T. can't, -Odes. 1.4 reel, be kept aver in /bat dree*. blit. 'deplored the' tact of oriel- who bought pictures arta orL. this-14,mo . 'place tor ino,ntlis, ,Wilat; go thing tieing lathing -she had to few- ;Itinuelf that lie was a critic; an4 .13,1? svh$.r. itsk4e:d 0yrit. 4 n't I . got your ; 00t oranIna. in .scr She added, yoth, ho mattori give me enotb.o' n,* tau% do anything, ito ore rant '1:nt` the'slig rcelY0 indeed, know - 11 tionee beautifully, beautt- ing what he and, refl. hied t o "snu'tber0 v. poor mild,- so, art, :most of, said 413 ight to 114:ITO!. )1ct. ° - * -it I want tO.pick uP In3r..flress."' [thread his way through the now oon...-not PethelY4 rsfri. itoo, But it was not to arrange her train flaFred and entaglint throng'. 'get rid of. your OrdtafOlueSs. Tel Jack,- that -she had stopped. When she bacti —nut Pte.' net 'got hojr,lt„.4000 rac,r4whiat it; inc started for , the . halt that evening yards batons Lady reradals met ,eAri ti no• USC "1-1 Berea ktyaS Pertectly satisfied With bc-r iShe Wes on „the -.arm of a, gentleman sir" tall* 84k$1,1•4;' want a. go erne, to get away from hoot soeinit her? I'd realer Ail.. AU the • ladies would, ahe!goed- natiired • Lady I e Lida -144 wh° Botta, you seented7the Jolliest; of - the -11to-Pleture Slides!' • - 'thought, be smothered in dbitmoll4t9 was ALWAYS._ OD 1.0614:19t. to do , jolly whllo,410,6," • ""OrittanY,Is 'AnYthinli hut a tweet' arid most of the village. girl's, sratzld7Sorte one a„good turd:EL.4.*,04,40..ethof4t8t. _but, twin --kud Pi4e00'-'-' miner "4 41444 , • with. -;-,e-intve---broodtes° or-braeerete' ' or -ear. tiler Printrodating the pe,treit -of art thou; .. oh, it's eru(4, cruel' . * iidyilti' V:ol'alutithigti tiy*Inwentr aLinneadrit„ilyYttolrf , rin10# "4, ."11,0 had noth.ing, not. evertito.,03thr. mer Biltullrnuerprt,?_;1410 ,tuird,, mot 00. , doit..140,10% it, you won't. tell me,. or you „ . . • You . ' ,i ' i'e to, I '*".• °I/Pt-lutig° ' Y°u0a!"1:. • oo in c ,, ., . -- - en, 8.4( I. en ..e o U. . . ' , . gyill ,10490t. 'ar,„ trikitto 404' arriVed• h r tho remembrance of thi rinr she il,rid he will be. o,blo to talk' pktures ' ti-A.:C7iiiini.reti.- a* rt.:0 'end go and dance, and i , to et. 'frrd'ir watt. --iand-WitiFIrld, rallT,imilirtii.-away7-s . oui, trewic -1t. won t grow ft 01(100013.?' AU/3100).-MK-EritriTA • lorhen it, wen ', at- t•-rercirbli tCr` 1:1711rt iight7i1.17 ei-ilz'V'64Trerirrr-firrazom telling herthat Ilie Wili Ohne' ' ti) . ot...`tvier-. patron and erltie's 'clutch"' ' * ' PhliosephicallY„ 4111cre, 'Wait 'Until. 1 Now, a Man, If he bad would noVei. have drea --pt , and demonding 0. Clean Shirt,- ' .0 n *annul of ..would i,, tures at bnce, and poor Cyril, open ps-5,a0,,,..ha said, t, . 'ifititerY and--lifs' 'dreg* -clothes- . - i'• ..00tit. leave off cry - lit veiled theVottrage-and audacity -of --.he-tried his-Sarilest-to get-riltray,„..1 isad, intr, ,1,1,, log.oytoady wiii. soa_s,hat_4011 tip 'her I 1 ro,.the...g , c . 'Aar li .4 went to the ball in itt i -the wedding •guest, -firmly She had hag_ tt. • on when Cyril orite. Nil. . hbled by thit ancient mariner. who, ,t711.adlt--r-t1-611te**12-1.11'--1!Ciell-l--!L-111-t;It'il,)11.1" 11°1 and had meant to -to.keit oll, bift 1W99 delighted at getting "sorne one. ,,,`B,17,r sici-110"; 4; iii'f'ouodu.c".4 v . ',..." when be approached .her atld staliediiipoo whom he cohld, pour out his 1.- . ' * „.. again. and ZS'as411.4nliri:ratat'g. 111.1 ''ttohettltibrPrtt her to donee 'slut forgot . the ring' to i,artistic twaddle. her ,flurry and !luster of priiie and '-' . tlyritlistened---or, ,rathe., did not, frmshrric t oo gratificatitm, arid orily remembered it -liettni--tinswe,ring in abstracted 1t40!`.14 it -ill -lied ntrOmt " 11:t;I:ciniiit6"ituund.tiZ ttiar, # , . . .• ,,,, , I,. i„.,_ Atter the -third torn, , ,, __ „ _ ,,,,Aottittges, to .titegoor4streatittin, ii_eitiwn:;,4,:, po )0sotiti. butt,* lhvoi4 1.7)0yzotiaoh;t4ct;d1;.. 1 444.4, nriVer p nu, " -r0-61, ,P," s — oswol, '1691itt talitS ° arr.•:itnit POslPklUS theretoro„ tb-rit the ,,- 1..b.;*4 When .hens aro investigated as thOr- oug y as a c ws e w • d 9 tontilloos 'round to vary a* greatly in their and ,ua should bve*. abaili0tYttl''"V7Pc°duloP7.:.#g" " d° *'dttir.7 bo to I misoiLlajni_thst_au ma, .16 Adamthat,„4_, the greatestl,stent possible to locali. Wee. 00.but seine, es she hos VrOlti. - 'tic* *here the Injury that follow* ,dd, to ite nothing more. so tat Ito egge ' will be lee* „„ tl,,,,,..„.tatt the good-, twit...4 It , 14111 aro eoneeroedt even a laYer.' Illot doubtless be moe to say . gm" --- --- --.-- --- ,ii -_--t--,-- to And 010420JOg 9110014 tO dOtter eil a ,. • we aro x14*Y"I'llue PtralrYFICIV1412W1441 A" been in afintile* whore the land is 10k investigated as to their ability to 't4 r91':. *31 441%.s0"t:-31°-'7-6l-‘ -l: inpmts.wel46166oTfouddtb"butar tacto be benellted 0y::0a.8entsawidlid,erati:. 0 and under courliti000 where.mPiel' made butter at a cost of /0 dents , • , , ,, - - e -it -- tutt'er9Pe from 0.P owed /an"' gated mil to their ability toproduco $ 1".400F11) wr,ru mos'''. eggs ct/leaply, and' twine have been' woog the ayl resat ini4i;e, tonna that produced eggs at 10 • _ e conditions from nituout Sow. etalVa. (104% in . winter and others • areythe puddling or running to- et $1 a dozen. A good numy hotio,-: .gether, ot..lho- Boll, tit° loss of fertit--6--*--7good, Many cows,,,•are more 'ay through leaching and Vie loss •of .01.0fitable dead than alive. $14,004411t bt bbileaungnal ti to. I sire 4stai 0 obi Lot These evils 1V0 will 'never get eutisfectorY work done in the - line of e.xperittentation ked by frost - in inter-Inthis,sontlitlori-tt . calimk run together or loath or-iraah. "now* the alatost nutmeat On- tolilew While,he was dressing -which he did kind tit, menial abstroction, thinking All 04,i-1ms ”of bow Norah Would look when 'he entered the ball- rooirt---ho-nilstied -his ring, and, on corning 'down, ask Mr*. English if she had seen it. "A ring, ar? said, getting' lett instant ha. (Icor ine, sirf You olotet.140411. . est that yotete e• *en enteiiirtuattini:log the thectgiushst.. afldit.) iwtotistitfultt:r. ftloestLitiforitnit: ,hryavolobreea upe...trioth ad07:Abo.t wera.047, 1:44.1 She looked at it, put it on, . field ward Norah-otill seated nest Mr. o what such a• Pretty girl ban t ta le Pro_ fly- dare low NO- gsmott cit. the train s to tier. sox:cowherd About, the roorn't. t6t. it revolted both hands, and t,tormentOr,: eva he had Jug SitePceded (To he Contlauedt), Ore 'it innn°111°114' else; Inatutgeil to take off .the ring and all eseaping When the hand struck up somothing0 !Don't lie 4 into her vockvt. 10;104 be hell th,0 mortification Erigilob: but 11- 100 -ilos ttlt.111: r1:-.1°It-1114. 'leek: 63' IN-'-.:ortitith:::;°13fiel)11-rr bout some doi,4fookbair up at, ..„ * ten guardsmen. • •-,,Jr-tio 47_ yri iliinrell 1.4t.....:Ina , re rat ..,...1 ,-14-_alif iliii*t trifk,„ ., On - 44- _.,,,,i.E71631"*,,,, c.,4 Tin 'perfect time :and-barnio:40- ri .,ed out4 0. h * ""'"' I"' ''' neititer his heart nor his brain * , 0: been sorniiihaf 'Etniitortid Attid The 1,..toll..• (.,)st t:7::ictiotht*kll-sennin- ei.245.1" l'ring orderttrno ho tame through the vtl- III it, Alta idt hie on' "Altsjtittnt,' up- ' enrol:raged; it 110' COUld Itit.Vs• poem .hotrot a ti to,' th 010" Start lago- 'find vi";40" AlwaY• leitrving oft his beautiful sweetheort. ., 'with what iiiiititttlefit, fAlit slitt---- wee with a guif„ot a lantord., i . Vogilsh in a nice state of coii, .. no ittntiveitt 1:er, sonietimes directlyir taking hoedli ..obthe .ontded her, ••" , fueltilif and rnettring: ' /sometimes over hiskAUldileer. ilini he 'all he preferred to 'dance with not t - / "lifeert, MO., What 9 wild young gent Sew * her walk off on; Guildford tier- an talk to any ' old toa,e'sr, rather - . I tlein "i* itte a a rAtt ' 11 ,..bn.1 '1/..",. th-7-' - tolee arm. Thrli gisell.Pettred tor .....* than omit' 1.0 to he ' *oveuldbaxU*' hicve; ._ -i'l ' .. 0 0 ,o.tiu ,„,o, eau*. aelp it. i. ..a. tune*, rad, then %vneri he, saw intim , tbo ipray from the liere WictO buts. ee' tirivit to ' tbe' Pnit'le:' -411u next ' the da,r1z.faced, self‘pcss, 8-et,1 tnho1rd him, and, flown' to her 04(10; of-the-ballroons,.. •- 1 covii (i)iit,itablisiti twho !foot! .u.svayroll;inwevngtletroethetherwlie trtottcathey_lottetahds.. ,11,* dottlito. hi , stit . throUgh. 00; OVOdeit 'dr they lell..414:41 "spent the evening" in „Appeared teiThor that he ',yea tiepins Iiisrolnso• ittia other'S e0MPan.si". and his heartitsway from it 1 10.,g, 10±_ed 'LW.; ittlitto:- who . I tisk _mode horrihlo * 0 t h.. •. , roota.lcsiuned stinftg, -tho. i t eauti and deserved on that ,a,,,, ii #Y,Ormt raotO Peolde h It 'Cyril would not noire again, but g hewildothIg. . • • , ,,,‘ - t of roudt ttkAttedtton. - uttered round the Nig6 of Off* loit. vorti;340010treol ,,,,joir„..101,VuoiLumiiato e --46thlat's.*:10411t :tat,' ly stet the * ,..-ifeilitt. yin lot-alia i 'Itst„ b}' 1, 0 btkit .41'6' 114°* 'And .ottererheloted " r", $': lyeatityt 01 lito' ,-,-.1TtttfftIaerd - -tr'iTif gtI s °Or attire: , ednittoSt bettAr up and dosr dit4tnetiet th 'the :tail,. it we are able to keep hens by the*. nd know fax' -a - record of e4th hen and bet.> able -,to watch each ono in all respects: There l.indaIn ,the autumn. where the wia4-,are *hens that are earnciat noriproduci. • lere-ayo- andcoli2.!'eilf of eggs.---,--Tii-tlier'ofilitiarY- This means that,. an a . tufo, lands they mingle with the others and are 'should be pioive.0 *in Old: 'autumn in 'always. healthy. They would maim 'all._ the Canadian provinces, and 'admirable potpie, but the .own,er feels 'the totes 'that border on en,fi.- that he cannot vilsOnse with any of Southward front those 5es 16--ornd„ evArs-,-. mid* such antnmirprimfr -114*-1!litlittertre401,4411**4 ir.V.; an • e p r - rn,ez,,,itivronty -sire-itept-rby..41tenthetVitlit4iileY.4001- the ../atltude fa lowered. • to cold climatw POI* int4v- ptices.itizetw.et.n_thoTz.partieles ot sell., On the approach of Winter expansion tollows# when the ground tretult. This foreres Ihe particles asunder. So po- tent IS thin power that it Will force apart the particles of the most • found to be great. egg producexs, Of. 'ten ogit .1)!odueinit vets a toad out. of Shape alra-Ilica7Rads te-relr-atrirr killed for the- table when -she ' ShOutd-be-rOnitirdy stubborn days are tem sod . thin anThd abterard°PPil'Icff Lo°f ttiihar.V:IT.'svi:irrrjmi"lccss‘ • • . 1 forming, on mid ,near 'the surfott, ° a brouglit on tin's* centulies of blood. trisble seedbed 'which 'the 'roots- of shcikL *rho Archbishop of ittuwo tutit 344Ang PlAtitik tnik3t .readil$ Penetrate dettamd Ahot the Prentli Icing, ati --e-,- '..hillazardtbC4ritretirreditil „Wt. igPtiukdst OP °b4,4°U-tinir:.i?'1*111:4111uirtrt .0.111°S11,131041-rt.-bhailfS--" 'eallikPet441 ottitc*--111$ - - - lithi4t alter the froett-INt.Ur e-the-th00-', to, startled and sintiseff:his- sponse, .awnouid-itoeriekiity!tTerieoP,041iit. irgikternn-...- , ,,eti....._°50_ .1,44srattoeoritia, ottniatabrier,_ _that •She'lauglitil Main 000tetOtIt0011.91, to ttar.4041 is alwaYs Pteeestt "41, ‘.r 't flirt " with the Count Of 'Anjou, after.. warde' ifoity IL ot Vugland. , 'Wind's of Much rainfitli. • '-The!11,i"lopto-leAvi:od--.c°'Cdt.Antttitt:12:iun 'sod sbat4-1°°g; -14411 1116-14147414.461? greatLf!titre", but fAt last sent ' apt.idoiato •,•• _ 11°V unqui7,71;rtser7;0175;ilitanwar' I"- his 'grievance' to the r (10 SILt 144011 but whit they 14itied• 4 divurc6s- -•E''T411/3M7. , • „ e • C a . , (14"11°4k InertIettility and ilea - geoMI end es her o . oak provinces of l'Oltott•And, CAttdesno,-, ascii tato hist hands. ,Lonlit mada t attacks On ktortnandY, And de.„ flog *ark •ichttl .continued. for . some three' 1iUnc1rI eltr5, were the* t�n,eque1ire,-.61. i. this cropping of a s bee., .inake if modify available for.thi young pl*ata when iue lat thc txtrolAt are -IrrItitted* you The, tISI "infi,ant cg.. uglOgi tion—rnore con$h, mixture and il irritation -for o..**' fl ing1n artit,y4to Lnd he $4.° twettk I,kfnj Arid..e10404 'Tt ' kind '