HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate., 1905-10-12, Page 6" I+ I 1011110 101011 Tro .44 tone brIt flb hreete- Wists, only fuS for the ' ter wee almeet eit existed; he heel e et wind. With POrtial ramp hie lege seed was sulking greet pain-. Maurice aesteted hint with dilligtaty to the eltore. and then feet en*.T� vor Oliti 'them: Shrewsbury h Weniug..0 ; 10f; la ..i4 ti 1. ,. i. ' '04til ,cavertfoliti •de*Pt;•-:*:ii.ti""C'' II° ' AA• ',1.)olgrertlieri.'• wet ... lieetehe , . 4, ' ill,cge . ship. i bad , beep, IS; "but perhaPshe 'rotind OW, ',MY. filz.lit4tt, iti*tineieleelpierettetel40 ' 449,' .0git 1.10‘8P4''':1.‘ 4144. 'altd -th4i" it .•-eterett; ' ' Altbotigh kieciefing the'h 1 0::s ': be' , e14 to Wrieer!" arid e he ° te,,,F,yeeee „ of-.' t.,11 of:IE, pro e,iebeeneee, turr.iil id-1000:0es With '0,0:thought liathetWice".• atientitttel* tei put Out af.• bre trbahle• and; 401)047 .(-1*OPinic :With the litchotti.# • but. were 'beaten fibula his heart, eretain," . sletteleecteeit. etitnee ' ' ' •;* 'Joan- was in the drawing -room. . \--The -esitie-co n -With-Atte teatbndy *hew, exactly ;leatrelt. htpjwiie 10110 thud y011 v0 e 0 _Is ,* The .clouds' swept suddenly he; "1--h-0014 you Conte into -the hotteee ;ore the moon, and blotted out the ever eo long ago." . • taint light that gleamed over the "Very eorry;" settle atrurice- nerve' waters.. The watchers on shore ously; •"I had to change my heard a sudden crash, followed by a clotheset shriek; lb m t1.m3 was siience. •'Why? 1.don't Illidelliltar,u1." - When the clouds moved slowly past, "You may as wen, know now ,as • and the moonlight npread faintly later, Joan. Jack Shrewebury went e. over the sea again, there was no out bathing and was taken with ship to be seen. cramp Some distance front the filulre. Next morning the lishertnen were lie's all right noW." cot early, but none of them ramie a The girl's hand trembled for a etrangere find than Maurice Sedg,, moment, and the Sugar tongs' drop- wi(k. High- and dry on the beetle Pod with a -clatter to the floer, be mom et:rose a tom eeooden box,"And you Slaved him," film . ,ahnost ' _in_Attkie_hjay he ,in ieacefulle a. 'irhisPered• a I i a 1142:774tsurgrivor4ros***bs.-4ssitelc4-,------ t-2.‘..1.*EnTlEr-.:.... fie took the ' child home, end ter his own eiti.:-e. 1 cante h. rotight hie high chitir bark from shelter this afternoon, thinking you, the lumber -room and gave her eoree 'Waro alone* ttild ifeat'd him Veirtk III .bee4fas.C. and. eater on. when Abe you; and knowing -knowing that-" • itensekeeper had put her to aleep, "I‘n°1171ng What?" , he nuirehed iblo UM fatherIcRure_ry "Knowing -you -I ‘s. .------itiid spoke his mind. Maurice unsteadily, **made him "Ii you-donit- And- her -relations," sacred iti- rav eyeS.,T.':'"-- — **Theee!_s only one ibii,e- wrong in ,-- ---lie--Said-ler-VVii . tsliati2,-..WOrrellt , LO)U u p teetriee.. .14 en • ti, out, • his the liemeer to ° Pie • )4. obvious •conft One ' " '• * "lee :pot Snent heti, t." tpottght the lontig datitoi, .74 The doctor., tvlio had also been do• - a....._111..tift 0104 thinlanil. • wg-s ready with. his 'answer, "You found • her, Old chap.," he said thoughtfully, •1,1,1to, 'to „decide. b'trict.te • speak:16g, seeitiffie--,-- -sh-e7irtrcasure • trove, and belongs to the Xing." herreenatt, the by, "and bring her up as ..uty -- "I'm perfectly willing,"' replied the • doctor gravely. And eo Treasnre Trove, as they sometimes called her, although she, main txtitied stoutly • that her name eves little Joan found a home and a guardian,- the • . latter only eighteen years of age. • Fifteen years had passed quietly sway° •since the night of the great storm The doctor had gone to his se.st, and Maurice had. taken up his practice,. with the_assistance of the old housekeeper and loan. ' One afteiproon as he sat in the garden -he saw Joan in the distance •returning towards the house aknig "the beach. The'glrI :ifta.S* tall and . very.tbeauliftil, and the sight took man charged with marrying, rohhing his . thentory hack. When the and deserting many WiVeS, and who circles of incandescent lights, each is Said to have fortned a syntrieate fore-thekepur-posaeof_carryengeoet matrimenial plans, Witzkolf ap- pears to have been only imitating a famous Ruglisli criminal noW serVin whaiZieUataneeeie dah-t- eve him." "But thought--" • we'Uldn't• 'leave yon for fifty° Jack Shrewsburys." she said, and. then added hurriedly: ''There's no old guardian as I have.,- you're al-' v . But Maurice shook his head. "The aYs of my guarlliansbip are over,' he said dttllY. "We must try to trace some of those rel0.ti0TI8.'t **What have -1 done, guardian?" "Nothing wrong, Treasure Trove: JL / couldn't stand it -now—" V-.0.4 ro MS OW}% A gnu Which 10i11).1, -rite 17 let* 131 lihoitir-c0*1 th . „ • -4" he mercy 0fFather •Ni ,•.. 4 as• an` enciny'flrit the raleteeee,'•O eecest4.1.4dOpteti the peditst Coe; •; • tee•., ••„ , Ititeeeo00:il',00f,.11k000,44.4.4 141.3;4zts °Wu •g011t0.1;'. Whi011;•!:Steeiim:Patli.0 her 110trjH, and thta.° rogier 44111 • tci's 'sliP.PLY. Po. .'!6k% '•wih edat ',up'on, her el,aeken' her ,Wteet ;the.•#1441.44:114' .'WOX vant .1001 a Cable-wey. JO run teem a• Atte Mast rigged tin• her decks .to e mast of the:Collier. .111w big ettlie_cciereettitteSi'Wto, loertieet U.ntt the Cable net *Oily towii t 0,, co w h0t--ictiftWo. from the r latter -ship Avtien to the former a cradle capable: . of , the cable Pad • beensevered, they bolding %too. liouritIS •ef coat ;'''er• rilis would haul up on deck' the two ends cradle is worked by a small ielifine, of the steel rope. As it he Some -- and travels backwards and forwards times impossible to bring'e.,,xactly to - at express speed. In one hour it will gether again both ends, a new piece put fifty tons of. fuel on board the of cable would be inserted. This battleship while she is proceeding Oil splicing is a delicate proceeding, arid hoe way at epeed of aboutten knots. WHFN A CAlliee IS TES'rEll. • rat unr t hmi'i t1 duced A$0,11 ti *zatv cable. abeut in thu *hallow we.ter of the Itrangtee River, 'where the ceble had ben eubmergeti. 'and sit ecteleti In henli are', of apPy W I stlio0t t tirty yeare Int disk %%V Sava • CttitItyltt decided to cut the Land Oro* IiiValtOeto leer .01 lunke Nailed lettat iycar3,290 tigers, 4,070 pane there and teopstedie 2;000 We're „and wolvee Were itilled; enakea GCT r • Kt 4" , • with h 414 Th • c 4 • 4t, ernt'b ttleAlP '-it-it. • . hallez ml 44Gntb-•.t..,. verisig„ )nat . ; lune AOand t)le,2 , 01110 ;• . the `10e.etipper threi lorAdng f•:1 'tco '''.'inte Wan .1• -4.haskefih--4. , . .t. - .,erelln° ,I4'. 3.1 '' 'it..1,1 , nL'IOTn It - thi.T., . -- a 0 • •''setlifir• titlii ,aid „stopping • :n!ttf!'.ce. aY. • r -. 409 4:44i4tork.4 ripituos.. 9titi" 01 50 4$513 ,• ('ABt1B MlE1)1N. In tilO e'.ent, -otie..:ot -our. • et10400„ being :cat fhlfttit wel:•tfjue ,J•941° ev0tild' se-nout One or. tete-eV his'."Otteten-rable repoirert0. Theeo take the form CC sPee1013, Octu4PV.Pq phipe, alai have .an hoard some. of -the cletterat *electrical' crightecos Itett fr requires a considerable amount of The ends of the copper **core" have tO be sold'ered; then the gutea- As can be imagined, an ironclad percha coveririk drawn tightly over, in., harbor needs a cable .of eneymons the Joint, jute threads have to be strength, to her. John Bull's wound around, end; (Many, the steel cables are the best in the world, wire protecting covering.firmly inter, and at eatli-ef his dockyards he hoe lated: When the gutta-percha, envel- . teste,d. opo irs being kneaded into place care erehasto be taken that no nit:Astute is •eonetructed of hemp, but now they Present. If one dm drop of oisture Pen- wi - re -of- Iron chainone,,inch and o et.rates during, the procees af lead - hall cable weighs a little over 8201.ing, the eTectricity wfll gradually leak pounds per fathom. The iron Tromlout, and the cable will fall to trains - which it is made Is soft. Very hardflit messages. Iron w -snap a a su en . 0 .satieutes will St reLch. 1141 When -- -taken 4o -iv - centree-of an 4minenso.--shed-..runn--- large wooden trough some eighty feet In- length„Alnd at rine end is a mas- sive drum over which the cable Is arable, -up the Boulerlittrie-- fastened. A hauling arrangement is ber of Nen Employed, - opposite, the drum, and this is work- .F.very few •months the Prefect , Ikrt yliS7irriffilirt-tYiee-- • l'Oliee, Monsieur Levine, gives,- What ..When the cable is arranged in the he calla a.'"coup de halal, a general ' rao---siveeeP:ing.-7--up-et-4.41, gra tion, the' cable is given a dead vaxds, that is, xids- them of the ob- Run of siXty tons. • An ingenious de- jectionable men and women who viie informs the testers how much crowd them for the purpose of et - the iron chain stretehts tad tig the passer-by in various 14 t P • ratty cw e4 * , 402 !taking 'of .litttnaa at 10e.ttlellfet the. lieseVhtt 'Open protaisi*eropteity deer and litOtt MOtkils -wstet1$1..be _and' , the 'ti ,Vitis"-: fella t;')", tvi cat poflci rittittseal Wheie) pteShele it 111 •:)t)tegli;..tteel,:netke it peiSelli10' 'the" poOr 'native, ,to exleteethrOCgle iniltiVatioil ',Of lila ...lieldtft, (pkettlan 'Whet°, ;there speaking very broadly, tigers are not more litone0610.1 titan Undoubtedly the tienrielatiorie. Peke tiger: are,-oherestittiated, . grit provoit .,104,0•01,046 widely to its discredit. On India's last year's , death list 2.549 wdre credited to, wild beasts; and while all of these are laid up against the tiger. :pant hers and wolves (especial - '1Y Panthers) Should he charged:with a very considerable 'share. The fact Is that the panther and leopard which, except as to size, are about alike In spotted Pelt and temper - areas much underestimated as the tiger is overestimated. The entailer leopard devotes itself intim largely to goats- and pigs and -Moniceys, white the pother attacks deer., gaur, eattle and roan .foe atm, 'panther - -sinticsions:''becotne "..MXIletttar,'°.' and when it does It Is a. fury insatiab1e Pant here are bolder in attack, more active . and more generally vicious than tigers: *eo•i„ dt s(0 - 111.414 Toronto, . • Ids3 bolo 1,, , UtAttlt0 I 0 o .otudor at - t j)Oi14' &Ui . ' 1Q1t S0 • ",n V • *Jo, 1-14^, 44n Patents, ,b03 Ian. Ptatints tho hig• :134114* 1()IviV4t1tit'it4 ',met , tee 4; • It d,..crots, fit4ur ;, to $.5;0•10i flmt tett:ate,. $4',...70 t for ' sceontt , atents,.. and $4,6O, t $4;O r,,_ btekerte e. ' littliCeefl-Ontailo;-13ran firste - •at U.5() to $12 pci' ton in ,car •Itets . untaid • 1.4$ manitoba bian-SIA. to i shorts, *19 to 43.20 at Toronto equal Peitits. • • Oatse-Otiertintie firmer at tile west ttnti 32e eaet fOr No. 2 white. Itarlees-Viery firm at 400 for No. 2e • 44.4 for .No. 3 extra, and 40c for . No. 3 at outside points. Rye -Sale of a special car lot is re- ported at Otic, the market • being quoted et 650 alsireel, 62c bid. , Pease -Sales are • reported at 70o,, with the general price 68c bid at Out. side.,points. Cern--No Sale3 Or VOW Cartatilan crop are yet reported hut dealers axe 'P-haneete4t itebaeprite to n lAcittfturIMIN:-6a_le yellow, and 60tc -for No.74- lake -And reel freights,- •--• - Iluckwhette-Sales of now crop are. reported at 50c -west, Rolled Oats -$4.75 for barrels in 4 $ i 4 - Bel vet "they inseelre nothing like gneh eer lots on -track here, and for bags; • • "tenpins" ocean cables from board awe among the•nats. linteed, t - 125e more for broken rote -here aid It ip.-Pearsbn' 19 'Weekly. •••• 'Pbrratt wenitc- ••••4•4.14 a • axe -seers-natives rally.. to the dee 40c enitside. 'fence oter-edi. etee-opleiricir-reoPards a articcintry--- fored,----wheni- . . MOISoss040.4•40 es a Wilma& °been' A' Vkei:- t0e,-'13151114' l'init-eTr:13oth- creamery a.nd airy ha,ve been paralyzed into inaction by butter continuee to come forward very. fear.- - .. tis•-tor-eas tone. TBACTI TTIE aIRLS.' etearnery, prints .22c '23c • _ do -solids- -e.e....,....,-..•.- • Cooking -Should bo teeleeee to girls Dairy lb. rolls, good to when they are 12 of 14 yeare old, oice 19c 200 .anti under the rudiractiteeY Prilct.P. co • do tnedium .---7,---1-173—TVE- Play be instilled In them when theer do tubs, •gobd to choice.1.7c 18e aro at the -Mud pie" stage of life. do inferior 15c ltio Many mothers make a tnistake in ceoeee-Prices are about steady at strain. if this test proves sa isiac, 1 wl,‘,6 Not- , i, the army of refusing to cater to the housekeeping lie •+ io. , - •ta -0 -1•44, per Pound. tory, a few links are taken from. the 1 ,,,,,,,e b tong.. ." go i that:" the. instinct -1i at t they develop hi the ehild. , Itgo---Quotations r re unchanged at cable and eubmitted to a second pull ' ---en "41°41 so °I)u" °us '"---- .-- The baby gees mamma maktrig shopkeepers along t.ite ' boule.arcis Pie :tee :to 19c. . The girl leaned towarde him slate- thirty tens greater than the first.. If -nutde a complaint, and now the po- and wants to help. • If the mother 4,4rtr Potatotee-Quotations unchang0, at ly, her eyes luminous with the knot'. the links withstand this the vhole sting-seeres-ofand4-4040-11-41ttle-time"nndinr*nee c Pei' bag on iiiiik7titiir-virti:rfk01--- desires ri!ht out or store* every night°. Evolt capital is Wictie, lot directing the child's uring the tes\ but Paris does not take ae much' 1:nen, 10.1-01` -6110 Po-ul try -Fat liens,'-lc--to-fae. • *4- inc as V * your. w rtl, 1 whispered, "'wi you-wi • you eve me as YOUr wifee"-Peareon's Week -- LY. ••••••TP•0•0.11 • sw-zu BLED DIARY wr\rm's. talking at sea 03 St carr Meat Britain like the United system. This.eoesists oi a large eice,- leltizert-frOtit hg? flatly .say that Pare a meal or manage the honse and iiivirtryretire4tito-tiffo for occasionally a cable will:snap an other cities. and... Lepinewho isIlay-Car lots on track atxi a intereet in household duties, but she Bale I fiy across the shedgrea.t philosopher as . es a good' tens it to run away and' pray and .$7.50 to $8 per to for No 1 . tun - HOW 'now WILL TALK AT SEA. prefect, V1/110 tries to do his work, not bother her, and so gradually the othy aitd V.°0 for No. 2. t t "70r--`4 ••• •• . says that it is hard4 worth While child's thought is directed elsewhere Baled Straw -Quiet, ear lots on by ince„ins. of; nag signals, but before to snake raids.' as the wome:n are land it grows up unwilling to win .. n1411812 Illuebeard , When there are- -twee-clithlren--In---aeetrenek °ffering ton at $6 '• t very- Long j.his old-fashtoned necthod sure to COMO What police forcel ceivcd Women. Is there to onteet the peeceful Paris !runny and neither knows how to pre- tnight he supplanted by an eleetirc tatere, inns -its GeOrgf,.. AVtizli-off, the banner placed upon the mast -1 lioNTREAL MARICETS. th f i lent nd there is no mother awakes some mortileig to find Montreal Oct, 10.---Grain-Sornes • " unable. to attend to bast , was_ wore‘eeeee Agd_crop Mnn- • head of the -ship, and having nine ne:141- an man, desire-. td- inerea"- it• -she is 'ill it". 2 d the daily ditties, great .confusion 'tab s rift wheat at a price atittiva- thoughts he had conjured up had -0-waYe°4teeraised-hiseireadeehut the girl was uo longer in sight. Ile • rose and walked- towards .the gar-, en gate, intending to meet her. -Tlierc was, a littIe to: the left. a rerusitlYetruelt_ehelter son ths_bestch —and--to-this-place-his-eyess-were- tracted •fit onee, for the end of a *tern& on the sand:, -She niust be, considering 'very bard obon* sorrAething," he thouteht • • affectionately; "•.I -won't have it. It's niy duty ,as her guardian to weeerry — And so he hurried towards the shelter -to scold„his ward. But as he. drew nearer hit' heard a voice, not - • Joan's, but the VOle., of 'a friend of • his own. named Jack Shrewsbury, • from Trelannion. lila.urice stopped short in utter eagueeement. st ill -listening uneonsei- • - -ouely to the voice of -h-hi friend. The° eiWt111,6.11- that . had brightened his fiteS died -away„, and was replaeed by a look of abs6Inte pain and stupor. Ire turned and walked slowly back, With *knew knowledge tearing at his ° - - • opened his eyes to the truth had 'next iiletwit closed the wee chapter '.I11 -his life for ever. 'Ile waisted on until he came to 0 - little sheltered bay, a favorite bath- ing place, and here he sat down in a quiet nook and faced his trouble -squarely, • 1 . a, long crimes. ent4.,nce or ea e HtWing numerous aliases, -RICA VT police merely by WS Christian name "Jos h" "Joe." - --efortepli," ,-41-iitf-thVileteefiVe • geant Who hue iverested him, "had i4 • , , "gar diens de la paix." 946 under reign8" If in the emergency theegirls with fortv-tive figuii-4. In the wheel- brigadiers, 70 brigadiers. under 25 endeavor to prepare the meals and lent to about 884c (silent here„The ,_ :‘. so.cem......._whieb_„rs of peace, and e9 principal in- the"weary mother gets from the kit. 4°114" is' chiegY from ()ntari° mill" 'abuse there is a' keyboard, conununi- cat ng vi writer. Any message can be flashefl a small arnkY 1 14 lour -Manitoba -spring- wheat . pa,... of serret, agents, go- . sh i uk r era. Offerings of oats are still small worked after the manner of a 'type. spectors. -Beside-these, there is quite chen the smell of Intent toast and e e y to bee nefere° with . th di the :narket continues it, rin. burnt 'bacon- und tt-the-_". . . $3; ing about in citizens' -clothes, who e1tents, $5 to 15.10 serong bakers', 8. • .11111.1t :• In the wheelhouse. making signalling ara• linn'a -by-Aot-dd -See where- hte-h- not taught her &Is edok? eyr.30_404.cjar, _4‘vti ---Thee-erive4etiesre-ts a liettleheoner......lui 0-elatter-40013-enoteeknowe-th we most riot forget the Itepublitaltrktutaa"l4"tunDijc°° eiltone 111°-:71;• „ . #11 art• writs t • s ssILIIMII • IF .Attasass6/ hath jvAay....juto_hy eight quite easy* ..doerti then those in uniform, Mr as w Th $4.05 to $4.75- straight rollers, dne day it is believed that it will en ; , " in our i‘gftivy sat all eVelils. uar los ilc • ce,-anttsoei el • • Millfeed-Manitotta bran in bags, „ to send out for n COok Athen Ittti1 16715tityrt447-42°--14).44414- and t en • of the - louse been edu- tari° brea2n in 2);(1k'o„ John mit •hrts made up yds iniudiafter t ase who are arrested: and his own syndicate or corps of at. to hold his eefen at land and at sea. p tb in to the rourte, rth rts, is. 0 to .5 111 sietints with whom he divided hislFor Safi:guarding I- is' $21 to $24; straight. grain utouille, beg berbem .04,d watch them, to see that they do not cated propeteet in the home y ar • h0,household regulations would have plunder. One always acted as in- plares against Met int rusiuri run awaY; and we must ttISO men- roceedd undisturbed during$28 to $2t per tone trod -CAW IfreeittiergeerriatrbriemigT po-miitat-iotierny bidden Vein the bicycle policemen. of Whom pethe un - and posing as SI fOreseen chturges. Oatie--Ne change in rolled , mate matrimonial agent. The see- orne excel. ether° are hundreds, and who have an ay lent submarine wawa. They are 1114,, Much as they go so much fasten become almost indispensable. Inas- big bombs etudded with "strikers. . i and no noise of running boots warns. ond was - the best man, who told -confidential stories of Joseph's wod- pressure 0 any 000 af . . derful •prospects and arranged, if stantly &COMICS a detonator inside. tbo lais-brestkerIt is costly to send I ,, neceesary, alt • the details flf 'a aecret These mines are attached.by-a length 3 600 deliequents to be punished by matilage, and the third, perhans"the oi chain to a heavy weight, and have 'law. This yeler theexpense to Parra -cleverestof the lot. pley.*11, the part nely to be dropped into It *creek or will be S7,130.723- , •of Joseph's angry father. _ * other water piece to be ready tor i **It was the business of the angry service. 'The trenneet an Ironclad's father to ' app ent "14.1V 1 - ' tn..thilelleila-,.0f--04 "-'stri-Itersc soon rte the marriage Was completed the mine would explode and result and the pair were !paving, the elm nth in t he vessel's deetrectiori. - surrounded 'by their fri ,•tri its,: ('at eh- . villa) 1111 IhAilt"PltlefTY. IJIg 5,ighand t of *Joe' his bride the- . - -elohnellitirs finett #14111n1Ctrinn 321111P RON tett - • Will Ewes First Public ttatite•-•. 01 - Queen. AlexaztdrIk. eats, fbr whith the demand is still limited at $2 25 to $2.80 per bag. • seoT welAT FixpinoTEn. corntne0.1 IS 01 SO quiet at $1 .45 to $1.50 per bag. They had a quarrel on Sunday Hay -No, 1, $13.60 to $9; No. '24 evening. ' He got annoyed and said $7.50 to $8: clover, mixed, $6.50 to he'd leave her. Then she got vexed $7, and zpure clover, $6 to $6.25 ton and told... him' he could do OA he ,iel car lots. pleased.... Tbeenext - .. ...... he Clit110 At*, Itgttiti: Ile asleed SCO t r atone. ,SheFOTOIV---C'Om- plied, She wa.e.ali of a trencor. Her hart went mit to hint in a ,gueh., Of itympiithetic love. She stood. ready The .first pablic statue of Queen: to throw both erne, about 'eis neck Alexaridra in the Eirtpdre_hes just and crs° oat ber, Joy. There WW1 e„,„ wee "Ty electricit •r 1 i face Ana is always on the po nt of dying --nun * shaking hie list would sus% ,you vo. iforromitervtheo;fhore,, ./1.,itd are already nice Wade, the well-known eeulptor, bete °ice- husky. He sitidt . lian!' So this IS Where4Ott are. Ch?.., Solite little Wilkie ego a he*/' gwn ,b°41 elms"' to do the wc)tk' 'The "1. have been engaged to you six Getting married.? Not otie• • single was placed before our War biteicrdestination lof- the -statue ig. .Hong tnnlithsi„Matilda., And I . tried In all penny Of my trteney shall you ever and proved to be one of the most !Kong, Which has already given cow. that time. to ..Io what was right." terrible man-killern ever' constructed. !missions for statues of King IQ. Ile pansol an ifistant to recover I;Itineeft:em, ward and the Prince of 'Wales. ' thl voice Which was faltering. rapidly FinirtVill) SflvtortAi., -Trams. jThe i4riventioor decittraedo thottt . „white they w.iiiir.iirtintreiteerer treeTtuire p i few r than , in The new statue I* being erected skhile her trembling° incretot i. ased. Sists tnt-conds. .The gun is coriett*tic" out of -a lurid . raised in tennectiort- 'I )110w 00,1- halm iiiediat' 1-1d'e' hourtir. AlicVit taltnaged' ied ort the prinaple of 'ft• itiiing. At_ with the Trong Kong corona n e iUiPT, and- , elebratione *• e coronation ' robes. The statue 1 do led be faithful . 0 you, . everything. that, .1 omen will be represented i h will be of bronzeand rife -site.. and thought would tend to rnalte . you L'd glutei:4mi will he either• n htIPPY., And feeling thiee Dthe've Ito tilia-0--iirg-h-t7--tW cee --1 ' et Xing,* to - whom the proposal 0,01Ortist be kiwi enough* to give Me wee Submitted, through the aover- a eon 'of testimonial To this .0.1feet, ior 'of Itong Kong, readilx gave his o tilitt 1 tetild tattsW It to any other Ipermistion. Iiis Majesty ttlo stp- young. lady 1 might Want to. ,get en - proved the Stlirteo'stioli that the gageti tO: ,,.It :Might help mt.' : 1$,, , •• /11. to realize upon hisi wire's property (Ilse from which os, couple of hands it_e imd ttot been there very longi land abandon her, Itow Many • ir 4, se 1,vor mg ns 0 a case itoweverbfore he heard - someone 'men It'l really deceived and married at the extritor:dinary rate of 15,004,i approaching. . We redly teatireet• se.V. We 40 know * reliolntions per aninute-The bullets Jae -"Its el"IntF,Y4-440- :41G-- ,,._ - . flutt -he has serVed several- terms -for,Lare.pon'yed-into,..a......tuha.....). .v.lie t eititie tts 'a Standstill' "dose to Ilan- nt$ crimes. and -that 111§ •Nito.iitetloitr.tiinfe Might ter Whirlitekilifende...Which 'rice, siful gTaneed heelletirtelY to- thaVe been based On lisveAigs,tioris ;shoOt theni through an opening lead - Verde the eon- mot lio seemed to into (1.511..ens of rases. 41.11 ionte canes ,log to it barrei. tfeeithe •and began to undress him- self for a bathe. • Ile was, a .gotn1 stellnener. With, ..a, e strong: stroke thstt ' seime tare lie slice/ceded in marrying wealthy ; Another gun that Bull ha, got o girls and obtaining itossession• of of will kill at 4hre rnule8, arid dig,. ...thcalsands of dallars..'„ charge bullets att e rate( of 000 per !rdinute. shore VAL. a 11 $ ter * 1 . • 00•0•P•sf, Nr.W.--Iniln-WrfEAT-M.Allarri . - NOV York. Oct. '10:-Wheat-Spoti red,-faietneekceetor end, gfite to b float No. 1 northern Duluth, 00c to.b. afloat; No. 1 north. ern Atanitoba, Oinc f.o.b. &loath: ^al ,CA'ITIX, ' • Toronto, ()et. 1�, -the tolowing 11-6-Yetup cit quotations: 11•ItPort cattle, choice ,.4440 $4,50 do medium . 4.16 44tt do hulls B.25 do light 2/5 *At. do° ..... •-• tit Ob. dor inediUni .60 light - 'do bulls 2.00 acts, choice 00 0 001011100 ttot. do Mitt nem/ kohl% • 3114 MIkh cows, cholee 4000 do cetturon - Sheep, export, ettte,, 1 65 e tv h Line with idle , An ATI erican suisgionary returning °el mY with shot .I'urpose 4 *he* 'gives...P.11re 6 "113 , ettricsite that gutidenly changed in. 4 reoin peeeean. tett!!; ,it tbilibitg FloeN., -1.:,'Itpertt :entertain little doubt that . ing. . ' ' i - 10- Ii 100k of Inten-qe ettr'Ortleg.s. :40triln month,s, ago one of hiif 7fellov• ' 1tro ey talks, but It dfailifti writs • kl(mietthr.g. WBS evidentlY' wrong, for ',countryne 11.1C 1' yi.ii; to 'try n,. , e. ri z, s it , wt.. ,is *c*redingly prominettt par,t , in (attire indite of us with its conversation. Submarine *boats Will play „an ex- l: . itv sstitratt ° b - • ' I 'a ements John Dull 'of , .., . 1- tut:lett back to. ',killed' by 0, I/ervrsh. Ills ,widow 21)0443 , _ , • :8001' Pt011e• are" More iliscottris ... . , --4+44-8°-:-Wats,--4xtoving° Iti-eittistr-fitnottgh---thir-Anierictin-Ittnir-----Tf_!)14_.."°"_, 17 f It ihrl " Slier.0:AS ' , of other** thitti y very 0,10‘.4 ,, at ti at it'st g t r f *the punisi ter t of* the saw ocr-w,tier" ve-sielS, but he will Pro -**,71. their own taliures* . ,,., .. • ,, ,,.„ , • • ' ., „ ) I anee..., e or , . tti 1 . j .tr .. ' WIllitt leitt*Pt ti'Ve thit •Shr...14-,sbu"A'r,;(1erer tirel $11,0,000 eonmi-cn5sitleit tor hably IA ihnt, hin Monitors, ., ,e„,"."` Itusband.:.•of,Look here, have YOti willy tiorisl ' ifittit Witr; tvtait. t:' th-)*Iot;s Of hrr, litedrold The punish anhaigisillloit Will. tto (.)f More wee -6 been etekleK ttoy utoupy out of t.1%0, rd ' .;•• r, ini:t for retig.iPlos_S'estsons out l'*livielY (''. 1°m ill a sliqiggle at it& hitt4ies inoneyrb6xlie,, witeee,,Ire9i 0,,d• t, ft I _sit 4 , Yria C4f -. 04111 It' , 4 it. esit' i(*;. l4ft *Ii*1i1 11:0iSt t' ,., .,_ 1, niStisorelmt 1c 1i.3t Ai- trierripentatiOn' Itt iI1t Lhb 1 t * .The'.I1' lopptid at,d ' ran ',1101revet`, refused. to tale. . knife aleonq s 1;o0t-lac4e,l, kki.. t140.1,11,, -1110t husl)ttnti *as ti VI ib 04 the 1)60114,, and , d hi 1.1301 'f,* .)•‘06111: $30.000 'tkraS ., t • Kra() TTiON. iiiik-1-44:11I6-tartia- on thi•4•1-.1N*rilt4411°:- 4414'-'44/4* AV41$ ;4?" --t ,. tottlt th.:riliing^ tittePty. . • ' l'ent"td, i'.4 ',!.!-*:,,.('':PPt' itutellteit;,11tatitiCti iltty re'.1.-, '',,Act.aft it to-.1"hi-:.- , 101 it', 'fstet..eil•te-,tatlo, *bent ,,5otigelo"' ':salit ' 'Ito. litig.liottme irtit 'lleacitningt Ille.,' keeper. - "1 " fete& eeetertley i 0' ' " tot* 41* **Atm.. wool: th "y iotige roke itiot: t)w *On Pf:0314, *At atitiWL f••,f y the firiWthittg• Mau calledl • Lr...„. 16ifsttlit 1 lvtd to, tp,,spay,- 1111-.'t , t lbw free -hoard a t 48 Lery low , in the l. 'sel ' 4 ,.thiS' trife is si. ' t e' funnels, the revolving 'tut t,' iiif • th4''-" iht1 it look -6u house, tor tho utptainappott itttoV WP.i 1t4 surIacc, .Ficre ,iirpo,ei, the 'monitor' Is oni ' nem .81, tyoistrot Ortiroit 1 torgot,:f 0 .. , or. • wilysa4tasigAsualo, ,ting ' that • inystel . x-dr,"t.aitt pt-aor Mt. o , half, ..y00, ,dz*pp*1ntd let, 1 .onc l' you a ew.4 of a • Os id Peet . • " tht ply, "ito t ,that -.4 , itt ti. , initte;' *$ . de a great rt t I o threatened to sot. ontething which focate het. Then she spoko,...- hYou get. out ofthis house as quiett*: ,sas yott eats, you miserable re -4 ••• dfdr,..t toy With time,. Ile lett without the .testiinonial• CAM OP. 81,00N0M. tflh and most implenss,nt. a they require periatlital Diesolve• some borax °Water, arid' let.the 1(7 for ait hoilr; - habit- of, potting titti 4iontule the itiridoW afte lIL 0Td4!r that ttses,:sna dint** ':er thane* 11 I, • 33,00. bs. pot, c • .2ri ts Calves, each .00 do per cwt. .flogit, egrets .... • ' 0.25 lio lights AO .,..„(7.„ , '•TO UiO1/ATa 40T/1 When oilcloth° $4 lot qt ilt %shining Otte it tin be made to hist longer to 1oolciplItell0vr'0toNromor'44.' the i1e10 lv t *foot, . „ okt, night cf li ar,,,,?. it .,tifille Pi -Ilitifiriet os4'-11i4lr, liilg 11_ , 8:• o, 1tjt!,.*?!t nit Ar. •"'" •16,- `