HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate., 1905-10-12, Page 2r 0 t,•71f #4. . conviflee quat4 .he Votunta ot WLUkt t.heir-'fro *horn authority .on , madit•this tatwnent to Pho London ' Daily Mail apropos of cOMplaint bYl. . 'Warminster guardian. that the --VOW -.Wino US better furnuhcd then many noblemen** houses h Jutd visited. . • .. '.4"I'vvould rather send ift, Patient of mine to v. country asylum thin to is institUtIon, hoW6Ver• wealthy .111,0 dr Ole ;night be," top'ettred* the • doctor. :These rate-nit/int./tined bones or thegrowing arniy..of nieittsUly inef- flcIcnts do .not., as the doctor /lbw!. Mion of being :Citear1W.7, pleces:„. whose Inuit/tea droop dismal, ly under . the burdenoftheir anlic- on.- An etarateratiowlisf'*4-1:1,0rbes Winslow- of . the. "attraotiontir if t _mord b permissible-proviclod In an average modern asylum included alt-tim-comforte" of a-dood-hOtel and ' all tbv gamei .and pastimes- of'zi t--ron clUlt,--Thererletre-nove---tcr heee-inetitutiorti5F---- ThUird est,•• -card, 4.:14 hits, Concert-, rooms, oonts, . .theatres. tennis .courts. cricket ' and football ground. croquet lawns. , • en. Mir 0 • t 0 lo 3 t ther , theft. 0 t tho 104h10t Rier. cunt* it al� tht,,reratieitt'agi for'ti., Eot1thJ1d *.• ter nd brt$ t th .Mrlca. I1.o says,tho-; gesuogi ...AcinfoixnatiOn Of the Veiny Lake and Seine territoriee j aimoat idea - teal WIth thitt of thaStinheriey. 'OW 014.. %illicithiss-given to the world the famous diamond Mine*, Forty miles from the./nouth of the DigPorkIflver. which emptier:into the.,/tainyfrom _Northern Minnesota. aro ninny' ancient moundi whose. origin ,extends, beyond the tradition* of the Ojihways. tlntil nicently esta .10000510*. Wer0 irniolate. for' boy .are in. a *lid region .but lIttte visited 'by white men and asceessibl 4 tompted to Put lnto, his' mouths, but was prevented ty-the.-Vigilant Curious --to toy tho Indian baby -had lifr. Pang - ass pried open, his,little brown fiet„ ere, ,„ scintillating:a dia- nond as largo an a.berel nut: Ther0 mietak atiO0t, it. aatonishnint. lie Inquired of the "Oh, i mho /*plied, .,contemptti- usly,, in her guttural tongtte. 4.* re conducted every, week.. 'Inv been preeent at niany such. per., .0DelA.Zfl rlfiaMi • the whole of the sconerl *was painted, eta' acinitrably paintOd.. by 4. certified lunatic. • • - ...41`re4Uentl37 Iliave been the only, sane meinher of it crieket tetttn. '0400' T• 1.00161111.101* • the tOtuttt indult * fatuous cricketer who was so1-0c- 1 iflaAne except bi of • Ono sununor, however, a arty of scientists •from the ilnivereity o To- ronto tains out •'tti.-0,101040.,,,t., -Vroni. one of the xnounds on which. a .StOrdy oak Dwas growing a large hu- nuqz skeleton perfectly preserved was ma/timed, • It was .not that of an Wien,. an WAS takOn„ '0,ppiiistorto ion, in ihe "(Orin, of artiekS r ..1*nutlful designs.- Around tlie skele- ton's neck, vras a znaa1vo band of u.re• coPper, and • on its bosom rest. • to 000 . *Mlle metal, into which Were In- terwoven .Sheils And colored atones. What ..arrested the Atte/Atoll: of 'the. exp °rut! .pe • *0 -WE: WAS at stoub which gleamed from the centre .ot a. Pendantto the neeklace. Al. Atilt It Waft $0d4roct to be nothing . . • _ more theft clever pleee of quartet but closer ., examination Nod testing proved thatit wont a diautond '..AithOugk haif a dozen mounds cr -vc . batting or: bowling, but immediately 0,4atrie ended_he rela sod into his lomat srate-tt . dem a knovir..0 014;170d ft. pioutiid game of whist or •ehe4s, perhaps talking to thernseltlis all . the time about their hallucinations. „ atfdha°lts--otttunte--balls frequently-areheld' every -,weelci and ono institution, the. Holloway 'Sam. toriturt, VirginiaWatee, 'where foes are now •Itenttinied of the Inmates, ;:foosesetes • a vork..handeonte thwarts of Ile own. ut of *II asylums. o Diethient takkOh -the gratttest ,stAlee, ,the moot. -amusements for its Patients.' . -Concerto, *dances. and theatrical performance& are • held thero•-regularly. • ° ______ttlInfortunately the Money tryTir _ to I i -04 Y -7:-44e;±1 rt19' ihrettuv etway -for these --unfortunate Toronto- PartYpushedon to the Big . peold imt -be appy in a, , pelace." disputed boundary btocn ;the Rud, , zwolitiribaties, furtloy sppo,,,Ted ,son. Bay tiontliany and John Jacob „Of '''t0I11; ot44,tfra,A-iperlealt-V 00110103r,a, o t distraction of the Thero 11U3`y found an 0 • 9n0 squatter, Dan Campbell. _Ile took them to the_ancient_pot- tery fieldoPpoSite hle abin, end; CIIILDSSI‘t'w,ELL. vihtt.t was more, brought from .piiirteh ho oarrled.attinte Which • little one may be well and In purity and brllllancy greatly ex, haPpi-to4iiiy. but .would you' *no* ceded tho ne found • by• his visi, what to do if it avieke to -night with tors. Thiw' atones 3m. had bumf by -the--'efonth• Went inte..;00iivubilOris the Dig • -while -stretching- the or spasms to -morrow/ Thedoctor intrfate of the potterl-lield-Irithhii - MAY tome :too, late. ilitve You heating knife. • 110414164-144•Y -14, handl onws own OM tinti- had no idea that his fin& • • Tn,Tirtibrerikrip 0016*, 'Pteke'llt wer, anythirig'ntore than* quartz °check- * 4;W -the caro *int- ent& coot itoW: o'n AO. tirotiervod the*. liAt'PA,}10 ilbatinatralt. 'vt through painlessily...,ahe Of his ialters ad give give sound, ,s . -Ale lieeltiffui sleep. -Ititid they' contain storteWeredivatitertions thatrnal& that bos cant •c tit I Olt vire o not one partiele of. opiate ot* poison • ..0 06_004 suer _this is ofirsto, appraised in-Totorito and therr valtio They are equelly good for. the. 60-11, t„.. hints • „..110,' *Ore :the Patti nowir..botti. totioit.,-01.. this .iottoests misraweit took Judemiont: Child, Mrs., iisi E. mitife:0:110,. four stones We're pronounced to/bii liurk's Canters,. tlite,4_11.6yap. r,notote, rertl OAS of •ttri aggregate weight of I begnn, Using flab's's, Own TatilAs,ltivellto Ottatt4. worth**.300. --rixy-4tttwoile--veots-ivtitlt-vttl-iioliteitt',.% Ur, 06iigissff,*04 :Wiling 14 the eines . then she has tad oplendiditriiaintr post st.,Stioiik Cooiro 000 health and IA growing Mob*. lindlternoon when it '.,qiunit buck and his nothing oo good as the Tablets witert.isquaw entered1to tecittaite*e /tette& for any of my children Ette pi?* ,Sold hylipremaslonit„--, T110 Julrfl Cottle bY 1` *all. druggists or by men M. ctnts not5* miles tiown tho Slue Vell6r , 0 .1. 6.t3,36, malt "pitikett Itup wbenjwwa9 get.' ting-tbe,4tolwfor--our---tepoo-up- the6 river." Douglass pulled out a twenty -dol- lar bill and-Ofkred it to the ,squaw for the stone. But paper money has littiti-significtincer-tha-Olibwar in gleaitt-Ot ametto-shot-In4o..-11tor gnaw a eyoa and tightened the cor, hers of her 'mouth '0,15, she saw iteiw anxious the whlto tOrin_was to get 4 bo „shook hor head...and grunted-. I '-nege. on. . 'Douglass mulled„ for ha knew Um .011.1/way character. .4 44 ••-•-•••.*Ve•fl youtVo got," he saki to tho tr. T110 storekeeper emptied a sack on • the counter, containing ebout $10' in • small change. Thesquaw'a oyes and titOtie of the bUeli glittered- "tfere," sttid Douglass, as be shoved 'the coins toward them, '"give mo the Atone," tetib°47•1tlottery' 'srae tottitt 04)11114tit 711)044"01t4 rettirn the party mat bared of OfiblVityn„ to whom the • A IMO; found °. in, the mounde wer Shown, in the hope of obtaining tra- ditiOnftvoiceralmr--,-the to tho' coppOr • the inAlans were. .1g- norantr-but-theitted-disciainfu ly When tile Pottery and the dia- mond wero &own. . • *. -Specimens of the former, they said, ; bi be ' obtained in aknost any qtym 1 y roma le roma ns o an, ancient pottery • work* that once e lateirbu, the "bankivortkirIliW.47.0rk: near the Dig Valls, a few taco up the streant, while in the same rwion glittering_ Mantis of the sort the palefetees_,•Sienti& to regard7W1110.4 •as, - 33.11.4 Pl. and ,alco. reediest o • , I i L* to caw:, Znglend ea is 1C3 O 1 ; ed tt-o Wt *t* 1e1 tle atatmiot tito,4 14410 lttnt th V" • • bp • essiqg rout the .friPatiese wati' it. twitter' Of ebut ' itikuity for it to pftM etliZt1 '4Lh 1* nosdott 00 417"leart youngster against. t*inkt Ube joined In her tostotoki"ti.dlekept, in will. the itt/rakenftnra, . )L ouita*e cit 4 6 ,Aala .14.0T•:#4, Ole* in doughnuts, go?" 'Pik routhLi PaP0r, then he *teb# You're too young to Know„•• siskod my l?tra. about the wind. "Why caret you ;See it blow?" • - • you're torb,-young to , ow," 'why on earth do, you suppose r -wear and -licked ine so?-- - ked„ "Where is that jam?* said: • - "Oh, I'm tock young to know." oroot% Thing* rrocor Little Causes' lirrow.ltr-tackesr-very-littbv ter---do(rarage thoiatotoswic.---The,canse, now be_slight, * cotd -sometitiiir eaten Vr'lartinlri-3anal. 447, svorryrc, -sosete-other-inte_ele W.0141,F -Butit precautions be not ' zi001.0this obligor .ceuae y have most seriout con uencu. Many u Ohronicall debit. ,s •�ndttton toot _ wilt • big lorvelt. ,I)armetwo vesetebte •ara butter than any other- for the put'. fteee. 4 3 r , 441. cdnul, 040, •niilljon... ,44 1(o: anotlter. ,ond•' Ir iiiuAP: ,:;100010,0g; 17-0PTIPOrt7 puation of 500,000. In., addition, ouJd ri . • lite. Agoalio`ot Ottra Ibr *h. ***art act*, drectIy and quickly, -stimulate* the- trattla 0,0tiott„ steps most aeitte, ioliels *I1. alidne ot• wenknose, tutti.r- fng. .4001(1011. .0Mothering, or pipUit- ton. . This worniatfuf..our*t tho stntaly WO Which Carrie* the heart -Skit,: 1,044_,k# Oat Into the itoman of t, Soo PAP' healthGIVan; rapist' ' totiot Acute !erms, boi.rt du.eLtiota. so *annum, 110 433z .re Da104:W alSocription.of ftt.. our 4001404.ileU attiy we cifiWC-39*-WWIX. • 1••••••••••••44 WoMen aro iWit little./nore so. "An awkward boy is a chip off the It te e neceriagary to read tiao monialo lteconvIricealthat liotiowww. Corn cure lo unequalled for the. rentovei of .eoroo, warts. etc. it le complete' anttinglitadier , 4 ,., diA414, 4414,0mi- and WO tt4 ASK Y011, $ OC •:tory*. :Oil • $.0041,40lion". - *.;"0,1ortitagilsorsop y:loarlea on fr u 4'•-•Mio111-Air,"i brusquely tat -her, "what can 1 do for "..Whye**err44...-collesit_eir."' ateutunered,,the suttor„ • , ir *Mild glto assLnt fomy - marriage----1T-your-'•-datighter".•"• -"Not- eent, sir! Not a tent! Good -day." - absteoutimsete. •usimeresia, ind fl fore le •e u I American Nervino mowas 1Irina, of Durham. Ont., took his preinneea ada 011owed directions, and wan cured 0. . • • Pik Yele,Eill042,.. ••. , • • ON 0 "Did ho WINO any luck , t•Nitell,„ he says he caught:tt.-:nurn, , of -100,14*-,Pt°#41,0h4044,47•44g. tare* pounds. , 71-'1704-1-goosik:It would take 'great 'Many Of *tbei fiSit.' he caught. t weigh three pounds." Mot the -largest sale-- of any aImliar-pro.- paration sold in Canada it etways Ive&i. ostioroction by restoring heath te • BEING EXAO'rAIlOW IT., Mrs. NVIggint--"Ittr, 'tifiglops saId you took the coach up the hill." Prof Madam; tho horses took the coach. up tho hill. I rode in it." . th° trPmzJ PAPPO .,,and irdOiOult • "mot Won. to 'Toronto and. Depws irotzY fitzs EUABL- ED TO St:EgloIN •.PEACE. Orattd Work they arS Dong% Thousandof Cartadiatit Every ,3 - ettifmtvit - . • itinbstilnitit4014* treotterotetheestet**, army of • Canadians Whitt, rescued from Pain .. and weakni4e by. Dodd'S.Kid- V1110.-are. ishoutmg„Agt jgalliplFp ,greiledWilemedsr. 'Too,* tha ' postmaster says, "I .want to express my thankfulness, for - the great bmelitl bavo *e0001Ated; &Om the use of Dodd** Kidney Pills. -- 'My trouble was having to urinate 'to0 ireelY. I had to riiie eight or ten times - each night sot. that my rest was broken: -My feet -aud lege also ed. „Then X got..Doilirs ladney Villa and I took -six baket_all told. Ifow X am, aii-it-ght.' • ; • • "It will tie a comfort to ine if by making my cese public X can lead soina other .surlerer . to rind 'relief Iri IotTd's-Kidnty rills." t • I h also ari .bring relitt-toirandreihrof-t of Oanadirais who aro bothered turner Xitiney Troubles. tritTEP4ZOW GENIIMA14. •1•4•4401.4 Deception In, Brandy and Butter •in Eike:and. Xn.his annual report as Ntedicel Of- fker of Ifealti; or ruthatyk, Vaigland. ,st. Charles Jaekson perints out -that Of tho2 sampjes vf bran t for analysis in VIII cle7ieti wssi t,ero adultoilation litTiT;Irt76-1:1e4'Llt41;14'4410.17-1:strt;r44'Ir44441:1(:ir' gdy.".. due * ti$ of being _Ouzel to be ridulyer,. air ;40,, ,369. sew7ples. .butter. anotat.16y.7 , Alms r4orii, 0.r . raring/mare t, ;mak a sk4A Jo loritod 0014 is OpAratt....1144 - -,s,..„2....., ..„........,........... . , $RENcUNXNG ,ST '11X1 weals of ToSters. Show an Inclina- tion, to ,Zesining, • , '--.0614,04 a -Iffigir-bortkiti0g- ttliaV4;"th Crest entrance to St. Paul's Cabo - drat, .totidtin .1.0, - workmen are at present' engaged. In reeking more secure the walls of the towers on both side& of that end of the buildi 10 leo which is concealod freun • the eye� er the curious sightseer, hal been proceeding tor some -time: main seat ;Of operations now is di- rectly over the'_glgantic .400re. wrier° hundreds; of vitlitore are 'daily muse- -thoongbi-7---knit-,-scr,Aecurety-r-- 'liarttialt-bOnn-Wa soriaiiitor.t. Arizpa no. * * the teittleney of tho huge stono ccr. tier towersto lean fiirviard. The 4e. viation .frqnt.the_perpendictilar---o "seesterefow6irW'veffitifght, only on° ineh in 25 *tetra, but'imless it Is stopped , it ridght Increase, and it: *in row inches lir century cannot be lgnord' when it elniternsi & national atrurture. • . Strengtben:titi7litidtese ie .ft Very -big undateking, but tho work Is prOmeiling very quietly, and It* nab** he* been known to very to* indlildtlals beyond those butiredletely toneated. It has been undertaken by order of the .E.:clesiaStleat 'Vow. miiisioners., PhOrid; and Who does not know how to whistle. $alary' 'MOW A, Vara and yet who lit always; tiP to tiniee who ten talk politeIy over the 'tele- . . . let, ,Who better looks at the clock. A Or_cood affire-boy One solid never - ---...........„.,.................... 7.-wlie-tetild-4,44ep-his--ine 2-W ,..X33.4. lib . .. ... ' • ,. i There's a heap of fellers with not mcoronuriohilsentiritt.tirchinkteok thliGogtseitoriutrul tat Government. NOUCEDi IZ dr licrozn,-1t, „ey -Ifer wits io *or -1-r•C-offee gave me terrible prielle. of 1.„Indigestion *hith, ectriiiv on: every, uleek or ail* 'bottle tor/ stretehoil: notil *tome' otiotold me that the to- t titt tt 1 tett idtt,,, oftxtt i inctaiy. tv log E ith 0 4L1*0t formali 4:0eWczriicfi teuiliru to *taw 1114. it -0 ,.1 to'iii- . if .0).5t4eil thnu 1,ted hy ,ti.u.11,1 . of ' t rixitiatirel, '0(1 l • taker; .o!ciay it was evi," i faro. . . . 0,e eV1t *1 Mfttordirta. ItipkJ*vitt/ ' 1 Ing I 41 c be LO 0 S. wer Ing -psuii *hi the accompanied pit 0 rt H1 A. f "-untstitn for,Ine,to,.lie down 1 .,./Ctellit .111i300. - ; . „ -or reinsed .to really believe it it-il t eonte inev;• to sits_ air; 11 Det X-tti tlid t Wo t he. tans olre ' 1 14j 1oL bit Dottu* to f. Qua. reetration and Popensi rocotn*uerzdod it to °Vlore with gram. tying results. We •a , groat nerve er.-12. • . Ithonilda*Inquirer-"Don't you feel Vied- *heti you . lose s. patient?", Doe- tor-"Oertainly.. No 'man caeca to bereminded of the fact that tho ree ources of his income ,are,.paisin - Doctor -Have .yon heard pf Illartic*s . death/ Friend -No, you sure., he's dead? Doctor Posi- tive; I _treated' bin; myself. Levee's, --V-Z ,<Witte Dittinfe0. ant $0alt- 'Peutder *dusted _in the orrot "ttose 't-nott4elteetecerniertewl because ou h*te lost your appetite and 04 1,400:1 I Joinicteldo_Forrorime " tOsitea t 110-1-cier — A woman's rnoney, is • usually Strongest 'on the point of other wom- en's old clothei. 4 Nearly all Infanta etro more or lee* ---to---tliarrimeo.-,--and such -com- plaints while teething and -0.* this peri- od of „their lives- io this moot critical. mothoro should not he without,* bottle of Dr. J. D. Xellogg'e Dysentery cot. dial. 'Ws medicine is a speclflc for ir-oomplatints---em of by those who have uNed it, Thal proprietors Claim It Will cur* any case atistuair -complalat. ‘1"ro lell the truths 'papa„ 1 did AO 'think Much of the C10 of the ger- .. ',said -a- yam lady.- "Probably ICAVer.e.,thin "-. .0-01.41174:410,t_ ttithoY: • 4 Th(WPO Warr/Ain 1.111tig. Onean. plication of De. ,Agnow's Ointment will comfo...rt. -10F ter-ce. 16 MIX nightsarfai-a. cunt .1a -effilefelf_mtir tre'Nfolltt ititbn Blind, Bleeding. or Itching riles. . Dr. AgnoW's °in./a/tont cures Eczema and sif itchies and burtillig skin diseases. It.dt0tit like Magic. 85 cont0.-1.5 deo.,•••••vatt "No," 80.10 Meeker, "I never h d any head for mathematics." "I sup:. pot° iof rejohied,riteeker. "I baiter.. Oita understood that oven at twine 4n0t3. • (lu't Count . - Tint J'ithield it. Time seppleel the istentitei Ityeste fete, to 41 1#4 frfe'olhol Piaster, *kick rel float basteatly beekokke, iteaglaoho, rbessotismand soletteo; hitect remarked to a laily nave in 'tlie new ehurch. rThe Intl Iltredi. il'inil"toYkirt onwhom iou refer!" It fa the rarntor's rriond.-The feria. er wilt find' to Dr. -Thomas" Ecloctrie 011 a 11000t rained, for 'grounds or taaino lit the body or for affectiotuv et the 'respiratory organ, and for -boost. Wild use oronersily. II* •WIll alsn Anti. ltd atCanivantent friond In treating " mot Vireo, ..tiittte, etc.; or miating them when attacked la,i0 edit 4s or any kindred, 0.11mentst to which t ., are * subject. feet*. • ft dren h g, mum, and four' 'married. ‚4 • r -Nino I • KO THAT ottRaiS with " "- end ereense withereettetut thetailech t iauts, aisy 10040 litelooth and T&1t1r with wessees thitt hsobraisght-rstt tOthossands, - • , course. 1 hat bis defence Is, madam.. but We can rine tor - 1;w/tell of promise 0,114 s(iehow we -come 'out. 1110 as they Aggriecittl litair 0 (popAlvo, but busipoA24411tpl-A pro*( t tho- pudding, Sir,these hero' l'OVewletterts." A- riessent ifedicine.--There are kottie • pine Whit*, laavaa-norgt annel .a21,„--,,— uktativztviatc-tertisge dlettirbancest in the Rt4ont., Addis% 10 Te-trouta ntiolshi • might motees • Vg41t.Ih1e rills hove not Mkt ralioggreettie ..and inturiOtio • 4W040.3r1!a". :_itre easy to-tiLka...Alurvot sant, to: _the taste...end, :the *talon la will prove thlo. They (Kier peace 10 tha dyipep tic. AVOIDING TitOtaux. •NepheW--"Why,. uncle. what _are you tirktogr • Ihiele;-“Tearlog up toy', , IzToplieTru--"Whnt..arA4-on doloathat torr my- tool. hoirs *overt • et:* chuoro to break it." no, teteecey aide --It is • the e ti function of the kitinope to II through h out - riiii---44,---• wat 04,"- - 1 . ,. Ji li an il I V tl ho a. et g 4 afford in any ati II Lorma 0 disorder. i it rale in • Ntw WX2 or rtferma Costly -It says here in.' ths paper that tho triltintrit :and lirerse.d makere` are ali riove back from Pitriiia Coetly-And I can name one._of the nun Who' :Will hive to cobttitiu,to, 111, I their.ptisi StrAitAkillIMI° NEW. Apprtiattiij-hilt th wbklr , . her -*01 , *enforceoW conies forward 3%tlt -', bk..' bottonli" shoe which dares to be praetieally indetr*ctI. ble. IT'S invention Consist*. of A et•;,. ' ritfor boating the tiiideritide° of the oJo- witir_fine.-r'Z',4 44, 0# olu as •1flOI mid yet teere cut crooking 11. dartget of the ipping oft. ou workra," allti -It is attt, ed 4t iaittlt AWY41,•:tilltille i14til i.t.t41 140105 r' 1 th 111000 to Mei/Ito/0 a " fOrittlig' this /400,t slippery .surface, the, 3rfiltiig hundreds,. (0t fine - .t_ 1 ,..*,il I • t a .ipp n. otr honor. d'eVOSt . Wit° k; owS tlUtt 1 ane ineapahle pripAA -11- maul: 'tat rn4 oritierasiri rioter len* hi o a 111"(tfl c'ause lie always .0 Ti • 4. w ti 4:*1 die isiat tO5 'Af • iit 16 3