HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate., 1905-09-07, Page 4. t. Web4pr,cf `t - be horne of 700 d1pied of more to Du MeLeHan o e sung sun of - e 4tir 8, nil �fl,yery qui�ily. hereir.e: nuxn nog peepletatkEug in:the , , .0 -0.4-44,te: 401m T. .Simi crCd.frethe'. effects -r .o.ccitleht., .. While iitLendin to e , ousebold *duties she had t , -nia 0 tune to cut bee bend severely o 'nont • StrL. , . 4 . a wbo neeilenLntlylsgettl IWbIIe'Asetkirigat h ihottld'esugh in a pul 0 0t MS tinge -b*d1y *,Mr14. ,RoItC --------------8itupon ha sjoe oflii� 10 ane oelt to Frank Downing, ofteican.'real. , hong the sum of $120 for it. -.. . . • • .....; far410.1. 0011,4 Mrs Wn. Patterson,who lute been in Lona n',Floepital undergoingtreats . ramtts returned' home Monday': We are pleased to Bee her home again and to learn that etteleimprovedinhealth, Miss RoseDearing, • of Enter, was - ItereLon Sunday. -Mr. Wilson left on -"- Monday to visit his SOD at Petri:4M • ltro, /rollick, of Exeter. spont Sunday •herowith.heetlau h i Ociiiick. tativiitt' - , „... , the home of EzM Iis ai-dine'. Tha * .. . . at causes Ezra to ensile these ,dayii.' ikt8 'WO • ttea,..Truentref-Vorest, is visiting at "Wsenor0.-Thetollowio . the home of ber %rents, Mr. and Mrs.' ence to a well-known and bly•" re , '- Zoo,RAvelle,er, , he..coinpere. ;velem-, apectell young lady of this place, "A - • , lug datly,and wen the cottageo willhe very pleasing and, happy event took ern ty. Melts' Yung,- who has been •.1.ticAlTtiatolt-itt4lets=tizbeimofcit 4411 . I I . lek-SatUratt or the London hos ital 1 hen his sister. Mis3 Mary Shetier. Pitift, ez-V ---lehb-tif-Miciin 7.-66:61:Veitiiiiiiit fo fnds-lieletr heDbwood;Ont;wns-nrntd---an---tbe recoy Amen w threw wlio nly bonds Of matrimony to Mr. Mar- lon at T_Pron. tininan, of Santa Monica. The brtde 'Alien, ,was supported by her , Oster, �us bi • • Miss Mitchell, o • ghato w tit -visitors, is th o u Collegiate, is to be eongratidat. ed. on having pal3sed. heti% perts of thb senior leavin iii the recent, -40Part- mentill exem. nation& ' ecitotsm.,,john RiIey, our genial ma 1 carrier Met with an accident the 'other While,delvieg down 4-1411 the horse got frightened' and kicked into the rig with the result that Mr. Buoy legwaribtoken. Alade and two .children were in the rig at the time of the accident but with the i,exception of it bruisedknee they were uninjured. Mr. RUey has the sympathy of bis - many friends end we trust .hrs may berouncL- , tending the exhlbit e notiets the,followin ater.-seentalonds, ,senberry Is moving his old_ hotel Intends buildinga-nelirone in its plitec, The 'harbor la nearly completed. Samuel Sanders, of Exetet, and son.,, jam% of London, was the burgh Monday. -Dur village presenteda live. appearance on Labor Day, a large 'MOO from Crediton spending the day ere, • _ and family, Rich. Canning and Levi °atter were aniong the number who left On the Harvest excursion to ° the West last week: -Mrs. Deacon Is re.„ coettritur from her recent illness. -Mi Jane Cunningham and Mise E. J. Ou mspnSiatida a4 -Mo in, hzeter. ed J3rown is attend- ing . he Toronto Fair. -Mr. E. Hod ln 21-711-ne, new brtck dwe Florence McMillan is visit:' ing in Toronto; -Mr. Louis Downing,. after wentlinrids-VerAtiotr-here, turned last week to returne his studies tthForot to ile'versit Mr. Een- ry Shoff, who isa v sit ng ere,, returned, tolbrontA) last week to re sum, bia teach1ng duties. -h A, number, dtfete- , . . 41 (literati " 1 'farewell and present her with „• toketralik..recotteltion of her goo i- •daugbterwho, arfu1tudpupubir iso 'in preferer 1 dyes o1d by some di Of big p ond yes o-er all other inakes of ion for grand bowe results; they give colorsithat neve in gun or waW Ing. Home dyeing - a cetainly profit*. blewOrkwhen LtiatnooilDyes a -re used. Beware orlinitottou peckago-411,Tsi; thertilici your Undo and good oaten. jars.Ask for ttle DIAMOlsti?, take no others, Send to Wella Nit Richardson Co., Limited, Montreei, 0.„"for vain. able Wit on tome dyeing work and 48 dyed cloth samples, Sent -free to. any address. .0 .013. , „ Keteben, who ;1011 bospitl of trptitild fever; the attavk le SOO* ono andwe bope the - lent will soon reetiver, • His weadmg tUh has We*, been postponed.---aropllt hndipostEIuf bielihreitent • ALr1ia,t, ,701)o. :batea1reidy t; - Mr, 'Coinipbeli has,- . West, as aloe Geo.. Swains..., LcQ.een late of•EdinbarglisSootitte. selio:basbe.e.7.a.living1b.the vicinity for ithe .past yearsleft a..few days 'ago for Gladys, Alberte.Misi .jAntot May nobinson.'who is well knoWn,1)00,'iliter eccepted ttposition as tt011gr at St' ;c4eXeloil at tk:goe4 1041.4/.74cr :owe tike PAO:itekitd.'04ott & 00, .1*voi ..tehot4,.:vitribitte actSclea from the store, 404 money has ele4 been tuic4.304. from the Qt.- wo true` of the sopposedthie could be for eorne lime, and;tbe: • cs-77 e*dain"nifir4.4%-a ' tbe is to have •!ostro. Mclntosh mpanied by her _ fab, bas returned t Huion, Mlcb-'- pent_ Saturday t1.1 ABt teriq Asea„, called on our poetinatster la •Iletme been r n for elevenyeara of the. country w.e11.-,Mr. and Mrs. J. Turner Ieft for Toronto Monday* where they from the ceb raer it apoic1 to be he soli of :a. respected- res. tientof thIaneIbIorbo*d The fath.er waeln. formed and be made 'good the value of be stolen tituff. '• arm uppose 2/1:41 - at a saving of say cost of a barrel of knit that 'is just 61 —less than two cents per Treek. But an inferior flour can yieldonly n of the nutriment you get out Household" becauseclieap onrwas performed -by kil,evenitafid was witnessed b lattetrotter-of4nvited-gueets, after wh eh 'all sat down to a sumptuous re. repast and to which all did The happr. couple 1eftthe _sable- 421 on a .trip to IratiOna pOinta Or interest. Ou their return they will take up their residence at 15' Indiania Ave.. Ocean Perk. The gifts pre- Anted to the bride were numerous and sloe to n'melt dearest' the estee' happy "and promperous tourney' over , if empotuous sea:" The bride's friend* here extend tbeir heartiest congratulations, Ilibbert D1wins...:.1tobert Jefferson e known In this .neighborbood,'_naseed ewer at Mate Ceee .deysegw.attlitfagent65 ye4i. ,lile brother, John, of the 3r1 eon., atteotV. IlerfuneratittiibeLtint.---wh wetly resided On, the lt.ii-con,„ died at the. home of his .dau -Mrs. C. vans, et ..uure ii, 41 ,a • ot: • 'lines*, his death taking place On .Anx, occurredon..MOndersl f tho-,48out, L. • . dayto vigit his brotber 71'�roitoand also visit the fair, Mrs, if, Luther has received*Message fro. stating tbat her mother is very low d not expeeted to live. --Nell Me- Gi-egor shot of the largest wild cats ever scen in this part of the coun- try. Tbe t was attacking his tur- keystreed by bis dogs Mon- day erima Mies EdItli allow, who have been .bite 111;a are pleased tr,,report, coiteaczng vest is over In this neig1borbood ieft ticetr-Mftes Sinclair, 1%4.4. 11. .04eiand and E. 11 .Shierswho was ittlereil 'a few days ago by falling from a ladder, is, we are pleseed to stteerisiphiks-rectw- cellos. -Mrs. Wilson, who has dieposed of tbe hotel property. bite decided to sidein Listowel. We are sorry to see her leering our midst but wish her every happiness in her new home. Will Wilson is spending a few days in Exeter. Ile was a general favorite n*fbranand,sborts the granules are n6t uniform d is heavy—the texture is coarse e flavor is tastOess or poor the 4BOUSEROL] F ect1y piilled,imiform est, --,The follow' the West::E. F. Csldwell, Vit. Bengougb. ' Thoropeon„ John and Anne --MiestlooeYttn bIntlzas as ber gueet Mb* Watson of r. SO1100. 4 relat the horne af her eon, IP eiTm6-41 tTorontofoea reit Ye- -during beweek.-TheRelehon 'creditors haye -tasell7thasst.ateloe-what-it. will bring. -A. Arnold, of Windsor, is home on a visit.-IsraelLinderdeld has eec*ea*on.-W$s&die Hawk. sham, oLetroit, is on. swirls% to.rela. reit. In trnd around Hentialt.-44re;' ..e.entit are otLa.....s-- : teyftr'eIfl'e;• 0.4 Samuel Carr and danglitir baYe returned...front a visit to lends -in Streeteville.-Mrs, William .irk and Mre. John Stewart left *few es ago for the West. -After a. t.hose weeks' visit in Mitchell Mies Mary • rocirtourrettirued home.- ohnstons-is-otra-tisit-to-friend ramption and Toronto.-MistLon Whitewillopenup her dressmakie shop in the coarse of a few days.- peoplo-took-i the houey and uu sablal at Zion on. Monday 'evening. filgt" it°°t C°M"tirldi Thecubliefeseoluilx.71tdir '"Ittildiel.110-0n11, hi& * • p I • 0.., 0 r:14 atroner for is) oiirm,r7 I L n returned 111 .:The- younte--ecarpl ▪ Saturday froni a visit to Toronto.- ed to Canada in 1855 and lms ' ,,Messris S. liodgion and B. Roden* this section enduring all tbehardsbipe attended the/Grand Ledge meeting of and privations incident to 'settling In a • O. F. at. St. Catharines Isst weekasnew country. By industry and 00 t- -.4sukSealetofIand isited-lier-motheberts-last ra• h eek.-Mirsi Alice Carterof London, in Hilbert. Mts. Maki spent a few days at her itorue' here'. man of line inentalquiditles and great ., Mr. and Mrs; Windsor, of Michigan, energy. Geelal, kindly and sgclable and ?Jr. M. Gibeon were 'here attend.; Shemade many Mend* and was moat ing the funeral of their untie, the late highly esteemed. She was one of the 14. Gibson. -Mrs. Thos Flynn, who Orsttnesubers o the ota iloasceivme 4114.0fterrnatrinnituAttukalypitatd, lever was ettio Victoriii: Roo took &deep int,erest ineverythlngper. London, lest week. --Mrs. Sinclair, of taining to Zio rosperity, Besides • Stiftato, who is Visiting heir sisters , ber httibend'ishe 4$41,611 five eons end Mrs, Jaa UMW; LS COPM10, to her bed one daugbter. The funeral took place •under the doctor's eaie.Wedneaday to IfoTeggert,':ix eetoetert. • CLORRO: FOR ItRFAIRS. -4,41/111n work of • 0 'repairing St. *Tames' thumb, Biddelph • hu,beeo commenced and as a. .COflS� • iienr ttieliefOrebia-&-tiree thiTmer*nce h$11 -here, - -The, Welling of the church Is toemit in the neighborhood of $1000... and when • completed will not only add to the siti'.• **ranee and convenient* of thesacred • :edifice but, will be a ererlit to the von. 00000n. It wlithe some thrie be- fore the **Opening take* plem Gmittsoxit--in n : lifte.,(141inger (nee. Wes aged 77 year& - ° t .7-410S�e- reign ank, Clinton* has been Anis] Bank. 'e to_the Aybrier branelk tbst . Wearealw*pleased to not the'. edireoce of Zuric s -sons, and we „ oongeetolate Hob. on his socoetis..-Tbe • township tat; collet:tor-Will won 1* on' bis rounds again. -Harry Weber [5 on weislt-toAalsm -e-at4tiret-Dund400,---- Mt& W. H. Holtzman, who hes been ill, Is gobs*" • rig.-...Mte.: (MAIL Frit2 etnrned iotn-Werstleit'Aci-Ore to Iand lieSuele Me • * of Torouto, was e visit'or at the f ell during , tbe al weeks. Mr. and Itireaohn nick returned to their bottle in Clationurg. ...Hew. Mr. Fisher, of Hamilton. mow vied the pulpits at St. Andrews and HiIb'gren ettndap.+41t*-.Drystim& triedbnintbe iV'lltfte p nea „ u ly had the misfortune w ile playing with a cream separator to get his thrunli cut Off. -At &general meeting of tim footheltand other a tbletie rlubs held In the Queen's hotel recently . trod, p. ng assoctistio,nrwas form. eAe`Tir-uti er -'kgtberontror.tind'iblin7, agetneritetthi-boikootbilii, bi and tither games forsthet-sesson 1900. Following are thesiAners: lion. Po*, On Seller"; rreinii...1.D.Oooker VicesPrea., A.liVbitetildest Sedys'A., 11, Eing. Theis., Thos. Pearlier; Commit. MeDenell,, 11, Arnold. Peed rni bis recentIn , Foster bas ro ntriict of digging t Thtn. Esiercb,er„ after jnurfl n -.Awl') The ot.her eveziing and two children, panied by Mis Ella MePherson WO, delving around by IC; pen. the rigibe ing a high one, eiipped in turning nu and upeet into the diteh,throwing the oecupsiiL with peat violence to the Help at once arrived, and Bhliloge was assisted home. et 1. wln-t-as---snovv---r-- avore41 highest in nutrim "Royal „Household". is e1etricafly and sterilized—backed up and uaranteed by its makers' reputation.- COOK Medhlin. Co" WO:4204 Ontvlo tai rata Itaserveti 'uuc vrzurawrintior wean/M.10 to 144 it; r ,o IL71•L1!',TU... 14.100011415. artheriBaleNotes,canliedor agecttd, itOriiikeupplied; on application.. . • DRA.FTS on all points to the ,Dominion, Great Britain and United Sta- tes bought end soid at lowest ratite of •Excharige. - ADVANCES nettle to Farmers, Stock Defttlera and:Business Men'at 1�wsatrndn .far0rldile.40 • , Saving Bank Department: EIPVIVO:L.4 Zdaded_rettot;Lskeirreet.resetreti Agents at Exeter for the Dominion Government. Piceilozt cait.1140, SaUcitois t D. - or Failing Sielmess, wite for * trialt,ottle and valuable treatise on firth diseases to Tim ,Lmirn Co., J79Kingtreet, W. Toronto, Canads.,All dniggaacll�can obtelefer yos• LEIBIOS CURE y OttO a dots oxyd" onotdot, ft tokliiint. totte-Lovgen troy t rtainot4 *1011 ti 't. erre Mona y nem who ft *Pr , , • ' $131,101.011A, ItilZ11001,„ S coLlt,'m iimifitoo. rtotioeuteds4or Heath iteeVerat 00.4ors *reel, Assuststsk mon. '1002 a1hOz Nis e�Wcs RAO tie t*aUsj and Stem X statilca* ° Lormr,titritott' la