HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate., 1905-09-07, Page 2' MODE Wkelasnal Pink Piliss•Cure D Meelleine$ ofpee old-fashioned kind will isentetintes•relleee. tile eyitiptonts Of diseaece though they can. . never Jowl% thv dieease ,itselfeetney never *;indies,t14`en, *5 z.auirn.ainl'headiseliel P1-464, 1Je..ptiii leyerlflhe angl• • "Wallittine INnk ott doq•lleeet ge?efl tn the tied "0'0 • ,EctWaNea Rteetleleitt "S --banks:: Itt On .. e 0(i, , .‘'sfists staler ... £n to ..,,le 1St .f,„e.041"4-4.00,0#4441, *10 4,51w;.' *Allis • ',fitesn sitaiitS, .S.; on, -iijIa SOW tOne . thesSeoutrit • P,ktill.' .tkj xs, ..etA:'001;l4r,4)4. DO ,t) 19.14t1) 14xilg ,A#Lizr 1. 0.0(1. nt) toPett- 0,'110:41e nen.: orlets MaY trai ' e„s one, 6 .(te :enepolit,an an i teils$Ott Oat tql11 •Ot• -130k 74 0 sckettittAs' 0 IU got • ad .ealtTrZeuti11 f 101itairrIterVitateeLltittiii$ leered oarin igt, '4).$ §01vie years believed.that, such Meat etnistant fluttering gio a bank would Tot • only be feasible, heart,. and. eometinies eevere pante; ,,,bfirlann?if direct' benefit to Mows eons 7,,Trkfra.4,0004_404ortum, would te4,1441.- , is Roth 'tin inventpr and Ildeiltisyntrerts'sotrtesse*sesessaitpee-- fIsSeiw-4°P.F.Igt- '91 is'PlYisi• tmNti415t"..411cttur4i; ..-,swaitespoow-sands toL-esTemAtesitehca_ FereTstnr.i,,Fts-s: ed Ely all the time, liadl_oetitall tirm-Ve.hslti--11,41;144.11411rhew;114;Wir ambli,lon to do any work, and 'lett ectors of the Cosmopolitan, and this very hopeless. 1 had taken a great gentleman . thought so well of them deal of medicine without any bene- ebat be strongly advised Mr. Both fit, until I was advised to try • lir. William's` Pink Pills. These hare to take °tit patent. 13 made a remarkable change in inN .4.1.11t 011 WEIVJOSS. Mrs Roth, however, did not Move condition, rend I ant feellnEtch.acttde*„ in -the matter at once, lint. wit n t h = ” got noised about that • he was pere ly give, my • experience in the ePe ungssa„ weeder:ea, enank,on_whswle" that IV will *benefit rithers.7 s soul Ciaggerated• accounts, of it be - Now Dr. Williams' Pirtk Pills Milks gun to get itt, the local pre., Sin he UI) strength as they did Mrs. fieh-. Ley s Me in just onWsway-they thofight the time had arrived when • esess ese he should, apply for protection, and w▪ arier -maxi,- new wove, sestas •this was at" °nee granted -him bes 0 -• :.-j' hut- - - "gal A ,•• 40, 0 1 t bOWeThrthWtei. • f.tt:tri 113-110W Soperinten ing •_ bother with mere y smptoms. They the build. oright to the root of the trouble log of this novel bank,ltitnsell. And o if the result is not an inqunlitled sue - in the blood. Thee is why -these cess he' will be the most disappointed •--tillsesecure-ean4emloe..!)erdeelle.--1 „nsesielle-Gincirmatis, --_- paipitat,lon, indigestion, kidney trous The automobiln on which the le,tiellg, ble, \rheumatism, lumbegoe neural- will be erected will be big -Very big glass St.....Xitue_adaneses-paralysts,- gen- for it will not only hassee to bear the weakness and the special an? • elht of a rett • suhstant alsafe ineriti of grow ng g r s and -women. and a wor manlike counter, but- -iillio lintsyme must have tlie genuine With larevides roonssionethe-acconintoelation. the full name Dr, Willistres' Pink of several clerks, neluding that very I * for Pale Peoplerconethereterappe -importante.sindividusleknosere-its-bank, around every box. Sold • by all ing circles at4 tho "teiter.", Medieinlif dealers ors,eseentstils.systallestet. • Mr. Roth has annosetced the fact • " e JAPANESE CODE 'FOB VifOMEZT r ,e.biretteere*telelt ads "ea,„„Yse • ., 191 age, and hey and "Defere 1' started riSe ,Dodd'st Kidner rills I was so used tip I' could lteirdlY ride in a, 'buggy and • I could not do 'nines ,work of ant Med. r.rybo1I]1ighL1.w(lu1d long J)odtI's dncy riis are •.1t wonderful remedy.' of -tier steitngsrritier-it wrong, but the kidneys of the old must be wrong. Dodd's bfidney ,Pilis make all wrong Xidneys right'. That is 'why they are the old 'tones greatest friend. • * EVIM SO PAR RACK. ' "Oh.. yes," she said, eproudly, "we can trae-C Our-aneestry back to -to -- wells 1 ,don't knoiv who, bus, we've been dese=nding for centurice," • introduced for dysentery, diarrhoea, tholes** and all EllatnInte complainte. tea *ittrrev.„;11.8.'tto reet:ref°.r, Mot ts should never be witillnut a bot- tle wbcii their thiliiren aro teething. _ Itariluppe-•-.1 Wm. I'm sure there's tt_burglar in the bouee...." Mrs Ilarduppe--"Welle feel_Lorry • fOr m; , nw w at it is to evor•-k hard. forsnothinge - • leifebuoy-Soap- ' strongly recommended by the medical ,pseelesselosesesesasse, 111101 Vill tho• far 4411`iti• !W ere •tho-y; have be0 ireprisoned ter lOng terrae in solitary corainensent at Ilorigkeng and Sin- gapore for eefueing to run the blOck- • Iniento la134.1 .1Z9St-007.-ar-t*al-11.1tra• Valid7-strWat Over 500 :men. 'Kaye already " Leen sent to London by the Sailors' Nat- ional Union. and claims for arrears df wages and damages for false int' Prisownent, on their account. A tyitieal CASO WItS related at Liv- erpool by an Irislurtan. who has just come from Ilorigkeng on the steamer Lstertes. Ile says that hesi igsie,es.1 as -A.*-11. at Cardin' last December for the voyage to lIongliong on a collier. The crew of twenty learned at liongkong for the first time that the ° It, teal deseinatiesi Wes 14 JAW' _ -041-yr contraband of war, but in ,addition to, Allier ordinary pay of Sea 15s. a month nothing was offered them as soitipeneation for Aim risk of ca Aural ur 'by cietniers, Nineteen of the menrefuse(' to procelled, an were sentenced by ,tbe aThormaster Ici fen weeks" frupirs- trernotirtserss— They rived. on _prison fares and to pick two pounds of oakum daily, and when taken out for exercise were handcuffed and treated eitactly as criminals. fine bitsiiteSS foci young • , Men, $40.0.0.. te $60.00 InOidll to teed,' Boit place to 'cern Is in . ° T. o....tohosten, W 10, eitAN. Atatnigir• readdent. ee04-0+9440+0+04,0+0+0+0+ *de fiw ',A414)n" °" ttrEte 11 i,lin1P417t.B0e:r4._.4iplite,t1 • qt „ ter liiftermattitete_ , SA•141:',-PriV•Plarr110X11•; bene QP pets Sitienee o�C'es once.. and get the beet prattleal formation 'and lateet , norm shout poultry and put stock keeping. • eery bloat'', for the fleet /11tone beck 1.1 not satiseed. A eats wsnted. ddreve, P. • _ . . _ ----77.7"-----7 ---,.:.- -="'.'"---.----,.!".•_"-.."-- -- ' SuPerfitleits Hair Permanently Rellitu av ling...in Ataxic° I diseeiv ed a drug Avh;ch removes fair trona face, arm*, neck, or any part of the bOdy -trietantlY and permanently. eo , will tend to any one ;deleted without yin:0AI Judge my 4-eau:non' by unsecces.s- • any expense but a postage etamp,0 ful lAternpts or others. have suffered Sor years With this affliction and • now nay .4 fees work is to help others irons `tiiiii-: humiliating trouble. My treat- tnent e easy anti accomplished at. home, and---1-'w111-`forfeir-fgrO0 if it. laibr ---to-- remoVe hair. Pon,t. -euffer longer. rte- Ilet iui now yours for the asking. Write new lest you feeget my addr- 1)0110*PllY 111.A (Iv 1515 Werth ' SIX. tecnth Street, Philadelphia, Pa. • s. hie Space between them. The safe, set FiteiTY-U hat do ou thunk which will, of course,. be the special is the most hop s9 " y' ortant part of a, Wo- Judge's Comments on Racing object of those gentlemen who ,be- inan,s jimmy, married man serhe cost! lieve in 1'helping thersiSelves" will be .• e 1 so perfectly burglar-proof that, ac- cau'ding to the Makers, you mi ht 'dump it into -the -e,rater .of Vesevius and it would be thrown out , again absolutely undamaged". • ROUGII ON ILVFFLES. As it further • Safeguard against the _ _ . _ Foundation of Ferninine Trat.ning , in That Country. Ilte work of the Countess Oyartus and other Japanese women in organ in - izg the hospital service of Tokio _ ritsdirftieritt* the jap4rume is distinguished for its splendid spirit and its modern method. Any one who lifts Watched and admired it will take up with amused wonder a recent book -the nslation of the precepts of a Jap- es() eage, which for generations have been the foundation of feminine ,traiiiing in Japan. 'The liodk-Ittefirlii niet now much fisted, but its teach -in h iefirrac ee of every _Jap- tilieie household. • f•The worst infirmities that afflict e ema e, says ze sage, a so a. trekker), • "are indocility, slander, jeal- ousy and silliness. These infirmities --_ -.L. • • _ _ • - • • 0 $ evert-nntF-frotn- -theft arises the inferiority, of women to trefltkiw" - r- ained. Mr. -Roth states that no great amount of specie or • pecuritiee will be kept on. the "Premisee," so that altogether the bank on wheels will not be the joy of eracksmen one might suppose. The working room for the clerks will be- nrge and come incellous, and the car will travel so easily that they tvill have, no excuse Ate bad penniaffeb1P. - • 'The - rredthe ow the bank ever be chased by is horde eit-dreappoirited-handlt74,* the---autoitio- bile would be able to cover a. d1s- trestieles--lientee-441e-eapa of the storage battery v'tIS ex- u triheilleyOrestgraulta.te intieranYetloiniivtotactre hausted. '1 rind the kidneyspurify the Wood. and The cost_ ' the automobile alone -teary/ 00 all morbid_ AtIcumula.tha it Lava a stilling Band on Pain.- For pains in the Jointn and limbs and fOr rheumatic pains. neuralgia and lum- bago. ilr. Thomas' Itklectric Oil is Without a peer. Well rubbed in. the elan absorbs it and it quickly and .per- manently relieves the affected part.. Its value lies in its ma is ropFrty_ot re - Morality on the Itand. During the trial, at the last Wit-, tratersrand (South Africa) Criminal S‘essions. of a racehorse owner num- • trovm- • •eir-reort 4_,Idgary; 3 nap* from Airdrie rietway, depot; convenieet to church. ichool . tures, etc.; splendidly situated; ma tent view; ilistleciase lifoott water sup ,lyt up -to -data lutprOvements; built. houe.of- eight roopis-fltLed-wIU all modern conveniences and ttratnage aystem; stable, cattle shed*, buff *shed, workshop. tor:rids, etc.; 'too an_s sold as a going concern, with etotir, erotis,----roachinary„ • !Oolongs; ,this farm is all plows.b ls-ospeqially--adepted for -growing- . tail wheat and for mixed •farming, Fufl lirticulars on application to Cray r rte. A. ta. eel James Colville for assault on it trainer, the following interesting conversation took place between the Judge (Mr. J ustice Masons and the e"4 actused- -30,e_ _ s s _ oWsners .generally put their heads together? Colville --Yes. A friend of Wino might have a horse which he thinks has a charsee of winning it my horse was out of it, and he might ecnne to me and say, *Give as a chance,' and if it suited me 1 might do it." i "You arrange to sittindlo the 'pun - lie?" •1` "'That whtit. appearg-to i'Whies. is itrS _ "You don't arrange that your horse shan't win, but you don't tip-, kitiAividelterr• "lfughes (another owner) wanted you to arrange to swindle the public goo'quOrtY rt la e ple "What's the judge going to . 40 !now?" nuked the . green juror, in a, (whisper. ••lie's going to charge the !jury," Said the foreman. , f tire jury? - ne? What. tor? (We don't hive to pay nothip' for the privilege cif sitting on the jury, !--sloseve?" • i1OW to CittuiT tile ssseteis„--Parrne- , teees- ieeeetubee fils---ate Ate result at :scientine nr.,1*(1,” I.Ike erre( tri es. !tracts of certain roots and herbs u on , 0e6.-0444itti mei as being very extravagant, bu gro "Such is the stupidity woman's character," he says, "that. It is incumbent on -her 'in every: par- ticular to distrust herself and obey her _husbaud-iv The system of' rewards And pueiske -efor -evorneti -externals' -over thi • life and the life to come, and main- tains an ingenious balance. "A wo- man nrust look on her husband," says Ii7aibarn, "aft if he were heaven Itself, and never weary of thinking bow: Ole naaeSslieril. to -her husband and ei)Yeestee' celestial castiga- , - • . - - / Kaibara disapproven for women in- ' diligence in the pleesumit tif tlie.thra- ter, of musk, of wine, afid "even cif tea. Curiously enough, be would not have her very religious, and this , for it reason which no Christian 'wontdb liker to gyirm-a kind. - seoniUnswisAesiOneeesofseitea.vettleseeete-falte, wife," he says, "must not enter into nn irrewrent familiarity with the igods." This Is a highly Oriental slew of 'ivienisn'n place in the scheme of tbinge. Yet no oho who knows the best Japanese women can edoubt that., 'whether beenueo of Kalleirit's --tissetraber, or in spite of. its they -ern a- tviioof grneiours, gentlevig- orous. loyal, achieving womanhood. They may have beeri• slaves in • the pact. but they were alwayee,eliarin- ing skvt, Now that DOW .Iatql) is Setting them free, their liberty bus net dc -4 ther,eiiithrt; -but -1F1P-• -41M-rev-CI- it"' um.p. their action -IS wild and bene- ficial. t1iati5tvhUt it ett every meeting when 1 have the Reach for Success Knowledge is the ONLY stepi ping stone to Success and Money. MORE if only you KNEW MORE. - STUDY ivr HONE • your SPARE TLME ani so fit yourself for, a_ higher salary. -Capital is paying 'high ces- ' SOMETHINGTWEL-L-. - - Our College_ jsyliRELY CA .! AD1AN, our Courses thorough and practical; our tutors well - For your assistance in introducing rolite household ,goods we give with- ' out eheirge, flousetiold Faniturre $ilverware. 'Watches, etc, Thi$ 11 Your. Opportunity to Furnish Your liorno Without Any Cash Qutray: letrepay fretRbt. Don't' wtt send •••••••••‘•••••••°.•*••••••••.xm,,,,,*-- will also beji kind of miniature arra of the most modern make, as „well 444:::11..4neglgivifOn" '40 endow Increase' in- --iltEeelegr will contain "shooters" ira Thirteen Years. not it in flint way. - as a business -like -looking lot • of cut- Many striking facts in relation to Tile jury acquitted the accused, and 'emirs and swordsesoid bliWie-litaves she conditions of life_and progress orthe- *lodge' 4diEclia _ ,ed -withou The windows will be protected by,tbe United X eldorn during_tiv_lact • . - -Weer•littrk,--andAlli,d1110 "VDT lie4te-fife-etifte-err-wargime-teeilitaiiied Tillbe tin- ed by electricity and lighted by the nue' statintical abstract jest issued i"..........•••• +rimal wramaano IP. same means. ln London. It covers the period from 1 ITesker-"I don't object so much The window of the teller's sanetum1,1SPO-'1 to 1.004-'5. The imperial ex- to Penny, kissing her dog. but 1 pre - (who will combine the nork of "pay-lpenditure has risen in that periodq for ber to kiss me before, and not Mg" and "receiving") has been sac-- from $515,000,000 to $7110;000,000. :after." Wiesper-"I know, but don't -Pinny proleeted eigninst any proiThe property and- Income tax whichiyon think that the doz„bas his pre- fessional attention on the part of , in 1890-01 yielded $05.250,_000Judi le teenese_stegers'. _sees_ ss rgeirsItthis. not be sufilelent, the teller can ‘ The tdtal of incomes on which this , . ---siseetrilleekersmierihould ' t-rsf - - '0 1 q ' y - /1 .15. 250, . ._____+___,....:._ (should nue liPPrrironeet el Itis .cus..• tax is- paid hes risen -ire titren- OUST' TUE DEMON'. e-1 tomer not ,rdease hitn) (Thaw down a lerents from $2.035,151.0o0 to *3, - hie unwelcome visitor with a pistol, i collie which it e inhabifarsts 9f the There 13 something fairly dernoni- ....-.. steel °eliding hood, while from it side,„ 075,000,000 and even that enormous . A Tussle With Coffee. observation window he could cover sum is not the full extent of the in- , facts_spiasiturglars_ If heles-wjeeststnieed_ lAngetonereiveil in_1iliet-'5 na acal in the wayeecA36-e "Tr/climes will eQ11.nr_le his attentl..,Eck_ otiiinaryirmetts_prjacccift___froa,44#34r__—_,w,4itfurA.V.I.,11.0Q1101,u--'24411%-uttlelie;, bit iitiTriiiid-fet-thiii one telt riltini.- isiv p t - and nr ywork. The total gross in_ r *Pt° use it. . peace. t!orne. for that year was est i ma ted . by A lady• tvriting from Calif. says:- the ittlianil reterme department at 't "My husband and 1, both lovers bf $430.200,000, The nrilieh exports coffee, mirrored for some time from have risen in valee from $1.315.500,- a Yon; annoying icitin of nervoue- Tom Tier father kicked 'You Tit. 000 in 18910 to $1,4100.700.000. An- ,' nfsaccompiinicd by most frightful oh" I thought yOU raid you'd 7 make portioned sty populati(3n, lioweveitI !,. headaches. In My own case thOe hint come to terries. I this apparea increase works - out zWati everituaily developed some' FOrt ilick--S6 I did--io heated ter-rits. :e6,131* a reenteeion of ta penny per ", of affectirn of the oeryeadiag. You teitialfi has1 'teend thein. i Capita. It is also pointed out that from the spine to the head.. ssaude-e!If that's., the case you , 293,4300 tots. _ - -' beautiful._ every time he. sem- mo."-: .000 tonne now it had rireen to 10,- drew it to one side, causing tiae the Nellie---"Charies says I. grow more ping had a grtr.ls toturage of 11,1.50,- 'straight, the tension- of the nerves 11010.6 fifteen, yearfafgo °British ship- iir %vat unable to hold tny head up 1 * most Intense pain. We got no relief a • • tteee-"I say olct Iftit itt ial:‘,.ing lure. I want niorsev 1-4.11,en't tip,- idwhere cora get it " glati tliotts Lpvrliaps. 3:44u ▪ Lad on 10i't you -could -borrow° Vrr , Uinta is to low 1 can canonry or tin position marked' X "In tbe Itst West, or Written on the extra. lbw at bettors. Solentitle rznIng zookkeeping Eiteckludging- 4-,41t=stigrr- - (3,0 or eig, liciettriessn ' -'civn-servtee Draftsman Animalism Designing Schaal Teachlr Adv, Writing Xatriculation front- medicine, -and %e'er° puzzled as day." r • to t01114it -tittlAtti the-trOuble-rtiti' a . AN11,---RIS.4111a- 1.1.12t0, flg reload suggested -That --p65iiimy tife I<Cavitt-"Ifors are thing* nt- the A littio red button worn by some eofkie we drarikelfati something to do tad ..1104rdirm,4611,,,,0. 4-4,0t. bacon ;100 wmAian. told wet , married, with it, and • advis,ed that we tiuit it and eggq every! Morning, SS ifStial?" and single. in tbii O'lly of Afe,t,joo. talri:tivterYtort00:telidinti/Olardeeko v•; and froth Steyere-"Oh, no, Ivo, _gekan oceimul_signifits n7,7:tnbettltip. !lit,* _Anti- ih;,, that *0 ,b0,,,,ah 10- lase :bias, 011/1I Thange." Leavitt -016m, don't Nis -51113 1,04, Nellilke)"1-iir the , 24.7,,, to,* beret I 0 ger', Sta$er-LTVes,.--- tiOrne- sidedgnspot to in et -viisc .8h-or:v.-time) both of us Wert. _mornings zei!! _1)05,1Y -wt . ;taco -ft. -a, an public, or in pri:. 'vete, their contentio'n being that entlrelY ' The nerve be- kiming is a, the, inc,Itn* if coveynyg,eame steadym once or, th e, e head. contagiou diseaE:e from 'one tair hp iiitIte4crity5 c'ca-"11.10(1kt.lirtreltraxestides, hy had straightened .up and the' dreadful _14111t. Att_4 tict While 'ued tbo °It' kind of teoireo van. "%e hsv neer d 'the tise ireariserse"The obiset of ihN ,leesen . ul'ettte obedience. Po you Jut:. t•-.1.24at: to olicy ie?" Apt Pupil ;14. Irlart11: 1 obey tilat'n right. Ik",,ote., tell rise' secs) obey yestr pa.. illseaese cs ..V.,;e7Pn 'to &nuttier. - A iit=r,fliCiern TOtie-f.u. 1'1;4W.. What's ht.:fin Igentt/11* fluent-110re, 1 ordered a porter- house Meek and 4 fried egg. You've' only brought the egg. Where% the ste;gr ili ter-nder si ought to Italie ., hint call twicee_S When all other corn preparations fail, try lloliewayei Corn Cure. No pain whatever, and no ineonvenienee itt it. 'Mrs. Wheeler -"Whatever else his faults, wo can't but say that Ekii0P8 -young man is constant." Mr. Wheeler 'Conatant? ITP1hP1ti think 'continuous' expreseed it -bet- ter." • _ Not * Nauseating pin. ezelpfent of a pill lis tha substence which enfolds tut ingredients IOW makes up the pill inam4„ •Alltat of Pa ercieert's.riViiettl:thsflee trrtthrtt-lttOMtttre:. their sathreynstlial!Ittimide6y 016. nitnoprdeeirriTi r inte to keep them from setting, are rolicejn pervilere, which prove nauseating to the tjuste. Ferrneieetii Vegetable. are s0 pr*pMed tkat they ate agreeable to the most delicate. The` " 0 talon" Warship repro; sents an, exptrkditure ot Z1 205 000 Tie) veseel weighs 11,000 tots, haft a 'difipitVelnent ef 1.0.3f.".0 -tofu. Ifer ngth i dao feet, speed eighteen and a ,half knots, andyher two • sets of ellierit and four cyclinders *III develop 18°,000 Its Siie caulleiT ere' w of $00. Sicitteu,o the chietigo and North Weste n Ry.. will sell Irom Chicago.- round trip excursion tickets to Saar Prancisco, Los Angeles, Ptl orand, Ore. (Lewis' ufe. Clarke Excursion), Se - little. Victoria, Vancouver at yell, low rates. Correspondingly cheap • les o - vice, favorable etopovers and liberal return- Ifffitts-. Rates. Adder* ind fedi information can be obtained from 11. 11. Bennett, Genera' Agent. -2. EWA King St., Toronto, Ont. 81 grt Patient -4'm very rituelts afraid rf-a-7---- losing my mind, doctor. Doctor -What reason have you for thinking that such is the ease? Patient -1 found a package of old letters in my wife's room yesterday, supposed to haveste,p written by me during cur courtship. but 1 can't remember having- sveittese uelf rdot - Teese tato desirable .ntialificatiorel# - pleeraint to the taste ond at the samo time eeceturil. are to ee toiled lo Mo- ldier tlraves' Worm Oittertninatilr. Chil- - •,drret it„ , A little bay entered atobacido- nist's shot) aftd,iopprriaelling the counter, evnIzed in a equeariy voisesse "Pleifse,.eiry father wants to know 0 it is true that There ir. each- -ft- thir_Ig as a tobacco trail teak led; there TS," replied ,ti eant.. eil, father, would like to bit ed with two pings." rattc.r* cnt, tte' eery, very niieskoreil ' I I , n eV* it' u‘'whY:do o IWO your hei r dqd to do h "No.", ' Nam4 or,V