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HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate., 1905-09-07, Page 1lg in s.dvanca will ps; fdr the ArtirOPATIC untll January Subscribe now get the; benefit* You Paget 40 better. 1 otlikli 14141oltie *0 bought or exchen for y op at resarni commission, Appl SANP)Alig3 fInSuc „:- .• ,•• • ••-••,-... • •••:", • ' • • .. •••• ••:' • 1. 014. tangtane*"., arm* *10 ,•(1!0/4, liOttoinft' atatvrel o* 4 every kind, t 'Ationti4 " of TON, »uwoOD, UENS4Uk Zumen, et, IfIVEREIGN BASK OF CANADA " ' xP eroi` yui .1418t, weel4;treatod. those forttrate enough te atten e Plower lurloreber otiseil#10tov, costing 'entertatome The ,altair was a 11104t brilliant eye.' eess and .it Is doubtful whether' .the ladies themselves when they flOt con. calvedthe idea, expected; that ;such ' a .magoinoeot display of flower* and. or. 001040 rarity and antiquity could .be. $ot together.. One would neer niag- ine that. there were SO many Articles of "Age and beantrin the, community as ;were: here eXhibited: to the ta.gert won- dering ow of the'hundreds of peep)e whocame'to enjoythe feast, but had anticipated no such a display; Yet the ladleelinform Os that many more 'Ott. cles of rarety gould have been eeoured .11E—T-C7 r a emitit ti • tie lug, • The !owe f--the-Dpera. noose. in which the thow was held. was in • any ways ceflent-pIa'fO! purpoe t beng ea8II3r aceeiielblii7an centrally Ioeated in the town. The oozy .corners, the pillars and walls lent bremoetveireadlirto-the-tondro c-TraCorde de.Soie ' ac ejo de °One - ivery piece e vir WAISPINGS- fun ran c °fill the new colors and Fabrics. Stripes .ans.lIslain. • ' Jlihest trice paid for all kinds qf Farm Produce. • torsremi-everyrepot AP/Aran erybebtlavituutgelssible., dieorat onOsaddedo tbeexbi- bition, curtainettvetjtreene, patine, wax plants etrings of -red -Wt. ries and pot flowers, etc., were used in ha profusio for urely decorative rtieulat interest Nse . a eollettion'of Indin shawbh the pro• rt of Alis;,,Ano, Snell the wblehikre bdivitrOto historical characters and ,landoea" the property of V440116 POO_ple, among *bon" Were Mr. Samwell, Mr, Senior, gnighti_Mta; McPherson, Mrs. Wickwire *04.14rOknurden; also -some , excellentsaMplea ofg'yrojgraphY(hurnt wood), the work of Mr., Frank Weekes, And but why' ho on forever* now Is as good 0, time to stop as any Some of those not mentioned sdre..Ady who were kind enough to loin,ortiolee ,L.were; Mise Woo, Mrs. 4, Ram* Dr. Sweet, Rev. Going. igirat. 13 0*.tettel# Mrs. Sinters, Mrs, Manson, Mr, Thos. weithe.11yndman family, ° 11711 ickard, , lif re.. ta cornbe, ole*ToOre'31, Sanders, Atea., :eyL Miss. Sontlito ,' Mise--4eciltel er. Limon* Mrs. kitio.1404-.-- *wkjnOe*24- ,John Bowden* Mr. TaYlor. •;Jr Itatinit7ituttio:troLatm • .._Airimatztvalltviis home frifig.' De- troit on hisholidays, Mr. Gilbert. Dow arrived home from •' e Northwest Wednesda beauti *Tat.. Oloringe. a 1,40, wide,biieca1ft rat 10e. 15c. Turkey 0-Itiiits Print, 30 inch. wide, only two pieces.- , 14e. Reversible Cretonne, inch.' wide, only one piece.. . - .at 200. Glees Cloth • • for8e. 124c. 011104 Cloth in red and blue O'heek„ 25 in., for 10 Job lot Men's Braces, made from 'Elmtie ends. at 15c. a pr n eying any par the appearance of barrenness, and,. In- deed, added greatly in--enhancin • ty._o_f_the flowers and curios. One corner of the room Was given -over to the refreshment committee'#' who dispensed ice cream to thoee ,siring such, and this feature was well patrontzed. A piano had been .ploteed in inother corner and during the af. ternooti young ladies enlivened Cheat - fair b much' choice music, while the and added beauty to the a1rey rich ronto ex on s 'wee MIs. Moriock Ilaifreturned from the • illinerroieningsin Toronto. Wood and eon, , Clare, are !pending thia week In Toronto and Hamilton. Mies Ba, root has returned to take charge of •SPeeirtnan s. millinery department• Mies Olive I-Iooper bas returned to continue her atudies at the General nos ithl* Linden. 1. wi -••••, • ' 0411 44. Sbirt1nIn bltiu' ,itrfpei, 10 Plannelet,tes, stripes of pink*. blue And grey . at cmly 7 rbjjUIee 88 41. heavy Imp. Flannelettes, at 1210 English Untearable Flannelettes, 81 to 32 in. wide . - . .. 15c; 35 in. Selfeolor SIXIC011$11 In pn1, blue, cream, white. all English POct1uck eIa.lahi white fringed and hemmed -for 25e Ra 155 vs. Lace Curtains at 25,35, 75. on't Forget Us inWinter Dress Goods.; op-rests:me It -Oa in 5 'ring the -currency of the 0144 deheitures *11 1* tilted annuaRyby .,..re_to on ell the rat*** Wiled,/ In, the Pld oricietorff-7— the *um, of cone wirmnu, three Inandred and twenty* four dollars and fifty -eente (91.324.50 for the perpoee • 104 Of Mr -jllis:Poweft,teturned- to her minx. borrowing such sum or s ins of money as too be tweets - the sonamtooext oeedsiguteein t bTe own b$1 tooled. DoUars for PUrchatting and Inatal- ling anEcuipmenElect tidc ALloilghtlittiPor st aunit! able Site for an Electric Light Power/louse in the Village of Exeter and to Issue Debentures, thoriseF.4 vling ef a Special Rate for th .e •'owe n a •on a . The decorations, the arrangegient, of 'Miss Belle-IiioDonal tfeborne, the exhibit% slut the 04101°131' 'endless has gone to fitodericli io pursue her • ruOunt of warkluvolved in PrePatiog' studies fit die , the whole. entertainment,* reflect moe :Mr. and AIM; Wins HaWkshaw hive credit uponthe ladies who were ..10, returned from atviolt to their son and , ,L • . , thank* of thepeoplo of tovio*Sa°411.' MIs. Dawe, of London, 'Vellt a few ,tryside, Etc Idly is 'this too when one ilgvs, her*, the stmt.' of jarsi, .17; considers t t Met -object was not to co ling and mes, Ed, Trebh%, make atone' but to instil In the minds les Am Wheelerana Mies TbomP. e & (me ti o e of plants of the various k nds, and the preservation of all sorts of souvenirs; and relics. The 'small admisolon. 10 e that ail • edit the cam' -.Prizes-were-e,Weided-for revr er a , olittIttlathrOligl.irthe'inatitute,--and-(2)- tf3"16 stitute' wo'rkerb larboie floWershau. been • wn ,from ; bulbs ohtained ertainly is. and I, thexik you, Mr. for fitting rity eyes so per. !ye bad glaseesof all kinds. thls ilifiat pair 1 .got you beats Coaxed that Man _ s tong re e woo let us fit itald-Itli-glinwetr-Were ind hit WO the. use. Now get.hirn to go elsewhere. petlect eye Otters." and thet's e.pleam our patrons. Try 'us sorkp..,mn on, are v In;-th ante ot Mrs. T. E. Handford and daughter Labelle, Who have been visiting In Grand Rapids, Mich, returned last and Mrs. Ci tet 05 ern - PIA& Tenni, ere ere -on - V -11 the for.mer'sgranmother, AM,John Whited. Pr1uchI Inter* 1 004bO$720 00 2 62844 ' 60686 3 653 70 • 47071, 4 679g4 • 6444* 5 70714 to 84 0 . 7$5 43 580 07 7 764 85 58965 44 529 06 26 And w it le destrahle to issue the said de heater** eat time sod to *eke the principal of the mid debt reperehieby yearly sums (Wine the petted ettwerste Vas, hetet the eurreeer'oI the tr amessete, thatthe segregate amoun po, Tstitepritrir- ketentet equelt6. tO the mt-pueriblount sopay! dee* eLthit_ other aineteenseantotau1& efetaikat indica,* ftee,cdthiallyttave. _ow skelt _ceupre 'WM* wfthiier parintiChWatallifrit, .• v. and Mrs. WID. Martin returned V wee om sn e 4 triptoth . II 16 108863. $5872 1 11124 50 18 1177 44 -J47 04 1324 60 10, IttA 54 09 94 USA 50 29 1273 46 61 02 • • • 1224 50 $-18000'-O• 0849080 $ 26,49000 0r.h, That this shell take effect and come Into operation upon, trot* and Ottobr the Third day of October in the year of our tord one thOtenurd undred and nye. 7t.h. That the vote a the eleetore of the riakt libmy klp03lty shell be taken on this at the several aftermentioned, To yelling antediVit,.. on number *nest Silas Ilandford's, bert41,44ek r; In • g su yonnurn roe,. a 001)bl ick'e 0Moe corner Main *Ad Welo • street., Alesander'Dyera Deputy Returning In Polling subdivision number Four, et the • . Town .1 Dsvls. ilOtenturearAnzat___Returnin Ofileer nifieliottdraKed-it the hour of nine <Meek in the forenoon, and endlng ireedock luthe: terncouotthe santeday. thst 4 . • Senior clerk of the eald .Munki • 1.6„.wherze-the...eitur tion of flowers, Mr. Octtle, Illsalee Miss Lo Birney, after an e tended. • Creditor'• Rood: Collection of landiolu* (31.* visit t.o her randntother, Mrs. Stone - Thos. Lawson has bought the store,. formerly occupied by Sam Brown, and will convert It into a Awelling.-Mea. srs. Geo. Ilirtzela-mi Jno. 0. Yoga ho-beve-tteestraUsoiling-th jirlA4ctourtat etah _adrift Nclurin the mit wea, returned bottle' day.- Mrs. (Rev.) J. W. Andrews end daughter, Miss Stella, left last week, on a trip to the Northwest.-Jno. Eil- ber is laid -up with sa severe attack of luntbago.-Daniel Oestreleber is laying at cement walk on his premlies;..--Geo. MautI ba1 .old his bffarYittr tb-'41arK hint every success. - Labor -Day paseeir(01 very quietly n our burgh. A number of the "sports" took in the baseball gime at Law), The Methodist Sunday school held a picnic to the Bend that day. ani at. though the day was cool everyone re. • itna bit, time.- ' *are testate t e les to Arthur Ilenediet's 51I14/1 which oriathea,by the-rollersin-the-itax null last week, are not too severe as at drat, thought. • The arm is severely bruised It Will only be a matter a few weeke before he will recover the nursen ng w'.' or 'th, brat* yrds op Friday, J110. 310t15 'fell off the load rod broke *small tone in ble arrn. jock's friends hope he will ooze be follow -164g have bitenattersitog the exhibition at To. too to .6k* paavateek.--4;ehas...•'Zirlekerr •Geoi Holtzman. ILBrown Chris Beaver. Herb Either, itos. (Dr.) lia Prof. ones, Mieses out* Stanbury, Dr. Amos; collection of As* house, at Be grave,retarned borne Fri. tem Dr. A.mos; collection of Gerard. .dom, everiiroce UMEI' 31158 WYnno 1614 DI" Srieeti In Aav: T. A. Stetmen* of Bay& the second Contest the result was: Gia. andhis mother, rot ste.dman, of diebok Mra,,atistingti; :114kine, wy-6.044."4,grotis., ofiadrei ohm. • m#,Ailsber Miss.flalle; ARt Mrs, • impre ty.,_nurse of Toledo Gurney, Mrs r. _.wee r&pin obi°. and, Mrs, iter# ofToronto, are Knight. For oral Deigns: Spinning visiting at the home of their parent*, wheel, Mr*. D. &Ross sta 5fri. Wick. Mr. and Mrs. Thom, Gregory. Wire; (2) Bell, Mrs. Harvey; (2)Anchor , Mr. and Mrs. PbIn Ilutchinson have Cross and Iltramids Mrs.% Oudinore. returned to their home in Ottawa, endinterestes after roc bone thOnearid, three hundred and twenty -Ow dellart and liftp cents (WU 40). And whereas the asoeuet of ' the whole ratable eterfeeeerding to And -then he cur.14,. Mere one after-a-plessant,Jvitit with the Utter's. .pothes ipst,.and• is it any wow*? You brother. Idr...ChaL Christie. : aretretiepOrt-416--ttheilftellitIt411.-- • ---sesoiot 0witio-100.1.1045, • teenth, seventeelttl! and - eighteenth • °nett lett this Week for Torontoto tenturtes,Itou arepifide t.0 iffielat take oortrsesin the CoUege of Pbar .Spanish War, the war of 18124344, witty. the tonne', oing ed the tribal and United wars • of the and ths hater Monday.. Atnerie,in Indians, the pesceful o0c. Mrs. Richard Welsh and potions of the Indians In carving, De6.41 two daigbtere, who have been *1St, work, the handiwork Itt the nativis.of 4o the ormervi ***the/. Ana outer, on India arid Chinn -the workohop and --tintitwomet,otoaunglAndtittid_the. more regent work of itie'Ottofulima lo- mi fatmer,.the-Oarmdrais-Man Oro. the Osnadian pkture Maker and It, Imo taoo on Way. 'abel Walters returned. 'Mon. frojn-ii Strefid Witelteltk It II Wes he photographer. taxidermist* Printer* reports a, plommant 'hilt and thinks and general +curio colleotor. As aiou well of the sister provintiee, • gaze you think .of the motives at w ri*****0 af Thornbury, , t • e r act cirik.'"Wfbravery in 1 0 07 - t ii -e patience( and perseverance .unwitested in the handmade mantifiteturies, the. been sn.nuing,* hardshipa of the pioneer. the progrest of the different Arte and induttriesend ' the heinelives.ot our Aneettors And, 'hert-inihisand-aher -dimes. , .A1 thitruns titrongit Your- rolnd-!aa you: :eXiitilifie the many article* Of Mort or less a_t$eemit atite. ' irt — li.toolitiiket ' at ante nteree,ting than. others, and •, while it Would be Imposeible to give -a .. ' WS of them all. (beemmie their titinetii. : Ford. •.. ,Royflort, retnin nes4 loweorniant by bt* little danihter. NV* Wila 13445 sok* with, *els. ion) it few I`,,hat took .00r ttentlon iiftittitot trot.* fully4 bit they sboiita hi*Cf.-0befo,, ,A vai-Iety of orif bookiic froin 7510 '0 .enrsoid,coni ngbibl tive 411 Mrs - (1.14Yort e:fin *ber**raf,t t Oh - the twenty third day of f,leptembek1006. at *MU ukt.etthe Tortilla in the aid Village ol' ,r suntep the number of votee even for so net thie iw= e ru; et tber Kunicipility lif-$17,0710/Sre0 pert which is %Sentare, arid to tire creditof put el WW1 Wee. the said Municipality hoe deposited in the .1eia 3ak &t Utter to t the sue et tars,. 60 er thereabouts, as a Oinking fund. .visactattiapertie therefoesisitiattietareactadho the Corporation of the ,That fee able ettesed • y the vein deeereet-Of the worldliest. cord, euthorised to make and 01 kw of the said VII. Wafted dellsre, bireet) of not_lese than one each; eettiotwWthdtft*Te. tOrerrehalt OctaRseri 1105, and *hen tberreetlind'z.eheit thereafter the der. 44 add debenture, *hall be -trigned t Meskipelity, or ied hi ark* te Of the said multi it there.° the Corporate thiLTOWILBAUGX•teriritt, 010AVOOPkAp „ , poliderent 6f *Whale attend at the PO1li11;if owe" - and at the final sUMMing up of the voter by the clerk, respectively, on behalf of the persons interest. ed in or opposing the passage of this B. law respectively will be made 14000141e0, to loirt. TAKE NOTICE ;#7.",/ I: unici. pillt (In being-- • -nee 1 I in is Exeter Advocate Nes r. et.whieltIrrit phlAnitkin wriethe 904 1905_and that the vete* of the elector* of the said Municipality will be taken theusOrr on tire day and at the -hours and Nam therein fixed. J. OEM% Clerk - Dated et Exeter this Ittit day of Auguet, D., 10% - • Ncer.100- ;--Of • arribilfrktintirparitterturro ercri Anise North , Ilowarderi option Ifyr the haat of hit property, • spoil* Aux Battle River the maid MunicipalitY, known se the old Mill Pond and adjoining puska*, eont.Jqhg by Messy/niftiest about torte, with tergYllettes in Connection. thereWith, for .00. said Cooed hood*o an eatew.e 01 foe eonetnietiort Ots new ConerWa Dam, on the the old one upon the weeds* MOMS* .00. If the eirove 141w receive, the of ratepayers, the Cowen will ebreilder the w4t-lietothinse-thtettevtigettetteedeee, -gruetios of the mid daer for thertavoeesor ifttrm- - rotenr-ectleetrsclistatertaatror other Per• 1WitirOtth51(6sidfiiilitY, • MR, Clerk.