HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate., 1905-08-31, Page 811,4*"...",41•1.111.11%!...- ••• •••• • ii”*. llignots _:;Lacals. Read Them 0025 onibt, paid in AdVatite, you or your friend will receive Tkas ADVO. .04211until the end of 11)01_10„_•_y_. purestspipea-for plckling. alio of allierzeti,Stifdlsyll-Ztitt417010. rm, era aithing•to pie* theirothaird JEW, test, easily and well, *honk' buy a, -00elt8buttlloW fro,at Wm, Mitchell. ftt�tieJtO play .0 me iv th the mot tlit,ttewtt. to -day,( yabloevenin .Uetwee** six *�tl acve *Tr e-neWstanditrtherVansen block. To -day, to.itighttto-mdrrow and tc' morrow night the,VlowerVestival Curio °bow is on At the 0 a HO On Mendel', Labor Day. quoit I ere frotn Seafortb,and London will b here to engage in matches with th Exeter players.. Tbievea entered the Main streetpar. onage recently and stole severalgems f fruit. It, la About time this olippery gent was nabbed.t ., • drove through town on Saturday en - Eden Public School 5ente Party G e-thesta 1_ _ _ ;cement. vie_itb , Of t skin. A clonded, pro' ' Opt of the phenomenon aboOkite 0:00 *even. 010w3r down the northeruOf tbe sun. and ba,dgone.About three quarters, of nrrlei when the loud* obstruct- istiactly vhlble tireliitge4 t140 'Exeter ;map., *tend running the . same: and will) e in *position. VI -t1P4 .1.3J hest Ivielvi It WAS to the e4 eye. 14ettes. :Ravin orator, this seas° .1y.tneeting servi let( ,necessity WerePO�tPOUe&iOr • month, will be conducted in the Mai ba1 b street. churoli n sonde. . next, jeweTh I • MrS4 -Chirlar NV/11.4* 44 sb*pe .Woodham Rotel propertyand expecte .Move to Liotowel to reside. In the ineantimeArOyinAtIlsett-la-visitin • Tbegrainivarelloigef Mr. W Bluett irthil'ilifbast mirk co able 'damage on MOnday `by one of the floors that. 'area heavil loaded with 00423ent iving, wit e Coot of re. toannounce ided to dispose 'of his ss In Oter, either Tbeitock will be sold eta low fl lector is about to leave Ro Memorialott .0littrocwitpsowilot be beldarne,:nt. The Preacher at both Maio= wean vexing services will he • the Bev. 3e, * for 1:441A1 Apply to Mr. Theo, nell; lloron 'street., • sow* LopskorAil for Bow • A number of choice, standard • bred. 1005 bads, to be sold in Parc A.PP17 • at this oflice...= cestbit Dr. Butler; London', will be at. the Central llotel,, Thursday, Sept. 2Ist. • *I da • for Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat tat ons. estestedatel Wee* -40ineitAnete4erAidlout.muxiettt--iu, Town Hall on,PridaY,: August '2.& • • All - ,preeenv.-----Minuttwofprevioussneetin read And .approved; Communications read re -annual tneetinfrof-thel) Municipal Association Aug.7 al and 81 atthe-eitybaih-Maontot-' Vire Miler-- Associationcreport of test tak±,_ Apr:UM, .report Olaf a petition walk front * point near Victoria atreet thence north to the Aux Saubie river brie 11uir-Artnstro - the ra es- 0 t e petit on • u an a y. spend the ow:inner in theWeet,bas '.'awarded,-thtocontracta of lug:tare 0, P. Lstationtri.One at Cry. stal City and the:other at .Boiseevain.. :The contract •prke Is slipoi: • Mr. Win. B*lkwill, carpenter, ..- met :with. a - panto', .*teatent on -Monday morning last. .Wblle working on Mr. 4041... Senior*s. block a large Cbisei wbtcb • be was usingellpped and ont' 'tte_ .Y.Ore •0014;110:hieleft band above tbetintm.b,. • orrnir ;of town, ttoffliVitig at Marlette idich. .rentiiiiciileee of timber WON; on bis lead eta rtasing. Re.wat*•4utte sew.. erelylkjured but is.• tnost‘Well xi. The Higgins farm on the '2434 of ag.ain-cflapired-hatids-45ia Mt. Riau :welsh, who Pure ;it. butt fall.bavingeokl- eanie to Mr. Ed. Kettle far.thestan:fr•' the pries! leagood one dieter* IS ju.t. rtlabeA _ blsoity-tf merly commercial tesenee in the tee ,High SehOot Department, has se. e ed t itloa of rind of the Lib c sc oo at or y, n on ee rem r.. • en*.rs otr.- ' '') chin. A,ial'coectinr CU on bebaif of the church expenses. .4: very hearty invitation is extended to, stillo • • etabsty The lastatorin tnibanees In Au.. gust-proinise to reach Into the 'first day of Septeniber. Earth's equinox is in force, the Mercury disturbance 5th and the mopWition, crisis In ,the e1eznents-ra1aj thilnder, wltb equinoctial. in the- eoutb Oast regions *bTe. Thed1sturb.noes a 44 -be- dy threatening -s4 eter ancl fair weatherh 0417 Precede them* Ohange baroaneter, westerly winds An Ing, cooler weather will touai 'fr 'flat isb,,, owls hereon a t to f dsand u r..1". Broderick and Rev. Gra. ,oderielt..,„spent In town. Uri 14 'Stiith, ° of London. Road South, is Attending the Toronto Ex- r"-atul•-$Irs;-Pligit and child. • of Sfratford,Are visAimMr. and Mrs.„.„1„, ••• - • Mr. !frank -Gill is visiting at St Catharines and- attending Toronto Exhibition. • Mises Jackson and ;Sharp, dress. .or 1,1 o nay.° a ew 'we -414 Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Anderson are this vareek attending Sigh Court of Ontar- io, 1.0.P., at St. Catharine& --lir,and Mt* T. A. McConnell and daughter, Lula, of London.. nee' ,visit in Mr. and Mrs. A. Rolland: ' Ira B1saett 400 of Mr.'john Bissett, of London. visited Mende In town for a; few dt_tis during: the week, Mrs, WA!. Davidsonoof London.who is visitin .friendi in Biddulph, called Miss earlRollins retitene Priday • romareasant *tat at. the 'home p • her uncle,J. Rollins, at .Byron, • Mr.O. Gleed, of London on 'Situ.; asr visited Mrs. Gleed", 4120' is the .guestionir„.and Mrs. SiIaa Handford. Mist Tillie Tiger Icfv--,7%t;Wiy,-,-4,6" viseipthe openingaLat Toron- to, dor to returning to filagars7on. Of -LAIL _••• • • Mies 8. 1eft-Thu:0day- -to 'at tend_rthe ranti4-nrior-tO agAirt-ti mg' a WIlltiOtt . Mrs. W. 4. Wm:To and little son. .after a two months visit in St, Paul, • If you went to get comfo pleasure out of tbst Bbady poi • verandah you want one of our 1 Cheirlo-wide *eats.- ,easi wy, enotit Mot for v 1:441, it-thati_the .-• rt. named as ehe date for taking the vote of the ratepayers upon the Electric Wood-liajonrwto jai of the Reeve. meeting of Ooirncitcalleclbyrthe Reeve on Aug. 26, held In Town Hall, all present. minutes of last meeting reed and approve& Levett-Wood • the following. Deputy Returning Of. fitters are hereby appointed. Tbe Clerk to he the Iteturnituc Officer: Polling Sub -Division No, 1, A.2E. Poke; No. 13„. Weekest$?. 3. Alex. G. Dyer • No. 4„; Joseph Davie. -Carried. Muir •- _Wood..---the-folliaringaccounts---as , presented and orders drawn on Tress. wirer for same: The, Canadian Contract Review, advertisement re granolithic pavement. 3 40; 11. Spackman, as • sod hardware for teutetery .06 Do,, hardware and oil *motto - INtesteottaat *IAJ Trim& $27; Wm. Knott, booth Prow election V. WoOd.:-Muir-Ckrunell *d- oomed to sued Sept. 8. 3*. Senior, Clerk. We will, thenett few week clear out a°whole line Tweeds and WoitecIs in -Snit and Tro • Read this nit of Bit RE 11CTIOIS tate other men t a. ternporary flooring fteen feet . be- low and Injured. Mr. Bowie had bia legbsdly reuebed,*14-1311,:ankle-.-ins- 40 Men were taken t the hospital antfarestowAoing The following persona have tp. pointed Inners of -Marrlage Llcen.es for South Roront-Adelbert Mollard, Grandliend, nenry Erwin, Itotletti; Charles 11, Sanders, Exeter; (*orge, gutty, Varna; Jonathan Merner.Zur. kb; Thosarevettieki Crediton; Saxon F-itton,Exeter;JohtrBnlg. gttunif reland, 1)4utliwood. The Horse Show at Stratford on tbe 19th, 20th and214Septenther prom eft tO be one of the tree:Meet OVetiti In the history of Stridtord. The *ritii.e Ifd vets over $2000.10 prizes besulee val- •nt.dbytbe- n tratttati and the , cbsrtered bsnks.- The ---Ren. J. P. Whitney, Premier Of Ontattro toopen the *how on the Ant day. wile railway Passeng- er rate to the *howls One fors gel* returning4 nattelally and otberliai the -Au er Carnivid In Seafotth lietitlYrtdn was. lakeeelitr The tecelpts wer.• eumelent to enable the Tuauegement to 'Mate the recreation grouncls, -rid from tigt Etituor do likewise). Two Exeter quoaleai, Ed. -Treble and ' biought borne Part of.the pthe money in t ,in ber .turtial . good th. nntll laat wlnter when -gan- **et Inin one1oot,„and_sint Una -Congned to the =every quickly, sbe baulng able to be up the protons day, and in fact, ten Minute” prior t� death she bad stated' that she was feeling unus. nally Welk She, was *Member of the Evangelical church- at. .hersomter dtty* bad beekttan est workerIn body. „Wt.*. Trieb.. 'thew with who aild a 4aug Sae to this country fi about focty yestra:ago„ *voided In Stephen townsh MI she earnetrom Credit= to wlth ber ,•son on the 4th coiac _ • Mrs.• . W;Collins and ;Miss Am Ili 111171 Q141,'9 'ate•ttv, n ' • ler vapoi . g andotberweetern Dolnta, 4 • • basbeen t %%it urned howe • She, was ac- tonipinied by Mrstitussell.- Mrs.._ILI.-Welth_and_laughters.: • i.ees Mildred and Evelyn, of Kala-- .matzooJWIcit.,Aret. theguest Mihail, White, who hite. been visit; big Mrs. nicks, left Titeaday for Te. mut°. After Attending the -milliner openings she will return to Tilsonburg. The• ur-; ing materia Ackiiiieigni iota's 04 page. 1 Pleasurd. ,f13, shOli.ving Yolt,our ne " ko- fact Lb*tt the doctor can explaln t Itoume and cause of yotirdisease either rnental 'or phyefcal and has restored to heaItb atnd happiness many belplese lnvalIdsMl their lives. Send lock of age tatd,stAtinpii.tnixtra. Dining in Chairs fr fljtjg oin Tables fr 14.-e 6ne The : rit - a0 bus ate unt11Mt er at Toro tt u1 'orftflto sttendin aT