HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate., 1905-08-31, Page 3chddren dia daring titer bof
itdo, Sti()nth!! than at, any tether
)flOf tile years 'Their Vitality ie.
4 .3Jh44'i.ji ,#114. ali-attstlie ,
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lit3,;'''revi 0
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01 . k, ' ' Litfi:-. ,1701,14
1u1I be„,*. 'itt : „tii,,,
1 j)ZIflflPt
ti '61gti •..,
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‘• • 1 ° i '
: Sfie
#sults from onirrion soapst
eczema, coarse tiandst.ra ed
clothes, s1itiml<9- fignivis„
• .
Art not. More U1eunt Utat* be 14 fIiq
• ThoroughI Co
• 11 ,.tutd terete•
found. 1tby'iOwn.".,'.0,131ei •
. atItattore, b • iilast:tuit *Sri:
e -beast. them bi:
444;00t, 01.4K..411X1'0, ,eutintter's *rouse.
bnt (111She el:editor
t „end ,youpis
eon • Pit epiate, .or barinit 1
rug, and may be given with ,:119a1• '
It” 'or Well
‘. *world ziow sts „Min*
titlegte eierlee,
I1i114niad tiret4rtItt
• ;Pa:ounce e ,n
t .itnettl',14esActif.,:iiestriS *to,
intil‘Pook.I1 tU et144,
s.titer.: heathers 490
eii!flet, jovwvvr. ettirs sIJfl
tlftite.-, for, e:ttp .411'4 .tht the...anie
has y. nesnteaas grewee
'this" ,Avitee which
. beittisses'
:CaW14„ for example,' have twee,' peeo
Standing at the. C0ilier et fields tite.
ip 'awe -strut* fashion tge the
du j ,I: 1 ,. Oa ''';
ring ..n7.0M40s, 'A ;VPit id4"."'c' flk •'
with 'te•,:lip;0,..4...ot Tilitg, $ ''-an re,:•i
Oa'ste , , „ . r..,,,
.tb .,
lief Abe. eXpOiencis • ar.Ditsites:. .t,S,io. OdeP.:. ,
lirailit•ter .ot thiS:‘ Place's _ ' ' '`Iliti,.Sinitente•:0:011rt et the•Itsle,eeitt
'-"it,givee, ',Meg. plecieurii tO
.. . ..
0, ' . 0 • r," .'et ;Voresters'-'s • held iSt1
,.... 6,41:41-W-WW01111157741117
I. ameured of.'"411 •trIci. 111s' I S1471r"Cli, 14$4* ' Jersey,I recently' . .- The ' reportl
rifoord4a,fotkliteor eeyf "S.,retlitil,..,. :41.4110014ins.rd.Jlieeii,:outtilrelti,sp-,teetso ail° tahisw:ulied:ritilwglye,horivosytoirle.
. .. / 1 S- . T,14,:151 . .,1t.0 ' atiS este. Ai t Indeitesscien
lee one box cr:brifig-hif.' euumt ee laves gete. el al I, i e sec
had Ito return of my trouble." f
. , •etintlethe bueineers eest-theeter---
besoth, and in live months I . have 1 itses, etc., and reported that they
in a thoroughly bus/-
Those troublese„kissevrt !wily to wos der managed
always_ spring from - disordered. 1 oes_s manner, the investments safelY
Kidneys. Thefemale organs are ens and wiserY Madie, and that no osse.s
tirely dependent on the Kidneye. had- beep, ineerred during ' all the
Docid'is. Kidney Pills never fail to 1.years of the . order' s historse. The
cure the Kidneys; . That is Why they., order's' accumulated funds 'reeve
always bring health; strength and i creased' ins the last three -3,'ears $3„.
n9esmst,o weak, run-down,. B.1t
. run- aI8r,845,fileiltlicvlmy7
er, order's poelirpf
stion is
instance, the increasein accumulated
comets during the . last , two
years, 1903-4, was 04.84 per cents.,
while the increase ,in insurance at
riat. dui ng e
• ...7,2--:.., . tl..... p/
, . 0. . p cr4:01 was only
I •
ed .its escuMtilWd fiandatiince tt
leet meeting of _ the 'Supreme (latirt
More rapidly than it increased in any.
°qua). time previously. During the
018 working ',days of the year the
order pays out $8.„892.89 per ilaY,
and each day puts 'away a ' surplus
grown child. u3iUttI.Lt)115
of 14s,iei1 and 'mothers should
-thattlieSswords-essliabes -Own
Tabiettr and, the four -len f , clover
-Wititecittitrei-ebeadeent-- each leaf • is
found .on• the Wrapeer arOnnil oath -
'box. As you Vain° your Child'slife
ele not he persuaded totake a sub-
fersBaby'S Own Tablet/3-th°
Pw4t.totAeititi that Oakes children Well
-"-it`trit Reyna, theta Well." Sold by all
s Airliggiette''or YOU east got them by
,mail at .28,1ttitti a box by writing
•• the, Dr. Medicine.
Brockville; Oat,
..1313044i,24 -14.41t0.115 Ifis. ..EsSeStialii
Amazing Wenders • are being
-`titetight by Wiltiem Waldorf Astor,
.the Aloerieert iuilllanai
subiect, upon /the
state in -Kent-,-7Whic
-eitStier -is "mending Inittiey with
• lavish 'hand .In -1,04.40, Ana' the iiisiT-
Tiiiitted'ItTl*i&71:100110§iticl--"Iterell,--- that
-the .old mooted
-the-teat- of thet'llftw_
ears a a high wind blovei acrose o
itmi tiail Copps! strands. Thrds like
the topmost wire for a perch. It
'effere them apparently as finer view
than the betigliFr-of tree*, -tiehiels are
unriersteod general)* as being na-
re'e device for tit purpose. Curt*.
ously enougb, a bir will euitsing
trorri the Wire; whether 'fi. it& Silenced
by the* Aeolleit' rivalry or 'whether.
on t,he other band, it h4eAt Conte to
,eee the tettlitariensienisef the struo-
ture and to feel that 'Sang is incon-
gtuous cannot be; explained with our
present knowledge. ..
• dertaking is probably not definite
. known to Mr. Astor himself. • the Po-
„ esrtitriatesitt-timt--a-mili
.. • a quarter pounds will be expended
upon the ireprovernents during the
•next two years.
There 10 no binder area in indus-
trial. 'England to -days About a
•-• thousand 'men of all trades have
taken op theirresidence in the
neighborhood. Recently The Daily'
which nestles at the foot of a •hill,
the castle hits been diverted. and
. 'now poses: some hundred yard', fur-
ther away. Tos•make this new 'road
• it has been. necessary., to Nina' two
bridges over the River -,Eden, which
winda through the estate.
Round the ..,castle- reasons and care
- Potters are building a° Maumee:tire
Model village, timed to harmonize
eth--thoegrey-old.sw of t, c-rts-
joins the new bul d ns with ethe old.
Bait thn moiit gigantic part of the
and 'there are well 0,1414enticated`Ca.
es of a swarm of bow ,altering their
flight to --aVoid -aditteenete---to -the-
lines. .Rooks show the greatest pare
tiality ler theM, a partiality which
they botii with the narrows. and in
seine of the eider nes, where the
wires are c oser o thcr thani
sts are built,
work is:t te ma 1 g
formerly green meadows stretched.
'.1111it take; wilt -cover arr-strea- of
scree and will be sixteen
and the inaulittion 1 thilInea -dam-
citlated by one of those stafliir
raont.t:who bad Unto for the enter -
se 'that there, is et:bird swingint-
on the lines each Mite of the dis-
long neck and, to reach the wireS
:themselves. Ile hat a -wonderful, re -
tory insulator.Ue
reitelte— ;-
succulent Alaintiess and pulls - them
-doiva,---draveing Tho -strands • with
them.. The arms of wood cin which
the insulators 'are placed also &Sure
the giraffe, and when he gets fairl/.
siittlod at the= bead oists pole he, finds
tidegrepher tatris frorn, s
to '0,1,:$003*
us. qualify to ' do o.
Our .freer_telegraph tiotai
explains 'evieythipg'. Write .
for it lot -slay.
St. tart* Tamotsu. Oat,—
Mention this paper.
The eworld is such a, cheery place
If Wei but 'ice it so; •
There's beauty everywhere' we step
• To set the heart aglow.
The air is full of ritythraic joy,
The blue Sky throba wIth love,•
verge -pa,
y .purejfittlielitssin lne
/ecstasy to prove. -
The world Is such a sc)rry place
If we but •See it so;
There's sadness in the skies above.
And on the earth below. .
£)I1OU *i11
infhr iation
month for .the,
back if net 04
..4,xidr.esii* 'Vaults
-.5.-pierfhioug' Hsi!
While .travelles in tie'itee 1 stioeoverie
ed. & _drus nrhicle-seiliesteets. heir Iron
body instantly enel eierutteenttly,
win sated to any one eXicted WINA01.1t
Any eXpensle out a posttest' stamp,
Mon3--lisclirorszesstreittment Agy-itswees
ful attempts of others. 'I have, skliferiilt-,
far years ' with this and _now'
-EY 'Ilfe's -work is ti;s' 1141P-Oti%erik-ira
bis humiliating trouble. 'SLY treat-
• ant is easy and accomplistaed at home.
and I will forfeit $500 if it tails to
remove hair. Don't suffer longer. Ile -
lief is now yours for the teitieg. Wen&
now lest you forget*II address.
teenth Street, bilads phis rot
2598 acres -42 'inliett north et
MAT M AT Alttnilig. A VOIOrrit,' .
algary; a miles from Airdrie iztlway.
depot; cep-vex:lent, to church, , *00111,,
stores. .etc.; .selentlittly I 'situated; vestal.. -
ticeut .vliow,P 0 to -elate soil; 'rowel water
meats* *to I..-
all taw:tern eonveniencees end dr inseet
system; stable, cattle, wiled*, buggy'
shed, workshop. corral** etc.; good
fences, all now and substantial; will hi
sold • as a going concern, *Ith, Stock,
crop. machine/1'Y, tools and hoots fur- •
nisnings; this ,form is all plowable, and
is especially adapted for owing
• e artnin .
dragging down the arms and pecking
at the ineulatore. The Influcace
it le as • inittrions as the influence
•to the poles, looks cautiously -round
to see if any on is watching lthe per -
..Ce land thens bY
ing themselves • in this fashion ' be- and a strong putt, drags over po. ,
tween London ,end fldinburgb
an the • '
amusing instances of the use to
which, Wild animals put the telegraph The comfort is that occasionally the
wires. A report has just reached hippopotamus gets entangled in his
reigland giiiing the details of the own, devices. He is not a very des -
Mena of monkeys, to telegraphy. teriouis animal, even at 'the best ' of
These animals are convinced tipper- times; but when he's wrapped -round
ently that the ..,.. wirea „atm put up wIthe Some twenty feet of -Wire-and
merel.V. for the purpose of giving in some cases with twenty feet of
ro. 4
em a o •
fOrmence. Near Victoria Nyanza somewhat -retarded. In time, no titinly has been a wondertal auecess,
therea's a lieu -orthreesvilress-litott ottrihti IlearrastWite'illi- an , • sOnititlittnrsers sisies"-fifistreher
which there may be •sen hundreds of well to leave the wires untouched. strength may be understood from
monkeys enjoying themselves to their but *1 Bemis as if_ it will take some the fact that the reports show that
heartsvontent. years yet before ,the lesson has gone .it has already enough in its treasury_
', , to pay all probable death claims for
The authorities have tried. by home .
*Shooting thern in considerable num- What the dertizens-ot the deep think. about five years silthout collecting
'tiers, to iremove this disposition, but of the .great sea, cableis as Much a any premiums from any one Of its
:the _nionteye 31.111 rim the risk, and' mystery as the others, In some "members, -Toronto • Globe, August
tree:teller...a report that tinier, often, eee places -the* deep -tables swings-- fretit - -
them ix dotens s.wingingThy the the• ridge of one plateau to the
. 4,111111.11 a sums as s ••• sothe_r and u on the bi ht ie. el ies
w.rearrams immihrwair 1".170 mem
0 , e or er a ticcumtt a e The 1 en
funds_ now amount to over $9,000,, mute,
00 . and these, the comm e re- The flowers droop ands die;
psirtsfeareealiewelleand -safely-invest- me, elsandse are -tuned- in minor key,
particulars on applies on
'Oros.* Airdrie, Alta, -
members / net for each .year of tbe'tV`a wonder,. wonder whys
past- triennial- -period. •Noechanges• • -
•were, made inthe rates., the „Supreme lEfow eine we -solve the priablem-we
Chief ;Ranger contendingthat, the
rates ofethe order at the present time, ilihreefain_tb, ,ch therutsh,iteetill1H.knOVI?
were aro e,
. All the Supreme Esecutive were re -
„041. • Atelih
at their head. It should he added
that the .death rate of the order is
low, indeed much lower than it -was
onse years ago, and the average age
the membership is only thirty -
even. The medical Work items,
therefore, to, be well and, carefully
one. Ail a fraternal 'society the
/rail, for evertg•Wiii-firit reittear
litics-ar4s-ttistiy little ,-engines 'sport
chattering Ias ton'w e ig i.
does not serve' to improve the tele-
, 1. itle service for in the depths of
the forest the monkeys trices
and ,currents pass. ftom one ,to an -
iv mew
result, atethe, en
ddl enou h it is stated by ex-
monkeys aS to tile pleasures of
5 ling -the -wtre ..a.veepasseds-lt
ingdays,:11-1,rately_lxi1J1EW that
that some kind p• `efieins, recognizing
"Choose between ust”
Winkleton folded up. his, evening
news a ler and save. dly tbreW_ on
And how -so. full of woe?
0 human heart give answer, -for --
Rate -
'Tis not fcir birds, or 'flowers, or air
To make life,either dull or fair
Or prove its mysteries.
Life's. radiance from within must
• shine.
-Its harmony express
The aeraratiolissof the soul, -
!_Tiseeetieweslev. 4,014 _
The sky, the birds, the nowerti,
That glorified the eommort. life,
That triumphs over care .and strife:
In this 'sweet world of mu's.
--Emily Hartley in Sunset Magazine
for August.,
- -
Vgiy *MOM* perils:alit die • mineral, Iron!.
cholera and kindred -summer Ooinplairetsi.
p4citio COAST
Durime Jules August'rAn
SepteMber the -Chicago .and North -
'Western Ity. will sell from Chicago..
r und trip -enure-ilea etiikete--Iti, Taare„,,..
Francisco. Los .Angeles„ Porttends
they can disport themselves. One
cable which was picked up recently 11
all Wenner of barnacled creatures., the floor
Thor had -encrusted oneseatiii=anothe ntailante” she continuede "I
you once for all tl-int you
on the cable, until that which was tell
a 01. ins-diatrieter-wasete cai
•v issetsies_Tis_sestast time that
be pleasured in feet, e ea a-
1 • statnweekL jit:aeligvaiLed _tand.hatj. 1y:97.4 jev.eiwould
13-Meurtie titiglifirtint-itttleirarnyto-
the, p..enornission messages, except being under the same 100f mita two
MIN4111.0•01ria veladomenor. 1...e.e lom areL t.gral tgit f,rbema-en, utd
7•11 jct.°Uff "eursei_thert,_ requiring a rake every morning to
natit.nal trouble which this involited. ot es; o ear era bout --itte-feirinyard. -ShOLUSeft it as. deli .L. •
"s= . 4. ranter-Witik---411 the -i
of that confounded ,
ut Porrertusserhe
I I swelog-ameliles, a •means of defence, and can easily: - . .
pent to_eabieft iliddell: - 1.-inarti' : 'anitttret-at-InY''Irmtt Pt -an ' 1 ''' 0-'-"*1421*1 ' "--"t—aman—P-16-eL-
_theewhole teg. Atm aig.w ' th_at--
. -blassertitlledstind -ileums- . ,
4. D. clion's Dysentery Cordial. ehe
medicine that never fails to effect a
cure. These who have used It say it
. tl and thorou srubdues
t -Attetortasstlattcouversat-evers
ate Cor e 1 yc cap,
fares from all points in Canada.
Choice. of routes, best of train ger-
. • ersttrpovers-and4
rri limits. 'Mites,* folders and'
full inforincition can • * o • an
from IL IL Bennett, General Agent.
out. irk
Wrowir,iirthe-titrilsscatised--the-re-- --fle--Lo-The-eloser-&-man-gats.„to-riae-
Mqval of its heg. The owner• them. tura the happier hes_is." SheLe
on _a a woo e
Witted away o mar% , r 0•
great lakes. Round the outer edge
er' ‘' tl— n3--' 1 tit V it VI 6 s ss,
_ _
- and see, pond is being dug. Iiigh up put the wires up in such a secure
on the hill a model farm has been way merely that the mOnkeys may
built, with every modern and most have perfect swinging, seed the -mon-
perfect appliance. Close behind the.' keys are perfectly toyal "Ist She idea
castle an Italian - garden is being and refuse to steal the wire appar-
lakl, out, surroupded by high walls. •erttly-,for this reason. . r g ; you can sive o o
with many niches u.i..sd seem brack- "The curiosity of the giraffe is an-
, disturbingt-element-,---Co
trite utmost, sigiir estiserved at home stare up the lin
lcsep the publiresfromeentering tho ;viten -music is being etnitted; litorsei
: etitette and trout taking Photographer rub theineelves against the poles,
' of the building as it rises. Work- hut these. two tie but little damage.
men have been discharged at a ma- The giraffe, however, has the ad-
Metit'S notiee Who tem tried tit' terse- ofsbeingehble_Lo- stretch his
entipellot the operations. Only -
01 the peerage motored over' for the
purpose' of taking -13i snapshot or
tivo.ot the place. !to alloieance WAS
ilade for tho. distipguished visitor;
he hail to depart empty be.nded.
htr Astor himself takes the keen-
ct .
intet.est Ilia great proj3et. and, A change to the right kind of food
' ristantl down at Bever watch.. can lift, one from a sick bed. A lady
-se a arts ass -
• eart.h. A rat seems to think that. ed, and pleated talk -I've had all Pas when. roosting, she allows thee wood- ve ettItt
P wail%
is pipe conveying water, and with ever going to have. 111'meto be en leg to hang down behind the utile wielder anioni pli s. What it
cyOrything which is enclosed in lead
turned out of my own house, • all perch.
intentsto get at the whter he gnaws ett but h th I
later the result. Is disastrous to the °ult. have To malie your decision It no equal tor removing teems ere *segue -ed. Thu Mill elsenitth nr the
lacks in size it ras, es up in poi.m.
, The remedies Which it **tries aro put
▪ •••••Omm..11 up in these sumil closes, because thcy
at the outer covering. Sooner or me I leave the 'day she Comes. 'nave you tried ifollowayst Cons Cure? aro so poWeritil that only swan dote*
blysuntr_ hrsund. sttihrinuste Tittic_.. ourneTiriadinnr_which_stua tasesessess exceeseness as ta /*, box. c.ntract!, is 'incur -ell In Ms term "Add do
ionittv dovoriin_lyrit id oty iltin_ .te_ltio -iiteuntikeisinite,„ ss testitied-wsilettsi . , • -telsee--ewes--eurailila 1 •
I suppose you will marry when
yeti grow up?" said the visitor,
pleasentfy. • "No," replied the •
thoughtful little girl, intiocentlySt
"Matnnitt seye___ pewees is mole_ „.# care
than. the children, so I guess, the.
Irl ,
eulties in the way of tinderground Mrs. tifinkleton looked at her s- JUDICIAL,„OALAIIIES.
telegraphy- Ori the whole. there. blind with a hopeless, half -despairing
fore, we ve that animals have a big- look. in which Were discernible gorne The..Lord Chancellor of Ireland is
ger" infitience then is generally sup- traces of indignation and a ‘sense of the Tnost highly -paid judicial digui-
nosed. Bat what they think or it _injustice. . . tory in the :Empire, s ea ary " g
all is another matter. One woulii you must go, dear,'"Iseilhe sal , * * AnnUla. The salary -of
.ttli irt-tortit.:- ., ' . Athe-,ntauer,-srattle- E-, r-Ivii3t --Ii-ehave t in tMoroli
the trionkey, to giraffe, and, not o arty
• least its import co', with the rats • ..
It is itis OM -ter of this 1.AW Of Ittaltli.
...When called in to attend a. disturb -
DOING THE SHOWMAN'. some it aearetes out the hiding -place ,of
pain, and like to, guardian of the peace.
. I hands U )6ril it and says 11 arreet
"When I was running a circus,"
rhaps Plain 01,4 Meat, Potatoes
. and4lirea,d May. be ;Against
You for a Time.
int; the working of the miracle. !fey- in Welders 111., says:
r eit±;Itilitt—tit-gratt,--itittiquity- -.**-4sast eltpring --1 - .beestrae. Isede_fastwzt'b-
Uilt hY-Firr-7-Williton lievre i with _severe stomach trouble o.ccom-
thc grt -*I Vlihvt‘iit lir. - It was panted. by tiltk' lee-41tache. ' I
here- that Henry VIII.. dopticiled worse and worse until I became so
' f Clevett. • low I couid searcely retain any rood
• at -44 Ititali001A4 trisd every kind.
' S' '''-lef-- , r
NLY APOLOGY. aged, had gisen up ail- hope. a
thought I was dimmed to 'starve, to
A /8* btav6 1.8811 1°1° call a•PG16* death, till one day -MY husband try%
St, stele one of the highest attri'. ipg to find sontething I eduld retain,
4 , iiii4-iir -is---iiiiiiVerfficii:: ' p.rtillght .hetee seine cio4)0.Nrtits. -
it ,ort), lily enrprise the rood agreed
:There ig an atithentte story et e,
.,,t,,,otident .itteltlintitstehosSlitike -hart stillY tie mete_ digested' perreetly, and
to a tonflantfitt- •Cieltk.4,--- Ito iter-usea bout Itititrois. - I began, to gala
t hitvin/r raislaid or fest rt-cer- vng_tn- -- *--,_ at once. itv Vest& twhjch
it a Is persuaded that he - w s' had u'xi, 1 111°4) dew 1. tiered"; MY
Pettarit'Aetters"stniit-sies ssess, - - , .,.. . ,
sthe Clerk Iiiiiiirett in Itioi i?te• health fral'4°'49t'd In 6‘-.'"Y...3"Y- anti
t . '174t,following day. be ,4Seety day, and4 in a,. 'c..-1,fry lew, weekil
1, 109 tiitPliskeeto bpotto toe I :tTained 1.10 fuitinds in weigkit - I'
. elikeictivoi, 'and *irking . tly-3 liked Orono -Nuts so well that for 4
number' found 'the o•tte. „Which' had beri ., tylonthk I Itto tur other:food. and Plo,
,.piissoa. %lite nterehttpt. had pliod it, :agyilsteiiit itishawdel:astotdtwfielid taofteLtir .ctianto-
with' Sl few ()the**, it his oleereer,tt '
• t
'laid a retired *chowlean r Y-6111. tjAtittil4 413 the la*
r neve of health import* ft sentena of peignittin
- d Th rek.
lost an -oppoitunity or Advertising. I
alsizenselutd-inesettvite, on -
chance, ;tad I mitge oveqthielI P,
name everywhere, and whenever any-
one asked for. my autograph you
may be Mire he got it. •••,,-,
-oothie43.whert L, Went.--Atr lc Jittl
town ix great •-•-fitting--of-beys----ti
girls stood in line waiting tot -
chance. to ...et my autograph on
small cords they carried. wrote
tham fast / could, thinking to
myself' old boy, your name
is getting to be b011netiOld;tirtird?
• "Althea lookett rotinit the tent
ilhat afternoon lc, thought all . tho
Me -"town wore
there. 'That nieant money, and /
.11 IVA.%4 feeling prettyitrtppr till t-eorti-
Inwood looking °vet the reeeiptg,
'Ikon then t round four Nundred ;of nty.
intithgralAts With tte 'ibeortle 4sAdin1t
bearer' Written .aVeVe thein. .
"That is the only 1 lee; in My life
Was • ever 'thine.' tchoot
ui hi* Ozni)
at .1
resignation. 1 wllj
1 flut never a
sting behind.,
I barthtniti *it on pain.an r
as` Electric oii was °Agitated to ()ea.
71p$P1-olVt ,111V-11
Well -fitted hospital cars aren 120.
4117,0elt1411011kim_aanble'8'h_t°43111,,,tnbtv'ilaiticrtaA,Ylvitsn'tr: R*PrvCticen.'
.1- 1 .
Mentally introduced, Eaeh car con -
ins -tight trio'eable. caaches.,- a dia.'
perisary. and an Ogelittltig-roont, te-
aideri. it tomplete set or roatimentling
applianceS. The Carol are 48 feet in
Ilength; ? -The first- or , the tali --it**
.1%1 :bthk,c110-11111'Iti!e$4141 Illey.41.1wt4V1111"414iirt
Tinted to ewes"' ImPortant ritirVisreY
entre In ilelgium. .
rgliftit-49rd Cheureliur is Z10,
t siffper abfittitr, bit 'tiA.4hil.--Er'ittst'
46,000 only is paid for the dis-
charge of Judicial duties, the re -
.e4,„000 being paid to . him
in his -capacity of ox-oflicio Speaker
of the Mitre of Lords. The *alai,/ •
of the Irish Chaneellor carries with
,aitnnat4rne.tiring pension -of £4,000 per
" -
They are cocain Prepared. ruts
whith. tittotips.ta.thonee in the stom.
with cantle
esi and to over-,
(IfIceetniet uceP:talivethatitsvfn till ins atiminie.
tered• ihiluence the action of these
tonal', Parmelee's Vegetable are
tO o te on the intestines- . Di
action until they _pens
through the onisich to ,the
for me ivhhout Th� caro at & 'MOW
band °0
Leiver's 1t -Z “(iifttio Mad) tdoinfooe
ant Soap Powder dusted )ri‘ • OM
b th, softens the, water and (Indite
facts. '
--1.1t1tat-kinct -of a -looking man s
Clabbleten?I. doia--beeir
neve I have fact him." "Weil, It •
you see two men kr ar. cortntn'
one of themlooks bored to deettlu
the other one -is- tiatib)etOrti" •
mt114.11.8 WXM
An: addition -4o- the.,litertattre. „ „Of.
turiOUN Willi tomes from the ,iikrOtie,
,'.goldttelds„, ,A.. miner died at the
itt the Vuliort territory. On a niece
Of birch bark he wrote his lett tee.
iota, 4eqUeathifig 11111 valuable
claiins on the river to WO ttlekdes,.• A
mpartion whir -was With 'biro iti
ii'tt Momenta said, ."Vire had no
per, and so' the tilt* mitt wrote
is Wilt Ott .0; Plerti,of bark, and.,it
'lend and I Signed** W141(04100
worrn Mother 4Grasies Yr& taro -
terminator; nothing eguals it. Procure
battle and tete it ton+
"JZySon," he Said Iternly, 3fd
lt,o_ow Why% 1 san going to 'VW
other food 1 itfll now+ .et well Woe
snare dOieg ttll my own 'Work again,
Aita iced Oat!Lfoig worth. living.
boon. c
'family:, it surely steVett
invtwo little toy Nave
CT ,49/tu
" rca$0
e littlet3 10
• ° • Me
‘,4flattk6 CirNky
• 'the -Wired trade
at DPihi iS nracticall
'of one rattily,' ,the
',tbr sitt
ognolir wantof st
witrt, .01' ''.inotitits;
ettirtes, tc.4,4y.hIgh 03 •
hesIt1X tteert .giVen pr. *
ofir carving
tbe hands'
• lat4"