HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate., 1905-08-31, Page 2tQ IM.
. , , iiii0ild'O' .0f .the,..4tlantie! xl,ada".
•'• , ' -,iiiid ;1f.ixot..tight„•.444::,0,44'. Oars. ,WIth.»-
• . ,,, . . . .,
4rs.;;AFa6V4 Over mOderp) rait-
N,ili. ' 4111-!;;44. : COMforts ,vtbid.V:
' : that .,;Iiiii1giii4 Of the ,CeatreiCof ..Ottr.
•• ' '1,10Pitlatiott,•,sayis the NOW ',,YOrk.:•*aft
' Street •174.4mtuare. ‘ :rite Printe ..agert,
the,. new • transcontinental railway
'with .teiral 1 on the shores of the
coming -11110 "US gone-ftflaaraidtha
Ovid of the prOJector:, Its route hats
beim definitely decided upon. the sur-
- •
• -veys for its construction bar) been
completed, and the finanelal Arrange-
ntents for its building 'have been pro-
. vided, ' In fact, 0.110 section.of the
,• work. -bas been already offered •for
contract, and it is a certainty that
-before this time next year the 'work
of construction along the whole line
will •bp in progress.
• The cost of the undertaking is.
variously estimated at ft•inn $150,-
000.000 to $200.000.000, uui the
for prec1ous arni Other ut$ats,
it JZLU b* cobteEsed that thi
ing"'hiltor3.t,,of nada1WailtilUtS t
Most thorough- itxplorop,tuin.',..
ds rip Mvg writ. to prove. Ji
lretid itonikett' bY'.1the
, ;1V4 •110.t.'
• di''•*7.****''''';'*„.
' •
00 WeicoM0Tlwy ii
II the t ik.Of„Mlek•nL,MterWus.
lirm the countrA •AL
• .- . • '
iceable P40,441t
•tin tuni1 refoeme
0- • ite
rtbt• 'fl'onzc nt..
IS1BL;!, F
"AO erica
• .0
usia et°rOtit);14°L by f4t1
se that
ntx$ Othek' COU1itrhya.
.csr4s MLt. faisky'ard '40 , xgusc
• Or the.`0hOrt 'Ifv,C.ed notainattO•a. qf bi
• ' trellictisso
•Sending Comxaiisioners. Thraugh
"' vastigate-cOlv;-'--
at tu anal Government.
Although many conflicting • reports
are current. in "concerning • the
scheme§ ear the awakening of China,
there are undoubted13r signs that at
the elese' of the war the right mo-
ment will he chosen fpr taking deck
sive sweeping measures. Officials 4„ro.
to be- sent to all, parts of the world
to investigate the system§ ..of consti-
tutional irc•vernment, aftW. 'the man-
ner of the ItliSS/011 of Prince Iwakura
subsequent to the restoration in
Two °Metals are t sentto
•cquiPpett within live years, Aside
4,1tOtriether (2'0211 -i110
' construction of. the read will bring
Ito Canatitt, thrOugly'the opening of.
an entirely. virgin territory to set-
tlement "and. production, the • Mere
fact that suck an enormous sum .of
money is 'to expehded • •the
Country, largely. -in the shepe of
Wa ' •andlor7strpgitele•Wift-,
t• s a. s• u1,.
Relent gutarantec. of great general
perity diiring•-• the:- ported, • of-
littilding at least. • But. when it Is
considered that the present wh,eat-
• -proMicing. capacity Of the countey 19
• . t 4. • y 1,490
graid-growing land which will be
• . • ;
construction of this- great natio •
underiaktng, the' possibilities are'
stinplsr staggering: It means that
• within ten years the production elf
wheat* in Canada will be
• only .by the ability to find the labor
to cultivate. the land and handle " the
crop*. • 'Ibis development means a
economie' 4.
1.0-inertide-ihe Minister• -of *ar,- o
lirthat capacity leavea China for the
first time. • The-iiiiteitilsTitre„ also to
be engaged in sortie secret mission re-
garding Maechuria. 'will start a• DV MEN OF MANY RACES. Two burgesses of Liege; 'after Et
few weeks hence. • Who found it a handy explanation of day's slght-eeeftee adjottrned to a
'The following is a ropy or reform the- conquests and ittiventUre which curio for refreshment, and there be -
scheme dr awn up- by the powerful- , turt-tv-u.----euvr#Y-411- blif- ; gan itfspute, which, led to
Viceroy •'Kuetr- u 1,.• s
AOTTEME OP ritr4E00111,
M._ Ova speCiat_priv.Ilegeto_
. i . 1
UraV ell; that be hau a I §laVonle
minor glorious la Russian histoiv"
• -their Wi, .titit,40iiri
, .•
thtm *bout
;OA. otOrOtecti
) .heresi
p* •
.• ',rOf
vu•owto mAIMers.
znd te#::•„ f,tie tft
.irIng4r4411:00. '
towi+, ,
ex 411,,te''
d4P. '1)06' *to.'"
, IlOr 1'
•„, • . •
l'ri:*:e'4:10.11,il:Sisri.r ' ;45:.j1.'1;siii .411:4"' c4:111° -tril.$..4-4:7;itr4itit's$4‘..::e'n;;4'0:;1131ijr:elti' i.:1 -t' °'
"tha:•trilkiik:110^-t*Q't . 1,. Pt#1'4' vtoba, prima ' are'-'Onehtimged.
.•. ,1.441.411.;•144.4,rtliCh'i.ielillete**tai °.Otitt. 40t;es4u-r.*Virt‘'Si• 1'1. ht: Ittn.'"St ,140‘••t74; $"- 4^1.°'••; tiro:m.17;47d' 0,PtIt''' 1
; ,,, „ tt n a Ai, • • •
IWO And WOO another, • '' •.' •",' • t , - , n. 0 4 , i .9 ,
1.1,• exptallv eXtraortiluarY wav 'of ' '
.$12 per top car tots, outside .
.• le -.49'•
OELLING- A' ' . ' - ' ' '` '.... ' -• .'•••• '
°tobinttisiti-gelftt3'r't7,' 314817flikt410:a".b4rat."141774
, _
.QTrzEt wATS SgMING a. laill'hal413/ titer fotlow-
DISPUTES- • ing duel lictween two Japanese' 0111.
-!'er4c; the Int*.t..4att the lane
' „ orantif-,144
4 a ruaee, W en. Alt t ,o,y Pas$ ..-fr,,ig' ht poilitsl, .' 1
, e 1 ‘atu t,
-„othee„-thein-swords--hecatita- -Ala
. stut,th r_represen ExtrstouxrdialiaryHtsi. b741;ausx3413 %III .1‘es43ext
tive sign a 'confession of defeat. Anil
Duel*, , tangled." said One; ceolly.,-"and at Oaf,- 4. G .1•0' 120O for No. -2„
best 4 is oaly it quarrel between tbe tur e•IP°11; °Id' 841° to 87e'• at °at-
e* with 13aron • Rosen", the papers .,
took 'pains to explaire-that, •though silde
....--P-'..-se,,;t•-1Wet-will sett -about - „„ .. joints
1 New or old 38e to 43e at
outside points, according to quality.
he. had a -Ger111311 name. his grand- %There was quite a welcotne element
thaticried the other, excitedly. end ' i'arr-eY--- . . .
the with these words he drew 'ids iNiireAPOSA Rye -Dull, 57c to ..58c , at outside
father was Decembrist patriot. one of
the band of offickts who tried to ,C.t3* .eek ago
doleatithie,. farcical in that duet to
which was arranoesi a few
, and plunged it into his breast The
'tract the coabitution -front Nichol*, 1 Switzerlind • ' other, eager 4iot to he outdone. hins•'
.".inbythetwl:Abnotry°-11rivaTiteel 1°14 'rind Att...n tr 'N.. tmrt.t. *my". * . * i ,.,,,,. P°CiotirtAn.---Canadian-' Not O '
I. eighty ,,fh.xxrs ago, • lose, who, it may be remembered. -0-ii-hu-siii"-Tes-$.7-anr"o; t,'"e'utuvrtieA*,i1,4"Yel,opiiiTs ...:1,c, neoha,_tham freights:4k tanie'rt5cat firt
_This emphasiziag of Russian tradt.I.,greed t9 hptou themselves to the
to 6210 for No: 8 yellow.„
tion as something that •Initist. keep i„ spiegen antagonist ;found him already at ' the i '"'' '''''`c
lake and rail freights.
her history, outside of •the eurrots and stOin), for two 110211*Sepolat. of death. Thereupott. he drevr
Pfts-65c to 66e, at ontsitie
; deny in the track of the avedataci
that affect °the** .61-4t1°°s Is ii°t;'llt• -11until one or other of them wasL re,- -011ivai..18.1-/iobtritv°4 AstIrkdo/PtrhtlaPtdheittiviiati 1°S
but., the theory is going to be workedi inoved from his rival's Path. Afi- 4.1,00 wo'nid ..
awl Rolled -Oats-ear lots in ,barrels„.•are
. . .
as • the &qua justification of the Fate would have •it. the police of :. ' • ac3t1--hao*a had- 4° Strit.24- rt 1 Pqi)uo't•tt:d.', at $4.75 on track here. in '
present regime. Vet it is not thin- { Beilinzono got uruid or tho ,Tooliomo , of Me if vou had not found me elset _
, ..
gu I. .. a . . o• . _ 7 — 17 ._ ,i.: . I a. AF
'We outside.' ,..,•,-.
it ,
1 e 'cl)—iwi te7rer-Lsinc -.1 hav
-Affiet--ti- ''''". --"..1e*I---''alt, the dtei , c 0 . . . e.
!had the glary:of conVincing yOu the , .
o es e
irnth In 'it to -day .but, -furthermore,
tin more absurd was a duel which „
that 1t Wks liever more until e meta . my sword.. is' as good es yours.' •-,
was fought not long ago in front ox
fiction built up. • , I ondon Tit 131t
Buttetr:-QC)VINTIotti:tY.itinialti°1nPc. thi.O.Citigll.ed.
the railway station at' Antiverp.. '" - - s'
Creamery. pri IA t 22C to 28e
. .
2Ie - 211e
A TALE -Of liENGE Dair lb 11
do solids .
• 6 . • • 4::,od U
eh' ire_ •,_:......,...._„„,„„......,.......„12
..4 ti -..-1,-, -1,
0 inferior -..-.... .........150 -We- --
clieltiot'atielt3 WV ouch=
at llic to Inc • ' ,
rggs-Continue firm at 1,6c to 184(3
.Potatoes-Quotatio s'
ed at 60c • per bus•her
n •0 •nt1er7 not, ,warils. and Altiellytor _hlows,.....;,0......
„wry- v... t L..s• ' * r * " -tttli VA 2)PS:
, .Nathing-. u-----W7t,-;:ot.14--Couttl-etritee--4,-heer------------7,..„,.._„_„.„.. .
e r-tb rentler-career -131--expeitt-.1.gtaircirTii3fillre'" but iMalitlY r" ---r---- ''''•"--711-E00-1)-7 -
siOnwhich started the appetite -for wrapenie'were available the care pro;•' • ---- • '
the ''•rtissidcatiou" 'ot the 'smaller prietor su.rgested that the atlairiTrial,
About to Open r,s.t. Rome in
'peoples who Went his neighbors, was could- be lust its Welt- SOttidit- -w1tii4-:" -Whi,ok
lot 11 en he N r
generally.eonducted,.by _men who weke kluschrs,• and be prOviiied. eer• ie cont-
2. fra thoroughly.- reorganize ssolltriees at a . Wh
ROVermirent A• dminIstration, and ap-ftu _ _S. _ Shi car. , A inurit••
g a e( .t*-.4,1o,A Simothy is quote.
prominent aristocrats and resemb- _
1 le e t his Whole 'empir4.) in charge Of , oiled their chilly reap-oi.is •at each ' • -ed at $7 to $7.50 per ton for car
-th,,...444n.p:rliag_lia....eonle_e_ilif ..tajeati, ., -
,• traak-herc-iittrit'eg-IS a
{ a Scotelnuan named Patrick Gordon.
;Lutes in le south wese their passion was so effectually co01-.'ous ,Aturri-llearnartird murder cases. $6,
i cooquered for Peter by a fuil blooded ed that they were glad to shake.
will shortly be „opened at _PistoJa. I . .
negro whom lie •itad bought on. the hands and rush away to Italy,. where the ()pair has created Baled Strak.:-Qulet end unchanged
I at $5.50 to Sa per ton for car lo
tized lIannibal and prometed to bet
sle markti
et in Constantinople, bap- i • an W117)0180 sensatiOn.
CUANCIE TI1Ellt GARMENTS. i on track In,re. , .
The trial. relaus
relates to the spicious, .
General. I equally etraising and 111/4/armless was death of Hignor - Arturo Co14i, a well
Catherine the Second's exploits in a duel itt which two Italian deptttie3 known-, Sportsman, and son of the - EA—L 31., 1:11KETS:
ftuAsia's pante wore carried through 0000 engaged at a quiet spot, on tlie immensely wealthy eavaliero Vincen- 'Grain - Flour- Mimitotia 'spring
i Just such a group of high spirited outskirts 01 Rome, where a clump' zo Co171. • 4 -heat niter& - ..."1.8%_. tt._ "•; 4. •
adventures fro .1 ,..i•• . , t.... _ - • ..7- * , , I*, e rong t r • ', Ma • LO ' 4 a 10; Winter
ale.4.4thdreass-n14--frlistineti ' •
tween Manchuria and China, and
bring the great province within the
4. Not to place trust in -nil Profit*
ises made to the Government, and to
allow' time for the adequate' trial of
a reformed administration. 1
5. Abolition of the old system of
appointment of officials.
, -,,',,,,,,.--,,,,r P-44 '.."... _ tin ti --conSt_tdctation•-•aa- ••
- ._
0 es a" lisli-s -1,--6016 throUghout
worrdre-factOr. Vaned°, is •now pro- •
clueing about. one-sixth of ,the whthe empire. eat 0 CONSCRIPTION PA.11T Qp IT.
. raised in North ' A.meriett, • Iler hew '
. flicilities: Will Increase her ability so .8. To adopt conscription,
„"kastri-tbat....itlis,1_1.evident. that : pita' 9. To allow a certain apount of
will before many years control the
independent action on the part , of
grant markets ot the triii, u.nd in local authorities.
• that fact, there. is nnich feed for
thought for the rigrectiltvrik of- the
Iinited -State.
FORESTS A N'1)._„AtIN "t
1.0. To sfl-engthen the finances by
gradually gathering in funds- from -
all the provinces. "
• The officials of the province of An-
S, les 4) 6 - a wouni were seen on us a . s
'wheat production,. it intiCed it long ways throughout the whole territory ' est to secure le,
Colzi there and then forced her to i ,
remains second. will be the return under. their Jurisdiction. 1 erninerit and generalshili as their own it was impossible that his antagon-
write wahnticihsitecnatthtjae.wtcras.. follow:sinligovree,ntflois-Is . S6 51)
lo,1:4:1°C" 74,2. jAiil 7ce.
promised from the forests and mines, , our high Chinese oMcials have i excliosivc analr'S- • f ist could have struck. him In the to 43c per bushel,
nom _practically toaocessiblp, but to_ boon rl'er1 to -piocaoci to .JaIrtn,1 31'1 tIPPer -rank 40.t--. _Ilia- It14.cgic''' , back the secteute'were. aereeetmeitl stow. . " -I- - ' . ,rop,
, Ileami-Choice primes, $1.65 to.
r1:14°Ittcectitz'o Colii. end 1 I lots.
be Opened -to the world with the Europe •abd Aiiierica to Ineeltikate bureaticracy• tofftlay a.re plenttrully .
upon discovefing .'a Wound that 'had ' friends:-' ' I. the undersigned. ww, si 7,0 . • besh i
- --coin-Oct-ion-of -the---Grand---Trunir-riv -the sYstems-or-oast4tatiOnar-"govera-llalPi!iled-with' •the -sass --of -aathrat17-ed-isisql ---tfirtraett fipparVntlY by the .-surfferahld. -gnitio
e ot ng, none; o. n car
. . so_tarn_ae_haye_re+reemts. Oee (•,.....)ljter_otteet of this...misetariagael........ ----el "14,--of-tr-rapi,.. . exanium ion, ' , • 1 84e • 85e.
.lerretf ,onlY to the building of the sion is belleved•to.he an endeavor to ......._, MOSTLY C'PRZIANS. showed that a •‘sliarP twig had pen..1 furtner confess that I haVe been in.!, jeltatei,e_is-ou, petatone,..iii,,,,e;a,
main . tine of aornoth(ng lass than 4indttee the powers to call aNiteren at- _ . ,. ...., . _-_-- _ ___ . _ ,---i---,-----is- :•etrattsPAWiltoPUVriFfiifek• 1^.^^7?hen---114TIttb-'11aliite--of-ITOW-VC7-FOr yeari-r- - ‘1, ge pouns0
d, eoe to 55,c.
, . ci ,oreign Office not oily •,
,...4.000.4ailitsr-but-it-IU-Tinl 'Purpose- of 't,--ninl'edriti-efeirairiiii ',Oat--77-tit$ - _stepped backward to take his •posl- Towthisi.tirytticonfessiritrion.l....isciaseihiirT,e,eelriteiry, " - 4-..- 1-..-- --- --ti•-t,
_ .._ .
.• ...., _ .. __,-- _ ,, , , •••••,- N '
, •
L '..---1 4;i"ntr "rag44°41:-11-;,--inellihelL -1-4--LAt* eilaii:7444.-",'Wft-firr---Ittlit'-$t . -
erhiss.' tut to. 1-3e per sec ion in. One . pptind.,______
,..---.n.•--.,---.--,----,bui44•74'nritimerable-branrh-- a. rhi: 4 . 1
- •
- -Vete.; Oed-40-rfrpilta4,re-nad.,4rom-E-.__oleservatiour--trees ..--etre four years ago front' Ills 'Wife., the wheat patents. 0.10 to $5..25. end .
Mtn. With her they were •mostIYI thicklY, brindled and grow .so elose'daughter of a noble l';'Ioreritite) fara- Straight rollers. $4.75 to r4.00 in
Germans, for she herself was.' Imre4together that t12 ,COPSC 13 practical -illy. and has since been living, With n;,. wood, in bags" 52.25 to $2,35; rolled
entaon bOth sides. • ., ily impenetrable except by a narrow mareied lady. who Was ibeatiy'4. oats, . $2.40 to .$2 .421 per bag;
So it %yes all through the l'ainilav.. path that runs AM -ought the trees. !known as "La Ilene Carle-I:to." -f pearl hominySI 85 to *1 q0 in
t chapters 01 Itussia4 historY, when! A Skillao deptity had been offended.' Arturo 0014, who 'was ow, 'most. bags. of 98 pounds; corotunal4 $1.45 -
soldiers--autt-statesmea w110 were nOt ' by another -deputyand the two Metinimical telsna with his father's lady to 81.50 Per hag. - .... - •• •_.
Slaves at all were -WOrkIng to force -at this_spot, to 'fight. Just. as• theylfriend, having recently' died • under Milifeed--Ontario bran i'21111c et
Ili' ssta frontier's a 'Wfiteni: '•i44kleh•I 'uttered a crY mid tfroPPed his Wiliiii'• Of his friends intermed ihe leubtie .1W:1),in
-, i- bran- in begs" *II- to- Sttl;
they called iilavonic. hut might ,as, on. I-fe was about to falf:and- his prosecutor ' that some time -ago. ShOrtS, ..0 to V21-
elr 110.1t0 cailed • bY any other nam0. st..conds rushed. forward to support, -faun c 17,141-
00 ..
mrsvTie,at Irsot, the act 0 'A ) •
_ . ... •
___ _
•4, clover, $6 to $6.25; clover mixod
, Nore---. 77-4-...:-.P0
on the sthaller nationalities .itroundr-crossed. •-th& deputsrtveri mysTerfous, idrimastance.:4. two • ,:40.4...„04_0_ • t,20;•
le Enos • remote parts of the main . • . . ._,,t,,_ ,,„ e skin. 1-ils _advertetU $ _ser01_14
the Torciign ,World untlersta. IWO,- ---„...0--•i--mwes-s--,,eti" the- opinron Thal their
WAY:SIDE OnSlatrATION14. - _
line „Will be broUght into touell %vith- ,... 'Russian diplomacy. Non liartw4g,-priticieattortereitted-heen heti?, ' :Let.
the eXiSting railreatis not only of Sun s•OPts47tritcxle46-- ,..ert.,:,-itigi •'4 ItIna.4.04111,0111,34-44. 4.inint ii: tivw-votsj,;-was-ifdded- to - e
---11V-arrtit tif-thifs-ktifiri,:tik.'-'31- -4-4xPettencd ----itIte'lliotefer- 'Mail iiit- iiiiiiirs, German ektraction„! list ot ihosii known already .in the
ttles,. lines Is already. ueder con- d°„IP•. .
struet it in-fisma Toronto to. Lake AL IS more blessed to give t an to b A the regular Prussian official.. .-e ho .ort of duelling.
Temishanimg. ahout, 1100 tulles north beg. i liAiens ti;lioardailpifoomr a,htilse dseparictemesionn.10 , ., r .
! . wh n some time ago, an American
. in a straight line from the city on The dove •ot peaCe• flies With leaden! °I d '-i 1 I ir
Lake thitario. Atnerica.n interests
aro represented 10. a- degree in the tnotion.
Alt empty honor is full of -dietatise
Victoria. • Vaucouvee _and1- ...!,a.Stertk.4-ventrillyity- ixr-s-towt-utir lierflue,14-
roatt an untl‘ertaiting of -Mr., .1-anu.S. f
eatches up. • i , e .42,.
J. liiir:s„ in 11ritish Coluntbia, with
extensive raralffeatiOns south of 'IOW' lt ought, to be accounted a crime
to kill titne. .
Since then "Carlotta" has. it is
&alleged; beau- takiracjaverrtm-.
Ttyr wrea, lief revenge not only
,upon -Auturo Coln; but also upoa
'his wife and chittl.
• On reSeated occasions "the Colzi
cer ti, rre e( family iscovered the presence of dered, 11c according to quality
the .foremost cha.mpions of aggressive, fiercely
- -
4-t0-13Crin-60.-P0iind titiS, 're to Sc.••
Canadiset short, •
;eut.,„pork:,- 42t.t•-to
cut, $18 to $I0; Ameriean cut, eLer
•fat back, 510.50 to $20.75; pont.
rpound lard, 5:c. to -64c; Caiiadias
•pura Tarti. 102e to 11.c; kettle • rent,
.............. international' line. That others Some social lions- are merely .don-
• bide Mr. 1.111 have their eyes wide.
opett I, the future is not surmise. • It's funny hblv a shirtwal.st suit
for already Anicrican roads. have se- linakes a. titan walk.
' through puteliase eir _::,,Q_p_R_T.,:ffjvAnngatktmdazzsikaEr-
rttv----vx.mtnt-g---przqrvrrcczr-4-4-i-rA are air about him.
heading toward • the new rnuntrY.. The oftener a matt loses his temper
"this MMUS; great bueintete -for- the more tie has Of it. - -
Canada titer a stare •pf her pro'sper4 Life is a comedy -of -errors; a trag-
itY for the rafted states. edi of •disappointmenta.
A ural le glass filings in •their food,
Russian expansion in the questiena
choice of 'weapons tell to -the Anieri-i Finally, Arturo Colzi-was attacked
that led up. to this war have been ca__,
110 arranged the following ',!-iv_o_43.110.14...ane_tieger.illg_fien
,eten...ctf-nonfaussiallefaudliesr-1-001"---yoemie-or-settIing-tlieirilifrerenees-::whielt. detqfile- a skilful- mimic -4 op-
itress to overawe the -Chinese un- , , r.„
Paid 1)1411con. who 1114410 it their ittle-,(4....wo ,case_3 of oy. -•nunito nere to
eration, ended' in his death. Quite
e..."lhareu 'Sus. ikr'44.4 and to kelt" recently one of. the doetom who were
• bates, 1,2c to 13e to lAc..acenrding
to 827.0; bacon. lac to •lic; fresh kill..
r326--.44"-abitlat ,••
141- $7;41Y toe 'faxed lois. • •
Eggs -Straight stock, $174c to
t •./ cant1101, 19e to 20e.
Butter! --Choice •creamery. 22ic • to
23fc; underGrades.„ 21:c to 221c:
4' dairy, i8e• to 20.
Oats-Pricea shiiss little change. -
1)&1.21 Court with stories, of u
isia's might from; the • legation • 44.! was to be Attaelwd a 1°Ilg '1"3- Ea°11'.. attenilance oil' him confessed that
Pekin,' were of 1...evantine and„ Frei_ ..Je_l__17.t t_tht„boxes,._ 4 (*obi's, symptoms had; eitewn. all the
extratt too , 0 tir("T 'Will?'characteristics •of intestinal irrita-
The• new It ssiarx W.ar Minister.
,,simultaneouslY. au/I the 'man tii110 re-,
tion o
. pr ?like o
es f
Ttoedi cr. anbther tif the tlernumi 111'3 st-41t the leuglir was
ly du t the
(Anted the duellists -duly enthroned •••' l'I/ YS CIA N'S STATEN!
In the army. where the tradition of
iinssian glory is. most deeto root.; hemselites on their respective .10412311 In Vie' raargi' PrAtiiiihatv
amination in court he added. that.
ed, the bias against. fo'reigners is 'art" .
widespread. Most men 'who saw tiler TflE ri181.1K WE/M LIT.- ,•,Colzi's wife children were. in his
•1 •
ts.erif Kotsiro-,• As the Cre ran•hissing along the fuse order , but -that Si )r Vincenzo
Some people have' nightmares, even etahat he moi comptent rifighting in Mattelturia acre& p er) g tom t 20 same dis.
while sleeping on their o portunities - ' and death came neater and nearer C I "Is f
Evers -thing indieatt...e that Canada After the gossip hae totd it all and .patkin S _generals, was the unfortun- o latly fiend. trim was sery
thb Sptiniard turned first pale and highly connected and exercir•ed
is full of mineral -the precious added a good deal' to the original l'at41110SItVilttegkeibtertt inikossible k theft green with alarm, and finallv.r at influence Jp_soelety both at 'fft.TFFAIJO CLItAIN•MAItK
phw;phatks. end, in fact. every:- whole lot that I dora rpmemberr' ee....inpatieNe ta raise the -siege-, -oe' .1-10'11-1001040-.--his-414144
nal demand and the tn the
-market is easier.
Cornmeal -Pearl hominy Is in mod-
erate request.
ife2t,,•*-7-A way (1:-,tnend givtn n.
firm tinder 1,4)ItP to • MP maaet. for
-plaids. coal, iron. capper. tin, fricle. 'xictOxy tire eratt-lry myttiff, *artiff&lit Atrsoch re4, Avith,_0+01).0 ineo; to- -force mial1.°176 151:2-ar t!IQ arreaWat-r-CNI° 1* la end Romebad. thr4i!Lt4 ne4L
iting Iliat the requirements of the Marriages -are tirade iti heaven--atid to ,Meart,wiiile. -hiS American. rival iiiairr- otp 3 C id les -811.8pic1011S. IIIS white, 8:3e. Vorn firm; No. 2 yellow.
mit av hitter, Prez No. `,1 -rel. Bic; No. 2_ ---
world elemarid aboutul, to 1121.37 no- unmade en earth. ;I'ort Aithur. and he was. Ieft
his, neat placidly-, never 41017 -
thing of oii. 'Thesir fields are 1_12129 • If a singer's voica has a line range:withstand the ' harde_st bloWs at [I .,tainvd
a muscle, and when his r h ft concelence, hawever. 7Wouid not per- F 60Ic: N•c• 2 ,N)rn. 59te. Oats, ilitn)rsk '
far untouched. th!tow valuable they it may TIT'lereeti /11`1114.klug -her a -fat,b 'Lutheran,
'' Liaoyang. Ile is a., Battle provinee;i lag
Gen,,,i burnt itself out be/calinty dismounted it'let, 0 .
the sound, sclentifie -1-1-9.e -11-r mit him . to maintain silenee any/ N'o., 2 tvhite, 29r; No. 2 2221021. 27.K.
- Are lax' bc' ga \41- frorn---one-arei--4-Pockot- -140°kr, " ' - '- - ,7,:crai ,,tit: Tit Thu (Term -an -staff - type. , _r_._-__-.:i.alk,1 _r_re_Pttert_17:11,_04i_trq4A^To:-
bisT .it - h "ti cases, whtcli.".. ktew won, pieion, low is ee tierietin
e ease- t- o -c lance ort - ,• o •
freights eteatly.
11-tift:tii)* Tor tYloneY are s°°" Par"d" ul'ISlav had little in common with; erwugriii
tlie tracks cobalt I•taS cirst diseovere together on how ninth lie has. were ,filleo, with nothing! Poisoning 1) means of powdered
him *ith Oripenherg. tha gallant i exPla•live
,glass or diamond was conimoni in
• ed. %Weft. 12;1011 op 11 examin•ation, /Liman who is tired of the v)rid,, is 'old swede who ,ons treated „with as, 'the following romantic story' eotnes iftsly in the tete centui.y. tknvenuto
p ,e e mere Nitta. than n $ than world iixf of el_ -k ingratitude ,--• ay rue o: thili
,a.telfety,441,ttiva_hittor.traw,ttohYiri.eCuriro:olp...11.,t_kin„ 7frdni Vk"IL ;4' 5.1°111Ii: (I°11111111 14'" CeIlinI fir;64440171) relates in • his
tliSvol.apv .Upon,„ - "ea atiaaga 4hat-tbere, .
natti.obiographi atternPt, oh eta 3,1artot ots Toeulay u44
•lat•-.'s Canatte. eennot wOrked11-1medles--, • r- ••• - aoy-sentinteet Ittissia for thd Itue,.41tri'snit he In 1 The • II" 'L. • ' • far
ten (Us., ita in piisoli it wag 1115,0 in. (If 0101
lloid for its'timber 'Zilitl to•Attar th -boys these divyte• 'Who Weer •kiittqhed, /hit. it is. oof aly• in 'the ariny- -• tfult. (77,0h .nationalityt And * thiel w.cl, ...--- ,x -ix.;,, .niz a-.4. 4,;T-,---,„„- in, mit tood--tai --voi,.4 , , - • . • . ,.., - •
-1 ---sii1.4-.--Asitle---x-4'4.tre---detaqn.4-'---
- • • 4,---1---.--- • i., . • ,slatts/ holds, good, , The political side sister of 'Allot trterman peer, however.
AutIlt ient • open groztrid was fannd A. T4-14-4WITS: fatrior liorgi* Met feds of PolSon-
0,119 ,Iliatt •Inz..*'..proli1P1-1,7' "Pelle"' ' '''''' to coftruk expert•S'Irt the; wittieStit, •-. Lor -is •-. Nktiko,, e e
---1, ' _:„.:„%.,-- - --- -(5....- .; , ' . 1,:i - - - - ,-.7„,,, In connection With 11%*Yer4 trshug Om It ' h ' illiti-iit-
id icti *as Access' ild to -the,-,cniner--- ' '‘ - - -., -,..iff,------ •-.-e.z.-- e- ....-„ ,-• .-nel-at-raelit'liti*ttk -
. , . .• - n-- its 242211131 V 0.,
of the govern:newt is in. its ,rt„to ii fascinating young Iady. of...twenty-. ---
tint !,tilitt ft:Counter.'
t-tia--••the V.Weli neibleinan, intro -
4,4,'4.4ROpitzetit.: This was ,..,.s.. little box la tnurtier triads, -a eroie is 40- MinisterWho ._tlre
. u e 'Ulu- ' hioeft to •hintwaold *at
.')teit "ticilz,,,itot.
called 'where the lawyer looked quit- tion for Alexander It, lind 't't lt,Uti.',,,fin er:14vi, for her brothe4 aoti: so hoilting thiritg'
ziaity at the, daetat wito.IFtlitil'ttdti'• $10 t5OUnditig ranuY we uz ritt. #, woo ht it)o,'•tha vicrstig 1htiti's,'Ettlitigs-0,-cr tile ucOne Pf
(yin* And mitt: '. an AmericittrArg befh Parto , . that he $,Iirentird t ot to aira•ti.t 11 ,•S Aiototf,o. Was . clirinjaifited- 'Alie
..- lithkh has tk?on verlitiell by 130*.erri" talg.4Dlea td°ottlin't at116161q64'i'lliel male --* nil S. g - . *
• . , . . ni.,t, •Ven. the word was -g.iver41,0iniqter tor cO unsee'filly a.,`' abit.',
PAX er," SVIA116i'01,AC Milt -SKY
tiriaber is iernoveil.'-
' Ore than tiro tnotatiis•agov. :Since
TkIt pepulation of 700 hes gona
and within six weeks 141 comPttiv.
ks hegtta operations% . T'he result,
• silver 13 -not -11
rding lo rePori
talent of t
*Igo ft oorttinity6itd 1rc*
11;i* tUilttatitr0 Of Ott eiitire
ry 'Of -RUSSiittt •adtntratioli
aonit voy-$10.0d• *ft thei-inv- met il
t Viresltrn" neittf. thad 'ti'
ty Eu And that 8v,iste o 'r
blood I
' tit; aim
114,an* $uiJri3ed to 1
es and
t* m*rrled 111 1
ngedthu to tr' poflticat
hiht t
ie`Nas int
utithiirg. n
lit I)iippen.
.11eit7 ;.,„)AL
5.10' 0611 lit 'it
POO* "ei MAO
%lever k • what
priev.3 *tire ,trell
it 'eat 4.141.4 114$ 4°4; •
041'10 MCC MIL
'hag 4.-44;"4441G 4iI)
r r'r.r r
*0114‘ 4 to it Eir r* 147%
titers* 4at4 4 0 4•040
gotSd to thoite 4,114
, fair to good" 3•-ritf 880
• 114)', common 2.01A
$ •,1.0•,,n0 0
rouffi to
0 'LlitOkt •
ilk" be d t:
ti it'
i 4