HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate., 1905-08-31, Page 1r any ther property ,5o1c10 betsght or excitors for you etre 1.4 ntissien., tsie ' ltttol' ug bke srew w intierest to the prl hh Ave the tot twisk es for 'wont st themo4 �o erateoloOtontisconsistent with conservative )ottr loskiess. I3r41101106titt thlrontktunty WOOD, 1.1MSALL. Ztrmorr, Otrerrow ' BOUTED our fir4t lot o ew ow-them--to--you wzri ember. Wehave all t e_pow. ()Kee at reasonal :NO trouble to show theii - ae 1r,rri $it. lo - Corde de Sole Black cote de Sole Polio= eeds New and Natty. cancer q, 4. hbOrbCfrod ' . toomy wbde his death win be. much refit etf one cannot mourn that be bas beekt - reIeaed ot. his eulferin s. The de. con tuhtIons t1 etw.e A ; bout& years' orage.—'41-0,-'4,Mi've took place to St, larnee cemetery on Sett* ay. " •Zurich Mt . Wee Worm. hu returned , sit to Vitaliten. Mist Pearl urtz spent a fete. days WWI Ifitta Ethel ,Kellerrrism, at Dashwood, 'last Mil. Koehler it on a, ,yitut to heir sistcr„ Mrs. Di Studer,. Sebring. Uri& work on Ft,: house has been , completed.—Montie goltztnan bas, returned front his trip' to Gait and other. eastern Pointi,--4 D. Alerner•les-Lhaving * new (.,1.weillt." erected.—After *few months! visit at M 3 , turned "tti Detroit.—Mise ora efld Mutter Itrwin.-Greliamotialew,w0k* visit to Milverton and StratfOrd.—E4. Seim.' after a few weeks' visit at hie: hums in Nev. ilamburg, bas • returned, town./..Butcher O'Brien,le 1111r*Irt .asore hand, he having receieai bad cut while killing it beet P. Rat), •,--,IiTthtBttIe�ets1ftIt eee a5eIAWflitOedding,0fTUsOflbUTg4 •Arisitoratthe honie of his- aunt. Mrs. a A . louniellardy,0 -Ezeter,is les PhoebeRiekheirsouest,- .43, 'Memor is spending It few '41 NI* at Cobalt on a speculiang, tour.' -The new shoer'house Itsoks ver neat, hAv. iffirirCetrv dinnberitfltiri 11 nAge-harvestrexeuralomitOheW 0,0# w ), • Illerner'a store be having,changed inc taloa about going West.—The teach- es in our public school for the. present term are: Principal, Alext Assist,aots, Woes PeariNiciaoloon,and Minnie Bests . tIttIO fittaktri left eXOtettiOn, Vino, Itnit wee 144 'f4v k "end eurbeertiest '20e. inuit, Bine. Uree ray Pct..' their totem lite ibe .at 1 ono i r,mth fromrtbi* ' on the harvest •Mr and Mrs; Alex. Mc. ichovent- *low Alay home of Mrs. X. Mc- in !roarwas in Exeter Gilbert Pick, Kippen's cat-• di* theme dayl buying UP Caltivrell,wholeaveee ort. - 17 for **Mott* hes die of his 50 -acre taro to Mre. (3ordon, who tends selling her property , , WIMMIC INcbIea wflbeat11* Ekes eaten, Brown, 'scholiast cir the Summer, endtrhere.,-;r• bY:, his wife aixl Frank Dur Jones. and 'D. Miller are ..tekattheirorontor cai. rinn Miller suitooro voutorotniiitit tstttbehoe o Mr. *Wit' -Trif 've to the J3end on',fiiator, eedlosebtr.eirtUt the*: ttime..-104... Clarke has; t terns, new colormge..... i *White Bikltinett eintaining, erjde rrow-borair jitot1011;_= Inc. Print, heavy quality, 430 • wide„.213 pieces left —etre. M. Turkey Chintz i* r nt, Se ineh. • wide, only two pieces......at 25c. Reversible Cretonne, 38 limb. wkle, only one piece— ....at 200. clean and fine .. 4c. Ciallatea, Shirting' in Itio and 8.Z31uiineieLtei, Otriiiis of pink, bine audgrey at only 7 • ; riannelettes, p1k gie And blue stripes ationly 1.8 38 in, heavy Iriip. Flaneelettos, at 1.24c 'English Cntettrable Flannelettes; • 31 to 82 in. wide . • at 15c. Self Color Saxonys in pink, • . • blue, cream, white, all Englisb. make. at 1240. ••,"r , :Ruck Te1 utin white, fringed and hemmed for 45.0 a pr. Oc. GIs* Cloth for 803; ,1204.01.01art Cloth in. re.01 and bine check, lob,— . . . vier 10 • 05;1 00, 1.4 1.50, 7.00 a-p-air- 85:pieces White and-Ctvein Dress • Goode, very new makes, pric9 . , ...front 40e. t.o $1.00 a -yard sAtisAti,i or. liair.) 131311BEit son Sergeants, Ontario. 'remote Winton lloppitel. Milian. Med cell ht ate*, The undersigned wWrteelve teener. opt° ?o'clock FrineY„ the Sth dmy of SePtakher. 19060 for onstnct$oo el about MO *Vat* bet 01 etee0* creesiings, in the Village Ot peletliteer Tided& street ou zfteek, thence north to of spociseausrim o Usti ne.114 0,10 breezes. at Bs, field, A olio** weeks' sojourn at the••Bend LesileVol. well has return litiet0 Eva Warring is on s vlaitto friends, in To.; roam...Mite band bas started Practis- ing Again.***41114 ROI* VtIOCI.1414t has returned horn tope -itWo* +doltto her slater*t Ln4ssyW.4.- MUT kaire-expected bomeabottL t. 15. o ormer.; • • of tbic rter Pe;tdinft the notive frOrn l3ar- urea* po- uyoperatin , with y with "h*Vet n,e-ln-tbe- Village t*.t 1 to I MS, alati to Authorize the fa Speciad Rate for the f the Debentnres, In. nil Interest ' 00 • . 02$ .03 3 14379 4 , 44 5 407 19 • 736 43 - .7 46485 21 •70644 9 le rtemt Total *132450 69686 _1394 67071 '132450 944 1314 50 61736 132450 64007: 132450 42 131450. 04 132410' 40724 132150 21, 4 1 74 132430 ', _ sgru___1114318356 1:stfi 1 3 4 3:0 7143 01 1224 50 227735 =1874 1134334 0319 15 1044 74 16 "1404 11 113215 111224n 054 24147 04 1324 64) 127923 " 99 94 *192 A•1994fret Ag.'gameof baseball, was played here on Werinesday,evening between' the Crediton Stars and our boys, erhick, resulted in victory for thes visitors, , Mr. Dunlop has resumed his duties in the Severe' n Bank after a &Intent .wbo vote d' f Men at the X-elehon ngine -has-goilse to-Detrotterhere- be. toted a position.—After a two weeks' stay in town Kt% R. Coed has return.' Arootch—Messrag4sin ock;Fritlerart; -*Joynt-t- Ark', ng • is a or an - are building bermes , for themselves an- queens Ave. - Mra, Southcott and Mr Fred groat& pott, of Toronto, and Mr. and Mrs E. • Spackmen, of Blenheim, who have been visiting here and camping at Grand Bend,' returned to their homes; on Saturday, Bev. C. W. Sanders, of Lucknow, was at his home here during the week attending: the funeral--a..his grand. mother.. Mrs. Triebner. Re also Ms- . sided in the services of the Trivitt Memorial church. • - • Mr. and Mrs. john Roes ter.-wbobavehada.varr here among old fsiends,J eft TuesdaY for their home, in Eattlarktot4 Alta. ornetherwAtipare _bort_ ge- where. Dr. J. A Bolliesierho bait been at 'Battle -Creek Sanitarium, Detroitand other places for a, few weeks, returned on Friday hist. The Doctor looks as though his ygicituott and the trefttpeut he received et the Sanitarium bed agreed With bh2f.- -The e Enos. tb4 Northwest durimir the week:—Daniel laybi-en utoolcee 'brSanders, Chester •Stanlake, Oto. Bell b*141th6 -14rtt, Lumley), Luther Penhale, Mts. D. x. Duras st dent* Mri. John Welsh, Henry y 1006.,thattlo Ottio, Winterbottom, Marne* AIM Pk: worm. Itev.AkorA utak surat#41. Ray , brother, etiler; days last 101w- St*ebler leare_eld. and;s stili haleand hest-. was the - , - gct neaday and Th y. Eider 'berry picking hat commenced. • The fruit is guite plentiful this year....Several of our people intend taking In Canadies Greett Inatiotriat Exhibition at Toron- to this week nd next.—Mr. and Mrs., Sadie Black and brother, Master Ed. gar. of St.- 'Clair, Micb, were Visitors tillehorttireirttunkMietrOarliele- dialing the week.—BevAir. Oliver, o Sarnia, preached anniversary services; in the Methodist church ou Sunday. Miss Mary Johnston, who has been on a two months' visit to her 'sister, Mrs. Ferguson; at • Crookston, Minn., has returned home.—Mrs. Short and fem. of Woodstock, Wilted_ at WIllow Hall Farm -during the wee B. Iliagara and Buffalo.-.11ev. usthaml family are Wilting at London Ione - tion. --Mrs. Medd Is spending "a few _ days in Kincardine. *Rd Mrs. Ss. or a few to learn that Atm Detnnt, whit. him' been vel, rat)! r�covering.- sis - lifarava hitpislity Shall be taken on this ltplaw at this several plaee Mrtinatter mentioned. In polling ,paisdivias ninahes one at tlikte Moaned*,rellidett:09 Street, E. rtlitet Deputy "I''Wq2Ing °M1*..0 In pellin visit*: mother Two, Week** me.° Weekee,-Oepubr 'Retctrar, 4Onber Th • •sad. * • tsjkklisaar r • " ; _ft allitifigarigkkil 'Mater our,. ht TO* Po Jeetyll PO* D.Putly'RetUr12144 Ofiteit ' Elektitntber..itt the sir Meer — one thermion 11431Kittid— V44 COMM the hour of ,heo'clock in the totesoonistst • in the villa looklia .1.14.0.*_1_00211oce of the _T etepbone rt,-Wiad` to lilentall and played ball. 'Again they_ vivre victorious by a Score of 114. Wiao boys are *peaking ofgong to • Zurich some nigbt this weeks -1 1/. Holtzman has mriveil to his tifiticwaixtb-0.—Tried Wein, who, left for iffenitobot a' fewweeks ago, with4he-intention:,•oizati-ying__ rs -cornerback. Ile- haslet' ,lie* OA upon his nex ' Ent—Ovrns • . • ocrruarks—While vorklog iti th 'ilex Mill on Tuesday, Arthur Beuedict zet.with & very.0 ainftti *Leaden was' threshing the dim throng toilet*, when hie handbsoarne 'and h1elefternk- 101t0 we Are noabia to say wb.ther the arm -will hioe to be amputated.. *Ppm. —A qulet weddlng took plac.lu our *into on 'Ateed*y. when MLc (',ittrie FaIctw*s inarrled to Mr. Wurta, of Pigeon, ho was daintily attired* Was aasI.ted by isa Carrie Kohn, Whiles. _ - }Istereity Sept. fith. flee At1' Miss Little QuigIy, of London was a guest of Mitts Florence -Ball during the week, --The many friendsetMk* Litales.DarlingoiNho is ill at the r,00tvr don lioapital, Wilibe pleased to that Isbell getting aloft very nIcely. Mititilaura, McAlpine" of 0 igit windo* a pent of &se broke art of it entering the. hook - of bet Acra and ro*king a gosh, which re. ;pared severalstittizea to Oote the tround.—Mrs. Charlet Attends of. the 7th con:, who was stricken taxi &At ere* pima scoariAsstlie et *St* wok thissia62554michietitY the Nottionsa Soak At SOSO Se* eteftet the sma at iensaa attaterstboste Oak*, ten& atk, thid, t,lwaitt= otthe saki Atankipsng *hal cesthat• - 4 h"eIiia#4111444r. r Exeter, ohs up the ember ot etee ,given for andor4lng 60 eselits4 thin AO**. Oth. That est thorn*, of lleptembir, bit1906, at theTorntlIall, Mater, at one o'clock p. at, the ap, paintaieet 05 persese tti atteattst the polling' 214032 an4 at the *nal otsioningt up a the vote* by the (irk, reliptetliely, es behalf of the versos feWi fel Is prows** orolyossu go)1)1100.99 of thle fly kw :re*peteiyw1flbe msde according to 14,4,, — ' TAKENOTICE - .• Irbatthethe.sho:le tievikate,044ocopy 014 Pi0P0041S341* which towhees tshehlstteesidereOhtteh4 •whkb.• amity nen he the Muniel- btslaed thereto)atteldoete lIeaUou 05 kb list 1206, a.isithet.l.hevoise.ot.the 01 tbe *1d 5itteicipplity will he tliken thereon on the Bev, D. D*111114 the k rice of the lmmedLat The bappy 000ple left f. tbeevenlng &tnld .ccompanied by the 1 .,,