HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate., 1905-08-24, Page 8TthiTiaghborti Vermeilwishing toplow eir 'hard land, fest, easily and well, s ould bey 000iMbUtt WOW' front Wro. Mitchell Implement Agent, Exeter. • . The Mein street Sunday School nicked at. Grand Bend on, Friday, Tbe weather was excellent and the child.' Ten enjoyed many a tine boat 4,410. Messrs. Sweet end.13awde_ in who were awarded' the contract, to lay the cment walk on Main Street, youth, of Heron, have commenced the work. Wood thievee made themselves busy at the home of Mre. Wtn. Rowers' on. Sunday evening, during -the lad all- . Locals !lead ?miter and sags to Stewart'. oa—Seirfakiw. "For2cent.iaid-fuadv*nc• e,YOtt Areellunittior Complaint, • Diarrhoea, the beet remedies such as Extract St Blackberry, Extirt 'Straw -herr. . Ws and Ramo ballowithe -tesura Centralia on ilticinday -The' was 26-11 in favor of the Exeter boys.. .-liabitard. say_ that tht 014.0r States and in Eastern CanadaoPPor- tunity- knocks only, once * men'e. 001dmiTUTIrli LiatrWitbliarl •• Wftb-itti410-1014.111atkettlpilerft, MOW% II -M11110114 Frank Knight and son, Frank, are in ew, days 'flailing in the old vet- oictiOatut_Bend. Woe unto die Add May thesheflowertevergrow ,twolhs. tch. Of course these were 'net *11 the flah Mr Tom cnght. By eljeisie the .smeere't, s i fine during the ts*'es !Abell' 1. 'mi. t- • haw.been'"e' •ged frorn August.701- titiAtigust1115th. The early ripening ofthetrein1s-the-eauseof an earlier, deinfintlfor labor. ,.7.0..,....,,, "sewer Twain, ' - .- -.111rith 'Art and 0044 EXInbit Will be given by the "%Tomo Ilse lostituto in the Opera, House, Exeter, on 'August 31st • and Sep‘ let, commencing at 2.00 and 7 p.m. each day. A., musical entertain& ment will be given each afternoon and We ordieetra larill be in attendance each evening. Adminion 10 cts. Mise,Thilbi. ., Mrs.. llitstin Pres. ' ' it. I4ess_11 5.etsece. il t to s, Michigan farmer who • was -1413-4-of his booze and white 'beteg .tiotaichs-weitworthrof. •-being-conied the remieee I will have ".sieeti,eff an Ilenyoutenthrrtr-dayell*Itliyo4ff:r o'wlitwfairnal give ',fraught off . by tbe.othixedinter judlcary. ust.ehaTh, enow goesiniewttidgefe, &th 'city, doe.'hi. business *nd go.. borne ea and baa net tastOoTtkiitiorilif if*toi e . cutianiernitrirablara% values;-- &wares. - toe. SOL A nwnber of choice, standard , $105 buds, to be sold in pairs. A yr iskthleofticed . . tier, London. will be at the I Hotel. Tho 'August .2101, _Jo:4kt 1 e PPITtirPS, k tat:6ms. r.r., 77; ad' - - - urchased the Exeter evap- ntend running the • same and win be in &position to an& others the highest _ o n seettof140 onTf • • Islairin-the--London Cinn Club shoot.won the tropbyl second -meth* Which has extended over the last three month* The trenb* Was a beautiful cup, , Seeforth,.yester4ey„ held a summer carnival with the worth* object of getting money to purchase the rem. .ation grounds. Beside* other sport.sa quoit tourney was held, in whic Thedeatn- took olike, 1itstwee*01-31tal.trinelc i10-1440' - dent of Exeter. Deceasedhad been ill for some weeks. She. had 'dada the last few years • reilded with her dztz hteti, Mes.(Dr.).Bothitell, in.St.ra cums4• nces,,doeti not move very rap- idly these days. On Monday evening he injured one °this lege, the result of stepping on ite.bartans peel. The , 1 _ . to think bis **Won was. lathe place of :Mr. O'Brien, who re- cently -resigned, . the Exeter School Board have engaged the services of Miss A. Chlilley, of Clinton,. * winner f the Blake. Scholsralii in =theme. d.Ittiors—Nottar. Ratite is hereby given that any per- son esaght riding & bicycle on the ewallts vrithin the corPoration of of Exeverwl • ing to the by-law made and provided for such cases. By order of Council re so ere. span Introduced by rof lady experts, specially e 'Die isat StOtittit period in August will falt in forty -el ht hours of six odock M. on the Tidal waver, seismic and, earthquake phenomena 'arealmosta certainty in many parte the giobe not far lions W.Kuesibil An eitei.sive period of gen. 4weritith- wilt prevail -over -most heteuntry-up--to:-about f August, at which tittle rio- ksat storms-1ra rain*, wind and than - leer Will sweep over central to north- earoster theareatklakesan Oistimla and over the north Allan- - ibineoefits and high *ea*. The doloolt attention must be piuid to tbe ttingoftherpreefin inWthm, it be abort or longreays . the • December Delineator, "for a base line about the bp is a defect that, 'cannot Xining continue, pop. Zr tbe pbdte growing ttud of itature ea Ot on oPOrnisMgan. of potash at a chef:01We. A04 ne0P- of this to a tumbler of water and if ' it nts brown it issunat to drink,. if it tittlearit,isquite.afe Mr. :Satnuet Fulton has diipoied of his dwelling on Huron street., .to Mr. cue, Dorwood, of Chicago. 4 fomer -resident of,Exeter. The price paid was $000, Mr. Fulton intends nioving to Granton where he formerly re. and as stated- last week. Mr. Dorwood 11e...W'tn. Horton hasjust received 1,04iita of the_death of his sister, Mrs. -Horton, of Brockville.. This Ls the. th'Ird sister Mr. Horton has lost *ince' • areli,-all-atbsm,however.--hiawire than retched the Whited epan of life, the combined ages of the tbree the an miner vacation the ind seleiols re -opened , on Monday, while those in v1144014 towni. and cit.. le* will reopen two weeks later, 5th. Owing to a aclircity Of . gogues theoughoutOntario s number of hoot* are yet without; tescbtitiond seemOU • e • ltood of *sir- beitirstipplied., Mr. B. S. disposed ot of lila Itouiebold, effects, Satur- day, last by publlc *notion, motithe. . • - • oassentmrs. -Aft_aetatienle runston foot -to -have Thoinkagiving.Dayaxeit,lor-010-iiist, Montlay4nOctober.zt. etestlef_tra different date each ectLillfixdosibtedkfthe—relifili-WtWi ilay for .holiday than Mond*, Mows* It gives peeple, whose occupation mats time *way from 'bome..- a Chance to spend two flays with their. Wallies, and there Istria the -slightest reason why* certain steelt day in a certelts niOnth taXitifot be always suitable for* Th vini Day,keit as the Amt. Mender teviber is: fixed for 1:44217.1a ti1.41M. Or-- eintlar reason. our Municlp.d Council would do well to follow: the example of Most towns and cities with: regard to Civic Holiday, Most Places avethishoildaylixectforthe-fire eecend Monday' in, August of each _ than having the dates *lay tip3 gveatly as WC btolie bad In Exeter. • . Dula ar xis Werke. The -sad accident that befell Mr. ort - of 'Osborne, lest week, has terminated fetidly, and as& reteult one ofthe oldest pioneers and most 'highly respect residents of the townshipoissvell as. itsesullife has been brought to an end. . Aswas re. rtettin,onehtst ...issue de- ntitUe--taffn fell from the mow andinjured lilt tier that he never' reeeiered.ffsnw-the _ba;wo, u_. Menu Insk_warlhathe •returned, -,from Detrolt Tuesday. , Aft.'1311l$MatrOf -Ferry Station', • is Visiting at his home. Mra.:Wood (nee Delta Hill), of De- t 'It, IS !dining bere, t niftinitrilMry7' • tririepdli-atal Mims Jean Carling, of Olinton„ le els. iti M E. ()bristle. , le Handford, of lioldono epent Sunday:in town. Ise Etta Kitson, of London, is the 'guest of Mrs. Wall* Powell. Mr, and Mrs. S. Fulton spent Mon- de and Tuesday in.-Grantots. uglas Stestart hasreturned frem 0, ' -„,monthreToronto,. • war -ma�irlrbr. �f. LOnd�n, is - ihe'guest of Miss --e`iteerfi: Mr. Wm.Pignan, of Lucia), *pent Sunday with hie parent* In town., Mr. Frank Vireekes left Saturday to Akitincin Louden. _ • Aliso Johnston, of t.ioderich, taw • „guest,ottleiM toles _ --Air-andAtes. Ulm c are visiting at Mr.•Geo. &unwell's. - Mise May Sanders returned Monday train a visit with felendsin Forest.' ` n acquit mances n town. re. Egan, of Detroit, is visiting r parents. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Sweet. Mute Thackwray, of Comber, is the guest of Airs.James Divan this week. John horsedader, has nti bct tt 111- well rn ourlinesas in elotbuit or anything _cool fum- iture- is as -neeeeswy to com. torturcoOtt hivr ” pleasure outofthat shadY-. poreb or verandah you want one Of our Rens* . Madre—wide *eats& easy backs, 4, ways cool and conifartable, exactly the thing for verande, Parlor, hall or Ulm with some degree to his recover34, but on Sunday his condition wall unmistakable and he petaled peacefuUy-swsy, hong eirioe passed the shoved span of life hienntimely end has mit a gloom over the whole neighborhood.. Deceits - ed was bora in England in 1825, conse-r- Imently. he WAS in the 80th year of, •his age. mr.. Cann was is consistent mem- her of the •Methodist chards and g unchiteforMteltf politic*. no was Irian of -hi orid-fitanding, noted foibIs ng vutlittes and to every- tblng he did be applied the quodities of boronhnese. Ile leaves a wife and arally—t ree sons and three den h- ters.-"Thounts, John and Charles; re. George Kerslake, . mid Mrs. 11. Wit. limns, of Ilabornt.and Jim Miller. of Ktn�rdin--Tbefoneralf,took..4}litalk. to the Exeter cemeteryTuesdaT. Death Another of the sturdy loiofifer* of this district peyi nature's debt: and 1*. laid to refit from his labors. We refer to Mr. Akchibala Ifedgert;' who pswed sooty et St. s floepttal, Lon. last t the a e of 7/ don on &turas, od. ailing e'er since last embei Us an attZek of gangrene iIs ttatul While- for the greater. the time be Was able to -be nd the disease was gradually It* deidhy wotL. It_was •ngbt that 1111 'MuterWillfe-Birney returned Mon - 'flay froin several weeks visit to Bel. grave.,_ r and Mr. Hilborn, ef Paris are Visiting the lattees sister, Mrs. Ford. Mr. W. j. lleaman returned &tor - day evening from the London Military School. * • . • Mit* Lottie llyndnisin left 'Saturday to attend the . millinery opening! at Misi Oliver limper.- come. -of Vjc- toria Hospital, 'London, is Visiting her Mine here. Sirs, S. Sweet and daughter. Imo. hating In Winghans. • Little tira__StolVist has re...• from a ononth'Avisit Jo tier. teetifttraittoitt' 410,,,w. J. Clark, of Winnipeg, spent a few day. during the week vtith friends in UW11, ° • Mimes Edith Gidley, of Blytb, and. • Ethel *Bee, of Parkhill, are guests of Idiseliary Ciao. Mr. Geo. Byron. of 'Windsor, spent ewdays during the week ' home of Mr. C. Birney. „Mr. and Mr*. James Bissett, and thmehtee, _Lovie; returned 14 tbeir honiela Thodontia,turdtiyil' iittraioata Looels On. pas% Our showing Cravenette Coats is ofthe new- est designs, style and finish. Ask to see theta Dining Root°. Chaos Dining noon Tables front $6.60 to Pa. Sideboards from $IO.00 002 WOO OCCUTTIt* eac--:e. • It win be -one Of and most striking sstionofl nonaeua t 't'hafferst been , I **i i 40,40itteo, .0 04tItio