HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate., 1905-08-24, Page 74404
Came OeP
,und yin -Reties,
jjVHIgthilt dat PlIrchaSe' et
:31,1ectiii'..or, Selo:len lieo.4 Shoreee
•Sise in therneelveir eVtdenceeef
.404.,•leuer in thou'?
on Within*. • .
On afternoons in 'which
•the deed of 'Whit .int the Fee South..
AinSford Was working inshie
- t.iZL In Its eitildhood,:e Iact1y„AS-
.p..04. the tolephone-bell rang in the
outer office.-- -
o tephone c4mmunigitted with
IOW inaneger's office on the coidee
flood mine. fifteen miles atray. up
,In the wild bush ranges to the
north. 'end tvas • installed in a little,
twe-Tooined shanty,
bearing, the title of "Office' of the
0014ert Deed 3lhiing.Qompiley."
Alaiet:rorth,, teith.00kett,,the .receiver.
A.,,re you Over COXII0 Eklar.e4W037.
100t0.110 »VOICC4 '1010gled with strange
Of Wind .04 the Wire.
for 'ttewaS bloWing, heed.
• 'Tea. Who are yen?" repiled he.
, .
"Yes---Yes.15 that you In
Without answering the question. the
yoke hurgiedly_ _launched_ 'into,
Mnif0rd'trinking uf tht V
thc hones and then checked scif. •tit I things toesidered, it might
be- well toeV. nothing about at.
"Wits. distal" You telepliOnos :for,
asked Anisford, iho WO*
restlierre'*ith e 4/aw perlite.
blettis • • • ; •
StOttbi havie,'.0nITY the. dor ot,
.4he •Officer was h . 4.0.110nriihg
had the 4,41
1 got t of th ive1 la her 014 tbat
*ii true it rick to ..14._01-n...:•0Yer.,jtxV&.It In „uf
n -S! ' Y..O.O-I;Al ' OPP ft a41EreqIi it - AVaisthr4nulto
Iig set
WO the Meaner, lpOking at him not an .utahtrned- bete would.belound
- I fie PettiCOat Or stockiree. ,
- -
,,:16400.01 about tim edeed,e.- - .. J.riolea )44viAl.; :.10eCIA StArtieft.' the
14 th# ataIukger. "OS •SP.riblI •:-01'.0.-4; ..:4071*.iie4 illi Anti': ''
„e .. Oonthilked, ,,..,.1..I , flea stitateer. otitt , by's . scime MySAericaiS.
' t1.0.:t.::t11,t,0:11 n,r, at teudr; 2,,,tii.e. . ..,,, tel el?,,1),... 0hOesh:711.s. ifigai'14040.1,41:oieit'atitti,tii.xth.lat)0-044)?:1.1i.;73.ty4;
XII : lelephOU'oitliAli""...ettaideextiefied: that,''she'loOkti 'well,the%
14 ',,giA:;4),?1,'!Ott .1.11itti,,301 11,t1),.t thgt:wo.04104..e...4100)14:40:0Figar4 luktli„
10-*Hur ";l::114,''''.';,:kr, t!,‘,V# .111:.f.",';i1e. '
,i'llie I
thrutto , ittnablkk 100tll010,1.., - .
tfld broke it pt'n;
'."Yeu-4(itt- did not notice :areethin
ottexixr• ahOut i tI4dyour 'asked; .the
'P- • • , '•
Wilyr! filVt,ireet Pleb; *00'
P14% ' ; •
h, nothing! said 'A bisford
ehortlys- .
,'Whatevek he thought he kept to
hitia•elf, and they rode on in silence,
'au , ..mtnera
'VOW; is, . tfltai it: is Madatne" al'
t, , t„.tutittg,11,;:f..0,'•saY;1 that alto 017. fiii,
...,1,4014eigs iii:„''4",..11::.4.10: PXU,Plv 43 n`e;. e ,) -, ' e .AY''';,. ' .: .
es e.very- single art1011; Or f0:0„.„!eXieit
,II.$4/:t..01.40 tzrexsp$: ' it .4iut ve.getetdes, 'being *leech
-.....e. dearer in Paris .thtin in. tentdon s for
'la:Peking Well unit -Eating various complicated economic reas,
riateaces in XXanda of , A Ons, the dinner in quotion must, al -
to u -e areecit -,W.e.t_wserearteeeofecookerse,
. .ways remain a- mystery to those un-
' -• ' -"es...ere- • i e- 1" I„tontiont. hahertkollelt llut the, facts are there. $oine :Act
- a_
•and -wivexi, le•ho try to, iiiok ora eimhpicuOus hy their abeenee.
1 - •-'' ... .
II. kir-fathers or-husbands--bade-renh-1 an, coidssuesets eiseieseette__ther,
"Well, 'Peters." mild Ainsford in -I tun thowand a year- when they just Pots meat ii' usually uneatably cold,
as he entered. "Have you fouffd-4" tainly: fewer such- in, Paris than in .
quiringly''to tho -foreman of the shift, hale en hundred. Bitie.tina° aro cer- fie, It int ioblevdioln,e4stipp: oisi.r. up!
The "Marl spat dieraallyinto the,./sOnden. s , ObServe how the ' thrifty, French
grey sehes of the 'open hearth and' : 0 you go into the liveliest sets, lady bus a luncheon served of a
nodded. Aim:ford had, no need. to, Whereet.he ladies of a summer's day joky omelette., unknow in England
finish tile sentence. . There on, the 'aro vaporous 'apparitions .11 lace tied -where the thing called omelette is
Longtrestle-table, under the glare ni i ttille0Or which you suppose - that springy, thick and dry- our ounces
the attibeging.'keroseee-lampS. ivty liteheaven:only knows hew monsieur can oof mutton .hashed in s•ozne secret way
body of Hennaing, rigid and snout. t pay the dressmakers bill, you will , which Makes *yam eat, it, a liliputian
The clothes were stained with soil. 1. find. . Writes a Partes corropoadent of ;c0telette per pereon, with souffle. Ito-
' "We got hint :Wier*. wed .1014. 14,'ithe Londen Telegraph; that they Wide tatoes-the cookery of which is ap.
ten foot," said Peters. "lite'siinst the,se'drenina -Of 30It titiliT3 merle nike.parently elementary, if not instine-
ha" inwn making Air the mouth of the lot twine or a searstress, .,ht ten7stiyee.seitlesise_xes_htct,,n
ekeeees,, - s •ii"..e--=--s-,=.seSz
---e,...-e-eeteroeueseiresr-e4sW11,1-ti*"•41*-1*4.4341'*;iiiiiel,"-girtirifi'st Class- hotel chefs to
All night Airisford and the 'Ininomodel ' hvidglit' from it hig ih-in-peo- got thein -a cake: Oen," the spastry
• thehotair of the •narrow*hably--tire tarty dress obtained fron; cook's round the .corner to fellow,
tetanal by the flickering -candlelight. the firm this sufmner. The Paris e9s- „' tben Camembert just eipe to a turn,
and just when the day was creepingtumier , thrive on -/or_CAP-1--e-Itstdmi• kant;Ateueivrrics,--but„ theji_ein_ust no
vert. over the, 131000t4I113 there- Parisian"- Jaclies hove one- gown frOm . b .
;obit for Years
of Injestieo. are 'iiten%r. ix
eif 'the* have, „such a rotuantiv
tOrY,j'a- Atirtt?2, itilo
4.?7,1'4!*0(1.4..„' 1. 1,11.a4 o'
• 0(
• London feth• 1104".4EA‘ 1,0067
-116%e 44111
ofl of Nell ..tooSt Ittairtotts.rar-
411poles.' It is prehatftilv •t•I140 t3iN,
r.41 th4, tho requiremeni4; :or.
Win r so abundantly sat.,
1. per season, an eve the others ways better In lo •hi
'114:.tkiet'fi'. and
Lthitt IlOrt,..:.'itespite. Ian Y337
ara. endures his -lot with patient •
resigna-tion ' and sanguinely awaits
the dey when his wrOngs wili "be
righted and he wifl be restored *pie
Itels_to '.Eterater Dick Seddon, _of
New Zealand that the old man
ndebfed-for Vila -strange -4
of the Wind to the shorn lamb_ The
picturesque colonial statesman pose
eessea tho virtue of never forgetting
an old friend. • He and Dart were
Pais at the Ballarat gold diggings
In Australia long years rtgo, and for
leve years shered all thit hardeitips
and luck that came their way. Then
they parted company and did not
meet again until they tteeldentally
ran across -each other 'In London tri -
few years ago. Burt . was then hav-
ing a hard time of it to -keep him-
don was tieing feted everywhere as
me of the apostles of imperiat unity.
That mado no difference to
Toronto, Aug. _cat -743
c Trio jar No, 2 red AUX
t putside points; old. No..' 4
and Whitt nrn.4-,inatetd at no A
* 00•30- and APtiP**,-1,01)emit •
..0 •
No. 2 northern.'
afar ttn
; 004
10 fcirnrs 04; $5,:ta .$414),10.. ,
seeianti". $4-.00 to (80 'feT
,S1 1:50 to. ,
• shorts,•$17.to ettfie 'apeording
to (putlity, at outside poinja„.
-Oats-New . are unchanged at 2gen
to 00e for No. 2. • .01d oats are
quoted at. 30c,.isi 4.7c for °No_
at outelde points, according to qua-
Itye-Dall at 17c to 58c at outside
points. .
Corn -Canadian nominal at 5:10 to
54e, Chathent freighta. &merit:an
firm at- 02c to 024e. slake and rail
freights, for delivery at country
Points. or 04 tract,i. Toronto.
Peas ---'110 market is considerably
lower. in view of good crop pro-
spects, being quoted at 05c to 07c.
for No. 2, Aititside.
• Roiled Oats -$5 zr cars pt barrels
on. track hero, and 54.74 for cars of
and 4.0e outside.
calling fromhe tbowels of ' the earth% copied from it at home. So ___tnnen_rcauraer,_tha__hest.__nre._.eent__irem__Th together----at,--T1
an a an • °Ur the niatitigett was or the thrift( ess wives ar Parisi, Fortany To cart it abeeoeiee.4e0,_eoffee„ '.And.. when ..he :returned to New Zea-
scittiseesa, - steltel-the eathers-that 41biety-eine- out."--gtmeratly--entirtiocaute -mai cam% n-ntrhe-re-it treltiro-
Jag Ainferd. hOW It haPpened, and of a hundred, the term "thrifty wife' _always undrinkable 'n Lo d
'beside ata-,:bertelr-,oh which he at were
1WU bogs. 011 wiikh-4e
kept a witchfill eye.
' for her,etvill, you?"
ati-Havweserow-sstruelc -gotd.
htm?et'-_-begansfortle. -
tell you, go and buYt" came
•aelrimpittentiY. ' "Vor-theetreir
sakes:buy big, and look After Jessie..
'X quiz trout you I know.
' The 'Voice broke 'off In a metallic
, "
'broken down." he growled. "What
. creation is -the matter with old
gemming? What doea ho mean?
Never knew him im to any games of
this sort, beforet" - •
The, manager of the mine was,
away, and • Ainsforde 'yolalatant
..and atssayere` was In ;charge of the
.0111ce. it was his duty to 'wire at
once all news of Importance to the
concerning t ei mine for .bis own bee
• 41.f.lan't ,undertitand. his telling me
to buy bliodly like,this," "muttered
Ainsford. t'It's not* his way. W
tatrliwstamptlevit-Vy -
trick met • But no; it was old Bern -
mines voice.", • I
So *eying, he opened _ the door
thoughtfully and walked out
.6 •
just tint° to 'kiln the tnarket -before
. the Exchange closes. if 1 wire right
_away. lever knew old Hemming
tO mike' a mistake. It's gaol
enough." ,
eistertd-he stePped forth int* the yel-
elowe, olosbetween the °glee door
. an .t•e og ac et, steip of mat:edam
approached Isitn-a little, thin, , frecke
. prietor that Burt should be allowed
Is pleonastic. Every wife is thrifty, !usually peefect, in paris houses where tostaLim-what 'Male. lie _pleased. there.
c iftleir---is---hiehly inaprtiper--'; the thrifty wife has looked after it. "lite,bilts are settled by •iltitillil. • -
like smoking cigarettes In a cafe, to I i was once privileged tso receivoethe -It Was a_ltiunpery....dispote .ebout a
Sue store- -Was soon told. -Ile and give an examPle. It may be bee001- , confidences of a French lady who had, watch, that was the ,sourte of ail the
1-ten:ming had finished exemining the ing in a man, when his wife: is not I lived .in LendalLin.,..Ateiliefessaha,iiad .. ortune,Aha.t.0414s.,,doggg d_Atur . .
- ea.auuchattaaken4litir-sampIoafniookimo-4.4hitimmittrK---tirritvitirtzwm-a-iiiiiirwhiia Was -per- otateps fnr tha_Iast-seeenteen_
sayingthen-Ahalv_discoverea_entit+better.'4he-ei-xpences, aboutz-liut no feet-ibil. to ' ok_edha..wea_ryears___Ear_sania,...ttnle,.....after_./le,
• • --sealinrWzotT-Herlooinir rerelitif-CrOihaii- i repo. s rso i English -ie fact. e Cnehne$. . The CSeddon dissolved • their --geld-pro-
hurried 01 to fetch SOD2e, and had will. do it. She loaves that to, tho cook's hani and eggs were'reallY au- fspoung partnership • he proskred
not reached the tunnel -mouth when ladies who do . not respect. them- ,perb. Her belled dump:tugs, ever
there came a roar and a rush of . wind selveS. For that matter, the latter ,..exquisite. Beyond that her science mania. ,
d acquired a viduehle Wm in Tao.
that blew out the. candles and deft generally are thriftless only for the swas_Slint- lam Frenth iady (so One day he sent 'a gold
the manager 'imprisoned in tho dark- vinery
, ' because they must Seem to '' told me) took cook i .hand on :11•: Watch tei a watehmaker in Fingal to
nese. be repaired. But the ws,tch that
. • ,
• That, was all :the meaner lames
about the accident. Then his eye
'wandered to the bags of samples at
his sidle.
le' Inte-WILitioaredee-e14thests-sProtoit
sional -enthusiasm: ."She'll go three
ounces. if she goes a"weight!"" Then madame .416%-* etiiip 'yel"terday s.
definition" thrifty in tho French -1
sneer at filthy lucre. At home,' in i first day, and made an onteletto bed
privete, they are natural. Indulge the fore her eyes. The cook.sat down on was returned to him .was another ' DIONTRix:AL 31ARKETS.
Inborn passion of thrift, and save up a chair with a hare dike an astonish- watch and of inferior quality. ac- Montreal,' Aut. 22. --Live hogs .
yesterday's roast to mac) . ed full 'moon. She ,itaid it intuit) her , cora* to Burt's story, The mat. have been farther advanced to $7.25 -
iter Was then taken into 'court. There to 5775 per ewteetecordirs teertaae..„-,_.,....-...,-,--eeeser
A 4A511 F9P-14"-"P"^3:1P4}AY.'''-- '31,14-'--141:-""--.4-4-1.4-4--"t441,-.4%-,. ,,,--91c,,,.-7,,,;..,:thiefitiegookik--Latkrtraft-i-6----ar - fic._-_-_--4c.-±iii-weliw. ittf_prti .
... ab....s-614- 8°...,' - - '" ----- .ceettgneettisof _noneattit sand ,Ist. _ ,_ dressed. lima -will - ..q.---s(11mt-c-04-,..,-...;-,7--.,...,_-r..-.z.L.:-.-_,--,...........,
---A7iiiiiiirc.; 4,t;iito-fn 'tot:linen' would 'ilie €ifga
=iooked -upon' adengetemslei -isetenljwitil-somvases 'avatar to servo -before c
tric or probably, mad. A wife is by teepreaence •of a witness return the but 41-..6 will be the fewest- qiiiitsi.:- . .
cook had reeOvered. .. . .
. watch to 'the watehmaker and then tion.
Ainsfortt did not answer. lie Wit3 maws vi vi,
e . 0 peorer t e us an
Th ' h h h - d ' mutton.' She znade some auburn -cal..,
. sue again to recover his own. Burt provisions-llektvy `:tanadittif Shert
n no 0 e a exit orm upon the utin tkeiwer the wire N. i., I
en!, el. cored sauce; sho 'conjured with herbs'. tic,..._iteil.. oak kthein_adviee. He got slug- cut -pork,. $20 t4.- 121; tight -Short
. titble. and of a weimittes ' AnsiouL spend more mon-- 41.--* . 1„,' ' --a- .71. i sh'e juggled, with condiments, she. kW" forhisPiw''' by the watchmaker..eute'fl$ to $19': . AN*. ricau cat-clear.-
4-tteress4entiesvaseetonsideeinestreric- r.--;e0,-;;;-.eat--eer;Riie.._ s a It , -FIE-e-- - --•
-- ----- „ve-e,---iwnsAsivi----tirr-for-seir' eraI--we.eks---fat-bftrkr-f$+9•Ta---ora---
dead man's trust was lucrative as ,eti•leehtly. T.17-iihr 7 "PP ;names of 'th get. t " U th tf slit consequence- Theo he sued
smartest -woman in, 0 vco a e me- the .1 pound lard, 5 e c to 6c; pentad ian
Watchmaker _far assault, elaiining I pure, lam. --locke- to7 li-c; kettb- :---rerk.
vy danuttes., When the case tante dered, Ile to 12c. according to qua-
lity: hams. 12e. 13c to Isic, accord-,
-ng lir 141*-e:iii:011,- latt.-tOs. 14c; :fresh -
killed_ abattoir bogs, $9.75 to $10;
alive-, 87,135 for miXed lots. $7.60 for
Straight stock. 18c to 1.81c.;
No 1. 15e.
Ilt,tt...-tee.--1,,, ",hrgoivest,-.7reanti_71ery, :221e to .
airy, Ige--to--26e.-- •
Oats-Old,nat_7, now oqr.,e0d._.::iit 45c_
-nee -es.. -„,-,...e..................., ... .17Wir...., .........ielli. 11.1,01.64 .1. 111.161.1201ia
r bushel. Nes_ ....2___cl_p‘o oats are also
............. - ,....
• cOUNTItY PI:01:117CE.
Butter.....Chlotations aro unchanged.
r ,r• prints 21c to 22c
do solids ....... ...... 20c to 21c
choftle - t 18
do tubs. good to choice 10c to t7e.
do inferior .--. 14c to 15*
Cheese-Llie to°31.te per lb.
lOggs-Quotations are unchanged at
174c to 1Sac.
steafiY_At.A.On-to_71/c per bushel
Jfrd Ur -Car 1 tim- •
othy. old and rises are quoted at
$7 _ to $7:50 per ton on track here.
with 50 for Ne. -2.
• Baled Straw -Quiet at $5.50 to $6 •
per ton for car lots on track hero.
speettlation Parisian society has tut, ,iresse, cares Cook at mopping -, her forehead.
The lioard Of directors of the Gold- mended. when neeessary. by a When the di.sh was done, cook tied
en Weld kloid-1.1inin Company, Lira- 111117
nmid. and laughs at actresses who.re- her bonnet strings. which had hither- up for trial it "was discovered that
ited, sudied cheer ally round the ,f„„.. ,... ... to been dangling, and -shook the timer instead -of a judgment -et non-sult -it
abbT-when the result of those assays -r-- --- -eft` a. dre38-tivice;
, ;bourgeoisie thriftiness and propriety
the telegram announcing
of tho tee/. '1'hey sent back a letter
the strikie_rtre the Ordinal virtues.
ti III the professional classes life is a
Itt the
serviee at her timo of life to tlo missed his claim with costs. amount -
of tile kitchen from her feet. She verdict had been eritered against
was a cook, she was not going into Burt: In view of this the court dis-
were laid before the chairman, 'with
erse,_,__ _ perpetual succession of miracles in necromancy. -
"''";sty: making six/vneo go as far as a shill- As a matter Of fact, 'the French , Since then Ilurtii lite hes been ono
ing to over $1,000. ,,,
for Mrs. Hemming.
-cheque for her husband's back
The .011-11tritkrav00 their pitet.-antt lady Wa3 ..00 C001Litt_A11 10 her __ovfn 'long. struggle to obtairt _a rehearler
"d -e" --few -Hem-of " tYPewritten een-' --. • 1 inion. S ve '
, Weirs • *4. d to c unsoLa
and sensible management in tiving-r.,-
r ture o good gombritt _ser- rhad-betnv-enterett Was-adinitted,....hutp.
'timid, remark. But what titeeilew g c tish'e in Pftris. She as the le
about tWICO as well as 1"Inglish work- Vaat Ignowin 'i
. , 1402....tuuLworiosonieln, who_ fteri,.. tmerely knee/ the half -4w gal authorities. of Tasmania
board could not understand was
tit ovents in all ranks of neekilled 'i r e a 0 Tcro**E7r5W"Ich every ordin:
had. been- --discou
8010 0 . ant a a C Oat ng ,„,.. ,,.
anXititts hand on his arm to stop• .
him, '"!ring up 'the mine, will you, if abates had been PVittred up quietly '"Ig"' .
„neirtir twrenty4014.r. b a terott tti, -It W40114, At MC 113e, title. lie -t
ion -AMA mind? I'm afraid there '""- greatest mistake for the thriftless
Is . eomethin,g amiss With my bus. news reached thera. ,
_bantL!.." ,..,-.• , They made inquirleS; end found wife to set down the thriffy French painzELAT, licats
ittloitiaiii tg '''i'17.4s,. wrs."ife;nrning? - IttlfelteePre°0Arlriettirlitlat -4'" " 4447615‘15"-15.-4rumPndde'w
- otos. hausfrau with her mind in her !lots
The womartes face twitched. and a and more, and that buyers were in pans. On the contrar), it is a Gar . Are No C Ued
w certpe
tear started to her eyelids. • the market within a few hours of the Turn Attention to Them.
.18oftteting's come over bitne" site accident on the No. 3 WW1; and be- ° su mg g no a s ng cs exception
that the French woman's Orst care
fore it was known to the miner§ that ' The considerable increase in the Finally, the attorney general of the
Insisted, 10 0 lOW VO1Ce. "I'm sure
of it " colony declared that the wrong tier -
the reef had been struck tit AIL it. in life is her own appearance. Every prices" of beef, mutton, and pork
one in the countrY recopizes that, throughout. the Gertnan L'Enipire give*, diet could be expunged and the
occasion to the trader organ of the -right verdict substituted for' it only
(tetanal/ butchers to draw attention it -through a Special act of the -imperial
to ' the ever-inereaelng *use made of !Parilanitint asid the • roYal-asHatt
horseflesh as an. article of diet. iforso thereto.
wrong, verdict changed into a right I rive at , c to 39c for No.; 2, White,
one . --Tho Watchmaker -tad ' and .87e to 38c for. No. 3 white. Tho
A 1310 POLITICAL PULL, denutnd is only for small lots. 13usi-
'icast_r-exect -01-70signinst,J/ur
o the utmost. • In the light. flort's Plour7-Manitoba spring wheat pat -
farm. Was gobbled up by the lawyers eats. $5.30 to $5.w2.571110;te;srtstr.iihogigtt.:pottaikii
and his means utterly exhausted. 5ecirts2t.52.,3,$;:t5,01o102*.nt.505.4.05:5
ers, 5,1.75 to e4.90. and in bags
Iltillfeed-Manitoba bran in bags.
16 to- 511: shorts 4-19---fo-7$20- pee- .
um,• Ontario bran la 'bulk:
to- Sl,k, shorts. e19 to $20; milled
flesh is more free from parasites than Public feeling in behalf of the old reoullle, 121 to 124: straight grain
beef and pork, and richer in -Mari- man who had been beggared in his. mouille. S28- to $20 per ton.
Ment.- It is- only sehtimcat (says efforts- to obtain -justice was strongly Polled Oatti,...$2.•40 to $2,42k, Per
the trade journal) which leads so aroused in Tasmania,. A fund was hag. Corrimeal continued quiet and
InallY Persons to object. to- it. Pen. raised to ,enable him to come to St•etly at $1.45 to 51.50 per bag.
inountity .this prejudice. llorsellesh here. lie arrived in 11399. Ile ap- 0 • clover mixed, $0.50 t
orders which reach them; indeed, $o4rrivy Council, to the House of tort In car •lots.
dealers are unabto to execute all the. pealed to Queen Victoria'. to the /57. tied retire clover. VI to 50.25 per,
flourishing is the business that num-ei Lords and to Xing Miward. and the
trouts dealers, who wore formerly
content with a cellar, are now mov,%otinon orefsttillotc`onhleanetnrybeetieveindenaceecumtublatet-
ing into spacious and Well-eq'uipessieel' would nearly fill a ferniture van.
shops. . teriThe wrong :verdict Still stands
nertia there- are- P-00eataugh ;legalese' him; No compeneation for
houses for horses. and Ito the suburbs-
• etepie3ing, etitiko, a theueandil fortune disiipatted in striving to
mot. 'me main municipality In- b/
it set right ha* been Awarded
-- 'hire thit swittifitod hy the brutal,
' noneense," eald the other Puz-zied the board of directors. But
lehy... ho now in, tto only tlie„v were distinctly annoyed when
fest minutes ago " . -e legal -manager . st mon,th. later.,
rit_IiktOntitig Shook'11er he'd, but ih(rogfed them tearisferaliir two thou-
sand eitrhreJ.3d. to -the- 11113011
usband's tnessa:e. •of Mrs. jessie Ilenuning.
h ar. The quotatiore-list,in the big, cone „
"Have /Ow /got on -101(1, t e
asked. when he bad tisishetl. - rect.& 001-V Sr alfilge
d bod of th -Iter: to eat. well. 'rho rest, will tztke caro
lion't know. le diduntwissasr; marked noldert Itoods at 23s. busrors,10f Itself.
and acknowledges it to -he right and
propels; monsieur firet .of all. Intindr
rmnes-mxt-but lt doeS COnie neXt.
se•French woman's itgeitlIty 3
therefore concentrated on these two
ds of exictence-to look well .4ind
NeecileSs tb say. -the...preliminary
•es en he toki / know the with badness done at 30s., so there
_ for..stralt..411.0*.Zite04,01P_,W_Itgquring, tho:,puntetitiingnilfifi
ate of the company. been taken, as a matter of course, a
-4-en-nberettwesteireritiefet -berzeloOi-vni-
the reef, to -day."
,flhuwiii t() yew began
Mrs. ileintri tig. thinking of seven
bungry mouths to be fed and of a
light purse.
is. so- -411- • iwm
eek -,after areiage. Not one
40- - - - 'F'
'Frerachlnan- old of one million resist").
• .4,1 Just rap round to' ask how you!Aznong the wealthy, monsieur has his
were getting along," said Ainsford.s j!itliowance. AmOng the -fairly well off
deep ,voice from the darkness, as lira. 1 hekkeeps back cash for his three even -
"�h, thnt`it all right. I' suppose," !lemming opened .the door. "Kids all .1iiirit a week at the onfe, for the (es -
SSW Ainsfoed. "lie /wouldn't say buy right?' t'i0; 1 won't totao -In.. Here:, ' tatirant dinner and theater outina
tiales.0, ho 'knew. There's going to bis /110. PaPer. Our shares are bdotning. Leave Itr twice ft week, anas for "'
leerd'e jump in prices, you can het.. Oh, you've seen itli Good, isn't iti". tailors Amoter the working classeS.
LOA* here,. Alp going to wire to my They'll he .C3 ;i•ai" he endeavors, not always successful..
brakc't. and itAt no use buying Mrs. Ifeneming thanlied him . awk- ly, to withhold five francs ,
IlligoilIit tiNh Oth,er. Vio d. better do..wardly. and in a voieelhat Shook, _.vs. -§-72-i----,, ----rty ,n.vnioN,as.
A.._ in one hist. line, and strttesbanatil ral"lOfthyout extep-
..-thii.tts all norsense!" he said
all classesun wi
Bt i. th
eetterage eeill round. Your h
. • ,,
walked away': But
A1nford. when he had despatched
bia eilegratb,. thoOght no more of her
ttir the afternoon, .he 'senral
tituoa atieMpted-to ring -up tho-mine
but nitiret ' ithiwer,
tAlock taint*, and stl
wokeesine. The tele -Phone .was aura
St last Ainsfard conk). wait n
' It" got his isiret. saddle(
nif Poet tint for the .ftlino, and A
hours., litter/he reined in tht
pasting more thesik of another
tendsshortly to proV e le.rge cene tei tares provided for him throtreh
Buffalo, 'Aug. 2;;---rinur-Quiet and
weak. Wheat -Spring 41,11; No. 1
northern. -$1.141, winter strong:
Tiro. red- quoted- at grac./-Corn-
Firm; No. 2 yOlOw*.ii0e; No. 2 corn.
Cae. Ily'erlitiet;- No.
.2, tile. Canal freights 'steady.
tral slaughter.bouse. one, of thitni.:_.
h.ories bolt -known products is horse.ii.-ieddon't gentreo:riithtyritth7lgohld, trisiagain still . LIVE, .4propic221tAvrtl,_ EDI
d-lor the7skarce -.tion il• 13414:411-4,40;b111,1;-•44--tite-kouse- estf satisages. The I -
as a .. - Toronto. Aug. ", te id mirrn_
for_m_ _________ • ,, ,, _ __ , ,..boAd mon.exAtietr to, the ...„..minnue,.be ready,: sherseesexereeteeitteriee_sibeee_.fieet. legit Inpei..in4,, eitcumlotutiois.
.,No. I haven't." replied- he ' n-t0midi°10 1* ltart1P1510. ire Woilld, yeers. A -;;)risIderable fluantity of ‘11° 4 tk" he w• ill n't/L rllurn to *ii'll'e IfiErY fitilitattti"::.- .' .
!not (iresui* of.tette.mptinte, to do other- theee inure:got, ft inight be mention.), '14tiort ratite. clioice441. iti, t4/1-1; 5
. • ise 1 ' Tasmania until he has obtained a.
hiushinglY. and in still gruffer tots. • -
-e•-••-• see:- - •
you it have to bell pratenti to le ,-, tor ado d a single French wo- ed . are exported fug bed rausaces ill! ditefiqm 'oho. IraY or the °111"• II°
cover.' The 'broker */ will welt; lean stand Ids atteinpting it for one Probab13, 0.000 horiesqtre slaughter-st..
thoutIct,. Ar,:theyw, bre quite safe. bon-,. hour. Vor that enattcr, she general- ed. eYoll year -in Itainburg for food. i• tabildu!.44Proithrt*eah'IY:tillt_iratit,trillresmilei :ihni:dia. belpa.udpet'llr/s.
P.1" , lily tz'as 4, bit of her -own, 1JC she siot fang ago la 'Berlin she owner efe.,Jrratt!..; Pe oro e
Ile disappeared intri the am-dtly:ouvriere or Fau_ou , t Cienna ri it c4 -,T in re.,5 um= n itott bou ,, -•- -.7,s,„„ee.......eir„
' h rg" S ; I ta • ta i V. . 'et t
00in of the road. beyond, -oold did. great !tidy. It is an absoluto faet fifty of his frionin to a banquet, at•
,...thai mat took* ahabi.av,,,, re.
t mention that nearly all his stiall ., that tue ilnances of r reeve am fil ;the
()fits fa verieus speculations on the hands of the %Innen, of Freue41 Were -served, end 'only .siX of thoSii tee poo; "why 'pi ch dislu-5 5 t t;c'er and hot.80-Tesh;,toarked Iii(1:s to 1118 intimate tritndJ Ito.. clinvs. eho!ce ... 3 21
delft you bavo -le lro , t-'inhirtiely ...,..... U 09 3 DO
Do., Medinet 4 041 4 25
Be., bull4 a 50 3 I&
Do., cows ---------------3 25 . so
utcoprie,racked 4 01.1 4 8,0
Poo, .sitedium tif) 3-76
i)o, t °return.' 2 8.23
th, had *Oho to pay the deposit on •41),.e --y aci' worthy ot the TheY pree,ent were aide to iliStitiOlsh" ho'-ltirtteldr. tPu i thitit this, coat,
littying'"the in Ate roast tee( Arid tllo roast ,„has, Askm tflo itopman;,ope fihortAps .▪ - ft '71 4 00
nett a 'Weak thitlg to doe and nat4ative. ig )01M tirlit, put por.soGshig 'tor*
t3viI1 l:'felt ashamed of
of rotteri on
lii** tit two htitidtt,
It. I •lifiliter genius /Of tb.e practical lire, f
spoken of. They will si)crn
acniting- tieuxeard incalcu1al4e tinergy tsncl 1 '
t)fl' teligence ,f3ra looUing 1-01;. Ncr is11.
ski _ .
werrein ili
',..e.- ::
1 -.
11CM 0.41't.., tc
10{:V.J. .11:11:,nt.:
ci it ..i- 1,0, foi'
he trtitatter, (littr. h': . a ,,.'isictt5.: ,sw the larsh.
•". the manager con It tv141'is ther4y,t,id n1-
Ileir4toftig,11as ‘inade a L S, 1.1,V t OS fl:VEI, pee,„
of-- 11',.-itellee Leeke If tila gr4„nt 1,141.1 g.7.11',3(11r nfl
Id ins' hid ---."e toi!ette minutely, tlte, lit tto t
didn'tt"ksaid tfie . 1154:_s t.t.`:0- ..13t1S i41 : tftt:',",,Lt, C.514%
hAtilPt-11 to know, tetauso,. hz31;antl and tt-tp otailtio.:1, ea ,.f.'0
told ,31`rs, Itemtning tcy's.s-c,;N... ;ta.,:s Su,st tize tatre. aPti ' ft
11.1‘trilfg,inv? xvic.",ti,t,li-On11$1, t.a.t.)?:illti ti.,..4 4J*'..141.10-bOUght1.4.1"eiorrt, 1) g: :. tii4ii'.:?, tee ,q a ..;..i4' , 41"
oils, oto 4.11y. isa-And nothing•tat,To . V0 , millinot ,, . s 41 41), "3 ZS
, . ir ,s
onAtie_sttb;ket.' . . :: . • !" Vt:.;,.. "rilit ...:. „ . f 0*
pret.torp in ,tcpleiintit to tiostit?e1r4m t .
-f $otint„,* led1.e5 the th'..!oty exe-r Dee, ,centmozt, 4,,,,,,„
to wh tia. bog-,. fS itntirsz,tyll 1141.. httfilt ....:. .......,,,,,
.t e*iy,4*.eVite-ilteoei.ik'i'..elit f;•.**-iteCler."-/,,S,
' . itt StiVell Ice.1 , titaclin,' .„,.111' .1' . ,..
It-orxn. •
0 Itaildieks: tifitte_. :held _ in,.
btne-Englatiiii. r. 8, ititi4ii;s; ..i.uTigtt rig,
fAbreWSbury, eaid that in ICO:tP9.q,tJc1ra I-4. .
tC!!) ttle country tikAtiv(re l',11 -;P, i A. t,./tt-tva! 31-TiOd VEER ifes:arted
1St:14.1:e trouts of peopte v.;hoi had" c 4 v.ca_ry.t, tmo._1.1__pro5,ktitiffig ter
13 tl.'.eir Mono*. in {buSitio*..,-..s and ddr he *.tiSttsttr, hos* oray. ,t1,.st,
aced to fen tIkOr 'tlitabir ,fcr reeles, ethe---loveitelties.
ky rtinsitIcratkr.s. lite Old tourity'',th *filing* one
ateS IL -5110 tor14irly '..17,-,-111 • th6 Thin little thiteee.
used to 114,0 to cut 1,10ir tint- itaa 1) late.. Ik‘tlidtit, vihv
r. oracr to pay otipenSes or tyeeN. 1c40,:14.ln ,eakefl her Meit
. 1 ) ,ekt'ai a�u bkilit , .,,
•....• (It
• / I,'