Exeter Advocate., 1905-08-24, Page 4„
UJ8greernefltxtIto!d Ki
tied safegwtrding
00010 I bi t1Li Einpeio. .
tiatele his. kiiittittitY ip e,x4by vows.
owe that the Whisie thing le .e wog ibt off hex*
teeee,i' 1tie4OCQ *pet sitates Pergosoe,
tifeleu th ,of sessien en
ite adjrnuntnents shall be determined'
.,e .EMPers)rvan in all• disputes
11,0 Shall hate the tine', word. To a
iivhelmee been .etejoying can.
etitutienel government wetly points
would not acceptable, ' Still, to the
Russianpeastiet the concessions may
be considered of much more moment
than they res31y are. The fact, how-
ever, that the people will now elect
an Assembly. is A step iothe right dir-
lotion, and this step eau easily be used,
as e lever to force the Emperor to
make greeter concessieus.
**From bad to worse” is the tale of
- the '1m -wet oftheruralltock -MUT
. of whom have this year n unable
Washington, D.C., Aug.
annual report of the Interstate Coin-
merce Commission, givingthe railroad
()73 mules of_railroatis, an the United
Stettete-TetatsMuthe 'esits:asualtlesertur
" 140 +.1346 having been killed, and
81,155 Injured. Of those killed 441 were
passengers and of the Wounded 9,111,
an one. D nil
:46° 11 '111n4:04.40,I3elio.rixtialteHeftUe4r!'4444713:12°7;*rat.t.
Apt* laPue4 and, ,hIghpattpntrent 'rate of J
a a Tietioarticat .4kete.'opeteset 'received,. .
meth.: ,,,,,i0-04,,hait-Phtti$ end 044 to
*- ovetekeer ;este
Agent If t therbeihinion Government.,
WeeOe-e-Jth, yin vela c
ts, It to:Ai-eon. --a
found washed ashore, supposed to be
that of JameiFerguson.
Drawn into Thresherr
Mitebell. Aug. 19.7 -About 91:80 last
night, while threehing was going on at
the farm of Geo. Laweence on the Lo-
gan road, just north Of town, Louis
Miller, about 20 years of age, and a
mese= by trade, was drawn into the
machine and instantly killed* lie Was
feeding peas when the accident cc-
eurrecle tie was a son of Lethelle Mil*
Valt11 was not cngaged itt thieshlngbut
-hadjust-been ridin pastrontiabicycle.-
" the fall term. There never has
sueh-a demand for teachers as during
the past few months. Hundreds o
advertisements have deny_ appeared
vispapers. idauy ix
—teacher& There are severitT-causes-
the delug-RWV-With-thet
• Teaching Certificate. • the. lengthening
of the Normal term to one year, and
ewer. Thersence ling of the certi cates
and thelengthening of the training
term have ettcb been in the right direc-
tion. but have been the means of in-
creasing the -cost to the student pre.
paring for the -teaching professien,
The advances` in salary have en
equal to the increase in cost, and many
who would otherwise have chosen the
profession or remainedin the work,
have turned aside into other callings.
the *mailable number of teeihers; The
tale teacher now is ahnost as scarce
as ais Possible to make them. This
-4- -4
point now is to find a remedyIs it
to tte the concentration of school:, as
is being tested year Guelpb, or, the
adoption of the Anstratian system, in
-iebTeh'sa-M1*-s-rxerrerdifilitre- --'
trolled by the
The/Misses Shipley, of Granton, are
spending it few days with Mrs. B. Gill.
-The fishing gang from Exeter, ar-
rived here Monday- to spend it few
dept. -Scheel re -opened -on Monday
-witheefeliattendance., We arepleas--
teleo see our old teacher. Miss Cun-
ningham, in -ter accustomed pface.-
a *eeksvith.her_hrathers, Messrs, Joe.
• EoLlJwe
_whohest _been caumettr,hete during
- A
. Olincierttet. t-ieccodutte
' • for hie ensiling face. -Little Ware Oli-
To make good bread. these granules
must be unifonii, in size.
In. ptoorly milled flour some granules .
are large, some small
The Swan ones absorb ye
and "ripen" Wore the large
the ,result breati of coarse, poor
The large granules a.renot.deelope
ard, particles, spoil the texture ofthe
is perfectly 1;1111.e
-Aides are uniform -1i size—the sponge
Tilleflit Scholars' Pine Showing.
The results of the departmental ex-
aminations held at . the Ittleall High
School show that the report made by
the school this year is the best in its
history, twelve. out .of the thirteen
ieho wrote on Senior Leaving having
tion studen1s Wereaueteitsitist-a great
many of then: receleing honors. The
majority of those who wrote will re.
seFtoit stieleteetwaioet.
Reginald B. Smith, Ethel Hayes,
Waiter Been, Ivan Hayes, Minnie L.
.Part IL -Irene -Davis.
Senior LetieregPartL-14). *lies
Ethel Reyes,' Reginald B. SmitieEdna
Guest W. Bent:* Lee _ek. Manatees,
nerve leen, Yennet-lifr Merton,
Alma M. Stanley,Ida Tennent; Fred
11. Downing.
Part IL -R. B. '
--Hu it Orme. -Wilfred. McDougal
odstinsallitt' ellodgens,
Elston, Cornelius V. Rowell, Anne.
Pauline Stanley, Belle Martin, Wm.
• titeAlex7ifedel oditimc
Maria Lewis, Rinse Ilu hes.
Cooper, Geo. Easton,Edna,
Ethel Ilodgine, O. Hodgirree Ohrisdna
e e-erlirltaVOrr—
appeiising bread easily
Ogilvies back it witti, their reputa-
tion y branding it
We also carry it large stock of undertaking supplies. In time of need
give us a call.
Mitchell. Chatellinea, who opened I Ailsa„Oraig: Soo, Spencer, Of Strat.
up a Chinese laundry here DOMD tinse ford; sustained sprained ankles in a
-auttehturefidefronreerallwirrbrid eliere-rh
lett town. _ day. 7717-telie bu
leile‘ Craig: Chas._ 01krter moyed aligbtettose hisfeet.
his family to Crediton lest week, where ,
they 1/- make theirlso qty
Miss Beale McIntosh, of Parkhill. has
211Ileit ure
been engamd as Assistant teacher on by local applications, as they cannot
the public school atalt reach the diteased portion of the ear.
St. Marys; T. D. Stanley hate mak- There is only one way to Mire deafness
ea word from his son, Dr. G. Douglas and that is by constitutional remedies.
easitey, that heIntends °pectin wean- Deafnessiscause4 by llatoed con.
itarium for the treatment of consurop- dition of the raucous lining of the Bus.
tteveincoimectiowit,hhat omen hisarTubee-. Wheirthe-tutie-te it
c imate in the • strict is particularly imperfect hearing, and when it is en.'
stilted to those suiletin frons weak, drily closed, Deafnees is the reheat,
ungramts ,reerea_ ,_tmany. and-upi 1011-11101-11F
0 Tics Isisit Getards Dated
, By permission of Ilia •blost Gracious idelest}:-
. King' Edward VII, the band of the Irish Guards,
His Majesty's favorite household baud and the
finest military nmalcal organization in the Em•
willgive two concerts each and every day.
. i1W-altd-Tireat11re3
TheviilageotBrinsley, on the 4tb concession of McGillivray, came near ' AROUND ABOUT -1JS.
being pad o e irtap On u ay.
morning. Aug. lie 'Between two and:
three o'Ctockthe veltagetetwere aroused
from their shesibers by the sound' of
II* Which came from ANL direction, of
Settee sawmills. " And it .witifiret Many
minutes before every citizen • of the
many from the surround-
ing country were on the spot, willing
and ready to glee whataatance they,
• could. -Ati far as. Vitt The
Arcorlginated by_a-Apottir._ from._ the
bolter and rapidly spread, and- 4vben
seen by hit. Seel, the proprietor o
the mill* thtee.ntire roof was ,aflame.
The :v1bigers lent their aitestaince to -
wad tbe
*ins of the loge lumber 1
Welt stitrounded the mill and it
uentity of lumber was Raved
tbrough their, effort*. Mr, &Ai etti-
*um his lose itt abOut--$000whkh
iticludet the rrillfentittout 150,1100feet
of timber. All of which will be it to.
- bit ides, as their was no insurance.
St. Marys: .Mr. Harding Steiene
-away on-Thuradatafteraihort
linage et the advineedige ,ofeityerets.'
gm* Mali, it resident _of
• ern for the. put nine years, left lest
week to join her husband at Lleyd-
minister. Sask., where Mr. Defy hes
n viiiritferred-byrthe Batik of ()ow--
m.erce their. manager.
Clinton:met cleatb
withawful suddennesson Wednesday.
lie had gone to the farm of W. Robin -
n to aquat some pert of * threshing
machine, which was SCA working
perly. "Alseet hood be was nett
ing 011 some etre*, and the, men
thought he but Noted, but on coming
closer they **ehOrtifled to find him
COld in death: Witting. 0..410:Watt
outcry he had ;mote *waxlike it /140.,
Blythi A wedding took Place
Michael's church, Monday morning,
when Miss Annie, eldeet daughter of
W. feel/7, of Morris. Wean* the bride
of John IfIretlis of Stretford. The tees
Piceountau t Its the presence of it
bee of people. The Mist
Bechtel, and John Mcleaugh mosist.
ed the floppy couple. TI. brMe wore
With -
ff 4ete,eessetof ooiisiderabIe
interest wit witneseed by
etiort Wedeteitlay,er
Memothil clurrehi'Loodou.
ion being the itettingaport. est
totitaii for anie.Ioflary work Of
Anti Edgeof 13iyfleld.wbo is golng to
ether In t
ford, 11`..1.
per -
Eft AP,
-deetroyed by fire on Mon4ay. The
erted frm ti chim-
ney -tend before -the flames cou1Tte ex,
tingniehed the entirefront pert of the e will give One Iltindred Dollars
house was burned to the ground. Thefor
'catartarranYh)catat°cet upenoldttracurlbtlysedilalillrs
contents, tette% were slmoot *
lose included furs belonghig to Catsrrh Cure. Send for circulars, free.
Crone and nearly all the personal be- solF41.4303., DelimIrlerfsgtzts:a;75,:c;.0., Toledo, O.
toning* of tbe family.
Mitchell: - A pretty wedding tank Take gairliFfigilly Pills for conati.
eat the resiclence of Mr, sir4. Mr'.
bt..F.Nlchols,Thursday at o'clock -
it beteg the Marriage et • their eldeet, egialr-0
daughter, 'Elizabeth; to Geos S. BeeeYe
hill, of grandeon. Man. Tothe 'streins
of the wedding march the bridal party
entered. the parlor which _wee. _nicely
decorated. The, happy couple were
unett,ended. Th
trepe de cheets with chiffon trharreit diessisisa . Ask for Cook?. oats
and carriediebeautiful, bruninet, asst -Bast Outuatuaittakt..to.,
, -
ceremony was performed boy 'Rev. atm*• imdkons coo ,ssiossorcossisis
Danseitle of Pittstburg, .Pse. in the
nee of about fifty guests.
Clintors: Pollee Slagistriste Humber
hese** what appears to be it peen!,
tar deeition. On Jule 12th, PAL Lew.
ite of the Hotel Normandie, erecteda
itecontibar in a room adjoining the .
regular barroom, which wee it viola.
thin of tlieregulations art made by, the
Licenee OoMmissionera of Want
rot, copies of *bleb had been t
All hotelkeepete and which they were
ROOM to vhe .TtitAnegiArate
_ _
tterwlHamoimt to co
them*. The case may Lie appeitld.
Eaiitt airanoeli: A,
'dent happenedit the bible of Charlee
Renee on Thursday.- 13-yeeroId
on, litilr4o, Was standing On the .4t4
livery deck of the binder *hue it was
reintitiOgilind'Whire-ter /that-4)0*MM
one of the diecharging 'attris piereed
his right leg on ' the ontaide at -the
knee and tote it open to the males
Nine etitcheek 'rose put lil wound but.
nextday bl�od.pdieonlng set in ,s,od in
otae#,tuitar# the boys life, the legwasll
gallery will he resentAtd the grandest collection -
continent, ineluding loans roni the ging, the rations 01 the City of London, the great
Unix 1UesthJriib1Jct1wice
sollth 1.444 B.44490(114.-
tliguiehed -bodies-in& entiernen. --
. o • • eusiVer?-1--
- Ily speciecommand of 'His 31sijesty Ttlie King,
Abbe s noted and historic painting will be ors -
Fall 01 Port -Arthur.
The greatest PYr0 military display ever produced
before the ("median people. Scenes in the most
recent of the world's most appaling event will be
vividly portrayed with real Japanese and Rut.
sdansokliery tsiting•part._ The firvvorkedisplay
will -boon a tirMiant scaleintrodueurg
tures of an ((dental ebaraeter.
Are cause4 :"/1 Ottani,* VthiC13* Is noth-
ing. bat an loft:timed condition of -the
The l'recese ing. Samples of all the Indus,
Wet and Resources of the Country, Thousands
.ofCattle: Swine, Poultry,. And
, air CauanbufVereeN- .•
Special liscure 0*5
Special cheap railway suad steamboat excursion,:
have been' arranged. Enquire of your ne4est
W.'. le. MeNAUGHT, Pres. rce
Istfitts.ritur3/1"1* 3."°- °RR. Mau. 8;'Ser-
llutrles Closes Ilya Stock, etc., Aux. Ith. Pulite" awl Doss, Aux. 10
coutrint 013 i1TJtONI TO WIT.
By pewees warnotinyler tees:kepi 44 51.. 'Orsolect and fieskot the itzroction, the Ceiggi ot
Huron, ated the illst cs aly. 10*. tvionAnfliat me to levY ulkoAkilitt feribsti, 16r •
the arrears 01 taxes respectively due theiem, together with (vete, toilet labertb7 given that cakes such
wets end &nits OM *otter paid 1 *hall, Itt essupthinee with the Ausesimett Act, proceed to sell by public
*action the sidd lands, or so much 'thereof as may be neoeulan. to 'ltisehato the earn., at the Chart Howe,
-in-the town of Goderiebien-TuesdOr theitth411-01-X0Disiber•AD6.110W9 cfrlock in the,a_ftertkoon-
these toteare pat,AntOd.
Lot or Part of Lot.
N. corner IV% 12
Con.Aeres. Arrears oll'asek, Costs.
144. T. f!'.. 4)4 It \ , . 2.76
VILLAGE or ORA1400St0110 IN 41011F1ELD s'
. ,
xowtonair or' OODICatell.
lisithos1 2 01 1.25
tio . % it.41, 2.16
•VILLAOS or rd. Joarpn nt nAT.,
Oikilsee • . Preapabieleas
Tha Welehailamiaebts
Wtoittorliti Moor .
tt,t0---- -- „us - _ ALA-
WICK ',V1114011 IS uounct. .
st ato to
Tovntsuir Or irpougasiva
in gas. fitr. . 2040 ' 00.4101 .
211. FL 11. _ 1 tsMet
Torstair OettlAVISIOtitr
to tollarelerityl
ortalte 4* N.
, buil
to,syi *it&
t be smoking
eititeined the bit*
*wintottlieti cs t14
-'lletitpwe, frnra the m