HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate., 1905-08-24, Page 3,cli.Iort.
dOn; "Moen
' 0 ci
tieei(fl1 the
'il. ' ttlitt/AttQA.
ta .4trettt7„ '
11, s 11 04,--
, .
4,44 41,5 1Y '•
rost P 1141. "tat'
,* v,• -, • , . .
P' ,q9, _'
ldrelti.,.atttelding, re.
pported C 00- It- n
i in riowers to reeever"
,f liii '. 0 frpsii.i.;the.Peren ,
,tdiellri ift etelea Where thesS1
. ,
her neees-'e, 90.0•Yen and •thc4 tOrrPe ,
- • tle •Pte1,40ASUnl t
esiinesst i0
Mein's/. eil'Ule I, pst , Par
,ert.e t!titt
.11i `epleretlid beattb• •
; Or's , .
lacking 'Steps, Mr ,. ;Burns. °'raycu
" re ts Oftt,,itet.
a▪ .rieee • ithretigh .:enel.seet 'ofiter than .1 pirttsof therleittle'the Itus.; ly. fatisfact'ory1 irecte.had no.; tronS.'
•. PoverlY? Following eleSelY on this sitans- eNcOr44 'bat one hit tp,,‘t pp $$ Orice I used Dodd is Kidney Pills;
ltestruegori an order ;was lapsed by ilane4ed by the -Japanese.- tiruirr 'Theydrove away the disease (ram
kerne- -4P4.ealone sand_ the , bad 111*.v-o- - ,
- ' cvuld....searcely
mi tee report th4ti following elOnnlas
Ooc 'of, the .1'44..resibing
.the''''Stir;hetsN'een,„ Itliss'i4 and atiPast
is the Seercitst ;and toneesseentr bigh.
price of camphor. This; valuablei gem
krises one of the important, /DOW.
to be sure of a- sUpPly , for
a war of Indefinite duration, Japan
•rr -
etti". este,. onesof * the Sky Pills, The docter-tnuld not help -
First, the children. do cams to nothing very rerne.ikable about t e . sit or e eep. was a 0
school underfed. - disparity o losses.
Second, that others, and probably RUSSIANS '
a -larger rannber, are ill -fed. •
' Third, that it is; impossible, to s‘ The cornme.nder insists that the
care the beat reaults la the ease of great mistake of . the' ittrasians • Wait
ruarehallihg their vessels in doit-
elither sinderfed or ill -fed children.
Fourth. that the ordersof the Local ,eeillinn• tine °end'. Vrein' the
Government Doere is not eleeb., to ' sInfigat of g.siog Into actiOn. in that
produce good results, because' pro- ta...rinntion. JaPaneSe regarded
Vides for * division of authority. vitterYas as*Ur641' "41)°tY. fr°14 ' °I°
rotb, that visltbough the Quillen impossibility of maintatiling er's
. not. u -
sire it. tactics for defensive putvoSes, there
Should /mist in carrying out the or-, tierlY teriintien When* PUIlMing* 6114.11
feeding. i+tildien its the last -iges
.7"•.;-,,,,,, fleet- attacking- lendson. ilber tette.
''''''' shipis were able to concentrate" their
- --seulsilsretsositt nie_ tire uperc_ther-itsaiongssetusa
tedoreett by the whole- imirit of the. ''''
.„,„, ships and .in return received only
-Poor law. there ire strong arr.- limited fire. Bad the, Russians
Merit.° nallinEs‘t seeking nes" ingisw adopted the strategy of imposing the
the ' wers at the Preeent moment.
-- --
to tgive entiNly when an adver-
tisement led rae to try beeld'e Kid-
ney rills- Now I am in good health.
Iknitt's. Kidney Pills saved ruy- life."
If any etia doubts Mr. Burns* story
he simply refers' them to his brother
Foresters. They all know how he
teiffered and that Dodd's Kidney rills
cured him. •
Stoesr of the _Part -lb -0 ;4Beaver?
Played in the'Eaxly Day*
of the North-West. • farther up the hill we cerise upon the
'The- story of the Beetver, a little etlils themselves, situated by the side
_sseeersoss,seer4srshistontssoestoistosee. I xuriant vegetation. .
41es ,,Noseth-We.,.se ecyLetouely a.ssaet.
OWL ilc'exttacted4ronv--the'lvoott-441-simPle-
and fileXpetisiThe
of the refined gUM, , but of tbo crude
'The output of Formosa. combined,
with that of Japan, constitutes the
bulk of the world's supply. The most
valuable df the camphor forests are
within savage territory. A writer
In Diackwood's Magazine describes a
visit to a Formosa caniphor tamest.
'Mter climbing the steep and slip-
pery hillside, we came upon i large
camPhoistree lying felled across our
path. It was about four feet in
meter, and had been sawed longitudin-
ga./Tg ..ecisrk-C* 114' '44' 713f
sofitielitx inthes Tit lengths siritl-abo
the thickness of one's little finger.
e whole -t -air- was, Pervirdtd-OST-W
strong odor of camphor. 'A little
;sewedat the-tion-effidieneltt1es1dpissrhoe_ehe_....reeet. the ileet
--piregeht-vlitintittV-IlegartraL"t6- molt roke thningh_and steet%0, direct for
,th.:471,PltilifirdfrOt-Dvf-Ple—citgr„. -vtadfrostocka- --the ctieritnetudie4:4ii;-
. does not 'Yel appear to bo.Proyea• bates suite seonies-hesei achieved: a.
vhirrfpo-rt—vrthwlottxt--rmnmtttee pr emit aott,43f.%. Instead - of doing
on underfed children seems to point •
that thex followed the plan of 'mite
experienced in coping wit
' needs,the difAculty hafi arbra from
want, of .complete organization
ther than .from a defielency of :funds.
And the *joint coutsnittee apparently
are of the °Ostlers that private bene-
volenee Is not by, any means yet ex-
tereataeg maritime narratives of the
past century.- 'The prominent part el 14 411 Iran Tetot and heated' by
ins the develo ent_.1( elew fire" Abe camphor • vapor gtv-
ritory has, ad ed same to IPss•P
If you want to keep your children
hearty, reify and hill or life - during
the hat weather months, give- them
ssui_occeseinnal ssilosinsssof
This medicine Ned prev
all • forms of stomach • and :'bowel
troubles. which carry off so many Ote
t10 ones during the hot . sinrimer
or il thesue troubles
• if they com on ttneaspee
just the medicine for hot weather
treubles, because it always does
... Irsiii111-11ft11111'1.
is guaranteed free from opiates and
harenful drugs. It is good for chil-
dren at every stage front' birth on-
ward, and will promptly cure all
their minor. ailments. Mrs. J. J.
sittFartant,, Aubrey,-Que., says: -
baby was .troubled withcolic until
tbey proniptly cured h m. ow -w en
lie is a little out of sorts, 1 give him
se...dose-ofsIabletsssnd eir ,prnmptly
steaMed up and thrust their 'wade*
Into the lion's Mouth Without being
Able to acComplish anything com-
pensatory.. -
Discussing the question of the sink-
ing of the battleships and armored
cruisers by gun fire .the commander
evpressed the .opinion thatthe fact
that the Russian ships' were' excel:se
materially to the result, The Rus-
sians _carried large quantities of
coal, stores .and arnMunition, and
r of 'mins where it on eases in e o m
snowlikes crystals. The cooling -box is
est not. merely to this countrv abase
partially immersed ina stream of
but to that . histortial troroorittion.
the 1'00's:revisor and company of gen- "ming water- .11 cniPs are ;renew-
ed every -twenty-four- hour's, ond every
tlemen adventurere of England trod -
eighth day or lio,\ ,there,,is eXtin-t,
Ing to Hudson's Bay." whose clsar. gushed s and the crystals "scr011ed- cif
terft. will. be renteruberel. swiss from the sides and bottom of the
granted in 1670 by King ellariew 11* ierystallizetion-box.,
to Prince Overt. and the whole '1The crude camphor is then placed
world -Is that of beteg she firstin latg,e tabs and .ailowed to- settle.
the waters of the resettle Ocean. • which is of a yellowish color, -sink
THAMES .13IIII.T. to the hottorn and is drawn off. The
Thelt by liellsrs. Orme Nigrams, 0411101°r Itself*. flAilitto . and still con-
Labblyi ri=1,Food Prod=
Veal:Loaf, Melrose Pate, Deviled Hain
Dried Beef,- Hain Loaf, Vienna Sausaie,
___.Lajged„„13eans and Corned Beef Hash.
1C4riaSi' ARE coorEb'aiND READY to SERVE
Th. Soong, "Mese to Make God .27deso to gee seat itist.
• Add' McNeilI& Ubby Ch
Buffeted badly from hits near * the
witter line that eirilinarily- vemild not
- •
friendaor, packed in bagS, transported by cool.
der of a
of the bratkish Thames, to the
les to some convenient center, and
fetr• s, and now known
to the ondseree Bey ceinpany. the thence to the refining factory at Tai -
w a the embodiment 1T good Pei*".•
for 11, t
• ft VIT.. SOWERS,
11 'Mal I-1FM PR
, sAdeeder. $t. Bias ilarsatio,
Mention t paper.
qui a dreg saleth remove* *see tram -,
-lotrai5,-neresy part .1
body instontiy and permarteotir. 00'
will send to any one aillizted without
aily ex se Ott a postage Stamp
n't judge ley treatntent ky teurscmess
• VI
this huatillatuilf_.,YeAto•
miat la easy an acconkpittetee itx_noree. -
and -I will forte t Poo if it hale to
remove hair. .DonSt outer longer. 11.0.
lief Is now •youre fax the :Wilting. Writ*
now lest you forget isse uddrssi.
ItVitonrit 10.,Acle., 1815 Newt% -•SisP
"Et Attie AT AlllDitlE, Ataissetts-
25ese acres -22 Miles north at
t.algary,r 43 miles front Airdrie railway
depot; convenient- to Church. schools,
stoles etc.; spiendidll situ*ted: Inglifm"'"
liconta:laftw• - -SCKtd
supply: up-to;date znpr,oVenTelit0;4-well-
built house of eight rooms. fitted with
all snodern conveniences and &OROS,'
s stem; stable, cattle *beds. Dimity
An ex raordinary discovery of trea-
sure was made at the Samir' goods
station. near Odcssa, recently. •
Sornti boys ytere seen trying to
open a box which held been taken
• Tbe coutrnafl'says
!Ale did not, as some .claim, prove the
of_zarms to_ firmor. He
•manship. Her owners. then the , rACIF1C..COAST EitttirltSIONS.
most prominent factors in :he land During June, July. _August and
fences. ail new and substaot ea; *i
sold as ' it geillit t011eer11; with' stock.
crops, rilieLehinery, tool* -and house fur-
nishings,• this farm- Is all plowable, and
is especially °adapted for growing hard
fali wheat- and for mixed farming.' Finn
.ntJemtLar a licaPpt-fok...„..-...444.1.
AIX drib, Altn.
points out that the newest armor on
the Russian ships, and notably -in
the case of the Orel, was not pierced.
Ther proper distribution of armor is
another , question and he says the
Wars-4kt rust appear, _to
have adopted the latest knowledge
dnef leS' on the eubject,
4' ---
arui n 5 fa 4 , . _ 1,
ad rec.ently eststblished a chain of 'Western Ry. will soll from Chicago
furstrading" posts along the sheres round tril'i excursion tickets to San
et the 1J/wine. and the Beaver was Francisco. ' Los,: Angeles, Portland.
Intended for service fp this•field. • ' Ore. (Lewis '.%:, Clarke Excursion), Se-
. . _ ,... . _ aotitri 0, rilfte.tictorlacc%str_ncai joedvidurgbrat c.ivircZ
. ;'.._ '
- 'This was a great experitnent, as it, fares from all points in .Canada.
wits onlis six'.years before this ' that . or reuteie, sees, .01 t rp in R.O.r-
render from 'Imre criticism.- Iklebo•
toss- surrounded by twenty-
eeteerts-, ,fisW:Telhirtrierest7. peers
druggist. or the.y wilrbe sent- -0-
Medicine Co.,
illsWrtsit -r
• ,
Two Massachusetts.physleians hive
• estatlished an arts and crefts sari-
iteritin by the seaside for terve •ex-
Iiitusted 'men and women.
- *they had loegsheld tlitit rest treat -
Mint is often 1111Wille for those sulteir
' -from nervous breakdown- beesoese
sleet reet does not necessarily
ulds rest (01' the smind and thailes. the number actually -• lost- is
retused lo ---surrender 4ilf.F
1,11:e -di Ten TralliiitefiThlioitTditlive -cut-
y -other course wmild have' eon-
dentned to needless death 2,000 of
and niens -
. Accurate estimates of the actual
Rusitian 'casualties are irtipossible to
obtain. but they, are far under the
first estimates. The' rescued and
stirrentleired-Vestett stP0Ossand-mak-
Int thies' alTeivessnee'-litr ose
escaped in- the Minas; eleurar,ud, rei
Aurorie,,----Jenttebug and the auxilier-
serves. The atmosphere of the hottest somewhere between' two and threetes cheery and rtormal. There is noth-
nyrwhere-to suggest, illness or
• awept ▪ by the tonic breezes of the
,,. harbor, end in front of wbIci
yacht*,. continua/1y pass, the patients
stay-Several:hours it day. Four skill-
ful, girls are on hand to help in the
_teething. At frequent intervals flour-
Ishrnerst Is served and whenever there
• lel the slightest. indication that a
When HO lititt -Corte-.
Life Insurance Companies will not
insure a meinsuffering.- froth' heart
trouble. The 'regisOn is obvious.
This is it serious matter to tits
or lather who solicitous
'Worker. Is' becoming; ,overtired ,it is 'husband
*whiter jir the ecriy llving.room up.iten. the_ heart trouble la. causeteby
stairs; where books. magazines, env i,ita -unexpected thing and cair- be tor
Chairs stlid-on chilly dios-an open!, rotted if teken in time and properly
are suPply a -thoroughly delightful treated. ,Asesiess in Colorado writes:
,astrtioisphere 'of home. "'I was great coffee drinker for
od.carfing and..pottcry many .year.s, steel was not aware of
rine branches! taught th the irijasioafir cffects..1 the 1bt
0017, and ofthereIresOmF trail became A practice invalid-, suffer --
re the favorites.- 'Profit the ing. from heart' trouble. indigestion
pi has been the policy that the, end riervouiliesit .t.o an extent that
p, or school, as it is sometimes made me Wretthedly miserable toy-
ed, should not in any sense be a self and a nuisance to those
I giliorvi; but ' that itt products ,witneelet my sufferings. ,
o I '1111WaYal be Of the 'better sort. "I continued to drink Crifee.
trained 'werkers ,who ever_net_sespectintithat _wait th.
bla titers and aitive mom, ..of rot.,„jo.N..Alth - 14-;fr.
eerli Wei,e• employed.
totttexitit aro Too§try defer per.
saivf laiOrt tittle they be-
- geod,workets. is hoped,
beside iiolpine 'Is great htee hood
Ands the schoollt lit. tato
.'linOwn name for
tactfully auggested 661 she rest kflior the future of his dear oness Of-
,for; lite insurance I. was re-
jected on icciFight of the treads,
with my heart, 'Then I hecants
alarmed. I found that ItatVingoff
quickly. .X
od having been it.
tondition wit
,Iive .be
ern th
• found ediisable
ould be *pert
rt the Work hi
01-** --an 45 Ong
Sill eatrililetetlf MIS& All in ,
ts Tanteload. Ilii ditioa'
inn 14.10. • Torn. (at
_ _
its- weight. however, it was eladent
blexitcfi=oullreif 8,RjutsissiThavinaveapaper;, mmeoln.ev_yr, tIlhy
that something else Lesides paper
was inside, and/beneath the notes
were eventually di.srotrered..,
neatly packed rolls' . gold pieces
The news of the ailair spread like
aliee ang-in e _o_ike_ns were
posted round the goods station w e
investigation was made. The box
inotits, the Rocket from Manchester return limits.
Rates, folders and
and as yet .the whole' .•ntiuussessessees„oeteines&
,of. Canada -did_ ntat...pOlftitLa_ffin 191111,t411etinetLOMMIL,A.,
p vier.
men and she was well—arined With
e tiffieridtfirdarigu
On Atsgust 29. 1835, tinder
'mand of Captain David 1112Me;'' 'th
vel%, in censliany With di; COrttra-,
bia, it sailing vessel of 340 • testis
buirdeit, built by, the Iludison's Ba
Company,. as an escort, bade. fares
welt. to Fesglend and started on her
on and memorable cruise.
Although tiesienteld -and conairileted
.for the us•e ot "Atkin,- and in &eel
requisite a fully equipped steeinship.
it appears unlikely that the Beaver's
giness were used contimioesly„. dare
sage. the distinction Of betn
lte-firat steamship to.;-Cross-tke----A
Untie from twit 'to-Wat-is undoubt-:
edlY hers. The first attempts • to
cross tbe ocean with steam as et mo-
tive poWer, *ern znade Ishii* ekail-'
ing from the west. The liclyal Wil -
Mutt built In 1830-1831, at Quebec,
efossed in 1833 front Pietist to Lon-
don, making the _pa_s_sagis in twenty-
five deys, but it Wes not itntit-1
that vessels stietteded raitk
nearly, if not quite, the entire Weit '
ern journey under' 'steam. .
The Reamer's destination was ' the
_Id Itudsent"ge Bay -tritdin
Coulter. (Ai that '.e„Oinixibi
oppogiite the site of the,presiut
otrortland, Oregot4 The Atlantic
(keen Wes softly ettpsited and Cape
%torn reackettetithout Incident,. and
'then INIPtctin Rhino turned his int&
giteameett prow iitirthwarit `"intsk
tb sittiile. "Shit *tea the first that
lei -that n
'Otottherlitgid Ilarbor. Ishand of Juan
Verriginder... rendered immorle.,
!toe ias the scene of the adventuregi ot
Itohinson Crum**, was retched.'
Deortaber 11P1831.5,itoitululti,
Sentltrielt onif rebihitry
183t1. Whence, titer -biter fltiqr to
eeeded Att441411.1.4
on :01 the,
i Mil 614111 It
door neighbors have got a • new es-
t has?” Brownlow -"About three it
day, and those are for meals."
• — • . -- -
If your children moan and are rest.
less during slce.p. coupled. when awake,
veitis4a, loss oi appetite, pale comae:s-
ante. tricking of the nose, etc., you. ar..004
depend upon it that the primary ce.ure
,. -the- trouble. Is worms. Ifrithsr
neveoL-Worca.-„Extertninater. efirccesL...:
removes Abet& pests, stt: once relieving
the little sufferer*. .
Judge -"Yon deny Persistently that
you committed -the-act,, and yet the
description fits you exactly -ss beau-
tiful face, youthful- appearance, prat-
4Y-Jittlestiseses" Women Defendan
"Ity lord. I confess all."
Wath greasy dishes, pots eilr pane
With Levees Dry Soap a powder. It
will remove the grease With the
greatest ease.
Ilaigshott (testily)--"Itere, who lekid
the breakfast this. morning'?" New
'Girl (tiinidly).1-"If You please, air,
"d,,,,a1L-except the ens.,!.
the Most Popular Pilleerthe pit
Ow most popular; of ell forms of tricial..
eine. and of Nis the most popular are
revision**. vegeteltia Pius, teritiote ti -ay
d. whet it is tweeted they eats esi.
_sfeetslteltstorersirei.sse 11:11
11 AIM*
Csp*.0 an po
by do aol. saauosata net
and tkcy giv• relief it ths xno.t stub.
Mrs. Justtred When we
woro-lirtst cngsged I abirso - step
with your last letter under ro,
-JutstwelaAttd-1, too.- dati4
often went, to sloop ova" your,
On- being- 'Were Oise -
found -to -co tai hisnotessane
go •
boxes totalled just -under it mill
roubles -nearly *500.000. The boxes
lmd arrived-fronssthe- Far East-, .and
.were described , as "'household WI
longings." Each one bore the lied
Crews stamp.
The whole affair savors strongly
,onicitillpossistg4 misisppropriation
of Arent! or -lied -Creams- unties One
bewspaper has reit hesitated to de-
clare that the .police at 'Slimier& inv.
Proved the occasion 'by appropriat-
• ing it portion of the treasure during
the official investigation.
Samara is 560 lailea south-east of
wk. said is one of thel junction
It Knot** SverYwhotoo-minkoto .1*
not a citiy,,,,.toWn kambet 1* II
where Dr. TheSnas" 1•:ielet-Mc Oil t not
.kaown.....wherever latredated 11. visatle a
foothold for itself and leabstalsOd It,
Bowe it.1acitts woo suggest' seem
eteer at essetally besot At.
Such; recoranstadatiost *koala los • too..
calved with. doubt. Thor" is *MY MA
}.Zglifttr/O- MI* ;tad' that 13 lis'. Witonsa**.
Take nothing is. ,
"Charlits,1* gield *les Poway.coyly.
epeaking of bet fiance; "is qiiite indi-
vidual. Ile is diteren from other
willing to °Pe*
NASTY ainnozr.
411es Varace-"Sorneone told me to-
day that I was the handsomest girl
in the street." Mises2Speitr-"Vhs
thet!'s-not--Incerablef***' ,
Miss Vane --"What do You ineanr,
Speltz--'t"..Your Itabit of talk- '
big to yourself."
signets et liatsger.,--liave you lost
yourappetites/ Havar you ix -coated -
tonne? • H113411 " you any unpleasant
.tatur,J,k_tt,;0_,Anouth? PC11141, your head
*the end 'bevy you dfizinetsr,- Itssers
our stomata la out of order and on
aedlclm 11. that prefer* sickneel to
mcclicine mist suffer. but under the cir.
tutsksenstwba OW wise OULU would 'procure.
o; box of Panoteles** Vegetable rills
aad epoodily get blown in kealth. and
strive to keep so.
Sunday School Teacher Why,
Wii11i3 Wilson! Fighting again! Didn't
last, Sunday's. 101§1tOtt teach 3rou that
when you are struck' on one cheek
you ought totumthe other to the
'striker?" ' but he. hit
me on the pose, and I've only got
ftlh4 to th
al indistretiOn 13
'etc. it
Ilapidity and revert':
\allafteiett, No owe,
Itbey bid* 0.,torettio.
ti kited, are..tOvered:over
I arta. Why Ixars tbess diefigire-
to/on yeer perton When it into ret‘
i,oer of all wart*. cares, ett4„ tan he
found 13 Itatiewars COrn.,UNITI•
with ft 'Vial IV
WO at the
' irtchipt"