HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate., 1905-08-24, Page 1`7, kAavw't i Alf F,ITM -11 e wee ete woe th We bwite tUflSI3.., Branches in Huron County at IUD:ATOM DAS/INVOOD, 11101SALU, ZOttpall, Cu. , , he '‘$2,iiefir„ d toortotits* ,::Twhtim.tod:0440130fortalra. 40 ige4;040:intitnym...w L'1434 • ointo Sbndclock spent Sunda in J0eardine, Mrs. Sbiddock an Ohiktrft rettiree4 with °tidily. - aster Vold Saw en hae returned tobis home in Lond t** t visit-with.hie 004 rent,* in 'Exeter. ‘. Mr. and Me% Es Ihnhftm and *on, Alo*e, .ef St. Me spentTueeday In town, be. gue!te Mrs: end Aim IL vi Mrs. • 0oodiaon returned Monde* to 'tolerate, aceompanied by her . mother, 44Aftestiilieo_hus, who will visittherea w eretfoor,,_. Mr, and es _weeks bat, return ye.terdsy to tbelr liorne .4" Strathroy. 'Woes Millie Martin and:Lill* Rob., flare, teachers,-4ve tielitritedfe'Aheit. .dutles at Aulturo..404 Pear AilfisCridgt re. Mise Cattle Dyer- left. Saturday to itWind the millinery ^Openi00 Prior to ,returning to.11esrunumille to resume *Mack Ven '-.‘Broadcloths Black Broad otbs ed rde de Soie 111aek Coyle de Soie de Oben° • Eolienne Weeds Every piece New and Natty._ EW ST alLthe new colors and Fabrics. Stripes price paid for all kinds of Fart), .iteelest _ mot:. iiiava'MEMDER ruislebuts And tkilteotli, Osits;r10. OISSO !karst*** Toronto etaitarn Roapital. to Dr...LA. Rollin.. Night tall at orrio.,, Kbiva MIs. G; Gtavin, ot Landon, k vis ing her parents. --.A. very • t eo- clal time was spent at the •cfliir. An us McDonald one night tast week., tneli his recent ihn 3. Freeman. of Detroit, is visitingfriends In the neighborhood. -The Misses Peer, of ettiliocketa o weeks' visit zttIvei. left for their -he Toronto Monday. Mks Millie Ilynclulan left Saturday to visit ber-hrother. Cheri ittaittiM it-UW*1 eryropenleirsat., Oen - Master litioWard *Northgraves, after *leveret, weeintvisit. with friende in and around, Exeter, left hist day) evening for hie home in 1.044.00;.' Sainuel Sambre* et *Warner* Man., who has been here visiting 10' the Past few weekeileftMonther morn. log for Toronto where he may remain. for a time. . • The Mises Oobblecilitit have . return- ed from a 'hat with frieridttnear Lon- trott*,--Therivereetteupiettled--,-,homis by Was Line Hodgins, of Birr, who will visit here for , uctot..44itielc.4404.140, one e - blygesti foimd, left Thursday on a -two weeke holidays up the lakes* His place ie supplied on the 1.4,11....k. B. by. oda- tor Boyd." -Clinton New Ws, •- The ltFloren� Car. . trait Siza „ r. LOUIS% after it yery pleuant two weeks' outing down t.he St. Lawrence' -to: Montreal,- griebee_itnd__e returned.honte on Saturday. Mr. and litril.Geo. Sinallacome drove -to Stratford Sundey. The termer re4 rned the earl • s rt of the week while aeoro re _ -time. They were aectimparii.ed by their daughter's children, Milne* 011ie and who s nt their h �th�fsOttheiw1 T4 awn**, ationtMay *lett Ibe owner eaa lanye earee by y ertasd John Popei Diabwodel. e rv • i5&'U • er yearand.-the farmer has every -sonto smileoverthe-abundan Ing a few days lit the home Alm re -opened Mondaywitk fair attendance. -A number of our, young men have gone to the West to help In the harvest fields.-Mrse Ag- new, who has dispoee4 of herproperty to our ,bistekereith;,'. Intends moil futon, witeret'sherwill-reilider--- are forrY to put with Mie. Agnew, but her many friends *IA bet every , happinese in her new honte......ltalph Drysdale is home on it visit„. After two year? abeenee in the Weit ' Wzramm....11bilmIttettreektoetone, •etjter popoleryogi* ladies in thepee -. of Mise M&rgaret Douglas, d*ugb. • to of retti.voligteiii-i-- Iti marriage to Mrs Edwartl:McAtah, of Aeatritbota, The happy tot *took Plebs at-. the erste 'and *es *Roosted Of friends. The bilav wea neatly at- tired. and was unattended. At; the cimeluston. of the ceremony the gueste partook of it dainty tea after which .'411 enjoyed A V pleeeant evening. men ,; Were ct; We ilfelksh but "ash her betel.many yeM-s of b*ppine.s and bete. . OtitWI4Ifiel" 0, rs litrirW,7114r-Itittiof-Bronsast-- Hay; Miss Washburn; Woodhattu .wardt.-Winoliel - the home ollt.S.Riehardion, Audrey!' streetedurin tietf„ journing here for *owe reonthe will lesiva to-day(Thursday) for her home. itt liallarney, Maii. She will ac. • in as far as Winnipeg by her daughter, Miss .Ittunue' Sanders, and her granddaupbter, min Lindsay, • who have been vIaIting bero for * couplaof weeks. -- • ttioi 'Ville • Ilfro Gubr has thavett into the resi- dence of Mr. Robert Wilcox, and will 'be ready to start at the Ifilmville Drain lit the course of A few days.- Thotharvest-*--.00.10-',..01ter..."1_, irops 'Of 1006 are just n little better than for the years, era from the village intend golng west On the coming eXtilreietiL -1/41,khilt ehdayed, at home, - Mr. Aloshue Johns otietipled. the pulpit on Sandal inotining in the abeenee of fir. Jebn.mnn.-VbepubUe oho' reopen* ad on Monday *novo doubt nutty of. the -children think:the holiday. fair tbo, .ibort...144stio* Harrinit, • rt 4P4tiik sf�whoui their brother, John, on Sit-ida merchant *ports * new, rub .tez JUrKton Thoth ThtinipSerk of Dakota, *fifer as,, few days vlslt bere,left hist week for .11eldsberg..--Nts $eas, flatetwood. and Roy Sweitaereare confined to their horeektbrongh ilinelek' We 1010.h them :as speedy. 'recovery. -. who. hay,bowl • 64e7 and fall wheat /s. about *sit * rvisted ,around here- ,4rui the fairmer8 report bumpez,crops- With. r.thelr ,hernit We have piirehas€ Ca Atotte nhoi Wool Mattings at 50e.„ $1.00 Doutine Crepe do Chene at 75e,„ 00e. . Mohair Crepes at We., 75e.. $1.00 Panama Cuttings at 50e., 75e. Corlett Tweeds at 75e. - - Tweed,Olotbe at 75r.. $1.00. $IM Venetians at 50e.. 75e., $1.09. $140 *Poplins st50c. 75c., $1.00 he bulk of Freres, Roubai Black and Colored Boucle theviots at 50c., 704, 85c.. $1,00 Flake Suiting, self eolorediat 750., $1 It. imacking_at 740., $1,00" Dom Cloths al°75e, $1.00, $1.25, $1,50 Vicuna Cloths at 00e., 1$1.00 Poniard Clothe at 50e. Cambridge Clothe st ae .montho too out Woo Ella Doti kaiji_Wrd. Ma ie. succoasful paaiii011 t Part. 11, Oenior Leaving exeitilakier posatt.-.rooring the plot few. (Pio Lthe grim reaper death baa heeu busy in our rtildst, On Saturday Captain • II wife." .e.t4004, Atvilt after two COTTONA E8 a Old Prices, --We made our purchAses in jtke Thom in Crockery and Glassware. Miss .Lbodeltilber retutliedSeturday- frem Detreltab4:wllt-vietther mothers: -Our public school started 00 Monday .4fter the summer bolidays with fele *ttendanee.r.tlifiss Mary Ettar Trove.. thick, of London, 1. the guest of lifre.; Thos, TreVetblek.-41enr3r, Enber, 1,14 ,tosz, is In Toronto tbigweek on bust. tier$0.0 and Sweitter are visitingleSstril*S11011,-.4osepft tiaist„ who .mOteci. to .Detant,. 13-01Whetk-Mitltrit..4.1:, llyon Sititidav, We are p state that Mr*. Heist, Wb0 hes been quite i11,Is recovering. -Garnet poker,' ttendotolltvdiff ea Pl7er W*4 who 1106 been' visiting their daughter in lit_citb Myer, return.. ecl hotne'lisfiViriOnefelor after a very pleasant enn'ual Day restiVar***Oa:bOrd,10';', hOirai4)4 Situday.- ;was given by the cboir and holamottheSunday-Sehool...10_the afteriloo-n,7-7 Addreaseawore given b Rev. Yaeger and. Mr. Faust, of Zetifht and Rev. Clemente, Of Dash. went. Tn the evening.* Cantata was . heel *el watt • ed to with t 'pleasure.. The tiw throughout Was line and a Mtge number of peOple Were prefeet itt both eervieess-un ,Monderomitogr-41110t-Orit1g"-imul6 70,44(mizerof-, all'orapOsed ofpIcke,!, - 7 ,) ...III) Oi PY4- znllllnery openings at Toronto.. --Wee -Dora Eilber spent ale* dayeatExe during the week......41rs. Sam. X. Latta 14 4lighters. Mies Stella* have reg. turned to London after & pleasant it with friends here.--Misa Ethel Kai - Iowan, Of Dashwood, was Mise Peari Weurties guest last weck.-iev. and Mts. Sit Moyer.'of on Grahams of GOd.tLCb, visited blot Sister, lilm-. 1wst week. -Mr. panted by her dau trgattnr-tbrmi terestingirnd the be, tip was WY, several balis were ern* h.efenee-at-tbc-road.---Our viltage baa eerteinly had its share of bsseb&Il thist,seasons, The -boys, will now begin to* play the return matches. They. will play illentalt this *reek.) wiik tail-i.WourWyira - iat.leid 0 .Stonernantas.been In Lambethduring the week attetitt. ing the funeral of her tether, the late ft clutrd llobineon. . . test wiskto BRERTON-McLEAN. goinee, to hint who le it ranee .61,011, 14"0/44°10 ho wilk hisstriving is in Vain. e ureh,lietteallott high noon Tneadayf Miss joie* only danglitor of D. B. maesit,10*.Brerton°•-of-Itne ' * .:tr is fair has uinuua efforded inetrue thotuottids of peop Ana this Var.:will to the rule.Many extbts of itt .Daahwood r-40 &rickFrklay nlght lastandplayed a frlendiy game theliya They report Ai -pleasant tinter and good treatment at the hands .of the Zerieb 'team. At the deo of *evert Inning*, when itbeesme too dark to continue theitituiet.the.eeort stood.4.1.1n favor ctarte on ogdari. '1)41tentill: la01114 see - that theirA ttli.on gotrr117'- Mis. Lily ttartleib. left -on Saturday resufruibertiuties a. it teacher :.j - school itt Dufferitt -county,.-.We ;ton. geetulitte Mies Theo. Ilatileitt on her suede** itt the recent exaMinetione. She Wilt new tak� it coureeht it.,:tnotlet schoollt. Henry itiligheifer, of Hickson, visited bis brother 00040 onti of the Parr. Lintier...Mr. an u, of the Conimerc :.tured froin -their *kit to M. rt.:4* 1*...p.-12Ving and childrcn _ oire,;e.we anilk stay with Wends here, • Iti,SipOie teft's row days .gofortheir • ofueltirontiarei- has- returnedfromthLe1week. vi to Stratford and and Mrs: Zink andchildren, o new, MiehS, are spendin a few days e -of -M The many friends of -Obis& Schoen3a.' ker.. of Paikhill," formerly °tibia! place in ;front a severe attack of tbeitmatic gr. int -47S. . . 0 74itti, and IiiatnerOf Mrlik et• „linte turn.ed to their- home ' welkr, of Duluth. Won. tottneet Stan his return front his trIp to Manitoba said **Tart 410.400. Ile report.th hhlng oondit formerreeldentof this place, Shook hands With oid frleads bere lato lard 'lug some oat imp. witme, let it large Pfeco SO. -on bus 1)1g -toe, taking it dean 'der is now comforts -00W, Mrs. .1!Eff-thIltrfest re -Wee ItOMes- ThealThe bee* Whir. and *oh Sento* has been ailMetied dup. In the peat feW botrbe of 5 mouths* havlifC-beeicsrried tOthailiteWho Said the llttle ones to oonte. unto 004,4' b*donlybeenilla. .The' funeral took piac. Friday after. ated Inside with owere. - cereanony which was performed by the .Rer. 131:MeLs Smith,the young couple reeelti*Vtlits-corertatulations of -their frlendsnfter Whletithey- • repaired to thebride'sbomewhereadainty tea was served and it pbeseant evening tke_b-ridelwak_,yery popular was - manifested by the relign e t Arta of .preeents, • Mrand me, Brerten bit - 11 few days ago for their future home in Rochester. and we obi in'ortendin afririrliector 101147.1.04-40g44. to Uri ° -4124 realenry Sehade,e daughter. -7-- - WOrrtr-In Stephen, on Aug. 15, to Mr. ant M.ra.-W.M.- White, of. son and daughter. Mitit1/11A01113. Ansi 17. by Rev Dunseltb.of - Pittsbusg, Pa Geo 8. hill, of Br*ndon2 Man. hie --- daughter ,of Mir. and Mrs 1. if* Niehel** of Mitchell. vzis-.-tn8L Marys, 7on Aug, 17, Harding S 80 Years. ioo&wr- nto ,on Aug,14, Mar - wife of Robert Diggart, Aged earet-..9 oneanyr-At Soiemb"s LoDdoD, Ott Aug. 77 $04114 months, 1 day. nAletorb itt'the. LituryJet of Mt. CArreeli Is OW to Mre. J. Rebeu,a liftto 'ff0.11 teken 111 itt of bOP tlerAlWr, WM at -Mid' lettill_Wilp0 Fort Wayne. lir. �z-1 oueofourboy brougbtupnv eiabt,ye.trs be