HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate., 1905-08-17, Page 8rtndsoL,*or atr1eu1*uo
, .
oU 1,NoKsootHerbert WhIt
van outot nlno*tu4ertwee
from mental *train, and whose min
ivae.impalred, is recoveringnicely' in
; Mo. Wm. Snell his sold her rest.
: -deuce occupied by Mr. It. B. Sarno
oir)ps OU Willittpa Street, to bfr. Ioln Hun-
ter.. of fleborne.. Who expects to ,Move
own .
v. Mr.' Richardson. or .WYoming,.
preached to the union oongregations'
of the Main street Methodist and
reabyterian churches in the 7 latter
burch on Sunday.
Very* little grain la, pow standing in
'gilt district.' The 'weather during 'the
ered.erop. 1. above
uality and qusntity.
s. Milawdensof Exetez,.J.
of sole, and J�bn Cox, at
were /appointed valuators
the County* at the recent special
tonsbise? Stewart meeting of the County 'Council.
bet* old 18e. for ise Itioasie Sweet *as amongst, the
4,11! 1.11W
ittu do last wow.She
" ea- rontotbeln u
446 lei yell eatisfectOryto thestiff • of
teachers and to the. pobliet ind un
•.(toutted.,40,.•, biithir pleasing tothe sue-
ceserni ones, Whom , we ,heartily' con-
gratulate. •.•
A. very exciting runawaythat inigbt
*0 been attended withserious. re.
Sults took place on Mein fitreet about
'eleven o'clock •Tuesday. Mi. litsmuel
Cudroore, thelitlicon. of trebornet
had 'driven up, in front of Me. E. J.
ISpackman'tstord3 and while the horse
!'waik *tending there It, :bridle became
'eattght orkthe back part Of a.. wagon.
.The horse,a Ltre powerfulaninud..
bre*knec epeed In this perilouepo-
.Ouainore bad nothing to do
'.04...reaehint 11nron street tbe bente.
•made s turn .east AMA ::.,..sileciitettlng • in
.sr•speedgaveM.r.'PO4Mere . a .ehanee to
'jomp, ' luckily eseap.-
'7edwithouta-ectsteh .Thellortas
(louncll met in the Town 114".11, an
Friday, July 28.- Absent the -Reeve.-
and Councillor "'nett.
t L Aernsivong be Acting Reeve,
Carried. Minute* of previous rnestin
ri,44 and aliVraved. 4 petition from
the ratepayers siong Main street front
Ug some
utbp0e-o ,
granolith c until 'the
tOaabl,P.• Midr-
i, wU1 -be at the
yi,August 24th,
Noscand Throat
an g
• reduced rates have been
byill lines of trave-Foontutct-
ing with, _Urmto„to be in fordo during
the lwding ofthe Oanadist Na.
•arr-Przo w tnesses.-
the prisoner was reminded.
Did you.see.the eclipse of the inoont
on Monday night? They sald1W4us to
be.s partial Wipse, but, if we are not
ualst*ken, It was total here. Of course.
e •cloudy andrainy weather War
have assisted the eclipsing body some.
What. but certain It MI We 'efAiw no
.The hog market le again „assuming
. *hip,
on the f
week the
a% 0 111;.0 ‘*61 ht,
Ileborne, delivered. * nide little.. bunch
:of et ht. to Mr.,ttobler on Atonatt, - for
. Latest advice' from Winn!peg state
dist the Wheat;OOP °Men tOba.tand
the Canadian grirthvresC. Will exceed
all previounstaaonsos great norther
of Ra0Atu .laborers will be required to
. . .
es' Excursiortmill be. run from points
in Ontatio, going Aug. 29, Septi 2 and
Sept 4. Sft adv. for p*rticnlsxs•
visiting fete ds here returned to her
home in Ob*cago iiieturday. During
her stay bere Mxrs Dorwood partly
0 1
'with her husbandin the near future,
1414-an41frs.711orwoo4lormer 17=4,
any - des
buy a . you cannot do'
betteryourWNT with
the propr: 0
Treoc-Vra, who
have irneqwdled oppflortUbitielo for the
handling of your real estate. Apply
it*. terms,. •Thestiktitsima
Nine Fati Littdeunte, 2,3 tniAlai&
wick at .Stnretes-thekst whites in Me
. .
n'that any per -
bicycle on _ the
in -.
eVstrir prollet
the by-law made and
ch vues.
(*Air or Council
etitute arirtioldirt a
ti and Art and . Curio
end Sept. 1st,
or curio would
Miss Margery Della Bill. -daughter of
the iite-Testaellill,'wat-unitedin mar.
riage to Mr. Thomas M. Wood, of De.
trot. The bride will be at home 438
antribolt street after Sept. lot. Mrs.,
Woodwill have. the best wishes -of her
many friends here for her future hap.
-7"Fern e ree mos: ere
Spokartaris-visiting-P.:0. Lawe.
Bacrett was formerly oonotott4 with
the retitle Free,prese and afterwards
reit the Meey Despatch. Since go.
sing to Spoksne he ha* taken over the_
Spokane Daily Report with which he
ng inediom-couric In
Toronto, commencing this relit • Rd.
is expected home some. time next
Month. .
The Central Brisineee College of
Stratford is recognized to be one of
the beet Commercial arid 'Shorthand
b.oola in the Dominion. At present
greet demand 14 the .Bnisi.
nese World for the your* into and.
who meet „with,
*Weed In life obould take a wont in
. the O. B. 0...1'or we are "1 all
_ _
P. Grand
Lodge VA-Graind Encaninent meet.
legs in Brookville, returning on Fri.
day, Mrs. Popiestone was a eandidate
for the ohskir of Grand Junior Warden
and Inteeeeded 10 tter the fifth
largest munber of votes to:dyed by
the seventeen cendidatea• Theresult
is highly satisfactory to Mr. ,.rople.
stone Ana hi* brother 0441felliows of
ehancesiotelection. next„
'year.areyesy bjght. The isitTeiss
udiditte tk o
• iik„ O. P. o thisdistrict. The 43
Lodge meeting will beheld in P
boro text year..411cfortunately Nt
-0p1 • . .
time *bile in P
stone accompanied her ,hust
'Digital] tin, down as fie as :7MoutreaL
for a 440
Ant uslesiOls*Aesta
, .
,down for a time for the:pupose of
overhauling, renewing certain perprof
the building and: making sizeb, other
rank with the best millsot, the
The owners, Messrs, Hsrvey
Broe., alweysi wide-awake to thelt
--Coimcit adjourned
meet on Friday, 44,4.
' Council met as per adjournment in
Town Hall, on Aug. 4. Absent -Court.
enter Muir. Minutes of last meeting
read and approved. Tbe petition 11W
from lest meeting was Again read and
on Motion Of W. IL Levett. eeconcled
Wood, the prayer Of the petition
be nted. the Council deciding not
With the new walk.
etV-Wd-4bitt the
Pleasure out t 'hady jorch
verandah you want one of onr*
Citelrfr-vide seaeaey back.,al.
waystool and cosnfortable, exactly tbe
thing for veranda, parior, hailorIawn.
to -date over -hauling, re
ed. atat of new, ma' a good, solid
or- rtand-baek- inidwayoftt
The entire frawe work is to beTcrivered
os 'who are house
Ste -that the Reeve
. • ere y or
to borrow $1000 for current account.-
utedand or.
den dr&wn onTreasurer for same: Zee.
Sutton. street ,msteeitig,4 $W; Queen.
OU Co. • sitoline Connote
Bro.., repair* and gri ng too a .
G. Cudinore. )0 feet of lumber, $4.80;
Rich. guan.ce. biber.$4,50.; Wm, Par
.411.25.:_Wallrittuto -ruttbe,,Altx
47; W. Dsxds, do.art*10.15;, F.
GB. Snell' elec.
fErcletts .
e4tonetem. Ford, fencing &trip-
. 'Masi liViterte,,
on y vfaterproo nt reprOe W
'fforn-therexterlir-polet-of view,
preprietom are to be tongratulatedvo
their enterprise, and the Winer* May
in the. near future .expect:to see, ,their
favorite linduett7 workin order
again itt,'betterehapetbAut eve meet
eir demands.
No lese thanlo
feent or -04( atiVITtilted.'
Stab% 12/01A-riartjntbe big tournament
in Loimlori.on May and Saturday
last.. Three events were OUP& for
,bittneY prifeit and the thamplonaltip 01
.Canada. " Th4a than) iontillip was 21,00
Othifttit flft;14,77-:::fltiOif
Bob.me wltb Callender the clamp.
on fiW100friiita 719ta7-11Wer 10-elkf
•.yes.- Meier*. Ed. Trebitt-and--
Andetionottel two Seaforth ties-
srs. Reid abd, Beattie, Played In. the
Snit two evens. While the three 'last
flatbed 414 not Wake very good tbow.
tog, Treble did WelEin both events.
In be riots he was 'Ono Of the
last five men to be 'defeated, having
:first downed twoplayert beferettemet
defwatat thehandsof F614; of '
In the secondseries Rd, defeated thee.
Oen and When dettueeti Sat-
.'night heard -4W win
1 his
tuni1 wet as • adjournment in
1. 2ti1
present Minutes o last meeting read
and adopted. _ Tenders for tgrabolithic
Walk Were received7 and opened from
*Mewl% Alf,Taylor. Sanders atia Velb-
,ner, ris,wden and Sweet. Lovett -Muir
tendefMwleri t
at -being:the-low
19 ills On the doflsr fqr all sisoeiroghle.
property within the Mtinicipality, " for
rid a bp** beprepareckonfirm.
Ing 'Oxrrie4;-'71ct!tnitrong.--'
.f.sw be prepared
• *
rers; ask
Lerett-Nrir�nd(ioundL do not er-.tbat
deilsred the
rri, outtaiter
low he doe*
Vottebere before
motion carried, Leve
Clerk writ* Nr. John
itt the etitik4
not submit books and
till* Council as reques
Wood-Mulr-.--Council .1
meet .Ort-Werlutisday,4
• ,.••••=
Our showing of Oraltenette Coats is oftb.e new-
est designs; style and finish. Ask t� see them.
- ,,DatingliclOpi Tables fora
Sideboards from $1O.00 to
Cou' front OO to VS