HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate., 1905-08-17, Page 7uiflir 0 o
lel have inevit 1 on-
lbulieg to itis larger 'circuhdkn.'
..01" MAliti,
° 110W It Turned
Grt Wait.the *Maze' ent of To
' tatboutiled the Myetificatton, ,ot
When., on - coating in to deert
.they. &w Mist .Aimee and litre
Ratekl 4140 by *14
"Look! loo'Ar
rijt ei '� the' leift,,iin .
en :helenew , 'that t- well be 1 ,sit' 441. k'
10 rit,,' AcIAK , ono .'ot 811Vnt when' Mlle 40 'Weil... *
. ., . .
eti'lS ' '''' With bile Oxen aiingiege ,, e• , •, • , ' e
. , . ...
lOisters, early *gathered-fOr •WoTh k Outbursts , of ..sorg- are indkationa • (.7,
Ifl' 'song.. Peter beguiled pelage,j Of hatightess. You ,eanno* bettle up, 'fo, Ii,
_ etiYinne.. *Otter; ebt - the teal happiness; , it will break :10bee' mer re -Sort,. and • each. season since
tonito, .the early Christiaris resactitionat: way. , When the 'man with 4 he; has had snore than 50,000 visi4'
Allerie eche, with their piaise. 'heart full of prairie to'Cloil-and 10i'a tors 'there.
- - _ ___.......___ , .
...Teeteatelreine vel'0041;
Ind i'S_UdeeetiIta: the ';',CaArier
14-Aittivilte'd in'Brkti4 Waters). -
.4,atelS freine the 1St(/' Of ,lifttel, 'the,
ozneof ,The king' et thA
aMui • ''setesse ,Atrue' e'sgee tranaj
ed:th6'. island into a-peetty emu,
ttlt,,tt .
soivelr, ..*Aitot 'Air4
1•Iiitt•te". * Yett'to bc
eopiing ..eute the • amiteero to -the.
.gOlseit 'isitilts trent,' eehnis
**4/0110.' *Alia Yoilr
retorted TOM. • **11. silppose fetioilf
can haVe ewn, thoughts, eh?- And
111 be even' with Aunt Alinee 'yet:
4g. • The esscogishel, ehurcheelfairly glistessieg, with tho ice of dig- possession by inheritanee, t • vine -
he inspirational and tile ethi- linty he bad -Vetter 'bark out, or Isla heea given. to oste of liis remote an-
er, gocel hermits. The, dee happinesa win explode and wake
at ualoy sk. church may be tree- /some o60 • up. There esrC Churches in
hieh it would be a catastrophe it
ome one should sing .out
As TRougn ITE MEANT Iik".
•- . •
One Song- natesesurpass many a ser.
mon in its power over a life.„ Great
the exclusion of the people
eireshereeinethe worship, to
tempt to praise God -by proxy,
to sUbstituto an artistic exhibitton
aet eXaltatiOn,'.
Not only in pubile worship. but in
ate lite, hYtas /tad songs have a songs have sung men snto battle Sntl
flh1kant influence' ' -alw41574 stiffened their melting hearts. Great.
sengs have touched our clay and
o remember, rhymed forms • of
hippy:the heart With It stere
-Winne; it ise provisioned 4e(Ir
a.long Voyage, °Men the
10W the heart Is illetteinated b
thrilled it: to the divenetY herele.
Songs sung in the 'stillness of the
IOW the eratile have
en....the_motber' o ecration
ber setertt-Ote-
basile. helteated..leseineriete strain of
Itie will toad, a chord no syllogism
''When the , heavy, could sound; the simple words of an
and the, tre. lere Wont fain lie- down old hymn briag comfort and new
In (10,!Pait* rentembere some word hopeto hearts: broke and crushed.
of some stanza from *nether' We.may not all make sermons; bist
* • then an-all---singenge's _Me make the
this d. good singer there is needed •not th
rtist but the heart. Sing away
s--•-7,7-ifitieeete.--eliappyeeleetglemeee-,*t. tift,trt- _ -1,4474-0
-to-end-the-gloottr of--titia-warith nd-lotrow-and. strength; sing in the
song' mtrie take the *place of the courage, the'espiration and, hope.
h. lieppinese7neust-eide,- the. Men may- reject_ our sermons, __ but
ance Ei7ett -a hearty whestle may they will rejoice• in our songs, , for
ppthc be -
ye -mete a re g net. -"rhe 110 ern
''''' • '
Praise the „gardener • by being beauti-
ful and (vagrant, and men prairie God
by being ltiIPPY.
Song*, itt• a creator of happiness.
. .
014 cannot ;ling songs of joy earl
tore your meraoty it the some
that time hat tried; , The thoughts
that _were meat and strength to
others shall be your bread in desert
days, your light in darkness. Praise
God by a life of happy praise.
23. LeatTen--Literally„ folding doors
referring, to the paralle, perpentlicu-
1 r cellars/Is of writing collie scroll,
ooks with leaves such wo. have
Iiie‘eiset elan
in enitter' . . ,presal ,
'rtigh ?Atlas, tttirti. •
*Ini*n. . 4 40.41",thiriet -les
lent estteisn", . I I Of..11-renclee
•inatie. theItOree *UV. ',aw04,-I.i; llikeslAang'-
a' 411114.".. '...itiC*01#1.0;.',:Vitt_t_it*1*.
„how' reeouer0 h.la, seise:es he '• found
that ..'hie: right leg. ,WAS, mieehig, „have**
i`stg;beetr cut through et the nee.
Salvl 01 Weise nothing of .irttka
'tiers iii-'-the,..eutiles
have to engege.* grim old' governeei
for you after ,141. Mr. gt.lviu.;$ ,.1(ta
lz44.0m1 They are t/;0- he "married
'rosters by et tortner ruler. of Great e.0 Aunt AiMee 'herself, se- next month, aind if t704/' Will be very
Britain, ter service performed tor reeelY unconscious Of the tempest,. or good she shall, be a little bridesmaid
Mg Dowers for the dinner -table, Singe ller'
the last .olvner. anti it was during
ea. The senior diseovoree out. the clusters of purple heliotrope, once more, And at the inatigation
property was exempted •from taxa- and the half -open litteeeehal Nell rose. itiets.,:tte;Ittomismecear „roz„.toshets. st:barttris Mr. Writs,. who sstw, to it that the Calf She had but recently come Into the .4.41,xius rea.11y, proposed te you?"
of Man was not further levied upon. contseil of her widowed brother's
-The Cate of Man is inhabited by household, 'mut the rchellienttand lee osire:'41::::17:ocul7:1411-144 te,Yeiluinnts
only 40 people, They live in modern jeibordinate condition in which she ..4% •
house*, constructed by Mr. Vailr. had found it was grief to her
ro_Tteeret_fre. Iiiii0;useikladiecto,okt.Mwriitmestitii _gentle. esewrit,weioixul. Nell's .,..4,,ilit*ttes.c/trelettsie_eees. 114kitawIT,W, latitleretneuletys,e, much Illta to
th.e vrown. Mr. Cary"s father wee wrath else lied evoked, was arrauge an earry t e bride s bouquet for
life that the taNatian Was ab01,-- Ing softly to herself as she -sorted Tem and Ce.cY exeltanged glances
eeeY t011owed Aunt
of the former
that the original deed of gift the the sprigs of scented geranium leaves,
tion. and so informed queen Vice buds, isite their various N'rages. last question.
a general store and Other bueintise lessons: and little- Joe's -dreadful -lure u4-4qt!‘:-g-4114- #11 'tncse thingole..ecte
to the Wand in Itioisaantle each eea- tt,t.ter iiiikegitt4:-';:itteertite-aidZiem; '
son. There are a small betel and -mend; TOM's 'habit of “eribbing'r•his L4,,c '1011'20 b„_tideeettet:
'denytettoiln Cettnetr;,11:. frw:tetrteniell.iiel • neivl: wsle;ildictb_de_ able_ to. entirely era- g.i.7"owe'llue:::Tol'ospri'46:1).:ndy.sate..34'. • • -
lived- witlt--Iiiirefamilye Ile was em- dicate these ingrained .predilectione. ***I 11?lnlg t ce:0 wi lerSitt
tielineee ire regard to hair arid fin- eile "440,
tig to 1900. Mr. Cary was a rest- gerestalla--poor Ainece feared.that But neither Cecy_.nor "Iy,ntit could
resolfeti to t11-.110
utople_d_cialtrigia_AnA Was In the folloieho1r. up nor did Miss Astlev ' tiver
e'---eleeaesetteeae--gresteedeateofethceeofetheseresoieeeethate-obe-lutet.'iansa! ---oeweeeeTeenielTee -e-7firenge-eire.
ry-familir„ although---ite-evas-gers-woneelastere-Teraitsielleepest hostel.ity- heerearling jm the-littleestinemere
(wally thought they were' destendantse she as -with houSe an the iawn bbini the mem.
,ornotero -ainastrrin-Ignglitud. solie,7hizown bali ,eyes lake. the vele eteecovereel trWs Wien theearclepl
In 900 Mr. aerv was advised be Areeetealet the an • tai, and this eotetts11.,:si.e4e.a. word
e_ •atella or iiitteilMjL. %Vera_
signs of tanning about the body',
ot which he recovered. Sense
few days afterward the mis.eing Ii
Wee toutstI bear mimeo he had /Well
thrown by, the horse,
Die Cawley of Paris gives the else
of a Women :Who bad tWO 'children
killed by ligittning in her presence.
She herself was rendered unconscious
for four dale. Mat, after regaining
-her senSes She fennel "herself parselyzed
and nuirsh on the left eide of her
-body. !,lhe fullyerecovered three
Wrecker' Two Yeare afterWard he,' '4i.
thunderstorm she had, a similar at-
__Oda ee plaid later under
imilar nceo slie'agein •
AliaMalleld__- gireelend ree
"ft.:Itetinesa of 78 ears of Aso
who some forty-two years previously
while ironing a Cep with an Italian
ii.in(__En bit _that__ s st_ ise co leedte-11-7-i.,.__Wf---"''''"--a-leSee___pae . 1,„j
her And AS- . - r pasr4ng ein on i g i• e . _ -imps":said _ ._ _
and that the entire fortune of near- in pink and .white. Captain_ Astley self,. -self theY onlyknew What Is
ey ge„000,000 and the Calf of Nan took little heed of the beauty to deal of. uncertainty .and, trouble they
were left to him- - which he had always been accustom. are saving ,rnei
bBrutthoethr other were not so blind its her and won, and the eeriest, was kept to
' the end ' of the chapter.e-Pearsoo74
, '1'"' be revei4Cti (rfi her," Mutter' W4lekl"'
zitaurhey ,are clitative; - ed 'Master Tont to hinsoelf, and be
pite the TreditiOn,SOMA- Say
ed. To him she was "only Aimee."
of It Isfreiiiglaiid- fell back tato a.
•thair, On riitOiliting eenteliTueness-
the round -that 'the tap;
had lett....*411 the table sonie distance
frotn this-irore'lutet-beeu-transfortned-
fnto cinde Her clothin was .not
14" older h ether had died was tiotogral) ktree.
24. -Not Afraid-khe princes had
son vim, Jealoeskein Burns Alt tremaded at the first 'reading of the
;"Now it vans° to pass, when
Woid of God. Golden Text
they had heard all the words they
Jer. 26, .13e . turned in tear one towavd. another" c •
Apt1 so beautiful Aimee was wooed
straightway took his sister Cecte into ABOUT FEOPLE.--
his confidence. . • •
'That strawberries are -irseurfous tc•
ewemeette„,„_kgsmeraereise,,,sts„oleteeke,teeeeed "Yet(' reniember. don't Yetipr' aintes on ni AtUdJactuditions
_iym that tomdateeir
T;Trq-o Vrat,--'"."148Minada -
are conducive to 16-iie, 'tut agat
*Othe We
smenee no tradition is safe. It is 'en 'lls girls 11"1 their Pic""
now asserted' that, the strawberry is ale. to neend your frock, ready for,
thes'ereal thing" In food for rheumae Sunday? And she took away all
. it id k t hisre Your sweets, and she makes !Ott
(verse 16).. 'rho king's e.udacity ond sett free kora rheumatism 'by' eating practise/ two hours every day ineteted
oldness 'reassured then. They seem strawberries. Fontenelli, another ce' one. • IOW. doesn't
t • '13116-Itillir ne-Xtive- stor
Note -These Word Studies 'are bas- to have beeu wo,_veeing en their naturalist, attritinted his longevity' "Yes," nodded Cecy, "rthit's very
ad-611-tTle texi-a t4e IteVl,flea-Vere grope:thy. aetion tof the - -inrev •
lils destroying tbe book of the taw its aS a -Medicine and would frequently and she gave , me a little saiait e
• tleheifikilue-Kio Josiah had -as we In _Marked contrast with the, conduct sar
, . "If 'I can but reach the season wood week -box jest week."
leateted in a former lessens, een - .trawberrieet" * ---attla-bother„ the...stories And the
eel in 'battle .at Megiddo, 11.0. 609. Itc•rhea.ve 18 said to have ,elastsed sandal -wood Wok-bee:es," said Tom.
Ile vile* succeeded on the throne ty the strawberry with the principal red "I tell you, Ces, I'm going to play
his second son, Jehoahaz, who, bow- fruit ;remedies containing iroe as well her a trick!' -
ever., was alienist itmneeliately '(atter as . phosphorous, salt. sulphur aud "A triek, Tom?"
three /sleuths) '. dePeeed by Nqthe• sugar. , "Ye*. Just look here. I've writ -
Sion. •
s a, er„ o a en • e new y
found book of the law was read be-
fore hint (comp. 2 Rings 22. 11-13).
Josiah on that occasion was sorrow-
ful and dismayed, rent hie guineas
and sent at once to ingaire et Jo-
-To, and cars. ednirlairi . 5" -W -dm y is mercy a
Neeho thereupon placed the, older favor. • '
. . _brother and first son of Josiah Lia- AU these word -'That the words
. . r
thiered cf-
Judah during the reign of ehoia im
'steer* to have been niore helpless and
' -fled than • at an previous
. •
Jei•enalah'. •the • pnephe . erem
was- born of priestly family, in the
estlye City of Atathoth, lts the
It bee Jong been a tradition that 'ten her a red -het love -letter."
. ie--4eritte=aelas
has come from persons who believe in to your aunt, Tem," pleaded trciu-
thelr jetlivrciscev ,kasitsatr_707prafoiriatrihecumian.-,.,hied Ceey. •
-atTont -thudded.
r- beret ore-inerr-bairetti--but--41-
hay01iti si-OWt1;•
ifs, the bare will be down 'arid will
y elowse-permattentlye
-4ilini -the vacillating,- eruel, vovetoes, 1). Th.Pe city is mentioned also" le; /
' and godless monarch, was the repre- Josh. 21, 18 and 1 Kings 2. 26. tie LOSS BY FOREST FIB.ES. - (telly; She never.11 know the differ-
ence* . .. . .
- .
tentative man. In the.lourtle e ear of iheretore enjoyed -the leest .possible — * " '• C a st
you or e o cer Threrh itha Germaticleetliode--ePrie. -Oh, Tom' exitod eQtr, line
carried away by the enormity -of We-
Jelsoialtittere reign the Egyptian army training in his youth f the M
Waft defeated at earchernigh, on the which he was called on in early num. / • itutt It rntirely. conspiracy. "Oh„ 1 \don't ace how
the -skim- _ Afteretheltel
creepiug gen/satirise and emu:a:mese,
especially in this arm that had been
'next to the table. - •
She declared that as a consequent*
she could predict when the atmose
phere was highly charged With •elee-
Welty. as the refealmess increased ott
these. Occasions. She also said that
shortly before and during a thunder-
-storm she always•became nauseated.
It seems that in. this case the nertre,s
the_brain had continuederebnormally
e 1 rst foreign anguage ug Se:Waive!.
teet th.e Xing at Italy - was 'Vnglilsh- Dr.. Adamson of North"."Borneo re-
l4ir Edward Clarke was at one titnei !ales the following case: The pe.reon
regardeti as an, excellent ,,-enni--.1-0. struck by • lighteing. was seated at -
singer._ ' . e ' • .. ---: dinner when the gahli came.. and_h0 .'
Mr. Selouse the hunter declared
that pies, made of lion's fleels are ais
palatrible ns Ve-it plea- ---- -h-T, 'by- aterethrng _zound-7,..tia-- ,
.„, ---- --- .felt what peemerieto be: a terrific
blow on the left knee. ast if be had
Vt.itr Conetess'et-Tharterneweleen cig his chair unconscions • ant"
ledged to be one of the -beet amateur i
remembered . nothing More until
votalists in the United Kingdom awakening ta_46.:1 ,iiiinielf _unable -et°,
Carman nmpeees, belonged to Napo-
, A diamond -buektee' worn-bY --t!ie t get up and an darkness except for
• what seemed' to -be burning , iiipecles, •
lean le, mid was found among las
baggae catitured at Waterloo.
-Curzon is the .eldest seri of a peer,
Pew people remember that Lord
, •
as well as being a per in his Iowa
on. the flour anetieroural him. •
The patient wee .put to bed, when
the body shOwed the following con-
dition: Itoth lege .Were swolfen and
dition passing Oil in a short time;
front the knee te the tees in the lett.
leg -the -skirt ineeomeeplacesewaretoenee
0 WiP0000 1--haven-'4, found
an iiins-1=-1V611
found a letter Of his --to papa about
isonie army buelneesethe othee-daYTe
The Duke. and Duchess of Pedro tt.
might chitin to be zoological experie.
rho' litivellitr'elinesteprivats
Vught'dtes. Xtbuchadnezzar, and hood to fill. Vie eall eame In th
the supremacy of Egypt in Syria !thirteenth year of Xing Josiah's
ee_tuittniteenWr-firaV,---14aree-a e -reign, and -Ins -pa *e -at y ex en
thiit Nebuchadnezear irsvaded Pates- ed from that time till, some time at-
ethereatid-appeared-before Jeriesalem ter the final---fall-cd---4.rusaletnr--co
'ter thrwyears, incited and encour- forty years Forseeirig the Babylon -
To hirn tfehoialtim submitted, but at-Iv/leg in all a period of more than
• aged by, the Egyptians. he ligniln re- Ian -captivity-, he urged the peole to
belled, whereupon Nebuchadnezzar, yield to it as decree of God. Whirs
one* mere entered Palestine and took the. final struggle was (Wee be was
• teeItseisoalenscIeeeetrovicereeliegeeles,
Jeholekine Joerphue reports tlutt he te flabyuon with other iaptives or
-„Wsoresheirre„ elnithatireeergaer-w itegeikt-Itoraeewitheie-emitli-r
commanded that his body be thrmn must of his people. Ile choee- • the
tiefoft'llie walls without burial, thus latter; but, when, after° two months;
fulfilbirig literally the judgment • pro- a rebellion Armee and the men of war
-stionnotel tigainst the kitig by the fled togypt 'Jeremiah, against hitt
atotith of jereetieh, "And his dead wish,' tvas takett with them. Tradie
*.tely ehall bt east out in the heat, tion says that he died at the hand*
4041 in tho night to the 'reel" of his own people. message to
• people-being-tkeessarkly. the fore.
* 1, 4.1ehittli--/kv verse 14 ha, is telling of an impending dooni.ehe versa
**tithe/nal as a deseendaot of Cushi., never popular with the ruling elaseet
whit*, whit. tittictly a proper name, and as littlel esteemed shite be liVe
Oman*, still to point to Ethlopittit de- edbut' liter gebleratione and ages
*sent, sinee the evotd . means teethed to eeptiteelatis brieleelitiraeter
_ •thiePtaine. _ _11 _rased_ .regard him as are of the er
thc Iaw front -which lieracts the i Jehovah hid theme -Their search
ber tad to the princes (comp; !had been ri thorough tete, and the
.ts 12 . and 13), rind concernisig•,' feet that theeprophet and his scribe
cia e, had spoken to the king Were .eret' found seemed prev.identiat.
27. At the ,moutlis ef Jeremtid,A*
winter house in t .Xereiniah dictated.'
n TrehretV 29. The_kiiii 'or-ratlieXtife
with our, month, ef April- tarn y_erotte fitbri4-4
,ere ore- erisedThtlibe-tbar iFee king of
.The 'winter hotiee, referred tei len had already Once apteared leitteWie
ve ,-IKees. Simply the 'rifler *le:Jens/411c31, and his Ccearture,
si Mere ,etiOtered- npaittnete_rtst-Out deO,troYell the ,
rtnwnt heti* 141*.W11 tlit *Ube. s.erttieers, It is tto.g0j.ter diameter
Mare, the rtifiper andlitiscritti the fear of tte. king *tett tas.
nce tlsOy were snore open ; whieh went eleen. to come eipoiso thie
pfebtible that he lair Ise The utto-ieee,
co* .fer roam r y did riot,e- h.oleever„ occur - until
Forest fireis in the United States
n $25 000 000 annual.
• s more a
let:.-•-lt _is kind Of .10W
•particularly "gPievous, ,because it
tiikes inanfyears of lasturels del -
ate proteeses of growth to restore it.
A OA deal of this • destruction
thight be avoided it proper -precau-
tions Were !taken. Germany and
rntnee do. not eurfer appreciably
foreetty laws and obey .thent.
,ITere the general over:intent ein do.
,little, excepts on its own preSerees.
The work of protection is time left
to the 'States. and it is not iso
thoroughly done *if the urgency of
the ,caee talk 'for. Probably there -is
increasing efficiency in this diretition
yeer by'L yeitr,..,but it le.avettAbe .aVerre.
age ot loss Muth ,greater than it
ought to, be,. and inratitierked contrast
with° tha,t courstries ettich hater
really. efficient toreetry latte and live
up tie then*. ° —
11111 Vows 'Nem
impassive ta fix the •
itiOttea 'Of •• the' '.roPe, beettuee the
sources by which hie settled inronie
.1..argely augmented ere sultlett to
great Attituation,_,LISuch is the en-
. anhoir-°;isetert-ii- riniteor`
olive to sit. Upon
the sort Jho-
upper' inch: hiked upon the
lhr nm- ,tAtnno_t-
ntotithi ,fittely
the three=ht • hirri
'tiVe ti 1
3444. ;There
1 theraf
which be reretteo, eery year team
oat puts at the world. It is thought
probable ter iraitheritietr' who Isa 'Ve the
legt Meats ,Of 'fudging that, faking.
, one ;year With another. the *Vero*
,anntial income „ior the -.Pope cannot
1 - htrti44:101.00,..'
"And it'sl all about how much hes
iu love withelter-;", saideleeni. els/Icing
n sort of wild' pas-setil abotet the
beirireitritireedelight, "andeiteskiner-he
to be his wife. And I'm. going, to
post it to -day; and to -morrow he
-cerium to our house to dinrser, to '
meet that old colonel, you knew, and
Mr*. Jocelyn; and,. of retiree, the%
and what it state of things.that will
bet Eh, Cecy7 And, 'yeti oind be
hiding somewhere to hear. her. se -
opt whiten never been ofifered 'het."
The letter Wati duly deliVered, Tom
and Coes Were hidlOg behind the din-.
ir.g-rootti shutters, *hen the letter -
hag was opened,. frineetliately niter
brealtheit. They saw • the, pink glow
suffuse' Aunt kinieews
the glitiked over the contents, on
Which Tout had iipett se 'emelt mall-
eletia MIStnler
She- bad seen- -but very little or
Selvius" writing, and Tom's
- -
lent imitation. The style 'oat. per-
haps, a abrepte but Mr. Sai.
vius was- unlike other mein arid Ai
me .itetley's heart wee full of wild,
'undifiried rapture that day.
';ilo teVe me, after aflI' be
kept -tOlihrilerffiSIT,'- 1:0-10
. -
ite--ot-theeteiree.teeitiesein -the neessee- irito b stare: frosts the _meddle- ot the
ueenlexitee tilseteers a ica set tor the --anklee-orethereruht beg
view photographed by er lfajesty. left leg. The patient stated that
Generat ,Xuropaticitr is so short: hte felt as Irlie-lutd-turlegs .at tat: -
that -I erestionntiwiyhmTe--2-11.0- , Was. complete -4 est ea
would have been able to 'en 'er e o ee e very co .
liritieh Army had he been a native great pain in the rauscles of the 1
Dr that country. • The general Shock, was consideia
-Xing-Edwardeitiarteis it ri ride te and brought deafness, with
have the -contents of hit wastepaper I
basket burnt every day. •so that none RING/NG IN' TIM "AMIS.
lAbeir" Astier'.dreseed, lie self with
are tht little dunner-
pnrty: while 14100 *torn tul-at'
trot 4lotible somersaults 4in the lawn
In he .ititneos,„ of hi* de.
;44alviu*, as it eh:anted. Wasthe
of his papers get into the Ile made a rapid Maier/ after ...eel
bander est outsiders.
Justin -Say* that -hie
*erre TO writes books,*
to. he a member of Pariistnitat„ and
to live MI London.
• brie Of the tree/Oat*
palace- at St, ,Peterebur
the sets used by u tiepin
*Ince the Mind of Catheeitie 'IL
Eastern Itoyalties On cycles hi their
-own dominions moist indeed eiem
strange sight to, the, staid Orientals,
yet the Qtreen of Siam may ofteit be
seed cycling,' attended by the ladles
of hr Istfieltte •
The root Laureate, Alfred 'Austin,.
'hiuti011014d P0101.01.040.001... *1!rakt
bistelatere although he never 'ptlese;;-
•tised; be bed/sine st..jOarretdietSind a
war correependent; then a poet and
ane *hot. "010 • he
;With the neXt.
litrW allotted for Welting
'gather there- up and pet
Patti.e exph
lt#1-doit YoUthf01--kirthat
tht the,' **hi
her by trying to imitate 1
QUeeii 1141110M
irl, the refitted .frorn the
'dere tliti• &tor
Os' -
skin, arid
over it he c
otend of hio ittepi
tor tlUtterin
Aftlea. that Mr
She kilo** the eon
*yelled 1,20 re
an4 huebatted wt
41PplicatiOn hotewittaiebottleaeaird, •
massage to ,the sole* of, the fetst end '
Lug application* to t
Two cases of lightning s mire With
burns and uncon*lousrotse hive been
'ecorded by Dr. Cele)/ and Dr. Iloulte
tlite both °tee/bide -reeteVered. One
01 theme patients; eaw "the clouds
ing." Isa he ?stated. Ile hard ,gt
deafening 'thunder asp and fele
etunned for some minutes, but kali
no seriSation of petite Ile diecovertee
that his trotesets. were / on fire and
that his eteel<bueldest.,Intd been tot%
froto hie legs, nip sow the other man
lying *poetess on the groand *rid
, apparently dead., Ite had lost ell
00MR-4n-tiny Iteprand-tutriblettel
n he trIed .to _walk. boat*
were in ribbone", and tell off when
he moved. Om felt "as though he
heet been blown Iron -tea eanttort" •
The other lien rernembereil: nothin
Paptain flcrne
Atriking. '
*evert iihttek
trortied. abd-
110 aitt
liT4ift4 -111feeee're,
It brit
_ hip oe r
Yoftn, 'A,
-are 't you have any douht
.o t hs bean writtnmg *iet. int reiterate
for gal, et 10/0‘e you,* ri.
he drew his thair 110'
lo fautmail osi . "W.