HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate., 1905-08-17, Page 4+V.+
)al1ea of wbkh by t
ot iwzuly uo ht iis it was
$ , ifl patflg, it might .
rn�rke t1.R.tifoaken t divines
•An rt - keeP,.pouiing
gold wateron bell as they have for tbe
.., ' 7 past live 3rears, t ey will have t
.i$011011)Chett" SS tho irishanan sap,- be. .
fore .00, dr. Editor,, sten .out., . and
fir.;. .1 1 RnIIIncst bahigfOryOUaUd
o' o a
o that
414a. n.
alt witbii
ou, or tbi
I . .s,, a nyofthe lift,uan'.
,00 40010 . ,1; • P
Onip . ' 1, 's ,*0,t11.)41_1.0,
-43(4 '
ln r (1 .,
C*pPCt it of atbedtu&f.
1Jttks .Creek latk4M on .Bat.tle
1,a;l0t0, :•the.: 1 it
tO ''Laktt • )i.liolligett•
ia cLy of 25,000 people, 1)esides it;r:
ich:there are always an **
ional thottearud. or two. it 18 the
O&M of the S.e.:ItrOnth 041_441yent,ista
. i„, t littr-s-Ab....,,.,,
Yontiot Sabbath. So you have to -be
real good hre by keeping two holy
dam ' It is in ways a beautiful city,
.1dt-tutted partly in a valley, partly on
hillsidesAn hill-crests...end tilled with
OM and 'Ina le stall° trees. Trees "is
its physical ' eaturehealth seeking ito'.
moral and ethical featiike. It is 120.
Miles from Detroit and about *00 froM
- Chicago. 'At' one time ' there were
twenty -tire tOorl manufacturers here.,
Nowonlye.few, The:reason of that
Is that one Man beat all the 'rest out
by advertising, Now, I 4opposei you
will be wicked enough to cite this
,., amongst your atronsi as an instance
•k Pest vasafew years ego at tile sent*.
, -5? teriurn, working and caughtthelderrot
twitting s.otate patent, food. He indatc4,
d he built le little thanty,ated began
making ..Grape Note and Pastan) er4_,
rlhehitt tatillstands as itrt
y • . was aul 111 •!Tx
iated..atr---17..milliontE.1), a .,--Not
for ton years. Grinds 1800buChelor
,wheat alone:a day and ships out lit
, .carcroflood,Mtist be some profits. on
_attet all theleelish.sss Wasti' satisfied
II ' •art
ace •fl..W n
• Uffern--4; a
' brand new wife,sohe gave'his wife one
znillion And married his tYPowritei,
and, as the novels say, it is to be hoped.
they lived happily ever after, but even
that 143-110Chtfutithr-over..
, million can't be content or happy even
had betaken forty pretty typewriters
to wife.
ThsSanitarium is theprineipal tea ,
. ure of the city; The Main building is
'a beautlfulstructure with fine -lawn
AlroyRiffie, . n tont
t . ... .
• high. Attached behind are vast Male
and fenialejarthrooms, a gymnasium
and pain) house. It is run on Advent-
-1st principles. It-yorr-wz---i-n a tur.
day morning paper you can't pay for
It tilt the next morning. It takes
about 700 employes to run the, estab,
• lishment„ three other tarp ,hrildings
In the vicinity rind -41()Zetis of -houses
and cotta es. The receipts . mast be
over 20 iIper week. 4,.,potilirsg...
rt n 'Jot ts g ven-lbTo menu, fres' b
every Meal, contains 40 or 60,choites-,
but you don't know whet the dishe
—will be like till you try.-- Firet meal. of
.tource, you order "Protoselitte*k",
V.11,ttlfikt 1,t,spgnylkftimilizr..botion never
repeat it; and, to on; eventuall ou
n atter that you stirkT to Mel dIvil
or n •
the continent southerners and wome
• ?predominating. Six hundred females,
'Wbatdo-they-ila tor Tont • Well,
they rarely give you a doe, of medj..
clue. only on computsion., . They feed
you on 'Vegetables and grain, fruit,
milk and eggs, _ripple Jule" graPoin
and all sucli; No tnoking anywhere
• on the premises. Then, they work the
disease, or thilife, right out Of you
rrat-ryt4, 4,0111-hattrist-lir-good,
' walk at 6:80, breathinireseretses at
breakfasts/11A Swedish room at 10.
• sweat at 12, dinner at iao, ete. The
have a score of ways of shaking dis.
etise °tat of you in the Swedish zoom.
The first timeybu tl-PP.000At Jo_ the_
li&listiteid ()Utile -disease Lttey are try.
stake' oirsiqr-eryThing-
11.berSoloele3, from .tootbsoliev
•rosy. Theo you are takenor go, to
• theitath. room* (the tineSt on -,earth)
and. if you are tot and lsizy. yen get
an electric Iiitht .hath, You arelain in
a shallow co 1).fiitited ite Adam before
Eve found the And run feet
first into what looks like* hearse, tol
firelight* gradually tuftifithiftlittliiit
hearse get*hut enough to cremate
you. 1t gets hotter then the orthodox.
IS)tf;;I:. MOO' 1):
cA"o Potbin
wa 041047)Pro. '
with, yon', to 'star
.ed:Xoreti 0,1-N
704,• have
•tieket homN •
4,1 etOr
•! t-
in lowed b .ecape, it leno : left to buy Of
"course, tnere is always compensation.,
Now you .ireetto clean here 'that:you •
.can :wear a pair of sock for a Month,
.and thus sairft,1411,14r biller, or soap at
,Ogot ;:4::Great r
L)eales-itn,4 .Thisineset.Men at
. rms..
igh eat. tanrrent rate,OtitaterestalloW4
a,j0:41$1tit14,tziok,. 7-etg7Z.. ;!; a e 3 41t41*
Agents at 4.xenter"for .the Deaniniert Government,'
DIc1oN teltnitiO .7 • N. IX '11VADON Manager,
_ _
neat linttlart 40.*blobris
titer consideration.
It is a better cure for laziness- than .
any ether disease I know of. Laziness.
Ito be Sore, is a' disease, 'brought on ,
from • 4 bog . infecting ., the system.
Some$tave it from .birthilothers catch
it. Usually fatal in case PretlitOtlf80
beware! • Yours, etc.
• „ • It.
Battle Creek, Aug. -Oth't 1905
Steplie.il. COUniai •
The•couicii of the Township °tate
hen convened it) the Town Ball, 1::/re
Allpresenty Minuteset Previous meet:
ingvead--,and-aderited,- Webh---filark-!
heiner-that No. 11,- being a
By.Law to levy. .the respective. rates
or_the ToWnslort of Stephen.: for- the. ;
year 1005; By -Law No. 12 tiarnetid By
14,W No. 0 of 1005 and Ety-Law No. 18
PI point Gottiolh Brown as Ctillector
Wg...laeen7fia, -passed
,andsigned by the ROW/4 and 'Clerk.
Car,ried.' Anderson -Yearley --that the
Votive is hereby 'authorized and in-
structed on behalf of the Corporation
the Solicitors to en ran action It *lost
recove toaages
ovong trite
the public: highway, -Carried. Ander,.
n-Webh- that the Reeve take le-
gal -action -Wcolleet from- -A, A.
Tavish, the Solicitor of "The Parkhill
and-G•rand-Ilend Electric nailwaY" the
amount duo for printing.-Carrled.
The bond .of the newly appointed
Treasurer was stop -roved of .by the
Apopocil._. The following account, wore
• 1401 att3rter, ditch a, m00- rosit,
; .-0*-Eitotroani- %liver 1-1Cran
.1 14 . •V 4. 4 t
Mans 1ep. Ford's bridge., $1.75 G. Es.
sery, drawing tile sand stonelk Thos.
• rrison. rep. Cti Veil—Mt 11. U ett
drain -on D.n...$18,50; Taylor, gra-
vel on L.R.04”. *2; .31 Querin, gravel
contimet, *1010; Geo.tOrtinge, do., $30;
B. Cunningham, Coin., *75: T.Bayn-
ham, drawing tile, *1, T. Webb, reP.-
Bayter's bridge, MI DO., repi Stat.
WO bridge' S12; W.„EAci____tering... re
-*T; Madan
rep. 1st s.r.. $12; M.- O'Rourke, gravel,
; 0. Wille_rt_stA0A_ 41- J. Witfr
*345; *W ,Pireneomh.
Barry award,' *15.95; Ezra Hai.t, rOP.
bridges $71 0. Eilhbr, do., *COL John
Eilikr, do., -$1.50i Gouneli -id ()Urn - •
tnee n e own
on Monday, Sept 4, at
IL Ilierimmus, of Alberta, Is on a
v_hit_to,hia,fathe • r and Mrs.
E. Milier,, of . apervIHe,* on
position with Louis -Vaster -1)
ick yerti.-Rev. and Mrs. Alt Gei-
ger have returnedtoElmwood.after-
* pleasant visit with friends
rs.2....1itehnetter has her daughter,
Mrs. Gordon, and grandclsiughter, of
Cleveland, visiting at her home.
Sipple and wife of Pontiac, Mich., are
• joyingedow-hreelwat-t
rents -home.--Mrs.
tat, of Kenmore, MY., spent e few
days at the home of X. Weldo. during
the week. --Rev. and Mr& Whitesides
Mrs. Ws., parent., .gr. and Mrs. 3. A.
Swaztzent*uber, Jr.
u ave cheap aad-iffelior
You may use Ore fresh yeast,
faithfully adhere to the old-time sue-
cessful bread making traditions, the
thods successful—but the
ing tiirns out °badly—simply -
because you have not used the right
kind of flour.
ze electric- e -
fore waifor3nly pure and wholesome.
d because -it igthor6-u-glOypurt
it wiII yield: a sweet, wholeom ht
us y avor nouti
172sTri =12,25=1"=-C4”
. „ .
We alsO-Varry a large stock ofiondertaking supplies. In time of need .
givens a gall. •
• :ffeaitilivrtly Altjundi
Council Met inapsu_ent to adjourn-
in Town liallAlloGUltvrAY'litir.
7... All present, .Minutes et .vte
meeting_read, approved -of and.Signed.
Ulens,--Itabittsott,...,-Accoutits, Amour'
ing to$320.05.' Marr-40bititiort44hat
this coundiladjourn tomest, the, .first
lionday-in-Septe ne-ieelee •
Fraser, Clerk
• 4fro• niehard Warring •paiierl ears
on Wednesday of last week atter a
ttie- 6 . • •
oirtliff-tas few years. , as beenthe
efficient clerk in ii..Weisnillier's-store.,,
)) •'' .4%.--..tt--7.2roolilivAn.g.re
-case. illist7Dend4lejc 114An- •
In thestqre.-Mra. 1101)..t It on a; *rat
to her &melte .117 Mra• Johnston, et. St:
-LOtits.--4.OtiteritteArth fur, of the SO**.
Mr. tanglastrhattreturned-nto
after tr pleasant visit at .the home of
Teter` Wt"Witcheoryt-VT)
.noohook. it the minister at Carmel
senee.-W. J. Miller, carriage buitaleti,
left last week for • the . West, taking
With him a number of seblciesand
• a -which -he -
•is he Mr.. "
wish him succese. Mita Sii1e Melvflk
who has been in Toronto for the post
few months, has rotorned'home...
misfortune the other da to g very
receiving the handsome sum of $175. .W11%,. ing it colt that, was . newly
for her.-,Schootepens otMonilay next Fattened to tile Machine* Whenit. gut
with Alex; McLeod', of. Bayiliidi, as frightened and began to spring, • cults.
principal. -.F. Hess, Oro has eatitanz. I log Mr. Point to loss hio footlng and
ed. his Nix *trek of land cast' of the • i9.1 In falling he was caught by the binder
lege for the ten and * ; half acres, he. and draggedsortie distance. His shout•
longing to E. zeller,...Doroo Scott, of der bone was :broken and bit suiptakfued,
the soyereign solo,k other InJiirIe. We are 1400,61, to Y
hit holiday* 0. 11-.7 Ohne-ell tilling bts rthat he-
plate.-Ifts. Oho. ireits,'Isho retentiy Etetk• while rutting grain it fewAy*
returned from the London flooltiii, is ego, bad the misfortune to get the ton'
tepidly recoseringt too her recent 411. Ohio thumb out' oft . by gettin- it
neas, which will 1ie harned with pies* trAtight in the 040 of lorbeelr wblls
ber many ,.figettol Edgar Ma.
ho has b'en tbe obUglng olerk In
etkriVtor., Peveral years, -Ties
reretl s oonneolion t no*
will leave aborUy f West.
be mucb missed In our
rgh aisle emelt, great favorite, We
ri with hia nisnyfrlends In wfahng
air ,
o erg
f Sin
ied from h'
ist to Lond
to hi parent here. )tr
TaU ttrin tope
Il• MiHea 1 tit' t (onaft
DOngt Throw Ou
That Ord Carpet
wooed, rot' 1"1,1
Tot tiesoimost vsor Nuke" ..tu;
41.110.1114011M11101. room.
_ •
"Wimui Ommtlow Mir*, lokt the toutolotioot ot
10030o, Chmtatio, Oat ituadre4 years ors lOtlomeiott
wester* rat.
ns wester* styes thi peopla of *fa
exotica oppohurdty. tori • &swat ostisg. at
iesialsrassof cost, tad stwas thee. develop,os their
'store of practical satasefalksoirledge,
schotionat features bare aim ,s vaitsigy_
loirttroArtrth year erierst isiportaet
Isspressusattstd sallastmiltit *tura lave benoidtled.
*tat depattatinitwilt belietter Out eirkt blot
10041.0ktrititiros wottric ...kgstriort, est
•1 ot, Nt1.1.6*.* EilsoolorrAor
• •
THE- aftEATettT
Iiig.tOtward VU, th
,1Ii Modelitre favorite
ilatiKoalltter,y *aid*1 otganiaitUoo it
Ott:, Will gat." ovs
• At asid Tr.aaaris„
triati*, flrr
tar theitillitiiiT
t rat rat
Intleatirig tease frem thi
of tt4 eft
Th.*f -
littOro tho fl*nd1*npc
.toetot of that frotistt•
Oottroyed with
iditty tom* part
win bean **Mane statotstrosets
/tun* etatilklatital thatikteit.
—Citkorr -
Mem,'1 BOiopito 001 the l-
ad Retaaroot itlia_Ceitatry.
ITO Shoop swine. r
War to titre deafness
onstIt.utfona1 rentiedim
eed Wren inilatelad cOn-
ucmia lining
normal co-inlitlor
stroyvd to er;
ingb1t. fllL-1
rot, rrhe 111 Teo” 1I1it r'O. Oltlt,
Att41rift41647060 Okk11114. .
*eft', OVA, ttOtic • 14M-Itri4/14
- , .