Exeter Advocate., 1905-08-17, Page 21 P.4.47 - 11 .0„ SE . 0 I a 'W,rk et An 0;tid Dv. XXVI! 4414Ittir At. , ia ' ,OciatiOn VOtighliS. .Leilds; )144., 17- 0 91k •-. /PO4 7tat. ntid,stOp the, hcgintt Case,4ti Jct. ,to. 'ettelt.liotiFt An • t tli$ At. }at o1 '014'140, ,AS T4t9.0rY:t1.0ee tor 10040t..3110c,tiseorotiestly ' etf ds. .-'• •1144b.t not ,Soints.,0004 eente.!!,• ho W4Z (1 Ii OIU Systematic enceiiries's • to the ,"produetion and ellittiltatiok.: ,eonstittionel diSees0,,Ist.cfou044 disease irniniinititis 'by ' Marriage 'un- ions of iliffereut 'tendencies and im- intinities? When a person had' 'a e *I/ LAMY : 9‘, r Qu Ls?. OWL , AI*SBQWDG h oT. the tnrpcdo., A *lee a i.,.. EOM"- ai'?"-- YSotit,-_-wn, I. to . ossaws the ow. .o ,tbe 5acaowls. .,it i* aregoimp ,.. . ,POme0,41 .0 ''',intfiktV.-O nne.hiney, St.itfr 1144.'s; 1.4110,r4 . , , abo, . '1.4:11.5t, Iliarlite 't 7.the 1 le Sil*egsl: 7 .t-Spi-4,14 i e 14' UU li 1 Ss,.t.' . V 4:4° l*itil°1714111T4tr:45ftetra ';', ie et*, 0 e , SlIttil a 1?.,e..e.MS . to , :- . f 11,1'lo t„ - 1 a iley-Attitids. 0,e,e, iiertget - thit,,goo(1 :tViof " :x1 -04(r eit a rO ...r • the. lo.rertidn,,V Man ha.eare.1_ .t0- `Its-'00,kng .an, there is reason, ',I.eidtire':,,stiCh Iifelpr ',Iteiliriit 'at. AX414ittetIiin-Itilatitt, etiostia • netedo., 1 ' ,*ttltSktit itte,ep.orefeed; '.'tind: ItaFt.,, ' lifaPY ai votiAk #110 woztititv bvir` .w 9 , p the 1 oap yo tha it_ le ._11e.S0 -.01.'earetti • dity ju t as they do Plt,ysiotagical- ly." LIGIIT ON CANCER. Asked what was the constitutional disposition, if any, most likely to cause tendency to cancer, the doctor dieguseed the local invasion and dis- tribution of cancer, its provocation by local irritation; its more than ac- cidental heredityand its quiet Set- tleeient in the system. It seemed probable that tts unruly proliferation oi eel!e, however. provoked and be - trey the, awakening to activity- of , to stand exPosed; tholu .for tar.beS rei.iered and such .10,,tite aboard. a torpedo Peat, 'hearth • reStored:, :Take totinitanie for and raen, `, tht? caso • of Mrs: Thomas 'Ithnifes, There is no discrimination; that is She sitys:- • •---- 4U4ha .1aCS_-Jifl lectore I or years and •tlid rot • • ...•• • gernabial growth, • Another point wsirtlitept itivestie- tion was hove -best to Make itePersori - --having a native tendency to insanity convert. it into a good evolution in progenir." -A -ssiefittion for that was whist sometimes b_appened, one rh44 of neuropathic family -dying in A lanatie otettna while Another roe - - • . 4 _ 'Seem T0 go. ••••,, .1.1,171144 7itteTtel'ilair-eyestitWet four -stacked fliers run into_ port for..bio so 1 thought ritteuld try -liorhipe coal and water at frequent intervals. kidne.v PUIs arid they 'bellied me which is necessary o CCOUnt of very much.% - I THET11, 1..13,11TE.D SPACE ' "I cannot filly how many I have for carrying these necessitiee. In taken for my house is never without thc comparatively snioeth waters of them and whenever I don't feel right the harbor the torpedo boats . look 1 tnkoa few. My husband also takes very much like the motor racers in theta Once in a while. 1 lind then disguise but. they are- far from be- a splendid medicine to have handy." ve, he,ard inflht • in 4..lriateA1: xt' 41:3oLE by 4 aekcd ; . ' fOL ' 4F v I' .... aw lele'veS iiit . ' ' ,• nb . N .rilIV, .I:Sa: tin-. , .n, the twelfth . eltariter, ofAhO .bo of atitiOti it IS 'Vita-howthe Oilent(t, ites sl4W ' Way . and two Alionsand Ephrisimitek at the passcres 'et ',$Or- dan, becanse they prenouneed' • a etli" .4"sibholeth." ' That ' was a '7 • .4 *Should be *Richt S MON t an ine(licin razr `Ass 000 0.40 1,011 FlaVorecl. Is a steaming cup. 01 7 V tt, 0 • ,..,,rapbcr`-‘iarps1t0m, ua qualify yoU to do 5C) for it to-dy upsrfluoua ,P0 .01, II*.ti4vdin# Ueuq 1itlitkeeseis•_ drug white , from .e.reto.. eerie, ,or ens ,peet :et° tie/ .• y- isetantly attd „perintinently.:. Will-011*Qt.tto *Ay Otte itillieteir„iivi" rei 'any' '•eXptliSe blkti peettgis ttun Dont 3U1L my skeet'stirieu tni atterenle -:OfOtherie.. I 'have suffere for yearn, With this, reitnetlen -end rior *0 1110» weik ib te 'help others trete this. ' heutillatiet trestles. my treaSe. meat' ea.,sy anal acconlialiel)ed at harem, end.1 wall ierteitee:mti it it ,faas to remove heir. Don't --suffer leeeer. te- 0- r y an -Wrii-tlitiumith-d-rPrArred• themselves, to be of another `race, and they were slain. Read ancient history and learn that. in the dark backward andbystul of time the hand of every Ma tit pile race',was against the band ct every man of all other races. Stranger `meant openly, alien meant foe. Then the race is- sue was „at its strongest. Centuries `ing the pleasure craft thet the autO Dodds Kidney Pil s ere the great- hnve passe. 4,41 itimost universal toles - boats are, and they go where the est family medicine of the age. They - tine) has come about. While Tao:0 helmsman of a motor boat would tan be taken by young or old with •still preserve their nationalidentity, not dare to ventureperfect. egfety., They cure all kidney ingress and egress are for the, Most The -ocean is the place to see the alimehte„ anti: .. nine -tenths of the part free and open. The sons of one nder wa and then sickness of the present da spriags race mate freely with the daughters. • •••••••• We on -biter• - StieltinsCtlikt, bore int(ft be1ongs:1 the skey flying above the signal stab/ 10; - ward and the solid green water wash- ing the low deelts-continually, is -but one picture of life on the, rolling .deep in a raere'shell of a boat. , In the harbor and when at sea in • Y• • , or • •••••••••••,•••••• UNIVERSAL 'PROVIDER Inw:'gidllh inn Oltett a German Geetchen,_& Prussian 3,rtot11,, -- • RuStilati-iiii-/eustelaw-,-, a -Spaniard a INDUSTRIES EUN ET Tut Portuguese, an English/nazi a Scot. sArATA.Tioa • • 4.,ask KAMM SUE Of . Adelaide St. SI ts Teientoc Ont. PACIFIC COAST EXCURSIONS.' During 'June. July. August and September the Chicago and North eastern, 'By. will sell from Clalcage.. 1...?ruandtcriop excursion tickets 10 Sail is . Los Angelo*. Tortland. • Ore. (Lewis it ClArlit/ TAXCOr$10,A)., S - attic, Victoria, Vance:014w at very low 'rates. Correspondingly' "theatt ce front all points In Citada. _ er urn limits. folders Ond full -inforniatleptcan' -be *obtained om ll.-11F.--Ilennett, '2 East King 'St.:Tore/Ito; Ont. . , •ab ----- --ora*to.r---.‘--- -- --- - -* • • witt-hatches-t'Pg'neL-1-4e-eorne ltihat.--Gen:-.13o-otles Soldiers ....,,..Ar ...t.e.red itigertteere nbutirAien, e. Dotson ends ts . eks prigle cbusurer., itt. Ou'r. 'William is--either-goin"---to- mending officer stands on -watch cleat way into tits_ I)oing for the London Attlee is te circumstances waS epitepssf of .0ne the little craft. begins, to roll • and canlisettweeltilivebe ze.f:duinedinell‘t:32°X h‘klitit' sj(t)rlits ltetched him tryin* to . . tiolt__:_• ._ The telegraphic, addess of the mens vseistieutgo • - to a,s a poet, pain !bp°aL,'"-what makes YOu -7:Erlti:"4-114S14-4t3"' IN`SA:141Tir"--• -t-the-torward taatuingstoerere--are „ rira_Atatettrimon 7,,,„Afeninusd peka it was asked why and under what the crew lounge on deck, but When . nior mean disaster. Parmelee's t 4ibmge:ja_tkewf,i,my_ay.A..hs, hate es aro . workes„le_sef the Salvation _Lie tha intrudr with. They never • eat in the -welt to see- -if- of the next genere ere am osSil",:tsen rasolul. TITX - V. I 0 4. • OlitiTii-Y- liteki'le *Pelle - firth Si teerith Street, ‘ Philadelphia. Pa. Fit.Artniigi-Ai..4Fiywlroaert70 north of tllgelf;lnle8ir°Inirdirl ter; evetienttoc urei-schools., etores, etc; penddiy s tam1d; moot. /Went! view; fir„st-claes soil, good water itiltiliiirtill:)Pid°euur"P; t:ef-aihntlIelnzr*:cler:sinviit:videflktittullwav:$,Itt, :1 - system; stOle, tattle sheds, buggy , shedworkshop. corrals. .etc.; good fences, all new and substantial, . will tie' soas a ..gOing coneerie witli etock, crops, Machinery. tools and house lure nishiUgs; 'this farm le all plowable, and ,,11, eapecially adapted for grOwing hard irta wheat and for inbred farming. Pull •Oculars on a plication to Gray „.111trumws,56, Armor 1lar1Ill.$43.), nempineise begets health, 73tty arm in the celebrated 'Moose Mounted* -Witere-everreoperouts. and cron-leilures unknown.--Catl710 I* tour yeatrs old; has five elevators. with of 2-00,040.0-- bushels .• Tha rOlta- - t them knew their businesir. are filled' every settee». The 174 •--LitruL_Co. of Carlyle.; seeird- bola, have 200000_acres Of 'repro -yea-- -fterd•-unitn two dtstrict7---- They errilett-y-eur-correse-.., - --pondence. Further information._ Amid particelere cheerfully elven. TVTIT it that diabotes--;and inset) y ri • out into the • C -rt -re • ru bo av ether in some families of alternate baby le:bales at play. It is then that sreets to find the great submerged •••••••••••••••••••••4- generations. *hen medica2 --ticiene be crsw stiffens most -while at sea. VO..RY NEIGMBORLY. - could answer those ,and Hue ques- •Alt ' must remain below decks or I tenth -the men' who are stilsolately • tione it might then dictate some place themselves in jeopardy. destitute. - It gives them coinfortable housing and excellent fo-ed-,-11-1-return *Ty dear Mr. Taylor," said . - In concluding the addrgss, which Plungloa about the sea with decks' for which the men wen . am. Fez- ins, as they met in the street. , live yeat•s.' se -- "You and I have lived neighbors for 'was closely followed by ti- largo and atvash wo,ild be enable the ,A,riny to trade an man , it 1 thiss wise eugenic rulch. venture above 'While the vessel is distinguished audience. DrMandsley XRF . ETAIrs-LY ILAF.AILDOUS. factere, says London Answers. "Yes. During that time I have kept a . , . said it _whe_certain that there were Sometimes , the steward will esSaY two elases--shilleil and unukilled, 'rhe ' .Tbe work is roughly divided into .. . . the deck- from the kormer coMprises carpentry, cabinet- .. eats. parrot. a goat, a dog, and two laws of mental breeding yet to be to climb along .. rith a niekin . -and mattresst'making; the "Y.ou have." lawful to enquire scientifically into smoking dish claspe ig - it- &eras- •••••••••••••••• Some persons nave periodical attacks of Canadian °bolero,, tlysentry,i or dine - to use great prece.u. 'Liens to avoid the • iseese. atig of water, cookirig. and green fruit. is sure to bring on the attacks. To 'latch per- sons we would ream/amend Dr. J., D. Kellogg's Dysentery Cordial as being the beet medicine in the market for an sturitutir -temple n e. drops taken in water when the symptoms are lioticed no further trouble will be ex- verienced. • twnfl,,,,neacM&,91,„paiS2nS. Le1113. If he reaches • zis destination 2,119 eahinet-makits worke- are nit. whitlows. 11)3r goat eitOw4- a fie explanation than moral qualities In the- event of the seas overtaking pewee, and here all sorts of the -most .. nights . Not he who has little, but he who the nature ot.vice and sin than into %%rids. Ile is in a race with the wood-chOpPing:- -•' np klatred was a.s natural as hunger, 10,17i;iraWlenreF-1* ti767767rigt. ed u •rdey weshieg lasLnlymes cats have as-turbe yo.ur eeri' ID 11 p_trater than the worst is date machinery, driven by electric , not good. Yes, that is true. which were not dePellilent upon the MM. then he has to scramble ,back to advanced carpentry week is carried physical constitution And have no ph7sit4t1 connection- 'whatever_ This was the opinion which although fos- tered the sepposed interests of niotaliPs. rata- v a_ hindrance to the growth of practical morali and stood in no less need of scienti- there first the fishes get the food. ,( , the gelley and, await another chance. Thte, is an amusing incident of lila aboard to watch the steward -essay the teip in rough weather. Intense heat prevails below decks with \A reeent order carried on by this department of the Army was the Makieg of counters for the new prem. ises of a large Losdon business firm. Orders such as this come in ktiolf.....,11.141Pjj A ItTEJi S.; hatches elosed, and the humidity iv th .0 is nothing in this trth iX-at jected, and is one of the most• ob_ 1 tioors,-wintkiw-frames, benchestables matter, I want to ask a favor of that which is perfect in its way. The best meth -elite in the World to jecicionable features of life alitnird itte.icabinctt's Nookshelves„ the Army 10- you - - y _u. ' There is no saying which has not ward off summer complaints is torPedix-eraft, as- the -beat is oppres.. !units from the submerged tenth **Go ahead," almadbeen ttered k1.1 Id workers. able to turn Out * 'I have four daughters, as you Praise the wOrk after it is finished. ne know, and all of_ them are now "It is- true that friendsh_pi cannot cis-to....trika..piancelessona-WilLveu -exist except among the good. , kindly,' and as a neighbor,. cone, ' .111Truit7-1-6"---d-s-firiirb712(ifartrf down to Green's With me and help think WOO, ot VirtuetA. ' Tek'it-if'Oeil'ztririettsiitetrut --e-=-14evgive‘sthyseneighbors.Massuatie- ancial-atd- ht - an s .. ie ' t 'Paririai SW a 'mouth un- tlia--),-e- 'stniment--plati?"- --;71, r- ---.-. ,-- ••••••Wwm4.040.•41*..e.m....:•11;01. - tt.P /0 is perfect manner. the tasks -orlierfest-vir- 'wants inore, is poor. • , • sWe have emptied our ar.hee over Ile who can do- that which he into your yard. borrowed your hoe fence, and tried in various other milY to -do that -what-Ai° eau 4°' 4°' _ wise, was to be stieighborlY." • wants to do, is happy; be who wants and rake, broken -down yyur garden - fe-Aven linows you haye!" We ard all serVarile Of the law in "And now, my dear sir to show us ordet- that we may be freo. that you appreatt-te-t • excellent things are rtare, and 110T WEATIIER AILMENTS. the crew of * torpedo boat is sub-. the Army is not capable of executing. affairs and have no ill -feeling' is nicre difficult fo find th-M2 the nothing one o tilt, mconvenienees to whict 111.•••••••••••11.0 -Iintiy!s-Own- Tablets, .and_lt. is the 11 attack little ()nes unexpectedly. At pulsating at full speed of perheps ,__„tles_lirr;t,__..sot.__illness,_during„-, the, - . s a fiken sive and fearful at times, with all t, t.these _articles with the. highest degree pcinderous engines throbbing and • - ` d b thesale of this chefs of work _4,roub,10.,_may_ba_heyand_eur 111.1AMEN FOO • _makere-. The direct profits front s go In .Tdblets cure tf_ttll stomach troultles,- iho-ferte inkint .givea_to_the well thil -14-etTeirt'-the . 1. The Japanese have worthily de.. .tverk do not. however, hinomit , Mil asAlie utattreeses are mainly -n-the...art_al_Weelire.,1, new -they"-tvele-nFeNi- 401* the -ttly s 0 ,,. Clark. McGregor, Ont" says:: 4./ to instruct us in the art of eating'. Immense-----,Anantitieft___Of sibariced used Baby's Own Tablets for/my lit -1 den, London, Baron Suyetriatsu gave At the Japan Club. in Covent Gar. are purchased; it is (fried. --arid' withtle girl, who sufilered from colic and a nrionstration of the uses to which • bowel troubles and 1 found them the • m s sa y r bra ken -the ordinary common fern tried." This is the experience of all . -may be put in gastronomy. - The mothire who have. used- tbie metli- Baron explained that in Japan and triteks', and men' with bpgs. go e CitTei Tahletk hi -the- h V' --London busitiette prone, urittiCtliti-heit-Twea -- ou Cart feel that your -children are this the mattresses are stuffed. The industry in werste-paPer pro- /neat 'of plowing by electric power have been imitations of Dr. Thomas True. admitted the other. , have been in- . ..Well, tides Borne iietotilshing figures. Every was recently .inado..., successful near Eelectric On which InleY rious to Hie good name. but if 440. it didn't help me. a little morning horsesviens,_ men with hand- Turin. ,,.. Two power cars,- each fur- tie. injury has only been temporary. Wt.". , /tithing ''' 25-horkeirewer, were ....Eta- .Goodness must always come to the "The orison for that.." answered tioned elle on each side of -the lied. front and throw into late shallow that the other, pleasantly, **is that ° you • which it worthless. So it 'bag been ' i th k instead of .1 -moss 4,0, DI AM 0/61 7 V 0 -3EILIE3Et3E11 GUISIAtit A dry powder eut 44P Is itio0 tate/.22 ware* tune it will lasteatir extlagiMS the more turietottowreet weed or oil. Price 1300 ogee 13000 rlez Write far 4 escriptiveniminar the Diamond. Dry Powder Fire Arena lIn W HUD n 1/1;yei • //,/ 77A01/111 'WILSONS E.14.0 az-ziLstio; „TATA,- _MOW ELECT-RIZ:PLOWS 12Titt-Y. 'nr-L-vt-OrthY SOLD AGAIN. Itoder ore_ direction, of:nnit,aticin, 'not of envy. siy-ou aavertined.ri said _the sumbre ' Etectrotechnieal- Society the- experi- A Good saio:o olr to 13:- hael-discoVered the ere key to stiecess. toitt. SoId by all druggists or toient by Mail at 25 cents a box:by writ- ing" the ttr. Williams' Medicine Co.. Ilrockville, Ont. GET OUT OF 'FMB- wain% There -are a gren nu who haVe, fallen into a habit of never feeling well. NO matter how soundly "They say," said Mrs. °Wrestle. they sleep, how good their appetites. "that she married him undet a mis- er how healthy they appear to be, apprehension.t* every inquiry in regard to their con- dition receives the same stereopyped, hostess. teen the whole -thing depressing answer: "Not very well," "About the 1,4ritne," or "Not to well." TheY are like the sailors who tell their, pet yarns so often that. they really come to believe them toltem- selVea. 'OHM ailing -habit -is -especial) active during the spring. 'People who auffer from this habit wilt find that seff-eonfide er tonic. Their resisting power, that innate force whiclt is given for Self- proteetion.' is a tafeoard against • /mental an 1 pbysicel iiis. Charles Darwin. lierbert Spencer, Robert Le -Ulf; Steirea$0114 Or. Ha. tell Johntron and mat:" _ ,-ether ettii tent!: ZhC-111 eftiOitieteirrear-il artier to pursue their work. f they 'bad declined to um* because of not feeling" VerY we4I theye-Voutd- -never ts:Vtir .tteqLolpil isitpd any:MIK: y0104'1401' to fri.-Cetee ,44tVO4ti..1.-0413 -100itutrahle. itle_ it ttealth vud happinese. • • • *loci " item do you res the.plantAs in universa• l use rouney 'ee_egAllee isets-ari • --- I - plow is, drawn to and fro by 'with Eeleztric Oil; so imitation can ae y g d collect the ecineu salon est Th it grew so pl ntifully in Entlagndthe paper tied ---iriEtattrmt-catirttriattel-remslni: - aisitaive-itself_agalnst-thit...gfutilin 1*- 01111J4-110......11„..bagubentight , Uti*. eese..' ' (Ay -Its -tot stirers. forward nall well. Three men suggestion forward. Dainty sample.s Back it .comes to the Army's' cot le- are required to mintage the appoia- t t'Ites," said thci fashionable moth- Prevent disorder. --At the drat of the "delicacy" were handed round, went, where the unskilled wokkers tus. one accompanying the plow, and er. ../ was dreadfully worried "es- torus of Internet 'disorder, Petrnielte's symp- and pronounced 'to be good eating: i set to work at. fleeting it. It Will one attending to etch of the. power terday." "Bow was that?" ggetralte41116.41rit. otiresorotf,dth to and those present were much inter- I surprise Most people' to learn that ears. It was found that from 7 to ested by the Baron's description of the waete-paPer so collected is sorted 15 acres could be atew. in 12 the nurse' went out and left Inc alone plowed Ili with the baby for nearly two houra." salutary pellets, taken before going to bed. followed by doses ot,one or two 10110-10441--irt-caOkIng*--Its ifetn_410,1e.sver than filtrtwo-difterant hours._ The eleltrie current used.. in 'Pine for twO er three-tilichttsig fume. UNFOUNDED. tte s a en-iliint-a-trolfet-linecr classes. lingo preeieti peek will serve arl a prevent v of ate re bundle* AN hard IVIlist-neadr---- --ks-1-Wster 11114414 1 „14171711.411411 as Why don't -you go to work?" staid Other powders, as ant:" bap Powder le better than forte which el ow in the train f that and they are shipped off t,r) (littenti- •a charitable lady to & tramp, before disinfect/0C • der. Tile means are simple iron; sacking 'is stitched--totind them. 4. ly) all parts of the world. I.ast yea* • • • When the way is -known. - - - - - - the Artny collectetl -1,035 tone of , 4.....7•1•1046 myself. It was under a bell nitide Out . Vittte-peper;' obtaining for it a sum of, setae kind of red .110Wers:" 'Well over $50,00. Other w'orkers are eraptoyed in .. . ttierting anotherttlass of goodb. The esid- a giri to her best • Salvation Army has a subscribers' fellow one night recently, von ve department. to 'Which all manner of been drinking tate, haven't yew? ' ss- - -7- - . beterogenout ()Wets are -sent front . .... ..0. all parts of the cOuntry. These you drink it?' she lisked, . "Well." ore4i d fahte teeth. All these ' are Stick To, ' meal. "I Would,",, replied the vsp. no -•.:1 would lay the worlit, at Dutchman vOilf merry me when Elsie (aged five) --:--"I do hope some rant,' "If had the "toolel: "What your ' !' feet." She (hatightilY)--'"Ify grow tip!" Aunt Mary -"Why. dear?' tort of toOle do you want?" asked 'dear sir, it is there already. Don't Elsie--4"Cause went to be a dUch. the hesteet. "A knife sod fork.", ttealline credit for the law of amyl- east,. , pi whom she had placed a nicely -cooked said---the--tratup- tation. . 74177077.17•747.4.0044#40.747..7.47,74.740, MET'S =STD/CZ Mother Craves' Worm Exterminator eaadrea amj atialte. Sat at you set Ile admitted that Ito had. "'why do range in variety from a`Pny to glass Shows He Irately What rood the gerinine whits percheeing.: 411."4"11-0- ug *IS sor 'Kr-With.,-tbleettldilltedhfit parivertunre_pho IMITATION SANDSTONE, , to -sight biotin* was -tooling to what is a *erY useful little -income to town: t of iMitation sandstone; smite -and Salesman (recommending' blue neilcr induitrY. It -must not be intagine4 _ Niter pert of the exterior., The tie isit* ir-large pit* spots).-illut, that the nicelyliacked bundlca 'Via" tut ur*Pd-gotts to3t.-* , • trantewofk di brick. All tire has no eon*" tor elestrOyila 'worms, la handsome said healthy ming boy„ -a --irruesTrut gov 10 ohm Pit att Stettip a bulidin esmprwua--- P tot $0111'. ivant4d to heep atralte." the r41:rmy. . , ,,, Ile Is looking ,fer es, neW girl, now.. in ' wood -chopping, *gable the - "PPY Ittatill Itrit. tr°24's I • . *-m---"' * - • vation Army find!" a very profitable . 'Ile ,enclosed picture Shoots sny 4 rble. The isandstorie orals tlitt is fe, "Sinew he was 2 Years °lel ses higg_hut_cl-japp.111041. T I. ' I *** ' "8 sgatildiaiou like ons like that? I'M ef, ifreWood ptirchasel et ties groeer. _----- A . - - 116 blocks window-trarnea ills coin selling. iv lot -45,1 't-----:.,,, i'fi- tTc-*-Y(ritr.:'' aie mailefrin/l7-wood-pitketi-up----hor 'AilliT - - - ------ 1-'6. Or013-Antl0000.- 41,sut-. port*i tit' Sarcastic CUStbnierss"Intleodl Very end there haphazard, 'Inc Sal'iratien denattitla and. tett ihis-Riod, --Ihree r - ' ' it 9t ' Tv*" - :.sin of itriltatitlii - StOrie and: are 60 sm I but be dots ot care tor d t lith clever ot you rut Artily, foe ,exttniple, has its timber.. times 'ft tl***- 41" 1"21 ri1110, exactly cast stud nutitheed that they cf. the hol Z4leiter to, (p.tr '4 SAilith ireet'ssertvetssstehsitertis'--teet==fitr rsza te141410,` fee era it lott`t ofe tho rliattoo to, do edi the tg and stint* of the Ill.ctaint.7." '.1,44.4.4 Ian'. 'what llunt Tricnt e---•etfow\ ni)(iut outdid dO us So khdbG do . 'DODD I WE V 1.0 1111 PH. 5 .14 . non e4,. can be, Atted tOgether art ,toe yards. stacked Wit , •t ten ,nuottl. r1veS OP-Pts.ASKS. tjr!It ,:Whhh )uahe 4ttio tio chiseling, The, pressing - specially bought. for title and MI ;a-tamping:4W tlie-40014144--Plecee4 p(othe purpose. ribe,y4lhaale9dt.tt9');ut,°1' ti 9Writit"..64111hiS ir.wrisklo Elcl m:1r ,on6 1111151111!$;Ivil d*"Iterit rby hand. ritimInlor tiihret*Ingt.6i f"Th°tire Da hougedturlte7 *AG, •1:40-16191,---not-to-exte*,41-,-'hall that Ariny 'hits also wondoirtur-nTtieio the gOOd tbings it rmot up that -at ,aaturat duredjuity, into vldeli wood goes in, one With the beat *rid ate his dish of is equal • of •' nlot, and Comes out Oa •• the otheth fater ftp nec # 4 8•- 4 - 1 ' Ar t - ----•. -•---• ------------- 1 tho irnmense total2 in tittndies -01 flre*ood, lot wk1i sold ncit end , Again., the st,,,thar lice On no itkettaidirithili otithend large farta, fo oekd ttod equippad, ead•-ilato tOlthteet Ity la 0111* A Very trads la • a to, t4 00 -CV eV s , bas a bca'utiful May th\ in ier and Ions: eatithtoe food!** Battle Itead the 'Mt \to Atkiiite, flie dew "I war a. man o eabatit the tt 'on• 7414*-"tUr ,, d lit silWaYS ready to do ray bid4 *t Applicant-"ThiMs, ,it .hufr' band yoti want*, rateturt."- " . .......»....- 4 . Thor!. Sabin of Egglington, says: 41 have removed ten corns from zny feet - with lialloween_gern Mut,' 'Arledge go thou and do likewise. NAVAL NOlitENOLATUltil. - Frenclt-ships-are, usual ter French provinces or towns, Vic - tortes, ideas, or sentitnents, buVno French names,- excepting those of tha greatest men in their history, are 'Made' iiso, of. German ships bear tha names of (lotto= rivers, ports. poets ' Mates, and- characters id German lit, ist-Spardsh-s 'almost invariably named utter ;cities or great conitnanders. • a ,J0 Ilitretteleer decrIbed yo tint 1 would 1parr3 • jto....“Whist •wast* a t• tout(' ham ..444 hiag*nyseit It *60 had 1,. eh$1L.nflg I