Exeter Advocate., 1905-08-17, Page 1or tile
until ;Tan,
Subscribe !KIW
get the benefit.. Yot
cara,do better,
0 ger 1r000..
.1 Branches in Huron County at
EXETER OREDITGN. DAsn'Arobrt, 1ENSALL. Zunieu„. CurFrox
at tow
. 'White, jr, is viaiting his
brotbe in BrantTorrl. •
titce Horner is visiting
¥rsItobt161444 Of rerese. visited
,tiveslere last "reek, ,
re. Walter Poole. of London. •• is
yting.Mrs. Louis Day. • •
Rev. and Mrs. Elijah Higgins,. of
‘Totonto. are 'visiting here.
Mrs. IL Ricks and Mise IL White
spent Saturday in Louden.
Sys. W. T. Goodison, of Sarnia. is
itb b bther rnflrL&
Mi. and Mrs. R. Ilowey, of Lomb*.
*104 W44.t.mit Imre Usk week. _
re:XS. Torn-lnd4m4Y,
Mite ulia McA%oy.after a
with friends in towntett* to her
home in Itincanline Saturdny. '
Mre, T. E. fiendierd and daughter,
Labelle, Ief,t- on Thursday to visit
friends in €1,idild Rapid% Mich.
Mr. Geo. Racrett, after taking in the
quoit tournament at London, is spend.
leg a week visiting in Brantford.
Mr. and Mrs. Iti er Crocker and
.little son. And Mr. ()rocker, ofTor.
onto, are visiting relatives here,
Mrs. Ar4cott Walters left Wednes-
day for ber return trip to the Sault.
Agents of it Motto MeOlassou
Welters *iv
1AI/woo Rosie and_.rearl-raciett, of
Brantford, are spending two weeks
visiting in, Exeter, Ushorne, Hay and
Grand Rebnd. atv. , visitintvreiat v
'41-411rHe Jobtrruieeinut-tisngl
p -
ter. of iititne Over with.the- Lon. -
Fieret1/2 * o
Black Wool Mtingre At 50c.. $1.00
Routine Crepe e Obene at 150.. 00e,
MohairCrepes 500, -WI. $1.00.
Panama Suitinge et 50c., 75e.
Carrick Tweeds at 75e. ,
Tweed Cloths at /5e., $1.00, $1,25
Venetians at 500., 75e, $1.00, $1.25
Poplin* at We., 750., $1.00
Blear and Ck,lered Boude Cheviots
at 511e., 75e.„ 511le, *1.00
Flake Suiting, self, eioNsred, 75e,„ $1
• Ilekweeleing_at 'The., $1.00
Box Cloths at a., $104, $L2.3, 10.50
Victor*. Ctzlbs at Me., $L00
Foulard Cloths at 50c.
Cambridge Clothe At 25c.
COT. before at Old. Prioos-,,We raa(k our purchases in
cottons before the rise in pelves an.4 can sell ell kinds -of Cottons st Old prices.
-19-6VAIWII li:and itglirorirlatti
' VeidwellIttecitiat4TOPAntc! PP North BArlection)-
Wets Teronto and east. to led including 8harbot •
19°5 and Kingstonand north of Toronto and 'Cardwell June. en North
a.rem Wingham vieiting relatives.
Ifes. Billings left Saturday to vielt
MisiZ1 oCahden.,.
etc! fiend*
Mb** Clara and -Naomi Word). of
Zu*-1011, visited last week WithMrs
It purchasern eneese es rens LA r REREat WinD1pegprovJded sea TerrntLaboreen
nbt Isar lhan 29 dare ot berrestieg: and produce certificate to.that effect), they wM be Interned. to
it rates shown *novo on or beforo-Novii,J0014-1904‘
ILL BE IMMO TO WOMEN as wellies 'Men, but will not be issued at ilaltbRate to
TWEETS riot goodois 'reverie' Limited 'tyres. Trains.
For berpartkular8 Ike* women omelet* Paciffc Agent, or
-C.II. POSTER, D. P. A. C.P.R.. Ts rate.' 0142.
,conyrz. Or, illabON, TO_ WIT"
na. teen or start=. the
ninee..dated the 21st day otJely, 1906. AtementudIng me to levy upon the la hereinafter describedfor
the arrest* Of taxes reavectively due Wrenn.toether with ce, notice lalterebY giren that Wise with
are sooner I *ha% In conipbance with the Aesessment Act, proceed to sell by
In the tOVIS00derall' °I; On Irtlead**), thelith dao( No tuber, 1906at two o'ilock lathe stternorre
\ .. ,
of Lot. Otoo. Acres. Annan otTaxta______Ccata.. Total._
Comer 16 12 xtli: -i -43k , 2.94
1941,- - *KAI • *76.141
.. _ 4. c.
..z...-_It,tigatOreltille&"3- - 6. '7-- lb
,42 2 2.60
tith Lei
249 2.26 4.61
2.59 • LU 4.11
li - .-• 4420 •
2.21 .
'mutant,- or yrueszammit -
a n. IL S. 31 21X20 2.76
11.90 2.22 -1111t.
....-....-..-7*-4,1" 5., • 1
O. . 22 • 9111 , 2.44>
ely...31Xt..1905. -7---- .00esty Treasurer.
' do % 23
7, •in a. moot s
*nailing at Mr. W. IL Dearing's, Step.
ben. ,
Me. P. W. Torn, of Toledo, Ohio, 11
'Spending a. few day* with his parents
Miss Vera Snell, after a, month's via-
itat her home here„ has returned to
Sarnia. '
ton State,is visiting Mrs. O. B. Seal
in town. ,
Arms Ethel Armstrong returned Mon-
Thom* ' '
lJainnd Mas. B. Meakin; are -attend-,
1111F thwiereditinglifirlellitt In Toronto
the* week.
riven: Prior, of Oypres. River,
M*n is rotting bis parent.,, Me.. and
$12MAI3 has been
1ntheVest.orneyears., • r
. EA. Clarke, who has been clerk;
ing atPete•rbero, for 901116 time has re-
turned to his home at ‘Vincheltea.
ne'ssk; end mos. 0. Iiwitt and deugh.
ter, Roe, of Dutton, and Miss R. • G.
Carnm,Santhine• *Pent • rt of 'alb
IeftinesSaturday t!)yie, friends, iKincard
Miss 011ie Quatext is in London for *
few weeks in the wholesale millinery
Mrs, A. S. Vanstone, Mr. W. Van -
stone and Miss G. Vanetone, of ftnant.
M Schwates
jfirmerQn„ aregneeti r,
o. and. -Kra'
Arno& ,
Misses Elia *et Nett* Fre•yrze, Cora
• i•Stella Penhaier-Oerti
Ireno Vandford have just return.
.00kts: outing at . Grand
Mise`Windsoe,who has been visiting
criendisher_e,. the.gueet of Miss Merle
on ,sretdriiiid to er orne rown
City, Micb..Saturda_y.seeerattsoled-4
.11iss Vere'ltots'i, viTo will-velit there
for tt '
Mrs. Robt.-Artnetrong._01_ Brandon,
Mans. and Mrs. Wm. _Downier, And.
three 'children, of-„WiemMao.,
friends, They spent* few days dor.
Ing the -week at the home of Mr. and,
Liu!". 4in
a a -via . 3 veil ere, . 0
'Ttreaday for Leaden,: rior to. room.'
**to theiflOinsin:(.hleagn,DITTlieT
were accompanied home by Mr. Keres
'sister, 1114.0 Seely** ,,Itere, who will
spend& couple of mentheteLthe windy.
•city. -Miss Pins Woed. of.London,..18
on a Visit tc.1,. friend* in and aroundrediten....410. L Clement**, of
cheleea.aceetripanie4 •by her niect,•-
Mts;,..1(.-,Dobsen. of Galt, apent. Sunday
,herdito "hterolfra-
• r.,
dicaeyve,rra.bee4raisionmandtem:fra,Me.' and' re. John
Bostick, who
'feted Mangnus for -some time,reentned
to their home in Winnipeg Wednes.
day.,-Wesiey Ilekbeirier has rotia
This-westerw-portirer of711olemsue ,
block, and will conduct * grocery and
nfeetioneeystore. Wes1ykoneof
our Youngluen_ Mad wewieb bim every
success. --The Mix mill started the sett-
les hreebing this week.-44iso Ds-
een, er an • NV 0 as n v s ng
Ctheilteyni, :,k4e1.retneoedlo•Toeen.
to Saturday, -Dr... Ilaist %twin Were>
rich Tneaday on busineear--Miss' HAD*
nab Zwicker and niece, Katie, of Lan.
don, are visiting' Mr. and Mrs, Charles
Met. Thom ni. of
ilwerielif-a°4Mrs.Y°1111.1v4a:icDas- -Infant 4baar been:,
VO.La Lit wittt-tY.PhOldfevth*i
-wee,-"rWV•wevare. eraeiFt
shelf receveein
Hear Ober.- Baird. of Park-
! is vititinhe Method
and -Ajar; Waiter ve
Into therdweilingereviously
cepied by Mr. Wm. Winer. We wet -
tome them to our midst,..,..The blisses
-Clara and Tillie Wind. of Detroitare
visiting their parents here. -Bev. J.
G. Litt, of Waterloospent e, few days
here VAG week withold acqueintancee,
Mr, and MO: Yaeger and, family,. of
rlin,-are-iiiiting- Mt: and Mr*
xi. College of PhYsiciao* and ffattffeons. (Mak): "
Toronto Western itievitil. The undersigned "is offering to ten goo* so
thioNaser Dr.4. A. Rollins. Night call at office.. rAtt Cat 4. Wetly, Veining tor me
.Exater„ Ontario. canrs an the pre.niaes. -
only. There go frame beam sod low*
Notice of Dissolution.
visited at the berneettlfr......D**14
Mill tlsaweek.-
Mem Chas, Gleed and children. of
London are visiting Mr. and Mrs.
Silas 111:ndford.
Mr. and Mrs. James. Dow, of Strati.
ford, visited at the borne of 111... Mex.
Dow bat -week.
Mint Parton, whofras !men visiting
S 3. I INN I
.heriCifore, subsisting betwetti
sechoppetw, griodersard of
tillage of Exeter. heralds day beta tiosoiresit by
mutual consent. All debt e owing to the odd pin -
;mush* are to be paid to wallow hisB2atcNcrdat
Exeter eteettaitt -
Datedat Exeter this 20th &tat ite1v.1106'
CHARLES N. 11111=4
WILLIAM M. isiditoirolusa,
sts. utter 0a5
Mr. and Mrs. P. 'Curtin have
ed from a visit to the- 'West.
Andrews returned Saturday froin &
visit with friends in Wynnaing.-Mies
Irene Curtin is recovering roma 'bet
recent illnestt.- A very interesting
befiebaft thatch was played here as
Friday evening last. The con
between the warded and single mem
-of town ab&thegainethougbnotco.
h. and white it- as fn fwcr
tnen by &score of
no tefllng *bat the result *on
beenhsd tbe game been f
' and Mrs. W.
spent A few daysin Londonise
a. r.,axeier
NVOrktriett At*
Iinteriee of theoontb pert
INotk *bleb to
,,Itty Mr. Geo. Manson ati
retuntedto St. Marys.
Mr. and lirs. Brickwoed and VIVO-
thildren, of Tbedford, 'spent Sunday
in Exeter IsTorth. The alarm* will
rennin for * visit.
Miss Anne Armstrong, of Stratford,
east.. • ut' 'oWdand.Fred
Ilawksliwir. of London. spent Sunday
at their hornet here.
Mr. WoOreaty, after spendi
few days with friends. hoe, returned
to Brantford Monday. •
I: Mts. Charles Tum left Saturcbiy for
trip.eut. itisitiogtrisocistEroiron
, Port Hope and Narstnee.
. Bert Muir, who hat been *Wang hit
heather, Dr. R; Mule. of Goveinda.
Y 'Ireton:tea bonaeFdday.-
. Clark,
le Pectrering.-froroloOKoe..„-V15,1
nem of rheumatrein900
Mr. Samuel Sanders, Mite- Emma
Sanders and Miss Lindsay,. of Winnix,
Man,. arrived here last week and
wili visit for a short time here ' with
friends. Their mother: Mrs. Ann San-
ders, wit* has been visiting here for
seorerat months sViltreturnywith "thern.,
visit Monday nignt from Mbuotterque.
New Mexico, Ilir, jeekell during fbe
past seven year* has been in near y all
the Wetter** and Southern *tate* and.
Mexico following his oeenpation as
paInt.r and returns looking hale and
His Mtn friends are leased
Th who fur" ittimal"itu:ber -
cure** on &dards AnnIeMlH
Mrs. Jas. Sweet. mos
A. Moore. Wo. Malta'Geo.
II Ado*. Iota Midlot, Jr., Mr.
+.and Mrs« 8. Rowe, Niue* Unite and
Edna. Dow, E. 3. Chrietie, it N. Toy.
Uhos John Spiesti Mrs. 8 and
datighter memos. v
Hasel Dyea' Hurdon.
Mr. and Mre. John Roes And deurrh.
aim Lottie B., af Edmonton, N.
W. T. who lame been on An extended
',lilt to different 'part* of Europe.
'ace*,144**4 s4.ewbere ate bert
hitting 014 frlend,. the gusoto of Mr.
and Mee. A. HoIIsd, for a .bort tiMs‘
defeated Our temas bss not been
defeated this. stosesser by vieiting
team. There le souse talk obi London
team coming thie week.
(Intstatei fier km vete)
Several of our citteess went to Lon-
don Oh" weekto attend the. Old Boyer
Beaver spent.
a few ,doye with friends in Detroit tint
week... -Mr. and Dim frartetebelrekt
Inebought out the'liaatamith Wit-
ness of Wm.:Weenie., and will open up
1o4 biMi,, north af knuneeasbop.. %e wisb h
every suctess.--Wsz. Oreeolee hatl
mesons at .work, /Wit week repahisg
house.. -Oar threellersare bard -st--
work; The envies:owl this year. -4.
1argt nuutber fro oorlett
cinity were itt tbe Beed on SU
The lake.**
for our young folkn
hill, where*
and, Mee. v. Rats;
ale, on their vacation Zc
other Northern pointa
sereitr-visiti -
and Mee. Cbaa.
been eugage
r -t •01011 y...was post.
poritil,,on:siltoeut asss-sks.- the -
evening our Band gave the first con-
cert Of the *mann and eltheugh the
evening was quite damp, * large nem.
her were in attendance. The Band
rendered several doe selections and
were heartily appknded. Bert. Clark
bad charge oftbe refreshment counter
Aprilsvasa busy bey The Bind- will
Detroit. who bare been •camping at
Grand Ilend, are tilts goeste 01 Mv*. ifullett: Miss Mary Itueiratep, died
Sarah Bertrend.-Several Of our eft!. on WiLdnefirlo at the age 0174 years.
zens oveeic.omplaluing of lavingthelr
wife fences damaged by boys. This is
a shameful set and they should be
eenished.--Our Brink gime/ another
y ev--
'rbefre woa, himo _nionber
present and the band certainly -did
well. -Mr. Beth Itliber'sras in London
for e, few days butWeek.attending the
Old Boys resunion.-Mr. Ed. OtOokOs
Of Toronto. was in the village SOnday.
The put vieek,has been arialuw of
great excitement to our base ballplay-
ers. On Wednesday the • boys and
tutd-**remer-tesel favori-of
the boys the score belng U.7. On Fri.