HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate., 1905-08-03, Page 8inclu ttakeis-tic ors* to Wattefltozi en _Fore° eente, Paid in !farm" you -frieretwiltrece- omit WWI' the -61a of --Extraetof Blaelabermissaurerein ' ed y for diarrhoea and dysentery. Sold by a LutrArtiggist, Rector. $R 00:6100A-- -satani flo you *offer from tired, *ore_ or p iring feet2 If so Wm Foot nose. It will give relief. Sold by O. Lutz, Druggist, Exeter. The AnyoexTE is the proper place to secure your printed wedding tstions-in the verynewest style. Of paper. type and workmanship. Parents and Guardians will please see that all town student* desirous o -•entering either - c1irsaesiarJJieSeptemhertertn,_re ter ith the Secretary not liter t e flrst day of August • As only num can be received registration should be made with the Secretary on or before the I5th day of August. • _ C44 cotteit_e Peak' itili' . I poitL0 n4 an , litt-,..' ab�uthe ilic ' 0i . week to eontibue hIa htrite dem pils lo musle. Mr. Jouee bas been .morethett usualtrairoceasful as an er- n Mr John 0. zAc, ot Seafortb, ba4 been appointed clerkof the Second 'Court of the County of UUM431 vice, John Beattie, resigned. .the siPPoiot- inent took effect on the 1st tit AnUlte Two busloads of Mainstreet Leag." um* were at Omnd Rend on. Wedges - day attending the summer. school be- ing conducted there this week. Salt. eral members of the. James et. attend Afzi-day., Perm:Mils and other Italie ans always. welcome and go along way in making * local pellet splcy. Don't find Wit et. lir- theirna ' -mes--- yov-to our office.; We *ill do the rest and appreciate your Moaner*. , 'The_Zuriclaterstid last week itailitesstone. IVIren the • eatatibibedslit years Since it *as not exPecied-tesitectiate-the-de; gree that ltbas. Wecongratulate the Man •*Oat or the nest little paper Spriektrir encam_pment-representatite; an Misiere. Well johns anit-S. A. Poplestone,'subordinate lodge repres entativee, will next week attend tbo ratid,Enerunpmen • r - By being throwntron3 -a n front Ohm reel4ence on Tuesday 11t. Geo. Olidmore received a severe shak. frig up, 'He narrowly Oct ,-*Olk- ing a -post in the 4 t, the mew quence of which migbt have 'weaver/ *Mous, As it Ube suffers coneldez. ably simis the haat , , Mrs. Isaac Bawden, who has bean visiting in town for the past six, received word Tueedayrnorningoftbe •'ffliTelittfeteanCseil' orriti; irof-Merantl,Mrx-Arelii—S-e nakTrit= Saskatoon, Sask. She left the same evenin for strathor.from where she W go o er Koine urinakittooti. If ou mot to mike an, ell -rounds • -for-nothing tough of your boy list butt., in mid take his side on every *ch-omee_upbetweetFiri epartum ,c itc/iell has secured of no mean abiliq and a gen every reormet. The Arnrooar.ra.... and it* star will holiday nett •ititeetc; comm. qUently no paper *Ill be printed, The rake will be Open and the job department In operation. esteirsi isseltate, The Woman's Institute will bold :reading room ot----411e-Tritin Hall, -o Friday, Aug. 4, at 8 o'clock. Subject,* for-discussiont-Preeeriing Sal - ..d. and Tomatoes. fieryelliV Xi**. • . Ititer-treeas Vault Ifteatie Souvenir l*ist cards -that is, cards other. than the regular official Cana. . • it-etwitv • ettunpro hey win--o-to-t. Dead Letter oftice. It,ia it. -.useless: or meple, o senit-figinite or picture •crirthwithout tbe cent stamp. It is' mistake AO think they .do not require containa the appended particulars of t e marriageof Dlr. John A. Gregory, who has been Vending:A-few --du here with hi* went*, ran -*ad Mre. Thetis. Gregory. John Albert kept the affair very quiet, the announcement of the marriage being a complete sue, prise and his little Stay here was only considered as one of his mutual, visits: "Armlet but happy event took place this aftereami at the residence of Mr. Arthur 31cLurg,1851ileninuth avenue when his sister-in,law,, Miss Ida 0: Phillip, became the bride of Mr. John G are troubled/with rata should Of the toiler Info One who bas tried eaysisOtt a large number of old sliingletTput* half* teaspoonful of roolasees4ach, and on that., with my of: ntret lye. then placed the poc et knifiertrraped*.sinall amount old •inglearound ' the atabis Bow* and under the crib.. The next -morn- ing"( found forty dead Wei and the rest left the farm for parts unknown. 4.-,,haveeleareditiatipfarrn ri-this-wayeinithaveLtiever--known--1 to fails" twos Otd tkiyiVeitteli -itlevrottherspeci London Old Boys' Reunion next. week are here mentioned for the .benefit -of readers who may wish to, visit London andseeanTparticnlarpartof thetleje, , v, W. J. tiIark,irr the pree- ence of the immediate friends and rel- atives. After the cereMer-4-' Mr, 0,n4 -MrsAtreiloryieftleribewistrftillow. ed by the best Wishes of . their many Mends in this oltIr. Mr. Gregory is engaged in the real estate bushman. In which he has made a sitcoms." The Advocate wishes them & bright and Baturday morning TWA, at -the- early hour of 740, the Thvitt -Mentor, ial church was the scene of an Inter- eatin sivent4.the-oecasion—belo • it a - diffr ,n epersono 'its iii Sweet, ilanghter of Mr. rurd Sirs, 3m.. .S.weeL_L_The.--heppy---Mee Stewart McCallum, of ir,lonilon. Only the immediate relatives. were invited but many -others 'also witneeeed the ceremony, _which vita _performed by Rev., Mr. Doherty, of Healani MiSa Minnia MKIftlitilin and 10. Prank Sweet, sisto and brother of the gmoin and bride, reepectieel • assisted the - s If you want to get comfort and pleasure Outer that shady 'porch or verandah youwant one of our Rattail waremdrdeWctttbiesertlttie tbigfor ranparior•baoriwa. ROIVE & ATICEN$ON IFT017 have a fart", bouee and hit, or real _estate of any des -criptinn for sale, or - 'Koh - to buy any such property, you cannot do better than place your 'WANT, with the proprietors of the A nvoceigtrovhci have unequalled opportunities for the -handling of yourreal-estate. for terms. They are eas7.7-Sailosite Cessica. Dr. 13utler, London, will be at the 0etitra144ete1y-, ' nrtTheoitt consu reffor-Z. y 'MreArird--g Stewart is not in Vie produce costbine. He is,paying 17r. for Maw and 17c. — fr,qg tohave a good start to the penitenti- ary, be sure and let him knew that he cau7.41WaYa-dePei4,Atoon your.asaist, *nee trryttlateverliOtitde he may get into right or wrong. Ititi.interesting to rgite that no few- er than 12,000 animals will beon slew at.the onetime in ther.tetildin_gsand on it-reti ride of the Canadian National Exhibition. from • August 20th to Set).. tembeellth. This vast total is made up o w ve hTiiEiiliff Ilorses eight or nine hund ed cattle, eleven or I. I I . Park, playing ofmasseil_ban* de. 0 r military tattoo. Tutted* otheit'Porti; Illtthikiatfonof Springbank. Wednesda day; parade of Seventh Regimen bayonet, sword and othercontestssind *Porta, Thursday -frit& Benevolent yxtieuie-to Port .Stanley .IrrV dglr and Siturday-:-Grand Quoitinft Tournament SeCond eeriest of the baud nett .nuitches heti:heed eonclude&*nd • oilifiretterlierles, Aftietiehttik. Irf,*10.% AP Mem' Porocasta for Await A regular Vulcan storm period be- gins on the, 4th, is central on the tith ' and extends - to the Oth, • Cloudiness and general *torte conditient will • gather early in the periods. 414 rein_ with wind and •thiteder,wiltitasa eatt.‘, Nanny* cro. - 401317-th* -4th to the 8th. By Ah'e storms of this Vulcan period will have paseed off to the Atlantic wittithe change to fair and cooler weather close on their heels. The llth and 12th are reactinnary storm dates and develop arid pass w • St the conntry on 4114-10 days. We eitittilater that the effect of the regular Irtite4,0 Stead period, .est - tending from the 15th, to 12th. will NIP., gin as early as the 14th, Rain, .thun. der MA *hid Will *Mt rainy ports. dnringtbis same period, notably OS and touching the 1st b.• Cooler yristitk. et. will follow *hoot the likla to 210t. Earlhquztkesin-Mit* ,pertii-or4be • earth, with tided- waves- and•-inktaller, ;disturbances will be reported during storm period._ - previous to cutting gave promise of a heavy crop, has been found to be much case With the liter atiWitt wheat- Ear- lier wheat is a better temple. The two or three excessively hot" dart third week of July are given as the cause. Wheat, which Was then MS - Lured, blood, but what was then in a soft and pulpy condition has shrunk - much in maturity. even(ngSoerftrall tiro'Whither--krewe - " Going In bre Sunday log scored what he called the modern tendency of the Agricultural Pairs in drifting fronithe ehow of the products of eoil and shop to the cittua rforsnanee While the tendency -dhgati"et.. the aovernitient * the •ifortaotrair &rectal* tol,lity . ' mid thef elimination ofthe-gm-eh' gag - 'Temente, and the furtherance of full and Choice exhibits of the products of 'the 0040trr. • • ) terribly sudden death on Thurs. oved one of Ottelplea most men in theposort of Wm. A. Menegee of the Simnel* Brewt' ing n4.11altingeo. and son of Mr. There was not'the Slightest pre- riimiitioti of his dem* until about six o'clock that gasped for breath and before help arrived lie theciuee. Deceased wag weU.kuowii throughout Ontii o and learesa wife and thtfteblidren# Leat week we received kind lirele tittteLi from the genial taker of the tto-etteritt the eflyer or 26th atMiv der the Ti livid = e-oemes-Ofthe-playerl -etre- 4rawn in pairs, and a committee, sisting Of the Hem President, Vice- - Id t-,-ftetere41M-47S'Owltrei,"fixes - theiciiiiditions-oriOtt •whiclutich pair . obeli play by giving the weaker nom a, number of points to start with. The fame Is titific in the semi-finals when the five winners play off, and again in the finals. thie way the pairs are more evenly witched and more inter- esting games aro a Lmasequence.. thirdireftesliekbeencommenced. Orstat-.11.11 Tb* bffirle lat • Arr#,--and- -Mrs. -Attlee Willis, Exeter North, was on Vitedne* day evening last the scene of the mar- riage of their dieighter, Jessie E. ,tnd Geo. T. Grant of yirfitford. Orifir the it. The• ceremopy: o TO was gowned In -it dresit nf cream Silk eolienne over white taffetta while her sister, Miss Adelia, Who act- ed as. bridistnatrit • wore a beautiful gown- of flowered *oiler. Mr. Edgar Will!., of Winnipeg, *Witted the 'groom. A dainty supper was *treed atter the teremony. Mr. and Stmt. Grant left left &cols -Monday, hy boat for theNAVM,Ithere-Mr.._Orantivill cow: duct &general store. The many Mends of the bride.,extend• hearty tt0rolitatoS, Voila and wieli tbe young couple many y and prosists 3r,sara.,ef - " The two rink* of the Exeter Lk** Bowling •Club, wholsceepted the HS Invitation of the St. mato and viait4 the stone onWedes- day,dity af list week, returned *tete 'bdt With' eiteelletit- , • • tott4 e • owl tTbeift!' bOillti& et, ti by a delegation of the SL Marr* e-Iub bride. Ttie bride* ',predate dress was of champagne silk eolienne trimmed w . ... - trave_ - ng Arose was of n. and chiunpagne voile... • -. The ridesmaid wit* dressed in cream. Miss Irmo was dreseed 10 pitik-and'tTeanna con:ttrir f • . 1 te,k the train for their uture owe in London, amid the welt wishes of their eongritiilations and best wishes, Ptasolitatioak On Sattirdiy afternoon lest a pre*. entation was glade on the Bowling the...xectory to J. Bawden, one of the four raenin the torious Ridgetown rink at the recent London- Bowlin rt_Olub TeignamAot, iddireiMiTolkorita To JOHN Ileinntzt, ESQ., Wer-4berinembete- Scnitt,20143"er-,.....441fftw es ;UR% offer Con:Wiliur sincere eonnattilitgOtrAti -mist for being aunember of the now far- famed Ridgetown rink which won., higheatniionorit,.-7thiv4-1ste7A.ondon Bowling (nub Tnurnainent... Botb,_19. and your brother, IsPete7, being EXa, terbort, we join with Ridgetown in Complimenting you on Your victory and trust that the, glory with which you have covered yourselves , may be an incentive to win higher honor in the -grand old fcSale-Ot4,1101Wittlit." „it 1.fuir-Presti1tiW 19.41,44tedisnr P After tbe address -hit& been read by . PreildefitMilliiititriiidue. ed Miss Katie Collins to Mr. Riterden and she- presented -to -him In the mime of the club a magnificent bouquet whilb Mr. Bawden suitably ocknow- fil • - victors el. t Seene.:-Exeter 10 net yprou • wolionait. t . wo *dens, for their share of the note- orthy victory of the Itidgetoive rink: Some tilnety-one ritike.froin-Aliverte• of Ontario competed fiir the prise, but *they Were *It downed by the magniti. cent, steedy.reliable,relentlese playing 'of the victors. They liaite_lieen con. gratiilated on all sides and wee44. nur *bilk Our showing ofCravenette Coats is ofthe new- est designs, style and Watt. Ask to see them. Dining Roo* %lairs' fion44 a set to $15. -Dinfiii gown Tali* from $6.50 to $22. .Si:deboatds. from $19'.,00 to 132.00 11 I