HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate., 1905-08-03, Page 7're aaa,, • V , , • • • • .14 • a' E EMIi T APOUT ITO FOR 4190;g1t4T. IS °Matti* i e nef Form, CIK • AO' 14441 siatistiCs tette 14/OlittlatiOn, of I este* 4!,GQ.r Pot' c. fet . • " • 41.ese,9 , ory 'rf 'the .,Governasent, • Et' *%%&L4 •Iseen that: , e1,1*StStee*„ absOinte l,y...thee SpeereteeS' . of *;ten# Haattti" "'Old ;this theott, ,Shcetristeir•eniSe itiesSiet4, .• for.though 'more than ooe -of saveeetmen hits ruled_ in • mina thi'aztwayw 'n eon • 1881 the present 'Emperor fut. t fourteen -year-old promiee to Se ids people the benefits of a con-. esztitutzem. The fourteen years • thai c1apiecI ilasieen the prorates and its • itSififinent 4‘were no _idle ones, • they big emplOyed in the gradual .re- MOvel attelent customs that bar- red the way of national progress and itt.`seaeciting for letelligerre aod elein . throughout the world." • _ _Attest Constitutional. sloven:4mAli, • •1*.aliisror remains% as before; fs • 611'.1 1LEAD ning-in bra his etoti , .011 exectitivee functions with., tba aitirtea and itserste' ante of Cabinet Ministers -appointed by himself and restronsible to s„-,hira • for their eshidnistratiertieta af- 10,14. There is also a Privy Council,„com.. Petted chiefly • of ex-eliniaters, whom a -Emperor -eau constilte'--4nr•'' seS4-4Stette-,•ekbeneser--- itmleseneeesetten The d„mjaration of 'Wier the making of ',cage, the concluding of treaties, -are all in .the hands ot the Emperor. To- him also belong the. OrMiniza- one-of- all- branchee - -of the -0-overne sta nte01 Qt nine Minister*, together 2rlinieter-President, or FreztOr; form the Ctibinete iiOne, other official *41.-„enlaii4.4041,eruut. wifliout, Of 'the It.eretlet.-Iro'OS diuste.r f Waretetld. .1041"Petidelet, Of .Peetk,PO/Itiee410 .• ' Out, Ote 0 • *; Ste* t • ROX.AWCZSt•'TSAT PIP NOT CO= e ,Stoi. ot Hugo Prtun.a Zeit to' 'AE THE DDER OUT. ',,Pleasant.„ ' 01,01911 or, 14 the 44140 431, attist. tent n . tfkatone. to thing•higher.„_, .L.1 1 1 4 1. a Int .1 WNW X I •Oli: 0 ekt ''etWtfeeled ti L14tcuJ it :herd ' nee Atee.• by 9 „a, ntee.Perhilix'si; c.fhe reatlize,* .wlthewhith egottlesestOry i,s aetertted,.tellttig, 1:,4"e.".410-47.1urci1reee • ;$1rdaettly e lte:no w • e'llttwtt--0/4011110,4 'etireeists 'in it '• tumbled frota the baek an cart picture. '..-1ttrecart1ers-settere--intite Ortiramtiiilfron ITars- Thot ,i a *widest stnri, in ropitri.- •has OVer been 'done before. Make perfection your aim and be Satisfied with nothing lese. Do not -.try to do it with a Part .of ,.o,urseit-t,he weaker tart. 'Keen . yourseR in condition to de it ILO well as it cats be done. ' Regard yourself as a,coworket with, the Creator of the.universe. ItelleVe in Its lArorth Stott dignity.' int matter how humble" it may be. Recognize that work is the thing that dignifies end ennoblos life., Accept the disagreeable part f 'it is, cheerfully at; the agreeable; son xvitli some which recently occu- pled the minds, of fortune -seekers. Not long ite,eo r,.E1is1 Coy*, ef •Omaha, Nehraiket, arrived in London. armed, es tie thought. with convinc- lug pre -of of his tale to "the $200.- 000,000, Corey -estate, which has been for sixty -live .yeatt In the Court of Chancery. • and consists et stock, bonds, and gold,S* Folyrr • 111ILLIONS--fN THE AIR. In spite of the most praiseworthy keen grelsi t-O-xv7ar-its th.31-Silleation of -fifir clang- so be inVoked the aid of Mr. Chbat,s. the Ainerteten Ambassador in I.ondoxt. Mr. Chtiate took up the matter, and wrote to tha Court of hantery, with 'the result that he Waseitiferentel that thee -Corey estate of $200,000.000 had no existeeee in fact. , yesiolehillingen leeeeeite ,tion for which nature has fitted ,you. -See-how-much you can put into tee instead of how muc.lt you can: -take out T1t. • iternendmr, that It is only through your work that - yen ca:U grow ,,tti your -full -height. - - • Train the mye, the• ear. the Minds, tho inind-all the inculties-ein the lentember---titat work well -done -is tbelitgleest testimonial of charaeter .you can reeeive. Use it es a toot to develop° tbe strong points. of your character and to eliminate the weak ones.. 1 as& ei to(1ntfewhiett h had -- feint thik-TOrtirii4"-aii;47417fti., tly`hts. - -Cf couree,,Wille do turn up outs a -the -14'4y places, and brine about turtling vliteasee 1 the Ilvee of un'- uspeetr....si legatees. Cue nobleman's sill lay' bidden.. fee evers in .1,41e 'hog. of•..`aele*Ittved'eeeteettber-eiettrie to .1.101.t•., nf,ter . ..w.tti1i. it was liting troui 4.10.4.v P Irad..tvinidered S etn- ., e s -244PRO,,, tve7, ,th� orelinttrY' iteurs leSigSr; ,i4atif "In Wiiicii it 3v ttle,. .Suspetted. . fii. ',exist, -..a , .A• . t,j44.,11 OSA gYfit „ ..,iitivvnt, :the .'of • 1i1'u.' rit.r..iing zn thudistrict, tvikr.„ the •esitelteel .efeetftetl, • ' , liite:Ptike of .fe7tItisert TeTt •` • . ur ' * iiseethe 'one and only” instrument. settling the 'affairs of the late Lord. Cheyleemore exaseAteelen- -thet,-- one he tabs v, • front the captive of the testator. This happened to he thus:use of a weelthy, Liverpeol merchant recently deceased. It was known. that eversthing that he eoseessed.at death, wohld go to his only on, with whom he had not for years been on good terms. 'nen the will was sought, it could not be found for it long time. At fast It turned up accidentally, hidden in a Dible. Surprise 'succeeded suePriso. The-itetttotor had left his "ail** to Ills son. but that represented nothing but a little PO'llitUr0 an.d looae cash thaii-1114441.-por. Hi ' Serrettr-Cttitlr-TWTiXr"Tiltr*"aairA Vari0114 tharilleS during, the last loYrirszreveQfnhtitgl.threi's tirrtibionvteVrollittuvi:11!" dorlag the. Sortune which the father ' hadrrhete_sOrokaereahsporlitaird to diswvIlacetteniutztlaciAtele. getee for his • phantom fortune was no more futile than that which is • , g con ue ei w ere the rit-rortbe-foreffoing7-tlicr:Se vatne--ter ienstearrotd---notshinrthat- bequeath 1*:nglettnieeztesonnthearettroelatere. ies-te.b.0-911.11 4 hoSeebonnet -the bee, London ASISwera. J. P. Blackblira. of MeNeesport, buzzee. PenneylVania, to claim certain por- 'lions, of England once owned by hia 'TIME ‘113:ES4'S-Cl"-TH'-8.1i.Z.N." ancestors-, --Who ••,-Itati- -sailed - in ethe• - diikubisal Of ail officittist the fixing of thele,__stilierieee the egrantimee- of title* of .nobility, of ranks. orders and „other ens -bleats of honor, and not.. only the ponishment of criminals but also ell questions relating to pardons, Amnesties, Commutation of Punlehmenta end 'the reliiabilitesteori o diegriiced "persons: ..*Itto Emperor is in stipreine Com - ielatiVe ma rs he tette through and with the advice of the *Diet, which ..eers-eitint eprescritatives. The' sturunoning, opening, closing, pteroguing•tend dise solving of the Diet are Of the'Eroper- Or's• prerogatives, *lite existence a theeDiet does not; 4.46 geslatieetee_, Diet' is Mot 'sittIng.- such' times sudden. emergencies .May be met by IniteerierarchilaiiCes having thi) et- feeteerfejavers. ; Only, these -ordinances must never, &cording to the • Con- stitution. chenee or modify • any ..of the _existing Lewis SANCTIOINIED Bet 'ME DIET. Protects of law znay be initiated bY eeeeee",vie_oisstirrsetithlfte="-F-Tee 'louses of the Diet, and either house ay make repreeentations to the I 4. r, some advantages and -disadvantages -not fatMel irk tray -other. Regard it. as a sacred task given you to Make you a better eitiieteand 'to help the'world .along. • Remember that every neglected or - poorly done piece of .work stamps it- self inefineeably on your character. Write it indelibly in your beart that it -is better to be. a snecessful cobbler "than a botch physician or a Refuse • to be discoilraged if the stand rd you have reached .doee_eot4 ---- ---1-' S i _ — . 0.....-,,, ••••=,•• are an artist, not an nrtisan., -Educate yoUrself in• other directions i Alien the line or your work, so that "You Will be a broader. more liberal, more Intelligent worker. nerelyeent_a_ tneanse iteinge-buti--first.„ . ision einarke. ancas re Lnaught etilintetal branches Organleatien of his familei In: the Old Country: - • They _cherished the eame traditions • 'rho ..Bess's,-o'-th'-Barze" , the queer title of nu English 'band, iota - with hinteelr. a'nd CIVarily showed that posed • of twenty-four workingtnen part a ;-,the family estates had cotn- hailing from a little village a tOW prised the site of wbat is, now the Peosperous cotton- ntanufacturing miles from Iluzle, in Lancashire, town of Illaekbuen. Altogether a which has been delight's' Paris lov- sum- of $15;000,000 Was at, stake. lleYond that they could, not progress. All thatesler laeleburn wo, anleeto eve was e 1—*Viiiiaikian 0 s P., EyErt.al, o T V04401IS Plizarf • 814Pa, ' 'a' 1 • trot ,P14ceVe.raci, to , . ' 4.0 „ . Are '.$ het: 4P74,‘..10,!wi:ii,riv e '2 tftIlCSifl to .0' tiie.':*4'1,siiii:teiii'te'er..e'tiitl:1,.1‘.'etartletelb,1.4.,,,'PrvO°:. ado.. te ',Forestuh44..bee tog ,,(ivetr. OrrrOti: Thif retninetittilivelefkieeiartteatetre- „ ly arduciits„.-443 net the eloveeeyik 'were ecivete` up to the pigenteS, -detres&._ istseess•iresezziese felleteteelseeleunweets with th,e pigmies. and, ee a Mat.t4; of fact, it was, Perfeetly even known that One of the objects of his exe ',edition was to secure, 11 possible4 for medical and setentiii& purposes0 a fete of the tiny, inhabitants of the gre.at West. TIIE•811,124.NLEY DWARF'S.; , . e heti brougitt six; of them atong with him, Ind ail ot tholii aro the' genuine Stanley dwarfs, not 'the alleged -sportous• see•cimines width lte.ve appeared in one or tWO Coun- tries. • Iteseeseenategnmeetoeeriwl con- etruck the forest it feurid small vil- lage after village. 'The natives were -apperently well disposes*. They-eame- in in the eyenliwg and danced before. 'the visitorstsleut in lite midtitesot tho night .theyedisappeared. enyeteriouSly. 'rids happened on three successive oc- ca-siona. Itien at lest another v11- tho-ene alettantrestvere -mote- frlendlyreandeas- lueteene01.0 have it one of tie, boys parte could speak SWaltill, 'which trap understood by the ,pigrnieS. The question was put cs heetsesnue_to,_,,whetitereetheeet_eeertz • • timitla' Teroitio:" Aug. rt..d. fin e Nitati ' 44.—o a. 80c • t 1,M 7 r c V iihertseht , 0.0 tn411P- , _ tee'for - ,e(eial frt-igbt , . eLtettel„ es;sakording to might, AlOdiatt, tocation and tet I - tlye---Prices 1 aro quoted nominally at 60c outsitte. Corn -Canadian is unchanged „ Mc to 55e, Chatham. freights. Ain- ericen eaider 63fc to 1140 for 2 yelloW and (3c for No. 3 yellow, Jake and rail freights, Ontario relitits and ei4c to titiec ()A track, Toronto. Pees -Nominal at '12c 'for No 2 outside. ItAtilsd Oats -$5 for cars Li 'barrels 'on track here; and $4.75 for eat's of hags; 25c more, /or broken lots here and 40u outeide. Butter -Prices are firm 'in tone. Creamery, _prints .- _21c_ to 22o lo'ettkis 20c ti) 21c DaleY1 . -tells. good "tnr vhf,)i.ce - 17e to 18c iu niedm • • 15c to 16c do tubs, good to choice „lee to 1.70, due:Water 14e In_ 115-0- , • .__CheesieeeePrice-a-ca:veseeeefirmettexteset 10Ic to 11e per /b. - ES/Ss-Prices are unchanged at 1740- lac., Potatoes --Prices aro unchanged at 9e t� 42.50 p9r barrel. 401-1111 , - 41'11 ath liunter _on his travels. ferree"so 'many moons." el'hay 'were told that they would tter carefully looked after and brought hack weein, and they readily acquieseeil.. OLD AT THINTY-TIIREE,e, Pour .of thee.* are males atidetwo, of them are females. Their height ors of music. In former ayes in this varies trout 3 feet 8 inches to 4 feet village there stood a barn -like Fitruc- fur° licenstel for the stale of intosii. 6 inches. Taller tlian this' they nsver ow. Of tlit_woiten,.......Orle loar_har_n_ landlady, was sufficient to lead tan. ritrill:6-• "-Sh7""-*° 29' faintly toot -of -arras from the College T. -name -beim 'iv t e g -g ° e 1 -burn "*"es"i's had all tte'en legitilY peound 'Ithe barn.". The Christian and properly „disposed of, and the due name of the 'worthy" lady, as the order of succession UnimpeachablY spelling- shotes, got a little damaged e in tiee, but the Place still bears its curious cognomen of . Dess's-of=thee llit,14,4(mid be called Withe ' observed FORGING A WILL. Asattre. ittiorrT, int a mearerof making a life -ea large 1 chase /after & sanaller fortune, d .. in the end they had to take CriMillal an There Is not a great deal known as i'‘or, nobler speeltnen of tnanhood.-1 to the origin of the .fartious band, .13,t ,110 by poisoned arrows, presumably in a tribal raid. Tier age' is about thirty- three, but then few .nativess live be- yond forty in any cirinensta,nces; Her great sittractiveness1 lies in the, tact thatefeteiall!S- she is 'strongly .suggeree f,mittn-relationeht . the other '• hand, the younger girl, who is only about -twenty-two, 'eXceedingly'goddloolting:' Sonar of the woman are really very hand- some. There were two daughters. of 1P Or at,s_ees the Eni s ror when ul ic mantle it, - The Voting of tlie annual _ of Represent at lye.", a11 'members of the Imperial tetra*, all Princes and Marquiees with .here- - elitary tenure and of a certain num- ber of Counts, Viscounts and lierons, -elected for. periods IA seven years. There are also certain nutnber of persons nominated for 11 -fes by the Vlitirketeer- - in reeognitton -of their eelteetiCen or service to the State and few representatives of the highest teetlitssers In the coentry, elected for periods of seven. years. ' The total :ntirtiber of members of this house is • 369 -,.- 'The 'Ifonse of Representatives ha9 7/14zentgesecolnieeLletoWs../ 'one the-seas1oes----electorat etietelette---elee . Sue-cessreilitgatenee ' * - * ' " • - proceedings'agttlast - theemane . /thct- tiwitief no 'doubt.; let -the Tact* that- the • had instigated the tient and caused men, who are like a band of broth - AN ARTIST. IN WORDS. expenditure of the sum in which they. eetee conduct theft" business - without had been involved. similar ',results formality. and no definite recordki one chief who elSre -notable for ,their 1Remarkable GAft of _. a Prenichma;n I attended the "windfall- of a young have been kept" of what actually took good looks. but unfortunately their e . to leent Edviard. • tory_ Jet hie we extr204)ma The Tiling has accepted I short his- !him witli - f200.-000 d0*11 and $50.-, i man who produced a Will endowing place over a hundred -yearn ago, father ceould not allow them to go. year. on the ntrength .of the formed. It is known, however, that * Neeroid JamilLekeelngeAleiclell 9 when the combination -was • first Undoohtedly the tribe berongs to the t imothe m _ear lots on track here. it'd $6 for 'No. 2. Rated Straw-Cztr lots on track heft are quoted unchanged at $5.50 to $6 per ton. MONTREAL MARKETS. . Montreal, Aug. 1-41rain-The de- mand for oats is limited at 404c for No. 2 white and 48fc for No, 3 white linstel ex -store. - e -store. — P08 e JeleeepAellee_,,eeetieetopieegi wheat_ patents. $5.30 to $5.40; ,strong bakers*. $5 to $5.10; winters. ,wheat- Relent's, $5.50; straight rollers, $5 • to -$5.15, and in bobs $2.35 to 42.-' 45. - • * x I* ar1111111111I12. # • rt1S711111 trait of •iilmseif4 The peculiarity .letliermes and Joseph Clegg; cote.1 curly -hair. to -raise the nind. • John, James ottraitehas heere_meetelet- 'CS arli !!". s rumentr.111=711—irti" un +Urine nnt ,Le.,..;Tother such ruelaceelt he "rich- ton manufacturers who botight the About theepetesoeglets the ar 3 AIN the wora$44. which are • written very moment. This was James Albert t_f . 7, -..me,._ -14:01,,vit isk-_ft ieeryllaaraton,„, __thee...Seethed ona ref - fgood likeLne.S.." of his Majesty. "'he ' as he was more generally known. At artist is M. Sokr, a naturalized hiS trial for obtaining huge Mims ot- . rene men, who has cultivated 'Our mbricr by'fifISFerefeneter; et evease-reie. art of writing very !male letters -ale' resenteelethateeht-inat -realty beelibvet Shows a visiting card with the No.:, in tthe story of his having inherited tional Anthein written round the front a deceased untie an estate in .edge of it. Another curiosity was ti; Ontario half the size of freland. upen grain of wheat, on• which M. Sorer 1 atilt% were gold and diamond ;nines had inscribed: , , Igalore,, inakieg libn, as the papers set th Ills Majesty King Edward %it. forth at the time, the -richest man orn Novernber -0th. 2t841„ euteceded.'„ in the world. Ile "'seee eeet in the great,!. ---rto7the-- throne. -J-anuary 22m, -ret. t, est IfilifirY upon the -itiori,14.y oortow'otr 'crowned August gth, 194)2, married 'on the &Irene:tit a Yds -grent---exPecta- March 10th, 1863, to the Prialm4s tione tceit fast th •„_ . . -. . . Alexandra „of irenmark-born Herein' richest of garments. boasted of ber ist , 1811. , George Prince of Iya!e?„ 'born June 5 me hnif_do,en re,‘,01,wers, in reoity, Theft' Majesties have heti iseties:' ' -4,:efichts and palates and Itoyal invita- itialTeeetend went always armed with , drie.-48.6firremarratit-,1411 TT. 1.10tiv to 144 untie: thee° Yea7.11-fienal sere it ude. A couple of yearn ago the Mile End etvorebouse was ringing with the tett- / 'Inge that it entertained it million- ' airese: 'The heroine of the story Ler- ; t Mille- fled nr, to the part. To the isharilain of the institution she pre- sented h r "ttill'• iliKooSiln of $3.- 250.001. n sums suet --as 'S...1.000.000 000 for thcesiteirle, instittationse - rind h so forth. Ifeee bequests were regard - Ile beam fide. lUtUt. the lady brut iln Ineines at luxury, ane comfort. ft all en ell in 'the -I Vete erleitO elOatOrS wry male Japanese subjects 20th, 1867, married July 27th. 18Ser. O f not Ivss than 25 yenrs of age, who to Alexander. 11111..e of r bay° rajd hn Yen " (about $5 iti Prinee.ss Victoria. born .luly tith, Atiterienn 8:044,e.tt) . at least in Impel -re 1860. at toms for one year peeeiotiely if Princese Maud. born. N0seinher 26th on land; for two years, ft In other 1860, married July 22n1, 1890, to taXes. l'einee \Charles of Denrnarti,,- _ Cantl1da4,e4 nntst ire male ./apanese Exeseeteti her .1 . 1,0lofere ,.eubliets of .not e less [Min HO years of Ovine& of- the AiSt.dentyL ThafatitreAr- _ followitkg- -fire disqualified: tiet, Parr*: flicerS of the Imperial household.- The writinge e as qui' e legible, but udges„,,public audit ore, nevespeeini:.a magnifying glass made the task of - - tors, poi' CO' OnthlifilS. °Metre -t in readinr, it more ei'v f. ofer clert not use a magnifying glass when he elitrittilftP'''WITV- _ Uedelterq Khoot5I orncials conneeted with the : letters about the Se 01 a pin's election.% bantleipts and all rho "ellead- meg a sPee al ink or' hie own inanufacture. eited°110* wiltesi with a_ quill pn. 1. Soler nn Jilbann full Of -appreciative letters from dis- •Inguished people of all nationalties. WC% or tree. . . tit tnnhIAL :41.1N1'fi1N. reAdent of either house 're - salary 'of eee000 yen (air.out ;ours etitisneY) Pet antraiii; Idents •reeelye 8„000. yen and efirs ordittiry -i'at*oitt '$1.00tIN ,tTis %add Is -3aritil 4IIROvera tyr- veling .01Cp0.1(.1. Wel I tgeb, occupiesa table- rztag, ir elo0v4. (fe- land SOMO 614 111111CS broad, at it hie it italaril, 00.1. there Iteigbt of 800 feet or 400 feet. above lir beeit•Seilir sitistaileks. ,Ot the s;ed, .near the W.est Coast of " is to le cginvoked Africa. ' The 'trunks of trees td . . 00:sT OF ywittar The 'mot extraordinary forest In • thc..e saId rue:uric. or which she had not inid nor hoped to be ab1e to do so. ..uver.x HOLLANT)." More ,recently etill tee bad l'icrr Jere, :the Spanish village faith, fgtning-e-s'tiatqtaTit-to ASt estates of lite Maresils eta cote- fliera. 'fasts 01 people aseepted•the loeutnentss. 'st4 genuine, ,nntiI'--Tty atso, ukon it "liVa9 diSVOIMV01 that the rotcttfal ini:Lottair0 vas the unsophisticated tool of (in un- Tacrupurous hand of italv'eriturers I)y tv he and uranatlai-oem f lfte, Of n roetral _ tree the otitcoind 0. Mere .the case 0? I 11.1 Sail X played in the band. Since then the Tom -ea limited liability - company, eaCh hold- a -Wrier ing a .eti share, and the proceeds of Major-General Moody, speaking. at - t-t-attireceincetta •akeeedieetL- - ee, -Prom thb- time of Its ear lest London, said he strongly objected to days, when it was et reed band and, Oa use of tho word **Tommy" as ap- won its first prize • with **God •.1,1,ve plied to soldiers. the King" in a conteet in celehra- "1 believe the word is Costing the tion of the coronation of (lease IV, countryea million a year.** he said, priee monc.y, not to mention another of many soldiers, and it prevents the band has won about. £5,000 in "It'is breaking down tho self-respect thousand or two In Instrumentieemen joiningfeelue otherwke would tte cup's and. •Metialee eeteinee 4884 the isoldietie„" ----,-- -- bawl has- taken part in nearlY 200'1 The General also considered it conteets; and carried ori no fewer scandalous that there should be at than 131. first prizes. I present 21,000 men malt/ed. in mill- . The conductor, Mr. Alexarider or tary prisons, and he thought that "Alec." as he is more familiarly tvhen once soldier - was imprisoned. known) Oaten, is- a Stalybridge man, the army should let h-itu and tty hal Rik the_enen tivand are etterioysoiith1ng..e1s -. - iteiglifiereatiettre-rtteseeee-se4 The -obseifetie- titLadva.un, tage be revived, and boys •should 3.1ellow, 82e; No. 2 corn, 61fe. Oats. •weak:; No. 2 white. 36e; No. 2 mix- , ed, Rye -Dull, unsettled; No. 3 offered at tine. rkeetemplexieren-witb W33.6MS--Itte,A,ITICaNAM.E.- et' Millfeeif-Manttohlt trst teheetnereeshte- per ton; Ontario bran in NAM, $14.- 50 to $15; shorts, $19 to $20; iittruoaiillittlyre... $21- tO $24- Pee tori,'ai-s* Oats -42.40 to $2.42-1 per bag. Cornmeal continues quiet at *1.35 to .$1.4.1rRer bag. Hay -No,„ 1 $19.50 to $9: No. 2, $7.60 to $8; clover Mixed; $6.50 to 11-11(71iTifits. Eggs ---Straight stock, 17e; No. 2, • •.• .44 It 1 ed 'in 'bleaching, print ing end dye works, and spinning mills, one, in- deed, being a coal, miner. PAIICE alaaa0alias The Wrong Man Lands in Inane Asylurzt. There- -aft all the -elements -of ---a three at farce in a true story tante Cholet.-IFranee. rertnin- nd m nib f Choletet town touncil, having tecome Insane, was 4415rtitiritirryorliferititrgef"---of 1vu citizens, who were ordered to take him io-amadhouse at Aojers. Legrattel was not docile stud the escort. Atook Min. t0 og +Wool*. and ed him with think. The -result ust.s that all three" arrived- at.„ oto asylum it*. telt* a statel of Intoxication, that' the.elirec toe-was--unableetreet ea, whit ecos theinnatic. so, he telegraphed t the 3tti:;for of Chalet eetzing Nehich Was the eraev roan. Mayor rd, !plied I'Legrancl," but theopiocrata(i nr trasfix t e‘t,rrtrit toner. Tbe trio were then tireaqureil the„tallest, Who wits one of' thd ecorts,94.O% Placed, i A.1141! (b..'01t! daw tlie".„Yie-- • 'sire Pallet ice ley h a t , i7PtiV HUI 1 Oanel,, of 11: th beiistcr t rafti i 'Oil ipete ntifum Falt Irov'erip 3neeeleterly stetetl'ilzed "wee. ete ttO kitivir-ora „ta List, ‘depa:t.- Ailairs,, Vor- 1 110P, Commurilca-. 'C'orwit-tert t ictt a i (17 inente t,iolti t ti ,felit. bad 4I CV8 a.eith e. orrAittg t4) (can: tttlitt -17.'ingln.trl, !iltm,,itinv, • Ito enlist. $450.0110 teihr.e!S, 16 Wd5.1 -Tn-..0-`. cetrrereleTeeteliteee'ecertfiel Tieleeele 'Sheees'You are very`'d.vrm,ANI.,, 4 .ilis",••t nee Tr, Vanl." se-erte 4ithrt. s,on extrei no witch, Ilk Vtt,t" elfgt# 111:0, Abe i,*(e4:151, 11 Wets ; Sieved thaS three eeei.1011 tflt tIO? ti101,.satt 14. 1 our non ti'an beef illeeelee,11.ee etatte, exte0 only el frieete, h oT is.ette. i4Inthrcgtitii t .0ee tecke" tteeeg'f et`dn't; reet 1 as the etteanee kess4tet him tlo Va."111,N,C1,11VWZI4 MO 140 Ye3Ir .•.aiNi now thht be hla1 11 ,alky 1.!-V(* ote prot;t, tut,* soutill.miind.,* 7 It 'The tItiotte ofr-air .1-Tze-Tr'iffel" , teepee ST t e e r tan s reason taa it4 cide,;:netite•at fiat !1y ikU1I 1-0 prov:sintially nmffral, sleet-sale:WV, tebile3, Lo-,rat'id wns• „no a a ,‘.• roitiOentry ins.atioto If* 0;100 ketlItifok el3uaereecshoiroe.ernameree.„22e"..,•••. I g re es,„ e �-."4..e; *0- _ Provlleavy Canadian Short cut pork, $20 to $21; light short •tteettettleto410,---Aansetean-cettestrate......-- fat „back, $18.50 to $19: rompound larek,fille to 84e; Canadian lard. 9Se to 01e; kettle rendered, 10ec to 11c, according to quality; hams, 12e, 13e and 14/e, according to site: bacon, 13c to 14e; (remit killed abattoir hogs $10; alive. $7.25 for mixed lots, 50 for select*. elltV90-417:11dil iutking -10Ic to - 10:c for townships, and 10:e to 10:e for Ontstrios. 1•00•••4141004.44140 elferrALO MARKETS. Itultatio, Aug. .1.-411our-Quiet and teady. Wheat4--Spring, weak; No. 14/o. 2 red. 90e. Coret-eleteke, No, 3, • trebled for the army just as they *ten* for the "levy. Major Roper Co1ellrec4{ ntainteined that the degeneracy apparent in the ranks of the Oritish-etriny W0S cense,' by the 'neees9ity for enlisting eeee. sirables.111 omitr to maintnin the ea- tablishirrent.. B1ys. ecre tiftelet teem-. ,leeni the pooreet mid lowist etausr!, who were frequently deficient in stamitia 4ind physique, in moral Pere . dud intelitgoice„ and they tiii.r45 bet seldom lacking in courPtfe.. • 'Pernkfoue wastage,"-Vitjete beck eititt that last year 8.t1.39 run were. invalided. 7,182 deserted, 4,0t70 were diecharged for erafseondteue tiov.;- *owdist hi:Li-girt- -;; lik-reet e no, 'bung e- 2...)fe• become eteicient, 21.913 two ' Vkleders„ short -keep .. 8.75 • cortmatted to military. prions. \ 1.111E STOCK. MARKET, Toronto, Aug-. follonflifig is the rarge EXpOrt Olt tit:), okO...$4.50 $4.75 • rnediiirir 4.50 bulls . . 3.00 8.50 Do.„ Butchers', picked 4.50 'cla.12e 4 Da., V011illi00 1 59 Do.. cowst, eheice 3.00 3.75. Do.. omission - 2.00 • 3.00 11.30 • 4.25, ---44, lphy, ittif Aus,t4lita .a., 4114 4,.itcre- tq4• Anne;ti4',tat. ed 41,nua % stinted A(lofi h. ! g notiter aristocrat, /vitriol, an 1st:lbws-et oe, adostrife-Ann Anne. 01-h-.3vret,V, Alirid. Alfrcd a( lressed-Annee.„,,-adintirutiftittlith - Amu% etkurn(11 „ttlfaiste;rent. Alfred triiirtieri Al- • itteclittm • 3.49 Po., light - tIcattera; kirtiriTirr „. 3„00- „ th),„. common 4400- ' Do,, tuerii4 ft.ikr iti firacmor etit„,,, 2:41S0 to,” tut Oa.... 4240 iewt, .4.. :150. • 4 1. _ - 1, IN4 • at rd' t4 lia1ty tY Atlila. A t acquaint., l' vt*. per cwt... cwt.. to a_ftL, :ttio. ' :1,:it_ ..,1t,antztstttrtflte,iii_CI: 1- 'Awl Adolf'. Anna al Ittwi tic°,ozt Itleolt:. . AL 1(1 4, afraid call . . .,„Sitts,Ift. ,Azfolf Isil'zt•f; r te,,',Ired. ,Alifttl 'it:Nested. atlsoltitilj,-4„ Icri.lt dsty. A.t.,:41a art-cn1:41,4 'Attolt., A6:14.14 •ii,itro h . ttnii ,Araitt ott rorlIty tkVsrot4:11 tsi5 ,Sit,$ .11..V44. • ' afif:41v411 ArAtOct allitocxthiT. 41 . ,tton1iioi4. orator to; qt .414.retat 1,, awl'. *IttapkoWit 0; .* fray kilt*, Ir.91' *tIOK.1.1:Attort'44-_,,,:tt. ',, .40.`c,, 11, ,,A:.t..i.utrothli .i.„, i . T 'Alfred. At Atiotf, atlpity agtrilt, t nritet;titalttl 704 et„17e."reeeeereelee—e 401