HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate., 1905-08-03, Page 6sPt Rani or •Ared,..a ailed to the quartermaster. ha rtoticeii -*any things ha,ppened in '41se -coursel, tse*.in. -end l'e. few seconds. .4,, blinding 'lasts, i w111he, while arnid ilyitig fragments on the' *cm tows w f cruiser's 11,11Per deck, closely followed 1 at*Fholi1141- h - !ring repeilt, vet:- °"Xdge .away. s -,-' a, 70:411*.itzt9174*-. ,. ..,, , 21 Oli.:th. ndatO4.11,,,* lioutedg down 11 : , ;Oillee," 0 0.1i o 7 In .e. •, i. `1...r "k gtoef.1"ir-II-ViV 9 utop4g,oty, °, ..1.41er,t,... w.- . : ,0*.s . .0 4 , i '.: 11040 4. Tri‘• i::':' : - . -Ytt.0,40,Aftiik A •f't,,,,yr: ii#fi 1 iiel4t1p, po, to 0,ou o! the i .e'.•trAt1;t41`•.2-,)414 14°.Y4F4Ct:Iklytii -1. /1113.1iv s,,•,Altr tW ' k. s - q.t.:, - , ''' 0' 'Wafture the juke, ad nIa.t0,1 ifiUgVi* Minute*. bottle and 1400. 44440 IS drift that r1 • mented "grape owe" tor 41,14$ peR511.6 has 1;:tf..,eome /4 popular fad in GertnanYs and there '10 no doubt el , •-•.•heneatlat•-tpi-Slity,i;,,• • oi.i*TR roatt- roolus 1, ...0.10,‘;:Q.NrOii:!' 41ucrL ,-,4 '1,24,tq!' • . • ••• bta oti umiter hiime.; ,!KT. 1i; ',..i led .tronti Ibir ...rind,. ``.S'• ' ' • -1' II • ni a , ....,,: Piti0; f•41;,' q '., ,: 'Ai 441.11. - ,SVAVIAff • kOlt ' i) 1MC4I.' , :$-Pri•Vr ....z.-- , .„.... ':4,Irt•;st4)C• ,./.1'. A , mt" ' i 04(4 ' Parable ,:(4.44741,,, ,l'oi,Ace, qoe* . out' to • him *440- Soititre- ..,rtia and Oives • - , ...mot to teiteli the**3 40 ', ,!004.41.- 49,t, As ..i).1:-,Ploe wit4 , 05 „ , ;4 ,. v, t. 0.0'60, tiVottrd •he.4.1111. •• ' '.:, ''• ' •.' ni'?4,4titr 4tot-.,12,1:114;4.:itillufro'l'i414".,?t"Citti.e, 40;7* 4, .,, , 41'.rak14.414y,:0#36:4)°' itti°14t* 6114 tjle' 441:1‘11tizat ' i - rtip...peried,41)::rt'I'dlidettr,4:‘,:. , -doctrine of the 'world t6 come, .6,..,at'ovOr4d ,0,4,),si, v-orpksi tormigh.". 1.naturas i' thou,ht thk had nth' 01. with 1,*liffaceo -.sit%i*:_-040-soord .,tkreikttooi., , 1;hejs,_,., lel , w,,...-", sad, ',' ttbe 004:igze.471,414: 0111 iltn,,.,hstiex 14;1 :Oct pl,"14,,,,o,..,,,,t1,4711.1r3 4041,e0.tir ,ssott41.11t.4.11titoir.o.,;:ptirt.7.1.46011-4_ is)--,orta .1.1114,peocti, „: 'neet.-00,.. ',01,1v..r.,13.,.... Atti.ided'• '''tyc'eme'euid...410, 0,03A• pogtediy, , - . . Orth, *r*.• t,h.i-1" '''S'ill: Siillt u4 f.qr +.1- •-,thri--A4P4'144'ltr• i'-ir la-‘,4the--eatltwolf 4t• to shoot him if liefitouclies t40 .throt- , .eki ' ; ''hqe we'll get °tit 'et ran ' . lo/.1146 44 JnveS. -0.uci brkideetaltylreiations . Pod does not it'ikz'posc• bY1 I 44,,f;a0)„,441,00,,,,,,,,,,s;‘, , whirl*, )204 out . 4,1,T:re. h.lei?AteSrein. itio,iminebetlegowed. . to cli. eke AP..1„seee- Tor, , to zo. dropping bi„.ills!, • nt 1 t maivo r ,Pf`A: .griVse°1ere41 11, .6 ose itutice‘.thii ,sha' stiti'diknIfy eNtlee * *tel4"* 400 prpp011cr: jn • . 010.0. ,ac. • glAtter; ?m, 1-,IeViii ce,Cue211 inOrerli4 midtifY 4n. a tone ' •anfl — Ai which'. will 'not: suffer hibienit • tind:distress, This hedees through men . . J414444 -t.nercY- Aild lovii•Vf 43ade aintur -pre4littilIculf " **TV' te relltve Isere the eruieer 'while Sthe Andenitin I , (!eil:t1hiS *is 1°4 Serioai ' in- atter it ' bp 'istissi'' interjected Johnson. was NIgIMIIing. demanding to. know' 6.04,,,,'" - .-••4he-14 sinkinz jelinSon.and-rftP- wretcbednees, to .eentinue„ but will. and Women heee on etirtls: it ise,thei to tha young -officer. *4'i *ant •,-.4e1411t-, " ._ IT,Liltngi,-,,-141- .W,0-rtW4*:t---•:,-,4s,::thli•4440.1,4 ..ori-pni!:ix=;41=iirki)Pod, Iliorirto_._, ctZextr.„.set utleijiZi.ip444.1 ,,,,_u, ., teep the litzegry plentk 'Ind' to ' the frieveljs.Sessess.Lssse. of pod; the's' ser4 siso„.---fiseLan 1 sl , friends. )("v staillefitrd ritir, itiiittholited dorva: ler `l, forth the infinite -pity 'end tendernesds 4 . of Dive.s? •Is it that he was rich _and or tha' suiTer, and it is precisely this l'' "(I' ilung Now precisely what was the fault of GO I toward all that. it.re in ,itee s„ Xong. with Govern- 1 ..eree• is s dt. re passengers aboard to con- . up! Hallo! When; iii.; :larit'Vaying , 441Ve are the Andaman. for Singa-„!..1;ke,re...4 thaefare able to clothe himself finely which Ives fails to do. \ j j are all right here.-„yOU izie again?" i Mont stereo. Do you' want to come: Resimie your voyage. Am pre - There s not in the tine, of fire." said the Pared to Plek up survivors.' ,a and live tidily? In the treading of t none of tke pity and, iendervess ef aboard?" ilus.sian odic* presently. /. "She evidently does not want eel Lion which we commonly use, the, he is not a sharer 1% ith (tod; his le:IeanYeths.:"., . was the rePly from the , d'igo; but, t‘te soon may be. if they to interfere."' this chapter, in the English transla- tOod in his dealing with the begger; .. and bring' him 'till here!" "Get tho'gatgway lowered for him, alt" their Pesiti°68-1" The ehIPPer grunted the glaticeti at the stranger. **She is at- course at half-speetl, so as to 'see As the Andaman resumed her • King James version, this parable ietanception of his life and the. bli o Ira - thus described, ar,rire rich glutton and tions of Mkt life Is not. , • skipper. who thou lett the bridge. tering her course 'taxis Why, what's tile end of the tragedy, Ore Russian Isitterrua the beggar.** But that is pap, oseriNE coeseeerzneile ()Ate to. tuber the point. Dives is t 4, sets!, Ord went to his cabin for his papers. st hhy: !Lit...gig, Johnson?” -reaching „for sneldenty.,oppeared to fly to pieces,. „ What he has is his to. enjoy; what, Is '1 A few moments after .tilit ret t """ )41',,,,,,,'"''"”,,,,,... dg,„,,,, 4. , • With • A. tremendous explosion. Tile not represented glutton; h 1 Jap rapidly .repproached• the spot,' not described- as •intemperate in ‘!, miyirsuperfluotis and ise.Tdoes not • need the beidge-11M- chief -mate rote -rued, .14''''''''''"''''''' --"•64 -134-." ° - - . -- v fait to the poor. needy man comity:tins* 0. RUS4dan lieutenant who "Ay; but what's she saying,- Looks., and, with Marviellous alacrity. her 'Planner, aa We ordinarily coneider in-ILI/its ,, seldted "the. ofileers on th I id ilk° onr private 'codesignal. Ely ' imatssswere out. spreading like. black temperance- Ile dressed handsomely -‘"Itt8 4t kis gate. *,. - * In the e )r ge We •43.04 S. pet se tOld with; an indelent aw of h h . George, it .1s, too! Elet out .of dan- dots o'ker .theilefiE be 10044 welt; so-much:we- are told - • - ,. . , ;,. :"She means business, you owe. 'We lought •to sheer" -off two or th . , OxeeVe -0,00 :•ut. , ,ti :44r . 'leap OW Abe putty, a* alter.; ' hours 'they May be easi*"renniv , !Ao often hards• putty -Rog 4.! , tlot% •poker ., Over the sairfaeo,. 'Whir. , , A . • . 01 soften It, •SO t11.0 Pt FU,nho:.04104. removed. • ••....„ ,,_• -...s '. To Make fly' 'genii.- boll linseed .'.olt with a little resin, until it forms 0 stringy paste when- , Oil& , d thii• on a paper using a hard brush oviliter-,' kdore5ecaskinr-megedeisate water for AD hour,. pow that ofri wash the grains well. After. this process the sago may be simmered in milk or stock as desired. • • When there are no weights in ti'll kitchen bear in mind that two table, spoonfuls of caster sugar or limn average one ounce, and the weight of an egg is n .rly t.vio ounces. es‘a Plain Onira'n * litoaf-WOrk . kis ounces of well -w shed currents, AO three (minces of sugar - Into twO pounds of bread dough. Bake like a loaf. eeptiort zarus Abraintip'S -seer, ve-semeresseneste-s-- , son why we should asinine mere than re queried- the iikipper, afters a few was God's slaaign that 'lid should/lave ' heqonrea: if weArtaY _so.',,,stete IL ___11 sonnattuea,„_. _ -- •-•._ . "-IN-ce-thaeklyeet."--replied -the . ... . THE POINT VP TUE" S'FORY round love _and. pity' and- tender stun, wIth a. .most affable smile, . is missed if we find Dives' ,sin in his „brotherliness at. the band of Dives, "Quite uneecessitry. • Your cargo and run up, "Islet allewed to trusee." gluttony or intemperance, At Ids . who had been endowed. with many l destination- Ste, a* you- say, -but you -.,-"„,„. 1.1Privitte or . international- code, door day by day Jay the sick beg -i good things that he Might have the also have no beard a supplementer -y[7" `-' ,gar. That _P_ives was - nOt. unchariln-Isuprone-felic-itivt-,t4eshbag- '-iid----hell)-1 wail; for the Far -slept, and my or- "Oure. I %render how they hie in the • customary sense et • Us_ i _e 'lug those who were reetlY. • -Dives had! sieri istsr to dematieL theS_Jeneem4,0_hold of it." 4ssworilseliariteble---itv-cisasit, "Tilltssette Ounties-Ortnitt-Oreistitie pertion" or it,..,... -s------s-',&-es..tritigeof--littgsswes soon_ utterw • T-ing -from the-helliardst--hut -usilic-co ****ertaif*XersMilf-- silact,...that It. was-Let:hie -4oer----that-fthenrsfe.rshirnsetfs'teented-them'as-lris+-sTtie-lrttfertrlObkisd-tiiii-aiod:-jr-Ti in-- - . - -- -- - - --- • -- _ .tazacus'..friends....laid-him. --Zucb.:.sub-:„.owsn---.conceived-ot-hisAlfe,,ns-,,one--,to,-soni--the thirdesand -the quartermas • _ - _ . - .,..1Come..:,down- „Again.. with,a run • 'th COtiLING'IlktlilKS. ' ' ; / sistenee as be • obtained was derived ' be lived for hiniself, for biS own ter on' .the wheelhouse, looked. cum_ net minute,. for the cruiser had . • set—over-art 'start - for wO miniites. Then cut them on press, -out the seetiff-bct intlite8;t1% en ' 't:i4Cred the - 'reply ' to - be --Rm---,,„„ --Boit green . vegetables as follows yolopklicsid finger and thumb. ' • * 'and they %via ' keel) a good colorte- tlioavthe ea plata": 0 PALW,e'pan. t‘41..43t_ got bles and cook fast without a cover balling water, throw in the vegeta- front Dives. It was that 'which fell from Dives!' tal)le, what Was super.- fluottS; whet.' Dives' did not Wish, ,.. • or reit with cruelty, as we ordinarit_y tnter- pret cruelty; day by day he was laced at the rich Man's gate; day daysethe '-----riett-manza-superhib roe, amusement and satiSfaction. failed to 4ousl t th " " d I Pr"InPtlY signane11' **Celt" signall- y 0 ma , t- • lug. Or _.I tim." grasps, the glorious opportunity of ed. • • '141that-do-theirisme--by--t divine living_ which' bad. been. given - "The ---1 r's-1 - owls .1Afjpia t e 'vine in 'Altman; cast -himself • lee, hesaid: out from the :company of Gork. -coo- “You have been correctly -informed:I "They are, Suspicions -becalm* 3reu of blaek currant juice edd qta. used a secret code, and they won't green tea'. Sweeten t the_iniddY. - - Black- Currant eui.).-To eadh pint deinned himself, through his choice but by what right do- you make your 1 ., of the lower course. his denial of the, demand?" • aiiow communication * wk,th - the em- .4 01,d ,eoot. Serve in. toll glasses with Ilse"' o taste , weak cane° so far provided for his wants trangement (rem God. to Hades and hand." 1-ne witidef line. to the eternai es- "The • Japanese ina0 is contra -1 ez,Ishe Russian kept'up a furious fire.. leeinneopple '. Lemonade-rhlake syrup i Ilere are directions ter PrePOring some delicious hevelirges- '•Which are aniolig-thfr= drin that he did not starve te death. 'torment, tee lisp the Jewish Phraseo-1 "No, no; not 'at ail. Please con- without apparent effect. although the' : sloes, accurate fire of .her advert; by.' boiling 1 pt.• water and 1 cup - being an especially righteous plan. world to. come. . . •• 'We are not to think of Lazarus' as logy and picture of the life of *11 01 my compliments to your• cap-; • . , , !sugar 10 minutes- add 1 can rated rain, and tell him that l' cannon:- , a ilia( 0 a %%tient,. mess of her upgrYer Morso-_,!-, .."1"1"..,',....... ..S.,...0"1.40"0"."'""*•"•4000,00sommuusesisseweeelimemeseseess . •in my charge belong to t•he British , rhe alai' beim, bouever, for presently she/416Am Ca • ' ' - , 1 tsnlaaPc:t.it ,744111e the7u1aceniociufutthre°ef „ , worlis. She could still enstrer her • that I refuse to eetePI-Y• -t _ , . 0...e.cormer,ttatt_i__Irtmffiee,, , , . (,im... tumenwent.r.,nnte..arr-vren,..mara----ey:„:"Imardr-aatt- - - ice -Water. . . . course that. would soon place ' the hers a this reform •party during the . . violable than the Cargo!" • 'rbe lieutenant. repeated his re-' Andaman between her and the en- pineapple irttoi tilltbiawli, trl cliov'e.r with .• • ,snar a ou con rri milt . • .. ' 1;11‘......=.•:....certsestr-,...e.s. i ; , And in the twelfth- year fil...spsau.n• . iLzaidir.0._ate,i;-,but-iiraiis----are-Trotr. ----'-e-/)II'LL'Ile'll *militia- .3 ours, then strain off the clear liquid ifen 000 an 0 0Wit aro- tleliciouser-Ont the freit in three. , flengthwise, dip each -piece-in-tleur,-----' and -fry in hot but -ter. Drain or paper and serve hot. 'land Bugsx and lenthn_with thein. ' . )1 s-, e nice ion the best whit* flour and new •milk; tadd a little salt Roll outdivide bite 'hisculte in?' • -prick all oVer. for about ten 'minutes. .• • Choeselate filling for sandwiches and sponge cakes c an- bo made thus: - Grate Sonic good chocolate and place it in a saucepan to beat through. etir it ,to prevent burning. • Spread this 'evenly on the bread or sponge , _cake while het_ aze -onions 1r- steak, boll them in water until they are hall cooked, strain and put •them in a laseeepieeeseisc-but , pinch of powdered sugar, salt, a cup - ' LI 'ON WORD STUDII. .Note -These Vi'ord aiiidies are based on the text of the Revised Version. -The lielen, of Artion.-The wicked Maisases,h was succeeded on the throne of Judah by his equally wick- " *Am, Atuom. The two parallel aor counts of his refie.n are found in ‘g xxxiii., 20-25 and 2- Kings xxi. Although_blq_xpami. sinee his name occurs in the genea- PPITal o -to-sperrgessfudaliarusalem--0.1his contraband, "' s i•etorted tire skipper; 1 -ould_be-at the -age cristweittY7--- "and I am legally right in` refusingi 11 done. The liquid will be redetced protect thetn now!. cried the e_ap:, and sweeten to lasste and freeze -to. a "11 Id stock; let them.cook gently tairt*. v----mtillg his ladignati°n " tnti• soft snow; seeve in glasses with a ti iii h places --Local sanetri riele on to give u an art of them." ,itussran.' • a.nd.the onions . colored. seli iinAtei,fteite-snistese-ses.-; - Oonful--of -red -raspberries -in -the . . _ . . Tt7ittietent 1"'"-----7---"-rts. 0 lielana. u . t rge e ieutenant, . Their introduction tato_ Isr . , the young_ ()nicer J -4_101y.- . oni 0 g ass. -14"14tr41"4"443, te-6451-Ii-•-cold ' t • emsasive tones, "if it, is illegal-,---ftal-- .. over' night., then drained an 1- • ed eiy-note----satel-"-the captain ca aueeesiate iew -iumps y overn- ..h drily; but don'tyou see w the tongue in a large 4 at your of leaf sugar -with the oil of orange. seee-s, 'mese ship is doing? ing heathen nations ect by rubhing into *them as much as pan, cover it ,with cold -Seater.' and at local stenctuaries tended to tin 'The warship meat later on. My dear sir. don't, doubt that r ,. you can readily from the rind of four adePtion of many other heathen rer crne r-"ra64.'t saki the ehliininit 17* "She is going to use us as . a • oranges. Roll as many oranges as practises and even to the fosterins ‘with a queer little laugh.„ "'tut I" you desire to use. squeeze the juice. of the belief in local diyintties. Tee am going to hold to my• -lee' al rights l''' screen:1. . .. . .e. s ' centralization. of wOrshiP in One place from the start. What you have nos Tire Russian shrugged his hould- alhuving 8 to 1 qtwaterThrow. end was silent. the skins into 4 pt. water as you among the Ifebrews was a great help right to -demand I -tertainly 0121 -lint i lei S' them stand a short 41'X's is what ....I shall reeord as a squeelte-thcm' -kit in. maintaining in its purity th h going. to give upt" . ttime- press -them a little and add e. e- rdlY. mean action -a disgTace to ----- lir( in o • 'God; , 'Fhe Russians whose pose seemed 1 e(11va you flee, sirr SOW to have assumed „..et_ni01'Lt_ip.45.:... •it------ 41;h_eirifik4.11e....masculine...plural----ef 1 or fiTTiti---..„ gazed thoughttu_ --... „ , of the_ .sanae 'word. The -Ash- te- lea er a . e cru ser. I The Jap ceased firing. but the Run - "Your refusal," he said t.LI . is te r0114:1 er t p_ aws of neutral- tr, iv:le.sheiesssasssatthouglesehe- Score =It 1-10n. ofreild" lus tone be- i when once it boils up simmer gently froth two and a half to three hours. -For potato cake, boil some floury potatoes and pass them through a _mare° wire ei •ese.,___Irakes_onespou of this mashed potato, three ounces this water to the other juiee. The teitAtt01 eh_twr' a_egp ige_nniLth)c) of seltLacakeinci n oistzts ' Nrrsr-lcigtrest7flavored-orture7, 1V-Ii0tt0ne1eour,h4o......aoa.....h.itht_in-a--quic:e Iterat—er-13-, 4, ••••••••••10.• p enough t,' impart an agreeable act .1 FuRmizapzma4ulasjux;___, 0 II - 11 ri) - 1- - --nret not pe Jiess----sell--al-d--1-F-1 w c es , ghoul( e made (1 Chron. 1 ., 14.), and in, this ,of .the .16Cal Atilars the ancestry of otrr Lord also &lett. AY -mama oYi1tv . • I 8 e so -In in con-, Troetion with his' eon Josiah in Jer- • i.. 2; xxv.i,” 3; and Zepli. L. 1. Anton ascended the throne bit theer,. D. C., at the Ace 01 twenty-two years, and reigittsi two years, !klieg • sueetreiled In MTV1v bis son Josiah. During his short reign Amon repeat. - e4 all the idolatroue practises of 149 fatlitir'S earlier years. The sad state of affairs durine his reign may be In- ferml,.partly from thb statement: that 3.1talked Arc father,walked In4 and sorved the Idols that his father merved, and worship- ed them," 2 'Kings eee,.• 21. and partly from the state of /Maim uhich his 'iirtecessoes. Jiisiith, found and aoucht to change' by a thorough re- formationt,..„AjmortAlte,l,je • tam y of palace intrigue. teik;51218 conspirator*,..who,,in turn: were broueht to justice by the people, and hie youthful sco plaied ,on the throne. • • t 'hes- ePgraven. the liazne, _my_ ca a. YornII was apparent. e -Thm, was -no delite•:; . the,' Ile*ge.- lint' a prize. crew' uheami--kou I 411V cration-ih-Tier it Seemed ti.s worshipped at that particular shrine- while, I shall jeave a guard in cherirjoe gretttert t_ttavor- -yeireet -ord. 'The-•bretid-shouid beseut assti lb. sugar to the qutrrt of orangeade. as _possible CruSt remo‘ e4. fie, for. --the• chemse; --butter, -deviled inun. etC., the ' -or the-4*mb°' of the god or goadess going aboimf for instructions; moan- tthough her ibo gunners reasoned that Fruit puneh-liere is a fruit punch Where it can be done LIS witli melted is_qiiiee vessikk_that_taanyl„, 0 thedshipetan--abottrzryeilit-1- rtgeir quinces of hitting. This made with fin equel mestsure of water, . icr bread should be spread while •on the t ese Asherim were planted beside id- The inidshipznau was summoned on it verly uncomfortable for the liritish 11 nlinutftt --.4.1t.left1/141e itrt4-loaf4 tars at detioyak _Only, _wife to the. tetege, the -armed'guard 'pull ship, and such conduct wee even htil in 1 qt. water for) 15 MitulteA Aith Lettuee-elluttar 6the' -Urea" (1.' worshipped.• dboark and- in a few minutes his more unserupulecia then the- tv.ptain' ( he. lilneuPPlo ..ItittlY cleoPPetis 111(41 slyz'eacl with sa461 dressing .and Grown insages,Those 'carved in latinch. was speeding back to! the bad believed )058111 wood end stone; that is, eneraved. • Molten images -Images made from molten metal and east in mold*. 4. Ilstalim-Compare Word Studies 5. 1111114 the lionesTlesslisMterred rerneiree of tutted priests. Thus desks crating the altars in the sight of all the people 'by bringing in contect with them that which was dead. it was, also an uct hat- tended to bring in_diclmor-tlig4*ests, 4 -17 -in Inc rities itamisseit and Ephrains • nd Simeon. cruiser. , Ile ordered the passengers below, To the few posengers the captain and everyone off the bride.. ,was turned, and explained that they' only needless risk Co- remain- there. need feel no runetudness,_vos it was k .,!../_tomojsz_..you_don.! ,01117-1ritlifetee'501-VOMTautu mein?" he asked, the. mitidy;You ,Nett a...fme--hours'- -delay-mot p your People. alnl you ed on that particular voyage; but eiight get, kilted, *ow -hews John. captains hate to be pulled up in mid -teen?" •he turned and asked as they ocean, and during a fair run. . looseeritt I who winked Significantly. Jan t ands3 ate, - _see Ski,F0W etriding th-a-- tdisocse- *Mae- h preferred). AMID, through a jelly place a lettuce leaf' betwwn tIif 'bag, pressing out all the juice and slices. add the Jett* of 4 oranges, 1.2 lemens ,Chocalate •Santlytileh0.--,, Melt *. the sugar syrup, pint stemsg fresh!, agtmee Ot frosw-spoons sugar; ---spread on breach sprite Attn: ot,-.Strauft)errfea-and-lfraMCIpnr-kkr-wittil-graterigiThliiiilired-sii6i(4- KV water to make 5 qts., 'adding nut. more Augur if necessary. • • t , A Date Daintsr--Iteinove stonwi. Currant runch-Cureant Jelly ).s tlie chop fine and spread, between thee*. . main litgreilfeat'or -this:, drink. I, gall On Plain bread. Grahtun bread is 08- -- •. t'Cruiser's moving, girt" • cried lie light the rye of the *atisird„•,i together for .5 minutes a cge autear Wittily nice for these fielidivklult.' nt u , 4 „. vill•lb /1 0 - - - , - -tled, and the two hastily re:41mM to -i -d, issolve„'init---1 . . ' low:lint Jelly Add three 1 WAY -OP' ., Nat Wall -That Josiah vrts able to ** 'Stand fast •-,-sorrY to ikesP You,' i t ine ritthbegeW*SIISt, Of the ellilp _stood tho.' three orang.es, sliced thieinn.6"Thanedu At tf 6111 n ar " one trot or en er y 'extend his reform :measures -lityonti Johnson read off. "Shea after srs_ nus i riddithipmen. _with hay Rita i tii limed „and . everyone is faced with the,problent of , s an a ozt ce nzi c serve in the bonndnrv of his own kirt-doin awe t the • les I e • other prim, sir,'" he added, as he dozen of his men. They were leaning gliassen partly 411ed with crushed ite how to k.eep 6* -equal to the *de- , • tA CO a on their rides watching the - cruiser., Coffee Plinch-lifike 3 or 4 qts rich., quartirs.l.tery tongue. white the sentry, rifle in: p`4‘ur it Atito a punch bowl and sweet- the brain , dulled,, and whilst the ....,---..--_--1- • ----, de 1*PM the brain and !she was 'heading, and saw ateatner; and exthanging remarks in the spat- /' strong 'coffee. %len the coffee is cold 1"'"'"-`64' rho vitalitY gets low slid miles away on the atarboar that of the Andaman. Mining al°111g a i"urise -Pn 'allel t•P. hand, leant sigainit the engine -room en with * syrup made ot 2 lbs. gra wellthY find benefit te°111 a Oa" r Johnson, jumping et the seine . an 6 n ng eylindermi t mower and letting it boil gently -tEr_1414 zilLit pt. in* cli011teie Pin: tn7The the h a cold -bath -every , skylight. looking intently- into the "fly Jove, sir, the Russian eto h -_t_g_tatettir._thisi-tiose -'-' . osiboWildering depths of a in • to' sea,. otlierimeAn. for . eon to the telegrizpie and ringing ..14,,i Uri edi:Isthtlf:egrtupptasitieratnnidd nitmotree ispexciprct7lethi; tin 1' it is 60 • thick that it 4""haire", morning Prescription, so benecial to ...:-...... when deoppkd from a spoon, Let it InanY, Thies not son e•ter.$1,1011.Y. *ad intent on their ship; nett no wondeilcOol before ettldMg to the toiree. ,Add •-those_-•z;ha._,IL:av_a....._,40,,fat7.14.PEArXr.:=1,,,, b :en--.fiete, voltinieft- -Of- bitteley*. -• big- Isittere 45f-4etFo -d- 'Tad .:Or --eit. ittehr -do .- worse than 'try- a .ti. a • L log upwa ds Sudaeniy,cover the entire surface of the eegke Plunge at the ebetichisien of the .daY's that kept tlis thre4told ,put titer " was I smothered- yell- behind ;; with st rith whippedcretins, and sprve works It is declared ter lie-„olott all the mon-'y that was brought in t . The skylight sentry's title; in iTiOnty little china cups. The healthful. and that It Conduces to the !mu* of Jehoveh. . . , AO they t eci on the tdeek„ while the man coiree may by, partially frozenn in sat Were/teed vitality, has been preved in gaNct, the money that wos weighed bhnebt reelect -a ay wlth bis ands eiff Crean% freezer Wore leing put' so'r'etat cases. The water should be put lisio, the hands of them that'll:it, pressed to his faCe. • ,4 into the pulch bowl. With the addi- at AL.tcnperature. St. ail trOrk, that had the ormsight _WS_ .E.o_liitent_srere•tlielnidtly aftd- bis -tion Ist a lareejuruireit recrft will re- grecs. and .the bath should not laS -111-611-61-4476-6"(4)(41441: foro/ 1•11,7 Paid ;.,tr.en on their burning ship that_ they.;tolLip.- lnrg time -----4-move---than-thirtriteeon, .. - --- it 0 .it to tha carpenter; and the :ineq5, glance& roUna at the noise. Verte 1. Josiah -King of Judah Into Samar a. then an Assyrian from 11. C. 639 to 11: C. 606; the Province, indicales the practical bi- son of Amon, the grands0t, 01 era. deeendence from Assyrict .1 tp. nags( h. Ascending the throne al.. rlie ,clah at this titne•ers,,oyed. The. exellfe. age of eight Years; ttie early part nation of thie stiste.of JH that' of his reign during the years et his the Amyrian emPire though not vet --iiropoitiesternts'evidriatty-rinsriserirrirtfirnwsi-witv by idelatrous practises sueh at bad wcrattled• been introduced and fostered utider in their ruinS-Ths Hebrew of this Leib his father end grandfather. phrase ohseure. The translation • WhIlLat1,aet_11e,,-;t0W4,-1, 7 -re. Z've;:t.,71-1-01.4riTelfrutrly into It. ' tit ir mattoctis," that secittS hand rodueed chit carricd to a aito ertifallY" ailtukslae_ tafteekr-TuI issue vation3l rtiorni ri 7. 81 n rcti'crence to tfie which Ise -sire epee's -matting ferntip. l'trershIP of the Nun h.v tho Will •Ief;son tiet). The faitish.3. sit he- tuoral ill 2 MhP4 *till.; 11, 'it '''re 4 this rg form %erre tho 'el.srusAitti awl 'the elineels and horses vielicated tO. tharetvai „or- tite,---irtml, urerl‘inikVIT-- CA- asthc -linvrirgl ,c44.0.:zilifrif,.n _of trim, zit- jct..; •.• terit0t147-ftlatirt pt;" • of the 4cal41. .011 tvr,t0eil a laza! tom3 ' iv, wors4ip of the sun at 14111021 ' pe -Add to the Juice al IntildeeP. that * Wrought open . the, :;.•lkinq• tomPletelY -off their guard, 12Ictusliis . tut grated rinde or 0 arid , ,4,1titelauvle-,1 lliroestisut the kite:stone *Icrti't'relein il tillto Ineelt*F0/ed ti.t. t*en,estsTirs tlie yeare vik,e111 followed ;!,.;:ivi ''..:1',4..-.0. N'ilidi P3.1,i.-.. Thla _Etkrtictlia:r4- - IiiSed--thatther• ''n'"e'ef•-di.--OtiitTli Seigar and -make a thick syrup'. T Ts, s ,... 17:,*Lr'lliouse or Jtheveh. and to tli-, fgal.Vtii i settle. eecontis • Oar sell 1eff,)re i,taild-4,1,:arc,,-,--7Aiitlii-A...!=Titke-..ti__;1. ------4-11ALT:fitiittlt/if,i''ItA n ranee it, is not tidy tot , 4.o re air by the 11 11s1) Captain slid SOItt 6 cif sl Whell Citia tdd the leOrt2011 'Weer. thted wste•phinge in the public - rtl'er rite,taidn,_:.»1104.-----ie*. ---4-rtinerk•---ffertn-of-ith-ititfy---feas romreon Loth' 44itsig1414tilrei,erst4lanti teen n's;;.'n..ii, KaPtla tO liaVp //orn years, of ,u,tinznr.; th.:" originel ithaii)ita.iit9 • of the •Iircaefieti of tile hotse of ovah h13 ,ogrKIn'',,t/' ''.°v°1''Ofr's tri their'8,traln °Ell b, Cittlii- Wilcil 6el'villg`' a t4ice They are ptitronitied by silt houifs tacked bv a toymida le mon- ' tablesneemtul ef the syrup is suet- • • * • - ' ......93 4n-, ProPeclkV• tonally fin II. , Polo":4 nj and among iti.? ncibylorreall4 and for ail that was laid out for: the -7- -- * • h . w , . ." • i ele_sseSs And IL 'Cala!, dee'tor ha* . f;Irs ..1(11.11) entered 13Egta) fir, iv- ''.611tiit, feeM thies1?- in ail pro:: ability it, hOtiNe td 14113 1*' it(2 Ninz9 xii.„. I), 'It°. °II 144 erPw`• ' •• ei-°11t.' rcr. a g141-slid'44 ice *at"' • I jest foend riime Vottene mots kind The; iniddy. .reaeliell for his sword. _ UOlberry Sbruls-,-Sqziee2,0 the StOco . . ' . ' -• -. • • statti,...,t! eamitaign" ciqcen4t I thP kin of i, r- 4-1g e4It'61 CI' lOV th,, alms. (';? • Ili.. 12). Egvit,t, . t% to Lad • Fn. evI(ti Aymiki, ,,,s 14:jussfreh-Neserrlises• to 42 iziele:p, , 12,: Ilia ovOtwcr.t------ There b) 110 57031,rc...t.s.t, r it (001"..eritid.tizs:A00(.,.ir 44 1-11145 let,. stantl 1,0 ilst -fs .'' than .he /met' ever' Ilketty....,..1" ,,,siALAee.,..__. -------.. r, enit lost Ws 414 in"tis, ts1 11 zeilq 0 s:e;-1-1-to• A 't r. i. . . eTa rit, 4 i 11 t114. eoinl` .11t '''4,' 03 I0 .: oirtt r the C41 cf • n 10 arcoeit Eti• 2 14107,14 tV0 '' tra4 i '30 Z 011 44u0 yearn .e:a- (hat were. .eerit ,to trilktar$ with tonal e..., ritY,4: Atul ,i1:fto,nit"-ha4ige.404141'. 14, , t 1-4 '10.'1 ttrtrt,ct v,1 •faithfilt.t to reeVoii (mw totat m.t tbo. or_ ,14, hol,•-011., aro4 tig,,7';',11etesi•in th7. tprap P. I- ha Co I - .,11'.10t; '17M,liZet42 1znt-i:14 11103 1'1:n re:togriir-: '•fit ibis Itet,,l'Are f , itliii 41113' Olieikli po--•;itiii,n.', .1--11 • rii 1-ir,11,,C9 ora$ Si meigl.,17 ircro.. ilk, fort,z ci, kir), i,r.e1.1.rilertalk:11,7 c-trtriM .03441 a: .4-.1 .tlingitit, "Itt10,3 ara- pttitit ;caviler. ' *'fitit -ez' rofortt-et.,. ' )1a,11-.4 the rrifreii' t.cott it acct. ' ttitt t/L',f '60, a'f_K'''..t,lt ,p0.1441 , Iiilt T r or verse h2 eons Of (10 'Noliaildrel e,!,,i•Torlartft'fRititfir serr'r'eclIFIZ the ftzreo cot.; or IoI, zzurifionctl fie 16; Nein. iii., 17; 1 ChNn. vi., 1 i uhf b. trf priestly who were sAtapqrt to , INICe 01 iTlitlion 3412 c I , OW 1 t.tattlfolfl. witro tiseir buti- '.5 'twilit/it/tit its -part in thlq antl theit tt 40Ii4 WEive, .'with liuitturticiIts oti scrit., otizovs, at , - yottwm be itl) By a you tit eoloinbo. ship tIotob tie the xft run spe d. octk‘Nst?. Cr Vtaiki'.;4ds1 hi3 (4)142 8 shrugi atul JCL1 0 an oi-der )5 01441, %Ito gavo carh41. ". guzrdbdn. tt-e:e 2ti641. 4541 tilts:: V.4ett5 tr:r "4 aill*"4:11:LL; Is a "WM 'When . • .., 1, i .. strctLn 'throiigh jebi , , ta -.rill lt,..','L IIIU 3'. ii with t145Y. . 0., rape juice.-- ditglitfully., r 31r4Li.'..:.- 43:-,..„k ir l'- ,lit .3 or 4 cit::Dts ,‘,1 •tquart but. 4.45.7 10 giadee , clvret. "ct ..thtt ro.r-are$I, tolek.ling&unto.** a 17 adi•=`1., aE1-..10,3t'tover *1(11dote* seo gig the kott 41 Ain -Bart ltettlit. 114.1't eet . iti,' 141 itionthr liort, ' ,'"frir7gi rk':Ati „Ptit la tit": 1 . '