HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate., 1905-08-03, Page 5••• -••••
• Olietorn ,enteditir scid
unique gatheru3g took place at rtn$
11 home 0 oartiee, on TituredeY,
the Weg-sresee a -brother end three
ken on siaterembose mit ad ages amounted to.
in oweatit to hiruself eta
o , ter a'ta4epr 'pogo* .
e 41)140 edvertiOnlenti.
oree likait*leofTgegraehys'
•• WO isettily
learn tel
1.11 .1".
uor *n
olunterce. fz:
hii4 ;be 110
r the Pittuo
young tri
-4?0bo tb0
DR. A. R. R.Ost, SMAN. L. D. 8.. D. D. 8.
Honor graduate of Toronto Univeristv.
extracted without any pairt or any bad "meets
Panson's Block. west 'side ifalw street,
onor Oraduate of Toronto University and Borst
regIt-Pf-Dental-Elurgeone. of Ontario. Also Poet
41141lAttrbrehloifo SChOol of Prothetic Register,
(ram honorable mention.)
Alhoutnarn, Gold and Vulcanite Plates mule in the
e A Petrectts harmleei an.
door south*
--BROWN, Winehelsea. Lieerre-d AueUoneer
souls *ewes. ot Perth and "Middlesex.
• als0 for the Win:whip of Usborne. Bales prompfl
attended to and tonne reasonable. Wee airangea
• WinclnisoLt -
TV thiii countterritoriestlo rePee*
Wholesale and Atuteational
Dspartmenti an old established busInese 'house
•of so1idlinaucial_standin.alt3$0Alley with
taleolea mbar, -ad eachrgay by check, diirec
fro* headquarter* liorseand buggy furnished when
ruanent. Address BLEW:
•, 0008,10,, 11084.081~61.881.810
fl -the' new position* created b
Telegraph Companies. We wan
MEN *Ad LAbirs ot good boas, to
Wetursieb /5'Pectentof the ,Operators and
,Station Agent! in America. Our six schools are
'IllArtorg-osowatdaelswieleasoPir. Bobo*
woRtm. Estatothedsoleasiuld eniursea by
ell leading RailwayOfildals.
We execute *WA Bond to every' student to
e islibire.or.hatisatibsinajnomg,itom
month in State* Roeley:eaat oun-
tidna, or.froin SO to 41100 raonthin States west
ttoehica, immediately upon graduation.
8td.nts can enter at any time. No neat
continue to suffer rather than *inbuilt
to examinations which so mail/ phyel-
OW= propoae In order to intelligently
treat the diaease an.d `this is the rear
eon why no malty physicians fall to
cure female disease.
Thisbi also the reason why thousands
upon thousands of women are cones
tiding with Mrs. Piukhatte at Lyim,
aas. To her they, can confide every
detail of their illness, and from
her et Wiedge._..obtaineLfro
, Mrs. tech= can adviettk women
more wisely than the local physician.
Deir Mrs. Pinkbian:-
•'41 suffered for eightmonths*ith what the
doctors called yrolapsus, which caused
watneesall over th mretetn, with &hi
and weaker
would cUre•my 4but-nothhliE-
the least bent t until I tried loYdis
‘harals Vegetable Compound, and ,thls•
meso tepidly'. that r could beral•ve
, fortune. I would gladly, bare palcl
that first bottle,for itlbirtedm.on
the rpadto..braith,;_andlyn.bottintrinid-mk
itealtle-• eerfitiar
Vegetable Compound in glowing terms to all
my" friends and aeituaintanees, for it is de.
serrkg of /di the praise I ean give It."
Mountains of proof establish the fact
that no medicine in the world equals.
.14dia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com.
pousikfor redwing women's health.
*vat Ph
The Great ignglis „Remedy.
WcWiteta of Able. or
, . . , I, '
.1 - . six 0-11LVirp aULcr. evrOn e •
ase, isix W
ewe. . laselidruggisis or =It itt labi
. . -Writo
s, oot late *ins co,* Windsor. on ,
rnotleet, °tit,0
104.00 Men,
ft'tt.witie; se Ada flretbonr. ',Mae)*
has bee eu' Ojourn •througlx..
out, Mae,. Seedidetts
40 other peen mr0,04.
-Itunetts. .„ .AJbM Voitelete 'Of theladt
'gout, Seht•iletenlis Meeting to
es rented his form' to his nephew,'
Wedey Iroddete for a coingiecof
-• • trietrie.--er-M-teleteeete-41'
• eI)P(tnted--poituilstrese
St. Marys: Mrs. Iredale, one of the
rammer tesidans of St. Marys, died at
Dauphin. Mich., recently. She went
West with her husband, over twenty
•years ago. ,
Dublin: Mr.John Woods, who was
operated on for appendicitis a few
weeks age, is rapidly recovering. Ilia
nurse. Miss Chandler, has returned to
her home in Stratford.
. St. Marys; The Peter Erb farm in
the 4th con. Of Grey which was sold
under mortg at Listoet, the other
this place for $2,100.
Wingham: On Friday Mrs. John
IthiCagueout early -settler of Our
had been in pookhealth forsorne t4E00
and her death was caused by a gener-
al breakdown. ,
Brussels: -Willie sou of Chas. Mc-
.yitell not oth
injures1.-Ratry, Geo, Wal-
ker fell iiffaTifile of Iiin''-:--doWit-Wawa-
noshand brokebth bonesin-his right
arm at the Wrist.
Goderich: Tuesday Colin Campbell
had the palms of his hands badly cot
ond scratched on a beele_wita, e
111e 8
severe cut over the right eye by being
kicked by a horse.' •
St. Marys: Dr. J.W. B. Brown, son
of John Biome Fast Nissoute, and a
graduate of St. Marys Collegiate 'natl.
tate, has been etiolated to the posi-
tion of superintendent of the Teronto
General Hoopital.
Parkhill: Little'Norman. • fourth son
ef Win. Reiderid, had a leg broken
climbing the wood pile when a number
of sticks fell on hint. bruising his head
In dixtd earnest for'trade and
the voluine of it that conies
our way is proof that our
Goods, Prices and Methods are
who loot theirtwebre:year•old ion.'
George, on Tueeday. The little fellow
had been ill only a few 51,• te when: be
De,afuese Cannot Be Cured ,
by local applications, as they cannot
reach the diseased portio s of the ear.
There is only one way to cure deafness
and that is by constitutional remedies.
Deafneee is ceused by an infiamedcon-
Adition of the mucous lining of the Eus-
tachian Tube. When the tube is in-
tirely closed. 'Deafness is the result,
Pi:x*0041ra , • .n" bis
other John appeai•I before VOW
Bae y.
.04.1t*.conaNueoceisf,n4 tNvo doctors.
steftee to the aetioescuese of the 101001
atoulifhia t, Prievia *Otfoleoe.olvtasaitax4tiMitesi,e1., ;
• Cftnton# The DOinittioe ef Canada
is coMPanY.of which A. flOO
• 14. -
Ler_teia3zieluity, -recently
trtr.s-' fov those *gents *no
would secure the ittyvt_bo.ila.,1_1
• u mon WA Ma and June. The
%von • prize wee a go piece, 'au'.
wae awarded to Mr. Mapper. •
Milvin L Hooper was Sue.
ceaeful in ,passing his examination at
the Nonnel College, IlamiltPP, .thus
remising first class professional" cer-
tificate, Since then -he went Weet,
and hes accepted the principalship of
Niantia Intermediate Scbool, Manitoba,
at a salary of $83O.per annum.
Seaforth: Ed. Papple, of the Mill
Road, ina witb a nasty accident- th
other day. They were hauling in hay,
and Me. Papple was driving the horse
a,ttached to the hay- fork 'when the
.go ,8 I. • "."
the head, but fortiinately the injury
Wri.13 more painful thateserloute
Clinton; -S. Martinvtown. who***.
church, met with a palatal. Accident
Saturday. He was at work inside the
church, standing on a scaffold statue 25
feet above -the floor, when one en
eve wie and he was thrown down
Stratford: In police court Saturday
mormeg a man from near Br -
evidently weak- intellectually; was
chargcd with vagrancy. He bad eiri-
den,i; yetrayed sway from his parents'
few daysago and vraiked here. He was
sent to Jail for eight *Lys on remand.
This Mall IL undoubtedly -John R.
Strachan, son of Thos. Strachan,
ex -
reeve of Grey. The young man strayed
from home on July 20th.
Ashileld: Thursday Miss Anne,third•
daughter of Alexander Young, met
with a most pitiable death about 11 a.
m. The young lady resides with her
parents, between Sheppardton and
the port.and in approachieg the bridge
bicycle which she was riding and dash-
• . veletheithutm_ent and into_th riv-
er, causing death from drownIng. e
the lith of Auguste, •
Seaforth: Midst the home of'Robt.
town; was deitreyed-byllee. SW -Me Of
the furniture down stairs was saved
but the bowie was destroyed together
with all the upstaie furniture. Mrs.
Grieve, who was home alone, issis
down stairs andhad not noticed , that
anything was wrong. ;The fire is sup -
'tweed to have been caused by the e.hiin-
ney. There was an insurance of $400
on the buildin and contents, but this
ver he loss, -
•8 te-BeerrItobere4lre:77:
D., died suddenly Saturday while sit-
, .
ou kw* how. the #404ti weivo
.at str.4wbOte
same t 40
ine,041,1.1.:,(Foi.m. of* 'day
king is soggy sour,.„ coareIy-flavored, por. .
a. . a m ,account.:4iiiloratoosi
volatility of susceptible , flavor,:after
n es4 ,:A4f
.s. -.. . ewIi
. °ties. . , sunshine
pickingani to or bad
NitU17 after : '
lOg•._#tay 'iii e' tYie, l'ilifferent'.'
•a -,t
good antj, -poor t6z,
• So that While one, picidniniaY be first class, 4.11e next
• fromthe sarnegardii may beery poor.
I select onl the • ickin $ which com_e_m3 to th
Rose standards of richness and strength in Indian, and
„ delicacy and. fragiance in Ceyloni teas, and thus that
rich fruity flavor h- of Red Rope Tea is produced and
left fo
Underwood, N.D., ay. His
Me. and Mrs, _Themas,„Lancasterand,
Mrs.' WM.-111dwartis and daughter and
• 11 Timm have gone' to -Toronto
where they will make their future
home, -Mrs. Bawer& was a respected
omit: n e were the circum-
stancessurreandingthe death of Robe.
• uesel, near Miithitte. He left Du-
luth' on Saturday for home in company
with his brother, Win; intending -to
visit his parents here. Arriving home
on Wednesday he felt unwell and med-
ical men pronounced the trouble to be
appendicitis which vapidly progressed
until Saturday when theinifferer pass-
ed away.
• ownie: Aden) Grieve, another -of
the old •lancers of ,Downie a
away on__uTfigth, at :the age- o 84
.yearte- .Deceetted-washornitrecotland
Andloat bethhisparente. -
Marra:, A. 0. Wood-, editor or
tbeArges, was presented with a very
handsome Morris Chair b3r the journal
staff Monday_efternoo . Re sva
and found the tnembere Of the'etiffai:;'
sembled an the editor's room; He tad
occupied that zoom for -Several years
and when he taw D. very handsome
leather -cushioned weather-oak_Morris
their there. he 000posed the new edi-
tor and manager of the Journal pro-
posed to occupy that easy seat and
was more than surprised at the oubse-
quent turn of affairs.
The students of the Forest City Business and
Slorthand- College are taught Typewriti% on Machines
with blank keys—blindfold the students and they Will
That oney can buy„ a so
tor Everybody at the lowes
.terms very attiactiire.
A few special bargains' in
second.hand Pianos, Organs
and Sewing Machines that are
see vs.
S. MARTIN it.S011
Re was sulplisel' ‘at
rea -took your
eataleitt X"or a 1111110121
blood !erase with • which T had
*Minted for twelve years.
d. consulted ia *We Of 1)Wit -
Nang, taken kitda 'of blood
visitet, get- flotillas-- -•
and other rale al water__to
but only gigot, temporary
'they wouid .help me for
le but Tater discontinuing
tbe meoltineis-ehe--sytantonts=
break out agaln..-turining
sores biotehfisi rbouniatio pains4 Atter
looeene** of the hair, swellings
is of the hands hin
itcteri of the skin, dyapep
*4 gisek,up in despair when n friend adrlsed m
YOU ba ettrea hitti or a similar diesaite 8 year* ago.
it t 'kitties. In three IrOeksr time the sore.
1 Sia and I 'boot** encouraged. 1nnt1nsad the ffeW
Month* and let the end Of that tante ever*
VtdrEtrt- .
our treatment •With oil Mir bear
s. prlvat*ly, bUt you ten use , tklit
Mtn .1ratitetelei Strietiree,
Veladiet. Ittadier sad Kidney complatnte
ITare yoiz • -liteSef Are you Intr
• . •
twm do. t 0
ted yo LettIttleMp"rti. on }1 reit ot
GOldlita liteAl tee* .
lc on. ,'.."))1**Sieecf
are caused by Cattirrie_Whicleie noth.
log but an htflainett le-auditirn of- th
nilteottasnrf .
A touch operator can do. More work and gets more
• 4,/alitvit
leave usueiIyas ed the app, want' akrotion.
ScloOt term -Sept., till lime Tikluirie. *Booklet
e-ve give ne Un o ars
for any caise of Death:less *(caused by
catarrh) that cannot be cured by Hall's
Catatrls Cure. -Send for circulars. fret.
' P. J. °BENNY & 00.; Tolede, 0.
Sold by Druggists, 15e.
Take Hall's Fatnily Pills for consti.1
pa tion. • • -
Goderic . Much s is fejt
fortle. ainlitret4 John Aker. in
tbe death of their second tlaughter.
Ilessie, which occurred early Thursday
morning. l'he little kid who was In
her ninth year, had been ill about It
Month with a form of meningitis.;
*yorlatt-4-i-aogate-ii-toto, Glover.
who passed a*iik &Fier it' long Illness
of tuberculosis. Some months ttiriee,
with the hope of improvement, the de-
ceased was moved to & London hospit-
al, but growing weaker desired to re-
turn home.
Clinton: License Inspector A.qi
of Clinton, took into court Mt. 'llu
ton, Propriettor Of the Waverley bou
o a chargeot not laving. Abt,bilo
orhT1ar up during the liouriin vihic
the sale of liquor is prohibited. Be
was convicted by the -).:usigistrate and
fitted $26 and costa. • •
kited. to Mitten.",p intslastr'week: Mrs.
N.1111taiglilierJaza 1»tley, &earth
to Seceitions junction. Ott" their
way to. Mrs. Mrs home; Mrs. David
Farquharson, Seaford)" to, Ottawa; W.
Beafoeth, to Vatietiover. 4404;
MFL Cha,..1110100.anddatighterBrnces
fls'Id, to$askaa,toon, Saiik4 whet* litr.
Mason hit* loeated; Alex. McBetetb,
StanIey end *Doug*" FotheringhtiM,
Tuckeremith. to North. By, Muskoka;
eiWitrfolfitifsettaitt. Xan
Mies Jennie Ballantyne, to Bradford*
Penn,; Mies M. Poreell to Buffalo,
,• fiestorthz iririontloatic tor the 'Wheat
Crop'in this vicittity wasof the beet, '
and *mete, were hepetul that this
r41.41e8 Crop' ° wottlel,_to eterte
• e %you recover. 1 r. re was
born in Lanarkshire, Scotland in 1623.
When nineteen,yeers of age be settled
in liamilton and completed his theo-
rogleal course 4n 1860.
St. Marys: A quiet wedding was
solemnize(' on Wednesday when ,Mise
At34 dikughter of Mr. and Mrs. Legear
W1482;144404 t4-11414-1.$411Bitnpk-Titet,
ceremony was performed -by-Rev.-J. T.
halt), of St. Marys, in the presence. of
many beentifui presents receivedwere
cyrving set from the White le May
firukv-A-43reounAtta- _
beeatiful travelling gown of royal
blue silk. „Parkhill: Mrs.. Rose, wife of the Jate
1 C. Ross,' died at • her residence On
*Friday. July 21, after eight weeks' 'li-
ne*. She was first attacked with ery-
sipelas, from which she recovered only
to be taken clown with pneumonia
which terminated her life-. Deceased
who midden name was Obristena
during -I
years ot her married life in Dist Wit.
IiamL Aboutthirtyyearaago the hut.
ilyeame to Parkhill and s e has re,
aided Inert ever* ears
is survived by eight daugbters.
Clinton: OnSaturday :Morning -A\
B. Chant met with an accident at the
organ factory. lie watt putting on at
belt to connect adynatno with* mOtOr
upetairt whenby mom& means the: bel
ing became tangled. overturning_ the
motor with great force against, • ?Ar.
Moo, it *track him tie the forehead
crushing in the skull front which eets,
erallitees of bone- hatic beenrentotted'
to relieve tte pressure:: -1t-wasfeCia
the injuries might prove fatal but they
were net as serious sut at fleet reported
and he will be able to resume bus do -
ties IriLlt. few weeks •
J.-107.1711STERVELT. Y.M. A.Blde.,
"PfncIp.1. LONDM, MT,
•„„„ ,-
alttreWhatoorridoes Oxycl fifty for OXYGO, and eannmake*wit abserlo'
hvam that law
giro the bod
hennsatism. Foot Indigtetlen. bare*.
eta and andiseestsimply aranieh Were einee-ead Os -Amor giros the '.hody exygen. Reed
what Owe, who 1;10It0 need ear.
C4;1. R. Thuallton. Provincial Board of lierdth Registrar itteeerare Ode.. ToMato. Can'.
ertitoesok Siet„ ,slityometiveeterritie Oxydgeler bas beim most satisfeetory in ever;
nionelly 1 rim vetch for Iteaffieletter setae easessuch as la grippe and seven
inetp5esitt aetket below reelezkibly *dal 414 lb* iromft llitruealas eala
penosolat. - -
for toots &rook effectiaime ifuefi 'Mr ,TalfiTaasT
trakt local boat, and would not, leenithout Ovienor .for Way ttweg _not*
eved 00: Xoler tame ai-atireErs7oTa
*alto et thie weederfulinetremmt, •
• rilt. SANCHO ilk IC%
1,01fth.:Streettpetrolt,14101t.;2649 fit.9rtherlse St** Mositts*I.
arly sown gra nis re
ip and bard, but the
rdayteli olsolithri
those hot daye'
ret reporta t
tolace on J 4th
etek, the telethon
Ites. Craw.
n 3`14y 10, two o1 onr