HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate., 1905-08-03, Page 3-*TEO!) A!. Bile, well known aft,
trqu&'t tOntriblitcer to Oto.pit es of
the New 'Ortg Pat:100U; IrgizeAtlY 1144
!as Beeu rortnod'tO improve the
Pbrzique "ct
ttkoim. *t.teU%Pt
. ( 0 :1
W3' fl!y, ,
, A 0( tx.,...ott.'0,0,'!:nititt "loWor.t. e
thoprof''tiL, ht With, 'Ifil
.. rielov ,, OR irOY'lik i i‘la.ittie, iti•11ne•d.44•4:14140.4 that.1):04(
, 0, ,A
. t 0 .. .
'thiliirko that, X. wilt"' fitwo %,tr. „ .thgt iltmple. .1 'is nOW • nVotioseif ':
. k- let.bers. at thiilliYeical develop . ten care„tthe ••• ne °4‘4Ietl:11.1.,1•40.7.1S:itss1;e:l.."r4
woe • core bats of' two etoncess ii.n'is
'Oriouii. Secietiestsand
of ''. full ..beart, to , il
let, '44'C'enstridne.tt to eetit''Seti , lots f ' . '*.v4i i ±:4"4. " I 7 ri6 'I' ,OZO:Ot .1% '14.0411 bcOn and the . other
. . oieni . . 4 ornt.11, , , Oars * guest, er .y.$ ,tgil . .,:, . . ' • L. • - *
.14 than!s' . , . amr.o,' to !La utation. ' ' AnIVOYOntents' Witieh: a: 3.2„,s4Pig 48. .0 0"411 °f bare3r e
Vrjte to thein all in ioPIY. is not P(*•Iwill ‘oOt diVi.nre any of., the agencies t IMmovtx theso- st.10,110;1Xt , Vras-reli
1 1 *do the:LA (halt from -tho at iieity a wooc,,..tt.u.t. suill.....,10.4,10i.e4.4 kilt ,hk'l terrible pains they cause
.006131 of ley fl'eart, tor myself and 1 Rhein known • to- opie auother, %seer- led 'atter iiiing DoddS. Eldtte:9
be surss r a short times • • •
children.- -It• does hetet. 'tb-i-titia bow their ork-L-Steri best
•••••aviss . 7 - i,lxakbretiiktt,piewmttect,_. whom. ,it,jaath.,44.1kt3 Mr. Draper is toelitlesit that nod
rettha11/11 '"' -•
osissit_42-44.s.: hutscessitasus . earieheasstekeees n9ne exist and tgratl"-
ti robising, fact. 1.- de-iiometlag 1.-o- eittend-tha 'benefits - ...nor
1' .aslc, many of thTein, what etea of physicat-training thretighout, the with°" getting - helllt and was fast
I going to (10 120W thatc-she who was country; , getting weak and despondent when
• a
naY ine)iration of.* all Ili -Wylie? But 1 It is hoped to form a branch in he atopped all other treatment ndstarted to take Dodd's Kidney nits.
i' ibc is not one. if in my soul I be- every parish, and thew to associate
• /lewd that, X should be desolate in- I the branches into districts and the In a %%WIC he patio' the large stone
deed. It is Only that the ri'Ver sepe!districts into' county • or ' borough And four days later the smallerono.
This, cure causes a. feeling of relief
arateS 'us once more 48 when we were units. _ ' ,
hildren. I know es Well as I knew WORK TO BE DONE.' . shows these terrible opers.tions. tong
over people in theme parts as It
hen that she iri in the garden just It will be the duty Of each. broach thought tulle unavoidable in eaSO Of
beyond where sill ber sununers . are to eee that instruetiOn le; furnished Gravel, Are no longer noceetsary.
atitaftil now, and thet Elie is Wait- On Ihe laws of ^health generally, to
Ingfar me there. ' mothers on the caro of their own
!So I Shell seek the path to that health, and on the nurture and, care
' den.till I iind it. I am once more of children, to Orli on the, methods
lio and I 'elonseetic gild rional h 0 ani4-
43-0'"-- - .' is , oeiltefsoftittl.
1 and id --t1e-truth-----uespeak--will-be-20444(t-te--MACWILAPP0 rtuatic,u
•Cati fairer than (OW -dream- -Nor do for physical exexchies awl OPeO"ow
-I fear to miss the way, for our Lord games for )ioy* antrgirlsi-the dealre
Ilintself has chartered it so that I of young men to become volunteers
ass---iset-go-serong, ____el,___ses_ tile way, will be encoliraged, and e Ilattrehillk
110 said; She went trustfully across (Irate . shooting Practice and --all
. theVer •with Ulm and was not healthy sports fostered.
11/434-49W4011:11-----suPPort. Antana
neeorne.- yes! Clod knows how Ione- those who have promised toiler -11
erne. But .1 have the sweet memer-
ite, of • the thirty happy years we
WAIkC4 togeth-er here, and -whit- are.
av yea& of lonepness to the etexe
- .
•shall not be idles I shall be doing
-What- she would 'have me do, and in
s_ it all, as ,ii;)u see,.she will yet the
-inspiration. • -as- she was alt t
years that are gone."
vice-presidents, are the Archbishop 4:4
Porcelain Inlays
--44It -used-to , load -
"that everybody "'wanted iii Iront
th -with gold; --tutt.,-nOrt_tO;ao
aro plenty of people who regard gad
fillings that, shousttastitteightlYs and
who have their front teeth fifled,and ,
built u if required. with porcelain. Nuwed-"According to you,
high .uuttches the teeth in color. told you g sing el sts-t-attirssiN
Viiirespoteerielit-Vork 13 01)0 4Fe•Fessnnkr-Fied."....-Mr.. SwF
ater advances in the development ,of George, you weren't quite so bad as
• Your, $fltr
you futi infOrMatio,
aide's eavity nuke
Ing Our goods.
Alarfk.1 -1W."-e, • .1C4.1
11,54* QP
00 p r day•
irienci unneees-
4bc, .7'
CAL -PI 101W- Oar),
Box 074 Stirling. Oat,
happiness begets health. Buy a
farm be the celebrated Moose Mountain
District, where everyone is prosperous.
and crop Akilures. unknown. Carlyle is
four Year* old; him Ave elevators, with
cepiicity of 200,000 bushels. The 'nee
who • built thein knoW their businees.
They_ aro filled every seasOn. The
C. iicloee Land Co. of Carlyle. Alkdn
bola, 14a -Y41 200.000 (WM af is*Provlia
and unimproved farm land* for sale In
this district. They solicit your corms-
potailenee. Further information and
perticuiers cheerfUlly given.
20 Ayrshire ,Bulls -four to tWenty ,
month* old; --Ayrshire Penutleitall
ages; also improved 'itorkshire pigs.
Monte Bello, Qua.
all that! Don't you remember you
Canterbury Lied the Aressaeleop of nuidern-dentistry.
yori4 maivrtty ot the, bish.os, "In filling a tooth with gold Wei awl:Ws used to 'say you were un -
medical men of the highest eminTenee, rger worthy of me?"
great lavryers, scientists, education- but the
within _tim.0 a
cr, No one nee
ot airu o
* -rn
y lnizer. at, the...opening thans 11, . iceuoit.si...e$'n
at the base. The porcelain tilling is ready lee use. It corracts Ill lotswi
letes. .
held in place, not by the narrowing oftubbyandeeunaltiorc.r
le.aptruornptalcyandeahiussesti :
IMPFARIAL RACE NEEDED. In of its rettiAping walls at the Open-
sOr s-a---recent---night a meeting of the lag, as is the case with other fillingS,
executive committee of the league but by cernent. _
was held at the Hotel Cecil. London. *With the, cavity for A poree a
under the presidency of the Bishop filling prepared. a matrix or lut-
a Ripon, when sunong those present, pression of it is taken with a tiny
. , ._ eyer, thickness cf one -thousandth - of _san
were, Sir, Lauder Brunton, General shceeht of platinum foil which is, a the
' Sir FMauriceSicHugh R. Be
Sir_Renry Lawrence-, Sir John •Ma 'in • . Thenyou select the porcelain
-ffaiiiiiitt----,-greir -t-tfertae;i-sitst-ungfre:" anaterintefrone,witieltAlus.lillingsisesto-
•• surfer from stomach mid .bow'el trou- wan Held rind the 114v. IL Ros41re made. It -comes in a powder.
sVures 31ot Weather Ailments and
uramer Complaints,
In the hot weather the little ones
Wes; are nervousi, weak sleepless and. Wakefield. . , -"POWs -teeth -vary-its ;toter, 'and
inStable.: Their, vitality is lower
lite Bishop of Ripon, in outlining artificial teeth are supplied in prettyjanii4
ex, N.S. *11 was a great sufferelr from
t ilblitttentiorr was-belogiaml-sien-and-color- and Rhado
rer •
Medicine adapted for the young and
old. rich and poor and Is mildly bre
_ch.cdera,_ _dysentery, etc., In the mierke,e,
coming the meet popular me bane for
Considerate Mother (to governemi)
-"Miss Smith,* don't let Alfred and
Jeannie 'Sit dewy) on the damp griltSS,
for fear they should catch cold. When
take them. on your lap."
Prouipt action at this time saves a .hy. spacing.. These Porcelain powdera for tion with best physician* I had' every
. more anti more irected to the j
gad condittow of the, mailc`in many different chancre pf a cure if it were in their
Teta IS the best in, the Weirid soa that o' wider and' nobler. concep- elnalmsand.if the. right shade cannot jr-iiiir,,„27 ettned. South Amer.
great Statesman •had fders, then the-shathr desired- 0 0 e ',ere esti -7,1zi7s "
Ilromptly tune and have SOU/Id- TW4TeMainiet,T. , A
freshing sleep. And they are guaran- truly said that it was of little ad- produced by Mixings- It is ,qiiite
for little ones. hey speedily relieve. tient of Christian duty was now en. be found among the standar() pow- Itto.da
7 mY bfx yeraarrr 17inmen4e4
teed free from opiates and .harmful vantage 'for DritOnS to possess Ito- practicable to find a powder or to France has just given the parish
drugs. They always de good -they pedal realms unless they were an im-imake a mixture that will match any of Neville-aussToneesus to W4011111.
'tonna possibly do harm. find no perial race. The proposed league ,tooth perfectlyvand that n)ti'on has abandoned the-
zes ,
. home should be without the Tablets. wished to impress that truth epon I "Out of this powder an inlay Is to Francethe latter country
. especially during the hot weather the PeoPle- I baked which fits the cavity in the gaining florae sevArity Square yards
• I
, months. when. dangerous troubles They wished, then to create a tooth perfectly 0 the work has beeti
.. kr
of territory by the transaction.
tante_ sudttly. and -almost ;tapered*. national council, alive and vigilant, done properly. The Jinlay. as .
.rtio *Po 4-4 eromorimooremormow”...*
IllAge in* the world where fortunes are being iriade
an -in -South •
• A great- deal of Canadian capital ta _bestir fat etted In rubber.
cattle, sugar, etc. 11'he climate le healthyno trip by rail tokei2 •
about the Isom° titne as to Vancouver or California. The new Can-
adian Steavaship line runs direct from Montreal.
Foe mixed farming, cattle raising, fruit, Itinber, manufaCturing
textile -s, sugar, coffee, and especially rubber, the possibilities are, •
simply wonderfdl.
Although the rich native gre_ssea' grow every day in the year,
butter in brought in from Nova -SetItia„ -and Costa fifty rents per
pound.- Gold. Bogs fatten very rapidly oa Jucca or Alfalfa, balk
realdeust llacon e fifty cents per pound and lard twenty-five cents.
0 croPe Of torn are raised in the year and the price la never -
Wtr-thatilkls2Osto 4-2-;00-pers-busihels-- It -is- •-claimest that- cettle
be. raised for the' . price or the hides.
-We are issuing free printed matter abort
1which.-eould-eupervise.....and...encouraglaaid ...._iii, 4_04 in, Place to .ndheslop„. _.;2210Dr1rat...p1
7-..*-21:11fteit---fkrn:.-Tableta--lor- ' g tablisk_ana......wheze_they.4111Lnot_a. of ore lainAnittesial.....the
g.. n slifiirSase , ten corrected. The
of internal irre I
, iiintli -. vtozneceir trontas rind, totrays present -exist.- - - ., .. ._. ___ =vie 'Wall ert-nlente_of_inanY._. ...._shrtnes 4-the--1.4-44.Y•a-arftffairt- '
rate - the --mw The -proper--shade-of-cement-tutv systliter-- triationsi in the healthy way
ilortries, Que. says: "I have used.texisting agencies and which could es- withseeineet. There-itresntariy -sits red---with--pimples unsightly: It-
During June, Julys ileuestat 414
September the Chicago and 'North
- - -
round- trip excursion tickets -to. San
Francisco. Los Angeles. Portland.
Ore. (LoWle & Clarke Excursion). Se'
attle. Victoria, Vancouvets at very
low rites. Correspondingly cheap
fires from all Points in Canada.
Choice of routes. best -of train ser-
vice, favorable stopovers and liberal
return limits". Rates, folders and
inforMation can be eibtained
from It, 11., Bennett, General Agent..
2 East literSt., Toronto, Ont. 31
-There' lriii6ifiray-told-iii Sir
.C.hiaratesssfso 'ssseeag.acdsssashos,
formerly Chinese minister. to England
Vetire-affee Ito --wasi-tectetary'titd
Flung 'Chang. Ile is a very able man
and -among_ other__ aeceinPlishniento
speaks and writes Engiish perfectly.
The_ eterYs Offen_ in_ "Tiln Navy na
Ilave Known It."
Li Hung Chang is reported to havo
said to him. "I don't know •how it
is we send our men to Europe and
America, ond have foreign instrue,
tors in our colleges, as do the Jap-
anese. 'but we do not seem to derive
,the advantage from their instructiOn
which, the Japanese 'do."
•" tat is quite ta-iicr-i7r-eas a era-s-s-
Ile is no
know .0f." Sid
.- leg the Dr. Williams' 'Medicine Co..
lircieleirille, Ont. See that every box
rugri----House,--uniler.....flux_presidency of t.he tbc eavitY' o-iirThrsi.-OrtU Vii -Ek -a Pa iiicke's Vegetable Pins wilt drivis
riiiiihened to t -Trate tWeitnent ho
Lord-AlaYar.-- the initev-* suitabl hernesensaways-see-ww-sisessasisset
the bettet, yett'inix the reent turd =bit 4-4'9-1344r 'dins" I'D' thrir---111041t
DitivaltriTiBB, - apply it an net the inlay into place,
- --------------------there tirbe d untirthernettt=h-air
painter euS.iiti ettial tithe/. 23
10 will Poway datliandobt2t.
silaaiefiroseareit. lerke11203
Mites Write tor dosatiinivselmaso
IllinnoOndffiff`rawdlirriflo Attalla
Exthoonhar titreararlot., yrAsitea-
lets. and ,the picture of a four-leaf I It doesn't take a particularly sharp hardened.
.clov on the wrapper. Anything else fellow to cut up capers, 'Porcelatn Is
' ', •
' I b ililin
Is an imitation. It is human nattire to swallow Catup back teethbut itisi.used more,
tery and gag over the truth.
for, inlays in front teeth, where other
fillings would show. '1'he
of contention Isn't worth picking. 1..",._,
mg of Melte-Inlays 'call* for the
Sonte.tellows .do ft lot. of. naming i6-4-xtreise at fine art and *kill. but the
modern dentist'. fills ' 'these reiniiiii--
grow.- .....
' - nts and makes - porcelain isilaii
iebotte pmsertee voidd not be -discov-
ered except upon the detest intpec
tion."- •
liti Tunnel Pr -et -Jett- His Been
close agreement witirlt has been
ctbed between Great Ilritaiu and
and the establishmint of an meoslem•
rntutte cordate has revived the idea
ot be building of, & tunnel urnitrithe-
hitch Channel. ,10. Bretton. the
.--..7ersgirt,tv.r•-who had- rharge---of •the oper.
Wm* ort--- -tto rectith side of the
itturnel,- and- subsequently paid a
viiit to the works at Sangatte.
*tout Nevin miles on the coast West
th., shelter of Cape
Mae tier, tartcs that ft strong ef-
fort is being made to open work
*gain. The French Chanttel tunnel
works aro' %In a,seale which (Witte put
around without making- much pr
some people get religious with as
little forethought it a child' gets
--Inglannnatt011- -the., Einse,..-.
Among the 'non, good qualities whkh
riririalee's Vegetable Pille Trognens, bo -
Idea regu1fltth
-thirdiktvgitiVe We -tithe. Is
their eMeleney in reducing Intlkannalloit
of the eyes. It has called forth irises
tte I - th
A girl may be called an angel in
gait of the faCt that sly weaSS her
wings on her bat iturtead of her
Pghaps rain Old Meat, Potatoes
and Bread May be Against You
'or a Titre".
A change to the right 'kind- or food
into ' the shade the Channel tunnel can lift ono from it tick bcd. A lady
ri45 at the foot ot .11-41ttikcspeai.e a in 't,t-tilden 1-11.„ sa
in On Last piing
- cr. nnine
trrh side Is construCted Inc about with severe stomach trouble aceom-
item Of a mile under the panted by sick headache. I got worse
sea, in e great vballi formation. and, fan& worse Until I ',Keats* SO IOW
isftt, *react haft- laSen. Allowed.-tartellititeterin-Any--food--at-sA Acr---cittrtAti., hotrt* are st
to ulate from the "'weeping" of 'although tried every kind. I WW1 To tell them all the love is ours,
ibe unziroteeted strata, th tunna ,beeoMe completely discouraged, bad " And siva thaw, such late woad 44
14 liractit•ally the same condition given up all hope and thought I was praise.
nen the w•ori Wan lc -topped some ',doomed to 'starve to death, tip one, And lay above them fragrant flow.
ago. This is alto the easo day my husbsrul trying to tititi SOlne- ere?
with be tiarta hemlittg at Dover, thing 1 could retain brought home
UM a rik to
M. ttOU Slid that it is ProPoscd "id ‘lnYis 811.rPrise the k)ali agreed
tiOnbIe Ihin through the tvith rue, didiestf:1 pettectty and with.
TiO the tlicitatte would te out dintrese. I began to gain
iu t out half -an -hour, IOt C1C, trty 'flesh (which had
Why do you watt till earn are deat-
And only utter loving praise
When not a whisper tett be heeled?
Why do we wait till bands, are laid
elose-toided, pulse:less, ere we place
Within them rooms limpet and rare.
And liIIea in thilr traWless grac&
why de are lealt-till-eyes are itealed-
To light and love Id death's deep
eyes- ore w
Above themWith ita
nil roulil le
o* five C.
" ift0.
hren Ittaft V feet a day
ratpieted in from three
accerdiett dreesa-
tha enlino-c‘ring poitat
etton thought the
nzprotii.4 ,in etvry way std every
day;ler,41 in a very tow te074.5.4
ed-- 20, pont& in :,tireight. / liked
Gcope-Nuts .17:0 wc11 Oat, for 4 months.
ate no. othor foott::-Tattl."alwaysi reit
tlil..101,21 tuntrol. all well satisiZed artor eatirig at if I
have ,ttli
now a teen,
a1 iny rt work opt
that lirois wrth Ei
.*"41rapeaNutitt foci" hs teens
talailY; it tite,'S
tiyTire and fily tivo' littte 'hoot
vv..6 on; ,it *cmtetruIlrygi'
cr-n /thy Volum
els A rNict
th little
1» otth
Cr. waltstil
opportunitles are pas
k our i•alaloutter, box
ntraent", at the very lest*/
A remarkable hotel stands on the
Sahara desert. Prom the windows
on two aides nothing but pathless
sand is seen, and on the third side
ovr 2140.000 palm -trees are in view.
who were eitlikted with this soap/Oat
And found a etre la the drills. 4
s blood In
a surprisingly actiVe Nei and the re.
Laser's ir-Z (Wise • Mat) Disinfect. ,
ant Soar tota1 length of tbelrai
imam. It disinfect" ard deans' at tho world is statedto ha 4f.14,,fRKI _It let nstImated tb..st Lwri.•
tutu*, worth of &smut: *re' s en c
The prinsipelity o ec ens e
situated between Austria and' Siv8,-
o,nly=somtsi_19„. Eta- .
-without•-inLarmSz- - (
Itieresallereses-ilere are a, few na.ineli
f of. cteresiniff---olilfirint*treds---W-hia--
1 firm belieeers in Dr. Agnew'* Catarrhal
Powder to "live up to the preaching -
n . ri �.h.p 8 an
. llev. Dr. Langtry (.°,piseopallan); lure::
I Dr. Withrow And 'Rev. 'Dr. Chansbera
(Methodist); and Dr Newsman; alt 'et
Toronto. Canada. Copies *1 their per.
sonfek lettcra fOr the asking. 210 Mita.
"Really. doctoi, think your hill
lir ft trifle Imtvy." 4•'Well. I like
that. -Haven't cured yeti entirely
1, your complairit?" "Yes; but .you*
place." •
• .
On those who have had disco
cam eitths tarter* corns CALM. n
With year boot* on, pain with theirs off
pain night and day; lint relief 10 auk* •
to thee* who nee lionewstea Vara
Curious have been the matrimmial
01 kentUckv. She began life NO kit-
th Bird. .of Harrison County,
Koattieky.' Iler first venturis- out-
side the home ,nest was when
alto iiiiirkWit Mr.Whert-lfr.
Martin died *ice married Edward
-Crow, a farmer. At his death she
mated with William Robin and liVed
happily until the inevitable Change.
linttard,'* *Motto, sip,
and afrtt..._11ohirt became V.roy
d one little liattio,, two little
and Onii-little Uphill. • One
uirstrd Waif already tiser* to
co „mar an4 otoart yinclizor frinomin:s.the'-Sty.lh African tr
ten itear":1 mil:tired -greatly trans Heart
1)i... Fluttering a±101 HoinetfiliZg 'That fiketild- be flubbed
..• wfw la -Whenever pain is felt lo the Tri1!101.seimr. .
axent. Dropsy falYwicisa or. hack Wit Dr. Tat, ' FAI*Oxic
uent 44 I -Dosar'lw. AilitiErativor g5recaireteltreft. toPt --49iith"e""Itnip-gaiint-lititis."-rut'te)49:6141ub.rr"Kal"Elwklch
gtiracioCtyibi;sntrilth. Irat'
cured, sne Completely."14rsts Jaznak application does not snood rellet**which"--
Adages, Byraense„..........N.Y..-107 Is not usisailly t4e ease, keep rubbits •
yrDearly: -.01 dreamed last night. Than. tte ttar711 partw1- grailudur**1-11rdPenwielitrcalltillike
ditch a PedeOls, 191011 Ito':
dream Of a hat you ever had that Bead a bottle of haltAye to three
int -'That gentleman you
bat." Mr. Dcarly-"That's the first
ditiret-COOt trice-nitintleP • eeks limo wits here to -day.**
BartHir--"Wats he atter another- bot' -
tier' "No, sir. Ile wanted to
One 01 the greatest Wesel to petit. kriow,..u.iri_keiwwiw! -
enurts-Xiithlieurevaryeratt EX4hzd1e.
*tart ilefettlially es le *Orme- sod
giros hiaith hi a Imam saaaair to 'gnus!' "
the Iittlio oast. SPAVIN LINIMVIT
• Retrieve" et bard Ion. calloviied
laatua, carba, seliste, liege
tilleaess stiffeet. 'Sete 41*4
Welles tlialint. tonight. etc., $ave $S0
liy tosti et one- kettle. Worreolint tale
' _Du -tbs.---petst--.# yearn- ,
580 •402 diets, have betn found et-,
t einployment in Great Britain.
sift Wilt" says Itreggist o'Dett
ef m Wanstottay better_4044_4' 114)11""41 81815kre
,detite iof the real *telt of Dr. VOk Alamwmg.
'Stales rthsei-Plilit Tablet* nO -11( tare tar
alt-rmittat01atenottit, ttaktbia- thab that Mau-"Maion thit
Ilgtrattainiiier mat dizianles Nott_
tittriog the "rat one. the cenxy
'Wades rebelsobut lfieassuit, end diellto save your. lite?' *Atttior
hartaitaaa tiny tatilet to Carrie in your Intattly *eli." • litaud"Ifow tobtel
. .
Who walks' with na a rOninlon
Watehirg out eyes for leak ef IOW*
And but gerirst for a Acord of Wave
Other oomp1e ,tipettien.
404 Wird itr4.006)gt the
f,el. baby et -your stria,1 and theomnibUe
was coming *tiown on the fitht tie
and --the-tab-„; -en- the -lettp.--**4--1
brouttato ttqleig' to Diteltt
Fou saw tho
%veto the brougham° anti tte
livhietIcr*td'Wien you Moe* his*
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