HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate., 1905-08-03, Page 2r
leg teltind, aeReP°Iinooten Lich it word in t his I oine to,
-liVtidt-rste tteti it.-:-uttor
Yelleeettittit'Uf t40.771•Mr1Vrattlir I
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11411.14.-:•getr•'°...1•.'',911!•!.."*.,Pel•1,.1.14114€11:;141191itgltnicfr144-,e'ftwlgi4u. airt';es.Pe.I:t.,ttgite •°,-3;0:47111:1.1.'11:
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1 ,•ikirirr 'Y 0-..ili(gf r'::
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'PO tr erre-I witit Aliatf "I'..'i.!•ktid4et• etetotestit,itp t•itronteet.ii,.. iti,...,.t'n''t OttileetheYt Mt
net •he tee 'UttitiehariteeitinVe .. ''
eeer. , - i .tl`Ferndele had • .
lege 4 , $ 0 a t eAri ,., .44 IY,•'`Ple4,,Q(',4..bei:- ettlP. tor' Sh0 ' h ,gn , 1 ot
.inti)!'fiPT .0,ciiikth,, ,,pho,,enoottd. itt oilo etekettet.eeite, and that ete•ut:Litee• t441-etielneder' otTh6ientel,hltria,6tei'ti.tets...,,iY.11,0‘. ..i.:4,.\-•i,„•4.,:szotit,'''::,'Iti‘iP:1;t., isit °: 62et..tx t;tePeti;4110,
. .,,o-414.10 -ia teat.Yeeing '09*(4 41U/S- :.. CT it....iiitgit,,,, ?40( b7
:Xix*.viloOr. but a. tooti404 ';itittietti-,,,lhaUs. ,,,A; eittrioatt ott...,4(4titl ttehlOtt, . iie tow. yoke,- es ewe ptee telett-thi;i it: i amuse. thelteetitifet::giel. te. tee wheent
ed. hr that the earl wit's In the atOve",,..a.u.d.rnnattliteah/*9' etingortable appeaett -.:
, 'keithief in the car:fake hatiliet. he and his *wife lied fallen in lore a
titieteectiMi. --and---eNoraht---ent.ering -the'teentkeeesteteet-lit -thee-stetti 'Imo.' -.Lee° , tittotailittient eforwa.rd taint -Matto t Ite tft" -n-ightir'and'' Prelb'entl3t -14ailith f -
ronin, found hen seated with a lady 'sight of it seemed to remind Laity; hiereeeeei9n. not .hieshing. now, het got, thee; ehe had known them for
tenetheeeeeoeee,tehenelenJqee_eAke!rmte!Ferndide ef Noe:tale's retiLre. _leak ehetesweeeegeeetep,„ which_ Jr „e only so short a time, aed talked,
reinarkahly pretty e Slid Wes! "PH send eer haat in a eIuo4 chr- i'ornda10 hajlteatteteettLend ora=it _.
.,..e. ta * a . ir i •-• I i .. - i i at sari* I . . - i iNtErfatelrlAWIZIalatlatter „Xe. .7:tekty. tuy_qu • sto, ,iittintris_.. - - • . .... Amer .
.114„4 4 stood still, was instantly •atte veled, I think' you oeght to have Cyril bowed,' and welted to be ad- twice at • his-, wile-, end the glance
said plainly:
"We have found a treasure; a Nithen vegetation or other organized,
tracted towartle her, as the elder something warmer on, the nights aro dreksed. Is.
lady regarded her with a pleasant, ceilly."' I "Lady Norah tells see you are .
mattee luxe so cinnelet.ely decayed
welcoming . kind of smile. young woman who Is not only pret- g0' ?rrdtlietis.
• I Harman, was standing at a Bette Painting soure views in Santleigh. ty, but clever and sensible." , it I scortalu. rdlutilfitheRefrafeecitt Bei:
The ee,rl rose and assumed hit diseence waiting to attend the ladies Mr; lluree," said Lady Feredale. "t he too rauch dependent° tin the trees i that it has teat its original struceure
"Now, wdrking and becoa blk brown.,
Most grateful attitude. to the carriage, turned and 'epoke hope you will' not he too exclusive,
clhile e.reti Edleardyou are inyour , Norah e,nti I will or rather a -lack ot interest -in meth- has me acorwe call it hiuntai," sa,ys 'The - ,
• "This is tiny daughter Norah. Limb! Auletly to Some one tee) the stairs and thot you will not altogether neg- ode ef cultivation. Trees aro planted Mans'
Ferndale," he said. e - • have a quiet nimble; and if you aro in perha the t • f 1 ,,,,,, Practical Farmer. "Everyone • who
'above. her. and presently Berea came lect the rest of the lOcality. Sant- n al"'im"- , has worked a, new sell recently .cteart
looking. lady, and Lady Ferndale held.' ...The ee.17 wog.. saw Loy rem. turesmie; we have got some of it at
Fentdale." seine music when you coin* into the
drawing -room.'" Or nue tor
Peet afterP4whic1:31trus. re"le u
o ft waled matter is mingled
Nemeth • approached- the pleasaitt- !down. with et eon ellgreene shawl, . leigh doesn't/monopolize all the pie- good, very geed, we w.ilt give you
care 1 th I eY ad lexue7duee „ t ed front the. fewest has seen how much
out, her hand; then ehe drew' Noteah • e abundance of good fruit.. The feet
- - "'' f thi d
dale, and she 'Lotted hard at Ilecca i 4
411° 1 th eed . twith the reimtineag motif .and trail&
toward her and kissed her very lira- las she tem:wed with unman and art lie *looked at her, with the Mean- I will be virtue' personified.** i s ey ti constan t , • that are not so .completely decayed,-
tily. • , - • 1 ranned the light run over the ladies. ant smile In his handsome eyes. respondedt es hp opened the door for t
„, ao much -as animals tio anti ' that!
t a tenteon just '
ev have also noticed that teis new '
"My dear, I am 'very glad to see k . e - . . "Dare r -take that ' as a permis- +-give You hale neeie not develop intota 'burden. if tee 171h -
nem. . them. "end niind,..
„eel.' does not cruet and ,bake like an
an, hour."
you!" she said. arid Neratt thought • • sion?" he 5/eft!, ' gruiarly- and. 'properly attended- to;
- ttteehereelee‘etetketttteteeteettethereee4e e,,,teetiteittam4tetttAtoto4e4mkurcroti4,,t, Ledye Ferndale _took Noralr into 4tneeeifeon4Aote.,..., ot_eopottons,t, old <soil, that it. reteiriateenotetert
%relit tlp (Tett tittitireeve itt''httt'"VatntetieetYeetteinit-i-t*tit.Xn-%i-e'-otittn-ifearted Wit • er ' e stair -or- "ite-ed ttatii-Teiti-AtitietItt
y. Lor eiveteoletetittfitittedtteateit ,
seen my h sband * she smiled "atul I Bocce., with the photograph in: her Fernilat will b deli ht el 4 v illcitlittitret" • la a -solf Me leer • - - - - - • - - -- - -- - - - - ' ------te
i snore tuOlete' and ineke etaiilleetilleir.7.„
her a.rin round N orates waiat, and coot Ire toe and dr ' i and that its presence makes the soil
have .made a great -conquest of hinti poekete dropped a kalf -tourtesy, anitiveent „lore -41, -ex please:en; is- ate cab, may trees be set,
ei - grow -
In Some soils that have been redefine • .
e 1. seem to have knowe yeti for-yeartet Voitil teeweve of the hand-elid 4--bbWIniost an3 artitt blowout., the! enuntetredenittoug elitellieWerteeds too
in the delielowe evening until Lord .Ing in - sod or together • with some f
ed from swamps by drainage- the Ile"„
_4141.4.4s4,0115A,E,o_mmejf.:______ I X_ the _eittie_ tho pale. of ponies .. itia___vew_tertunitie.iet iitt_inittle Ferndale verde out of _ the- drawing-
_ . e crop that. does not require cultivate-
• le very largee.
e **I hope 'weeelietill be great friendat -statte0. ." • . e - -It yeas -Jost the Med- et-respous-e -to °,41.en' -4%- . dulve. ion. Such treeteeoutlivir-their. use -1
*jn - -a.ntl_calleqitto_theint s
e led- peaty soils .
Tam)! la t i CT aV airle11111113
1"11.4Vill't any ,d,aughters .of my own i "W.asn't that Rebecca South who. gain Lady Feetitialita heart, and she Time Fi up, he sato. ,end tt-a ll
,---- - illiineSS And Can only produce small in "Pg W •
-lets", With a plaintive little cadettee • carat! With, your -.Outwit my 'ileatte" t gave ,a little nod of approval. waiting," ' . . -
i. *; Such soils, wh'Ie rich irk nitro nous
Juste-es-if-eltetteah---we 4nd immature' fruit. Old trees are expect- < iL ge .
-.-1-41111'140 "1"4"-44--Y"ng4e0P144-63 'fullytkepte_the--high-taitttledeponie.s. in such --aelovely-speofessione-andesecti
-"they have gone him me now; efitteked-Lit0-Ferinktre. as tele ekil- erirell, :rethink you 'are, to bay , !ore e....mtite- , live OU a seta unitaint of!
daugeeer oi Lab nOUSet.A.47.0,' v erneate teeeetelet eseterootetenetheueeeeeenoote:ellevettrbeemna.found to bre, deticlent inateettete_rthe _
• I Matt -/"..4. Anti grow an inninernto
-,....your,...f.fitheit..knews21.......,;.., ............,.....-.7hrtudr......-....„...........,.."....--,1lab _, oft . . i d . ti ted th . ---•
• "All the world knows 'Lady ltern- . . "Yee." said Norah. evening...it' . of the little tablo an in ma at
meet (rem neatly the same soil year
-triilial.labt -tatted fortnneAtioili.4ici:d rillppeld
fileetions lel
�TThOellive. to trer-thel g at gra re ,
dithee geodness of heart." . '"I didn't know she was itt movie.° Cyril paused a moment to s.ete a she was to preside over the delicate
erviee- of antique.• silver and Sevres;,evjui is .0.0. _num y . o
after year. and in case of sod land
, phosphoric acid and potas - to eat-
: "It is itevite safe to give. your fath- with you . . • rein etrelght that had got crookede . , .
etirtifttOPPortunity or -paying a compile I "Weile slitesceicelttleitntetti Notede then lifted his het end steed back. and Veralt. filted-WittrIMPIlinetS-antitlett* good fridt, health and itigor' ance-the ratioxt of -plantetetid.- ttliey'--
gratitude for the affection- they were hillSt be contain. But in all soils a due per-
..en_t rikydt.. .,,,_:.,b,!..,,,tt I Mean what II,ori ehe explained the ele
. twee. As b , _did egotaehee.ealeedth.K.teeeeetaieft ,t41.11..12LAISIML%....1k..41.
t-ifigati-irdiWnst.-:--Litit tietieltingettlitteettie- reeteetearedeeletree4e0 ' tie.eetteette -
promoted -not rank growth,
a ways, w t rrn Ic s rt, -XT-Cow she is very c ever an qu eti , With the heutAitare. vf. theelliebred, Ftrintirtetr -ctepetifeterc-arniegavier-ie- zmg. or von on ,
hitt the humus •_. -may rentable but
_e_cer_leye. say valet you urge, dear but- she hesitated,e4I'm armed but with a ,reepectful glitneureich him with a smile Med. itehliesh. ,. _ to fruttebeering. For the most mod- still -utoreeforeetStinechariteal
with another bow. et . 4 . and the carriage drove on. • erete-sized orchards, or gardens the • - yttect- .
mean, dear -lady-,,-!' observed the earl, you'll .find her rather giddier end- she respouded to with' a slight, bow,
willful, • (To be Continued.).
on the soil in making it mellow anti '
dale often says 010 my excessive melee, reserved and shy at', present." centric pereon. to tisk you to
'Yes that that's tbe Worst of met Fern- "Oh„.1 think ,she will be good. She "1 daresaY you think ene a very ec-
...-4..............,... ground -between the rows) of -trees
should he cultivated by -plowing capacity of th bullets to . retela
ry w titer. A soil may
In easily worked., •
but ,iiheive all, in the
candor will be my rule, and that he "I shouldn't call that a fault, and duce inc to a man who is almost a • / the fall. bet in light soils suatiner.
herr-owing is sufficient. Judgment
haire an abundance of plant food in a
a.ke with a smile. Interesting Paragraphs Tram all Must lie exercised as .to the extent of
. perfectly available fern), as in cote.
is. continually* getting mo out of it is not the character she generallY stranger to you, my dear," she said,
scrapes into which ray Plain speak- bears; but don't. think I am spe inertial If but if there not
'ing has hurried me." , Ing against her. Girls. will be Otis, "Vitas it strange?" • Over the. World. • tultivation• necessary, depending up -
She held Norah's hand while she and yoti . can't' put old heads on "Well.' it was , a little; but , then RO$0a -with coal -black petels* have
. on the condition of . the trees. Ex-
. meisture- sefficient -len- its solution:
perience must -teach how far from the .
k ots t d 1 , 1 the plants cannot get it, and- kadeue• .
. Mau. eTiAtittetet..thateetatewitetee.getel_. btOn_Prodticert bY....4 fitirieuitur4!t at *trunk tho ro ex ert or care must
- examen, „ . ---r-- ' 't eetaiii itetitr.tritt:diWulb-thein -due) r•--1"4-1-...
- "Why, yet" said Norah, been* her In the army 0 the Ilaytian Ilepub- the su c . nue amotiInt of humus in the soil will • ''."7
• - tiferette-elietteeeiret
may be spread oo the eurface of ' the .
a failure and a SUCCe&S with the crop
soil after the letter is froz-en. pro- te tee, Several years ego vee bad:
ended, the ground is comparatively t"latleett- -
two P-iitchee of swept 'Potatoes. One
level, so the fertilizing constituent fee.. ate . ptece - -of lend oir--- c
gritty not be washed away. , As the! -- - -It
et) as h d I
Itoelutt.,141,etei.o' hr4oitisipolrectio: t
dere do- not _seem -
the word- lunnue, which Iseseeseee
AIAKING rural* TitEES Trlittr rr. '"ed in-4"iting or the linProve..
meet of our old and Worn soils.
ta-11C.IP.Kr...A.R.# 440, .....<ALIKr,A19:.
" aid -again-. with tee 'deepest hitt-west.
and atentration.
ourselves, dear," eaid she. "Suppose
we begin at once?"
"But we can't, while the earl site
there llstCning, can we?"
"I take in dismissal."
" " do ' ' ..televe thought of
,..-exitheetteeteleilg -Tete neetekeete
say; I wonder whether you would
heads are so pretty atfileccitte. !hi
don't let us waste time talking
teliereettew '
yourself -that is, ail you care to
tell me," and she slid her hand onto
Norah's. •
"I will tell you everything, but
there is very little te tell," said
ah nd he
to wet -life and thaelite
tle cottage on the Lady reen-
ter() to come beck with me to dirt- dale, drew her on, now and again
ner. Will you, Lord Arrowdaler bestowing it gentle pressure on the
The earl conveyed a courteous neg- siitedieltitnde- and before they had
Attie°, by it wave of his hand.- gone a couple of miles, Norah found
"I tun sure you do not want ine." herself takiifg to this new friend as
ho said: "But if you will confine if he had known her for years. :
your invitation to Norah--" Lord Ferndale often said, his
"That's itist what I want!" re- wife would draw the heart out of a
---markedeleady-Fertidedee-withehe _ tmterf_teil--Poefivtseetle-tenee • _
freaking candor. "I want to have "And you liVed alontewith this old
her all to myself. Will you come, my servent with a strange name? You
' • poniese-are-at--theedeore inete-have--feltevery-soliterry . ?tit
"Yea; at my age, one is never de-
ceived. One look Is enough; and if
his face heel not proclaimed hie
voice would have doee. •eo. But I
suppose it •wits wrong. My hus •
eity-precipitancy- • You integre'
follow ray exa.mple, but rather take
warning by rae."
"Very well." • asseeted Norah,
,eteoro•esked Norah,
beg. your pardon, my 'dear; I
was thinking aloud," explained Lady
Ferndale.. el had an idea that I had
met:Latour .31reettetrii „Burnet_ "
" !My' Mr. Cyrii-Durnel"
"Well, hes more yours than raine,"
orted---Lady Perirdetle,
0 0
sentries when on duty. -•
The 'argent dour mill In the British
Empire is ie Montreal. It turns out
5,000 barrels of flour a day. •
UTI .e t on the lend-. T4.0)7
is 0 0 e. et' manure need not betiadded organic Matter that made hue '
ead at the base of the large trees. Le.. I •. ' 1.4,. eeeete Another_ pieeeetette_____
but in --a ctrcle several feet therefrom. f we `',11.;i", ::an'` dy sent
Anotherdhrbusht very defleient in
stimoz latrbencoribosous runmetnihom,d ..hu'll;•ii
us. Both were treated veith c,eirte
-- - 1.-- ..-.----- - n---einercial fertilizer in the furrow. tinder,
he to
the ridges. The season was extreme -
toward. the base of the tree and Jill
in with . ly• dry. At digging titneeon the plat
where the peas had been plowed ult-
-,dier. there was a goad crop. while on
pruning. I In° other piece we had a small crop •
Thts'is especially =Commended wheee
-.... and could tee the fertilleer still un -
the ground is uneven. Root
t° -nza)cn -1-4gner."--* .trC-ik-CiPd'et°ee-ninl)gruiult- ,t4sed- le -thoebeittetla -6-1-ttottitiltreitite." te -
Ing teethiii out a -hr *Wait
'rho peas had not Only 'added fez*tility
light and air among the branches, are
t1 tn. The iithori. tiestr-tin*P5'.-riajli"in. me earittneer-tfronthtcalgh-thu-nitmthe tar, TAW ithg ey -Vol
e i 0, re am le mois ure so t tat
-------____t__------- ettetee.4•Itt-t-ItTot" .- -it..tt`g-"ttv•Mtt- Melt ,------• •----- --e t- enitinhetee lint eitiWittiteeeit • Vet...re; .--ti„ateltteandenennee e„..,e--„,,„ eelnigeehdaneeelehealsteetettee
iy,, "and, indeed. I dOn't thiedi yeu "YOS, it UrtiS lottely Emmet:Imes; but nienthering (acese and • yet his seemed solved and used by tbe crop. The '
atititttiiar_tilisedraltranegieeirstitetLai.ial or ivartithi-, ,thire_tertinzserriputor=oit, .,411,10,..,.,,,,,„„,,;._
t irvin
ivie..efinyehingpytettier' than that Catherime. leneengte_ltkeetat_eemorite leenillart_leteeneett_ veteran at Akminster. England, has fruit trees. G.00d 'tinter_ increanes
.. [radii" • , 0 0 I a •
she was . a second. mother to ine„ perhatee you met him in London,"., '-rttilit-rICOMF(1-h----er-litiSliFifirtrtsittirotter• theeltvitiMrettretidetelipply-etifettut sill'
xnaelertiPlitvtimade7--ale°t.te aiireren"ctergyurce___--- ...
!, "I shall be very glad to COM°, said Norah, in a low voice., her helll suggested -Noeith, the- Delhi prize -thee -6y *1 ter forty,- and Mint coriserves Its moisture.. Tile
....,_ _ . _-..,
tween it good crop d a failure. ,
_ ....„
.-Ladyereeeaidal '..._ __. ._ • _ Ape t , . ;age J;liould be begun ust as soon as
"Then -rue away aild put on your ed. "It is like a fairy story. It is -11-a-ve you madanyother 00418810- 18 tli-n- largest -Maitittilitintettreeletiiiiit' Ilie tgr-ittiiiirle-drYteeieetfgieeeeftie- t
het, and well start tit once," eald all so beautiful that it is like a tances?" she asked. ' in the world lies under the •province sp.ring and should be repeated as of -
Lady Ferndale. There as Norah left dream. I only wieh--" • Norah told her of the bachelor din- of Galicia, IlurigarY., It is known to ten as once in tee days throughout Someone has said that "OM* MIS.
..- .- be 550 miles long.. twenty broad, the growing season, which extends, takes ewe call experiencee, and theta
the room., she turned to the earl with. "Well?" asked Lady Ferndale, with ner party on 'the night of her ar-
an 'exclamation ,-• of surprise and ad- a Smite. . • rival. arid 20 feet in thiekness. . from spring until July .on August'. of others we name sins." Fitting
miration,. "Graciouie what a beauti- "Oh. sometimes. I wish that it was "And I have seen Mr: Guildford InTabrere are seventeen mills in Ger- Only cultivated crops should Le al- this for application to farnterse we
fel girit X don't wonder at Fern- not all . quit.e so -grand. I am , al- llerton sitice," she said.. ny engaged exclusively in. the lowed in orchards early in the seas -t would call others' mistakes foolish-
_ mietufacture of tissue, pa*.r. Gere on. Grain and hey should never. he nesq. The man who makea A mistake: ..
dale'S rapturest What a happy "min tvays afraid that I shall make lion* She ..41sid-nothing-°"4"Sarinr-", plank :t1I1113 - fitit_IIVOre trseLue palter grown. ' Fea•ten hoed or cultivated' le thte one who dope things; provided ..et. ete
YOU must he to have such it eweettmistake. ' ,
creature for a daughter!" "I am quite sure you haven't:" how- it set
nen him and GY"I linr"'- -Stn1145! 'than. any other -country-- in - the traps May' rob" the Teets. ot wit -Ate -VI° does not Mike...tee same mistake 7. '.
seemed tto"-iier as if *ho bad world. .: , .
"I site gratified by your approval retorted Lady Ferndale!, shrewdly: had no right to %%ethos," it, and • and fertility if they lire alloweA to! twice. Getting at the root of'7 '
of her, Lady Ferndale.' • "My dear., you behave as if you were therefore to spes.k. of it. The Australians are the ,greatest stand above the tree retitle A sod , takee is wheteethey profit us; WO
**Approval!" she exclalnied; "that born in the purple. As I told your "Ileint Itie. Guildford Berton." said tea-drinkere - in the world, annually orchard will tell before you know ft.! learn how not to make the same
consuming if lb. per head. In Eng- Probably lifnettenths of the apple! one again and are able to •stee-r clear
isn't. the word.. rim in love with her father,. you must have got your man- Lady l'erndale, pursing her lips; "'and land the consumption, is about 01 lb, 'orchards are in eod, and inane* clic/ others, which. we unearth- if -Wiet.
at. !lest sight. Why, site will be a nee from him, -the best of his. 'bit hottellid he strike. you, „dear?" ..,
trenumdoutetauccess- -and set the, cowl- ,-ii.'...1s,.n..-thangel-- Anti At:will-be greate
1‘.1.Imattg11itt.....!_41`.Y.- t'ttt"Orethltre ,iiM _ only--...k---lb., •20z.--.....---.._
t heed, and frie• the t idled .Statete then' are. mearloix:, There is not and study those i•e make. Softie ehrewd
----ty-tngtteeeeeereie'eeteeetetereettelefetibitte eietiiiiirifiterit -steffrini ,presettitYy: for eannotebe enough -fertility -4o 'the eollelantier „stela • -shoal* •tie. irieeeniett-vete
,., •
--"'"-htl""•••.' e ' A Mtatistician affirms that the tine- to support, both so; • and trees • his farm. "Ille well -kept swine, hand- •
have--eave kept her from yeti eo' tee mean_ to Make te great deal of . "Thenks." eaughea Lady Ferndale; jneity-et Imople,---who.,ivetniit elleten t . .
- - _eel . , . , ine-gentring---cettite
• long, I can't think."' v u. You are our latest acquisition. leagree -with you. Me. Guildford have kept late hours. Eight out of course, the trees fail. The remedy 1 and ewes am1. lambs,. wereetclitviciWdt
The ed
luiearl'e face grew mornety,ari y . y fi know, and must expeet to bpi Berton ie. not a fevorite of mine, andteen who reach ;the ag,e 'of eighty_hie - 4/wee-apple failurea is cultienttent tied barns inspected as tie neatnetea_ .
-'-tlii ti'told; and Lady -Verna/I:letreated to a little lionizing.," . whenever I see him, I always weeder neer gone tobedtill after twelve at fertilleetlen-end-s.PritYleeteteltotattleAs- and-elineibttitee -When the ferintr's
hastened to Add: • As she •sptike, they entered a lane ,tifitwhy on earth your (ether_ makee.estienetthe.,._ the chief fertilizer to be applied to office wait reachelded, Mr. Farmer, G
"However. wherever -she - has beene-eip- etesteete iiill,eanderine pulled -up Ilie-efenate a friend of him. ' And yet ,
she has been well trained and cared ponies hitt, it walk, .'The Dartulm these through countries, fruit, trees, part•icularly after they., to the friend. "Here's where I make
' tit SOklITIS so unetet to (teems any , in which fifty-two languages and dia- come into bearing. It, may, be bade my money." tie ineant that the eft
for. Tse That little air of repoand .1 '41 shall be such •ft very poor kind ',.oplition that's at all aer
e dignity , she has- le -simply aiseinate ' of a lion-. I'M arn2id I claret even '',, rause Iltr. 'Guildford Defter) ne.Z.:' lctret:tleTni:teti' lit:i it:1n 2ite. i;ireiliit lit - feuutoticscfirunlinteillrdylailt4SCI-re itailliLte itfinc: trittiritrdly- - it'*47Cele4srittehire brtitttlitil
ing, i suppose she gets' er manner know how to roar. I -e" She stop- " 4ioesi,Lacrle.tlAiltudig.....rtchaitas_t toirotellgte,zoctoleteticeoreirte.tgtri: ope.f,. the tommerce of ,Vaiite latter form. , An anneal application, over the mistekes he had tuadte
from you?' . I Pod suddenly, and Ledv perndakAilai_
-oupotiolt- should-heemeeleeupon- hear-- i eiletakee are-restile• - in the-kketeet--- -
÷t• he earl sinned, -end Waved ''. the glanced at her to eee *the cause. ;prejudice You against 111111, for you on the state railways in Germany ing ordhards, 500 pounds to thei help kept on the ferret; its refatibit ligii
compliment aside gracefully. • i - Norah had' hattpened to glance to- 0011 he ewe to see a great deal tot the colors of *the carriages are the dere. phosphoric, tititi is the seettud ,, to the -welfare Of the farnter'e SONS
sq. NINO not eet tied time to crib.' ward the left side of the lane just te. him."Iimportant fertilizer to he applied are ' and daughters), and the way it treats saine as the ticket of their respective
11%,,SeVT;-•te setalf •°' ht.
feise- her," he Bald, •!bete 1-etein (le- i little ahead of them, rind saw 11! Sto they talked,. the elder lady ati classes. thus first-clasa ta.rriages.are eificially- to atilt ot tho plain'T stock miler its tame eteetild tie dee:4
lighted, thitdtt-yotttsbottttttttttk-ttotittttttttttYfftktttteejMttite-seatedeeeite a- teatere -- AtreeleloetateLeteithettoratrettnett.t-wahr-wgesf--i-groir,---.--ifecottitigreezrlit • Pete, tie-5-00"epTetifeedi) tpteettettenedee eVaterteeavingseorefalee-te-
to admire in her. For My- part, ',mole' stodd below him, bet he wasi 1 with her, and Lifter •ft time they clase white. Per acre may he applied annually in , economies are great errora; 'these
tbought herre-..„ it lie paused it morn-leyidentlY taking it retie -and eat with :', reached a rambling Queen Anne man-; ., A Berlin doctor live ite•eleiiin that the spring. Nitro -n Ced4 be Obtain*•:111ItY be practiced in the ht in di
cut. "unlike.; eiey .'rele-Mber of niy.famt • his arms reeling on *his knees.. and Mon in red. tooltittg, as Norah a team) should never en .1,1c.63 by a ed cheapest - by meant of thorough; ge€ ti vine or feted „etet enyekietleette*: -
HY . " ^ .4t % • .. 1,1,,I. i ,-"- 0.1 .,. . % ,9 .' smoking, in deep thought,. 1 th.oitglo, like a pletore or afillaisi &lid upder sixteen years of oge, Out • .And_nitr4genotrset!. 7 -nut. tr.-4.10 1 li.e" of dimp • taires -for • fent •
- • .
Lady Ferni ale reneeted for a mo- She tried not to blase, bid, sho felt re'thert Milt. real.eheicie -and -Istonefe.etiele-000-:telilseriliti pla.yetTlieTofte-irie netts. nein itrartures ere' gel-1011lb* ii steel:. Verily.. one' eleiold be on the
went, het head 05 otie side; thee iilie' the bet Motel' eising tAii ho•-•-, fate. end.; with the ivy climbing over it, and, age of tWelve he found 660.cases of more economical *tier). applied. to lookout. Wet he elate.' theee. retie*
i et -,
. teeepuntled with ittaitl ing centime . , islet . kneve that _Least .Feeittialee, teareeestat * • e tteeleetkette in e - utti. ;eerie eteeeeetee . „ ,--- teete teree-'-eVitiltx-ifizrirwtre -Aililiftetr---tb-a---riti.s-th'ilt --Tait-T-'`---doil:ti-ifie -bittgettt
-----/- "owes, ao she is., quite intlilie. 't&eit -eyeS taw Aeticed it. (i-e.op greet &eine, i Ifersee go eheati in South Morecto. orelmeds. yet they can be used with' profits. '
1 (.01 11 to thiek of et; elut is so Much "Itha is that. dea.r?".ehe waked. I , "Yee. it'e 'Very pretty," said Lady' ttecentlY one was sold hi Mogadetr by good rosiats, perticularly 'When, *e-
mote beautiful than any of the, Ar- "Ilis name is Cyril '- turtle. He is; Ferndale, in resPotte to Nor:Ill's P-X-!aitetioa for 41 pesetas', equtvolent. to. juvenating ittl teees. Cultivation
Itec Lute
•aie artist." • . • ;clareation. of delight; "tied of coeitse,•ebent 51 cetits. ineour troreee The ,gtoulti, Iv eitePptit Lite in ,tlie seesoo,
• i"litratte you for efe and ree bere'r **Evidently,'" geld'. riio peiindate.....ront- viiri, rotid and proud" Of it. 'anintuil ...Will. , he used' To turn ' it .;,ruly or • Atiguet. tehtl Ot el'oP . 'ma°
he 'Fetid. • . .! "Whatese handseeneeste, leg 'foilow? is ' iIihtlit,.4,4.4., zot nearly.' so greed. 'a . grindieg-storie in A PatiVe mill. ,... ,
theti be Owe. Aileen the hoed to 115pr/6 eat e, zeea.to c hie Peepert
"ttttil. that bale of here, at& . her lot a .frfortd; of Petite,. Mere • ,'. Platte •ati yeurie- ehave epeet matte I India-ruler/0 tem% . width. are ,
eyes. are slinply . teouderful, end I'M .".Seareety a.. 'Wet:W.4 have erkly -ears the*. she neided, 'with , pot '. ciit-e.ry:', tither : tIO*ton,titive1 urrsuntiVitrtld..talt1 tee enaette.
veeu hiieei ti othing.fn the ettire Awe him or ei-,--" • 'She pal .
Teethe; the One• the emcee 73.1 14'
.of 'the, Pa dear, and, un- yeers; end it le .e.• curiotts Pao.. that, cription of it, '4anti subutiftc.(1' it. t
liti, View': the oldeet met tuest reequeotlist-tAirp. I! oliernt for -6 ipioVaT. . t
Lust beep aimed for the first time-
• In Cheshtre, England.. and the ad-
joining counties more than 25,000
tons. of Cheshire_ cheese_are made an --
German Post Office employes must
obtain the special permission of' the
Government before they may. maery.
In nesse, Germane-. tax bas been
put upon bachelers, who now helm
to pay .perM
, cent. ore taxes,.
, an married-Tnetr.
Brides are cheap in Uganda.- The
fixed b law at fterel ectiv
.el herd"- slit .eitclaimed, eame the day.. itt with
. teletepbantl .- .. rkaltty hen ne. (tett Iq tlikee
- eiteith ' airteeietinteretlet. ten-1--eit i
room, anti La .` rnd2le rosa with 'dale, "droppieg .ht '04t.'0 49 they'll% etu
*e("ofini *long. 10 dear. the said. o 7,0)liezt `ur,), !,toralt„ owl It
*Toll have gust tome in time to pro-, druPI)ivg this gettet tooktg tiP0,4rOni
*C*nt - N'bur father atat 'aid '•riv611i'Iplii7'-..v1i1ii-iiiiiiitU itiid faitiiiil kis ht.
vortg. No..vir 3i11z41,-. ichsit4 it was ' "Shall I 8:f.Cifir. skisi Lady Fern
' ithelet. tte geeertilise„ menage to, .itale, to a whisper. '
tierrel 'over edetethiege &el, tee) "Oh, nee" relilfed 'Non*. k
atilt Artritv,ipileri 8 "Vete' eteill'i't ..triti tictdy :ti%tsirt,-1,
The otti *hailed Itiit tbsi IfIca vi tul. CtIto prmies ' *bilked on. '
Oo atI4Uiri1, ihet 43101,41htiotti''" *b* sold,
...0 tereteght han tit; ten
ezarilen in ti e Dutril. $ltvi t. -
e clone (0340 t '0 • (eager:ea to tee of
teeee opt in a white , Sumatra. 'the natl 4111.
i.' i10 tI a ,ral.v hat:, 41(iik a l'opfitrtuecl„
.,..: - ...,
iand over tis handsome Neel irlio 4' t it,
w Nt'llo .it, was his wife had , is at keo. in At:eta-cilia,
t'inieete`. - ' , illineArt ciw-..,:tion it.4 0124111.a1tn,
titi the .eap40 41 thy iyow1 Chum Itaillwok Mine; end itrt
Utiaril. i,P . 1-aZt is, titralc o it.e‘ Cc: tra r.f
detighttilt MI t., er otit Ch itt. *Mort\ of
sid tAiit 1cr 11aM 11i3a1tet..,.*
let) teeteette. ond then
ehottlit'coteiltitietitetrtatrnttnt feet . "I don't* ttlett I'll
In . heft ,eveeteer; r eteert ' •1: 4
;,itlie1.t :1 0 elt'. 1-tir.tiir; i14hat
tera11Wt010,L.i„rs0w71144,le teliteIt-1v4ia4lei1
tte isettore . --
teepee tl.',(?'t IC ' 1, erlInst litiv I
Ithldti iCitte;Va ...t It. ' be,t3d kala, it' tvo, t tg I tnSit'lalb• *
'041111001) ir '