HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate., 1905-08-03, Page 1SOVEREIGN DANK OF cANADA k seal *war ER, werdesdBuririttirencher, .A*.artiStems, mim- es, Conveyancer", Comadoelonera 1. *Beek, etm. ,y to Amur at roe* wool erten*, , 0450s, toroatraet,S1,r, oar, kiittrIticssmk TAMA mount eir-pri'rete Atka* te Too) propane. at tow row or- inter. - 13arristara. $oJkltor I6Int ICeeter Oet sessions it is an undoubted fact that the summer school will be a success throughout the:whole term which ends. on Aug. 0, It i. well worth- even the most buoy to avail themselves of the privilege of liStel409; to some of the iddudngeitbe or evening ilieWilene of this week. -ONE Wft0 irlfirrAD,ON TWOOP/PritIVIING.. To AbelislireinerelifiEstralre. --• — The necessity for abolishing all !VOW ieglit-agrionituroffairitven 'upon in the annual report of Pairs and ,:ftbibitions. Man ofthe fairs are thw-immeral- .0 tete 01- the aide,abewe- 'Jogai IrriTirtitaraoriat vta -Itirtt'ilifeettrtir-Or,' &kir 1r*". illuv""' and those taking 'part *here races are , - held'etre liable to fine and iMprisOn- meat. Trial* ofspeed ere_ Inter. AiLthe-itsual-prosestinAtid sing' i‘ott.;double,no. •• 1111111liest AoreThe COW= at the 01.Wietete Caned*, Parties putative totta rrouciat June to who their troe. .004 apply to transsr gettinT, ent, swat ouse to Bat. rs*ebovae coittositis 7 rooms, eituated blireetorMalts 'street; seed Kerdelt round tbering to show their _ style of action or speed. Among the deeir*ble features illustrited are athletic. com- petitions, school gamest horse juin Ing contests, boys' competiticov-Olun.- ing apples, ciairsiry squad 01,1140e11VVOS, and similar features. bestir ef 14101411ssleella tlarilletear. There died in Listowel en Monday last Muss Isabella Gardiner, daughter of the late- Walter Gardiner. Of Rib. dio.psybut her ease did not assume a• ,oerto s • i •• n 0 yiettintr don for it. w�ek. r. 0. Soutbcott la vlalt.ing in Li and St; Thotnae. i�iLlugh&moflatelVtif ottcotliirLiK-Wirtits, The Misses ClinU, of 'visiting the Misses Miss. jetssie Miller. litsit to Mrs. WrigbtstSa TheMisseeCobbkdkkre •day. from it vhfit in Br*ntf Mr, Lio$4, p„ jones.pen Week at his borne in SL.Tb Mise Kinatusin., ore ;Tuesday. with Stisa Sadie SiuTeton,L Is the guest of Miim Ethel Parnier. Miss CoraB. Vergusonof Aubu itthejr.usat..... L._ . Miss,Pearl Rollins left to visit her-einnt.-litre..6.1., -Byron. , Mr, and,Mrs. R. ftS*tnn ler, ave the gueata of towne--IteV. Moyer ze Evangelical ening in tbu Englhh o --wfth a batndsome olik unibrelle en of esteem in which he is the baseball boys....Messrs. th,, Heist 4 Co., have•tieveral In. roM.Muneellown; in Vito vicin. illing Itaxo-*Weare pleased to r. Wm; Brown around tigain nt iliness."-.Several of our taking in the Old, .1)0.11' o London next Weeit.-sar• ford bits Purchased a new rom Nestor. Ooodiaen * Son nia-Mesers. Fred Vitutrth and Roeezler have had their dweis ffuther. Mrs. Charlotte Box and Mr,tmes Box returned rusigU-3ii -Fikiir, visit forth. - ----4fisseszknette-and-Blivabetit4iiltoys- of London are visiting a the home of gr._ vv. D. Wettest. Mrs.( Isi honictioit w en s e wits. -eir oWn 't e • •* vitae wrought its work,,gradually but surelyuntathevitaloordwassn 11168 Gardiner made herb° yeurs ago when she Went to to reside.-4kboatt*G-wasia 441014e- aecensed went to visit -friends in Listowel and while there she Was tak- en worse and died. 'Miss Gardiner was highirrespected'and her erianyfriendtr Residenet. 01 Ira 41. Kemp es ar;drew street, iforPutiolsra vPlY to ("vnZi. O. temp. Exeter. will deplore her demise: Estrada her mother ehe is survived by four broth. era and three sistertall of whom re- • side in lowa. Her remain; were taken to the house of Robt.eardiner,Thounee Road, from there the funeral tikes laceloAlsylThtirsdayYteltrefirmax .etery. , Estray Skiers* odunto the, prengeesot the 12124144141144 I5oiadary, Hey, on or about ?ley Nth. - warner van MVO NMI. by -sailitAtItAut Mrand-Mr&--J. _ re -Wilt be by Auction at Centralia, on iitk- irty yearling and six tyro -year-old tompesed of hackneys,. general and roadsters. JAS. CLARK enders Wanted. rec•eire tender* up 4* IS Erkfuy„ tha lIth dsy 01 Attittysti rokt.ion 01 aliout Moos equate Irepittlt. beeides ereftinge, in lie oi Exeter. (T112( 10 epecjicatioes be eeen at the *Mee ot the undersigned. orszsy r not stoned/4 *carted. SICIII0 eipality of the Township of Ste- phen; County of Miran. st1eeisbetebygien have transmitted or mentioned. In methmat List Mt, trOfe*pies required treeareitted or delivered of tb.-11444-Atts, *ULU Asseennentilot et the Ikted te "OW In the Ettil Menthe** of, the Logi* Elettione; and the $r4 peskd at my enlee„ St Crediton„ 1).*- IOW:. mid remain* y • raoarzt. part of the week here. .-Al1se-Jentrie4tutarrt-lArrkdoirrv1s.. ited in town over Sunday. Mr. Fred Gould, of Seafortb, is boll- dayirsg-et-hisimine-here.,-- Miss Plaistow. of Hamilton, is the guest Of Mrs, Thome* Creech. Mr. Norman Bern. of Norwich, is spending his holidays•at his home here. Mr., Frank Sweet, who has been working in Wingham, has returned to town. Mr& Piper left Friday on a few weeks' visit to Jeep& In London and -Cleve-Mod, Mr. Wm. Grigg, of London, spentit few days during the week with his parents -here. Miss Stenbuq, of Bayfield. Inn at the bottle. of her brother, Mr. r of Stephen, bus tisken house on Buren street* • Mr. Rat. Titenehente, or -)Eleigritie. spent a couple of days here this "Veil with his sister. lire. Chit' s. Dirriey. - Mra, Retry ileurnar.,efter is plena; ant visit with her . sister in mttits OrtA4Mkluiteseturnedhotne•ThittrIdai. Mr. j. W..Thirrisen.- who bus been ,vlsitittg-fritnas-in--tovrn,for-tl*e-.-pssit few vreekji. left Monday for Toronto. Mr. lov. -Laud:took left Thursday' last, for Fort ,Waytte::.Ind.,- owing to theiserionsilinette_OLhiceors7,20Wts ivingthete. MiariLtrila licAvOy, of Kincardine, Spending it few weeks with friends in town, the guest of her grandfather, Mr. -0004-00 Mitett, O1fl. and Maud are'spei the-heine.of thdr and Mrs. Geo 8m evening for Regiu& and, other notate' In tbweet, They will rennin somotIme ,Mr& -Wm. Murray, of lteinback,WItto has been visiting Mr. Jan Bunter, Usborne,Ieft Monday to visit friends The Mimeos Elva and Ethel Illaybee, after a visit with lira (Dr.) Anderson here and. at Orandittend, have edtoFenelonFalls. tn.*, • Mr. EL Tannin. tersOt:aj Tuesday withilis broth *An W. man. 'Ite was on bs'Wier le, raeraton, where he will look after his brother's businessfora time, ei o :through the fthige Oute for the Ilend, went to Centralia Mon. .1Oner 8tfor :$7.. • On'et0tl---semt.Poreehtlo *Obit t Lyndon deSigo, blue, self oidersitunning- vineand'closter o fioWexund e-Dr*Datailler t 10T fln reen shaJIA.gatelibe# pre ta.K. • t *12 Mesmer Set for $9. 07.piece'Dniner Set, setui.pOreelain, Parte design,Iting Edward Blue, ben. tiful conventional color and dog. it, gilt -lined, brilliant, finish. made by e 3. _If. W. &SemiCo.i Hanley, *MOO for $0.00,, $12.50 Diseter Set for $9. , ii7.piece Dinner Set. Lucerne detain, Cobalt blue; conventional design, Kilt bens, gilt -fined, new patterns, made by Oolorriel. . Pottery,, Stoke', Engbind $12,00 for *9.00 Only 3 Ctiesnber Seto .Isift. One Chamber Set; ehaded Pink and. gold, .gilt -lined, new patteipozado S. Ford Is 0o., Enalamt $4, for St One Chamber Set, Granada design,. well Wlered, food full shapes, made by -J. IL W. &Solis; Hanley, England, ISO for $2275. One Chamber Set, plain white with gilt lines, $3.50 for $.®. 4 Plugs good smOking- or --chewing cc°. for 25 cents it won- t it score 0f 144 Cleude Ilinett acted as lune :11_404.,gaveereellent_pitisfaction,- • Wein, who- left suddenly for inyafew' has -re, — concert on Mr. Sweitxers Friday evening of thio week' ' rte held fast week were a eandwe feel lure all veil the: mitertairimentt..Th! . Zuriob Lou% Weber, Who hao been laid up with* lame leg, is recovering. -1410 tittle 1,ffell, Who has completed the ndfllnery season at Niagara frail& has Templint.'' Wed. going te Missouri; ha* c histuindanci.bonght eltirness. etkitiviialii4W4110014, r. and Mt* McWatters, of Sag . titititrit t visit here Miss Until 'Slurried to Detroit.-- , of Galt. i* Visiting her oltams. _ Florence Caril of towo, end Mrs. Rep -Billet; of 14.;.trot left--altiesday en a trip down the St. Lawrence. Mr. and, Mrs. 'Luke Spearin and Mrs. Swale*, of St. Marys; Mr. and Mts. J�lrn ItOkey Ana daughter. Ifaorgle, and Mr.P. tiotkey, 01 BarailtonAr,ove over from St. Marys Sunday and spent the day with friends. s After spending* few weeks in tbe Northwest,.mr. T. E , Etendfor4 AV- rned•homeon Fridai-Jatt. 11 portseverything very. bright in tb rairie province and prospects of the 'ciaharrestingsrne- _Of the la Faust and. Wurtp thatthey. vWted , the Portland erthibrtion, and arc'ow Seattle...4110i Annie -Heideman has returned to Detroit after it pleasant and extended. atey at her home hem... Geo. Buchanan, barrister, of Sudbury. was,* visitor at hie home for it few rhys during, the week. -Mrs. Q. N. Taggart and Mise Angle.Bees, after a few days yisit ort their horror here, have rettlrOeft to South Bend„ -who•-lett-reeerrtly•-.for--the---West,- bus deckled tcretay for some month& rs,4« Di Verner and Miss Lily are . 4 t * • Victor:),, last • week returned to -their iii:Ler *Arm visit here. Their son. Mitt - been here for theyast year. spend; 4444-nt hInhowr1, rev:149.1.!-;10 co!iiite in' MO fichonl work at Hagertville. NO PAPER NEXT WEEK rouswing lite nisaleristem of ',vatic- ly paper* tke ADVOCATE will beliday next week. Readers and ents will k1i1ygams therf lath. at .Sehringel MOta,--or Berlin, is the guest 01 Mrs. Geo. Oainp- Kittmerrtrawitrue •-hOniertit it vitir..-Misees-Gladys and Itose Mellevin, of edderich, fermeri be'cereigra u it on their tweets,* in 'the recent High Sela401 exam& They both stood big met. in their reepietive classes.' -Only one tender was received by 'the direc- tors for ra new eirovi'house and this was considered too' * high. The directors :tlitifedecidipd to -lave the housebuilt byday labor and have appointed Ohits, as superintendent. Da'n. Smith rehatectthe Mr Dunn, of Toledo, Obio, visited . Ilicharer lianditurelaarivealP= Thos. Willis, who bail been/ very is, we are pleased to report, laowing signs ot improvement. ly ail harvested in th theeshirighas wen from here -intend taking, 10 Ui. 0141 Bov'doitinex A game of baseball was pbayed here Monday evenngbetweeutbe ereditrin Juniors -and our Juaiars-reeult.Ing in ftikTOr Of Mt former. Tay agalo boys. • -Mr. 0. FatirbaU Mkt In Luca - day on butilnese.-A Ladies' 0 theropm, the' worth 1engue the,Ep o at the /lend this new separator *nitro& bere ogs thiir iweekareeelling !girt base itice. or 1101ineitilile. wed. Methodist al it On lands, . • - 'heeney, Patera via t here and at veturned--to-Torente Mon - aortae spent a few days duringtheweek.....1kelle.. in in out %Vett...Mr. .te it siting his I u Me - tit to friends in Butte. • Fell&...lifral 3. Macar- and ataily -Are ;1016.Urtillift itt terfor. la .Stiontlt.-4it. VOk tit"104124114ayaattil Shepherd. Borten, Wien, twill mid Bonthron are Ing at the Beni. -0. Fetter: ton- artizt moving the..M*4. Will The berry season_ wilt soon: he -over. Andy Patterson has accepted a ROA- • th:J=CL-t.Reidif. erk-itre--busy---ctitti their wheate.-Alisses Rasa, Cassidy a nda-Itobinsom-lif-West-Oornere, areattending the Sommer School tit Grand Bend...Itobt. Keown is rapidly recovering from his recent accident...- have returned to London, after brief his Jessie Dearly and Mr, Snollarove visit with friendehere.-SlienSherritt. .of Shiplea,is spending a short titne with BIM -Thos.- limitherS,--Whe-hirs -beets 111...,Minies Kathleen and Mary 'with tit*Pe lbso-riduring the a"week. -Wel. friends in this township.Mrs. , Or- val, of Detroit, is here on At - Miss Annie Vance, of Emmerson, Man.. Is a visitor at the tomtrof Duncan. Mc. be-.-retekv,ea or thesleath or pr. otdirey .)ones, goo of Dr. Jones. of Cleveland, WhO passed. away -on- July 1,4, while undergoing- an operation at Cleveland. 'Dr. Jones aild his son will be rerneerbered 'here by it :randier of the older resident, having, resided on the farm at present owned by It N. Tweddle.-DiVid Kennedy ie nursing a, sprained wrist these days. While walking over Foster' i bridge -on the 7th cow,* portion of it camedown on hirri with the above result.-Robt. by a "Itorsi3 which he was leading and as it tense- urines:haw been laid off dtit ...Ben. e au ng- n par o e -twa:nersA: rrokeveritetr mated tit -nutter, rtin away andlilr. Robinson met with tanate.for him. to beilttid. busy season, but he has secured, the • rvissworlitrttea-lOokhartgtOlelpttak off the crops. the1.r1.--Mr.*DanielrErskiiie. at the 8th con., died on Sunday, July 28rdatt his residence, at the age of .55 year* Ile. has been, ill for several months, 11 'et of which time be was Under med. cal treatment at 'London. Deceased wat one of our most respected and. es- teemed residents. Belng is native a the townshipand s resident his whole lifetiines'he waswidely known. Qoiet and unobtrusive he did notseek but he had the qualItlea of min, and heart which mado is valuable m.ember • lb_lijciletttlx, the linareit-lorret,wae of its meat coma tent, earnestatur One. ful'mewbcrs. 1118 death ha* oat it gloom over the community andthe triostiteartfelt-syrsipethy-le-A3ttettded to his sorrowing, widow and five thild. 'ren. The funeral took pittee PO Tues- day to the Parkhill cemetery, tinder the' Auspice* of the Boons Circle, of of Which he wet st MOW° her, and was very largely attended. Greenway Mrs, A. C.' Wilson returned to ter . homein-Aumi, 1114Iast week, after spendin two months withfriendehere isitherart-W-Plomr uron, and visited friends in Sarnia forsever. al dityw---A large loadof,gtritt In connection . with the Epworth League left here 'Monday to ',Pena '11 week at Grand Bend and take Pert the summer Thibto, deau and wife and son, Orval, of Shed- den, are visiting friends in this vicin. ity...41110 Vera -Gammon, of Forest. .teartberirfonr-ft-hoot, is visiting her numerous- friends around Shte-bitifseen-----JreiralitViOlfirtbir ary department,. at Inwood, at a Iarge friends • around • here are vet-ysorry to hear of her departure but wish -her sumacs in her new field of labor.. --j. Brophy left Tueola • to take it tripby boat letiM . , • _Or Mies kerr, of tireenbush, is visiting her aunt. Mew. A. M. Wilson. - surris' - . LABEAV IlaYeCon, 11,00 July 28, to Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Labeattotion„ Eere--At Varna, on July, 28, to Mr. and.Mra. E. Epps, s, /daughter. - • Or4omax.-In-Exetei, on- July- 27ttr, - • to Mr, and mss,LF". Nit.* -deiffirder. '• Aawir--$_.W_mdtE.-At_t_littbomitat bride's parents, on July Lby Rev. W. M. Martin Ur. George Taa nt, oViltlatforthtrhfis, lessfir="ditti ,-ter-orMr-and-- Mrs. James Wilile, --- . Exeter N'ortb. GRou,Y-PRILLTPe-At te«iiiaiii;--tici,77 August I, by Rev. W. 3, Clark,Mr, Smut 4.....Oregory, of Battleford, Sask. and,sori of Mr. l'hoe. Gregory,: ter, to Miss Ida 0. Phillips, of ' don. MC0ALL1314-Eiwonrre-On July 290, at the Trivitt Memorial chtirth, Es- ter, by the Rev. Mi..Doherty,, of .11ensall, Mr. Stewart -Meettlitim, of London, to Mitt Sophia, daughter of Mr. and Mr& Ja11200 Sweet, Exeter. trnanti Itoee-fht-Parithilli rattirtir 21, Cbzjs.rbrilitit600,Wido*--aVeleta J. C. Ross, aged 05Years,11 months. GARDIN1131.- In Listowel, Jtuy rsabella„Gardiner. daughter of .the _ late Walter GirMliter, aged t4 yeare end months. I • Etteltitcrt.44 litettillivra .July .23, I Daniel Erskine. aged 55 Pat% dadtrich, on July Itobt. Ure, D.D., aged 82 years. •Mr. and Mrs.%4. 1T , and Mr. Alien Myers, ol'I`Jon Sonde and AtonassAtthe Mr.: an tiandera. Main Street. . es.lt ,