Exeter Advocate., 1905-07-27, Page 71 7- Inn Ljui affuction 41 adog for its Ina*, di cited b thc vtzon I •n otee to Fsndu« ft owwreMoteo hillifefal •zya Prqrntnent l'froxtle., • • er Ci ; .. 114 ...rraeues, Governor of e ' _Werner hi tbis.-werld;, We the rietteet :01an. 211 3iexz i / lit'es 0.t; Q bfgb ad, ..1 ille. :Lillian IllatiVelt,i the A or . **eV ' '1/ t -0prhea.:-, donne,. ' hes 1ineK,..4 4,. *4 iii 'v,11 hi t.',n . Irr, fu'i! 12e 1 fo of, a week. ' '',111:0. in , lin , . . a za , 10' iJ' ' JAVIOP . . 41 i velei4ar. itweek „a ‘, 1 _ 4 li*.PAGfriiftto a „ -'41).-?••We.'thrivitlg t4z± ktv- ' ,ee r 130therlattd, 4eVer leien reiReled -011 1014 < *01,0 4owoo tor n only ' the h g t '')-a/.'<1°V11,tr!' in llartlerima,, can well-A.110VA etal 'exnding. Over 411 Vete Of !w , • , estaietisTent!;,-- • • ; 41- te 0-0: ,1421 ,i4ia 4cs' , , 411,0,er X "A, : 1:1., 00, AOre„fie or rit;orp t. at./ , . , .ICidiley Teout404'. ito ft, lee. 4/41 : ' 1 50 (/' ' ' h ;*.kitga tel A ese4t.centh•- of tho. • 414g41014•* but.t . 4 velop,ed-Intn; Diabeteee / went to u_ouu 1' • .140,. 4,14! 01w-liti l'000hProPertY 'In V.10),Iftetnitire.deeter bet Ids treatrisent sii.ris*ef , , - 0; ' NY$0m1Pli awl .flasiada.' ' •-: too meet Aehateette t.O' me. .1 -began to -1031.*on Ui� ..ttirOLti'. tit like it-horece,:elest 7.7dOWit Co the ground Anit).110 'Lord „1"teliget'e tenantless tithe •1",!.,edd'il Kidney Pills in Decerte. triret07- ' Did he wish to stalk Antelope, then - the red bars werel..exposed. and Sfotee WoUld, graze quietly • in a direction ,01/Thluo to. yet approaching the nerd. The bright, burs .would ' at- tract the curiosity of the deer, and they would approach -so neer et14.10 Alio* 0i414 unfailing ebot fren1 P44- direr'PlAce of coireefilment under the attnneth- of, the bullock. • Was it * flock of pea -fowl that was 14 Sight, then the green side pt the eking ,wotild be turned towards the $ rna de, ;4/ as Liting alarm as tb. villaga Catthi.fcimmon- ly range the forests in their neigh- borhood 4elight..- nti he was on the alert and friale0 --abbut lannicKliately-the -aid amok shouldered. his gun. . When. the gune Was Pandu seldom f hi; little bullock -leteelltl00M0 linger (We 119 W- IlfelMarned "jelter." "because-- h rideth furiously," and 'even to-de.y his stet! must be good riders anti well mounted in order to keep pace with him. , The !German Emperor not long back received a, peculiar present -a Oh- seissors, but fio eXqUiSitely 111ndO OIS to be 'valued at nearly Sll00. A steel merehant was the donor. Be bad the Emperor's portreit eri(1 some celebrated/ historical buildings engeetved upon the ecissors. The eti- timer is_ said have_worked _ five Edi<,unard De I• terate, .who,' after a, long xibtence, is to appear in opera this_ SMOOT! in London, was brought -ufi-Orlffilliti)iy_aa an -agriculteriet.-.110 was always.it:IiiVer Musle. Veer» ever, and -alter acquiring an -al round experience of farming decided to midxe singing his profession, with- out-actufdlY-ab-to4044-arricul o - 11be thought there Wati - hall:leg/Ling • • It is related --that when -Seraeater 'wrong there. -\ the fareous Violinist, quitted ,the. - - , „/ Paris Conservatoire the advice 'was tendered' hinr,r_ ''Wed. thy Vielin,--Siuse aft-fid4-nY , „7-=-0)Vwcyt-- summer months ate a, bad time, Or little ones and an ensigns time' for mothers. Stomach' and bowel' trOnbles come quickly during theliot weather, and' almost. before the moth- er realizes:. that there Is 4anger the little on nsy.be.1)0024 aidin every 'beetle, 'at tide 'season bere should be kept a,lsox of Baby's Own lets, and_ at the first' symptom of vas • ou 'promptly Curecholera irdentuini, ellarrhOta, 'and stomach troubles. and *e just the tbint_si tawnier fleecy) at s t me ter"eep et Ildren wefl Mre. 'Frank -Moore, lirtiokfteld, MS.; • isrsYs: 71 alwaylirkeep Sabra 'rookie Thiuid enter!! ney. .1 'do not kilo*. any- "other 4ktitrwt -ease!) of stomach or bowel troubles* And this inNlielne is absolutely wife under a -glarantee - to torstain no opiate or harmful drug." Y.'ou eon get the Tablets .fritin your • ;Medici* dealer or by mall at 25 • Costs a box by writing the Dr.. Wil - Medicine Co.,, Brockville. Ont. For 5amething'-like-thii4y---3/earie he has enjoyed an. immense repute. - tion, and since the age of twelve he has always practised siX hours a day. Here le a story of Mark Twain. Mr. C. p.r. Outhrie. an entirtent Scottish advocate, was tedking to Mark Twain, when the latter asked him: "D ou ever smoke?" • "Yes," was e re yr'"itrlien'r-rifirrn a parry." "You are a lawyer, aren't you, U. Guthrie?"' "Ye% " was the ansWer of adv ea, 0., -"Why"." ertid ar Twain, 01 must be a very heavy '111110k1.-lelitride1 Barori Aiplionse De -Rothschild, `whose deyniSe recently took place* was the -ad of the PariS branch of the Hothschilds. His lather, Baron d' Pity PhystIolari Tom atei Must Dhe. James. was the first financier, of but S aith American Kidney Cure cured whom ._,tha tairtmlit sfory.....ia_tolti_of ma of that itivial Bright's Disease." the revolutionists who- waited on TMs in a sentence from a letter of a him, inviting him to share out his well-knownk business man in a western .w,ealth among to publfr. Baron town who through overwork and worry James remarked that. he woe sup.. had contracted this kidney pestilence. it posed to be worth 20,000,000 fr., Will. relieve Instantly lurinl. cure all kid. and that -there were 20,000,Q00., peo., pey diseeres.-102 11.1•••••••••••• pie in France. "?That is a fran h-plece;.. there, miersloirie itt your 'hare," and,..giving th.ce --helf-doma astonished leaders a frond apiece, he bovived them -out. • - 11-and-iir-4kuguet-- work. ' "Now I am quite strong.. 1 worked iwint without pains al all in my back or any \ art of my body. Podde 'Ciao* li lizi.eured me.' - 11 the Kidney Disease is of long standing it m*Y-trike time tor. cure it. But Dedd"ti Kidney Pills will do It. Hareonk, has proved by experi- ment the possibility of what may bet Untied -A,- .2"!seirelessttf-,boat.---- • fteitttutt-tr,--tlie---pritfe/Pre---:13 wireleae telegraphy to the transit of vessels on the sea. Ilatl-10411d t1- Wh Atokilit 4.4_1184 10118.111/--litiaLTAtlier had. 011eir,-Dr. Agnew's Ointment gave the quicke,strelief and surest cure.- 'I'ltes0 $uss gems of truth picked from tc- tereetett oUseoriers. vsr beeis VAativW-dasssili ws -E-c/: instrirettes rite=1;03 The- five highest buildings . in the World Are the Ville' Tower,: Paris; 944 -_Menu, 'lit 555 tatitV-iiiiittting*-Ph1 a el la a eet• a r o 20, in�nths old; Ayfehlrti ‘00411, e 4 APPW. ' ton 0 * ; • 'lle1104PR°. Tit" ill."E:01.$111:4, It& VPIN14.9 nePPlaceit begets heeith. 'Oily • htrp In the Celebratini.,Motne Mountain. -4Y41,ttott;:tonT,T7m---,Itetvtturrouti ad rep fitileires enknoWn. Carly e our- are-oldi-ites-iiver-eleve, wit, Inererlieleffeee- • _ e - will) built them knew their busine ..;ft-•tt_'-eils-----efeee-----every woven. 0 T,aed Co. of „ LTarlyle. Arlis bola. have Il00,000 ,uries of improved, and unimorevcd forint lands for Xele In this district. l'Itesi solicit your cOrres- Pontlence. Further 'information and particulars cheerfully given. . le EARN TELEORAPIIY & 4L R. Aecountirig. ISO to $3.00 Per, month salary assered graduatesun. der bond. You don't pay •us until you eaves a positioh. Largest systern of telegraph schools in America. En- dorsed by all railway oilleittle. Opera- tors. elways in demand. Ladies also delmitted.1i/rite for catalogue!, Mortal Sel1001 , ;:trelegraPhY WillannAti • _O. Busider . *nem .1111R:i beet Viitheilt Them YON' lkillar theY Aiwaya 644 'is kir* . Lunch: ToMilies Volai Loaf Donelise Chiakers Driod beef firtaket Deed . Soups: • 441 oast Dekkeit Moans iital,t 37.vr Gessevi, ridiculous ler a ruing man to- get.--Inarcied-aa 40011-418 bc.comen o,t_aget" said the"--eltlerly "Irtsink. so, do you?." said Henpeck, languidly. "01 curse!: Why, he's r.-Weit;-he-isreteit- he -get - -t -•11t:L. • huay writes: "I was enabled to r move 41te eerns, root and brench, bsr the trite of Rollowe.ses Corn CUM.'" Others who, have tried -it- hover "her same. ologne, 511 feet; Strasburg, 4.66 feet... The riegging Energies Mali/ed.-Con- stant Application to business is a tax upon the energiesand if there be. no relaxation. lassitude and depression are sure to intervene. These, come from, stein -lath trotibleis. The want of exert else Ohms on nervous irregularitiee. and the stomach causes to ainsimilatir food properly. In this; condition Per - melee's Vegetable Pill* will be found a xocuperatis.4.04..r4&rit • the organs to 'bcaltbful actlon,&Wise - Mg depression, and reviving the flagging energies. Returns Show the Num er a England's Wealthy Men. The British Treasury has Issued a parliamentary return of the assess - told me Blanche wen deaf., but when 1 chearged‘the eon- versationtinionde-she-hear,d ever y'-ivorel." Areellit;--`41 she is atone deaf.". • ••Waiter;-theee--,ar-e-vefy--staait--oy _L.* **Yes, me." ' "And. they don:t appear to be very Iraqi either's:1' **:+rhee iValtialy they're smutlk. tale .practised on the n tives or the Congo ' Vtet„Stete bythe ficials is toldIna fetter from a Con- _ t4.12,20 -4 -ani , tine, a West African merchant, "iwith werteris on Castle street, Liver - The konce flourishing Wage of ?e - tinge Mboyor, states the Writer, has teen desalated, and 77 natives mur- dered1 because they did ntst bring in •- sufficient -quantities of rubber frora ibe enrests-leriatisfy--theConga-Otee, t offkials. Many other native- sselkig-',three women, hate been rbarouely mutilated. Olits woman • a* titd to a forked tree, and slowly to 'Pits**. A pointed stake wes foreed'lrto the hoikv or A‘POtber WO- h,„jr Ja,4,,,,,t_teksi thor; A -third woman's cheek -and firm irare- 8t, her rtght hard and left foot were then eut offand elle was left to 'die. • Natives* huts, too. according to the romesporiderit. are constantly being destroyed. and their inhabitants bounded into th woods in search' wf rubber.- which it is sometimeS im- poettiIil� Thew feels have cotne to light, adds the correspond- rture-of---t out by mpg: Leopold who Was seat by the , I or eritE,to iltp.Ort 011 ' treatedat of and 11 th'y refu* they are as rebels. 1-1'vfty ofilter Is obliged to take an oath that after he leaves the lee- he will ,never- vilvolga tc $600, - - a SOP theta. been given leave of absence on ac- f-of-A-11-_health,..ise-_eactainly-quat, 'Med for inclusion in any Ow edition fifty-eight years ago, he was only a child when his parents emigrated to Australia. -11e was apprenticed' to A earPenter, and afterwards found em- ployment in the Queensland clement. relent railway shops. At the ego of twenty-one he resolved to become a barrister. .,A Catholic pest taught Latha.-and-Greek-i-and-hel-learnt 11 his le* himself from the .diligent Study of text -books: 'At twenty- sseven be was called to the Queens. land Bar, and at forty-three he was a judge.of the, Supreme Court'. 111..7A8lnOrA-111X. LOXP.017,., 'In Park Lanethe home of dukes and litorttl-Afriean miThndrcs,is impossible to buy a residence under $300,000; whilst for a house in Park Street, which is not so "seleet,", $150,000 is the rninimum that is re! quired. Berkeley Square is another costly spot, and there Is a house -for , kale for whirh $200,000 is being asked, to Mayfair and Del- ve a Ore lit-Garair boirao IbM has 1101- Vitt' er keret iiiMtrlatt. 1r - baps the diStrkt thee e0 .* -014.411 both fashien and eomparative cheepness in thelnetter Of house:value is Cbelosea, Where, 6 seitribe ' L.. 4 4 :4 for fill, . tit aisles"; ere in Piece - dilly of near Hyde Nrk the wouid- 1* house must be iereper- ed to pay anything front. $125,000 , Elleeplenencss.-When 'the nerves are Unstrung and the whole body given up cr-wreteltedrieswr-irisert-the-mi.--is----811e- ed with striate* and dismal forebodings, the result. et- derangenseat et the diges- • ve-orgromreteepleseriese-romor--tw to the distreiss. If only The *subject could sleep, there would be Olivia* for a while and temporary relief. Parme- lee's Vegetable rills, will not only in- duce sleep. but will act so ,besteacsatly that the subject will wake retreated and restored to happiness. HUGE TREASURE. zromrse Pik.ellge COAST EXCURSIONS. De,ritig June, July, August and Vvestern 1.y. .rislret1101.1"4111-.1.1kork-C to San Francisco, Los Angeles. roviiiid, Ore. (Lewis ot, Mirka Excursion), Se- attle, Vittoria, Vancouver at very Iti*, rater, • Correspondingly cheap -Cite iee n'n hreell'-tisedara:' table -stip r ern Rates, folders and rotation ran be obtained from B. IL Bennett, Genera G 2 East King. St.', Toronto'. Ont. 81 PYGMY 111A1CRIAGES.. ment payments on income tax for Some. hitherto unpublished feet* pexsens in Great Britain were in re - 1903. This shot".1 shoats that. only twenty:about the habits of the African pyg- .„-- are , contained la a,„,. ceipt of incomes exceeding £50,000 a pamphlet the tax upon a gross assessment Of - • -1.4•Wkle-_P-40!' 'F.4-; _.-...r..4.0k_g_Jerriseel ...Mho year; - IX- -,,,,• 1 • brought foin. C-eritritl-Afelott ' -the- of lite people now in London. L120.8g1.876, while 28,050' public Party 0321 ThPYgn8 generall . MariT.,...ak,t.lie ;,inen The' grea_test number of those assess- i ag° of eight orefiffie. -the ed. 188,402, paid on incomes i.; buy their wives with' three or ,four 0.-.a.titt-z2b0„..-Antele-leseees,..,Speartriteeri_arr - - meat remourita ' t r . 'cording to the -market value of the t t . t list decline 4 gradually till. .the in.. a . hey pay by -instal comesaro between £1.000 and L2,- not until the last arrow is/handed 000 wheel are esged ea,, a' grow; imi-1 over is the lover allowed to take his sessment of .£8i614,359. Oely 428 bride. A man may have as many ay 'on, incomes between ..e5.000 and Wives as he can afford to buy. The £10,000 yearly, and 200 on .C10.000'. birth of a boy. is-weleoraed, 'burwhen- to £50.000. The total assessment a' , girl baby arrives the unfortunate on the latter is 1'4910.094. i creature is soundly lashed by the fa- ille Irish figurers show that 19,855' ther with a bunch of plantain leaves. Irishmen paid incoine tax on a. gross' . total. of 4.4.0P.797... w_hile 1.1151 TVierms derange the whole systen.. companies paid upon L6,232.6 -7--e.1. nether Craves* -MOM Exterminator -do. ran,ges worms and levee rest to th ruy one irflIUuRfl income m sufferer. At stilly -costs 25-ients to „try over X,50.4/00nts exact. income 15 It ield be convin.ced. co Mated- by the assessors at £78,- 23. * • • aJnk-p1antoLNeW rt • d&S g MS 4 fraill • A.. t o it out-any-- fln ato and other public officials have 1 $ • 0 WI' ng 8 r • ti a r • lie_ten_yeaxa a few ,.hotire it. then j_te; black. the - ineorries derived from farmin .beve fallenP00; _0000. The in. _c,omes of propert-g-ownefsillirerTii- -creased -431.000.000 and the incomes of the I:Aridness. professional and pri- Vote employment clesset have- la- cr'eased .030.000o00. An Araerican Intend* Making Et - forts to ttleate it, - -A treasure -hunting concftsion has been securedrfrom the--Governinent f the Ilepuhlic of, Coeds, like. by tart S. Oissler. an American. It gives int-the-right-to--explore-Coeos-- lend for, buried, treasuio Jar_ o two years. - The island -comprises about twenty thousand .aeree. and „lies ail t coati of Costa Rica. Tradition nays that Henry Morgan, the bocce buried gold aed silver to the value of. tit:000000 ion „the island and nester returned for it. 'rhe story of the buried trees e has been getleireily known Thi yeats, and several attempts hat% been made to locate it. Up to this einke a.11 at, teenpts have been unstictesiatel. - Giesler has ,been living4bri Al* t. land for seVeral years Past5 and It. is the a e mac some over les which led him to believe thst the Story ,of the buried riches was correct.. . 11e-: tb. - capital 01' t t • fat atked, • , loto me any more,' 1 h little Women! e, from a baseball tO bo Withlyao?;1140,ye,eft, 0 for youi, sake/ , . -tsi iorp ot 4uln't tell .*Ins - 1' Ai ' bones!' \ nous*illeotitio £n. tolitteco is re- sttwlsd by steetfistrhelte leaves in . ' method adopted V * Oerman h1n.thfr1l fait ot.in the 1st. • evesit be found' it. Since securing the concession Gies- ler hes made a ; trip to the United tattle,. end •svhile there:_purchased niagnetie ore 1indrs drWs Asti other isppitratus: Ife, ha* returned to islaud, and is now ready to start Wife Istade Wisti,s; Change in rood.° Change of diet iti the -only way to really cure stortiath and bowel trouble. ' A woman gays; , - "lify husband hsid dyspepsia when -wera rriarriesi ...and_hast4ttlIstqd it for several- years. It was- rfrosimpossible7-to he could eat without bad' results. "1 thought • this wait haply due to time use of 'collie and peratirided- him to discontinoe tie did to, and began to drink Poesturn Food eaffee.. The change did him good from, the _beginning. his digeWon improved:, be • red much less from his _nervous - ate,. and whin added-Orape-Thitin food to his diet he was ecion entire- ly, eured. • "My ,frienet, }Ars. of Vickelmegi tsay fornier tiome) had *reek _ bi,i ng be Mt* *y Wreck in whith Xmoitisig-teer. or 100 ed. While t 1444 46' tied 11140. ate• Medidnea had no eficc neither Aicl travel. help her. On my Itiet visit bones, 'some months ago, I peranatTed her 10 u.se, e7:7Uti • She ttnk to eitit re- ati ed ter- e6r04t: Try jw;l 5 11.tome*" eprek. tg--kWis it in, her room and eats it, wbenover else feels like it. eating Mitipet60 ,yrkys04. *bop 'ray tahy. ,was 4'00 MOIlthill old. and I don't kilo* What should have- dope without it. If gone.- 1 Wilt Weak , OStn.rtkit• -S1t113-111111 AISS tS SOTO- , , tren'uze 1up toute from ex10 to 'Pain, and Was lir o gliraent for the. ehId. ' 'of tght a• nd the baby again. rosy' arid beirtet*, Ifni\ as iothrr otild lte is two y. fc I1OIr and tat*, Grape,Stifis food X *heti' avoy 'tired young now of Ibe gOO4 that,tlyapt 1I1S �iild do hr," by tot 4-0 \11.1m1Attot4 • , iliwittlittplariiiimarvetih 'joist D4esiiiii r. . . , Torotrteii -* writes: -"I wax so sorely, troubled with heart disestse that I was unable. for 18 months ,to Be down in bed lest I SO1044r. After taking one dose of Dr. Agneres Heart Cure, 1 refired and slept soundly. 1 used. one bottle and the treilble has not returned." --99 la 31 nine deinsted deader ea. es. es*. IM drat Writs d se eiroder spry POWS**, Fire Atria listlestileher 040.. Teresa*. est, *ANIS, _ , A goithinedal. a 'Pik. and five' pounds of tObaeco constituted the Kaiser's ,gift to Frans Grin-Ewaldan tnveterate tintaker, ..nsho celebrated hie 104th1 birthday at 'Burg (Peusisiii) re, ceetly). WiLL. CLEAR THEM OM illtWArtirCF 341111111TUTIOS de "gait- wished..to show his authority to- those under him on the first znorn.. Ing of his Ili -Motion. "Now, look . • ere, said- NCLISII-MAVIN-LINIMENT- loft or eelloused. lwaipir--antr kineintsastrirera-heressrbiase spavie. curate spliats, rinshoese elfeesey, 1140,18,. 'pietas. or. ead isivolless throat, cougas. ins. nave $50 by ere Of 0140 bettie.. Warreated the Meet Woaderlel , Cure *Vie kaewa, A. man being brought before's, nags ist'rate- inrer 'charge- of horse -stealing. tha juStito, therreomeat-he sari hint, eXelairned:' "1see, villesire lit your teiuntentersee." le this' tirat said the prisonee, eery coolly, "that I knew my countenance was a !rit, _It lgtiorenee it a Ourtte.-,01Xrsow thy- self" is a good admonition, whether re - bullet, to, orist's,:phSelesd..'cortil itien or habitudes. The Men whO le -ettpestieted with.;h1m*lt.-seitt rkenern-leise-to-siset. When any 'disafresseerent is Ms etkii* Veleetrie Oil hi a. ceesip and eisepie 'tMs, erediettfort 01 paha fruM the •tw„,._euro bron 61 Cubit*. ",'"'scs,m 1.011VratIES or LarrEtergg: State lotteritek add to- the internee • they bring the Ciovcnnu9it in *Unt a. nearly *120,600, .!* war. 18 Priissia, the 0;4164 of fhbput)lie mount to no Icws than e h, (overxunent 'near) an Infants Sr* more or tete 'To Pie ota While teething and as this peri- od of their lives Is the most 'critical. Mothers should not be without. A bottle • of pr. , J. D. Kellogg's Byeestteor Car- diai. TM* medicine is o epicene for Mich oomplaints and 1. Mirky spoken of by those who have WNW it. , The p,roprietors claim it will. cure any case of oho/era or 011111tner Complaint. . • 2,800 silkworm* are required to ' produr..6 one pound of silk. Japan's annual tobacco crop la *Ott 40,000,000 pounds. A faintly living in the city of Tifli,. in the Caucessuri, a:4=1Me of five members whose combined age is 395 years. The father is 105 years. the mother 95, and the three sons ars 'an' otter 60. ansi levee itito be- the- rneet-efibotio* ellisfkor, *hes fitOrrolials pins. •Ilisseiress aii-,4esto is whit • Attitit Pat- terson.. of Seekville, sem et iscsath Metrical Maritime.. fee, ens trays. La Grit** ikd tk. tols,Plleatistris Which ..felleded 1t,,lelt her heat to dead with