HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate., 1905-07-27, Page 6Ga. O
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"itit a
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*ug'cl ptpduci
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rik. . fa 4 book
,• the viaw au 4 ' 'tut ith1L'4 -
might wandered
Ue `•
tUt. 1400(04 Iv ft: hatter«
, , thieve* of Um '"Well*
' tternigh toe ote, ed,.
9 fond 1.• - °
then, you read to me
• o et to Pomo, it' had • alwaYa. oinetintee, or X could read to you
begui 411, toytO her. . - ea • while eton are working.' .
In all her short lire lobe had never "'Mat would he nice. And, am X to
MA the one man whose actiee had iivei here,' sleep bete. at the Court?"
power to raise the strange echo in 'she atiked ,sticidenly, her eyes down-
• tiaet heart which proclaims the.' birth cast, ,. „ ,
of love. ,She had, for instance,. nover ' "Well, X had hoped that you would,'
, fallen in love with the eurnte or the , bet' perhaps -.you connett leave -I your
young. doctor, ' at; some girlie for ge7,teatiite.ther altOgretherr
want of a.better object, oceattionally I 'No-, my; latty: ',don't thy* I
do; she had not only not fallen in could," ehe said,
love e_atth them but 'Ethe_hael given. ."'Very well " sajaaalareha_eayeatt
earraottg -arretri . eee
or presence. -
. . . a - fhow long you shalt staltav
But to -night. az be t Iiil the "I'd rather leave* it to You; 14110‘4
i-cl to. me."
airs. Drowning was delig
' litfut-tbill. tourge-i44-1-la
... *Pea window, she..1
eon. 1 donet_think 'iyouranot cou
enereee eaaa andeeenede of the young be unkind. Derma' she sit-VI/at hu.st;
artist was moro delightful:still. rshe-seeMs so-tOnd of you."
' -SWOT-ea SithiWit was he .-Whom f -"Slierseehard. Sheamante to chain:
she had heard` On. the terrace. •and MO. up --aa. She stopped. as if she
ate .ea--.. Wens _ .
, 7
new frankly ho bad SPokentot 'Terbaps sheeeleinke. you are 411, litr,
•:*16:ting-15t$ words and ittfit-a the; la giddy. neCea, but la.oto' sur o Oho
• conventitonat smile 'which- nteat youteetonty wishes to do the 'nest for you.
men consider it necessary to etteetnnelllet there." she broke oft,' feeling
when" tAkili- addrCita- members of • thehateftile WILL-gettiPg --f4114441334" 4444
----TO) et Isex;7---&-tia7bow----, ,reeight— rat,'IttitiAt-eite-ve* idtivr -
, - '
• ("crO ,z. 4,truirtso
........e_e_a_ eXpresatetti ___..:ttito wondered disli 0 her, "1 dont wtnt 1.0 .
,whether the earl would matte inquire you-aralTot Yo ou St a
lea as he had *sada if so,- whether afar Just as.- long as yoti like."
they would reault in Oerril Ilerne.s "Thank your she exclaimed; "then
beteg asked to dinner; .: 14 -e -the rill come?'
' thought.: the fancy Picture 'of his be- • "Well,, you are here tow." said
tog ftkattid, _say, -next. to her, or op Norah, with a amile, and if you liko
posite her. Noratt's face grew warm- ,Yett May Stay. Oh, but." aho broke
ly colored and her eyes dropped; rett, as if shet had suddenly remember -
hut she did not payee to ask herself ied, "I must ask th,e earl. You watt
1,vity, the . Moo _ protipe ,ct_p a .f eating her here untit X corno back. -tr u'ean
triffee'lly-tcrliipii-ir-Ew-7"6 -.; i . , - .--: 1 .
, ,
an with the manly voice - and You likes"- ,
etr1 eyes_ should .tto E0: Decca took it and Norah opened
already injove‘ With 0,yria,letirne, the
subtlo, Pols „on hattee eatterad. h
Vieffertreaireemy—T—waeta-liiitTeUaelretar ey-
ing at tht-gatii ber heart,- •
She was aroused bath -from- Mrs
Drowning and her ow* thoughts by
a. knock at the door and the . en-
•• beg your ladyship'a peril
shet'esaid,,, glancing at We open b
"I'm afraid I've ellettertied you, ttty
144; but I've brotightt Bocce."
Norah gave a. little start.. She had •
,been so absorbed riallin and think- '•
Ing that 'she had forgotten all about
alielotaca SWIM.
"That is right." eke paid; "where
is tater' - •
" :elee-rree-tady,'" .repliedaeller-
-nate iteeetettatealurax:i.teletettn
entered, and stood eyeing-
• defiance, hilt' euriosity. which had eo
d t1:61- 'ki di
eyea top ore ora y
, regard. '
The girl looked prettier at close
quarters, Norah ,thought, thgn at a
distance, and trollied at Ilarznart with
a little nod or satiOnetion.
•. gun lad you haveatOrtat."' Re-
becca --or Ikcca, eue X eihould like to
urtesey, and aity allank you, my
" tetOrted IfettOttn.
ate itts.dot * very slightcurtsey,
and inurtmured 'tioniet/hittic that sound.
'ad like the Words, suggested.
,"Will you coino and sit down
hew" said Norah rather amused at
• le a
low, ;end fa preparedto retort with
& kick or * bit&
t Dives, evened the room and seated
/herself' on the law ottoman near
Nerafes ebtairpjaiil • Worth, thinkin
N,) that thv vtotadlirehstly owns to
• an understanding much sooner it the,
• aunt were not preienti, said:
u.reftver Owe* and mn� t*$ Us*
little talk, Ilitrettene will $totela.' -
"Yea, my, lady," 'ettitt Ilatinitri; and
, she went; out, hatep&uid a at the
doter, to ettitt Al warning glints,
ward eelteryetailt
, lee
--"Yetirketew wbyII$kcdloUto
come and ea, rae,
"Aunt told tee that,yau wanted
take Vtib lilt° totvtee
oth N' Wt$eC*flftj uta
; Wbitir
neek. The urnai tlitukti that -he
searcefer. 'Maitele out 1w came-butthe;
evidence ahleh be brings • forwerd
may podia -lie 'be considered 'sufficient'
in certain, aggravatee „etteeseof high
eollar to warrant some primeefacie
auspicion tlint at. is an agent of =as;
Plans to Become the Greatest Port
in the World. ..
Lend_eemers are 'at laeaaer;-eneeetaer
make her port, An werp; the first in
the world if •'money end engineering
•gatilus cin oteeomplish it.
Aadeputetion of---teetithera -the
Thaws' Coreeervancy Iras pat pod
a visit to Antwerp fora.tatee_aur
of learning theaietails of the new
schetne. The Chairmen of the *Clone
serteeneee.-1.1-a_ rer•eetfelle-a. -
etnitsethat--Antwerpeie making' a great
'eftort for commercial imprettmey.
" Aireati,F Antwerp is the third port
-tite world, end the Edelen rina
•thoriti_tet On "titi 'ea&
ItigitrrWain Ixeyeert one ore ola
h OVA •, an . quay
docs areeplenneil, with a dePth- of
• thirty-nine feet; each will be nearly
4,00,0 feet long and 650. feet wide. If
eempleted, the scheme will klvit Ant-
werp thirtyeatvert mites of quays as
'against fourteen miles now existing
Or constructing. A abbe at Antwerp
-van bie discharged in fox lese time
,tbart" in Londonbecautter these deep
ta. Otioke. •
aeThei-Plerse- ot..-_thez-que
interesting to the :,#eiryirtan Is; what
.ithould be fed to incretese'the amount
of fat in the ntilk. So far no setts-
feetory afBrinatire answer has been
Aivene The preeent bell*, of thoao
wive hare stedied. the problent most
thoroughly, is. thea feed doe e not ef.a
fect the *Schwas of theerailk. that Isthe pounds of • loutter Set' In each
•hundred pountis ot milk. The pre*
ent declaim he that each. ;cow haa her
Own moratel riettnese of milk; due to
her-andieatitut It '
in seine it is three pounds fat per
,hundred pounds milk,' other's four
•littLc_i_r9 XIVO 0 WS an few
statelligiter.---Any t
giVen. -1415-POr •-q-ititntity VIII bring
milk and after that, no chaitge of
food can change 4nafitY. either toe
make- it Althea- or itoorrKa -
cows are turned to pasture in -the
sprint!, the amino frona dry feed to;
wet inducee a, large flo.vr of, poorer
mak: indeed,„011.4 Jdest. Sci- sr:bumf-,
states ti_tt.e4a,IALetee waitof
than during the rest of the year; .
have ,tested matter both with
my own herd • and with some three
hundred tows belonging to several
different farms and rePreeenting
varyina envolonment, feed end
care., In some caeca the milk int- •
proved slightly when the cows went
to pastuee, seine it cluttegini in the
heret-emtarete-rattv _ entailer
timing ',the' eget*. Up off the • tome
tend have dropPing- hoards. under the
_roost*. It is, a useless 'expert** to
heee earattching sheds for winter mg-
prbduction. 'Slave the one apart. -
mint as above described With plenty
of floor senate. and let them make use
of thia for aaratebing the atrAW
and- ritrth dining the day; also also for
the neetet send the ,roidast. Thim fa
what is called t.he conneateil Apart-,
meet, *Mee, and is the hest tead
cheittetst for keeping laeing hen*, '
Tho root -way slant Just one way.
singeetre- --ftiire—thiriTartitOr4
cuts off the hall: the former is tamp -
lest and chettPe4 • 11"."--14 -hunt- in
a geld climate, double siding,. with
one thickness, �f dIuwi11 doAlulid
• on htgbegroundevzher.e the -water will
flow away from the 'house., not where
it Le low and where the water will
'aetteet about the hotise. A sand• or
' eine order -fm.• hogs to thrive in Pata
'and there are not any docls, •no
locks to go through; also because Oa
:01 aiLd
• .4*Iff I, ray -lady. will she dor* ate
Oh, yes" geld. Norah, with ,a
andle; *I1 am sure we shiallt• get on
veey well- together. Please 'don't go
in to her. I have given her a book
to read, while1 go down, and a
the earl' rWnay s
Deem turned over two 'fier thfee
Pagee �f lam'. Drowning and reae"Tie
line or WO; theft Sho i0,0ke4 round
the room with the hook still in
Presently •the girl got up nod,
tenting -et
opened the wardrobe seed looked at
the d eases.
xhausted-reandratil orptOeran-ti
•redasonte-on ai-her
ei went to t ress na-table, part
an i'arrangeql_the_. coliseetaleereblacie
ed and arranged the coils of her black
andayet complacently; fit't ch -s -glass.
• ;There Were twn or three • knick-
knacks of Noralt's lying on the table
ring and a small watch eltalte-
end Beets slipped the ring on her
• anger and 'hooked the filbert in her
dress, .and surveyea them- in the
Thcn liege Neck eyes wanaerad
AVIA for soneethirog else to avamine
and tra, on. •
• A small hie* caught het' attentiou,
and sate took it up and trial tO OPOtt
It WWI. either leeked or sluttawith
spring, but sho managed to„. °pelt It
To ,keop the body clean is to keep
•t healthyemore than- that,' it is to
eel) the tidied. bright, as circulation
J$ stimulated.. muscles massaged. and
t e timinea hxrdened. The daily bath
is -The iirteet loaeutiryilia means known.
Ihte thing you must strictly Avoid in
•hathitter--nevet use hard water. It is
•itnimssible.to .create a cleansing suda.
-atielition—of -borax- W411- -remedy
tbis trouble. so elways keep a little
ehina, or tin -covered box With borax
, on your bath stand. -Mary
morning,. --ifyou take the 'warm
bath only once a; week) sponge .the
botteiveit •
only a lock , of hair incl
scrap Of paper. , on which, was wrIt
tea, "'My their niotheria." Xt Wa
fair, silken hair. and Deceit compared
it with her own raven locks with 'et
smile of satisfaction, In addition to'
the lock ,01 hair, there wive a photea
'aph-a -cartee-elf * ,WinustIee facie
Deem at- on conch:del that it
a portreit Of the countezeil The highest-salterled women in Neve
U- the beautifying bath, and ilia. -VIro..
blackheads Ifl do well aca-keep lee
aet ee- -Alttear-apeiritintei-•
(Unctions properly, throning oil
waste matter actively, there wifl. be
tt, doeieled improvement in the 'ton -
dation 1 of the complexion. Bard
water will soon spoil the prettiest.
.ititheaso never use It if possible..
practically no change. .
There Is usuallY a variation bee
tween t se qua 1 y
4. - _anorning, and " io, the
evening. The rule is ta c
m lk iven at/ the milkin th t
•occurs altos' the shorter number of
hears etetween noilkinge., If the mit
tag' is -done in the -winter at 7 o'clock.
in the morning and 5 o clock in the
evening, the evening's Intik will • be
-the. richere---for ttrereeare onTytn
hours between the Morning and even-
ing milkings. After allowance has
been made for •all. these causes there
• is still a daily mid weekly fluceuation
in the riehness Tof TW-tniiii due .
causes as yet- unknown. But the
Fright has A powerfet-influencit to
take the rat out of milk. vIt the eon•(
s----d4ura-44---theAnira--hir_e. bar -kin.
4-iit I' a less- u ntitV oforer
L e day. 11 left an a psturo wIth
no shade be will indiete
A tour -pound dock eau be put on
the -table in eight weeks from the
time it is hatched. The farmer who
raises 100 ducks can have roaut duck
twice it 'Week nearly every week in
the year. The duck can be raised on
any kind oalood that the hog will
6 6 j •
n emu on of -coil ell and wieterol
eir kerosene and water, in proportion
of one to five perts, te preferred bY
t veIG ,
utt(ied tom
W4ites. aran toe 4
.1 cre_p*ral:
and- possibly titanterro*T
night. • By that time. he will *taw
learned his lesten. Ali the anthork*t
:t,iges.0041:c3troltrielia.uv.ieurceonsb 'I:01101d; abgyrevexyithialgt..1.;.,
°tisitigble laorte:'ht*talthy child of his
Wancr'S auggested theft it would
littae been better to aectisteM hine to
the change gradually. • On this point,.
The Walterses aro-. a harmonious
couple but thise time they came near
timid Mrs. Walters, tritimPlillaitlYel and
she was right. Baby's frantic. itetttere
cries bad giren way to pitifuleoba
aaetiaa-eeeahe tali% at
her haelatlide who eddied hateke_lioth
wereno relieved that the ordeal -was
over that theywere inclined to over-
look Whatever might have tieen_an
toleasitat Ito tiret::119:..Paate _
e a peie-Apte44-Ahrlet...P: -el: -
She stepped lightly across the
room 'and opened .- the door of. the
-bedroom; • Then she- uttered it succes. ,
o _411 _lice_ nit reserve-
v• roo vror an r; ver
te. eau u zedealoraeherriev _or
shaking together, and may be applied
with force Pada, with oPrittreoozzlo.
The same mixture b good in ease of
roop, atul at also used successfully to
remove ':wee..1s on bens' ims.
aterfien one has to rua feria- with
little efficient helot especially during
haying, harvest Mid sae -eking sea-
sons, he is not slow in 'appreciating,
the difference between his cows and
s ep Iitithna, Those /amen las sheen
are taking care of themselves, leav-
-n3---aaneezea-aee -time to (145Yro
other waTile, while his rows require
his attention for *couple of liours
what., .
The " baby hey on the floorit big
lump on his forehend chimed by hit-
ting the floor when he fell out °o1
bed. Ete.,WaS s1ep1ng Peacefully in •,
.aPite (4 the fact that there -were ute.
.dried tears on his cheek':
eilner--extiertple-of the weaving ot
liairteitaitrylute- pbably never -Want—
:Seen than that which has iota' been
• presented tai -the Wing by the •Shah
of Persia. A special mission has
been sent to England to I)ring athe
JOT %eta 'so ati.
Impeasible to °Pen it (Cute -in the •
Persian Legtitiew when it 'arrived in
London. its size and the richness .
of its quality mark it at once as a
, State eirawingeroima ,
A Persian carpet of aver/4m .stze
-make. the vitiate of the worie being
hand dow. A large - trumear
w vq were . employed- • em . feint.
• ,
. awes. 1.4
s s *
4. C c7. 411.7,
eittailty of milk 'severe to reeelta xr hoArni milked ten to thirtycow ;
beestandsaleut, ata.aeroesceathee-torttile seParatede:-thealidlke--fedafdtY - bog*,
chilled, or is compelled to Ioecuny a taken caret of horses. fed calvee . anti_ rtattrtilte---4 6-/////a ..-- .6..
MN 61/1116. 61 ....... ..... -••••••••
for hie hock of kiiiiliieii W-ei deeided near ready to go to belt_ . . •
lack �f: milk and cream. In general,
it can be said that anything that
makes the cow uncomfortin mind
or body will both lessen the quantity
of milk and. dedrease the eterceite. Of
_ The quantity or =Ili can be varied
Men- bither.ot -_:fart. ant*S '011daldwetttlin 4irrgent;rItxttreficithittlft aancod Wit "Ofittre
ily begine it journey of abaY length' true 'dairy type gives more titilk,„ th
the raised part ,of his roont will De move teed she digests. If a richer
made sacred to „his Memory during raja 18 aeslreae„ It rot!: bo ,btalned
h18 temporary etbsericce ki 1111
_of it ha-e-ate.-hitikit by getting a, difierentaeow„ In colt.
else, language, obtain quality of milk
will gather in front
f Meta el:pressing that „
ridof--thousarrds tnstitWelliti
ennie -one- or" othei- eluitaileer A etteNetletteSS.
their members 'flitting for the nation
here' not lie even one solitary elirst etinsideation mist tvd- eye*
lions° 'where the mother, 'wife, or ode- to, a dry Interior during -the winter.
ter 18 not practising thie simple rite Ibis you cannot have if the ground
rrewitediremeteglitaa •X-110341
in this elreeetai war with Itussie,, In building et house for learini hens,'
.coreartdernnent tor the beloved and
ft100057.• 4-11VIVONUM.
Xorales niet:hrtr. but, .Plelainge it^..;1.,,Ya_ert York is Mies. Anne la-Art*6dt. not
the later titpittaa on &Is' 11114e4. 1.'""'" assistanta Pr bell the
Cat net • I i ngn ; tent aa'rea,e,„
tae teee ti., Vike-President 0. -i-liob 2,1-,'-....i-
S Was lookink. at the portrait,i , .
Ito dressing heft rang, and she heard
per -
the hendieeot the door tern.
She had pot The :It tk` 0I.Iiiii Ick Mic
Os ways. but .
that you,- elionIft
should like titat." said,
anor4 to hticeelt; "but t.Sounds Woe
shat added, ,tattit & eandiereetatich
'I): Ilona*.
enet th etOgra
.rati-switti into the .1*m
sLtbttifitetel-ontte thereottOrrette,
cro b ornAttatea.)
fijr 1 trivc p
tetY reed
11 Iiitoa r morn or er
1 rafietio
4Fectcd by Itif' *150 01 d,21flCh&tbTO
t ,4 4
att rtry.itt ' All
sons elesieing to see lorr. Tarbell
to explain their buttinees
nentit ilrst., and only one 4n_ ten 11
e pas er. She began 1» Mte, Tar- .hen. Sorn
bee oIllee as stenographer at $10,,ot tbi,sne
ft e e1...,2Y:elevate_ atab. tiet mottalt
itt tions with her ents#W01,00ui
'perions sulydr3hiate to her 2 wili do
18, °lassesgo it vett deal' farther benli estc
than itittegara'0
:" to,
oul.t1 be rI
1- A.
ndikitnilityra t s
eartlic_it.. it the vs
board flor
itnent,i-lostAlo not be co
telly setieffed that tha
riot „art ,tree- front dal
The Experience of retung ler. and
Mrs. Walters.
After:Via. --iireltere--had- "read- *
'the *WO* thoroughly and tabulated
the reaults or her InVestigatioaaein
her Methodicid tiande-ehe told her
htisband that she was going to make'
a cluthge with baby. 'We have been
making a, niittaket with hint. Last
til UVULIQflht after dinner we =laved with
int and • til•-a"rul ton`k;'
t' he .fs Lo be put to bol wl
to tri -Ca 'Atep—by •
Walters. whO la an treinely
youthful father, was 'about to say'
that roehing the habY was "part ot.
the tun.** Vorttinitely reallied in
time that. this ,was not Iikrly
--Absolute to meet with pp sal
had or of hie Wife* to lone
an0 0 as -en o expo-
•Itie Its initnefarture, ebut seta_gren1•ae.
laseleateafereaathe- •weetrapteattatgeit
'reit Thereven Into the
e areeto ros an integral pare of it 111010t,
intricate design, is the laipg's mime.
"Edward VII."
Another' dutyof the special 'Mb.
slot* of equal importance was the
Presentation or a gift to thee-flueen.
Thie'rolIsiets of a brooch set . witt
altio ne piece ef native .Pereilen work.
;Decoration, Were, *Aso Drotight week
tor the Prince' end Prineeeseof Wale,
•thateintended for the Princess having
,yet to lott conferred,
7 11003,1A;rititaal'i4initers,ghloutm_tir_*&-t co
trobably, the mosit Populattacertalre
ly it numbers atnong the moot attee
eteedulaeform of taxettititr in Itrimet •
:leirthe Stamp .1autY, ate aPPlitit to 44--
YortiliesSent POsterso 110-4atterbow
* **int) When eihlted; the vale?
'710 iirchtdoinge- With_AintAitzir or
_ _
-7*--ftheattot-tinkir waist- •bize
and -OY�n titogratenuta
whlck taln sedirertitentattta, By
ineaua of mu* stoup- Duties Pratte*
eebieut $100‘,000,000o Shea -date
01/01/01/. atvfirgi.
y at Otte time tient otit char-
inetroc. Lions to tweet
'Peoples house*, and out
rhargei nad nearly *3,O0(-
reall7ed itt t,w1vo b7onth%
',Only nation
er se direct t** ip
Soths. the Eurppt'an tnonarrba
very - large tips'whene
'el.. lite Emperor Nichotas of0
la 'LI the most libeiM in th
rftu4 three--yeare
on tips to