Exeter Advocate., 1905-07-27, Page 50111011
*ROO* of Lydia E. P141f.kairn VortotWo
composoil ittgitit Uttul IS 1ct that tt
NS* D.� Maki Siok Wiui Well
„ , ,
r t ioaa et their lit e ug
he ewe of 2'montbit en 10 der4" •
Mitchell: - m. Campbell,of Staff*, .
has been tient the couety ail, being
Of unsound mit 4 and dangerous to be
at large.
. . . .
Clinton; 11; D. W.4$0111 Ufa tiiiinitY,
have poyedto Wingbane Ur.
Wi1t. wher
n.---,4 • . .
of 70,040 UniVe
*vent for' enx;iree
00pountieriosop1, wi
Ji-proidiesultit hairgooa?
• '.‘8711?-. has it lived and And
• •
ne glerieeirWoeit for a quarter Of
*century • •
-Simply an sirely.,beetietei Of ItiT, ate'r-
ling worth. The reason no ether ix, te4-
etITOILits even erspi.eactiia it -Enecese
nd 1 because
is no o or me c 11
DENtIST.good for women's ills.
The wonderful power of Lydia B.
ettetewe without say eon, or lieY _bad effects PIDIchitixeli Vegetable Compound, over
la ransom's WA. watt side We street. the distesseit of womankind is not he-
w caose it is a eitimulant-not because it is
lb palliative, but simply because iis
R. D. ALTO N ANDERSON (D.D.S. `LDS the moot wonderful tonic and
DENTIST------ stru,ctor ever discovered to a,ct direotly
'upon the uterine systotn.--poatti
Moot Orowkto of Toronto Voirefigti sod Royal
'VOW et Dental Surgeo of Ontario, Also Post I cURTNO disease and displacements
*me ot%ow') b Prwthett° °tante* restoringhealth and vigor.
10*So:um mot s.) Marve ous cures are reported from
all parts of the country by WPM= who
have been cured, trained nurse* who
lettorsed_cures, and phyeleissuit
Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com-
pound, and are fair enough to ere
credit where it is due. If physiciena
' • Alinitinum. OM end Vulcanite Plates made in the
Sleet usanneis porsdhle. A perfectly harrolees on.
e used for pairdessestrattion of teeth..
• Office onadoOr south °Marling Broe. dor, Exeter,
• ere
.A.1„BROWN, Wiseltelses. Ltcened Attetioneer
4‘7 trofthi-Coustiosiot -Perth
and--stostorthetovmship ot Wes promptly daired to te-trarilrlind oPetti--hun
.--atee1404-tesiettenes xesionAble. Sales c.naina, of them would acknowlcdge that they
Poet Office Winehrisea. • " constantly prescribe Lydia
..rmaaviefOgl E. Pistk-
--.banea..itwetsbkt, CimPeend in OREM
ANTED, -LADIES AND DENTIAMBN MICAS of female ills. as they know by
is emit mut °irking territories to
-id, the et„,„1„0 E ,44.,thmal e rience that it will effect a .cure.
,gatahljakesi busineeli house Women who are troubl w
otsoild amidst *tattling. sary yWIUi. "Oirireeriter- menstrustioarbackacler
uutwo. zioontoolidgass tetarnishee.befixes, euecens4 lencorrlices,
neeemay;_position Detimmeat, Address BLEW failing, JD eiMUUMou Or laceration of
'BROS., Chk, Dept. 6, whoa lfldg., (Mew, illthe uterus, ovarian troubles, that
bearing -down" feeling. Mosinee%
faintnesit-indigeation,, DATTOUS., pros-
tration, ..or_the_hlues....sliould take im-
mediate action to ward off the SOriOUS
extbano jameet_ored tollealth
andstrength by taking Lyda-S. rink-
urtiao onnes, MONTREAL. 'bores Vegetable Compound. Anwsiy,
*rite to Mrs. Pinkhato, LYnn, Maa.,
for vices Di'S fret and always helpful.
capital Veld 6,000,0001
*eat & Undivided Profits 3,20,959 Wont
95 fiRtANongs- IN CANADA
r ern*: t'14(74:411an
L. Ken 4y, -Who:, ha's,
titt"Of'SeafOtthsfet! L ,cettff
Parkhill!: `-.Whiltat assisting ?At, irate-
'ide raising •rtisig41401,10' it few
days ago lite,nreir cat naug11 feli anw-n
distance Of twelve feet and was se-
verely injured on the heads"
St.kMirryar Vrant-Markeyi S., had'
his left-hand tot 1-Y-inietred---tirrit-nia4.7
aflot which sad to Consuzn
, 'amity autan early grave.
fax$3.,. Outukiii pip" six
traekszeonrecetrecit • ivriteforPam-. ot:
Th. wail ,ftisoioinio Co., vnapaw. Qatars4.
Two or three of his fingers were broken
and the flesh was cut and torn.
13ayfieldt Rev. E. 0. Jennings, who
has been rector of Trinity church for
the pest seven years, has been trans -
fel red by the Bishop to Kingsville. He
preached his farewell sermon Sunday.
Seaforth: Miss Grace M. Elder. of
Red Deer, Alberta, and daughter of
the late James Elder, of Seaforth. VMS
otrJuly lltb, tufted in marriage to
John J. Gaeta, of Red Deer, Alberta.
• In dead,eaPnest for trade and
the voTume of it that comes
our way is proof that our
Goods, Prices and Methods are
We-will-endea,vor-to inte
Goderich; Miller & Vilaker is the
name under which the East street
Jonathan Miller having taken in part-
nership with himself, W. IL Walker,
of Ingersoll.
--McKillop: -Bert Halm --lounges
sewer Imes Ililten, andwho won the
gold medal at London Business Col-
lege,..taa_acceptectil pottisin itt
the office of the Dunlo Tire Co., To-
ronto 9 sa bein 00 •er annum.
Merys:Wednesday, July 10th,
be reit-trance-a MI. and Mrs. PMIip
Purdy, East -Missouri, wit% -the- scene
of a pretty event, when their eldest
daughter,- Pearl L. was married to
John F, Meyer, of Stratford. The cere-
mony' was performed -in the presence
ofabout-15rguests-,---hy -Rev: Mr.111
bert„ of Kintore.
• Mehl
the late Nell McKinnon, died at her
residence, on July 13, aged OD years.
Deceased was ill but it few days, her
illness no doubt being partly the result
of her, blindness, which came nearly
two genre since, and about which. al-
ways having beenot an, active nature,
she grieved -sorely'.
Tue ril Stewert
wts charged witb a 'gtieyotts as4iallit"
on tbe periem of his brother. John.
that the two meta Were
over the beadwith a dub. The latter
then plc ed up a spade and with the
side came doter. on John's fOrebeed,
causing each ittjuriee that hie:life IS
des iced of. ne is now in the Stmts.
ford hospital and Richardtiete reniand4
o the county jail. (or eight 4110 '
to welt
x ;
gite,:dozbor of Mr- and Mra. Alex.
St rattnn, end Luther floliLpirni, or:
.toto. t
dap, the eereinonj t.lng, P1
the tsidenre of the. bld?'is'Ink
Thik-.Wet3dittg was' a quiet one, owing
-tt the long ilIne ot•Mr. -..S4ridtnn
e bride • who Wei* attended b • her
-004'NorinarlYhitel*v a*flower
irl, • was given away by her brother,
John. Rev. ;fees It; erson ti.
1410.0%1111e Hss *Griiree Dyke
played the 'wed ing march.' •
Mite1teIt W. - It. Davis. agent for •
the es Jl‘ R. aril Allan -Steanisittp -
13 weeks. Mies Margaret MeCcimb
passed peacefully away •on Friday
evening, dropsy being the cause of
year and was one of the pioneers of
this part of Huron county. Miss Mc-
Comb was horn in Paisley, Scotland,
and,ciune to Canada with her father's
famfiv in 1841.
, How's ThiSP
We offer One Huildied Dollars reward
for any case of Catarrh that cannot be
cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure.
- F. 3.011BNEY & CO., Toledo, 0.
. We, the undersigned, have known F.
J. Cheney for the last 15 years. and be-
lieve him perfectly honorable in all
business transactions and financially
able to carry out any obligEttott is made
by his firm.
• WALDING, Ktroreas & MARV1
Q Ceylon tea; nor Indian tea
8 • •
'Thompson and Miss Edith Babb,
Mitchell. to Brandon, Man., arid re-
turn; Mr. John Davidson„ frotu 'Brun-
ner to Binscarth, Man., and return;
Miss Elsie Pinder to Portland. Oregon,
and return; Rev. Mr. and Mrs. Mc-
Auley and two children to Ladner,
B. C.; Mr. Win. Colquhoun and Mr.
fileleolm Mainness. 2nd cabin, to
Liverpool and return; James Pinder,
to South Bend. Washington; Miss
Lilly Guest, Cromarty, to Liverpool.
'Dublin: It is an old,. story that
troubles never come singly and we
think-auch 4e-the-case-inthe,..fitmilStraf,
of-thia villages After
the double 'death of last week, we have
this week to chronicle the serious ill-
ness of Mr. John Woods, who under-
went -art' operatior-i-tor appendicitis' a
ow days ago. Three doctors were
• resent and the operation was euccess-
ly accomplished. The- patient,
though by no means out of &Inger, is
reefing favorably and the brigh,
est.....e,,,pe„e are new, entertained for ',his
Mitchell: Few clerolneitr-if --any,
ever got a heartier send off than Rey.
A. McAuley, who was pastor of Knox
church for the peat five years. Ex-
ing. st_ farewell semi= Sunday
evening the aura was crowded to
doors, but the coo gation was great-
was •e to the severance between
pastor and people. Monday evening
it social gathering was held in the
church, when an address, with a purse
of $150 anti it handsome Bible were
presented to the retiring pastor, and
an elaborate and:costly pearl crescent
to Mrs. McAuley.
Shockingly. sudden was
the death of Charles P. Selvedge, an
esteemed resident of this place. on
Thursday. He had not been in the
been engaged by Jaii. A. McLaren to
do some light work on his premises,
when he was suddenly stricken, with
heart failure. Everything possible
WAS done fttr him and triedicataid eta in..
mooed hutliefore the doctor arrived
the vital spark had fled. Hewes born
in Somersetshire. England, ort Dec. 9.
1840, and. was at the tune of biAt death
• years, 7 months, and 4 days of age.
Seaforth: The following were tic-
keted to distant points last week: -
R. S. Hays to Montreal and return;
W. Pickard, to Winnipeg; Mrs. T. B.
Umbleby and family to Pittsburg,
Mass.,- Mrs. J. O. Bertram to Detroit;
Mrs -Gem-See-IT , Meisel
, . • • Mra.
Andrew Calder to Brandon; William
of the _London
R044 Hay, to•Calga
Each has its Qytt
0111111‘nif1g.t two in the Red R,.CiSi 'prdsportion
produce a tea "174the"11 '011.!4. zlice4 and
strength of RedRase Tea, a flav�r and strength
St. Maris: Itobt. Johnston, an em-
ployee of the Horse Shoe Quarry; Co.,
Twintaioadinir 4ttoneolutlter-car the-
er daY,, had his rightlianirceught by ite.
large stone slipping down on top of it.
Two fingers of the hand were badly
lacerated. •
• Goderich: Robert Durnin, SbOEnS
committed Thursday' •for trial, was---
Irrooglit before Judge Doyle the fo'low-
tnoininkand 7 ---
months' imprisonment in jail at hard
labor. His offence wait the stealing of
some coins from Geo. Beckett's shows
al_ - actindirect' u.s the bit
and mucous surfaces t e system.
entent and Lim - e -sell Canada's hPg
makes, Vestimonialasent free.- PrieeWeent
- 4.3134„,warnakeL, the_prices_and_ te.V.Ltleii Sold b all druggiss.
That money can buy, also terms very attractive. tion.
A few special bargains in
COAL second-hand Pianos, Organs
and Sewing Machines that are
for Everybody at the lowest
prices. bound to suit you. Call and
os. dobbledick S. MARTIN dt,i-SON
Ald for the -bar, matesthei alr grow long and* hem.
1was'restores color togray the darkalch toldr oryouft
topsfit111 hsIr,ilso. Soldfor yearciernfrr".zral=selembi
RAMO OSIED virmotrr vir1rna1 cOtusituli.;
AND it1ed110( DISIAlls CVO*.
log* topmast as flasiti4
t. I as eacarafoctabla sio.o.otise pale ix the
sarastaiag wit it the arsilara. sly wee
• steep ever. Vries vezittr4 et **Ma
fresseatly _rarely fi so4slisit
lialtst all tailed. ers* 0114
at dollars fil vai_ri. • Virally lees -
this last moil. I lok4 turd* grut
jots lb. 64141 They' had besa
*it lb*? exastsitoiii AWVATsitkiia
in 'oaf are& *Jilt Wier 4*4.511111 heft
waka eititely Safi& Marc talaed gusts 41* ,
Cpe ge OUT. tfillaistil•
'ItiliSkto •
OUR BL000 N 01111Afigil
• St. Marys: 3o0. Beaver(' has gone
on an extended trip to Pacific Coast.
During his absence he will obit the
Lewis & Clark exhibition at Portland,
Oregon. , tar...Beaver has resigned his
sition of Treasurer of the trustee
rd atorpewstewind---0-the-Metlio-
dist church which he has held for the
omit thirteen years. T. D. Stanleywill
be his successor.
• Clinton: The townspeople univers-
ally will be very sorry indeed to learn
of the death of Mies Nellie Combe,
yotingetit daughter- of - Mrs.- J. -
Combe, which occurred early Thurs-
day morning.. Deceased had been iti
delicate health for some time; thou
Able to he around up to within t e
itiste*ht dep.-when her illness as-
sumed it critical natures
Myth: Mist Kate Barr severed her
connection with the Blyth post -office
Saturday. For the post three years
and a half she, has been the popular 'Usborne Council.
efiltientAtesistanirosttnaster Comma met July 15. All the rnesn-
andleavestherBleth hers- were presents- Minutesttf_ last
to accept an important, position in tbiet meeting were read' and approved.
Goderich post -office. Her position Three tenders for the construction of
in the Blyth office u ill be taken by. .the aline:Me creek.drairii, not includ.
Miss Agglis Goentan. of Morrising the covered portion. were received:
Setiforth:_, 141 Greig has 'been ap- Oninenr" k-Wnter*---$97130lr-Johti
pointed Clerk of the Seaforth Division IsTicholeoo, 0200; August Ouhri.,$7940.,
Court in glut of John Beattie resign- The -tender Of August auto was
Rion; he. vr wake -a goodand tArte-
Whet does Oxplonor do? It gives the body an affinity for orrovas, an, snakes it .ahsorb
natures revitalising f _orce-7oxygen-throtvh ermy pore. Digest° simply cannot (+tar in the
iyEemthatia-enrCIiarged w1tb oxygtnspa*, Blieurostiann_on Insom-
nitrantaltellseistenrand Oxydonor *Wes Ate .)04y axIKEeT.40
what thou who have used it sew.
Col. R. B. Ilatillton, Provincial Board of Health tlegisstrar GenerestOfilce, Toronto, Cam.
writes., August 31st„ 1901, "Bly uperience with Ondonor has been tost-hatishictory in &eery
respect. Personally 1 can +ranch for its efficiency in acute uernies, sup, _ as Ikegrteippe are_ _sec re.
1 'iii:erain.nestincl.3oth instances its action being remarkably 44 Icketand tit re* 1 ble • 74
For more chronic affections, such.as neuralgia and rheumatism, tuy wife has expe• iien
•very great local benefit, and would not be without an Oxydonor for many: times its weight in
Studio yolk name and address and We will send you our booklet "T" fully explaining the
jg workings of this wonderful instrument.
SI 4 in. II. SANCIIE a CO. .
' 61 iiiiiiiiiriiiii:botiott, pitoli74266 SCthfttt Illott
ilirlirriVrir Villinfirs*IrlarwaiFINFIV"Williniirilirnitn,
, . ..
-Don't be misled by statements of agent* handling
cement paying large Commission. Go Aym.u.self and
--sets-Quee.nston_ walla-aniLitoota but in join. own
- 'locality. Our barrel contains as many cubic -inches
as. any other cement, and as cement is ganged by
IDE/LOUT*, not by -weight-your-cement' will -go-- as- far.-- ---
*te-213---Jor--informattorn-Xeeight ..nstew amt- es-
-/Iy-eash.--L-o..-1ars,-Queenstott,,ge in wit;k, yeur
.neighbor_end_getenefit of carload rates.
• cit.& MciBeittb,_ and aggle Mc-
Dermid, and D. T. Wean:- oir
Miss Myrtle Bengough, of Hensel!, to
Esta.van;;Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Stephen-
son, Vernii,'-to Moosomiti; Wm. O'Con-
nor. jr., Dublin. and Mr. and Mrs. R.
B. Laidlaw„ to Calgary; Wm. Fell.-
Staffa„ to Strathcona; Mr. and Mee. V.
Knechtel, Seaforth, to Edmonton. T.
W. Adam* to Regina; Geo, Carhno,
Seaforth. to Deloraine; Henry 8; Teo.
of Stiffs
'to Vf-ctorra;B:-Ci; lake
route to Duluth and Great Northern
to Portland end Victoria and return
via C.P.R.
Eire, the woman who shot and killed
Dave McGee on the morning of the
, hatt-herpel.litainary hearing be-
fore Police.Magistrate Morrison here
yesteeday afternoon, when the wag-
istrate committed her for trial at the
Pall Assizes. ,
.itis not likely that you will attend more than .onc
College in your lifetime. _
It is therefore important' that you choose - the
right school—your 'success may entirely depend upon
the school.
Opted and the Reeve itutherized to
have * proper contract bond executed
kit Oftleirti AU4 Weal* fture his appoint. anAlligned- .A.teount4 AnionlitibirtO
Molt will be eminently satisfacthrY' to *tons were Puffed And orderit isowea
liEtifotines* public. Mr. Beattie has ltoentl 011!6!trjuillatent of 1450 on
lso resigned- ,111's position as Polite Illine"r4111* ° CA11166111410"*.bell to
With- i.esignations take Ineet-OflOellt- 2tla -at 1
•.effect the first of next month,
0i1 A.1110.111t 2nd Atin anil
• •
J. Thompson. of 1.1ollyt000nto
accompanied by Mr, jeme* Dote
Totonto,Ool. Moserfp,wifeend doing
';,• ter, Stratford, Will leave for .131aaton
Muskoka. where they Will
dit tnonth, having rented the
• t. Marys: 'rhos, Crosier diet Sim -
day, July 1. et the mtldente Of his
,witt-levr Wm.hittRath
vear.Ile *woo a native of Piebleshire,
.otian& and tattie to Canada *hen it
Lsov. Fifty' years Ago- he molted. to the
ratm in Downie, *Nutt three oat*
tbefti., wbete he lived until ni.ne
ra Ago When. hitt .** died. Slne
Uien he Issa *aide *la loins *wltk bus
daughter. He leaves tarnit
eons sod tiro daughters,
tutdar, AfereitO. Ste "Att.
After sr pleasant visit with friends in -
this locality. Mr. W. Minor "has re-
turned to bis home in Kincetdine.
The Forest 'Cky Buscneis *Ind' Sh-orthAnt-eolteter—
' has had it reput#tion for years for its equipment,
theroughness'faculty, demand for Rs graduated pupils,
and- yOtt-takeim chance.
School,term—September till lune inclusiv,e.
s Catalogue (ice for the asking.,
frkndstnOWefl °on&
Mb -
Donald, 'Sr.. Who net iwtth an ace 'den
*tidy is retevetin Whilefleading
owalong tit .410.becatne un
knocked him
-M. Thompon has theloutidatien-•
der •bbs barn cornpleted.'--T. Vann Is
able to be �tit driving again, stithoog
ids lower linIb. are brIplese.-Farmera
itt this *tett ' have llntahea hat'
at fall •06* eat look
Ing to do any damage; Farmers ecnn
ittnx:Wheat tti
,10 Ole