HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate., 1905-07-27, Page 3Plech f ealt with4 t .e Sumte, * it elPs to IPISIS 04 .the itaX0S- lire etiega are very painful and 0.M0'-: poisdtt or them ru„, he twroyed by pplying * little oil of cinnamon 0 - rom- * straw or small brush. 0 ' FOLKS, smoked lamp glasses* ehould "heti 0 0 licStkei, in warm water in.'whieli 444 "000.scee.:0eseersesocitisots000•04>00 ij , .im nd,* littleepOWder .,., , 1.illOrdane vls, _ - reVOCBOW ' ie lt*tr•Sheteld b ll eteueeted•ro l: D'aura 8I1I. ror*ILt.ti, 1t ',' -.;,:or ort,,,kott,lhati.104,,..lite , ,eileee'ealtzte :1*.tiftes • ' ..., ', - ' ,.•. I $ s, apfii)sis,j.,, --gelidiere.W.#0 •Iire'*p*I,i4Itii, • 45 . • ib 40'. ‘iinplantede more ' than. t.bt .tottOing Cblidel e the:key.; tiii"lite'S tree luterlikei'll'ivialk 41900;3;4n Man••,g0i't .4Nt.`14 thiti ' is ' ',diverts, Italtpitteekt - ,•froner4.7,liotel Thou ine Of" :pried tha pakii•I I lint. the, ealialike 'co, Manyl world -wittiont'.1eantrig tipon, ltiod. sife: $4,'Iint'14- '• 'Waves '*Irsi inlet., 'PO'', lui • withOitt God in ;',our.,, tei aelie. 'teinperaiSCO erel earthly, pilieeiniege „le :;t0' breVe nO.iee-•?. With .healtie and . eziCeeSs 'eort in danger, ' no strength in wcak- y0 t1htoas• sice and wrougdoe nos nh 'eSnifort in"-afilielSoti. .1 wit 'AeLseleseerselke, ...useca_eath.,0 (h1g1atI- Is ,gtvn itt religion- Ali reftion is Ince-4 in not the ebeence of fear and soitr, 4t : lest faculty, -so its exercise sorrow, but divine -comfort, civets. enrangel shered it, "lieholde I tolsig I te ieldii oir highest Joys, Where star!comings 1 sorrowITh HLrIi1tij *raided , briethinity seme,, Vile glad ;through lthe black clotnie and , you good tidings of plat Joy. TRANsiassUltING TIIE31. AMid nil the trials and persenutions of the Primitive Christians they were 'lope, too, "le the daughter of veil- tio sseea a gion. tier torch alone.casts light up. yet chiefly known by their fof a 'sunshine of soul.,, - 3 - I° - I on the impenetrable future. Pluck * And this .is the true iriterPretation all the roses of pleasure and wear all the ceowns of honor this eart,li can Of religien. No falser conception can give, it, is still true. at; Gray pathe- be had, and no greater injustice cart e ticaliy Sing.% in his elegy, "The paths be dente to .religioti than. 4,0 connect of glory leAci but; to the grave." itwith austerity .and to snake it a. toe eft • i , Religion, indeed, like all noble passions and pursuits, has its cress - e. JOYS OF LlrE. . ....e.?-_.,,.7.--,..,...,:r,z-•„ 0,..i...,...,-1...... - - Atir.A.DM-1.4.P11..:MiLlfke.,.. 4.,....,144 II -VA_ - -•. 0 4:01.WCS --;.heso or this are 44trireeroid. are Wily instrumental to fie far OnernUt,'l'i:°:49:41tisp‘ • zn tea ioOnfUt` 7;0 tOtrett•';.it lco*:Wetifts • 1.'1; lib. elikiiely::.'etirs••"iiette•Oe ,cletedfi. 'a feete sze.d teen ()fit hatt0.0',tin o intiite:O• lto,t,platters • ..:Seriv0 at :on StripS' of bacoe ,eriS cook- Ing1 14'40' "1.-"-'• i 640. erket •62i, Peopleewih Weak, dige4-tskinaro uk glass all to eneself.' ' Jellied' Ilea "frOugue-71loil tetigue elees, Iseeker tee) eiteesiteeeseteet. There Were atierva,let_eunenseitew nCitt. *Or'. ten ielitettS; 41.,Alf1P;e fr.Otre'' 0041/.'s 41' .11(> Abff'.1141r4 ni - •••• • 4,1,0z41 eeee ' iviiktichro t laid tinder haikebeettese greater pert o le °vet hoet had been bored quite through b 13.3 fiOwn to the toPper wire it•tfell. utae agreed "that insects 'amulet i.een authore of the tniSehlef, thrith vs'llat kind of insects. wee not ‘• ' so!OY* inirtaratiri 'I'et -thee°, %seas c' 14Reetlf hiitm not in ddeMig lt-'40‘tztatIte•e*Olre;exested. ..!44#011K Wtth P.0014.07. • j4gxett 'heaii). • iibro”, "and- lastly; :of • tatli* 71 .'a wouk 6ointinn, o( n " able 14- s* e*. ' ?fr'it* ks 'fl ' -re'4 - •-tin,b0X. AftstrWar eib fseees .1 t • T• th•eirt 0 the Sitr s litta0 I tier,: . The eelipersStrettil had hebta t,' , eutrit'iosns 11),St • ' hO'•••13g-ilnl.::rd'' ;r:1:e,:e..t's41!ere:call .'ll:tc'et''..a;t7u9dt'ail::th' idiliged. 11°tut• .emeNi:tii:toturth:lebelirel:*te'rel, 'It. IP:t.0•*; 'AI* i.i.As''Inn. waters. i' tontales 'ithe (eSseit- ..,:, ,...,, .,,,,,,,,,,,, iiipe te• hays a little ,witli:Ta: hope that'SoldiSopinion infght; ti I li) Which''is ' t ' • d ' fi''''''' ""'''' 4"" " w'" be given, and the "orael'e repliett that.' ,liertf-ermid-biTI.-eryliftle dodet that. the (Itettusge,...._nes_reensed-by_Lwrtit hieafee. :inade veltelae4104 'ei• AO. 6.474,41 orat vph.' other.' . .riertioxis orthe damese0 (Cable,,Wera Jeice. Work. In two tablespoonfuls or a soft leather. When they become eu eggs and a teaspoonful of onion : 4ihould be - with tisxue paper' going io. . The selection was made quarter of a pound of viinced salt; much ef tho Jtii,et) will be lost and up the steps by hi per', and moisten ail with two heat-. After earji.. time of . wearing they alwa,ys knew what pork, ono cup of cracker dust, two the 'Reeve -will stlek together. of melted butter, and pack in ardirn. clean with finely -powdered rot- teaspoonftils. each. of salt and pep-; To brighten tortoiteediell stone and otieeatipileil eeevitie combs. ing above Jo ngle aft to .n the windew. Monday morning, door. and make tit at the window. Usually in the display there were oped end heated 'Jeer stock 'stir a reinerved by 'Using. the belm.stone end' L„,._be PennY Oil° Inia-before' nohnal‘tnnerl, forms or „iittpetItii4a0 t-itaftW37-7-filtr- slittPed.--metdifs.-ler ' --p 1 iirlisill.riii-, t a re city" Ive,,ritteltr--wassitilenstrririr"O'ills-Wsli i ants. , Specimens ___ot their peculiat . half -box of ,soaked I I OP -a -net and Whew': of a Match, and rubbing the sews fierily wen only four, anti was not kept in the museum, which show itet this le dissolved pour the Stock, with it. This hint is especially Con. allowed to go ,sdown • alone. although enly: mat they will eat toad. but wilt around thotongue in the mold. Wheal v.enient to travellers, as It match • is- he knave- tlin way PerfeetlY welt* also bore through- - hard saudstone: cold, set on the ice until the' JellY hi' 41.1 -ways available. • • 1 Mother had said when he was live rocle. very firm. Turn out on a cold plat-. Re.fore ,chopping parsley wash it 'he might .go by himself and ter. . . -seleet I. in- plenty of cold watere squeeze it just the thing he wanted. , Wei Tsoal.-Mix together three !very dry in a -cloth, then let it Benny look& forward to thio day. pounds of chopped ,-raw bed. one-° stand some time; for if ChopOed wet It would be ,very nice to walk right ;self and open the little bell hang - he went in. lie to wanted ',clove itifl'iirtrilfe----ZMIgewilireicslifserl.,&46k:''Oliiiiiilim, , g-reeed.--mcild- caY,..,li'8 a rce4st!":,-Jete17/ e- ee,..._ e.e. ..,.. eess.aaveraleelargte-esugare.lteastfies:ae.:eatulir ,............,,4 cane and, a., box_ of fresh_ taffy.ome- Religion is the life of love. It. gives greater and mere exceeding Joy. Ile in a steady OVilli for two hours.: leeti ' A work and worry saver for house- times there were valeigines and lite that most blessed truth with is not a Christian but a Pharisee the loaf get cold in the meld before! wives is - awlitiaoble,regieurirffea: bsehnetilfi,m_liigoviierer goe 'wliicli language ever smite:el. "Goal whose Seligion does not, take morose- turning out. than the kitchen_ table,on which terhvg Wells' and strings of beads for .f.urry:t rnaeliniSits.vevTchie:re :vere gulict-h ..- civise"- Not --ix-eneee pewee seeking yew seed- harsheefes- otit Of VS .70-Pirit --, Mint- jefly„..,X .**.sse tam sle twat do veetz-A. is * ...Or would. without Duch a conven- or righteousness. but a personality and fill it with the •stinshinie of kind- as an accompaniment to lamb fence. Another is a broad strip not ttn" these' Of- course any ono thing - Saulgent with love. Ile created the liness 'and good will. Religion Means mint jelly. To make it,- strip Bunt - World as an Outgoing impulse of freedom. not narrow austerity; soul- dent leavee from their stalks to was- sot- re -markable. ba somehow string -attached to the :apron band. 's steals Himself as a rather:-Whirliv- , not a dulled, appreeiatiowerthe best over them a pin- 0 i i ie. a , "tglieifsteridesilie Ifitiriiii-e-Viteie or Titelars-rar Ilinilge.- ----e cover- cionly--and--- keep- wxrni-- olint-eproner.---..wo..--know---of-ar.-41duatin tize* • eite-hanci. ':Atuteeprepos-- -eiTsu ' -7-11- - -e • al. ewl.lesin they were all tastefully 'arrang- window•he 'Med to kase and _ . love- and to 'rational beings lle re- ful elation, not gloom; a quiekened, make a cupful, packed measure. Pour 'frpin which a holder, Which is Kin in Ills beauty then do we i -re unaffected. religions souls the hot water for twenty minutes. thent apron" whieh saves one woman muc iiiriv-iiltea-Tiielfeiffik-l'OF hie- taate the divinest raptures. And no I birds of peace and are strain. Measure the infusion and add ea•earinese pf body and spirit -an blethday. tistd - 'be "Vedlned ---to- go" .lts dot's religion enjoin that we loveigver siriging melodies of perfect her- I, more water to make . it a full pint. _ apron with a long pocket for the ,down to ,the' candy -store on that very one nnothek, As God loves His chit- :any. Heaven's poetals .are not far Soak' one-half of a package of ale- Pa • duster. tale efesek.are We in 7;:ovo to_fgook the distant, .and, some. of its ceiestial tiiiie4eeell our brother. 'And -this intishe itiallinto - ' CI ves. it'a I tine in one-half of f / d d tillanother the cloth hfra-fiva-moree all 'bright 'and' adding' &Qt. lie had three pennies. and when _ a ea 4) co I an s See th _ft...well Whiel; the Inqrntilg "'Pith Thicle asck -gav4'- Water; s an o er et wit er Until room whiiii saves many Ai aletraet,- 'anal: -iiiiie-ii-tlie -dfeitie elaalee-i seiesee-a.-areexeresi is- je-ess*.good--titl: disstifvell. Stii;-, iritii-flio-ndne, late. lerwlfirt-erbefritt- th&-rifidni ' far 'a -pee; .its-le-they-were-jest-nmee.: • Sion, acid, one' tablespoonful of lemon titular dilater, _needed for each differ- Benny started out with his inoney that has built every benne in the iSings of great joy, which shall be to World. .that has painted every great all people." LESSON WORD StIlUDIES. Note-eThese Word Studies for this esson aro based on the text of the Revised Version. • in0 • 1 gives mo name as ep a. ea c h / throne probably about the year 11.0. 686, when he was twelve years old. Little is known concerning the ac- tiM1 , history of his long reign.' thpirgh this, on the whole. was ,prob- 1 ably pe.acetul and prosperous, except atte tion of the writer of 2 -Kings and also of the Chronicles is centered on Ions - Augury -Consisting. possibly. ne among the Romans, in the observing of birds in their flight and of various natural phenomena. Sorcery-I,"retended emploYment ef preternatural Agencies, magic, witch- neeittesetree.--,,e Them that had faraillar epirits- PerSons iThr.eit unlike our modern spiri- tualist niediums. who professed to he In touch with the s .11,11vorld. The witch of Endor (1. Sam. 28) lWilS such a person. Wieardee-Not differing greatly from sorreerers and magicians. 7. The Iheuse of God -The temple. Juice and two espoon u s o powdered sugar. Mold. preferably. and Robert danced about laths and in individual forrns., FUN AT H°ME. told him not to stop on the bridge, not to stop near the fence that ran Ke of Leicester Has Mani Claims • to Fame. Though he was born over St years ago, one or the least of the claitua to distinction of the venerable Earl of L,eicester, who is now seriously_ '• seethirte-heelvermrieb-iSivirseantiniseeeettie - --- patriarchs of the British' peerage. He is in many wa,ya absolutely unique anaong ties been the father of eighteen children, of whom fourteen servive. and he num- bers among his sons-in-law four earls, a viscount alt'I a baron. There is a difference in ago of close on hall a • century hetween___Ida__eldeet dam Lac& Powerseourt, and 4,4k_youpges _ father .,'-iev• ereir-- tines -over and the proud father of a boy of eleven. Per- haps.' however. the most astonishing, tt_1411:krAirntiy114.!tory._ '14114 facc that heinarried Ida freeze.' wife. the present Countess, exactly 100 years after hie father mweied n hiee-hitude-- str--tord--I•tozzaid.-thrcver.---trnee- Mentioned the amazing fact to Queen Victoria, who was pretty well posted on the family history of the peerage,, but it so staggered her that she to - fused 'to- ' believe it withotit dbcte mentary proof, • The Fart of Leicester is a notable exazaple ,,of the good results' of- the simpleelifeeeheerealesimpleelifee-thate.•----- nd after kiesing. is, not that counterfeib of which 210t - approving votaries write to the PdPers. "when WM; a any line sday - he-udght - on- -one of the gelds of his estate clad in a Suit of rough. tereede. with gun on shoul- der. A true sporteman. he believes In the sport 'that gives the game A c ane -no a .orm of slaughter so popular among the British aristo- cracy whieh an army of beaters drive the birds on tho guns. Nor doe he este make sport an' exceee for gorging. At lunch time he •euaY be looked for under a hedge, 'numb- ing bread and chaese and onions and washing it down with a draught of beer brewed in his own house. That menu is not. altered even for the Prince- Of Vales _rh Vit ite"...44ikr4 - ing with the Earl of Leicester. not deviate from his simple liab- Puff Ornelet.---lifelt a tablespoonful Don't be afraid of a little fun of butter in a aa.ucepari, stir in a home. Don't shut your house leseatt taloOrtricitg byvetrlyie (las•aitlrowahde,,na scant tablespoonbil of flour, add a thd fain should . fade your carpets; endrostsoinigte fatthree half -cupful of hot milk, and cook !lad your hearts. lest a hearty laugh'f'street. After all, it was quite a three minutes. Separate the yolks dangerous wav to go if one did not shake down some of the musty old keep Jell these Udine,' in mind. and whites. Season with a tiiird-1 cobwebs there! lf you want to ruin _iy,L3L4,,,r9wrdtit,.. ii,L.Ais„,"wriy.. -IeasPaonfuL-sof..selt,:anzl-a-halfestet'ho--youte-sonseelet'sthenrtt-that iight....es. possible. _ spoonful of white pepper; add the, mirth- and social enjoyment must be white sauce, -beating welt. told- instheileit seuf the -threshold -without when mother twice and waving his hand sttffly-beaten whites, and„ turn Sntol they COMO, ii,iiii0 at night. When once oeet...._with,_hia_head_4044te .ry_his to-Unele Jtiele.--lie° walked -down -the ut-amelete-Partentalning-a-level a lious-Tris 'regarded' as only a place tablespoonful of butter. Cover • the. to eat. drink. and sleep in, the work Katherine and Robert waited until he pan e.ne cook the omelet in a hot Its begun that ends in gambling- had turned the earner, toed' then they oven for ten minutes. Fold and re- houses and Irec ran "cross lots" and took up a klass , degradation. . Liver -In preparing live for either Young peoPle must have UM and re- _ ,point of VIC* opposite the- store. frying or broiling it le .alwaye best laza.tion semewh how long he would 4', minty could_not_see_th_ In this hot it at their own hearthestones it zueme-Will 1 trisYself dwell --the name water and alloviing t to starid - for will bo sought at other and less pro- watzted to irairm .. look in 'the vvindow. , representing the person as often. The four or five minutes. Calf liver is eitahle places. Therefore.. let the tire ", o s.t:tu si pposu le will -go. n his presence 'of Jehovah, _it iti assumed,- the most 'delicate. but when this. can -i burn brightly at night and make the.hims-ett" sal.- 0 , eY A It beet en - . not be bad, substitute the liver of a homestead delightful with all those brother cantlouslY. young lamb, and the result will be little arts that parents so; ,perfectly Of esturfie he will go in," said very satistactory both to palate and understand. Don't repress the buoy- Katherins . A lamb's liver, weighing on ant spirits .of Your children; half an ' purse And just at that moment Benny an average from a pound and A half iour's faarimeot 'round ' tee lamp' fulfilled the prophcey, for ho went' to, two pounds„ can be purchased h.rl and fireside of home blotS out the into the Candy -store! Not Just as it dime, and it may be raised' frorommimAil, re_of Auttly-m,_z,.itte, eintie - -hey had expected, however, -for lie ie evel of conunonplifee by Iarding noyance during the dayand tbe best Went 'in through the window. In his itewitli some strips of larding pork, safe uard they can take with them eagerness to eve ail the wonderful c . z$ 0 eleaegs n mo_ P_Mtgrinto the norideee etc senile/lee of__ • play____e, he , preess,d_stete_heavi v ,Yrie-ii- - ' ' tAlta.le-doraesticictu - * -st-t1ux....41,144.i*,•,A, md.,--it,,,t1 14n -Aid le trreeeers=eel of necessity excludes all other gods. "1. Jehovah, thy God,' tun Jeelous God" (Exod. 20.5). 9. Did evil more than the netions -In their apoetasy from Jehovah the people under- the leadership of .their king actually ,went to 'greater •elee OrIMMAIT. - 11. Brought upon them . . ,Assy- --Assyrian--.-menumettt-s- ostherlitterseit iissgreatsfianifiTeettbrifi 'MON rrnliM1111111111LI MI a 71011111L-411 fr07.51 0 grandson of Sennitehetzb whieh er'sre two v:ays of ac- RLIde ,jolatrous -practises of the time cf i , h_tutty_h4ye lago_i lt,ty_o__ x 4 werireZralll-TtrIM.1-ttrid, Vessyrien inscription known at -pro- . 7r0 ,, -f4 'gm IlIPS sent mentions specifically this capti- were blended -with (he worship worship iirialtate------w-ere- eiseneti.-----hr ,„ „ .„.___L-laann.t4e44-445•42.. . , , ...., - maw quirts of the land, and even ein !" "I''' ''''''-'444s-4-14Plas-ein--Stie Cai'" t bridge 'Mile -"the restoration of thessavred cotirts of the temple at 1 Manasseh after this to bus kingdam Jerusalem unto the gods of the peo- i is not incredible, for Necho. I of Plies round about Israel. Sorcery. i 0,N.ot was first put iii fetters and telisheraft, a.nd the dealing with fain- '`C --.- afterward sent back to PlerSpt.'' tiler spirits and wizares was resort- In chaies-Literally, with hooks -s _It jirtecl to the' sisivermheddincei:sowaf lisumaintnrodludeoetoid 1 hooks fastened into the nostrAla. zd nd• gloomy superstition and crid4-CaPtIV(141-14Jel- frattiCe-----tit . iii ledlatielsin .becarne a constituent part 'Ags'Y'la"s* . a iciligion4 ceremonies 7,,,oirerytvhero. To nabylontellabylon, while not et this time the capital of Assyria. wale '411,14 Weald apostasy of Manasseh insetight upon hire the dire punish- I nevertheless 01:0 of the royal rest"- dence titles, and henee the prisonere ,,, 01 Jehevah briell$,P mentioned in .... AV well, have „been taken thither in.- ,/ '0-4:14yNt lesson (veese;11). and ouly i'" - ..r.Fstlieretinielirerepentavito-oletho-eewitkedi4Stcad °I' to Nineveh' the call/Ital*-- . oziorseems to „hove prevented thee:'12:-"Ilie ltod'Orlili-Wit-e.teho, , ,41estrtietion.,014hiv_kingdom ati Vall, whom he had- loisaken, had not ibeen hie fled.' hit' time. ' 1 13 This verse ;clearly illnatrAtem 2., After the aborninatiors of the ' lasetio4,...The abominatioils referrei . the purpose of the Chronicler's mar- ''''' 1 native as a whole. which is to show 'be e are' fiPecified in the following that apOstasy from Jehovah brouglee Verses. destruction upon the nation, whiri Whonz Jehovah cast out -before the opentance and -loyalty to ?Jehovah • children of Israel -Contrary to the brought with it pardon dnd thef ispeess command Of Jehovah, the blessing of prosperity. Thraeltet on entering- et -it -elan had itree.Attedeeniarty-sof- the iithabitants- Of the lend to remain uedisturbed among them.These retained • their ' 1Ia-'Iont you thin' that w�- jdola.trous religion. and from them as well Ite sh from surrounding heathen Shee-"Clover? Why, . . e's Fo,elever hat she, can Inikke_Al 11,ramtleres and . --ecrefiestetes he, -r without- other- wame cetterupteit--tuel deeded their .ttitiPrillg own leen. h placket -Compare, Word for Lesson of Juiy 2. 1latlnn'-The 'Plaint • of Bata, whieh' nteant t ally lord, but which Was s1a the l:10_40r_tho .slikFogio-co.4 ivorShiped itt (11 er- under setnewhat" dittermt ti. betttt _oLktOrn1 , ta; 0-114titittsd'i-iillaiiii, ,or leOlee Prienet beside An slt*r or. ' .n6 hearing. 'softietitneS other dealgriatioriiiir sign of th. god or goddess to *bona the hn1ne was cred. • . Sy.; the house of Je- t altats t� courts' of the 'ith the introdue- lace* tuceilion.e erse -formed the itt ittr 41* to the god direction's ' carefully either method %VIII succeed. Soak the gelatine in proper-Ttratnint-ofeceldraterr- til elltirtgy dissolved, hexing the, cremb wbitiped to it sedid froth, and sprinkle the dissolved gelatine, it tea- spoonful at it time, over it, turning the. latter carefully over and over with a spoon before the next tea- spoonful, of gelatine is -added, ake--sure--thnt-7414tee4gr4atiner etionly 'with the:- v. ttn-na it is-ustud..itt making such desserts, to sprinkle irt first the neressark amount of pow- dered sugar, then t.lfe gelatine; the sugar begins to melt.. and tlerts lightly modifies fhe temperetare el c!ttreeere, width,* *teal _ iiicitififid is -to soak and dissolve the gelatine as before. Take the unwhipped cream, mix a portion of* it with the liquid gela- tine, then stir into, the bulk of the cream. Now stood it in 'a pan , of cold water or in a cool place arid watch -carefully-As soon .es it shows signs of thickening,' been to Whip slowly at &lit' the more rapidly; mita the entir), qf...salele. spongy, _ }Catherine and Robert ran over rit peer has spent mos. o us m - MIS ie%-and-tltey--wero-bo•th----crYim?r-fo recenteyer. trekeissaevirstsPrilladitwr-ed flee of white stone, standing in a parliensellaterisea-parterther'butedivere %with some sne fie/ c-upies the ground floor of his magni-. neent mansion and there are certain , rules of the eetablishment to which everyone (royal visitors not excepted/ has to confoem. All under his roof are expected tri be in bed by 11, o'clock aryl bridge and kindred di- -version.? *re- forbidden. The earl 18 a • good landlor.d, an enthusiastic alist and it genuine philanthropist with a, penchapt for church restora- tion. the cost of whichhe defrays out of his own pocket. In his 'own country. e -Norfolif, there aee eeveral *hide owe their preeervationetir hint NO ZiOnE NEW LANDS. - they supposed Ilenny was. greatly .Dwarf Degenerate Has Novel Nlirritiql,hmtm_11A,At 110,..4ear_olii_Ja4- - , -Ortiriiareig Detection. ke t the shc_ip__Lhal gathered him iip Francis Gadd., who' has just been out.of the broken glass and held him en. her, lap. the thumb was eut a sentenced Illi titre(' istoralli imPrison- 'little,. find she wrapped it up in a ment at Peng° Police Court, London, v. England, js a pigmy burglar of ' it hilVestociterosf wilsitehd ninendseewmiPieng dtroai,tibianikl ery mmarkabletype. Though thirty-five years of age., a iou e 0 n re fa a al .‘-, -__ Gadd is only 4 it. 74- in- Sri *ightri Nth= he MIS feeling. all Tight net poli.,,t-oflicials-siescribe-hi --a took.,,Aho.-allowort mot to look- ovor: it humorist whose oisipe and 4rauks the entire ettoblel, and make it very aro irresistibly. unny. careful selection for his purchases. f He has been well known to the Then the children went home rather South WItTIYS police for years, •and on sertowially. . many occasione he has utilize(' his They told , Uncle ..1 k, .all about it, sinallmss of. stature to escape detece, and he went down , at once and „paid lion: Altekeihis- lett arrest hte pleest-, i ii•or,.:_,..t.he , whuip,I.e„ ,,a3k4 to_ 01 _. IA . ''-e4' tiW-AtitOrs-Aiew tie kad •tennaged'&ndir Spelled with broken :glass, and to avoid observation so lOng, • iitt it alt ended lialligiSt;'/Or deeiyhodY With the skill of it trained ,con- was very sorry for 'Benny', and nn tortioniet lee rolled hiniselnip Until, ana. OCCOlded. Uncle Jeck laughed. to Use his own words. he appeared fie meld. "Welt. Benny certainly did, no bigger than tili- ash -bucket. Iie go into the candy -store all alone." dtviared, in fact, that'thO police had , •,, • . ,........4 more -than a dotenjlteetVitirstaken, t . him for a stuait' dustbin as he lay gEEDING - YouNa. StilsatING curled Op after committing varloue. 111,1tDS. ._ • , burgiaries. 1 • /11Vheat .t thirwtvOra,4ed in anc!eitth.P - Indirectly, (radii was responsible ..euettee_close,,.4,0 the nest. -the utts.e. 11:44 bailerng abthit fill 1°10° eme t tnother darted at me and Poised . in the system orldeptillesitioti from foot from my Tio,3e, as if to stare in finUgntr'tiPlrritlecentl.tly the only diStinguish..She 1001(10 ine all over front head to out ot eountertaziete say, a_errMr. Ilig Vellilt irtnitertAlictiorms.stsedlor takifig the impreesioree or bah sexes j!kIlt' ttr"4"-Iftirla6-84164-7d6i/Vihee- 4 was -the words "female" and "male* ttio---, athostlit.11;144 woe: thhaftrinnestIesiiii:edgeS. h.reir.leintisel- n"t„. hi small' type. Itetleing that forth Oared before, him was marked Hogs ondned wide their hungry ,flonakr.. owing, to, _en oisceiss__.mis,..mouths... She- spreatt„ter- telt-like -ti take, ltadd- made the reqUiredint'. Mao*, and twitted herself iiffittitSt eSsionthilL,stost,04cle,filmcranedlter neck -1S, - but - -trtfully:sined his -.-g me ,irrances" instead of Wands, and drew -tier dagger -Tike bill, straight leem,aeseseeeen, nit. ilitA., itt? above the neat. ,Shtt plunged its it ,U!l1t inimilinta ,allt aw,p'st:i ilowit the bahylii !throat tot,tho'bilt :41iirt4 ehes easels eee. and- started a series of gestures that eollettinkitt,''Sentlend tr.-4:pttneture--,hint:to *tabbed the other etc -Ciadd next • aPPenland in *the it de tile slotilders It,he was about to/be treated is • tiontadioilt „the rilii, in dock first niterider,•selien• he watt reekh.p. . . were not iilintitled ' „i y• a'eartilit defOtiVe... •Yeli , ' change wit ittadtritt tthey weregetting' result he' 6t, --X nt ...;to the Usual hununing 11 ypu are looking for troubk» her es cuddle close to lker nit 4 up. -1.. ltottitsIi akeet**A-70aiikusrsiet714-tf.ticlean4;:tr.:77**:::7411Inficiett; -ta'iii- u t . ty' tout • WA:, How they they athed faiiiiii them *iilt'wbfsper- - ther40e1'. 13INTS FOR HOME L. FE. When using itn egg beater do not ova -12- about the bOWI. When stewing fruit always add tlie' to baby uall looked I tants.' and hloorI • After it .-eirsretut examination of the map of A‘friett, by geographers and students of • international boundar. les. it becontes apparent that' the re' eat. 'award of tha-Kiageofeltalt re tipecting •• the Anglo-liortiiguese from. tier in Barotseland (North-Western Tthi�desla) the last piece of lend not, definitely appropriated in Attie", has,: dlaposed Vorsthes-fitwtetimoff7e- in the history of the there. fore, there are no new lands for the rtrious nations, to acquire, and countries itt search of colonies will eisnweried AO seek out some other Vaud division of the tarth's• Striate, unless Vito* tread upon the toei,of other netiona- And this in Afera. ftS seivhert-t--• may moon are- Alivites from Lishett-Art-to Abe el. ,feOt tbsA taction there; The., new Angto.11orto. - gueao boundary.,is Dinned by a lint following . the ltstando %liver Iron) thii-ZsAthest,rto the '24th nieldistt 01 • east longitude, and titent6 Slow the meridian as Inc. as the l3tb iarail.1" 01 uth letittlde, until thtt Conga 4It L"You , tt•td. n 3f0u had • it herek it, old truant' W'ttiete*" . 'Vrhy. that,- in Your mitt. "Well, she keel* leetontit of