Exeter Advocate., 1905-07-27, Page 1Plant-
- • I p
gpow, wififo.Tectit in Ault. .340e A bk
Ogittgiiitfratki test cutiAsirages thirny,lutialtst,-,,worh se.
*UeOPLC eyelet& es'ettssese
an Oxon. petUke an4t viinsdraw when 3toU
rn 04y shied room u-ts, Ws a44 interest to the pfilk•
pal and eoropound eyoue. onto, s. yeas, on 31 Jike.,, 30
POI; 31 July. and St Vetoitur. So* &emus Pi are ohm*
outtenna pop=itreonservative banking.
InvIte your Whore:
• BrAtteb es in Huron Omuta! at I
OREDITON, 110,11W001), 1LENSALL. Unica, Ot.nrrent,_
sliroor.aL Surietrbrauches.
elltartiaTtarge isserust ot private fonds. to etas
*Awn and Vamp peoperties at low rates of Inter-
ior,* • 01.11031tAN stmmums. •
unite** seeetters.--aitrastr,'Iseater on
-. ibout 11.000 square
feet of gralsolithic Itaventent, besides creasing% in
the Village of IfletOr...- sPetedlint to epecilleations
which may be welt at:the office of the undersigned.
Thehighestror-any.ttotder not peonstatily accepted,
3. 15101101t,
Qlerit pt the Village of Exeter,
Organist and Cheer lisieterel the TH. itt Meraotial-
Tascher-s-nekte. Vol;. nefultioY;
otters method& Tbeiturhows
the Tewrieltip of Ste'
Oen, Comity of Huron.
M18 ViqLet tSintera o• Mitchell,
,l'iSitingher, stator; Mr �t Arlagr-
•don Monday, after a vacation at his
home here.
tetwo._Wlit Pert ottbee _reek Vi8iting
relatives bete. 0,00iiit
Mrs, Brokenshire, of Feneloo ROI% whom ine the sympathy or their
wbch tie he btipent- otk• thet ''oht
of hie:tie' be had
hestltby Mae, end
bad doeItsaaze toiverel ;:maltatetite.
rd .0t. the pioneer
Old age with a corn-
- oath
lea.west,seriTe.otreson, Riehardetted
testi. 3k. johlsOgilen, all of
is visitr ,at Mr. Samuel Broken- ,many.friesits. The funeral took plea
Mr. .Wellingtott Johns is spending
it week Visiting friends in different
parts. of Michigan. • • . .
Mr. LIt Carling is spending it few Is
days this week with Mr. and Mrs. Reg
Elliot, at Norwich. •
• Mr. W. A. Westeott returned
Peterborough - „Monclay, after
week% holiday here. •
Misa Edith Beer' haling.rneri
rottr -her -reeet4rianearie-reto
.11Elkk .
r. L. L. Folliek, of Stititteile"
ho idaling at the. home Of his parent*
here and at'Grand '
Mr- aott-Mrts lithittock„ After a visit
with Mr. and litre; Moe; Sweet, re
turned to Stratford Monday.
Mr. and •Mrs Peter MeDiinelt, of
* Arrived- --here ' Sit
on -a visit,---Mr.....Blebort.
*"iiirs.43:iir. J. Rots an. ti.'-datighfiife--tif
Toronto...have. been visiting during,
the week .at the. home of Mr., and.Mrts
Istagettia-Waltees. eehoe-hes---- eat
173 racir .1!
Samuel Ford 'and Mr.
week on a holiday
utthrgh the west. They pur-
est the Coast. 'Vire
tbem a, pleasant and profitable
sespbetry season is on and
ere sewn on deck. They
With water,.brush and
tas threlit
ehay while the fun
redly the anew in
ProVidence has kindly
ere taking advantage
este working early Andlate to
belay cut *mil ,rn before it
$ti..50 Dinner Set for-. 7,,
97 -piece Dinner set, semi-porcelait;.
-Cobalt Lyndon desiemblue,
awers_ami !sit, ves ,rnade bv the J. H.
V. &SonsCo., Hnnley, England, $9.50
for $7400.
4i12 Dinner ,Set for $19, ,
07-plette DInner Set, semi -porcelain.
Paris design, King Ed ward Bitle, beau-
tiful conventional color, and design,
gilt -lined, brilliant had). made by the
J; 11. W. & Sone Co., Hanley, Eng.,
$12.00 for $9.00.
. .
• , $12.50 Dinner Set for $9.
07 -piece Dinner Set, Lucerne design,
Cobalt blue, conventional design, gilt.
0 lonial Pottery,•Stoke, England,
$124150 Dir020 Set foe
97 -piece Dinner Set, Iselin 'dist
green shade, gilt -lined, prett Ales
4nd patternr-mada by
$12.50 for $3.00,
Ouly 3 Chttmher-Sette Left.
One °bomber Set, ahatlAdpink, and
gold, gilt -lined, new pattea , made by
S.-Foed & Co., England, for P.N.
One Chamber Set, Granada desige„,
well colored, good full shapes, mai
by 3. Hi W. &Sons, Hanley, Magian
$3.50 for$2.75.
One Chamber Set, plain white with
gilt linea. $3.50 for P.00.
4 Plugs good smoking 'or chavrieg
- -
littOttl) ,
Wm. Dymond, whohtts.been in jell
for the paattwo weektrawalting trial,.
was -Monde_ ting-adjested ineatto:
Thos. Dolgov.ho is it Wielder Of the
'birch in one of the sehobis in Aigotna,..
hentra vialt tolifir frileidiCherA*--trstifhere_
Ossrso-ithe cream of the
sbsat-1s*d* o• f Waters Oanada. Parties Isurchas-
i sowsre given until 1St June to select their laud.
For tow& etti.appaS to
"iced Assessment Kc&I of the
munte Silty to be en t to vote in tue said
municipality it Election* for Members ofthe
Iatlye AfferliblY mdeX-MUnielpal ElectiOris, and the
, saki Hat was ilmt posted up at ply Office, at Crediton,
on the tenthAttiaJuly. D. , 1906, and remains
the*. for
'Electors tire smileti upon to examtne the odd llst
and it hiloomistioits. or any other errore arp 10Und
therein, take immediate promethium to Wive the -
said errors &erected accottlbsg to law.
Dated-ateredton, July lOth. ISO&
Anoekestothe peephole of ages Stenlake. Clerk's Notice of First Post
'We Read, ,iiisi Tmrn*,10, on er about June .
10th, is retf Weer. yOulW- . vzith a ring its the right ,,,, et avi, ilir,+,,„0,-.,
Ornsereas itayeassse kg ming expo uses and s,u,. 5 tf.1‘ try Pus eel List 1905 •
piTiit; r .
SliesiStanbdte, 'MVP. 0.
- - ------
Rei '•. ,.' , Municipalityef-theTillageof
t' '
**Runlet Street Wept of Main reet,• good garden,
hard ,aad soft water. and In a desirable Ioeality
• A.PPI7 t° MRS. HARM HuronHtr Exeter.
•OthiWslito- 1441.
NOTICE 1 hereby given that 1 have transmitted
or delivered to the poisons mentioned in Settiores 8
and ti of "The- voters' List Act" the copies required
bythe-saiti section tobe so tnummitted or delivered.
of the list made pursuant to said act. Of afl persons
appeiing by the Int- revised Asseesment Roll of The
aki MunicipalitglAbc entitled to vote in the *LW
Municipality at Meilen, for members of the Leglela.
We Assembly and at Municipal Elections. and that
said list was lint posted up 'at my office at khan
Exater.os, the..17t1daYAJUIS
to:ileitis therefor inspection. .
List; and if any otelealoss or other errors are foiand
therein, to take immediate pings to have the
ettersOirreeted a ...t4irtx to law.
Clerk of the said Municiptdity.
Mr. E. 11. Spackmans wife areit
'family. of •Illenheira,' are spending- a
few days visiting relatives here, -end
ctunping at Grand Bend. ..
Mrs.. llorrel recalled word on Mon-
day that her mother. Mrs..011r, was
sluicing fast at her home in Toronto.
Mrs. Harrell left. the same .everdret
to be at her bedside.
om4W6;k: -
itobit to visit his ton end grandchild,
find view the fields of widen grain On
the prairies'after which. he, will pro,
ceed to thePacifie Coast, and return
by way ofSan Francisco and Deover."
-Goderieh Stet.
Mr. -and..t-fitita
fan& - • a
wil s nd the tuturner.
r. Pickard has are spe
time in the west and, If the country
and climate spit the family they in-
tend residing there.
Mr. A. Allan,wha has been sojourn-
ing ;with his daughter, Mrs. Geo.
Hatton, at ltitleida, Man., returned
heme on Monday. Be spent Monday
and Tu'esday' wkh friendi in Ware
`a-nd on Wednesdayleftime- Brantf -
where he will make his future home
with Mrs. M. Ellwood.
litic3147-3,7Fieeeitetez-vellize bas
• rrif
1. NOTICE To .04DiTolts.
iii*Wr -
• pher Willett, late of the Township
of Stepheu, County of Huron, re-
tired armer, deceased. •
Wee Iterehy Oren pursuant Vo See. S8 of Cha ,
Of the Revised Statutes ofOntario. 1897, hist
tors end (Ahem hatclaimssaLnat the o-
bi! said chrliheWtUert, wbo died on or .
• dey cIJUIY 19d5, aie on or before the
or dell Joseph
ty of Huron, one ot the
sad' &owed, their eluistian
id aen,ae,ea, ai4dreases and descriptions, the
cistim;_it etatement of their
of tee securities (if an )
thews. &ad farther take notkii that after tfle
alsesmaid the Salt 411114etitergildn proceed to
te he meets at the saki decesied asnong the
setire shall have been given as
MOW that the Said Executors will
ieaoe or ionises of *hoof claims notice
e bees received by them at the time of
DAVID ISCIMOEDElt ) Executors.
Madman ketaiseary,
Setkitenfor Execntors, EXe tier
t Jely, 1100.
firanolititie PaVellitato
isttrni, that thiuutdcipai
«Jouscll 0? corporation, Of the VII -
intends to construct n
gritnofltbic vement on theWest side
• of Main strreI. in- the issid Village of
Bxeter ing at it [Mint at or
Mgdo and Wei-
1, firati ing
le tier foOt 00
l 'Outdid instal.
lands liable ts
tyr tee said
the owiter*
*bled 1
Otaities fitted property.
Dr. Ovens
Treat* Ere, Ear. Noss,
aad Throat. beat
the Commercial HotelExeter„
*Ilda.t*ard, August -kit, Next- visit,
Dr:Ovens will be at$he cm:menial Hotel, Ex
Saturday, AUXuAbeh. See "Ad." .
Miss Bettie Farrell of Port -Hu
returiwd bOWtS&tUUIiIY-after- -Veil&
ing several days with friends in the
Hamilton. isspeoditAt her vacation
with het parents.-Itre. William Flan-
nigan and daughters, May and Kate.,
are spending a, few days in the village,
before leaving for their new home to
Saskatoon.- Miss Bertielace Cooper.
of Blenheim, it thee truest tif Mita Olive
Mc0raw:4-1415t Jennie Ottnninghitin
-isvisiting her sister, Mis. Yegielsi, of
HarpIey,Ireturned home MOn:t atter
ependIcRerveral Weeks in this village.
Mise Lizzie Atdell, .of Gorrie, is visit -
in friends itt trod around the 'tentage.
at ePentling la few weeks with t
latter's tetreute. Mr. and Ilre. George
Seale.-Nittre Ftazer..„of Brintleysgave
our village allying visit &twiny even-
ing. -Ed, seemed to look somewhat
digappialoted on SttbaTety everting •
ne,V. Chris. Simpson, as visiting hie
p.uenta In' the- villier&--4441
eget. ex' Exeter, epent Monday
-Mr. and Mrs. A.lor, of Perkhill,
spent Sunday with M. 'R. Haigh*.
Drtatn.» •e a nit o t it
Jonathan ('oblelgb, who died at Vic-
toria Ileopital, London, were brought
here Saturday evening and conveyed
to the honae of his Osten Mrs. 06)110*
CO rterNill d from e
the it i es 0 Ren, itt-.
Coble Oh Who wasin hisOlst
been itt it ktve state of health for 50
time but the sad bloW lo the dceth
*tow ws4ke ego, quikersed
Orte ItOrk is left, to moittir the Welt
other and tether*wIthin it mot
frochothee. Dec *
the Istellt\iroke Cobieigb.
zek.___11.14.. daughter, •Eist• ac-
companied htuihere and is remaining
some time. Mr. Fansoo has fad the
slid and_jeill devote his time. to
hisreal 'estate and -insursnce buid
Mr. J. A. Gregory, of North Bettie -
ford, Sttek., And'Mr. Ernese Gregory.
of Itegine, eons of Mr. Thos. Gregory,
of town, are ependlog a week here At
the home of their parents. 1, A. is in
the real estate busineeteat Hattleford,
while Ernest_ista the.. offleest_of the
Territorial Government itt Ristion.
Both think there is no place like the
West. ,
Mr. Henry,. Hancock, of Grand,
Forks, Dakota, shook banditwith
many of his old friends in town Mon-
day nigbt. Mr: Hancock -left -these.
and has eine made his home in 'is
est.-Like-man-y......othere-who, left
here for the west about Utat.time
Hancock has prospered and la now
Regiatrar of deed i at Grand Fork*.
Mr Handcock was tWiee member of
the Dakota Legislature.
ono therelleleaVing elms* of neat
its thit tOwnelittneerthe *teeny
,ort Toesdey Morning of
fon, Sr.,- which oCepreed
on th 4th cunc*k1ti,*tt
not teri
death- was ,net unexpec
deetty of the vital ftit-ces:
rOnittent erupted** of her
Iler death removetanother the.
metelog pioneers of this ei'ctiou, for
shePa etut who, had .enduted Witb.
Mr. P. . in left, SatUrday
If. the country
&making ittheli
Minnie WOO, ac-
conipa*ieb.y Mise of London,
• •of her stunts,
-Mr.Ourrie, ergan-
s been in tattle the
weekeecurinig ruem'bers for that
y$ *ttesdizito tilicustomera.. He
' Brownie
&ndreuistiaathig friends in Wyom-
'JOS- Siteilieon spent Sunday in
Luestas-ELBestaesey,.of lateen. Was
visitor ra towa Sunday.-Messrs.'8.
with their tamirspent
Woke sold two car-
nnet -cattle to B.
Mooie.. was in town Sunday ev-
.pretty' often of
latei,--ift4eita' Handford, Who has been
ou a visit to his home. left. Monday for
Suowftalbe. axa. Melvin looks finite
tiaturaletter art atteetice of ten years
•in that caaatsy. Heweisecompanied
bylohnittentaces--The remains of - the
In a reikead wreak, in Sande% 13.0„
were benaght home Monday evening.
lum for the bonne. -Fred Fox has re-
turned from New Ontario. -W.
Shields, of the Merchant's Bank ataft,
1. holidaying at, Brampton. -Mr. 3. O.
Downing's roany friends will be pleas.
ed to learn of his promotion. 'He has
been on the Merchants' Bards staff here
for the past year, during tvhich time
he has make rapid progress, and left
k. toed .,0-4os.-31ildinaY4ho
es go with hirn.--Thos. Iluihe was
Saturdaytaken to the county jail to
spend it couple of weeks behind the
bars. He was. convicted by Squire J.
R, McCootnii of being drunk and "die-
turbing the peace of Lacan" and fined
$0.50 or two weeks in jail. He took
itet at the home of Miss Mellia-Our
tb their
onion llY-
ermis which is abliVigi
wile farmers have been taking advent -
age of the warm Adry Weather of the
past few days, : The majority of them
Are through baying and now the sound
ddfirethcetittr-Mr#ItelsanLbelly ItWhearditeinanenev, e4of
Detroit, is on a, visit to het parent.,
Mr. and Mrs. John Whiteman. --Mrs.
sone, of Haploid, , visiting her. --Mitis
Grant, of St. Louis, is a pleasant visit-
or at tbe home Of Mrs. Jennie Miller.
-Mrs. Alex. Sproat and Mrs. Robert
Fulton, of Washington State, spent a
few days recently at the home of
Acvintorr.-The other hay while
Fred Ifentratnire was at work on th
top.of the building striking hitaon the
shoulder. He was immediately- taken
to a physician where it was found that
a bone was broken. This was placed
In position anti he is now on therend.
_ ens-will-beat=theCommarelautatit, Exeter
Saturday; August lith. See "Ad." '
Lest Pride night. the Bachelors and
'Miss ian Sal -
lea visitor at the home
of IL J. CobvaL-Miss Lillian Elliott
laiestieteetiwetsGrandenem&-- _
Janses-Sawdo strZIfilt Kelltran-re -eirr
,the sick list. We wish them a speedy
reamer. .
Crediton •
Dr. Ovum he al the Ootrouer6d Hetet Exeter.
sarealmseevasue See ,9141."
(Tbiaray)Sot Iste*--.Wegard.-atter-
plestaasit eix weeks Wider with Ma.
.tiveeizt thin viciaity„-Rev. (LW. An-
drevrx„off the Methodist cherch, math -
ed attirwed Bead Perk Sunday even-
ing.-Ittr.,tead Mrs. LOUiS. Mengnue, of
vialting the (primer's
pariatakiVEtleTte; ,Mba- -
tees are 0- interior of
„Ijle.ffaleareastailt neat
Mask wer Th,adon. it visiting Ira
Browee.-Iltr. and Mis. Ohrtstopher
Eilher left t� -day utility) onan
extetwitermeat With Mr. end Mrs. Wm.
L. Lew14, &YAW River.--Mr.00nrad
Kula *ad Wally, who hole been
Mill11440144,the Beret 'have returned,
suidreneetatilautent. titzte.-Mr. Anti
linetthertok_anTh_d fatatrt
friends woou
and reports
mei,-4The re.
up, Otockseell,
- --
and IiirfitUdie-nli-tba--:
1dent to the early seLtiement
eiopment Of this seetioti. lttee
men who otoilved out'
amongcf-4414 watt critiei
en, but to thi Wontett Who were
nIy their helintottes,and iirbo flown-
iningly vinatuosiduously tOolt their,
of the *Mot
cOrl '
the Ilith 1114.0
The young
:riklng hts heard
pon eh be
was consci�us
min?. sr..1"....ezm!.:,=.1;;;10:rsere-Tailk,..,
game- was tilled but the echelors
still had the bat with two out. This
Widoeseley night it game will be play-
ed the .home boys and
and J. D. Monter. of • Zurich, were in
the village Tuesday night.L-Flax pull-
ing has commenced here, consequent-
ly. the village is quiet these days. . the
little ones being buoy at the flax. -Mr.
Jos. Eidt has just received 4 carload
of Manitoba, wheat. -Mr. EztaTiemnn
titintrohattd thekirand Ben butelP
neighborhood and the farmers are
Ivey cutting their wheat and barley.
&ion the burn ofthe•thresher *will be
heard.- We Were in error last week
in etating that Mret. Ed. Edighoffer
left for her home -with her hut -
unit 15t„izoc vow..
Rdighoffer *ill remain with her people
two-weekslonger..-eMr. ed
Wife end -66211y are visiting -At the
.honse of Mr.anniirs. Jite. Kellerman,
Mr. Geo. Ruby has engaged to run
a butcher business in Parkhill and left
for that place on Monday the 17th.
We hope George nifty he sueeetwful.-
Mimi Lily and Theo' Hartleib visited
ieedkin likkoott for several daft
the besi,pnlogof-the-is
• --- .
Hagan, on Friday 'at the t age of '80
years, removes one of the Most highly
respected of this -township. Deceased
had all his life been a very 'healthy
man, and. ecarcely ever knew whet
sickness was, and although *offering
from the infirmities of old age, he WM
Meets be aroma to within
tintettirdettte--Mr.-11-agan wsurav
native of Ireland, but more than half a
century 'lige came to Canada. Atthat
• e On
lets In the entire dlstrict, and with
N rt. tt.4 "glisfigit: ree
'started. hew out a h.onse and a'
fortune, in both of vehichlte succeeded.
A family of sons and daughters -are
• neertnouldevoted--memberetthe-11.---
0. chuech. The remains were laid to
rest in; St. Peter's- eemetery, Drysdale.
WELLS' -In Mitchell, on July 220, to
Mr...end Mrs. 1. P. Wells--
elfirtaw-1-n-Chiselhurst, on 3illy1T-
to Mr. and Mrs. Dan. McMillan, a
woo • - .
WEffiteotte-At Zurich; on July W. to
Mr. and Mrs. 'Henry.- Weselot4 a
Jobe& in.his 83rd year.
Moottit-At glinaville, on July 11, Mra.
• Obrittian Moore. aged 07 YentlIe.
Conution,-In London, on Inly
Jonathan Oobleigh,, id his Met year.
Vittrrolv-ta if moray. 4,' on,
July 18,,Mrt. Wm.Fenton,Sr.,etpd